当前位置:文档之家› 入学申请表格






申请人(中文/英文) 姓 名

Applicant’s Name (Chinese/English)

申请编号Application No.


10 copies of


注:此表格中所填写的学生资料仅作为课程申请使用并将予以保密。 Note: Students’ particulars are solely for the purposes of completing course submission and will be kept strictly confidential.

MOE Registration No.3067

FYIT Singapore

135 Middle Road, Bylands Building, #03-01, Singapore 188975

Tel: (65) 6336 3878 Fax: (65)6338 1078

E-mail: marketing@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0513814739.html,.sg

Note 注意事项

Please read our brochure before filling in this form. Applications must be based on true facts. We reserve the right to disqualify the applicant on failure to do so. If you need to check on your application status, please quote your Application No. (Your Application No. will be stated in the Letter of Acceptance)



* Declaration: I understand and agree to the standard student contract conditions for the application for a student pass and hereby declare that all information supplied is true without any deliberate omission. I have read the brochure and standard student contract and have understood the course structure, course requisites/pre-requisites, application procedure and fee payment details. If my application is approved, I will complete the said course of the school, and will comply with the rules and regulations of the school, the standard student contract and the Singapore Government. If I do not complete the said course, I will cancel my Student Pass with the Singapore Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA) within 1 week, process my School Leaving Procedure and return back to my country.



取后来新就读但未能完成全部课程,会在一周之内到新加坡移民厅取消本院学生证,并办理离校手续回国。 Signature of Applicant 学生签名 Date日期

一、 Course Selection 课程选择*

1. Degree Courses 学位课程

Edge Hill University, UK英国艾芝西尔大学 BA (Hons) Business and Management 企业管理学士 三年制本科 专升本 Edge Hill University, UK英国艾芝西尔大学 BSc (Hons) Engineering Management



University of Teesside, UK英国蒂赛德大学 BA (Hons) Int’l Business Management 国际商务学士 专升本 University of Sunderland, UK英国桑德兰大学 BSc (Hons) Computing 计算机及应用学士

三年制本科 专升本

Griffith University, Australia

澳大利亚格里菲斯大学 (Third year in Australia.) London Metropolitan University, UK 英国伦敦城市大学 (Third year in UK.)

Bachelor of Commerce Majoring in Accounting 财务会计商学士

Bachelor of Commerce Majoring in Banking 银行金融商学士

Bachelor of Business Majoring in Management 管理学商学士 BA Business Administration 工商管理学士

BA Business and Marketing 市场营销学士

BA Accounting and Business 企业会计学士

2. Diploma / Higher Diploma Courses 大专 / 高级大专文凭课程 大专 高级大专

Computing & Application计算机及其应用

Internet Computing 计算机互联网技术

Computer/Video Game 计算机/视频游戏

Mobile/Wireless Application 移动/无线应用技术

Database Systems 数据库系统

Computer & Information Management计算机信息管理 Computer Networking & Software Application 计算机网络与软件应用

Decoration Art Design 装潢艺术设计专业

Environment Art Design 环境艺术设计专业

English/Chinese Translation & Interpretation英/中翻译与口译 Business Administration 工商管理专业


Banking & Finance银行与金融



International Trade 国际贸易专业

Logistic Management 物流管理专业

Hospitality Mgt 国际酒店管理专业

Travel & Tourism Mgt国际旅游管理专业 Journalism 新闻传播专业

Business Chinese 商务华文

3. Certificate Courses 其它证书课程

Immersion & Exchange Program 3-6月短期交流项目

IT 计算机信息技术 Tourism & Hospitality旅游酒店管理 Logistics 物流管理 Business 工商管理 English Courses 英语强化课程

Progressive English进级英语强化 Preparatory English 入学英语强化

Chinese Courses 华文强化课程

Business Chinese 商务华文 Chinese Communication 华文沟通技巧

* Degree courses under Fei Yang International Technology (S) Pte Ltd


Name 姓名 I/C No. 身份证号码

Date Of Birth 出生日期

Nationality 国籍

Designation 职务



Chinese 中文 Father 父亲 English 英文

Chinese 中文 Mother 母亲

English 英文

Chinese 中文 Family`s Particulars (Including Deceased) 家庭背景资料、含已故者

Brother /Sister 兄弟/ 姐妹

English 英文

三、Please submit the following documents together with this application form 以下文件资料须与本申请表一同呈交

