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I. Phonetics: (15 points)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A. B. C. and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the ONE that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

II. Vocabulary and Structure (45 points)


There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose one answer that best complete the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

III. Multiple Choice Cloze (10 points)


For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter no the Answer Sheet.

IV. Reading Comprehension (30 points)


There are two reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question. There are four suggested answers marked A. B. C. and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.



一、语音部分:(10 %)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A. B. C. and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the ONE that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 找出下列每组词中划线部分读音与其它三个单词划线部分读音不同的单词。

1. A. spell B. telephone C. she D. very

2. A. base B. gate C. have D. mate

3. A. oven B. over C. photo D. note

4. A. fear B. dear C. clear D. bear

5. A. cheap B. teacher C. head D. meat

6. A. wall B. shall C. fall D. call

7. A. height B. eight C. freight D. weight

8. A. bench B. charge C. speech D. chemistry

9. A. honor B. hospital C. horrible D. holiday

10. A. wrong B. wrap C. worth D. answer

二、语法词汇:(40 %)

Directions: In this section, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出最佳答案。

21. We managed to reach our school _____ the road was flooded.

A. unless

B. until

C. whether

D. although

22. _____some weeks in hospital, I wanted to go home.

A. Because

B. For

C. After

D. From

23. When my uncle was young, he liked _____

A. go swimming

B. swim

C. to go swim

D. to go swimming

24. The man has just finished _____ my TV set.

A. repair

B. repaired

C. repairing

D. to repair

25. John and Mary _____ the radio.

A. are listening

B. are listening to

C. are listening on

D. are listened to

26. Tom often sings, but _____.

A. sings Sarah?

B. Sarah sings?

C. Sarah does?

D. does Sarah?

27. The lamp is _____ the television.

A. at

B. next to

C. near of

D. between

28. My brother is writing _____.

A. by pencil

B. with a pen

C. in a paper

D. on book

29. Whose hats are those? They are _____ hats.

A. he?s

B. Mr Black?s

C. his?

D. hers

30. Jane?s tall and _____

A. Jo hn?s, too

B. Tom is, too

C. Tom is so

D. so does Tom

31. This is _____

A. second lesson

B. the Lesson Two

C. lesson the second

D. Lesson Two

32. 164 is _____

A. hundred sixty four

B. a hundred sixty four

C. hundred sixty and four

D. a hundred and sixty four

33.Who are those two boys? One is my brother and _____

A. other boy?s Peter

B. the other is Peter

C. Another boy?s Peter

D. Peter is another boy.

34.There was a terrible noise _____ the sudden burst of light.

A. followed

B. following

C. to be followed

D. being followed

35. She pretended _____me when I passed by.

A. not to see

B. not seeing

C. to not see

D. Having not seen

36. Father will not _____ us to use his recorder.

A. have

B. let

C. agree

D. allow

37. All _____ is needed is a supply of oil.

A. the thing

B. that

C. what

D. which

38. _____ a good thing that they didn?t catch you.

A. That?s

B. It?s

C. There?s


39. It?s a fine day. Let?s go fishing, _____?

A. won?t we

B. will we

C. don?t we

D. shall we

40. These are nice apples. How _____ in a kilo?

A. much are there

B. many are there

C. much are they

D. many are they

41. Paul?s ill, so he _____ a doctor tomorrow.

A. is gone to see

B. expected

C. is going to see

D. waits

42. She?s _____ singer in England.

A. most known

B. the most known

C. Most famour

D. the most famous

43. Sarah hardly ever goes to _____ the theatre.

A. neither the cinema or

B. neither the cinema nor

C. either the cinema nor

D. the cinema or

44. The last time _____ to the library was last week.

A. I have gone

B. I have been

C. I had been

D. I went

45. Shall I _____ this book back to you?

A. must take

B. ought to bring

C. take

D. bring

46. To drive a car safely it is _____ good brakes.

A. essential with

B. essential having

C. essential to have

D. essential have

47. The old man was _____ asleep in his chair.

A. quite

B. completely

C. well

D. fast

48. There was a terrible traffic jam at rush hour because the traffic lights on the main road were

not _____.

A. going

B. working

C. changing

D. shining

49. I can?t get that new book anywhere, Can I _____ yours for a day or two?

A. lend

B. present

C. borrow

D. offer

50. Mr Smith will be in _____ of arrangements for the end-of- term party.

A. direction

B. management

C. leadership

D. charge

51. The driver might have _____ the accident if he had had his headlights on.

A. missed

B. avoided

C. prevented

D. dismissed

52. Please accept my _____ for not coming to the meeting last week.

A. apologies

B. excuse

C. pardon

D. forgiveness

53. I wouldn?t rush to be on ti me if I were you. John and Jean are _____ to be late as usual!

A. about

B. sure

C. apt

D. soon

54. After waiting so long, she couldn?t _____ crying when she heard the good news.

A. avoid

B. help

C. revent

D. want

55. Smoking is _____ forbidden everywhere in that factory .

A. severely

B. hardly

C. harshly

D. strictly

56. He _____ the whole morning looking for the report, but still couldn?t find it.

A. brought

B. passed

C. had

D. spent

57. She _____ her overcoat, took it off and laid it over a chair.

A. uncovered

B. unbuttoned

C. unwrapped

D. untied

58. The moment they received the warning about a bomb, the police _____ all the families living


A. emptied

B. evacuated

C. let

D. freed

59. The Personnel Manager was _____ for not selecting staff with enough care.

A. accused

B. bothered

C. compelled

D. criticised

60. She has little in _____ with other authors of her generation.

A. common

B. ordinary

C. normal

D. everyday

三、综合填空:(10 %)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出最佳填空答案。

What do you do at the weekend? Some __61__ like to stay at home, but __62__ like to go for a walk or play football. My friend Jack works __63__ a factory during the week. At the weekend he __64__ the same thing. Saturday he __65__ his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to a village __66__ the country. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn?t __67__ but __68__ so much to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give __69__ food. Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they __70__ hungry and Jack?s aunt gives them a big meal.

