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大学英语六级翻译练习 套题

大学英语六级翻译练习 套题
大学英语六级翻译练习 套题


1._______________ (通过体育锻炼),we can always stay healthy.

2.According to the scientific research , _____________ (听音乐能使我们放松).Is this really true?

3.______________ (我们绝对不能)ignore the value of knowledge.

4.As is known to all, ______________ (假冒伪劣商品)harm the interests of consumers.

5.Faced with failure, some people can stand up to it, _____________ (从失败中汲取教训)and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do.


1. By taking exercises

解析:通过锻炼,我们可以保持健康。其实这题答案不止一个。“锻炼”可以用名词也可以用动词短语。“通过”可以用by表示方式,through表示途径。 By taking exercises /Through exercises。往往by用于“by + doing”,而through后接名词哦。

2. listening to music enables us to feel relaxed

解析:“听音乐”在句中作主语,“听”应当处理成动名词形式。“能使我们放松”很多同学会采用 can make us feel relaxed的结构。其实,enable就有“能够使某人……”的含义,注意enable sb. to do 的表达。

3. On no account can we

解析:本题是强调语气,强调“决不能”,所以联想到on no account ,by no means, at no time, in no case等。不管用哪一个,都要注意它们是含有否定的意味的,因此在置于句首时应使用倒装语序。

4. fake and inferior commodities

解析:“假冒伪劣商品”包含两层含义:一是假货,二是次品,在翻译成英文的时候应该注意两层含义的正确译法。“假冒”不能用false而应选择fake,“次品”可以说inferior表示质量差,也可以用commodity of low quality。

5. draw useful lessons from it

解析:句意为:面对失败,有的人能够顽强抵抗,从中吸取教训,努力实现他们的目标。本句由三个并列的谓语成分构成,谓语动词分别是stand up to“汲取”和try。“汲取教训”正确表达为draw a lesson from。然而我们又能从全句判断,从失败中吸取教训是为了将来能够更好地实现目标,因此加上修饰语useful,使内容更明确。


1.Everyone has his inherent ability ,________________ (只是很容易被习惯所掩盖).

2.The importance of traffic safety _________________ (无论如何强调都不为过).

3.In my opinion , ______________ (打电动玩具既浪费时间也有害健康).

4.There is no doubt that ______________ (近视是一个很严重的问题)among the youth of our country.

5.According to my personal experience , ___________________ (微笑已带给我许多好处).

1. which is easily concealed by habits

解析:每个人都有与生俱来的能力,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖。本题的难点在于对动词"掩盖"的选择。这里的"掩盖"是抽象含义,并不是像cover那样能找到真实的掩盖物,所以应该选择conceal,常用搭配由:conceal...from。另外,这句话是一个非限制性定语从句。句子需填补内容是对 ability的补充说明,"能力"是中心词。因此,要用which引导这个非限制性定语从句。

2. can't be overemphasized / can't be emphasized too much

解析:本句考查的是"再......也不为过的"的说法。英语句型是:cannot + do sth. + too much 或 cannot over-do,如:He is so excellent that we cannot praise him too much.(他是这样的优秀,我们怎样称赞他都不过分。)cannot是否定,与too much 和 over-V. 结构连用时强调肯定,表示"怎么......也不为过"。

3. playing video games not only takes much time but also does harm to health

解析:句子需填补部分的主语是"打电动玩具",虽然"打"是动词,但根据全句结构我们需要将play处理成动名词形式充当主语。此外,考察"不仅......还"的句型。"浪费时间"除了答案表达之外也可以用waste time 。

4. near-sightedness is a serious problem

解析:There is no doubt that后接从句,从句里应有完整的主谓宾结构。如:There is no doubt that the thief jumped into the room from the balcony in the second floor.(毫无疑问,小偷是从二楼的阳台跳进来的。) "近视"还可以说成myopia 或 short sight 。

5. smile has done me a lot of good

解析:本题考察"带给某人很多好处"的表达。我们知道"对某人有好处"可以说成do good to sb. 或do sb. good,依此类推,"给我带来很多好处"就是:do a lot of good to me或do me a lot of good 。


1.We wish to convey to you ________________ (我们衷心的祝贺).

2. __________________(无论从哪一方面考虑),they ought to be given another chance.

3. ________________(随着时间的流逝),they forgot their bitter sufferings.

4.We must _______________(使自己适应)the demands of our times; otherwise we'll fall behind the other industrialized nations of the world.

5.The number of the students in the city has ___________________ (增加了五倍) in comparison with 2001.

1. our hearty congratulations

解析:全句意为:我们希望向你表达我们衷心的祝福。主要考查词是"衷心的"。hearty 表示发自内心的,衷心的,亲切的,热烈的意思。如:a hearty welcome(热烈的欢迎);a hearty invitation(真诚的邀请);a hearty support(全力的支持。另外,"希望(做)某事"可以说成:wish to do sth./ wish + sth.

