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山东省莘县实验高中2010届高三一轮复习阶段性检测英语试题文库.txt婚姻是键盘,太多秩序和规则;爱情是鼠标,一点就通。男人自比主机,内存最重要;女人好似显示器,一切都看得出来。 莘县实验高中第一轮复习高三阶段性检测
命题人:武燕慈 审题人:邹丽
1. What will they do tonight?
A. Play music B. Dance C. Listen to music.
2. Where is the woman going first?
A. To the cinema B. To the shop C. To the post office[来源:学#科#网]
3. What is wanted in the ad ?
A. Waiter B. Waitress C.Cook
4. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A fine boat B. Their friend, Tom C. The weather
5. What will the man do this Saturday?
A.He's going to the woman's home. B. He's going to meet the woman's family instead of her. C.He's going to have dinner with the woman's family in a restaurant.
6. What can we learn about the lecture?
 A.It was put off. B. It lasted too long. C. It bored some students.
7. What do we know about the woman?
A. She forgot to attend the lecture. B. She mixed up the days of lectures.
C. She should answer for the bad manners.
8. Where did the man go this morning?
 A. His own garden. B. A playground C. A park.
9. Did the man often go there early in the morning?
A. No,.It is the first time B.Yes, often C.No, only a few times
10. What do we know about the man?
A. He is from another city in China. B. He is a foreigner. C. He is a Chinese.
11.Why was Susana on the train?
A. She was going to work. B. She was coming home from work
C. She was traveling to another city.
12. What did she do when the robber took her handbag?
A.She gave him her money.
B. She asked other passengers to help.
C. She caught hold of his knife.
13.Who caught the robber when he was running awa

A. Susana herself. B. Two other passengers C. The conductor.
14. What is the woman going to buy?
A. Some beautiful fish. B. A small bottle. C. A few rocks.
15. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In the market. B. In an office C. At home.
16. What does the man advise the woman to do?
A. Keep the fish in a bottle B. Get a tank to keep the fish.
C. Make some holes in the rocks
17. Why should a few rocks be put into the tank?
A. To let the fish swim around. B. To make the tank prettier. C. To keep the water clean.
18. Who do you think the listeners might be ?
A. Nurses. B. Doctors. C. Patients.
19. Which is NOT allowed in the wards?
A. Having soft drinks B. Visiting patients in the morning. C. Smoking in certain areas.
20. What program will follow this radio talk?
A. A music program. B. A medical report. C. Hospital rules.
21. What _______ wonderful world it would be if all countries in the world could live in ______
peace with each other.[来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K]
A. a; the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D the;不填
22. ______, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of English is poor.
A.Other things being equal B. Other things be equal [来源:学科网ZXXK]
C. To be equal to other things D. Other things to be equal [来源:学科网ZXXK]
23.The flight attendant welcomed us __________ the plane.
A.abroad B.. aboard C. board D. broad
24. Since no one had any more matches, there was nothing with which to ________ the fireworks.
A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up
25._________ annoys me that Kim never returns the books she borrows.
A. It B. What C. This D. That
26.The Medical Research Council said it couldn't__________ the use of the new drug without further tests.
A.infect B. approve C. presume D. assist
27.He glanced over at her, _______that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.
A.noting B. noted C. to note D. having noted
28. -I'd like to reserve a table for six.
-Sorry, sir, but there're no tables___________ at the moment.
https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,fortable B. suitable C. usable D. available
29.If the present unemployment ______continue, the society would face a more difficult situation.
A.would B. should C. might D. could
30.-Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.
-Oh! I thought they _______ without me.