61. A. one B. ones C. people D. peoples

62. A. another B. other C. others D. other ones

63. A. hard in B. hardly in C. hard on D. hardly on

64. A. makes always B. does always

C. always make

D. always does

65. A. wash B. watch C. washes D. watches

66. A. into B. on C. in D. at

67. A. a big B. one big C. big one D. a big one

68. A. it?s always B. there?s always C. always it?s D. always there?s

69. A. it his B. it its C. them its D. them their]

70. A. all were B. were all C. all are D. are all

四、阅读理解:(30 %)

Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出回答问题的最佳答案。

Passage One

“I enjoy being a twin, “ said Helen. “The teachers at school are never sure who they are talking to!Even our friends don?t know sometimes. Once, just for joke, I let Nicky go out with my boy friend. He didn?t notice anything was different, until they got to the disco. I?m much better dance than Nicky!”

“But there is something I really hate. People think we are halves of the same person. But we?re not! We?re two individuals. That?s why I always wait to see what Nicky?s wearing. Then I put on something else, something completely different.”

“Oh, and I also hate it when people stare at us, when we?re together –as if we were

something out of a circus!”

“We look alike, but we?re more like opposite than twins,” said Helen. “I can?t think of anybody who is more different from me! We?ve got different friends, we like different music and different school subjects. In fact, I can?t think of anything which we both like, except for spaghett i! People often ask us if we?re telepathic. Somebody even asked me, “If I hit you, will your sister feel it?” I can?t think of anything more stupid!

“But perhaps, deep down, we are alike. I?ll always remember when we decide to give our dad a birthday card each, instead of sharing one. We didn?t say anything to each other. We went to different shops, and when we got back, we had exactly the same cards!”

71. Helen and Nicky are _____ .

A. friends.

B. brother and sister.

C. twin brothers.

D. twin sisters.

72. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Helen and Nicky are alike almost in every way.

B. They are always dressed alike.

C. They have the same interest and taste.

D. People are always confused by their appearance.

73. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Nicky?s boyfriend did not know when he was going out with Helen.

B. Helen?s boyfriend did not know when he was going out with Nicky.

C. Nicky was a better dancer than Helen.

D. Helen could dance as well as Nicky.

74. We?re more like oppo site than twins. This means _____ .

A. They are alike in many ways as if they were twins.

B. They are alike in many ways though they are not twins.

C. They are different in many ways though they are twins.

D. They don?t have a lot in common because they ar e twins.

75. What is the one thing Helen and Nicky both like?

A. Music.

B. Cards.

C. Mathematics.

D. Spaghetti.

Passage Two

By the time she got the box open, Nancy was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. Eagerly she removed the cotton surrounding the small object inside the box, and held it up to the light. It glittered and sparkled – made alive by the bright sunlight pouring through the large picture window. Nancy turned the object slowly in her hands, first this way and then that way. It continued to sparkle and shine as if it had a light of its own. She gave a little squeal of delight. Her diamond engagement ring had been found and returned to her, just as that woman on the phone had promised.

For two weeks, Nancy had almost become a nervous wreck after losing the ring on the subway. She had placed ads in the newspaper and over the radio, offering a reward for the return

of the ring. And, she had almost given up hope when the telephone call came.

A kind, elderly female voice informed her that she had found the ring wedged in a seat cushion. She had called, she said, to ascertain the exact address and had promised to return the ring by insured mail the next day. And then she had added sweetly: “There?s no need top send a reward either. I lost my engagement ring once when I was young, and some kind, unknown person returned it to me the next day. I feel I?m only paying back an old debt of gratitude.”

Nancy had thanked the finder profusely and asked her name, but the other woman had said that it wasn?t important. And, now, here was the ring once again in her hand. She slipped it once again on her finger and breathed a huge sigh of relief.

76. What did Nancy find in the box?

A. A small undefined object.

B. An engagement gift an elderly lady sent her.

C. The diamond ring she had lost.

D. A reward for the return of a diamond ring.

77. Did Nancy know what was in the box before she opened it?

A. Yes, she did.

B. No, not at all.

C. Perhaps she did, but she was not sure.

D. Not mentioned in the story.

78. How come she did?

A. She had placed ads in newspaper.

B. She had heard about it over the radio.

C. She had received a phone call from the finder.

D. She had offered a reward for the return of it.

79. Which of the following statements is true?

A. The finder phoned because she was not sure it was Nancy?s ring.

B. The finder had phoned to make sure of Nancy?s exact address.

C. The finder asked for a reward because she had to pay back an old debt.

D. The finder was pleased when Nancy asked her name.

80. Nancy was so excited that she could not contain herself. This means _____ .

A. that Nancy became a nervous wreck

B. that she was unable to hold back her feeling of excitement

C. that she breathed a huge sigh of relief

D. that she thanked the finder profusely

Passage Three

In Kansas City, Missouri, a computer helps firefighters. The computer contains information about every one of the 350,000 street addresses in the city. When a firefighter answers a call, the computer gives him information about the burning building. The computer can give the location of the burning and its size, type and content.

In fact, the computer system has almost unlimited ways of helping firefighters with their problems. For example, it can give medical information about invalids living in the burning building. With this information the firefighters can take special care to find these sick persons and remove them quickly and safely.

