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(2.3)Connectives (Linking Words) 连接词

As with tenses, an average to good student will be expected to demonstrate an ability to use these words and phrases both regularly and correctly. The following is a list of connectives and linking phrases, according to function, which students can include in their sentences or use to

link them.

Notice the verb patterns used with different connectives!

(一) Time and Sequence 时间和顺序

When students relate events that occur over a period of time, they can make what they say clearer by including phrases such as the following ones in their answers.

before / prior to / until / after / after that / afterwards / then

It is necessary to prepare well before (prior to) taking the IELTS examination.

Before (Prior to) taking the IELTS examination, it is necessary to prepare well.

We cannot deal with the problem until people recognize that one exists.

We must demonstrate to people that this is a real problem. After that, we can convince the government to introduce legislation to deal with it.

After discussing the issue, we reached some conclusions.

Afterwards (Then), we presented these to leading figures in the community.

eventually / finally / in the end

(These are used when something happens after a lot of time and/or many problems) After discussing the issue for two years, the committee eventually (finally) found that

we were right.

In the end, the committee found that we were right.

as soon as

(Two actions immediately follow each other)

The problem will be solved as soon as these laws are introduced.

As soon as these laws are introduced, the problem will be solved.

when / once

(two actions follow each other, but the time between them is not specific)

When / Once these actions are taken, the situation will improve dramatically.

The situation will improve dramatically when/once these actions are taken.

While (whilst, when, as) / just as / meanwhile / throughout / during

(Things happen at the same time)

I told him while (whilst / when / as) we were having dinner. ( Notice we use the past

tense for the shorter action and the past continuous for the longer one ! )

The education reforms were introduced just as the course began. (Two short actions)

The local government did nothing. Meanwhile, the situation deteriorated.

They argued throughout the conference. (From the beginning to the end)

They argued during the conference. (It is not clear exactly when or how long)

(Notice that ' throughout' and ' during' are followed by nouns.)

( 注意:throughout 与during后面接的是名词)

First(ly),second(ly)…. /for one thing…(and) for another/ (and)besides/ (and)anyway

( Giving a sequence of reasons)

First(ly), (because) the government hasn't made any laws and second(ly) (be-

cause) business leaders are opposed to the idea.

For one thing, the government hasn't made any laws and for another business lead-

ers are opposed to the idea.

(二) Giving Examples

Most students can use for example. Y ou can demonstrate a little variety by also using for instance and such as. The phrase in particular is usually used to give an example that is distinctive in some way. In formal writing, you can also use the phrase ' A case in point is... '. The word namely is usually used when listing ( naming )" a given number of examples. ‘The Unit ed Kingdom is made up of four countries, namely England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. '


Although / though / Even though / in spite of (the fact that) / despite (the fact that)

Although / though / Even though the arguments against are quite strong, I (still)

believe we should go ahead with the scheme.

We should (still) go ahead with the scheme, although / though / even though the

arguments against are quite strong.

We should (still) go ahead with the scheme in spite of / despite there being strong arguments against it.

We should (still) go ahead with the scheme in spite of the fact that / despite the

fact that there are strong arguments against it.

The word still is used to emphasize the contrast. It is usually stressed in spoken English or un- derlined in informal writing.

however / on the other hand

I do not like playing sports. However (On the other hand), I enjoy watching them.

whereas/ on the other hand

many people disagree with the proposals whereas others agree with them.

Many people agree with the proposals. On the other hand, others disagree with

nonetheless / yet

I don't believe that this idea will work. Nonetheless, we should give it a try.

I don't believe that this idea will work, yet we/~ould give it a try. (formal)


Britain is a small country compared with( in comparison with) China.

Comparing Britain with China, we can see that Britain is much smaller.

The birth rate in, any European countries has dropped. In contrast, the birth rate in

some African countries has risen.

The birth rate in European countries has dropped, contrasting with the birth rates in some African countries, which have risen.

(四)Similarities 类比

Britain is similar to the United Sates in many ways. For example, both believe in free enterprise. Neither of these countries has a large state-controlled economy.

(五)Reason 原因

Because / since / As I am Chinese and I love sport, I am very pleased that Beijing

will host the Olympics in 2008.

I am very pleased that Beijing will host the Olympics in 2008 because / since / as I

am Chinese and I love sport.

because of/ owing to/ due to

The factory had to close because of / owing to / due to a lack of orders for its


(Note that due to and owing to are more formal and more common in written English.)


