当前位置:文档之家› 别让手机冷落了你的生活



我想告诉你们大家I would like to tell you all

你们其实都是半机器人that you are all actually cyborgs

不是你们想象的那种半机器人but not the cyborgs that you think

你们不是机器战警,也不是魔鬼终结者you?re not RoboCop ,and you?re not Terminator

但是每次看着电脑屏幕,或者使用手机时你就是个半机器人but you?re cyborgs every time you look at a computer screen or use one of your cell phone devices.

所以什么是半机器人的定义呢?So what?s a good definition for cyborg?

传统的定义是一个生物体“为了适应环境而被加入外源成分。”Well,traditional definition is “an organism to which exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments”

这是从1960年一篇太空旅行的文章中摘录的,因为你想,空间是很可怕的;That came from a 1960 paper on space travel,because,if you think about it,space is pretty awkward.

人类本不会去那里。People aren?t supposed to be there.

但是人类很好奇,他们很可能会给他们身体里加东西But humans are curious,and they like to add things to their bodies.

所以他们有一天可以去阿尔卑斯山,然后另一天又变成海里的一条鱼so they can go to the Alps one day,and then become a fish in the sea the


所以让我们看看传统的人类学观点。So let?s look at the concept of traditional anthropology.

有人到一个国家说;“这些人多么的神奇啊,他们的工具是多么的有趣,他们的文化史对么的奇特啊!”Somebody goes to another country,says,“How fascinating these people are,how interesting their tools are,how curious their culture is.”

然后他们写文章,也许有少数几个其他人类学家读了,And then they write a paper ,and maybe a few other anthropologists read it,

我们觉得它特别有异国情调。And we think it?s very exotic.

而正在发生的是我们突然发现一个新物种。Well,what?s happening is that we?ve suddenly found a new species.

我作为一个半机器人的人类学家,突然说:I,as a cyborg anthropologist ,have suddenly said,

“奥,我们突然成了一种新新人类。“oh ,wow.Now suddenly we?re a new form of Homo sapiens,

过来看看这些魅力十足的文化,过来看看这令人好奇的仪式,每个人都环绕着技术行事。And look at these fascinating cultures,and look at these curious rituals that everybody?s doing around this technology.

他们点击着东西,关注着荧幕。They?re clicking on things and staring at screens.”

我们之所以研究这个而不是传统的人类学是有原因的。Now there?s a

reason why I study this versus traditional anthropology.

因为工具的使用And the reason is that tool use,

从一开始,经历了成千上万年in the beginning -for thousands and thousands of years,

一切都是对人类的一种自身改造。Everything has been a physical modification of self.

它帮助我们超越我们自身的体能,It has helped us to extend our our physical selves,

让我们走的更远,敲打起来更有力go faster ,hit things harder,

而这些方面也是有限的。And there?s been a limit on that.

但是现在我们看到不是人类自身体能的延伸But now what we?re looking at is not an extension of the physical self,

而是心智的延伸but an extension of the mental self.

因此我们可以更快的旅行and because of that ,we;re able to travel faster,

用不同的方式交流communicate differently.

另一件正在发生的事情是我们都夹带着小Mary Poppins 的魔法技术。And the other thing that happens is that we?re all carrying around little Mary Poppins technology.

我们可以把任何东西都装进去,而它却不会变重。We can put anything we want into it,and it does?t get heavier,

然后我们又可以把任何东西从里面取出来。And then we can take

anything out.

你计算机里面到底有什么?What does the inside of your computer actually look like?

如果你把所有的信息印出来,这就好比你会不断地接受上千磅重的信息材料。Well,if you print it out ,it looks like a thousand pounds of material that you?re carrying around all the time.

而如果你真失去了这些信息,And if you actually lose that information, 这就意味着你心里感觉失去了它,it means that you suddenly have this loss in your mind,

你会突然感到少了什么,that you suddenly feel like something?s missing,

只是你看不见,你有种非常奇怪的感觉。Except you aren?t able to see it ,so itfeels like a very strange emotion.

