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统考大学英语B考试技巧 精品

统考大学英语B考试技巧 精品
统考大学英语B考试技巧 精品






分。一般是根据文章的事实或细节,给出一个句子,判断其正误。比较直接,难度相对较小。做此类题时,应先看题,后带着―问题‖快速阅读短文,寻找所需要的信息. 第二篇短文为2010年9套模拟题中的18篇阅读理解中选择一篇,15分等于白送,此部分完全可以拿到20分以上。












1. 交际英语:建议突击此部分,.有45个重要的标成红色,重点复习。此部分单词简单,容易突击消化.考试5题15分,需要拿满分

2. 阅读理解:分成2个部分,2011.09阅读理解(1)与2011.09阅读理解(2),其中2011.09阅读理解(1)建议有一定基础的同学看,没基础的就只看2011.09阅读理解(2)中的18篇,9.7日晚上更新群内会将阅读理解(1)精确题目提供给大家。

3. 词汇与语法:词汇与结构考试5题10分,此部分对于基础不是很好的同学比较难,较难突击,能掌握最好,如果无法掌握,在考试中靠感觉,或填写C 或B,重点复习前面标红的45个词汇结构(必考2个),后面的有基础就看

4. 完形填空:2010新版教材将文章10个空白变为5空白,给出5个选项分别填入不同位置,分值10分,投机几率变小,题目难度降低,较易拿分。如果基础不是很好,可暂时不看,考前一天9.7日会在更新群内给出本部分详细的范围,建议做成小抄

5. 英译汉:27个标成红色,重点复习。此部分建议是先看英语,自己尝试翻译,只要大概意思相同即可,比较简单记忆,容易突击消化.考试4题20分,尽量拿满分,翻译不要求完全一样,只要大致意思对即可;

6. 作文:精选35篇范文,22日晚群内发布出现频率较高的题目,有基础的可以先背诵以下范文,学会套用,没基础的就用WORD翻译写短句,WORD的翻译功能在(工具---语言—翻译)或打印范文小抄。














2017年大学英语b级考试试题及答案 一、交际英语 1.一 Could you finish the task in two days? 一_______.I have something else to do these days. A.I could not B.Yes.I think so C.I'm afraid so D.I'm afraid not 答案:D 2.- Please help yourself to the seafood. - ________ A.No, I can't. B.Sorry, I can't help. C.Well, seafood don't suit. D.Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood. 答案:D 3.- It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? - ________ A.Yes, please. B.No, please. C.Sure, please. D.I don't like it. 答案:B 4.-How much is this necklace? -_________ A.It's very nice. B.It's a birthday present from my parents. C.It costs fifty pounds. D.It's a bargain. 答案:C 5.- Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? - ___________, and how are you? A.Don't mention it B.Hm, not too bad C.Thanks D.Pretty fast 答案:B 二、阅读理解 Newspapers, along with reporting the news, educate, entertain, and give opinions. An important way of reading a large, big-city newspaper is to put it into different sections. Can you find these separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, ads? Does your paper have other sections? News stories give facts, not the reporter's opinions. Some newspaper editorials (社论) come out with the writer's name, but many newspapers only carry editorials without putting the writers' names on.