The purpose of/ so (that) /in order to/ to

The purpose of introducing the death penalty was to reduce violent crime.

The death penalty was introduced so that violent crime would be reduced.

The death penalty was introduced in order to reduce violent crime.

The death penalty was introduced to reduce violent crime. *

*The use of to in this way is called the ' infinitive of purpose'.

(七) Consequence

As a result/ therefore /consequently/ in that case

The goods had to be sent at once. As a result/ Therefore /Consequently, there

was no time to check them properly.

There is a chance that my English will not be good enough. In that case, I will take an

intensive course before trying again.

(八)Addition ( Giving extra information or reasons)

In addition (to)/ (but) also /as well (as) / not only (but also) / what is more

In addition to being fun, playing sport also keeps you fit.

Playing sport is fun, as well as keeping you fit.

Not only is playing sport fun, but it also keeps you fit.

Playing sport is fun and it keeps you fit as well.

Playing sport is fun. What's more, it keeps you fit.

Furthermore/ besides /moreover

I think the death penalty is morally wrong. Furthermore (Besides / Moreover), there

is no evidence that it is effective in discouraging crime.


Most students use in conclusion to end or summarize an argument. Y ou can also use in summary and to conclude. In spoken English, you can also use to sum up and in short, though these are probably a little colloquial for the English required in the IELTS writing module.

(十) Preference

Rather that/ instead of

We should reduce the demand for drugs rather than control the supply.

We should control the supply of drugs instead of focusing on the demand for them.

Rather /instead

Y ou can use these two words interchangeably at the beginning of a sentence. The sentence before will usually be a negative one, dismissing an idea or concept (" Many people argue that we shouldn't conduct animal experiments. "). The sentence following 'rather' or 'instead' should contain the suggested idea or concept ( "Rather, / Instead, we should use pieces of animal tissue, specially grown in laboratories. ").

(十一) alternatives

Alternatively / on the other hand

People should pay for their own health care. On the other hand, companies should

help employees who have problems with the high costs involved.

The government could ban the use of cars in cities. Alternatively, they could charge

people large sums of money to use cars there.


Provided (that) / proving (that) /so long as/ as long as

These new laws are acceptable provided (that) / providing (that) / so long as /

as long as there are safeguards.

‘if ' conditionals

(Notice the different grammar structures used with ' if ' conditionals according to the

situation. )

If you drive (present tense), there is always the chance of an accident.

(present tense) (If you do something, there is always a result. )

If you drive (present tense) a lot, you will see (future tense with ‘will’) accidents on

the road. (Y ou do something, there will probably be a result.)

If you drove (past tense) badly, you would have (would + infinitive without ‘to’) an

accident. (Something unlikely happens, a likely result would be...)

If it hadn't been (past perfect) foggy, we wouldn't have crashed. (would + present perfect) (Something would or would not have happened in the past if the conditions had been different.)

unless /whether or not /otherwis e

We must do something, unless the situation changes by itself.

We need to do something, whether the majority of people support us or not.

We had to introduce the open-door policy, otherwise our economy would have collapsed.

Depending on / it depends

The government can introduce the laws at different times in different cities, depending on the circumstances.

The government can introduce the laws at different times in different cities. It depends on the circumstances.

The government can introduce the laws at different times in different cities. It depends.

(A reason may not be given. )

In case

We should prepare a second alternative in case first doesn't work. (not in case it

won't work! )

(十三) Exceptions


All the companies agree to cut pollution levels except the largest ones.

except for/ apart from

Everyone, except for (apart from) Mr. Wang, agreed with the proposal.

‘Except for' and ' apart fr om' are always followed by nouns or noun phrases.

With the exception of

This phrase is used in exactly the same way as ' except for' and ' apart from'.

Exercise 6

Practice your linking words.

1. They decided to walk to the shop (afterwards / after) lunch.

2. ( Prior / Before) going to work, he put on his tie.

(2.4)Adverbs of Frequency and Degree


These words are very useful, because things rarely happen all the time or never. Y ou need to beable to express exactly how often and how much.

Adverbs of Frequency 频度副词

Adverbs of frequency indicate ' how often'. Be careful about using the word ' always'. ‘I always go swimming 'suggests that you swim all the time, every day. One alternative is to add a time phrase. Say 'I go swimming whenever I have time' or 'I go swimming every Saturday morning'. Another is to say almost always.