2. Taking everything into consideration

解析:本题考查的是反面表达法。"无论从哪一方面考虑"即:方方面面都考虑到。"考虑"的短语表达有:take sth. into consideration /take sth. into account 。因为此句主句已给出,所以take应用现在分词的形式,在句中作原因状语。本句采用反译法,使译文符合英文表达习惯。

3. With the passage of time

解析:本题是考查固定搭配,"时间流逝"应译为 the passing / passage of time ,"随着"应选用介词with,请看例句:We grow older with the hours.(我们随着时光流逝而长大。)

4. adapt ourselves to

解析:本句意为:我们必须使自己适应这个时代的要求,否则就会落后于世界其他工业国家。主要考查"使......适应" 的用法:adapt to / adapt sb. to,如:adapt themselves to city life(使他们适应城市生活);You should adapt yourself to the new environment.(你应该适应新环境)。adapt 除了有"使适应"含义外,还有"改编,改写"之意。考生也常将adapt 和 adopt 相混淆。adopt有"采纳,接受,领养"之意。

5. increased 6 times

解析:本题考查关于倍数的说法。"增加了5倍"即增加到6倍。用times与fold表示"增加"时,要注意英语要多说一倍。如Output of coal increased four times(或fourfold).(媒产量增加了3倍)。


1. The government was accused ______________(没能实现其改善城市交通状况的承诺).

2. Only in this way ______________(我们才能在毕业之后很快适应社会).

3. No sooner ______________(我刚点着蜡烛,它就被吹灭了)by a violent draught.

4. Surrounded by the police,the kidnappers ______________(没有选择只能当场投降).

5. I'm very glad to know that _____________(作为一些服务的回报,我的老板慷慨地同意将我欠的债一笔勾销).

1. of failure to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions/ of failing to fulfill its promise to improve urban traffic conditions

解析:本题考查对accuse的用法及短语fulfill one's promise to...的掌握。accuse"指责、控告"常用于accuse sb. of sth./ doing sth.的结构,所以was accused of之后用failure 和failing都可以。"实现......的承诺"用fulfill one's promise to表示,to后接动词原形。

2. can we adapt (ourselves) to the society quickly after we graduate

解析:本题考查对倒装句、adapt的用法以及after引导的时间状语从句的掌握。only引起的状语位于句首时,句子须部分倒装。本题中要将情态动词can提前。adapt作"适应"解时常用于adapt (oneself) to sth.的结构。在when,until,after,before,as soon as,once,the moment/the minute,the day引导的时间状语从句中,常常用一般现在时代替一般将来时(after we graduate)。

3. had I lit the candle than it was put out

解析:本题考查对句型no sooner...than...及短语put out的掌握。no sooner...than...表示"刚...就...,一...就...",但只用于过去时:主句通常用过去完成时,从句通常用一般过去时。No sooner 位于句首时,主句须部分倒装。Put out意为"熄灭"。

4. had no choice but to surrender on the spot

解析:本题考查对固定结构have no choice but to do及短语on the spot的掌握。have no choice but to do意为"除...之外别无选择",注意不要忽略to。短语on the spot意为"当场"。本句时态应为一般过去时。

5. my boss has generously agreed to write off my debt in return for certain services

解析:本题主要考查对一些短语的掌握。in return for表示"作为对......的回报或报答";write off表示"勾销,注销"。注意本句在整个句中是充当宾语的成分,故介词短语in return for...最好放到句子的结尾,不要按照其中文的语序直译。


1. People _______________(往往会发胖)after giving up cigarettes because they turn to snacks as a substitute.

2. The frightened child _______________(紧紧抓住母亲的手臂).

3. If we want to ________________(提前一个月完成这项工程的话),we have to hurry with it.

4. When he succeeded in finishing his design,the technician _______________(似乎忘乎所以了).

5. He is the sort of person ________________(你永远琢磨不透他讲的话).

1. tend to put on weight

解析:本句意为:很多人在戒烟后往往会发胖,因为他们会吃零食取而代之。"往往会发胖"表示一种趋势、发展方向,英文里要用tend这个词。有关用法是:tend to do(取向于做某事);have the tendency to do(有做某事的趋势)。"发胖"即put on weight或gain flesh.注意,overweight这个词往往带有贬义色彩,指重量超过正常、必要或被允许的限度的,要慎用。

2. grips his mother's arm

解析:在英语里,grip表示"紧紧抓住某人",已经包含了"紧紧地"含义,因此不需要译成grip one's arm tightly,但是可以说catch one's arm tightly,考生一定要注意英汉表达差异。grip 也可以引申为"吸引住(注意力、兴趣等)",如:The story gripped our attention.(这个故事吸引了我们的注意力。)