The speed of a computer is amazing. Within 2 or 3 seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the firefighters. The information is then sent to them by radio from the computer center in the city hall.

The Kansas City computer system also contains a medical record of each of the city?s 900 firefighters. This kind of information is especially useful when a firefighter in injured. With this medical information doctors of a hospital can treat the injured firefighter more quickly and easily. The firefighters themselves greatly appreciate the help from the computer. They know about possible dangers ahead of them and can prepare for them. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and properties, and sometimes the lives of the firefighters themselves.

81. Which of the following is NOT included in the computer information?

A. The location and the size of a burning building.

B. The type and the content of a burning building.

C. The cause of the fire.

D. The residents? addresses.

82. How is information about a fire sent to the firefighters?

A. By the computer installed in the fire engine.

B. By telephone.

C. By television.

D. By radio

83. How many firefighters are there in Kansas City?

A. 9,000.

B. 900.

C. 800.

D. 3,500.

84. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The computer is of some use in putting out fires.

B. The computer is of great use in finding invalids.

C. The computer is of great use in rescuing injured firefighters.

D. The computer is a great help to firefighters.

85. What can you infer from the passage?

A. Firefighters in Kansas City are more likely to be cured of injuries now than before.

B. Firefighters can do little to help the sick without the computer.

C. The danger for firefighters is sometimes greater than that for people in a burning building.

D. Fires happen frequently in Kansas City.

Referential Key

(Test One)


1. C

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. D

9. A 10. C 二、

21. D 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. D 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. C 41. C 42. D 43. D 44. D 45. C 46. C 47. D 48. B 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. D 56. D 57. B 58. B 59. D 60. A 三、

61. C 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. C 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. D 70. D 四、

71. D 72. B 73. B 74. D 75. D 76. C 77. A 78. C 79. B 80. A 81. C 82. D 83. B 84. D 85. A



一、语音部分:(10 %)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letter combinations marked A. B. C. and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the ONE that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 找出下列每组词中划线部分读音与其它三个单词划线部分读音不同的单词。

1. A. that B. apple C. black D. ache

2. A. lift B. light C. high D. flight

3. A. use B. utter C. cue D. queue

4. A. won B. done C. dozen D. pot

5. A. care B. share C. dare D. are

6. A. court B. courtyard C. source D. sour

7. A. slow B. know C. sow D. how

8. A. fountain B. obtain C. contain D. maintain

9. A. pension B. mission C. procession D. occasion

10. A. smooth B. clothe C. whether D. health

二、语法词汇:(40 %)

Directions: In this section, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出最佳答案。

21. She can?t cook very well, _____?

A. can?t she

B. could she

C. Can she

D. isn?t it

22. Someone left an umbrella in my room . I couldn?t figure out _____ it is.

A. of whom

B. whose

C. of whose

D. who?s

23. _____ going to pay for the telephone bill?