统考大学英语B考试技巧 精品

本次考试采用全新的2010年新版大纲,考试题型和内容跟以往均有所不同,考试题型和分值为下图所示: 模拟题由原先的大学英语(B)模拟试卷6套(2007年修订版)改为大学英语(B)模拟试卷9套(2010年修订版),题目的范围及重点发生了一些变化,相对来说难度下调, 1.交际英语,5题15分,此部分与以前没有太多变化,更加注重测试考生在日常生活情景 中的交际能力,单词较简单,将此部分题库熟读几次,将可以拿到15分满分。 2.阅读理解,2篇短文,满分30分。第一篇短文改为正误判断题,投机几率加大,较易得 分。一般是根据文章的事实或细节,给出一个句子,判断其正误。比较直接,难度相对较小。做此类题时,应先看题,后带着―问题‖快速阅读短文,寻找所需要的信息. 第二篇短文为2010年9套模拟题中的18篇阅读理解中选择一篇,15分等于白送,此部分完全可以拿到20分以上。 3.词汇与结构,5题10分,新版大纲降低了此部分的分值,对于基础较差的同学来说是个 好事,此部分突击起来有一定难度,如果基础不是很好,可以重点看一些题目即可,拿下2题就可以了,此部分预计分数4分。 4.完形填空,1篇短文,5空10分,新版大纲在完形填空上的改变较大,难度降低显而易 见,5个单词填入5个的空白处,通过逻辑推理等方法或投机方法也可以对上1-2个5.英译汉,4题20分,新版大纲增加了此部分的分值,对于基础较差的同学又是一件好事, 题库中基本包含了全部的考试题目,大家可以经常看看,熟悉英文的单词,然后记下汉语意思,考试的时候只要大概意思对上即可,所以此部分拿分要在15分以上。 6.写作,1题15分,此部分没有太大改变,大家有基础复习一些范文或是用WORD写点 都没有太大问题,拿5分没有难度。 综上所述,2010年薪的考试大纲难度降低,只要进行一定的温习即可获得及格的分数。 能将资料用光盘或U盘带进考场拷入电脑最好,首推用光盘,不用弯腰,相对来说光盘限制的可能性小的多。 如果带不进去,请按照下面方法来突击。 详细复习内容如下: 1. 交际英语:建议突击此部分,.有45个重要的标成红色,重点复习。此部分单词简单,容易突击消化.考试5题15分,需要拿满分


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考 (B )试题及答案 Test 1 Part I 日常会话 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now -- A A. Sorry, he is busy at the mome nt C. Sorry, you can ' t 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary -- .C A. Yes, you may borrow C. Yes, help yourself 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee -- A A. Yes, Lee speak ing. C. Sorry, speak ing. 4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brow n - D. A. You can ' t ask me B. Pard on I have no idea C. Please don ' t say so D. Sorry, I don ' t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. - Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John -- .C A. Thank you very much C. Thank you. He is fine is good 6. - What can I do for you, madam -- .A A. I want a kilo of apples C. Thanks B. No, you can ' t D. I don ' t know B. Yes, go on D. It doesn ' t matter B. Hello, what do you want D. I don ' t know. 's office I ' d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. B. You can go your own way D. Excuse me. I ' m busy


试卷大学英语B》模拟年2017《Test 8 分) (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15第一部分:交际用语D、、个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从AB、C此部分共有5 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. ---May I use your bike for a moment? ---__________ B. It doesn't matter. A. It's well. D. I have no idea. C. By all means. 当然可以。------你的自行车我可以用一会吗?2. ---How do you do? Glad to meet you. ---__________ A. Fine. How are you? B. How do you do? Glad to meet you, too. C. How are you? Thank you! D. Nice. How are you? ---你好,我也很高兴认识你。---你好,很高兴认识你。3. ---Hi, is Mary there, please? ---___________ A. Hold on. I' ll get her. t here. B. No, she isn' C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want? ---别挂断,我去叫她。请问,---Mary在吗? 4. ---Would you mind changing seats with me? ---___________ B. Of course, I like to. A. Yes, you can. D. Certainly, please do. t mind. C. No, I don' ---不介意。---你介意和我换个位置吗? 加索取B 三天速成通过题库网考计算机大学英语5. ---Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? ---_________. A. I' d rather stay here if you don't mind. B. Sorry, I don't like neither. C. Certainly, why not? D. Yes, we like these two places. ---我们在这儿的草地上坐呢还是去那儿的河边坐?---我想在这儿坐。 ) 分30分,满分3小题;每小题10共( 第二部分:阅读理解. 四个选项中,选DB、C、此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Passage 1 How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really known is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thought and feelings, actions, and things, so that they could communicate with each other;