Application form for Student’s Pass (2 original copies) 移民厅学生准证申请表(两份原件)

1 Parents’ original marriage certificate (If one of the parents is Singapore citizen or PR)

1份父母结婚公证书原件 (如父母有一方为新加坡公民 或永久居民, 需提交此文件)

1 Original Birth Certificate 1份申请者出生公证书原件 1 Original highest qualification certificate 1份最高学历公证书原件

1 Original transcripts 1份成绩公证书原件

1 Certificate of deposit of RMB150,000 or equivalent 1份15万元人民币或等值外币定期六个月银行存款证 明原件

1 Applicant’s certificate of marriage (if one of the couple is Singapore citizen or PR)

1份申请者结婚公证书(若一方为新加坡公民或永久居 民,需提交此文件)

1 Studying Plan 1 份留学申请书 1 Personal resume


Employment letter including salaries, positions and working years of the

applicant (if applicable) and the parents 1份个人及父母工作职务收入状况表 1 photocopy of IC of applicant and his/her parents, brothers and sisters 1份父母兄弟姐妹及个人身份证或户籍 证复印件

10 passport-sized current photos 护照型近照10张

1 photocopy of passport (If any) 1份护照复印件(若有)

Employment certificate 工作经历证明书 ? Recommendation letter 工作机构推荐信

学院审查 文件记录

? 为硕士课程申请者需多提供的文件

For Local Students Only 本地学生转入本院专用

School Attended In Singapore 转校前就读的学校名称

Date of Enrollment 入校时间 Course 所修课程 Student’s Pass No. 学生准证号

Have you ever applied to another school before?

是否已转学过其他学校 Yes 是 No 否 Have you ever been refused an application for student pass?

是否被拒签过 Yes 是 No 否

For Official Use Only 本院专用

Date 日期

Receipt No 收据号码

Amount 金额

Condition 摘要

Person in Charge 经手人

Student’s Application Record 学生申请过程记录

程序 Procedure

日期 Date 寄出文件

Documents sent to applicants

日期 Date 接收申请文件 Receipt of documents 标准合约 Standard Student Contract 申请文件审查 Documents checking

录取通知书 Acceptance letter

申请文件递交移民厅 Submission to ICA 补充材料通知 Notice for more documents 收到移民厅批准/拒签通知 Receipt of result 批文/签证 Approval letter/Entry Visa 领取入境签证 Entry visa collection

报到通知书 Registration procedure

签证申请表填写说明 (2)

1.Familienname(姓) 填写姓,与护照上保持一致 bei Frauen: Geburtsname(女性填写出生姓) 我们不用填写 2.V ornamen(名) 填写名,与护照上保持一致 3.Geburtstag(出生日期) 填写出生日期,与护照上保持一致 4.Geburtsort(出生地) 填写出生地,与护照上保持一致 5. Staatsangehoerigkeit(en)(国籍) a) jetzige(当前的国籍),填写国籍,VR China b) fruehere(过去的国籍),不用填写或也填VR China 6.Familienstand(家庭状况) 划去不符合的项,ledig(未婚),verheiratet seit(自...起已婚),geschieden(离异),verwitwet(丧偶) 7. Ehegatte(配偶)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) Geburtsname(bei Frauen)(女性填写出生姓) V ornamen(名) Geburtstag(出生日期) Geburtsort(出生地) Staatsangehoerigkeit(国籍) Wohnort(居住地) 第7项不填 8. Kinder(子女)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) V ornamen(名) Geburtstag u. -ort(出生日期和出生地) Staatsangehoerigkeit(国籍) Wohnort(居住地) 第8项不填 9. Vater des Antragstellers(申请者的父亲)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name(姓) V ornamen(名) 10. Mutter des Antragstellers(申请者的母亲)*)注:即使此人身在国外也须填写本项 Name/Geburtsname(姓,出生姓)