A. Who?s

B. Who will

C. Whose

D. Who are

24. You don?t have to take _____ you coat before you go into the room .

A. on

B. away

C. out

D. off

25. Please turn down the radio. I can?t hear _____ she is saying.

A. nothing

B. anything

C. something

D. everything

26. This watch is no good. I ?d like to have _____

A. other one

B. other

C. another

D. one another

27. He lives quite near the school, _____?

A. hasn?t he

B. isn?t he

C. is it

D. doesn?t he

28. There are a storm and lots of trees _____ down.

A. were blowing

B. were blown

C. were blow

D. are blowing

29. Jane and Tom _____ the door.

A. are walking at

B. walking from

C. walking to

D. are walking to

30. The car is _____ the tree.

A. near of

B. close

C. beside

D. next

31. I?m not looking _____.

A. at sun

B. at sky

C. at the sun

D. at a sky

32. Mary didn?t come to the library yesterday as she usually did. She _____ sick.

A. must be

B. must have a

C. must have been

D. should be

33. Hello! I _____ you were in London. How long have you been here?

A. don?t know

B. hadn?t known

C. haven?t known

D. didn?t know

34. The meeting is _____ tomorrow afternoon.

A. take place

B. taken place

C. to take place

D. to be taken place

35. Don?t put off till tomorrow _____ you can do today.

A. that

B. unless

C. what

D. when

36. It?s _____. Let?s go and take a walk.

A. such a lovely day

B. so nice weather

C. such nice day

D. a very nice weather

37. I have to collect _____ about the subject before I can start writing the paper.

A. more informations

B. little information

C. more information

D. some information

38. I had hoped _____ my letter.

A. her to answer

B. that she answer

C. that she would answer

D. her answer

39. The station? Take the second turning _____

A. to left, then go straight on

B. to the left, then go straight on

C. to left, then go right forward

D. to the left , then go right

40. The man _____ were all office workers.

A. whom I talked

B. to those I talked

C. those I talked to

D. I talked to

41. She _____ the cinema, but her husband doesn?t go with her.

A. used to go

B. usually go alone to

C. often goes to

D. sometimes go alone to

42. Agnes was the first girl _____ when you got here.

A. whom you talked

B. you talked to

C. who you talked

D. who talked you

43. Many parents allow their children _____ own decisions.

A. making their

B. make their

C. to make their

D. to make them

44. Teresa wasn?t the only one in the car. _____.

A. It was another one .

B. It was someone else.

C. There was some other

D. There was someone else

45. Take an umbrella _____ it rains.

A. in any case

B. in case

C. because

D. for

46. I?ve been looking for you _____.

A. somewhere

B. anywhere

C. in all place

D. all over the place

47. Wanda is _____ Jane.

A. a lot pretty than

B. a lot prettier than

C. much more pretty than

D. much pretty than

48. The headmaster has _____to improve the lighting in the school corridors.

A. accepted

B. allowed

C. agreed

D. affirmed

49. The manager asked me if I had had any _____ experience.

A. earlier

B. before

C. preliminary

D. previous

50. I couldn?t understand what he was _____ about.

A. talking

B. Why

C. saying

D. telling

51. I can?t _____ my mind whether to go to Switzerland or Spain for my holiday.

A. make off

B. make up

C. Who

D. make out

52. He used to write to me regularly, but I haven?t _____ from him for two years now.

A. received

B. learned

C. written D heard

53. The _____ for the flat is $140 weekly.

A. hire

B. rent

C. price

D. cost

54. Is he married or _____?

A. alone

B. single

C. free

D. solitary

55. I don?t know how he manages to _____ his family on the small salary he earns.

A. keep

B. retain

C. subsist

D. subsidise

56. He didn?t recognize the woman until she turned round to _____ him.

A. look

B. face

C. stare

D. head

57. The girl?s teachers _____ her to improve her drawing.

A. encouraged

B. insisted

C. made


58. _____ you do, children, please don?t go too near the edge of the cliff.

A. Wherever

B. However

C. Whatever

D. Whenever

59. I shall always _____ not going on a trip to Paris when I had the chance.

A. forget

B. detest

C. resent

D. regret

60. I see my cousin in town _____, but not very often.

A. occasionally

B. scarcely

C. rarely

D. seldom

三、综合填空:(10 %)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出最佳填空答案。

Have you ever had to stay __61__ a long time? I have. About six months ago I __62__ very weak and so I went __63__ a doctor. He looked at me and asked a lot of questions: “Have you been working __64__ ?”“Have you __65__ anything special?” And so on. Finally he __66__ that it was not very serious but that I __67__ not to meet other people. I had to stay in bed for two weeks and take some medicine __68__. It wasn?t so bad because my friends came and talked to me __69__ the window. I?m glad my bedroom is on the __70__ .

61. A. in the bed for B. in the bed since

C. in bed for

D. in the bed ever since

62. A. felt B. filled C. fell D. feel

63. A. and see B. to see C. for see D. for to see

64. A. too hard B. too hardly C. too much hard D. too much hardly

65. A. ate or drank B. ate or drunk

C. eaten or drunk

D. eat or driank

66. A. told B. said me C. told to me D. told me

67. A. ought B. would C. should D. must

68. A. all the days B. every days C. all days D. every day

69. A. through B. along C. though D. across

70. A. flat ground B. ground flat C. floor ground D. ground floor

四、阅读理解:(30 %)

Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 从四个选项中找出回答问题的最佳答案

Passage One

For many years scientists believed that the chimpanzee was the most intelligent animal in the world – not including human beings. But now they are not so sure. Recently they have learned that dolphins are very intelligent too – perhaps more intelligent than chimpanzees.

Many people think that dolphins are fish, but this is not true. Dolphins are different from fish in many important ways. They are mammals. They are warm-blooded, and they cannot stay underwater all the time like fish. They breathe air. They have to come to the surface of the water and take in air every few minutes.

Dolphins live in groups, or schools. Schools of dolphins travel and catch fish together. They use a kind of language to communicate within the group. Scientists do not understand the language, but they know that dolphins can talk to each other and send messages underwater.

Dolphins are very friendly to people, and they are helpful too. A few dolphins have already been trained to do useful things. They carry messages quickly between ships, they find lost objects in the ocean, and they carry equipment underwater to collect information for scientists. In the future dolphins could become the most useful animals in the world.

71. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Intelligent animals.

B. Chimpanzees and dolphins.

C. Chimpanzees.

D. Dolphins.

72. Which of the following are the most intelligent of all?

A. Mammals.

B. Human beings.

C. Chimpanzees.

D. Dolphins.

73. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Dolphins are mammals like chimpanzees.

B. Dolphins can live underwater like fish.

C. Dolphins can communicate with each other, by using a language, like human beings.

D. Dolphins can not survive without breathing air.

74. Dolphins live in schools. This means that _____

A. Dolphins have schools to teach their young ones how to catch fish for food.

B. Young dolphins have to attend their special schools.

C. Young dolphins have to live at schools like children.

D. Dolphins always live together in groups, not individually.

75. What is the one thing dolphins may NOT be able to do?

A. Sending messages.

B. Finding lost objects underwater.

C. Helping scientists carry research equipment underwater.

D. Collecting all necessary information for scientists.

Passage Two

Package holidays, covering a two weeks?stay in an attractive location are increasingly popular, because they offer an inclusive price with few extras. Once you get to the airport, it is up to the tour operator to see that you get safely to your destination. Excursions, local entertainment, swimming, sunbathing, skiing – you name it ---- it?s all laid on for you. There is, in fact, no reason

for you to bother to arrange anything yourselves. You make friends and have a good time, but there is very little chance that you will really get to know the local people. This is even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire time traveling. Of course, there are carefully scheduled stops for you to visit historic buildings and monuments, but you will probably be allowed only a brief stay overnight in some famous city, with a polite reminder to be up and breakfasted early in time for the coach next morning. You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient, but time is always at your elbow. There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend your holiday with a group of people you have never met before, may not like and have no reasonable excuse for getting away from. As against this, it can be argued that for many people, particularly the lonely or elderly, the feeling of belonging to a group, although for a short period on holiday, is an added bonus. They can sit safely back in their seats and watch the world go by.