大学英语B级语法 重点

大学英语B级统考之语法概要 动词的基本时态 A. 知识要点 1.一般现在时态 动词形式为do 或does (第三人称单数)。通常表示客观事实或真理;或表示经常发生的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态。 . He always goes to school by bike.他总是骑车去上学。 2.一般过去时态 动词形式为did. 表示过去时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,常与过去特定的时间状语连用;或表示过去某一段时间一直持续或反复发生的动作,可与表示频度的时间副词连用。 . I bought this computer five years ago.我在五年前买了这台电脑。 3.一般将来时态 动词形式为will do/ shall do /be going to do. 表达在未来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 . The telephone is ringing. I will answer it.电话在响,我去接。 4.现在进行时态 动词形式为is/am/are+ doing,表示此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作。 . The police are looking for the two missing children.警察们正在寻找两个丢失的孩子。 5.过去进行时态 动词形式为was/were + doing,表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。(主语是I,she,he 时用was) . Jane burnt her hand when she was cooking the dinner.当简在煮晚饭时她的手被烧伤了。6.现在完成时态 动词形式为have / has done,常与already,recently,never,ever, yet,since连用。用来表示过去发生的对现在有影响的动作。 . The milk has already become undrinkable 牛奶已经不能喝了。 或者表示过去某时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。 . He has lived here since 1949.自从1949年以来,他一直住在这儿。 7.过去完成时态 动词形式为had done. 表示在过去某一时刻以前已经开始并一直延续到这一时刻、或是在此刻前已经完成的动作。 . By the end of last term we had learned 1000 English words.到上学期末,我们已经学了1000个英语单词。 非谓语动词 A.知识要点 1.动词不定式和动名词都可作主语。 . Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 注意:常用it作形式主语,而将动词不定式放在谓语后面。 . It is impossible for us to measure it in miles. 让我们用英里来计算不太可能。(不定式前加一个for us表示不定式的动作是谁做的) 2.动词不定式和动名词都可作宾语。 (1)有些及物动词只能用不定式作宾语,如:hope,want,wish,decide,manage等:


Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) New York City. B) An evening party. C) An air trip. D) The man’s job. From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should mark C) on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. [A] [B] [C] [D] Now the test will begin. 1. A) A teacher. B) A doctor. C) A secretary. D) A salesman. 2. A) Visiting a company. B) Meeting with the new manager. C) Looking for the meeting room. D) Showing a newcomer around. 3. A) In an office. C) In a department store. B) In a restaurant. D) In a library. 4. A) To attend a conference. B) To work in a firm. C) To do some sightseeing. D) To visit an exhibition. 5. A) The rise of costs. B) The drop of sales. C) The decrease of production. D) The increase of pollution. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.


大学英语AB级考试复 习重点及做题技巧 完型填空(10题。共10分) 这类题对于大部分考生来说应该比较难的。因为这种题是综合考验考生的阅读、词汇、语法等。 做题方法:阅读短文,看到空格时,停下来观察备选的四个答案,选出正确答案,再继续阅读,重复以上步骤直至填完所有空格。最后再阅读一遍,检查校对。 第五部分:写作(15分) 首先,必须要读懂题目,题目是用英文表达的,所以能读懂弄清题目要求是写好作文的第一步。要搞清作文的体裁格式,字数要求,内容要求等。 其次,紧扣题意,开门见山,用准确的词汇、规范的语法、连贯的句群,流畅地表达出文章的观点和内容。 常见文体;电子邮件、书信、便条、通知、日记等,字数多要求在80——100字。 第一部分:听力(20分) 共分三部分:A部分:短对话,一问一答(10个问题,共10分) B部分:长对话(5个问题,共5分) C部分:短文听力(5个问题,共5分) 注意:试卷上只有备选答案,需要学生在听听力材料时,要留心听并记住最后的问题是什么。否则即使听懂内容,看懂答案,也会因为不知道问题是什么,而无法做出选择。所以大家还必须熟悉问题的形式,听清楚问题是什么。特别听清以what, why, where, when, which, who等开头的问句。 做题技巧; 无论是哪一部分的听力,在开始听之前,必须先阅读试卷上的备选答案。所以,大家可以在拿到试卷后,直接跳过“做题指示”(即Directons),抓紧时间阅读答案。这是因听力的作题指示每次都是相同的,都是告诉大家,听力材料只播放一遍,听完后选出正确答案。先看答案再听,可以从备选的四个答案中推测出听力的大概内容,帮助更好地听懂听力材料。其次,考生在答完一题后,应尽可能留出几秒中预先浏览下道题的选择答案。最后,听对话和短文时,可以做一些记录,比如记录时间、地点、人名、数字,以便做出正确的选择。 听力对话中常见的命题方式; 1、 职业类型题;以确定对话者的身份的听力测试题。这类题目的提问方式: What is the man /woman? What is the man’s /woman’s /occupation/profession/?w\ What do we know about the man/woman?


Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The classroom needs______. A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned 17.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______. A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong to C) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong 18. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ______ lived in the 19th century. A) which B) who C) those D) that 19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate. A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until 20. It is requested that every student ______ a paper on sustainable development. A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write 21 .He said, "I ______ a lot of new poems by the end of last year." A) h ad already learnt B) have already learnt C) would have already learnt D) already learnt 22. As Edison grew ______, he became more and more interested in science. A) elder B) the elder C) older D) the older 23. Only in this way ______ catch up with your brothers. A) do you can B) can you C) you can D) you do can 24.No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is. A) know B) knows C) to know D) knowing 25. Mr. John has decided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town. A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ______ the river. 27.My suggestion is that we (send) ______ a few people to help the other groups. 28.I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)______on the design at all. 29. I prefer (live) ______ in the country rather than in a city. 30. We had difficulty (carry) ______ out the plan. 31. Not(know) ______ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. 32.Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul's Cathedral. 33. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ______ the need for careful driving. 34. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) ______ temperature control system. 35 .That one is no good; this one is even (bad) ______. Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes) Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. T ask 1 Direction:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) or D) . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a Single line through the center.


《大学英语B》模拟试卷 Test 3 第一部分:交际用语 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. ---Could you help me with my physics, please ---________. A. No, no way. B. No, I couldn’t. C. No, I can’t D. Sorry I can’t. I have t o go to a meeting right now. ---请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗 ---很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。 2. ---Could I speak to Don Watkins, please ---________. A. Speaking, please.

B. Oh, how are you C. I’m listening. D. I’m Don ---我能和Don Watkins说话吗 ---我就是。 3. ---Could I borrow your car for a few days ---________. A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, go on. C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey. D. It doesn’t matter. ---我能借你的车用几天吗 ---当然可以。给你。祝你旅途愉快。 4. ---Thank you for inviting me. ---________. really had a happy time. B. Oh, it’ s too late.


大学英语B级考试复习重点分析及做题技 巧

大学英语B级考试复习重点分析及做题技巧 第一部分:听力(20分) 共分三部分:A部分:短对话,一问一答(10个问题,共10分) B部分:长对话(5个问题,共5分) C部分:短文听力(5个问题,共5分) 注意:试卷上只有备选答案,需要学生在听听力材料时,要留心听并记住最后的问题是什么。否则即使听懂内容,看懂答案,也会因为不知道问题是什么,而无法做出选择。所以大家还必须熟悉问题的形式,听清楚问题是什么。特别听清以what, why, where, when, which, who等开头的问句。 复习方法:选择与样题难度相等的听力材料,反复训练。每分钟单词速度为90-140单词。可利用《网考直通车》中的光碟进行练习。在练习时,听第一遍,不看原文,模拟考试状态,边听边做题,听完后检查答案。听第二遍,对照原文听。然后抛弃原文,再听一遍,加强印象。培养耳朵对英语语音、语速的适应。 做题技巧; 无论是哪一部分的听力,在开始听之前,必须先阅读试卷上的备选答案。所以,大家可以在拿到试卷后,直接跳过“做题指示”(即Directons),抓紧时间阅读答案。这是因听力的作题指示每次都是相同的,都是告诉大家,听力材料只

播放一遍,听完后选出正确答案。先看答案再听,可以从备选的四个答案中推测出听力的大概内容,帮助更好地听懂听力材料。其次,考生在答完一题后,应尽可能留出几秒中预先浏览下道题的选择答案。最后,听对话和短文时,可以做一些记录,比如记录时间、地点、人名、数字,以便做出正确的选择。听力对话中常见的命题方式; 1、 职业类型题;以确定对话者的身份的听力测试题。这类题目的提问方式: What is the man /woman? What is the man’s /woman’s /occupation/profession/?w\ What do we know about the man/woman? 2、 关系类型题;以确定对话者的关系的听力测试题。如雇主与雇员、师生关系、 顾客与服务员、医生与病人、店主与顾客、老板与职员、经理和秘书 what is the relationship between the man and the woman? What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?