申根签证申请表填写样本 在线申根签证申请表从本馆网站“赴德须知—签证规定—签证申请表格—在线申根签证申请表”或直接从hp://visdiplde网站下载 选择语言(目前可选语言仅为德语和英语),点击“k”确认 仔细阅读在线填表信息并点击“eie”继续 仔细阅读领区划分信息并点击“eie”继续 点击“Neung”图标打开新申请,如曾将申请表存入电脑,则从硬盘下载申请表 填表说明(按项目编号排列) 1 申请者姓(如“Wng”) 曾用姓(没有则不填,勿填“-”或“NO”) 3 申请者名(与护照一致) 4 申请者出生日期(日/月/年) 5 不填 6 出生地点(与护照一致);出生国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 目前国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 8 最初国籍(通常为中国即“Chin”) 9 性别(选择) 1婚姻状况(选择) 11父亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 1母亲姓名(填字母,勿填撇号'如Pei'n、连接号-、斜线号/或句号等标点符号。父母姓名必须填写,无论在世与否。) 13护照类型(选择;因公护照选“ndees Reisedkuen”,填写PASSPORT FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS)14护照号码(仔细填写。勿将数字1误写为字母l) 15签发国家(通常为中国即“Chin”) 16签发日期(日/月/年) 1有效期至(日/月/年,护照须至少还有六个月有效) 18不填 19目前职业 工作单位或学生就读学校地址、电话; 1主要目的地(通常为德国即“Deushlnd”) 签证类型(通常为短期居留即“Kuzufenhl”) 3签证(为个人签证即“Einzelvisu”) 4入境次数(通常为一次入境即“einlige Eineise”) 5居留时间(填入计划居留天数,至多“9”)(以市外办批件天数为准) 6曾获签证及年份(国名用缩写,如BNL 、USA 、D 4、UK 3) 不填 8曾在申根国家居留(用缩写,同上) 9旅行目的(选择) 3到达日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 31离开日期(日/月/年,护照须在居留期满后至少还有三个月有效) 3首次入境地(法兰克福“Fnkfu”、慕尼黑“Münhen”或其他申根国家机场) 33交通工具(通常为飞机即“Flugzeug”) 34邀请人姓名/单位名称、电话和传真号码、详细地址(包括邮编和城市如8519 Münhen)、

韩国签证申请表(CN, EN)

■?????????? [???17???] (第1页/ Page1) 大韩民国签证申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA <申请表填写指引> ?申请人必须如实、完整、准确地填写本表格。 ?请逐项在空白处用韩文或中·英文填写。 ?请在相应的[ ]内打√选择。 ?如选择“其他”,请详细说明。 ?You must fill out this form completely and correctly. ?You must write in block letters either in English or Korean. ?For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply. ?If you select‘Other’, please provide us with more information in the given space. 1.8是否曾用别名入境韩国或从韩国出境? Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea? 否No [ ] 是Yes [ ] →如是,请详细说明If‘Yes’please provide details (姓Family Name , 名Given Name ) 1.9是否拥有双重国籍?Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 否No [ ] 是Yes [ ] →如是,请详细说明If‘Yes’please write the countries ( ) < ??????? >


申根签证申请表 Demande de visa Schengen 此表免费 Ce formulaire est gratuit (x) Les données des cases 1 à 3 doivent correspondre aux données figurant sur le document de voyage.

欧盟、欧洲经济区或者瑞士公民的家属(配偶、子女或有赡养关系的长辈)不必回答带有 * 标记的问题。欧盟、欧洲经济区或者瑞士公民的家属必须提交证明其亲属关系的文件并填写No.34和No.35。 Les rubriques assorties d’un * ne doivent pas être remplies par les membres de la famille de ressortissants de l’Union européenne, de l’EEE ou de la Confédération suisse (conjoint, enfant ou ascendant dépendant) dans l’exercice de leur droit à la libre circulation. Les membres de la famille de ressortissants de l’Union européenne, de l’EEE ou de la Confédération suisse doivent présenter les documents qui prouvent ce lien de parenté et remplissent les cases nos 34 et 35