76. When you go on a package holiday _____

A. you don?t have to arrange anything yourself.

B. you don?t have to pay for any extra activities.

C. you don?t have to follow the tour schedules.

D. you don?t have to travel in an organized group.

77. People going on package holidays _____

A. are unable to amuse themselves.

B. expect to be amused by tour operators.

C. find most of their interests catered for

D. are able to make friends with lots of local people.

78. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. You?re constantly on the move when you are on a coach tour.

B. A coach tour is always exhausting.

C. You don?t get enough sleep on a coach tour.

D. You get no chance to visit historic buildings or monuments in famous cities on a coach tour.

79. …Time is always at your elbow.? This means _____

A. you can take your time visiting a place.

B. you have to spend a lot of time visiting a place.

C. your time is always limited when visiting a place.

D. there is always no time for you to visit any place.

80. In spite of its disadvantages, spending a holiday with a group is good particularly for _____

A. schoolboys and schoolgirls.

B. the lonely or elderly people.

C. newly married young couples.

D. those who always travel by themselves.

Passage Three

Banking began thousands of years ago in very early civilizations. The first bankers were money-changers. They took foreign money from travelers and gave them local coins. They carried the money in special boxes called strong boxes to protect it from robbers. Later, people brought their money to money-changers for protection. Finally, money-changers loaned money to people and charged them interest.

The early Italian bankers worked outdoors on the street. They used a bench for their place of business. In fact, the modern word “bank” comes from an Italian word meaning “bench”.

By the 16th century banks were popular everywhere in Europe. They were family businesses. Kings and other rich people borrowed money from bankers.

In the next century, British bankers were the first people to make paper money. They gave their customers paper notes in exchange for their gold and silver. People liked the paper bank notes because they were easy to carry. After a while, everyone accepted bank notes as money.

The first successful bank in the United States opened in Philadelphia in 1792. Today there are about 14,000 banks in the United States.

81. What did the first bankers do thousands of years ago?

A. They exchanged money with foreign travelers.

B. They loaned local coins to foreign travelers.

C. They kept their money in strong boxes at home.

D. They loaned money to kings and rich people.

82. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The early bankers in Italy worked on the street.

B. The word “bank” comes from the word “bench”.

C. Banking has a long history.

D. Early bankers did business in s small way.

83. Who were the first people to make paper money? And when?

A. Italian bankers, in the 16th century.

B. British bankers, in the 17th century.

C. American bankers, in the 18th century.

D. None of the above.

84. When did banks begin in the United States?

A. In the 16th century.

B. In the 17th century.

C. In the 18th century.

D. In the 19th century.

85. What can you conclude from the passage?

A. Robbery was not serious in early civilizations.

B. European kings were not really rich.

C. The first bankers in the world emerged in Italy.

D. The business of banking has thrived steadily since its beginning.

Referential Key

(Test Two)


1. A

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. D 10. D 二、

11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. C 32. C 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. C 39. B 40. D 41. C 42. B 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A 51. B 52. D 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. A 三、

61. C 62. A 63. B 64. A 65. C 66. D 67. A 68. D 69. A 70. D 四、

71. D 72. B 73. B 74. D 75. D 76. A 77. C 78. D 79. C 80. B 81. A 82. B 83. B 84. C 85. D


高考英语模拟试卷(一) (选自于唐山市2012-2013学年度高三年级第一次摸底考试有改动)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A Everything was put neatly into my suitcase. I’m a flight attendant. I’m so organized, my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store. My h usband’s half of the closet? Ju st thinking about it made my head ache. I carried my suitcase downstairs. Bill was in the kitchen cooking. Looking at the messy kitchen, I shouted, “Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill looked hurt, “What?” I sighed and left for the airport. On my last flight, an elderly couple had the seats in my section. They held hands during takeoff. Later I caught them looking into each other’S eyes. Something about that look was familiar. Then I realized: it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs. I couldn’t resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together”,the man said, “and never take each other for granted.” Her words circled in my head long after we landed. Bill wasn’t perfect. But then, was I? I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness, his ability to see the bright side of every situation 一qualities that ran so much deeper, the reasons I had married him in the first place. I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said. “I miss you too, Kim,” he said. As soon as my flights were over, I rushed home. Bill met me at the door. “I have a surprise for you.” he said and led me into the kitchen. I glanced around the room. He really had worked hard. In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave door, I could see our reflection in it: my husband and I, our smiles glowing with love for each other, just like in our wedding photos. 1. Why did Kim get so angry with her husband? A. She found his weaknesses one morning. B. Sh e didn’t love him any more. C. He left things in an untidy state. D. He turned a deaf ear to her complaints. 2.What’s special about the old couple? A. They never quarreled with each other. B. They often made fun of each other. C. They kept their love so fresh. D. They took each other for granted. 3..Kim changed her attitude towards her husband after _____. A. she realized Bill wasn’t perfect B. she got inspired by the old couple C. her husband had cleaned up the kitchen D. they had their wedding photos taken 4..The best title of the passage might be _____. A. Love You, Love Your Mess B. Love is Blind, Love is Messy C The Wedding Photos D. A Loving Old Couple B The Year in Miracles: Inspirational Quotes These miracle (奇迹)stories inspired us with their heroes, amazing acts of kindness, and moments of grace. ?Walking home from work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52,heard screaming and saw seven-year-old Keyla McCree standing on top of an air-conditioning unit outside the window of her third-floor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (腱)in St. Bernard’s shoulder; the