3. complete the project a month ahead of time

解析:我们知道,if条件句通常表示假设情况,要用虚拟语气。但是,如果if条件句里的假设状况在现实中有可能会实现的话,提出的假设并不与现在、过去或将来事实想违背,那么,就不需要遵循虚拟语气原则,if条件句用一般时态即可。本题还考查了"提前某段时间"的英文表达"时间+ahead of time"。

4. seemed to let himself go

解析:本题考查习语"忘乎所以"的英译。Let oneself go表示尽情或尽兴、情不自禁、忘乎所以。如:Now that you come for dancing,you should let yourselves go.(既然你们来跳舞,就应该玩得尽兴。)

5. whose words you never can make out

解析:本句要从全句含义来把握。这句话实际是说:他是你永远琢磨不透他所讲的话的那种人。句子需填入部分是对先行词the sort of person的修饰。因此,我们需要的是一个由whose words引导的限制性定语从句,使全句结构紧凑。make out表示"理解、了解、猜得出"。本题也可以用并列复合句来翻译:and you can never make out his words。


1. Being out of work and having two young children, ______________(夫妻俩发现勉强维持生计是不可能的).

2. Generally speaking,______________(按照说明服用时),the drug has no side effect.

3. Some people argue that most crime ______________(可归咎于对金钱的贪婪).

4. ______________(发现很难适应那里的气候),he decided to move back to the north.

5. Over a third of the population was estimated _____________(没有机会享受医疗保健服务).

1. the couple found it impossible to make ends meet

解析:本题考查对常见句型find it+adj.+to do sth.及短语make ends meet的掌握。Find it impossible to do sth.意为"发现......是不可能的",it是形式宾语,impossible为宾语补足语,动词不定式是真正的宾语。短语make ends meet是"使收支相抵,勉强维持生计"之意。

2. when taken according to the direction/instruction

解析:本题考查对分词短语作状语及词组according to的掌握。本句中分词短语作状语表示条件,相当于if the drug is taken...,分词的逻辑主语the drug与take之间是被动关系,所以应用过去分词短语作状语。词组according to意为"依照、按照"。

3. can be attributed to the greed for money

解析:本题考查对短语attribute to及常见搭配the greed for的掌握。attribute to意为"归咎于",可表示"归功于",也可表示"归咎于",crime与attribute是动宾关系,因此谓语要用被动语态(can be attributed to)。"对......的贪婪"用the greed for...表示。

4. Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there

解析:本题考查分词短语作状语及短语adapt to的用法。句子主语he与动词"发现"是主谓关系,故应用现在分词短语作状语表示原因。常见句型find it difficult to do sth.表示"发现很难做某事",短语adapt to意为"适应"。

5. to have no access to the health service

解析:本题考查对不定式和have (no) access to固定搭配的掌握。空格处在句中作主语补足语,不定式变成被动语态以后,都必须加上to。have (no) access to为固定搭配,表示"(没)有接近(或进入、享用)的机会"。


1.They are going to _______________(紧急情况时调动军队).

2. Swimming in the sea _______________(有助于增进体力和毅力).

3. They called on Black people to ________________(反对征召黑人青年当兵).

4. _______________(她表现出了很强的自制力)when they told her the news.

5. He is said to ________________(一直在工作而不是一直在学习)in the U.S.A.

1. mobilize the army in an emergency

解析:本题主要考查词语选择。"调动"可以选用mobilize或remove,"紧急情况时"作条件状语,可选用in an emergency,at an urgent time,under urgent circumstances等。

2. helps to build up both physical strength and willpower

解析:本题着重考查词语的使用。"有助于"常用搭配为:help to do,"增进"可选用动词enhance或短语build up,"体力"是physical strength,"毅力"不能译成mental strength,它是指为实现某一愿望而坚持不懈,因此willpower更恰当。另外,swimming in the sea是动名词作主语,当指代某件事情时,谓语动词要用单数。

3. to oppose the drafting of Black youth

解析:"征召......当兵"在英文里没有一个完全对等的短语,但有一个词draft本身就有"征召入兵"的含义。The drafting of sb.表示"征召某人入伍"。black指颜色黑的,但如果指黑色人种就要大写Black。"反对"在英文里可以说object或oppose,但 object指一般的"反对",特别是瞬间的突然反对,如:Do you object to my smoking here?(你反对我在这儿抽烟吗?)oppose是指经过熟虑或有重大理由对某一倾向、行为极度不满而极力反对,因此本句用oppose 更合适。

4. She displayed great self-control

解析:本句意为:当她被告知这一消息时表现出很强的自制力。关键是"表现"英文对应词的选择。除display 外,show,represent,exhibit和短语put up也有表示展现某种能力的含义。self-control本身就是指自制能力,不需要刻板译成self-control ability。这里采用了省译法。

5. have been working instead of studying

解析:本题考查不定式完成进行时态的用法。不定式完成进行时表示截止到谓语动作发生之时不定式动作从过去某一时刻开始一直在进行的动作。本句还采用了合译法,用instead of巧妙地连接了两个并列成分。