Used in an answer, have ever has no meaning. Say either ' I have (been/heard/etc. ) ‘in positive sentences or 'I have never (been/heard/etc.) ‘in negative ones.

Use the following words to indicate how often you do/,/something: (almost) always, frequently, (quite) often, regularly, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, (very) rarely.

Exercise 7

Complete the following sentences using your own ideas.

1. …………almost always results in.............

2.…………frequently causes.................

3.……………is often caused by...............

4.……………occasionally changes the way..............

5.……………seldom affects...............

6.…………demonstrates that hardly ever............

7.………………… rarely improves................

8. Creating... never...

Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, except when the main verb is ' to be', in which case they go after it. ‘Sometimes’, ' occasionally' and ' often' can also go at the beginning or end of a sentence.

Adverbs of Degree程度副词

Adverbs of degree indicate ' how much'. Use the following words to indicate/how good, big, interesting or expensive something is: incredibly, extremely, very, pretty, quite, fairly, somewhat. The words a little, a bit and slightly are often used in negative situations. "The situation was a little dangerous. " "The measures were a bit expensive. " "It decreased GDP slightly. "


Exercise 8

Think of things that...


l. are incredibly successful.

2. were extremely unlikely, but happened.

3. would be very useful.

4. are pretty expensive.

5. were quite hard to make 10 years ago.

6. would be fairly hard without computers.

7. are somewhat difficult to buy.

8. were a bit hard to find 20 years ago.

(2.5)Expressing Probability 表示可能性Certainty 肯定

The ability to express probability is essential for communicating your exact meaning in Task 2. Use the following words and phrases to help you.

Foreigners in Beijing who speak Chinese clearly/obviously have an advantage over

those who don't.

These measures will undoubtedly / definitely resolve the problem.

There will certainly be problems if these proposals are adopted.

I am certain / sure there will be difficulties.

There will be difficulties for sure.

Without a doubt there will be difficulties. /There will be difficulties without a doubt.

V ery Likely 非常可能

This legislation will almost certainly be introduced next year.

It is almost certain this legislation will be introduced next year.

Likely 可能

There's a good chance this will solve the problem.

Chances are this will solve the problem. (Informal}

This will probably lead to a reduction in costs in the long term.


This may / might / could (possibly) result in some dissatisfaction from car users.

Perhaps this measure will not be as effective as many experts believe.

I think the situation will improve, but I'm not sure.

Maybe / perhaps these measures will help.


It probably won't lead to a reduction in costs immediately.

I doubt very much (that) the situation will improve much over the next few months.

There's not much chance (that) we will see a reduction in traffic accidents. Certainly Not 肯定不会

I am sure this problem is not getting the attention it deserves.

I will certainly / definitely not accept their argument without something to support it.

Exercise 9

In your opinion, hoe probable is it that (remember to answer using full sentence!)

The Chinese women’s football team will be word champions next year?

Y ou will get the job you most want to do when you finish you studies?

Y ou will have at least one child before you are thirty years old? Pandas will become extinct in the next 20years?

No-one in China will use cash by the year 2020?

Y ou will live to be 100 years old?


英语常用连词汇总 1.表增补(Addition) in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what’s more, similarly, next, finally, further, most important, too ,and then, indeed .. 2.表比较(Comparison) in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as, at the same time, in contrast, like ,as ,conversely ,while ,on the contrary. 3.表对照(Contrast) whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however, nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while 4.表因果(Cause and effect) because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus, as, therefore ,in that, consequently, as a consequence ,so that, to this end. 5.表强调(Emphasis) certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most important 6.表让步(Concession) although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true....if, only if, despite, even so ,even though, rather, while, regardless . 7.表例证(Exemplification) for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of , illustration,. finally, still, as an example, specifically, in particular ,next, another . 8.表总结(Conclusion) to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary 9.表推断(Inference) therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise 10.表时间和空间(Time and space) afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front


副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 副词的分类: 1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 副词的用法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗?