签证申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA ※签证发给认定号码[反签号] (CONFIRMATION OF VISA ISSUANCE NO. ) : 照片 PHOTO 3.5㎝× 4.5㎝1.姓(拼音)Surname 3.汉字姓名 4.性别Gender [ ]M [ ]F 2.名(拼音) Given Names 5.出生日期Date of Birth 6.国籍Nationality 7.出生地点Country of Birth 8.现住所Home Address 9.固定电话号码Phone NO.10.手机号码Cell Phone 11.电子邮箱 E-mail 12.身份证号National Identity Number 护照Passport 13.护照号码Passport NO.14.护照类型 Classification外交, 公务, 公务普通, 因私, 其他 DP, OF OF, OR, OTHERS 15.签发地点Place of Issue16.签发日期 Date of Issue17.有效期至Date Of Expiry 职业Occupation 18.职业Occupation19.单位电话Business Phone NO. 20.单位名称Name of Present Employer 单位地址Address of Present Employer 婚姻状况Martial status 21.[ ]未婚 Single [ ]已婚 Married [ ]丧偶 Widowed [ ]离婚 Divorced 22.配偶者姓名Spouse's Name23.配偶者出生日期S p o u s e's D a t e o f B i r t h 24.配偶者国籍Spouse's Nationality25.配偶者联系电话Spouse's TEL 26.赴韩目的Purpose of Entry27.在韩停留时间Potential Length of Stay 28.预定赴韩日期Potential Date of Entry29.过去有无访韩经历Previous Visit (If Any) 有无 30.韩国内停留地Address in Korea31.韩国内联系电话Phone NO. in Korea 32.此次赴韩费用支付者Who Will Pay For The Expense For Your Stay? 33.最近5年内旅行过的国家Countries You Have Traveled During The Past 5 Years 34. 同伴家族 Accompanying Family 关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender 35. 韩国内担保人 Guarantor or Reference in Korea 关系 Relationship国籍 Nationality姓名 Name出生日期 Date of Birth性别 Gender I declare that the statements made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I will observe the provisions of the Immigration Law of the Republic of Korea and that I will not engage in any activities irrelevant to the purpose of entry stated herein. Besides, I am fully aware that any false or misleading statement may result in the refusal of a visa, and that possession of a visa does not entitle the bearer to enter the Republic of Korea upon arrival at the port of entry if he/she is found inadmissible. 收入印纸(签证邮票)粘贴处??????? 申请日D A T E O F A P P L I C A T I O N申请人署名S I G N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A N T ???FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B/L: ?????: ??????: ???: ????: ??: ????S D M ???? ???????? ???????? ?????? ???·? ????? : ???? :


外国人签证申请表 VISA APPLICATION FORM Name in English(as it appears in your passport) 中文姓名国籍 Name in Chinese(if applicable) Nationality 性别男□女□职业 Sex M F Occupation 出生日期年月日出生地_ Date of birth yr mth day Place of birth 2. 护照或证件种类普通□外交□公务(官员)□其他 Type of passport or certificate Ordinary Diplomatic Service (official) Others 护照或证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate Number Valid until yr mth day 3. 境外常住住址: Address of applicant in resident country 境外联系电话: telephone number of applicant in resident country 4. 使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in passport 姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系 Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant 5. 申请签证种类Type of visa you are applying for F 商务□ G 过境□C乘务□ Business Transit crew L 探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□ Visiting relatives sight seeing For other private purposes 6. 申请签证的有效次数和有效期 Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for 入境次数一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Entries One Two Multiple Valid until yr mth day 7. 申请其他证件Applying for other certificate 外国人出入境证□其他□ Alien’s Exi-Entry Permit Others


请使用英文填写 Revised 01 February 2002 FOREIGN SERVICE OF THE PHILIPPINES PHILIPPINE CONSULATE GENERAL, SHANGHAI APPLICATION FOR NON-IMMIGRANT VISA 非移民签证申请表 TO BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ENGLISH 中间名 Sex/性别:( ) Male/ 男 ( ) Female/ 女 Name/ Surname/ 姓 First Name/ 名 Middle Date of Birth/ 出生日期: Citizenship/国籍: Place of Birth/ 出生地: Civil Status/ 婚姻状况: ( ) Single/ 未婚 ( ) Married/ 已婚 ( ) Widowed/ 寡鳏 ( ) Separated/ 分居 ( ) Divorced/ 离婚 If married, state name and address of the spouse/ 如果已婚,请陈述配偶姓名及地址: Applicants address/ 申请人地址: Since/ 自: Occupation/ 职业: Since/ 自: Telephone No/ 电话: Name and ages of Children, if any/ 如果有,请陈述小孩的姓名及年龄: 母亲名: Name/ Father’s Name/ 父亲名: Mother’s Description of Passport or Travel Document/ 护照或旅行证件说明: Type/ 种类: _____________Number/ 号码: ___________ Issued by/ 签发地: _________________ Date of Issue/ 签发日期: _______________Valid until/ 有效期至: _________________________ Port of Entry/ 入境口岸: ______________ Purpose of Entry/ 入境目的: _______________ Length of Stay/ 停留多久: ____________ Other persons travelling with the Applicants under the same Passport or Travel Document: 是否有其他人与申请人一起使用同一本护照或旅行证件出境 Address in the Philippines/ 在菲律宾的地址:


赴日签证申请表 国籍 曾有国籍(如有) 身份证号码 护照:外交□公务□普通□其他□ 护照号码 签发地点签发日期 (年)/(月)/(日)签发机关有效日期 (年)/(月)/(日)赴日目的 预计在日停留时间~ 到达日本日期 入境口岸船舶或航空公司名称 申请人在日拟入住的酒店名称或友人姓名及住址 酒店名称或友人姓名电话 地址 上次赴日日期及停留时间 家庭地址(如有多处居住地,请全部都写上) 地址 电话手机 工作单位名称及地址 名称电话 地址 目前职位 *配偶所从事的职业(如果申请人是未成年人,请填写父母的职业) 在日担保人(请填写担保人的详细内容) 姓名电话 地址 出生日期性别:男□女□(年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务 国籍及签证种类 在日邀请人(如保证人和邀请人是同一个人,请写“同上”) 姓名电话

地址 出生日期性别:男□女□(年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务 国籍及签证种类 *备注/其他需特殊声明的事项(如有) 是否: ●在任何国家曾被判决有罪是□否□ ●在任何国家曾被判处一年或一年以上徒刑** 是□否□ ●在任何国家曾因非法滞留或违反该国法律法规而被驱逐出境是□否□ ●因违反任何国家关于取缔毒品、大麻、鸦片、兴奋剂或精神药物的法律法规被 判刑** 是□否□ ●从事卖淫活动或曾为卖淫中介、拉客,或曾为卖淫或其他与卖淫有直接联系的 活动提供场所是□否□ ●有过贩卖人口的经历或教唆或协助他人从事贩卖人口的活动是□否□ **若您曾被判刑,即使该刑罚为缓期执行,请选择“是”。 入国管理局决定。 本人知悉,签证并非授予持有者进入日本的权利,如果签证持有者在到达港口时被发现属于不允许入境的情况,亦无权进入日本。 本人特此同意:我(通过指定的且有签证代办权的旅行社)向日本使馆/总领馆提交个人材料。以及当需要支付签证费时,(委托代办机构)向日本使馆/总领馆支付签证费。 申请日期申请人签名 (年)/(月)/(日) *可不填写 签证申请中提交的任何个人信息以及追加材料所涉及的个人信息(以下简称“保留的个人信息”)将依照行政机关保护个人信息法(第58号法案,2003,以下简称“该法”),被恰当的处理。保留的个人信息仅会被用做处理签证申请的目的及该法中第八条所认定的必要目的范围之内。


赴 日 签 证 申 请 表 姓(请按护照填写)(英文) (中文) 名(请按护照填写)(英文) (中文) 曾用名(如有)(英文) (中文) 出生日期 出生地点 (年)/(月)/(日) (省) (市) 性别:男 □ 女 □ 婚姻状况:单身 □ 已婚 □ 丧偶 □ 离婚 □ 国籍(或公民身份) 曾有的或另有的国籍(或公民身份) 身份证号码 护照类别:外交□ 公务□ 普通□ 其它□ 护照号码 签发地点 签发日期 (年)/(月)/(日) 签发机关 公安部出入境管理局 有效日期 (年)/(月)/(日) 赴日目的 旅游 预定在日逗留日期 ~ 预定在日逗留时间 天 入境口岸 船舶或航空公司名称 申请人在日拟入住的酒店名称或友人姓名及住址 酒店名称或友人姓名 同附表 电话 同附表 地址 同附表 上次赴日日期及停留时间 家庭地址(如有多处居住地,请全都写上) 地址 电话 手机 工作单位名称及地址 名称 电话 地址 目前的职位 (照片粘帖处) 约4.5厘米×4.5厘米 或2英寸×2英寸 此空白处仅供官方使用