大学英语六级翻译练习 答案精编版

Passage 1北京大学 北京大学于1898年成立,原名为京师大学堂(the Imperial University of Peking)。该大学的成立标志着中国近代史上高等教育的开始。在中国近代史上,它是进步思想的中心,对中国新文化运动、五四运动及其他重要事件的发生颇有影响。今天,国内不少高校排行榜将北京大学放入国内顶尖大学之列。该校重视教学和科学研究。为提高本科生教育和研究生教育质量、保持其领先研究机构的地位,学校已做出很大努力。此外,学校尤以其校园环境及优美的中国传统建筑而闻名。 Originally known as the Imperial University of Peking, Peking University was established in 1898. The establishment of the University marked the beginning of higher education in China's modem history. In modem history of China it was a center for progressive thought and was influential in the birth of China's New Culture Movement May Fourth Movement and many other significant events. Today, Peking University was placed by marry domestic university rankings amongst the top universities in China The university lays emphasis on both teaching, and scientific research. It has made great efforts to improve the undergraduate and graduate education, and maintain its role as a leading research institution In addition, the University is especially renowned for its campus environment and the beauty of its traditional Chinese architecture. Passage 2 中国的民族 中国以其人口密集、疆域辽阔而著称。作为一个多民族国家,中国共有56个民族,总人口约14亿人。汉族是中华民族的主体民族,约占全国人口的92%.主要分布在东部和中部。而其他少数民族居住相对分散,主要分布在中国的西南、西北和东北部地区。每个少数民族都有与众不同的特点、悠久的传统文化和独特的风俗习惯。中国政府长久以来一直提倡和发展平等、团结的民族关系,强调各民族共同发展、共同繁荣。 以……而著称be noted /famous for 少数民族ethnic minority; minority ethnic group 人口密集dense population 与众不同的特点distinctive character 疆域辽阔vast territory 独特的风俗习惯unique convention 多民族的国家a multinational country 提倡advocate; propose 汉族the Han Nationality 强调highlight; emphasize 分布distribute China is noted for its dense population and vast territory. As a multinational country, China is home to 56 ethnic groups with a total population of about l.4 billion The Han Nationality is the majority, accounting for 92% 0f the total population which distributes mainly in the east and middle of China; while the ethnic minorities dwell extensively all over China distributing mainly in the southwest, the northwest and the northeast. Each of the minority ethnic groups has a distinctive character, long traditional culture and unique conventions. Chinese government has long been advocating and developing an equal and united ethnic relationship, highlighting the common development and prosperity of all ethnic groups. Passage 3 中国桥梁 中国的桥梁建设有着悠久的历史中国古代桥梁以木材和石头为主要建筑材料,形式多样,极富特色。中国现存最古老的桥梁为隋代建造的安济桥,位于河北省赵县安济桥又名赵州桥,桥长50.82关,桥宽9米,为国家重点保护的文物(cultural relic). 清朝末年,兰州黄河铁桥建成,标志着中国桥梁建设进入了以钢铁和混凝土( concrete)为主要材料的时期:如今,中国的桥梁建设保持着多项世界记录,中国跻身于世界桥梁建设强国行列. 桥梁建设bridge construction/building 末年late years; last years: final years 有着悠久的历史boast/have a long history 进入了……的时期step into an era of___ 形式多样vary in forms 世界记录world record


大学英语六级翻译练习题 Translation One (5minutes) Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets. 72. From what you would get angry with you friends, we can conclude you still ( 在意他的友情). 73. Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and ( 结婚后觉得适合自己的女人很多). 74. Among thousands of people ,you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time ( 没有早一步, 也没有晚一步, 刚巧赶上了). 75. Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily . ( 被习惯所掩盖, 被时间所迷离, 被惰性所消磨). 76. While our dream is confronted with the reality ,you always feel painful. Just trample on the pain, ( 要么你把痛苦踩在脚下). Translation Two (5 minutes) Directions: Complete the following sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets. 72.Scientists will have to _________________________________________________(提出增 加世界粮食供应的新方法). 73.The medicine _____________________________________________________(治愈了那 个老妇人的慢性咳嗽) which she had suffered 20 years. 74.Sometimes I fight for Mom and sometimes I fight for Dad, but I wish ________________________________________________________ (他们能让我从中完全解脱出来). 75.Many people believe that our species ___________________________________________ (有朝一日会濒临灭绝). 76.The doctor said that __________________________________________________ (保持饮 食均衡很重要). Translation Three ( five minutes) 72. He did very well in his exams , _________________________(考虑到他学的很少). 73. Beijing has announced that _________________________(在任何请光下,中国将不首先使