高中英语学考模拟试卷(三) 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分。共10分) 1. Each of us has to write a _______ report every three weeks. A. two-thousand-words B. two-thousand-word C. two-thousands-word D. two-thousands-words 2. There’s no differences between the two words. I really don’t know _______. A. what to choose B. which to choose C. to choose which D. to choose what 3. Your ideas are very interesting, but we need _______ suggestions to get us out of the mess. A. traditional B. similar C. exciting D. practical 4. We won’t give up_______ we should fail ten times. A. even if B. since C. whether D. until 5. –Which do you like best among the poems? --I like _______. A. one B. either C. none D. any 6. Many things _______ impossible in the past are quite common today. A. considered B. was considered C. to be considered D. having considered 7. I will always remember the year _______ we worked and studied in the countryside. A. which B. that C. / D. when 8. Weather report says that tomorrow will_______ cloudy. A.turn into B. turn up C. turn in D. turn out 9. –I find _______ environment is getting worse and worse. --Yes, that is because we human go against _______ nature. A. the;the B. the; / C. an; the D. /; the 10. –Do you mind if I sit here? --_______. It’s for Mr. Brown. A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) When I was young,I wished for a good car and a big house.That was my idea of success.I took all the advanced classes and tired to do well _11_ the exams with my mind set on going to a key school. I just knew that I would soon become famous and be able to afford the car and the dream _12_. All the way through junior years, my mind was _13_ this beautiful future. Then in the eleventh grade, many _14_ changed my mind. First, one of my friends _15_ at 16. Soon after, my great-grandmother passed away, _16_ by my beloved fourth-grade teacher . These events made me not knowing what to do or where to go. Death had never touched me so _17_. After a long period of emptiness, it finally struck me: Life is not promised and _18_ is future success. If I was attempting to achieve material success, I was not _19_ my daily life. I realized that finding inner peace, purpose and happiness will stick with me forever and that is real success. Enjoying life’s precious qui rks(偶发事件) _20_ an ordinary person more successful than a wealthy person who isn’t _21_ and takes everything for granted. The summer before senior years, my life changed greatly. Instead of memorizing facts, I began learning skill. Instead of focusing on the _22_ , I focused on today and the many blessings and successes that came with it. I still get excellent grades, but now I _23_ weeks to studying instead of struggling for exams, and I _24_ the future with a deeper sense of meaning. For me, being successful means truly living life each _25_. 11.A.about B.with C.in D.for 12.A.study B.future C.success D.house 13.A.doing B.planning C.describing D.thinking 14.A.losses B.people C.failures D.stories 15.A.left B.graduated C.came D.died



高考会考对接 全国高中会考 精选活页试题 英语 西藏人民出版社

内容简介 会考试题难度要求虽与高考有差距,但考核范围全面、接近,对参加会考和高考均有助益。在总复习前或初期测练会考试题,以及中差生,尤其是艺术类考生,测练会考试题都是 十分有效的。 本书收录了10套各省市优秀会考试题及对接高考的模拟试题,科目包括:语文、英语、数学、物理、化学、生物、政治、历史、地理。 全国高中会考精选活页试题 丛书名:高考会考对接 开本:16 字数:380千 印张: 出版日期:2004年9月 标准书号:ISBN 7-223-01567-5/G·674 定价:元(全9册,每册元)

目录 1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考(1) 2.北京市2004年春季普通高中毕业会考(9) 3.浙江省2004年高中证书会考试卷(17) 4.山东省2004年普通高中毕业会考(25) 5.广东省2004年春季普通高中毕业考试(33) 6.山西省七地市2004年普通高中毕业考试(41) 7.安徽省2004年普通高中毕业会考(49) 8.湖南省郴州市2004年普通高中毕业会考(57) 9.青海省2004年6月份普通高中会考(65) 10.北京市2004年普通高等学校高职班招生统一考试(73)参考答案(81) 全国教辅畅销书排行前列 ●搜狐教育推荐图书 ●全国400万考生使用的书 ●《中国教育报》等90多家媒体推荐用书

1.北京市2004年夏季普通高中毕业会考 英语 本试卷包括第Ⅰ卷、第Ⅱ卷。考试时间90分钟。满分100分。 第Ⅰ卷(共70分) 一、听力理解(共15小题,15分) 第一节:听下面七段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第1题。 1.Wher e will the woman go this year A.New York. B.London. C.Paris. 听下面一段对话,回答第2题。 2.Wh a t time do e s the sc h ool bus leave A.At7:10 B.At7:20. C.At7:30. 听下面一段对话,回答第3题。 3.Wh a t is the man doing A.Worki n g in a hotel. B.Traveling around. C.Visiti n g a young couple. 听下面一段对话,回答第4题至第6题。 4.Wher e are the t w o speakers A.In the street. B.At the C.Neat a h i gh sc h ool. 5.Wher e does the man wa n t to go A.The town hall. B.King Street. C.Apple Street. 6.Wh a t does the woma n advise the man to do A.Walk there. B.Take a bus. C.Read a map. 听下面一段对话,回答第7题至第9题。 7.Wh a t is the relationship between the speakers A.Neighbors. B.Family membe r s. C.Friends. 8.Wh e n does the conversation take place A.In the morning. B.In the eve n i n g. C.At midn i gh t. 9.Why is the woman a n gry A.The man speaks too much. B.The music is too loud. C.Some policemen will come. 听下面一段对话,回答第10题至第12题。 10.Wher e is Mary from A.B.Br i tai n.C.Ca n a d a. 11.Wh a t hit Ma r y


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.