第五部分英译汉(2018年4月统考)全真翻译版 ----------------以下60必须掌握,可得分值20分------------------ 重点必须掌握以下1-60个,分值20分 30. In an age of plenty, we feel spiritual hunger. 在这个物质财富充裕的时代,我们感到精神上的饥渴。 31.A friend of mine from high school is working in England now.我高中的一个朋友目前在英格兰工作。 32.A lot of natural resources in the mountain area are to be exploited and used.那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发利用。 33. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 34. Are you fond of music?你喜欢音乐吗? 35. All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西,未必都是金子。 36. Life is meaningless without a purpose.没有目标的生活是毫无意义的。 37. Look out the window it's still raining today!看窗外,今天还在下雨。 38. My classmate is much cleverer than I.我的同学比我聪明多了。 39. Most students feel satisfied with the progress they’ve made.大多数学生对自己所取得的进步感到满意。 40. Our textbooks are very different from theirs.我们的教材与他们的教材很不一样。 41. People all over the world are trying to help the people in the quake-stricken areas.全世界人民都在尽力帮助遭受地震地区的人民。 42. She likes to help any one who is in difficulty.她乐意帮助任何一个有困难的人。 43. This box can hold more books than that one.这个箱子比那个箱子能装更多的书。 44. This new country hopes to establish friendly relations with all its neighbours.这个新成立的国家希望和所有邻国建立友好关系。 45.This place has plentiful material resources. 这个地方有丰富的物质资源。 46. The doctor had no choice but reach out to their colleagues across the nation.那个医生别无选择,只能向全国的同行救助。 47. The People's Republic of China (PRC), founded on October 1, 1949, covers an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日,国土面积约960万平方公里。 48. The Olympic Games is an international sports event that takes place every four years.奥林匹克运动会是国际性的体育会,每四年主办一次。 49. The friend saw everything but did not say a single word.这位朋友看到了一切,却一言不发。 50. The doctor told me to have more water.医生让我多喝些水。 51. The students are encouraged to do more listening, reading and writing by their teacher.老师鼓励学生多听、多读、多写。 52. They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.他们认为电视机一定出了毛病了。 53.The more passions we have, the more happiness we are likely to experience. 我们的激情越 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导