另一个发生的事情是你拥有了第二个自我。The other thing that happens is

That you have a second self.

无论你是否喜欢,你开始在网上出现,Whether you like it or not ,you?re starting to show up online,

当你不再那里的时候,人们跟你网上的and people are interacting with your second self

第二个自我交流。When you?re not there ,

所以你得小心And so you have to be careful

别把朋友圈的第一道防线都开放,也就是你脸书的墙头,about leaving your front lawn open,which is basically your Facebook wall,

别让人家夜里随便在上面涂写so that people don?t write on it in the middle of the night…

因为它的效果跟现实生活是几乎等同的。Because it?s very much the equivalent.

所以突然我们要维护我们的第二个自我。And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self.

你要在电子生活里展示自己Y ou have to present yourself in digital life 跟你在现实生活中的要做的差不多。In a similar way that you would in your analog life.

跟你醒来,冲淋浴,穿衣服一样,So,in the same way that you wake up ,take a shower and get dressed,

你要学习怎样在你的电子生活中做这些事情you have to learn to do that for your digital self.

问题是现在很多人特别是青少年And the problem is that a lot of people now,especially adolescents,

要经历两个青春期。Have to go through two adolescences.

他们要经历他们主要的那个,那已经是很不容易了,They have to go through their primary one,that?s already awkward,

他们还要经历他们第二自我的青春期。And then they go through their second self?s adolescence,

那更难and that?s even more awkward

因为在这个实实在在的网络历史中他们的网络经历都被记录。Because there?s an actual history of what they?ve gone through online.

现在每个心接触技术的人在网上都算是网络青少年。And anybody coming in new to technology is an adolescent online right now.

所以这是很尴尬的,让他们做这些事情很难。And so it?s very awkward,and it?s very difficult for them to do those things.

所以但我很小的时候,晚上我爸爸会让我坐下来对我说,So when I was little ,my dad would sit me down at night and he would say,

“我来教你未来的时间和空间问题。”“I?m going to teach you about time and space in the future.’

我说“好”。And I said.“Great.”

有一天他说:“两点的最短距离是什么?”And he said one day ,“What?s the shortest distance between two points?”

我说:“是直线,这个你昨天已经告诉我了”And I said,“Well,that?s a straight line. Y ou told me that yesterday.”

我觉得自己很聪明。I thought I was very clever.

他说:“不是,不是,这儿有一个更好的办法。”He said,”No,no ,no,Here?s better way.”

He took a piece of paper,drew A and B on one side and the other

And folded them together so where A and B touched.

And he said,”That is the shortest distance between two points.”

And I said ,”Dad,dad ,dad,,how do you do that?”

He said,”Well ,you just bend time and space ,it takes an awful lot of energy.and that?s just how you do it.”

And I said,”I want to do that.”

And he said,”Well, okay.”

And so,when I went to sleep for the next 10 or 20 years,

I was thinking at night,

I want to be the first person to create a wormhole,to make things accelerate faster.

And I want to make a time machine.

I was always sending messages to my future self using tape recorders. But then what I realized when I went to college

Is that technology doesn?t just get adopted because it works.

I gets adopted because people use it ,and it?s made for humans.

So I started studying anthropology.

And when I was writing my thesis on cell phones,I realized that everyone was carrying around wormholes in their pockets.

They weren?t physically transporting themselves;they were mentally transporting themselves,

They would click on a button,and they would be connected as A to B immediately.

And I thought ,”oh ,wow,I found it ,This is great.”

So over time ,time and space ,have compressed because of this.

Y ou can stand on one side of the world,whisper something and be heard on the other,

One of the other ideas that comes around is that you have a different type of time on every single device that you use.

Every single browser tab gives you a different type of time.

And because of that ,you start to dig around for your external memories-where did you leave them?