小学英语语法 副词 副词的意义:用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和全局的词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等。副词根据他们的意义,可以分为时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词和疑问副词。 The house is very small. My answer is quite easy. 副词的分类: 时间副词:today, tomorrow, yesterday, always, often, now, before 地点副词:here, there, down, up, down 方式副词:slowly, badly, hard, fast 程度副词:very, much, still, almost, too 疑问副词:why, what, where, when,how 副词的位置 副词修饰动词、动名词、名词是,通常放在被修饰词后。 I’m working carefully. He has never visited the Great Wall. 副词修饰形容词、副词时,通常位于被修饰的词前。 The book is very interesting, I like it very much. She swims quickly enough. 副词修饰数词时,通常位于数词前。

The women is over forty, but she looks very young. 副词的排列顺序 副词表示时间地点时,小单位在前,大单位在后。 Next week, I’ll reach Kunming, China. Lucy was born on November 12th,1985,in Changchun, Jilin Province.副词表示方式时,拼写短的在前,拼写长的在后,并用and或者but连接。Can you say it slowly and clearly 形容词、副词的转化


必备英语【初中英语】常见副词最全总结 一、初中英语副词 1.-- Do you like going mountain climbing? -- Yes. I______ do it on weekends with my friends. A. seldom B. often C. never 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意为:---你喜欢爬山吗?---喜欢。我周末经常和朋友去爬山。seldom:极少、几乎不;often:经常;never:从来不。根据语境可知,这里的回答是肯定的,故应选B。 2.Write it possible and try not to make nay mistakes. A. as careful as B. as carefully as C. more careful D. less careful 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】本题考查形容词、副词及其固定短语的用法。句意:尽可能地仔细写,尽量别出错,固定短语as...as possible尽可能……,副词修饰动词,所以选B。 3.Daming runs ______ of the three. A. fast B. faster C. the fastest 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:大明在三个人中跑得最快。A. fast快,原形,用于不比较时;B. faster更快,比较级,用于两者相比时;C. the fastest最快,最高级,用于三者及三者以上相比。本句中of the three说明比较的范围是三个人,用最高级形式。故选C。 4.Jenny will get up than usual in order to catch the first bus. A. early B. very early C. earlier D. earliest 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:珍妮将比平时早起,以便赶上第一班公共汽车。由than提示可知此句要用比较级,early的比较级是earlier,故选C。 【点评】考查副词的比较级,注意than是比较级的标准,牢记early的比较级是earlier。 5.You should think _________ before taking the job,and don't do it just for fun. A. quickly B. seriously C. proudly


定语从句三 (关系副词的用法) 一.关系副词引导的定语从句 1. when指______,在定语从句中做________。 (1) I still remember the day when I first came to the school. (2) The time when we got together finally came. 2. where指_______,在定语从句中做_________。 (1) Shanghai is the city where I was born. (2) The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 3. why指_______,在定语从句中做________。 、 (1) Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. (2) I don’t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 注意:关系副词引导的从句可以由“介词+关系代词”引导的从句替换 (1) The reason why/ for which he refused the invitation is not clear, (2) From the year when/in which he was going to school he began to know what he wanted when he grew up. (3) Great changes have taken place in the city where/in which I was born. 二.关系代词和关系副词的区别 1. 取决于从句中的谓语动词。 不及物动词后面无宾语,就必须用关系副词或介词+关系代词; 及物动词后接宾语,就要求用关系代词。 ~ 2. 要看他们在从句中充当什么成分而定,即先行词在从句中是作主语、宾语还是作状语而定。 (1) This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. (2) I’ll never forget the days when I worked together with you. (3) I’ll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside. 【专项练习3】 用关系代词、关系副词或介词+关系代词填空 1. I’ll never forget the days __________ we spent together in Paris. 2. I’ll remember the days __________ we stayed together in Paris. 3. This is the factory ____________ we visited last year. ) 4. This is the farm ____________ Lincoln once worked 5. The reason ___________ he missed the speech is that he forgot the time.