t B. are going C. have gone D. had gone
31.-I heard that many westerners prefer vegetables to meat.
 -It is true. Americans eat ________ vegetables each person today as they did 20 years ago.
 A.more than twice B. as twice as many C. twice as many D. that twice as many
32. Mrs. Green took up the story at the point _______the thief had just made off with the jewels.
A.where B. which C. as D. when
33. _________ I feel pity on hurricane victims in Southeast Asia, I can't really do very much to help them but contribute my pocket money.
A.As long as B. When C. While D. Even
34. -I don't know what I _________ without the suitcase you lent me.
-Glad to have been of some help to you.
A.would have done B. would do C. should have done D. should do
35. -Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?
A.It's your opinion. B. I don't mind. C. It's all up to you. D. That's your decision.
The Hand
Thanksgiving Day was near. The first grade teacher gave her class a fun assignment to draw
a picture of ___36____ for which they were thankful.
 Most of the class might be __37___ economically disadvantaged, but still many would __38___ the holidays with turkeys and other traditional goodies of the season. These, the teacher thought, would be the ___39___ of most of her students' art. And they were.
But Douglas made a(n) __40___ kind of picture. Douglas was a different kind of boy. He was the teacher's true child of misery, ___41___ and unhappy. As other children played at recess, Douglas was likely to stand close by her side. One could only guess the pain Douglas felt ___42___those sad eyes.
Yes, his picture was different. When___43___ to draw a picture of something for which he was thankful, he drew a____44___. Nothing else. Just a empty hand.
His abstract image captured the _45_____ of his classmates, Whose hand could it be ? One child guessed it was the hand of a farmer, because farmers__46___ turkeys. Another suggested a police officer, because the police protect and __47___ people. And so the discussion went ------ until the teacher ___48__ forgot the young artist himself.
__49__ the children had gone on to other assignments, she ___50___ at Douglas' desk, bent down, and asked him whose hand it was. The little boy looked away and murmured, "It's yours, teacher."
She recalled the __51___ she had taken his hand and walked with him here and there, as she had the other students. How _52_____ had she said, "Take your hand, Douglas, we'll go outside." Or, "Let me show you how to hold your pencil." Or, "Let's do this together." Douglas was most ___53__ for his teacher's hand.
Brushing aside a tear, she went on with her work.
In fact, people __54___ not always say "thanks". But they will remember the han

d that ____55___ .
36.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything
37.A.suggested B.affected C.encouraged D.considered
38.A.celebrate B.share C.like D.avoid
39.A.purposes B.subjects C.motivations D.examples
40.A.good B.encouraging C.different D.exciting
41.A.merry B.naughty C.weak D.lively
42.A.behind B.beside C.before D.around
43.A.ordered B.asked C.forced D.persuaded
44.A.gift B.person C.hand D.wonder
45.A.thought B.description C.respect D.imagination
46.A.raise B.need C.buy D.sell
47.A.look at B.care for C.take away D.drive off
48.A.always B.almost C.usually D.therefore
49.A.Before B.Now that C.Since D.When
50.A.stared B.aimed C.paused D.glanced
51.A.chances B.forms C.ways D.times
52.A.seldom B.often C.soon D.much
53.A.thankful B.calm C.pleased D.comfortable
54.A.could B.must C.should D.might
55.A.move on B.stick above C.reaches out D.help out
Blogs are being used more and more by teachers. Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages.
Through comments on blogs, or Web logs, teachers can share their classroom experiences. They can exchange ideas and discuss successes and failures. They can debate educational policies. Or they can just sympathize with each other.
A teacher in the American state of North Carolina recently wrote on her blog: "Apparently the teachers at my school use too much paper. So my principal yelled at everyone at the last staff meeting for, like, ten minutes. Now, I've just been told, we are not getting any more paper for the rest of the year."
This unidentified blogger is now in her third year of teaching, but still calls her site
A blogger who calls himself Minister Lawrence works as a substitute teacher. In April he wrote about a disputed plan to split the Omaha, Nebraska, public schools into separate systems for black, Latino and white students. Supporters say minority parents do not have enough power over their children's education.
But Minister Lawrence wrote at https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,: "I'm afraid that what this says to a lot of people is that blacks, whites and Hispani