2012大学六级考试翻译题训练指导(一) 1. I am not sure whether I want to take this course; _______________(我第一周可否旁听)to see if I like it? 2. The police are on the trail of new evidence _______________(希望能有助于该案的处理). 3. The volume of trade between the two countries,as is reported,________________(增长了三倍多). 4. My question is _______________(谁将接任该基金会主席职位). 5. He looks honest,but ________________(外表有时是靠不住的),aren’t they? 长喜模拟题6: 1. ______________(很少有人不抱怨工作单调乏味),but they will feel more bored if they do not work. 2. Henry has prepared a party for his girlfriend, ______________(结果却被告之她到时候不能来了). 3. The chief reason for the population growth is ______________(与其说是出生率的上升,还不如说是死亡率的下降). 4. True friendship foresees the needs of others ______________(而不是声明自己的需求). 5. Although I liked the appearance of the house, _____________(真正让我决定买下它的)was the beautiful view through the window. 答案及解析: 1. may I sit in for the first week 解析:分号之前表示原因:因为我不敢确定是否想学这门课程,所以能否让我第一周旁听看看是否喜欢它?“旁听”英语里说成sit in, 2. which they hope will help solve the case 解析:我们把中午句子的含义补全就是“警察希望这些新证据能有助于该案的处理”,“新证据”已经在前文中出现,那么在这里我们需要把“能有助于该案的处理”译成后置定语来修饰new evidence。on the trail of意思是“在寻找”。 3. has increased more than fourfold 解析:本题是考查数字的译法,可以参考前面的节目。本句还要指出的是as在非限制性定语从句中的应用:as引导非限制性定语从句时,其先行项通


2020年6月大学英语六级翻译真题及答案2020年6月大学英语六级翻译真题及答案 In China, variety of foods and dishes is needed in traditional ways of entertaining guests and makes them impossible to finish the dinner. Typical menus of Chinese banquetinclude cold dishes to start and the following hot ones. For example,meat, chicken, duck and vegetables. In most banquets, a whole fish dish is considered indispensable, unless various kinds of seafood have been served. Nowadays, Chinese people tend to mix Western specials with traditional Chinese cuisine. Thus, steak is not rare. Traditionally,although the Chinese do not eat any of theuncooked dishes,salads have also become popular. The banquet usually has at leasta bowl of soup that can be offered as the first or the final dish. Desserts and fruits usually mean the end of the feast. 城市化 2020年是中国城市化进程中的历史性时刻,其城市人口首次超过农村人口。在未来20年里,预计约有3.5亿农村人口将移居到城市。如此规模的城市发张对城市交通来说既是挑战,也是机遇。中国政府一直提倡“以人为本”的发张理念。强调人们以公交而不是私家车出行。它还号召建设“资源节约和环境友好型”社会。有了这个明确的目标,中国城市就能够更好地规划其发展,并把大量投资转向安全、清洁和经济型交通系统的发展上。 2020 was a historic moment in the process of urbanization in China as its population exceeded the rural population for the first time. In the next 20 years, about 350 million rural


2009年6月大学英语六级翻译真题 1. With the oil price ever ris ing, she tried to talk __________________ (说服他不买车). 解析:因为题干里有talk,因此需要用talk sb. into doing sth.这一固定搭配。与之相近的一个搭配是:persuade sb into doing sth. 答案:talk him into stopping buying a car 2. ________________ (保持幽默感有助于)reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today's competitive society. 解析:考点有两个,“幽默感”和“有助于”。某方面的“感”,如正义感,责任感,在英语中都用“sense”来表达,即sense of justice, sense of responsibility.“有助于”可用两种表达方式,be helpful to do sth., 或者help to do sth. 另外注意动词短语做主语,要转化为动名词形式,即keep表达为keeping. 答案:Keeping a sense of humor helps to 3. When confronted with evidence, _____________________ (他不得不坦白自己的罪行). 解析:不得不做…have to do sth或have no choice but;坦白: confess 答案:he had to confess his crime 4. When people say, "I can feel my ears burning," it means they think ________________ (一定有人在说他们的坏话). 解析:本题考察“说某人坏话”,六级高频词组,有两种表达方式,speak evil of sb.或者talk sb. behind one's back.;推断某人一定在做某事,考察情态动词“must be doing sth.”。 答案:someone must be talking about them behind their back 5. She has decided to go on a diet, but finds _________________ (很难抵制冰麒麟的诱惑).