So now we?re all these paleontologists that are digging for things that we?ve lost on our external brains that we?re carrying around in our pockets.

And that incites a sort of panic architecture…

“oh,no where?s this thing?”

在信息爆炸前,我们都跟我爱露西电视里演的那样措手不及we?re all”I love Lucy?on a great assembly line of information,

And we cant?t keep up .

因此,我们把这些都带到社交空间,And so what happens is,when we bring all that into the social space,


We end up checking our phones all the time.So we have this thing called ambient intimacy.

我们不是跟每个人时刻联系着,It?s not that we?re always connected to everybody.

但是我们在任何时候可以和任何人交流。But at anytime we can connect to anyone we want.

如果你可以吧你手机上的人都打印出来,那屋子一定十分拥挤And if you were able to print out everybody in your cell phone ,the room would be very crowded.

一般而言,这些就是你能联系到的人These are the people that you have access to right now,in general.

和你有联系的所有朋友,家人all of these people,all of your friends and family that you can connect to .

这也随之带来一些心理影响。And so there are some psychological effects that happen with this.

其实我担心的一个是人们不再花时间停下来内心反省One I?m really worried about is that people aren?t taking time for mental reflection anymore,

人们不再放慢速度和停下,and that they aren?t slowing down and stopping,

在同一时间界面要争取所有人的注意力that are trying to compete for their attention on the simultaneous time interfaces,

Paleontology and panic architecture.

They?re not just sitting there.

真的,当你没有外来影响时And really,when you have no external input, 就保留一段创造自我的时间that is a time when there is a creation of self,

你可以用来指定长远的计划when you can do long-term planning.

来试着发现你自己到底是什么样的一个人when you can try and figure out who you really are.

而一旦你这么做了,你就能弄清楚And then ,once you do that ,you can figure out.

怎么合理地展示你的第二自我how to present your second self in a legitimate way.

而不是等着每件事情发生,然后临阵应付。Instead of just dealing with everything as it comes in…

奥,我得做这个,做这个,做这个and oh ,I have to do this ,and I have to do this,and I have to do this,

所以这是很重要的And so this is very important.

我很担心,特别是今天的孩子I?m really worried that, especially kids tody,

他们没有这种停机休息时间,they?re not going to be dealing with this down-time,

他们生活在不断点击的文化中,that they have an instantaneous

button-clicking culture,

什么东西都向他们扑面而来,and that everything comes to them,

他们对此非常兴奋,也非常他容易上瘾。And that they become very excited about it and very addicted to it.

你想么,世界也不会停下来。So if you think about it ,the world hasn?t stopped either.

It has its own external prosthetic devices,and these devices are helping us all to communicate and interact with each other.

如果现在能看见这些,But when you actually visualize it,

将我们联系在一起的连接,all the connection that we?re doing right now^

你看见的是一幅因特网的地图this is an image of the mapping of the Internet…

它上去并不是技术化的;it doesn?t look technological,

它其实看上去是有机化的It actually looks very organic

这是人类有史以来,我们第一次这样连接在一起。This is the first time in the entire history of humanity that we?ve connected in this way.

这并不是指机器主宰了我们;And it?s not that machines are taking over. 它们只是帮助我们更加人性化,It?s that they?re helping us to be more human.

帮助我们相互联系,helping us to connect with each other.

最成功的技术帮我们扫清障碍帮我们生活的更好。The most

successful technology gets out of the way and helps us live our lives.

真的And really,

最终机器使我们人类比起技术化来说,变得更人性化it ends up being more human than technology,

因为我们一直互相合作共同创造。Because we …re co-creating each other all the time,

所以这是我想研究的一个要点;And so this is the important point that I like to study;

事物是美好的,这还是要归于人类之间的联系;that things are beautiful,that it?s still a human connection…

只是用了不同的方法。It?s just dine in a different way.