第一部分交际英语 1. - I need to go to the library today. Do you know what time it closes? ____ C ___ C. At about 5:30. 2. - You have n't paid for it yet. -___ A ___ A. Oh, I'm really very sorry. 3. - How is it that you are late for class aga in?. - A _________ A. Because I missed the bus. 4. - Whom does the teacher explai n the word to? - A A. The stude nts 5. - What can 丨 do for you?. - A ________ A. No, tha nks 6. -Our class won the girls' relay race in our school's sports meeting.- _C_ C. Con gratulati ons! 7. -I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brow n gave me an A. - ____ B _ B. Con gratulatio ns! That ' s a difficult course. 8. - What is she? - A _______ A. She is a typist. 9. - You have a good voice - A ______ ? A. Tha nk you 10. -Do you thi nk I could borrow your dicti on ary? _____ D _ D. Yes, help yourself 11. - Do you mi nd if I switch off the radio? - ______ C _ . Go ahead. C.No, not at all 12. - Thanks for the lovely and delicious food. - __ D_ D. My pleasure 13. - Excuse me, I'm afraid you've overcharged me. A A. Oh, really? 14. - let me in troduce myself. I am Tom. - ___ D _ . D. Pleased to meet you 15 -Hi! George. How are you? - ______ D ______ D. Fine, tha nks. And you? 16. -Welcome to Beiji ng! - A ______ A. Tha nk you. 17. -What can 丨 do for you? - A . A.I want a kilo of pears. 18. - Would you like to see a film? - __ A ___ A. Yes, I'd love to. 19. -I was born in Bost on, but I studied in New York. __ B_ I was born in New York, but studied in Bost on B.A nd you 20. -This week, I will travel to Japa n. - A A. Have a good time! 21. - That's a beautiful cat. I won der who it bel ongs to. A A. It bel ongs to the Brow ns. 22. -Oh, dear! I've lost my new watch. - D_ D. What a pity! 23. - Oh, dear! I ' ve just broken a window. __________ B ___ B. Don ' t worry / Never mi nd 24. -Why n ot join us in the game?-- A . A.OK! I ' m com ing 25. -Good eve ning, Professor Hardy. Good eve ning, Joh n. Come in, please. -Tha nk you, I hope I am not in terrupt ing you. No, ____ B ___ . B. not at all 26. -1 ' m sorry to trouble you. Can I borrow a pen, please? ______________________ B _ . B. Certainly! It is here 27 Would you mind if I use your car? Of course not. _____ C_. C. It's over there 28. May I use your dicti on ary? ___ A ___ A. Yes, here you are 29. -Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside. A A. Not at all. 30. -Excuese me, can I smoke here? 31. -Hey, Tom, what s up? B . C _. C. You ' B. Oh, not much. d better not 32.-This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs. ___ B_-- B. I ' ll give you a hand 33.-I wonder if I could use your computer toni ght? ____ A __ I 'rrnot using it right no w.A. Sure, here you are. 34.-Wow!This is a marvelous room! I 've n ever known you 're-so Oirtistic.C. Tha nks for your complime nts 35.-Is it possible for you to work late toni ght? _ D . _ D. I thi nk so 36.-U nbelievable! I have failed the driv ing test aga in - ___ B ___ . This is not the end of the world. B. Cheer up 37. -Are you feeling better today, Jack? _C _C、Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good. 38. -Tha nk you so much for your lovely gift. __ B __ B.I ' m glad you like it. 39. -Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea? ___ A ____ A、No, tha nks. 40. -What's the problem with your bike? - ____C ____ C. Nothi ng serious. 41. -Good morning, Joh n. How are you doing? __ C __ C. Not so bad. And you? B .B. How do you do? C _ C. See you. 45. -I did n't mean to do that. Please forgive me. 46. -Tha nk you for your in vitati on. ? 47. -What a beautiful dress you have on today! - _ 48-I thi nk he is a good lecturer. - ____ B 49. -What's the matter, dear? ____ B_ headache. 50. -Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? 51. -let me in troduce myself. I am Steward. 52.-Let's go to the library this after noon. __ D __ 。 D. That's a good idea. 53.-How much is this n ecklace? _C _ C. It costs fifty poun ds. 54.-How can I get to the cin ema? _D_ D. Go dow n this street and tur n left. 55.-What's the matter, John? _ A __ A. I failed my Fre nch test. 56.-What are you majori ng in? _ C_ C. Mathematics. 57.-What day is today? _ D D. It's Mon day. 58.-Is that seat take n? __ _____________________ B_ — B. I don't think so. 59.-Tha nk you for calling. _ C_. C. Nice talking to you. 60.- __ A ___ ? He teaches physics in a school. A. What does your father do? 第二部分阅读理解(1) Passage 1 No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut ope n by a surge on and part of it take n out. Today, however, we n eed n't worry about feeli ng pain duri ng the operation. The sick person falls into a 6.It is not long since a man felt all the pain while being operated. A: T 7. Long ago, when the sick man was operated on, he could feel nothing. B: F 8. Using the laughing gas, the people seemed to feel pain during the operation. B: F 42. -How do you do? _ 43. -Good-bye for now. 44.-Hello, how are you? _C_ C. Fine, tha nk you. B_ B. That's all right. B. It's a pleasure. D __ D. Thank you. B. So do I. B. I have a terrible ___ B ___ B. Who's speaki ng? B __ . B. Pleased to meet you

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