翻译题应试技巧 汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:Y ou will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,"秘书"在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中"你们"转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2 Y ou __________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说"你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动"。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:Y ou are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以"我们"、"人们"、"大家"等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand 等动词。 例3 如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。"我们就说这个原子带正电荷"可理解为"这个原子被认为/ 被确信/ 被说成是带正电荷"。那么根据前面所说的原则,我们在翻译时可以将泛指性主语"我们"省略不译,并使用被动语态。 从这个例子里我们还可以看出,在科技文章中,根据英语表达习惯我们应当多采用被动语态,以强调事物的客观性。 例4 人们采用各种措施来防止腐蚀。 译文:All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion. 简评:这句话可以按原文译成主动态,即:People have taken all kinds of measures to prevent corrosion。也可以用被动语态来翻译--All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion。两者比较而言,被动态译文更突出表明所有、种种措施已经付诸实施,all kinds of measures得到强调,而主动态译法只是平铺直叙,重点不突出。


2010 年6 月六级真题 Passage One 发达国家中只有两个国家不能保证提供用于照料新生儿的带薪休假。去年春天,这两个国家中的一个——澳大利亚——放弃了这种令人质疑的殊荣,建立了自2011 年起开始实施的带薪家庭休假制。在美国这并没有成为新闻,我并不感到意外——现在我们是唯一没有这项政策的富有国家。 美国确实有一个明确的家庭政策,这就是于1993 年通过的《家庭和医疗休假法》。它规定要照料新生儿或处理家庭医疗问题的工人有资格享受时间长达12 个星期的不带薪休假。尽管此法案带来的利益不明显,但当时商务部和其他一些商业团体都极力反对,称其为“政府负责的人事管理”和“危险的先例”。事实上,民主党领袖一直都致力于将能促进工作与家庭关系平衡的措施形成法律条文,但每一次的努力都遭到了商业团体的强烈反对。 正如耶鲁大学法学教授Anne Alstott 所辩解的那样,要肯定父母关爱的作用就要将家庭定义为一种社会商品,从某种意义上讲,社会要为此埋单。在她的书《无路可走:父母对孩子的亏欠以及社会对家长的亏欠》中,她认为父母在生活的多个方面都肩负重担:在谈到孩子的话题时,父母们“无路可走”:“社会希望也需要家长们能不间断地照看好他们的孩子,而且是人类用以开发智力、培养情感和树立道德的那种深度的、亲密无间的照看。社会还希望并需要父母们能坚守这一角色,18 年如一日,如有必要,甚至还可以更长。” 大部分父母出于爱都会照顾孩子,不照顾孩子的父母则会受到公众的处罚。换句话说,父母们所做的一切都是这个国家所密切关注的问题,原因很明显,照顾孩子不仅从道德上来说是迫切的而且对这个社会的未来至关重要。国家在大多数保障儿童福利的家庭法律中都认可了这一点,而父母们在履行社会所强加给他们的、会改变其命运的义务时得到的帮助却甚少。把养育孩子视为个人选择、集体没有责任的做法不仅仅忽视了良好家庭教育所产生的社会效益,而且会抹杀这部分社会效益,因为当今天的孩子成为明天的具有生产力的公民时这部分社会效益会属于整个社会。实际上,据估计父母对孩子投入的价值,包括时间和金钱的投入(包括失去的薪水)相当于国内生产总值的20%—30%。如果这些投入能够产生巨大的社会效益——很明显能产生——那么为家庭提供更多的社会支持所带来的效益将会更加显而易见。 Passage Two 塔夫茨大学公民学习和参与信息研究中心(CIRCLE)一份新的调查显示,现在有比以前更多的年轻人参与投票选举,美国发展中心2008 年的一份调查也表明越来越多的年轻选民和活动家开始支持传统的自由事业。但要看出这些调查数字在现实生活中的意义并非易事。在总统竞选期间,巴拉克·奥巴马以希望和改变为宣传口号组成了不同种族之间和不同意识形态之间人们的联盟。当新一届政府执政下的现实生活步入正轨的时候,有些支持者可能会大失所望。随着国家进一步走入奥巴马执政时代,参与政治的年轻人是会继续支持奥巴马及其施政议程还是会渐行渐远? “O(奥巴马的简称)一代”是《新闻周刊》新开的一个博客,致力于记录那些支持奥巴马的年轻人的生活。“O 一代”的作者们想就上面的问题做出回答。未来的三个月,Michelle Kremer 和其他11 位年龄从19 岁到34 岁不等的奥巴马支持者将会用博客来记录美国社会的主流生活,一个不同之处在于:通过将他们所有的观点和经历与新任总统及其领导下的政府紧密结合,这些博客作者试图开启一场对话,探讨在当今美国,年轻并且在政治方面活跃到底意味着什么。24 岁的Malena Amusa 是该博客的一位作者,也是来自圣路易斯的一位舞者,她将这一项目看做是即时记录历史的一种方式。Amusa 今年春天为了完成其著作前往印度,后来又去塞内加尔教授英语,她和她的朋友一直在谈论奥巴马当政会如何改变他们的日常生活,她希望把其中的一些观点和她的全球性视角写到帖子里。她很兴奋,要看清楚世界,“我不必等上15 年”,她这样解释说。 Henry Flores 是圣玛丽大学的政治学教授,他将年轻一代的政治力量归因于他们对科技的拥护。“网络使他们接触到更多的思想,”他说,“不同地区想法相同的人们就会聚到一起。”这正是“O 一代”博主们所期待的事情。结果可能会出现一群年轻人,就像他们在二战后生育高峰期出生的父母一样,伴随一种强烈的目的感而成长,他们也会改变此前从“X 一代”人身上所继承下来的冷漠形象。由一群普通但有抱负的年轻人来管理博客是个不小的挑战,但“O 一代”的成员能胜任这项任务。