副词用法及练习 副词的基本用法是用来修饰动词;run into the room quickly carefully 2). 副 词的构成: (1)多数形容词+ly变成副词 . 大多数副词以ly结尾 recent 最近的----recently 最近;近来 sad—sadly slow---slowly clear—clearly清楚地final—finally real—really kind- - kindly, careful--- carefully, Silent----silently peacefu---peacefully Safe---safely (2)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词需改y为i加ly变成副词happy-- happily, heavy-- heavily, easy-- easily, lucky--- luckily, angy---angrily, (3.)形容词不去e加ly变来的副词polite--politely, wide--widely, Safe--safely, extreme-- extremely (4 形容词需去e加ly变来的副词True - Truly, , gentle ---gently, comfortable-- comfortably possible---possibly simple --simply terrible---terribly 特殊:good(形容词)—well(副词)好地 (welladj 身体健康的) 1.副词的比较等级,副词的比较等级用法和形容词的比较等级用法相同 以ly的副词大多在前面加more构成比较级加, most构成最高级 slowly– more slowly- most slowly c arefully-more c arefully most c arefully 易错:early →earlier →earliest badly →worse →worst 基础练习选词填空 (一)luckily / lucky / unluchk / unluckily 1. that was an hoy .he lost his parents in the earthquake 2. it rained hard. The children took umbrollas so they didin’t get wet 3.. he is to pass the exam 4. A terrible car accident happpened to him he didn’t lose hos life (二)easy easily easier more easyly 1.If you have more knowledge .you can deal with the problems 2. the question looks I ‘m sure I can woerk out it by meself 3. In generally’it is to say than to do (三)success successful successfully succeed 1. Don’t worry . I heard that the airplne has landed at the airport 2.if you become people will watch you all the time 3. if you try your best you will 4. Attitud is everything Details (细节)decide (四)happy happily happier more happily 1. Because of having parents’ love. I can grow up 2. look . the children are playing over there 3. the busier he is .the he feel (五)safe safely safety 1. School is the serious problem 2. please drive more slowly. is the first 3. Although we were in trouble . we got there 4. To be is important to everyone (六)careful carefullly 1. Liu ming is . girl . she does everything .


一、选择题 1.We’ll meet kinds of difficulties in our lives in the future.We should learn to be ________any challenge! A.confident enough to take on B.active enough to take up C.enough careful to take up D.enough patient to take on 2.Jack sings _________ and he is a _________ singer(歌手). A.nice; good B.well; good C.good; well 3.—How often does he watch TV? —He watches TV. A.hard ever B.ever C.never 4.—Susan, someone is waiting for you on the phone. It_______ be your sister, but I’m not sure.— Oh, please tell her to call me_______ because I’m busy now. A.might; later B.must; later C.might; late D.must; late 5.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 6.Of the three boys over there, John sings English songs ________. A.more beautiful B.the most beautiful C.more beautifully D.the most beautifully 7.Food is important for our health. So we must keep our food ________ and cook it________. A.clean; proper B.cleanly; proper C.clean; properly D.cleanly; properly 8.—Every student likes Ms. Wang very much. —Yes. She________makes her lessons interesting. A.never B.always C.Sometime 9.—What do you think of Rose? —She’s a lazy girl. She ________ helps her mother do house work at home. A.never B.often C.always 10.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 11.—Talking with my parents is _____________ difficult for me. They never understand me.—Don’t worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best. A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometime 12.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 13.—I can’t find my dog. —________ you can ask the policeman for help. A.Why not B.May be C.Shall D.Perhaps 14.—How was your trip to the British Museum?


定语从句中关系副词的用法 关系副词,顾名思义,是联系先行词和定语从句的词,属于副词。定语从句中的关系副词有三个:when, where和why,它们在定语从句中分别作时间、地点和原因状语。其句法结构如下: 表时间的名词 + when + 定语从句 time,day,hour,year when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。 例句:I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. I’ll never forget the day when I joined the army. 表地点的名词 + where + 定语从句 place,room,house where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。 例句:The factory where his father works is in the west of the city. This is the house where I lived two years ago. 表原因的名词reason + why + 定语从句(why只用于reason之后的限制性定语从句中,在定语从句中作原因状语。) 例句:That is the reason why I did the job.(在现代英语中why可以省略) 上句也可以这样表示: That is the reason I did the job. 又如: This was the reason (why )we raised the temperature. 关系副词在定语从句中的用法看似简单,以下注意点不可忽视: 1)当先行词是时间,地点,原因时,并不是一定对应使用when,where,why The factory ________ I visited is not far from here. 诀窍:1.先找定语从句:____I visited, 2.假设可填入which,which I visited, which指代factory 3.看定语从句是否完整;I visited the factory。 很完整,which正确,或that The factory ________ I work is not far from here. 1. ___I work 2. which I work,,,,which指代factory 3.看定语从句是否完整I work the factory. I work in the factory,可见缺少in 4.因此应该是in which I work=where I work *I will never forget the day when I first met you on the seashore. *I will never forget the days which/that we spent together in Xueyao Middle School. **This is the hospital where my mother works. **This is the hospital which/that we visited the day before yesterday. ***The reason why he did not go to school is that he was ill. ***This is the reason which/that he gave his boss in the office . 2) “when”、“where”和“why”都可以替换成“介词 + which”,介词的选用取就于先行词和定语从句中的动词。例如: Do you still remember the day on which we first met in Nantong?(on which=when) This is the room in which we lived last year.(in which=where)