*配偶所从事的职业(如果申请人是未成年人,请填写父母的职业) 在日担保人(请填写担保人的详细内容) 姓名电话 地址 出生日期性别:男□女□ (年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务 国籍(或公民身份)及签证种类 在日邀请人(如保证人和邀请人是同一个人,请写“同上”) 姓名电话 地址 出生日期性别:男□女□ (年)/(月)/(日) 与申请人的关系 职业和职务 国籍(或公民身份)及签证种类 *备注/其他需特殊声明的事项(如有) 是否: ●在任何国家曾被判决有罪?是□否□●在任何国家曾被判处一年或一年以上徒刑?** 是□否□●在任何国家曾因非法滞留或违反该国法律法规而被驱逐出境?是□否□●因违反任何国家关于取缔毒品、大麻、鸦片、兴奋剂或精神药物的法律法规被 判刑?** 是□否□●从事卖淫活动或曾为卖淫中介、拉客,或曾为卖淫或其他与卖淫有直接联系的 活动提供场所?是□否□●有过贩卖人口的经历或教唆或协助他人从事贩卖人口的活动?是□否□**若您曾被判刑,即使该刑罚为缓期执行,请选择“是”。 若以上问题的回答中有“是”的,请说明具体情况。 本人特此声明:上述填写内容真实且无误。本人了解入境身份及在日停留期限将在入境日本时由日本入国管理局决定。本人知悉,签证并非授予持有者进入日本的权利,如果签证持有者在到达港口时被发现属于不允许入境的情况,亦无权进入日本。 本人特此同意:我(通过指定的且有签证代办权的旅行社)向日本使馆/总领馆提交个人材料。以及当需要支付签证费时,(委托代办机构)向日本使馆/总领馆支付签证费。 申请日期申请人签名 (年)/(月)/(日) *可不填写 签证申请中提交的任何个人信息以及追加材料所涉及的个人信息(以下简称“保留的个人信息”)将依照行政机关保护 个人信息法(第58号法案,2003,以下简称“该法”),被恰当的处理。保留的个人信息仅会被用做处理签证申请的目 的及该法中第八条所认定的必要目的范围之内。


Consolato Generale d’Italia Consulate General of Italy 意大利领事馆 Domanda di visto Nazionale (D) National Visa (D)Application Form 国家签证(D)申请表 Modulo gratuito This application form is free 此表格免费提供

Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso della tassa corrisposta. I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费. Applicabile in caso di domanda di visto per ingressi multipli (casella n. 24) Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24) / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24) Sono a conoscenza della necessità di possedere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria di viaggio per il primo soggiorno e per i viaggi successivi sul territorio degli Stati membri. I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status. 本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用 Sono informato/a del fatto e accetto che: la raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la mia fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle mie impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e i miei dati anagrafici che figurano nel presente modulo di domanda di visto, così come le mie impronte digitali e la mia fotografia, saranno comunicati alle autorità competenti degli Stati membri e trattati dalle stesse, ai fini dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla mia domanda. Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla mia domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento, revoca o proroga di un visto rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema d'informazione visti (VIS) per un periodo massimo di cinque anni, durante il quale essi saranno accessibili alle autorità competenti per i visti, quelle competenti ai fini dei controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne e negli Stati membri, alle autorità competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo negli Stati membri ai fini della verifica dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari sul territorio degli Stati membri, dell'identificazione delle persone che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni e dell'esame di una domanda di asilo e della designazione dell'autorità responsabile per tale esame. A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione, dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi. L'autorità dello Stato membro è responsabile del trattamento dei dati. Sono informato/a del mio diritto di ottenere, in qualsiasi Stato membro, la notifica dei dati relativi alla mia persona registrati nel VIS e la comunicazione dello Stato membro che li ha trasmessi e del diritto di chiedere che dati inesatti relativi alla mia persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla mia persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Su mia richiesta espressa, l'autorità che esamina la mia domanda mi informerà su come esercitare il mio diritto a verificare i miei dati anagrafici e a rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come delle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale dello Stato interessato. Le autorità di controllo nazionali di tale Stato membro saranno adite in materia di tutela dei dati personali. Dichiaro che a quanto mi consta tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della mia domanda o l'annullamento del visto già concesso, e che possono comportare azioni giudiziarie ai sensi della legislazione dello Stato membro che tratta la domanda. Mi impegno a lasciare il territorio degli Stati membri prima dello scadere del visto, se concesso. Sono informato/a che il possesso di un visto è soltanto una delle condizioni necessarie per entrare nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. La mera concessione del visto non mi dà diritto ad indennizzo qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (CE) n. 562/2006 (codice frontiere Schengen) e mi venga pertanto rifiutato l'ingresso. Il rispetto delle condizioni d'ingresso sarà verificato ancora una volta all'atto dell'ingresso nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form and the taking of my photograph and, if applicable, the taking of fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning me which appear on the visa application form, as well as my fingerprints and my photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on my application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) (1) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfill these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to