高中学业水平合格性考试模拟测试卷(五) (时间:90分钟满分:150分) Ⅰ.情景交际(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下列简短对话,从A,B,C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 1.—It seems that Ann doesn't like the bag you bought for her the other day. —________? I have been told she is desperate for one of that style. A.If so B.How come C.So what D.What if 解析:A.If so“如果这样”;B.How come“怎么会”;C.So what“那又怎样”;D.What if“倘若”。句意:——好像安不喜欢你前天为她买的包。——怎么会?我被告知她十分想要这种风格的。 答案:B 2.—Try not to work yourself too hard.Take it easy. —Thanks.________ A.So what? B.No way. C.What for? D.You too. 解析:A.So what“那又怎样”;B.No way“没门”;C.What for“为了什么”;D.You too “你也一样”。句意:——工作不要那么拼命。慢慢来。——谢谢。你也一样。根据句意可知,对方劝答话人工作不要太拼命,要慢慢来。说话人表示感谢,并希望对方也这样。 答案:D 3.—I'd like to have a picnic tomorrow. —________We're too busy these days. A.Forget it. B.So what? C.That's all right. D.It's a pleasure. 解析:句意:——明天我想去野餐。——不行,这些天我们很忙。A.Forget it“算了吧”;B.So what“那又怎样”;C.That's all right“好吧”;D.It's a pleasure“不客气”。根据下句“We're too busy these days”,可知选A项。 答案:A 4.—Mary's been offered a job in a university,but she doesn't want to take it. —________? It's a very good chance. A.Guess what B.So what


2018年辽宁省普通高中学业水平考试模拟试卷 英语 (本试卷分第I 卷和第II 卷,考试时间90 分钟,满分100分) 第I 卷(选择题满分60分)第一部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2分,满分40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A It was Christmas Eve, 1881. I was 15 years oldand feeling like the world was over for me. Ididn 't have enough money to buy myself thegift that I had wanted that year. Dad came back in and there was ice in hisbeard. “You've been by widow (寡 妇) Smith ' shouse rec ently?" he asked. Ms. Smith livedtwo miles down the road. Her husband had died and left her with three children. “I rode by just today ” Dad continued. “ Little Jack was out looking for wood.They must be out of wood, Tom. ” Wef illed our sled (雪橇) high with wood.Then we went to the store and Dad bought some food, and a smaller pair of shoes. I triedto think through what Dad was doing. I knew we didn 't have much money ,so why Dadwas buying them so many things 。 Weg ot to the Smith ' s house and went in; “Web rought you a few things, madam”, Dad said, and put down the bag of food on the table.Then Dad handed Ms. Smith the pair ofshoes. She bit her lower lip to keep itfrom trembling (发抖), and then tears filled hereyes and started running down her cheek My throat seemed to be filled withsomething, and there were tears in my eyes, too. Just then my dream gift seemed very unimportant. Dad had given me the look Ms. Smith ' s face and the smiles of hert hree children. He had given me the best Christmas of my life. 1.Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. A Poor Life of A Woman. B.A Spirit of Sharing. C. Father and Son. D. Real Gift at Christmas. 2.The writer was not happy on ChristmasEve in 1881 because ___________ . A.he was worried that his father was stillnot back B.it was the beginning of a new year andhe didn 't want to grow up C.he couldn 't have the Christmas gift he wanted D.he didn 't want to go out in the cold 3.The father decided to help the Smithsbecause _____________ . A.he learned from Ms. Smith about hertrouble B.he saw the little child looking for woodout in the cold C.he realized Ms. Smith had to raisethree children D. he saw their neighbors were not nice orhelpful 4.How did Ms. Smith feel when the dadhanded her the pair of shoes? A.Surprised. B. Moved. C. Excited. D. Worried. 5.What did the writer learn from thatChristmas? A.Helping those in need makes us feel good.

2021年高中会考英语试题 含答案

2021年高中会考英语试题含答案 一、听力(20分):略 二、单选填空(共15小题,15分,每小题1分) 21. No matter how busy he is, Tom makes ______ a rule to see his grandparents every weekend. A this B that C it D him 22. Tom is ______ fantastic musician. I’m absolutely certain that his next concert will be ______ success. A the , a B the , 不填 C a , a D a , 不填 23. The purpose of the article is to draw public attention ______ the traffic problem. A to B on C in D for 24. –What do you think of your new ipad? --Good. I can’t find a ______ one. A worst B best C worse D better 25. Whenever you ______ a present, you’d better think about it from the receiver’s preference. A bought B buy C will buy D have bought 26. You will never be successful _____ you are fully devoted to you work. A because B unless C if D when


人教版高一英语必修2模拟试卷(1) 第一卷选择题(共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第1段材料,回答1至4题。 1. Why did the man get a new TV? A. TV is on sale. B. He loves big TV. C. His old TV doesn't work. 2. How much does the man pay for the new TV? A. $1,200. B. $1,250. C. $2, 400. 3. What does the woman think of the new TV? A. It is a bargain. B. It is too expensive. C. It is well worth the money. 4. What will the man probably do after the conversation? A. He will be eager to watch TV. B. He will look for a cheaper television. C. He will return the television to the store. 听第2段材料,回答5至7题。 5. When will John leave the airport? A. 8:00. B. 18:00. C. 20:00. 6. How long will John stay in Japan? A. 7 days. 13. 8 days. C. 14 days. 7. Why does John go to Japan? A. Because he needs a good rest. B. Because he likes Japanese food. C. Because he prefers camping on the beach. 听第3段材料,回答8至10题。 8. How will Kate travel to the New York city? A. She will ride with Jack's brother. B. She will drive her own car. C. She will take a train. 9. Where did Kate and Laura meet? A. At a concert. B. On a train. C. At a camp.