cs are not equal, and "reinforces" racist beliefs among people."
Educators did not become involved with blogging right away. Many were concerned with privacy issues and security. But now, thousands of teacher blogs can be found on the Internet. Many teachers do not identify themselves, and they change the names of students and co-workers.
56. What are teachers not doing through blogs?
 A. They discuss educational problem. B. They send money to the poor students.
 C. They share teaching ideas. D. They comfort each other.
57. What is the main idea for the passage?
 A. More and more teachers are using blogs. B. It is exciting to use blogs.
 C. Blogs are popular with students. [来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K]
 D. Educational problems are settled through blogs.[来源:Z&xx&https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,]
58. Why some teachers do not identify themselves? Because ___
 A. they are forbidden to identify themselves. [来源:学。科。网]
 B. they are forbidden to write something through blogs
 C. they want to ensure their security
 D. they want to amuse others.
59. Which of the following is the result of the teachers' using blogs?
 A. Paper consuming is declining. B. Teaching is improving.
 C. Classes are more active. D. Government is against it.
60. Minister Lawrence's blogs are about___
 A. classroom experiences B. teaching plans
 C. educational policies D. the black minority
Is there a magic cutoff period when children become responsible for their own actions? Is there a wonderful moment when parents can become spectators in the lives of their children and shrug, "It's their life," and feel nothing?
When I was in my twenties, I stood in a hospital passage waiting for doctors to put a few stitches(缝线) in my son's head. I asked, "When do you stop worry?" The nurse said, "When they get out of the accident stage." My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing
When I was in my thirties, I sat on a little chair in a classroom and heard how one of my children talked continually and disrupted the class. As if to read my mind, a teacher said. "Don't worry, they all go through this stage and then you can sit back, relax and enjoy them". My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.
When I was in my forties, I spent a lifetime waiting for the phone to ring, the cars to come home, the front door to open. A friend said, " They're trying to find themselves, Don't worry, in a few years, you can stop worrying. They'll be adults." My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.
By the time I was 50, I was sick and tired of being weak. I was still worrying over my children, but there was a new wrinkle, there was nothing I could do about it. My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing.
I continued to suffer from their failures, and be absorbed in their disappointments. My friends said that when my kids got married

I could stop worrying and lead my own life. I wanted to believe that, but I was haunted(萦绕心头) by my mother's warm smile and her occasional "You look pale. Are you all right?" Call me minute you get home. Are you depressed about something ?" Can it be that parents are sentenced to a lifetime of worry?
One of my children became quite anxious about me recently, saying, " Where were you ? I've been calling for three days, and no one answered . I was worried."
I smiled a warm smile
61.The author intends to tell us in the passage that_______.
 A parents long for a period when they no longer worry about their children.
 B there is no time when parents have no worry about their children.
 C it's parents' duty to worry about their children
 D there should be a period when parents don't have to worry their children
62 We can infer from the underlined sentence "My mother just smiled faintly and said nothing" that ______.
 A her mother shared the same idea as the nurse
 B her mother didn't agree with the nurse[来源:学科网]
 C her mother thought the nurse was lying
 D her mother wouldn't express her opinion upon the matter
63 The author mentioned her ages of twenties, thirties, forties and fifty in order to show_______.
 A the hard times she experiences in her life
 B the different stages of her children
 C the support she received from her mother
 D she had been worrying her children in her life
64 What can we infer from the last sentence?
 A The mother was happy that her child began to worry about her, too
 B Finally the mother didn't have to worry about her children.
 C At last the mother could live her own life without worry.
 D The mother succeeded in turning her children into adults.
65 Which of the following should be the best title?[来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,]
 A Life B Parents C Worry D Children
In the age of reality television, success isn't the only way to the public eye. Failure can also create fame, just like William Hung, 21, a native of Hong Kong.
Hung recently has made an agreement with US-based entertainment firms Koch Records and Fuse Music Network. They will publish a full-length record, titled "The True Idol" on April 6.
The idol (偶像) is a civil engineering student at the University of California at Berkeley. He did a version (改写本) of Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" on the television show "American Idol 3", on January 27. The Fox TV singing contest searches for pop stars among ordinary people. In the case of Hung, however, his act was so bad that the judges cut him off in mid-act. Hung's response? "I already gave my best, so I have no regrets at all." That's interesting, because any common person would have found plenty to regret: the off-key singing, the blue Hawaiian shirt worn with pants pulled up too high, the terrible dancing, the hips jerking (摇摆) to a beat that did not belong to the song, maybe not even to this planet. It was, by