I尸w intema tional project mnnayomen>t assockitlar* Intern atio nal Project Man 贝ageme nt Professi onal 国际项目管理专业资质认证 申请表 申请者编号:XXXXXX 申请者姓名:XXX 申请级别:_______ C级 申请者单位:XXXXX XX 认证中心:珠海 填表日期:XXXXXXX 中国(双法)项目管理研究委员会


填表说明 1.本申请书的填写内容,要实事求是,逐项认真填写。表达要明确、严 谨,字迹要清晰易辨。 2.表1 中学历、学位指获得的最高学历、学位,工作单位、单位地址、 通信地址需详细填写全称。 3.表2 填写自己从事项目管理经历中最具有代表性的项目清单,主要填 写项目名称,项目投资额,项目负责单位,项目负责人,自己在项目担任的角色和作用。 4.表3 填写自己从事项目管理工作经历中最主要的三个项目,要明确说 明项目的背景,项目与项目管理的特点,自己承担的角色,所取得的收获与经验。 5.表4 填写请参照IPMP 自我评估参照标准和“国际项目管理专业资质 认证标准”,对每个要素从知识和经验两方面进行自我评估,并请如实填写,以客观的态度对自己的各方面进行评价。 6.表5 C级和D级申请者不需填写。 7.表6 由单位填写,主要针对申请者个人项目管理工作能力及本表所填 写内容的真实性进行说明。 8.表8由IPMP中国认证委员会办公室根据认证师评估意见整理后填写。 9.D级申请者可只填写表1。


NON-IMMIGRANT VISA TOURIST VISA TRANSIT VISA OTHER …………. ROYAL THAI CONSULATE ***The visa processing fee is non-refundable. ( 已缴交之手续费在任何情况下,不获退还。) APPLICATION FOR VISA 英文填写 Name (Mr. / Mrs. /Ms.) 姓名(大写字母)_________________________________ Countries for which passport is valid 护照适用国 _____________________________________ Nationality 国籍 __________________________________________ Date of previous visits to Thailand 上次赴泰日期 ___________________________________ Date of Birth 出生日期 ______________________________________ Purpose of visit 访问目的 _______________________________________ Place of Birth 出生地 ________________________________________ Date of arrival in Thailand 入泰时间 _______________________________________ Profession (present) 现职业 ________________________________________ By Flight No. 班机号 _________________________________________ Marital Status 婚姻状况 ______________________________________ Duration of proposed stay 停留时间 _______________________________________ Present address 现住址 ________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Local guarantor and address 本国担保人姓名及地址 ___________________________ ________________________________________________ Permanent address (if different from above) 永久地址(如与现住址不同,请注明) Reference person and/or address in Thailand 泰国联系人及/ 或地址 _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Passport No. 护照号码 ______________________________________ Name, dates and places of birth of minor children holding the same passport and if accompanying you Issued at 签发地 ________________________________________ 有否用本护照儿童随行,如有请填写姓名,出生地 及出生日期 _____________________________________ Date of issue 签发日期 ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signature Expiry date 有效日期至 ____________________________________ 签名 ______________________________________ Date 日期 ______________________________________ ATTENTION FOR APPLICANT : I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is correct and that in no case shall I violate Thai laws and regulation in the country. 在此我声明所填内容属实,并保证不违反泰国的法规. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICIAL USE (以下由使馆填写) FEE PAID Type of visa and No. ______________________Expiry date___________________________ Date of issue ____________________________Signature ____________________________

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