初中英语副词知识点:副词的基本用法 初中英语副词知识点:副词的基本用法 副词在句中主要用作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或句子。 ⑴修饰动词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式、频度等。一般位于动词之后,如果动词有宾语,则要位于宾语之后。频度副词常位于助动词和连系动词be 之后或实义动词之前。例如:He arrived only yesterday. 他是昨天才到的。There were clothes lying here and there on the floor. 地板上到处都是衣服。I have been terribly worried about you all day. 我一整天都非常为你担心。She plays the piano very well. 她钢琴弹得很好。The boy is always asking his parents for money. 那个男孩老是向他父母要钱。She never goes to the cinema. 她向来不看电影。 ⑵修饰形容词、副词、介词短语,一般前置,只有enough例外,需要后置。例如:She seems quite happy. 她看上去相当愉快。You’ve done rather badly in the test. 你考得够糟糕的。The wind was right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。This girl is not old enough to go to school. 这个女孩还没有到上学的年龄。He didn’t run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快,没有赶上火车。 ⑶用作表语,多为与介词同形的副词和表示方位的副词。例如:Is anybody in? 里面有人吗?有人在家吗?Father is away. 父亲离家在外。I am downstairs and my brother is upstairs. 我住楼下,我哥哥住楼上。My friend is still abroad. 我的朋友还在国外。 ⑷少数表示地点或时间的副词还可用作定语,一般位于名词之后。例如:I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。I met a friend of mine on my way home. 在我回家的路上,我碰到一位朋友。What did you think of the meeting yesterday? 你觉得昨天的会开得怎样? 相关推荐:初中英语副词知识点:副词的分类


一、选择题 1.Han Han’s books are_______ written and sell______. A.good ; good B.good ; well C.well; well D.well ; good 2.—You’re going to Hong Kong. What are you doing_______? —I’m going sightseeing. It will be ________time in Hong Kong. A.to there; the first B.there; my first C.in there; my first D.there; my the first 3.Tony ________ gets up early, so he is never late ________school. A.never; for B.never; to C.always; for D.always; to 4.________of the people here live on rice, and the people there live________on wheat. A.Mostly; mostly B.Most; mostly C.Mostly; most D.Most; most 5.My grandpa stays________in a (an) ________house, but he doesn't feel________. A.alone; alone; lonely B.lonely; lonely; alone C.alone; lonely; alone D.alone; lonely; lonely 6.Of us all, Kangkang worked . A.hardest B.most hardly C.harder 7.My brother plays soccer . A.good B.well C.great 8.If you don’t work ________enough, I don’t think your dream will come ________. A.hardly;truly B.hard;true C.hardly;true 9.Look after yourself and take care of your pet. A.well; well B.good; good C.well; good D.good; well 10.My mother usually at 5:30 in the afternoon. A.get home B.get to home C.gets to home D.gets home 11.—Talking with my parents is _____________ difficult for me. They never understand me.—Don’t worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best. A.seldom B.never C.always D.sometime 12.My sister is too young to_______herself_______. A.look at;good B.look like;well C.look after;good D.look after;well 13.“The new technology is so ________ used in the world!” said Mr. White surprisedly with his eyes wide open. A.wide B.widely C.heavy D.heavily 14.--What do you think of the football match? --Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played __________. A.worse B.worst C.better D.best 15.—Remember, ________ you do your homework, ________ mistakes you will make.


关系副词的用法 一、请将下列每一组中的两个简单句合并为一个定语从句,用第二个句子作定语。 1.Monday is the will come on that day. 2.He arrived in Shanghai that the same day I left. 3.July is the weather is usually the hottest in that month. 4.April Fool’s Day is that special day of the the day you should play a joke on someone! 5.March 10,1876 was the the day the first complete sentence was sent over a telephone. 6.The city was spent our vacation there. 7.That is the will meet you there. 8.The town is grew up there. 9.This is the put their tools in it. 二、请选择where,when和which填空。 10.I’ll never forget the day_____I met you for the first time. 11.I’ll never forget the days_____I spent with you. 12.The day,_____began brightly,ended with a violent storm. 13.The day_____we don’t bother to go to office but just work at home may soon come. 14.I arrived in Beijing on the day_____it was snowing heavily. 15.This is the town_____I was born. 16.This is the town_____I want to visit most someday. 17.The ripe fruit should be stored in a place_____contains much carbon dioxide so that it can’t decay rapidly. 18.The ripe fruit should be stored in a place_____there is much carbon dioxide so that it can’t decay rapidly.