all accounts, bad.
But, it was this very bad act that sold well.
Marc Juris, president of Fuse, explained it this way: "Every one of us is happily guilty of singing our favorite song at the top of our lungs with complete freedom, completely off-key and completely unworried. That's what William did and immediately won the hearts of America."
Whatever it is, for the moment it's big. Three websites devoted to Hung have gone up on the Internet in the past few weeks. Versions of his performance have been remixed with hip hop and techno music and have made it to the top 10 request list at a Chicago radio station.
So, what does Hung think of this?
"There were all these people saying things about me. A lot were saying I was very courageous and that I was great on the show, but some didn't have much respect for me and some were kind of mean."
Now he says he's not so sure whether to distance himself from the glamour (魅力) or to accept it. Returning to normal hasn't been easy.
66.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Sometimes an idol behaves quite foolishly.
B.Hung's performance attracted the public eye.
C.How an unsuccessful person became famous.
D.Success sometimes does not require hard work.
67.Hung was popular in America for all the following reasons EXCEPT ________
A.his shirt and pants B.his off-key singing
C.his jerking hips D.his excellent version
68.What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 6 refer to?
A.William Hung. B.Hung's bad performance.
C.Hung's website. D.The public's opinion.
69.Which of the following shows the correct order of what happened to Hung?
a.The entertainment firms made an agreement with Hung.
b.The judges cut Hung off in mid-act in the singing contest.
c.Hung became popular among Americans.
d.Hung gave a terrible performance though he tried his best.
e. Three websites put Hung's funny performance on the Internet.
A.d, b, e, c, a B.a, c, d.b, e C.a, d, b, c, e D.d, b, a, e, c [来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,][来源:https://www.doczj.com/doc/006283718.html,]
70.Why was Hung able to win the hearts of America?
A.His success was based on luck rather than his own hard work.
B.He attracted people's attention and won wide praise in the contest.
C.He was good-looking in his pants and shirt though he didn't sing well.[来源:学,科,网]
D.In the contest he did what every one of us is happy to do in daily life.
Psychiatrists(精神病专家),who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset(资产) in child raising----older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with children. But raising kids takes money and energy, many older parents find themselves balancing their limited financial resources, declining ene

rgy and failing health against the growing demands of an active child. Dying and leaving young children is probably the older parents' biggest and often unspoken fear. Having late-life children, says an economics professor, often means parents, particularly fathers, "end up retiring much later." For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream.
Henry Metcalf, a 54-year-old journalist, knows it takes money to raise kids. But he's also worried that his energy will give out first. Sure, he can still ride bikes with his athletic fifth grader, but he's learned that, young at heart doesn't mean young. Lately he's been taking afternoon naps to keep up his energy." My body is aging," says Metcalf, "You can't get away from that."
Often, older parents hear the ticking of another kind of biological clock. Therapists who work with middle-aged and older parents say fears about aging are nothing to laugh at. "They worry they'll be mistaken for grandparents, or that they'll need help getting up out of those little chairs in nursery school." Says Joann Galst, a New York psychologist .But at the core of those little fears there is often a much bigger one. "that they will not be alive long enough to support and protect their child, " she says .
Many late-life parents, though, say their children came at just the right time. After marrying late and undergoing years of fertility(受孕) treatment, Marilyn Nolen and her husband, Randy, had twins. "We both wanted children," says Marilyn, who was 55 when she gave birth. The twins have given the couple what they desired for years, "a sense of family."
Kids of older dads are often smarter, happier and more sociable because their fathers are more involved in their lives. "The dads are older, more mature," says Dr. Silber, "and more ready to focus on parenting."
71 Why do psychiatrists regard maturity as an asset in child raising?
 A Older parents can better balance their resources against children's demands.
 B Older parents are usually more experienced in bringing up their children.
 C Older parents are often better prepared financially.
 D Older parents can take better care of their children.
72 What does the author mean by saying "For many, retirement becomes an unobtainable dream"
 A They have to go on working beyond their retirement age.
 B They can't get full pension unless they work some extra years.
 C They can't obtain the retirement benefits they have dreamed of.
 D They are unwilling to retire when they reach their retirement age
73 The author gives the examples of Henry Metcalf to show that______.
 A many people are young in spirit despite their advanced age
 B taking afternoon naps is a good way to maintain energy
 C older parents tend to be concerned about their aging bodies
 D older parents should exercise more to keep up with their athletic children
74 What's the biggest fear of older parents according to New York psychologist Joann Gal