我们只是增强了我们人类的特征以及我们不管地理位置的约束互相联系在一起的能力。We?re just increasing our humanness and our ability to connect with each other ,regardless of geography.

So that?s why I study cyborg anthropology.


莫让手机奴役你的生活 近日,有媒体报道,山东省日照市的市民张先生与弟弟妹妹相约去爷爷家吃晚饭,饭桌上老人多次想和孙子孙女说说话,但面前的孩子们个个抱着手机玩,老人受到冷落后,一怒之下摔了盘子离席。这一生活小风波在全国引发了热议。 在这个高速发达的信息时代,手机已经成了人们日常生活中必不可缺的一部分。手机方便了人们之间的联系,但是当我们看到越来越多的人无时无刻不拿着手机,走在马路上、坐在餐桌旁、甚至早上起来的第一件事和晚上睡觉前最后一件事都是看手机,越来越多的人俨然已经成了“手机控”、“手机人”的时候,我们不得不思考一个问题,原本手机只是我们的一个附属品,为何我们反过来成为了手机的“奴隶”? 被手机控制下的病态生活 国外的最新一项研究显示,手机已经融为大众生活的一部分,每位智能手机用户平均每天查看手机34次,有时频率高达每10分钟1次,而查看一次手机的时间不会超过30秒,这其中还包括只是单纯地将屏幕锁打开或链接到手机的任一程式又或是随意滑动触摸屏。 美国《时代周刊》与美国高通公司联合开展的一次新的移动性调查的结果显示,在调查对象中20%的人表示每十分钟就要查看一下

手机,84%的人则表示一天都离不开手机。 我们似乎被手机、网络这张虚拟的大网罩住,挣脱不开,或者说,是我们不想挣脱开。聚会时,话还没说几句,便一个个地开始玩手机,至于大家一起谈谈心也变得无足轻重了,全然忘了最初聚会的目的;明明大家感情不错,四目相对时却无话可说,尴尬得只好在手机上有一句没一句地和未曾谋面的网友“逗贫”;聊天找不到什么新鲜话题,解闷的永远是微博上近期炒烂了的140字的段子,再说一遍只当是温习;面对一盘菜时,非要第一时间拿手机拍下来发到微博或朋友圈上,但其实在网上围观、评论的也主要是就在身边、围着这道菜的那几个人……就像网上流传很广的那句话:“世上最遥远的距离,不是你在天涯我在海角,而是你就在我面前,却在低头玩手机。” 更有甚者,韩国一对年轻夫妇整天沉溺于在网络上玩一种喂养虚拟宝宝的游戏,竟然把亲生女儿活活饿死在家里。 这种种病态的现象让我们不禁要问,我们这是怎么了?人和手机,究竟谁才是谁的附庸? 技术发展和人们内心缺乏交流 随着科技的发展,“智能手机”被越来越多的人所熟知,一部便宜的智能手机只要几百元就可以买到。不知从什么时候起,这个世界都已经被悄悄地改变了,智能手机就像春雨“润物细无声”般渗透进我们生


打开手机的枷锁高二作文 打开手机的枷锁高二作文 一进入热风阵阵的地铁,向周围看去,除了坐着打瞌睡的,剩下的人无不是捧着宝贝一样的手机,或看书看视频,或玩游戏,或聊天谈生意。黑色的瞳孔中反射出的点点白光已经在提醒我们,这是一个属于手机的时代。 手机的出现无疑给我们的生活带来的巨大的改变,这是在科技发展过程中的必然现象。然而如果有人仔细思量,就会发现,它所带来的改变远不止于方便人们的生活。 对于整个社会层次来说,它是必要的。它加快了社会进程发展,增强了某些特定人群之间的联系,比如交易双方,营销者和客户,二者之间的联系主要依靠手机。作为最开始互不相识的'陌生人,手机使两个人的关系比其他人要更近。 而对于中国传统家庭结构来说,手机的出现则是一个坏消息,它架空了这个真实的世界。它淡漠了亲人之间的感情与认知。很多人发现,在与家人用手机沟通的时候,交流似乎并不是件难事,而面对面时,开口说话聊天,即使是平时经常说的话题,也很难找到时机说出口。“先别吃,等我先拍张照。”这句话谁都不陌生,这九个字正是人们真实的写照。与家人朋友一起吃饭的氛围竟然不如一张小小的照片。胡乱吃几口饭,又接着沉浸到手机的世界中去了。 “人生而是自由的,却无往不在枷锁之中,自以为是其他一切的