2019年6月大学英语六级翻译练习题:城市化进程2019年6月大学英语六级翻译练习题库 英语六级翻译练习题:城市化进程 中国城市化(urbanization)将会充分释放潜在内需(domestic demand)。一些经济学家指出,在中国几乎所有的发展中城市都面临着城市化的进程。这使得很多人的生活水平有所提升,也为人们提供更多的就业机会。随着越来越多的人向城市迁徙,住房及城市基础设施建设(infrastructure construction),包括水源等能源的供应将会成为城市发展的焦点问题。商品与服务的自由、快速流通是城市化社会的一项基本特征。逐渐扩张的城市需要更多的零售店来满足消费者的需求。 参考译文 China’s urbanization will release the full potential of domestic demand. Some economists point out that urbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in the country. It will lead to a better quality of life for many people,and provide individuals with more job opportunities. The construction of housing and city infrastructure, in?cluding water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban develop?ment as more people migrate to cities. Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city. But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation. The fast, free flow of goods and services is a basic trait of an urbanized society. Ex-panding cities require more retail outlets to serve customers.


六级翻译 helj 2011/4/12 令狐采学 10/12) 82.There is no denying that you __________________________________ (越仔细越好) in dealing with this matter. 83.Only when I reached my thirties _____________________________(我才意识到读书是不能被忽视的). 84. Much _________________________________(使研究人员感到惊讶), the outcome of the experiment was far better than they had expected. 85. Oh, my, I can’t find my key; ______________________________(我一定是把它忘在哪儿了). 86. I ____________________________________________ (宁愿加入你们去做义工) than go to the beach for a holiday. (10\06) 82.___(他们的独生儿子从未想过) to leavethem and strike out on his own though he is in his late twenties. 83.Before you take any action, please remember to ___ (权衡你的决

定会产生的后果).84. He assured his friend that under no circumstances ___ (他会违背还钱的承诺).85. Most educators advise that kids ___ (不要沉溺于电脑游戏).86. Business major as he is, he has ___ (从未考虑过从事推销员工作). (09\12 ) 82. How long does a jacket like this last me? — (这要看你多长时间穿一次). 83. The theory he advanced has proved (对许多传统概念的一种挑战). 84. The manager (本可以亲自参加会议), but he was called away for some urgent business abroad. 85. Both research and practical experience have shown that a (均衡的饮食对健康是必不可少的). 86. Much (我感到遗憾), I was unable to finish the work on time. (09/06) 82.With the oil prices ever rising, she tried to talk ________ (说服他不买车). 83.________ (保持幽默有助于) reduce stress and promote creative thinking in today’s competitive society.. 84.When confronted with the evidence, ________ (他不得不坦白


大学英语六级翻译练习附译文 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《大学英语六级翻译练习附译文》的内容,具体内容:下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。【翻译原文】中国历史博物馆的展厅里,陈列着第一台地动仪 (seismograph)的修复模型。发明者是东汉著名的科学家张衡。公元13... 下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。 【翻译原文】 中国历史博物馆的展厅里,陈列着第一台地动仪 (seismograph)的修复模型。发明者是东汉著名的科学家张衡。公元132年,在当时的都城洛阳,张衡发明了古代的地动仪(seismograph),以辨别地震的方向。地动仪由纯铜制成,看起来像个带盖的大杯子。其表面铸有八条龙,每条龙口含一颗铜珠。每条龙的下方都有一只仰头的铜蟾蜍(toad),张口对着龙的嘴巴。人们十分尊敬张衡这位伟大的科学家,并常常举行纪念活动表达对张衡的尊敬之情。月球上的一座环形山(crater)就是以张衡的名字命名的。 【参考译文】 In the exhibition hall of the Museum of Chinese History in Beijing,there is a restored model of the first seismograph.The inventor was Zhang Heng,a famous scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty.In 132 A.D,in the then national capital Luoyang,Zhang Heng made the ancient seismograph to identify the direction of an earthquake.It was made of fine copper,and looked like a big cup with