 A Being laughed at by other people B Slowing down of their pace of life
 C Being mistaken for grandparents D Approaching of death
75 What do we learn about Marilyn and Randy Nolen?
 A They thought they were an example of successful fertility treatment
 B Not until they had the twins did they feel had formed a family
 C They believe that children born of older parents would be smarter.
 D Not until they reached middle age did they think of having children.
76.He sat on the chair, listening to his mother________________(不耐烦地).
77.The whole teaching building_______________(坍塌) during the big earthquake this year.
78.The dog has______________(咬) a hole in my trousers.
79.No one_____________(反对) the plan when it was made.
80.Do you think that success lies in ______________(勤奋)?
81.It is said that many _____________(学者) will attend the conference.
82.I think there will be a good opportunity____________(等候)you.
83.The economy has_____________(繁荣) since he took charge of the city.
84.He apologised to us for his______________(过失).
85.The girl is unlikely to_____________(恢复) from the bad illness.
One thing Britain is famous for is pubs, and no trip to the UK would be complete without a visit to one of the thousands of pubs across the country.
Pubs play an important part in the social structure of the country. They are places where all ages and social classes mix to talk, do business, or just spend a couple of quiet hours before heading home in the evening.
There are many different types of beer available in pubs. Traditional British beer is called bitter, or ale, and is usually served at room temperature. As a result, the British are famous for their 'warm beer'! If you prefer a cold beer, ask for lager. This beer is a light yellow in colour whereas bitter is usually a darker brown. All beers are served as pints (500 ml) or halves (250ml). To order, you need to ask for a pint or half, and then name the beer. So, you could say " ."
Wine, red or white, is normally available in all pubs, as are spirits such as whisky, gin or vodka.
It is not, however, necessary to drink alcohol. Non-alcoholic drinks are called soft drinks. You can have juice, lemonade or cola, among others.
If you visit a pub in a group, it is important to pay for your 'round'. This means that you buy a drink for everyone in your group. Not buying your round is a big social mistake! Remember that you need to order and pay for your drinks at the bar.
So, follow these tips if you want to get the most out of visiting a pub,

and, "cheers!"
86. What is the best title of the passage? ? (Please answer within 10 words.)
87. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
If you don't buy a drink for everyone in your group, you are socially wrong.
88. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)
89. If you are in a pub, what would you like to drink? Why? (Please answer within 30 words.)
90.Translate the underlined sentence in the first paragraph into Chinese.
高中学习任务非常繁重,因此同学们对于参加学校活动有着不同的看法,请以"Taking Part in School Activities"为题,根据下列提示,并结合自己的所见所闻,用英语写一篇120~150词的短文。
1、 部分同学积极参加学校活动,因为......
2、 另一部分同学则不愿参加,因为......
3、 我认为......
_____________________________________________________________________ __
______________________________________________________________________ _


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