高中学业水平合格性考试模拟测试卷(二) (时间:90分钟满分:150分) Ⅰ.情景交际(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下列简短对话,从A,B,C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 1.—I will have a math test tomorrow. —________. A.Good luck B.Thank you C.Well done D.The same to you 解析:句意:——我明天要参加数学测试。——祝你好运。根据语境,对方要参加考试,推断说话人表示祝愿,故选A。 答案:A 2.—Anything serious with my leg,doctor? —________.Nothing serious,as a matter of fact. A.Take your time B.Forget it C.Take it easy D.Good luck 解析:根据“Nothing serious”可知,医生在安慰病人,故选C项。Take it easy表示“别紧张,放松”。 答案:C 3.—Shall we ask Diana if she'd like to join in the party tonight? —________.I'd like her to join us. A.As you wish B.You're welcome C.Hurry up D.Not likely 解析:句意:“我们要不要问一下戴安娜今天晚上愿不愿意参加晚会?”“如你所愿,我希望她能加入我们。”As you wish“如你所愿”,符合句意。You're welcome“不客气”;Hurry up“快点儿”;Not likely“不可能”。 答案:A 4.—Shall we drop in at the Williams' on our way home,dear? —________.Time permitting,we will. A.By all means B.It makes no difference C.Forget it D.It depends 解析:根据空后的“Time permitting,we will”可判断用“It depends”,其含义为“视情况而定”。


英语会考模拟试卷 二、单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 16.Paris is ___most beautiful city,where you can see___famous Eiffel Tower.A.a;the B.a; 不填C.the;a D.不填;the 17. The corn powder with two other things _______ water to make all kinds of good. A. are mixed with B. is mixed with C. are mixed by D. is mixed by 18. Maria has to baby-sit.That’s___she can’t come out with us. A. why B. how C. when D. what 19. People often want to know what my job is.Often I___that question. A. ask B. am asking C. get asked D. get asking 20. Jim talked for about half an hour yesterday. Never ______ him talk so much. A.I heard B. did I hear C.I had heard D. had I heard 21. —Did you visit the famous museum? —No. We _____ it, but we spent too much time shopping. A. could have visited B. must have visited C. can’t have visited D. shouldn’t have visited 22.We didn’t plan to meet. We met ________ in the street. A. by the way B. by chance C. on purpose D. in surprise 23.The motorcycle competition in the desert, ________ lasted ten days, is over now. A. it B. where C. which D. that 24.---I heard Back Street Boys will sing at the New Theater. ---Where did you ________? A. pick that up B. put that up C. make that up D. take that up 25.—This bag is perfect. Miss, how much does it cost? —________, but I don’t work here. A.I don’t know B. I’m sorry C. Maybe very dear D. You can’t afford it 三、完形填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why, you 26 ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some 27 , bee-keepers and farmers used to 28 small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and 29 the box with honeycomb. 30 , there was no way of getting the honey out 31 killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical 32 the box in order to kill the bees and then take the honey. Now, bee-keepers 33 beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden 34 with spaces between them 35 can be lifted out. In later summer, the squares, which are now 36 of honeycomb are lifted out. The squares are put in 37 special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round 38 this 39 out the honey. Then the honey is collected and 40 jars. After that the empty squares are returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year. 26. A. need B. may C. should D. must 27. A. honey B. bees C. honeycomb D. space 28. A. put in B. put away C. put off D. put out 29. A. fill B. cover C. supply D. satisfy 30. A. Still B. And C. However D. So 31. A. for B. in C. by D. without 32. A. on B. close to C. in the front of D. far from 33. A. want B. take C. use D. expect 34. A. squares B. boxes C. sticks D. bowls 35. A. many B. they C. it D. which 36. A. full B. filled C . afraid D. emptied


Weekly practice 1 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Thanks for signing up for the 2014 Black Friday Turkey Trot! This email will provide some basics about the race and some great news! First, your race packet ( 参赛物品包 ) is ready and can be picked up at the Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa location you ’ve specified during registration. Tuesday, 10 am to 8 pm (Fleet Feet Kings Point) Tuesday, 10 am to 7 pm (Fleet Feet Blue Dome) Wednesday, 10 am to 5 pm (both stores, closing early for Thanksgiving) Packets can also be picked up on the race day at BOK Center, beginning at 8:30 am. Race Start Times 1) 5 mile, 8:30 am2) 1 mile fun run, 9:30 am Parking There is surface parking to the east of the BOK Center, and some surface parking to the west of the Convention Center. Many lots will be pay-lots. Please pay attention to the signs. We suggest arriving early to find parking. Racing Timing The 5 km run will be timed using the BIB-TAG system. Your race number will have a timing device attached to the back of the race number; don’t remove or bend this device. Simply wear the Bib on the front of your body on the outside of your clothing so it is visible and facing forward. You don’t need to return the Bib, which is disposable. The Turkey Trot is also a kick-off event for our weekend long“FITNATIC” celebration---we also have a huge number of events and specials all weekend. For more information, please visit you on Friday. 21. Where should a runner go to pick up his packet at 8:30 am on Friday? A. Kings Point. B. Convention Center. C. Blue Dome D. BOK Center 22. How long will the FITNATIC celebration last? A. Seven days. B. Five days C. Two days D. One day. 23. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To attract sports fans to apply for the activity. B. To inform the race participants of the activity. C. To describe details related to the activity. D. To collect money for the parking-lots. B More than billion cups of coffee are drunk throughout the world each day, and it’s likely that many taste bitter. Now, a new study suggests that coffee fans can make their drink sweeter by changing the color of their cups. Researchers from Oxford set out to prove whether the claim that coffee drunk from a white cup tastes biter was true. They used 36 volunteers and three different colored cups---blue, white and transparent glass--- to examine the claim. In one experiment, the white cup increased the intensity (浓度) of the coffee taste relative

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