主人的人,反而比其他一切更是奴隶。”卢梭的这句话也是现在人民面临的最大的问题,人在不知不觉中,已经从手机的使用者变为了手机的奴隶,时时刻刻被支配着。手机作为工具,当它的功能逐渐完善增多时,就已经形成了一个悖论,手机是主人,还是人是主人?它逐渐超过了人之感情的地位,甚至越俎代庖,取而代之。它侵蚀了人们的亲情和友情。 当你发现百无聊赖也要打开手机锁屏,仅仅是为了瞥一眼,甚至没有意识到自己要干什么时,请放下手机,松开那紧绷的手指。和家人聊聊天,让他们和自己一同从被手机绑架的生活中脱离出来。去看看生活真正的模样,去看看手机之外的世界。冷暖自知,要知道,手机中的情意绵绵不如现实中的一句嘘寒问暖。


中考满分作文范文:我的初一生活 初中生活已经过了一期,我觉得初中生活就像饮料,初喝十分之苦,再喝妙不可言。 咖啡 初中生活就像一杯咖啡,涩涩的,又香香的。先说说涩吧!第一天进入中学的大门,天哪!中学这么大,再想想我的母校,一阵酸楚涌上心头。再看课表,增加了四门功课“政治,历史,地理,生物”作业肯定是多上加多了啊!唉!初中生活该不会很苦吧?过了几个星期,渐渐适应了初中生活,就开始觉得初中生活十分多彩,处处洋溢着青春的活力,充满朝气和梦想。在我们爱做梦的年纪,这样的生活充实而又香甜!喝咖啡也是这样,当你第一次喝时,觉得有点苦涩,待你慢慢品来,却又感觉得好爽。 牛奶 我的个子不高,也很瘦,妈妈看见别人都比我高一个头,胖好多。于是,天天让我喝纯牛奶,以补充养分。可是如果每天都喝,难免腻人。 纯牛奶尽管不好喝,却含有许多营养。初中生活就是这样,语数外、政史地生、音体美,就像各种维生素,滋养着我们瘦弱的身体,丰富我们贫乏的知识,为美丽的人生谱写一段段乐章。 汽水 虽然现在进入了初中,但你不好好学习,就像汽水的泡沫一样,你学过的知识都会忘记。如果你好好学习,就可像摇后开盖的汽水一样“一飞冲天,威力无边”了。 无论初中生活像什么饮料,在我心中,它都是好喝可口的,我一定会好好的把它喝下去。 中考满分作文范文:别让手机绑架了你的人生 现在的人,过着一种手机人生。 早上登录微博,写下一天计划;上午浏览网页,了解国内外大事;下午手机电视,掌上图书,充实头脑,放松心情;晚上吃饭,拍照上传,发条说说,与全世界说晚安。 如果只看手机上网页的记录,这是忙碌而又充实的一天,这是一个懂得生活的人。但是,将时空转到现实,你会发现,这个人的一天其实无聊又乏味。他做的事,只是手拿手机,低头不语,这便是我们在地铁上、饭店里、电梯中常常见到的“低头族”。他们都是被手机绑架了的人。 被手机绑架,大多数人不但不奋起反抗,反而还乐在其中,尽享当“人质”的乐趣。“手机中的世界可比现实社会要精彩,即使被绑架

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