精品文档2016中国农业套:12月英语六级翻译真题第3年亿。中国农业产量全球第一,主要生产水3农业是中国的一个重要产业,从业者超过但为世界百分之二十的人提供稻、小麦和豆类。虽然中国的农业用地仅占世界的百分之十,勤劳和富有创造性的中国年开始种植水稻。了粮食。中国7700早在使用机械和化肥之前,农民就已经采用各种各样的方法来增加农作物产量。中国农业最近的发展是推进有机农业。有机农业可以同时服务于多种目的,包括食品安全,大众健康和可持续发展。 Agriculture is one of the most important industries inChina which embra agriculture output ranks the first ces more than 300 millionworkers. China ‘sand beans. China provid rice, wheat allover the word, and it mainly produce es 20 percent of the worldfood, though its agriculture land only accounts for 1 history ofplanting rice dates back as early as 7world'stotal.China's 0% of the c an d and fertilizers,industrious700 B.C. Long befor e the use o f machinery farmers had already used different kinds of methods to increase crop reativepromot of the agriculture development in China is to yields. The latest trend of pur agriculture can serve a varietyorganice organic agriculture. And the poses, which including foodsafety, public health and sustainable development. :学汉语第2套月英语六级翻译真题2016年12 使汉语成了世界上人们最爱学的语学汉语的人数迅速增加,随着中国经济的蓬勃发展,言之一。近年来,中国大学在国际上的排名也有了明显的提高。由于中国教育的巨大进步,万国际学生40中国成为最受海外学生欢迎的留学目的地之一就不足为奇了。2015年,近在全球而包括科学与工程。蜂拥来到中国市场。他们学习的科目不再限于中国语言和文化,教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中国正在迅速赶上。economy booms, there is a dramaticincrease in the number of China'sAs people learning Chinese,which makes it become one of the most popularlanguages. In recent years, international ranks ofChinese universities have apparently boosted. Owingto the progress of Chinese education, it is not odd that China has become one of the mostfavorite destinations for oversea students studying abroad. In 2015, around four hundredthousand international students piled into China to study. What they learn is no more limitedto the subjects of Chinese and Chinese culture, they also learn science and engineering. In theglobal education market, America and Britain still play dominant roles, while China is catchingup. 旅游套:第年201612月英语六级翻译真题1 中国人的时间主过去,随着生活水平的提高,度假在中国人生活中的作用越来越重要。经济的繁荣和富近年来中国旅游业发展迅速。要花在谋生上,很少有机会外出旅行。然而,精品文档.精品文档出国旅游也裕中产阶级的出现,引发了一个前所未有的旅游热潮。中国人不仅在国内旅游,亿元。据世界贸易组织估越来越普遍。年国庆节假日期间,旅游消费总计超过40002016在未来几年里将成为处境旅游支出增长最快2020年中国将成为世界上最大的旅游国,计,的国家。 With the improvement of living standards, vacationis playing an increasin life. In the past, Chinese people mainlysChinesepeople'sgly important role in


2020年六级(CET6)翻译题举例及解析(3)翻译策略 顺序法 顺序法翻译不改变原文表达语序,不会影响对原文内容的理解。 例1 即使在我们关掉床头灯甜甜地进入梦乡时,电仍然为我们工作:开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。 译文: Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep , electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. 在句子中,句子前半部分是一个让步状语从句,后半句的“开动”,“加热”,“使……运转”都是“电在为我们工作”的具体内容。因而在译文中,译者将这三个并行动作处理成了V-ing 形式,补 充说明working的内容。译文按照原句的语序完全传达了原文的意思,采用顺序法翻译,达到了“精确,通顺”的目的。 例2 It was a Saturday evening, when Tom was lying on the bench of the school listening to a blackbird and composing a lyric, that he saw the girls running among the trees, with the red-cheeked Joe in swift pursuit. 译文:那是周六的傍晚,汤姆正躺在学校的长凳上,一面听画眉 鸟唱歌,一面写一首抒情诗,忽然看见女孩子们在树林里奔跑,后面 紧跟着那红脸的乔。 原句里一连串出现了一系列的动词如:lying, listening, composing, saw,这是按汤姆实行这些动作的先后顺序来描述的,如 果在译文中打乱这些顺序,就反而会显得凌乱,没有逻辑。


2019大学英语六级翻译练习题及答案:思乡情 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 思乡(homesickness)是中国人的一个永恒的话题。从古至今,无论男女,家是他们永久的港湾,思乡是他们不老的情结(complex)。正是这样的情结成为中国历代文人重要的创作题材,并以各种方式,从各种角度加以体现。是故乡,唤起了他们心灵深处最美好的回忆,在对故乡的思念中,他们又仿佛回到了那单纯无邪的童年时代,回到了母亲的怀抱,身心的创伤得到了暂时的平复,精神的空虚得到了刹那的充实,故乡成了他们终极的归宿地(ultimate destination)。 翻译及详解 Homesickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people.Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young complex.It is such kind of complex that becomes the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed this theme in various ways and form various angles.It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts.Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms.The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.Home has become their ultimate destination. 翻译讲解 1.思乡:可译为homesickness,其形容词形式为homesick。 2.不老的情结:可译为ever-young complex,其中“不老的”译为ever-young,意为“永远年轻的”。

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