【英语】英语语法副词归纳总结 一、单项选择副词 1.He wasn’t to lift the case. A.too strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.so strong 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查enough的用法。句意:他没有力气提起箱子。此处enough“足够”是副词,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。故选C。 2.The man should be excused because he caused the damage _______. A.deliberately B.unintentionally C.meaningfully D.determinedly 【答案】B 【解析】 句意为这个人应该被原谅,因为他是无意中造成了伤害。故选unintentionally无意地。 3.Instead of hiding behind walls, a defender sometimes must ________ engage and disable enemy forces before they strike. A.flexibly B.actively C.primitively D.conservatively 【答案】B 【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A. flexibly易曲地,柔软地;B. actively活跃地,积极地;C. primitively最初地,自学而成地;D. conservatively保存地,保守地;句意:守卫者有时必须在敌方部队攻击前________吸引火力并打倒他们,而不是躲在墙后面。只有选B表示“积极地吸引火力”符合语境。 4.Pollution has reached high level in some urban areas, which is quite worrying. A.disturbingly B.slightly C.exactly D.flexibly 【答案】A 【解析】考查副词。句意:在一些城市污染已经到了令人不安的程度,这是相当令人担忧的。根据后边which is quite worrying这是相当令人担忧的,可知前边污染已经达到了令人不安的程度。A令人不安地;B轻微地;C恰好地;D灵活地。故选A。 5.They gave mo ney to the old people’s home either _____ or through their companies. (安徽2015) A.legally B.sincerely


副词 常用的: actually 实际上;真实地[ Actually, it bores me stiff. ] totally 完全地[ I totally agree. 我完全同意。] eventually最后[ so that amazing progress eventually occurs in short periods.] recently 最近[ has recently come into fashion ] absolutely [是, 当然是; 正是如此Do you think so? Absolutely. 你是这样想吗? 当然是。] largely 很大程度上,大部分[largely depend on.....] basically 基本上 currently 现在,当前,普遍地,通常地 probably 大概,或许 surely 确切地[i'd surely be a hippie child] personally 就自已而言,亲自地 seriously 严肃地, 认真地, 严重地 表时间: afterwards然后后来, later稍后随后,eventually最后终于,hence 从此今后from this time/from now 从此今后 directly直接地立即, quickly很快地,shortly立刻不久,soon 不久马上 nowadays现今,presently目前不久,lately近来的, 表频率: constantly, continuously不断地经常地 repeatedly重复地再三地, frequently经常地, occasionally偶尔地, seldom很少不常, rarely很少地, yearly, monthly, weekly 表逻辑: accordingly 相应地In accordance; correspondingly. likewise同样地照样,* The food was excellent, (and) likewise the wine. 菜好极了, 酒也是. * I'm going to bed and you would be well advised to do likewise. 我要睡觉了, 你最好也睡吧. accordingly 因此, consequently因此, hence因此, thereby因此由此 merely只不过仅仅merely a flesh wound.仅仅是皮肉伤 furthermore, moreover, besides nevertheless, nonetheless; however仍然 * He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.他时常对我粗鲁无礼, 但我还很喜欢他. In spite of sth;尽管, regardless 无论如何continues to work regardless.不顾后果地继续工作 表语气:


Unit 2 Growing Pains 定语从句( 2) 定语从句中关系副词的用法 Learning Content : Learn Attributive Clauses --- Relative adverbs: where, when, why Learning Aims: Learn how to use relative adverbs in attributive clauses Learning difficult and important points: The difference between relative adverbs and relative pronouns Period:One 自主学习过程关系副词是联系先行词和定语从句的词。定语从句中的关系副词有三个:when, where 和why,它们在定语从句中分别作时间、地点和原因状语。其句法结构如下: 1. 表时间的名词+ when +定语从句,when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。例句:I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing. I 'll never forget the day when I joined the army. 2. 表地点的名词+ where + 定语从句,where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。例句:The factory where his father works is in the west of the city. This is the house where I lived two years ago. 3. 表原因的名词reason + why + 定语从句(why只用于reason之后的限制性定语从句中,在定语从句中作原因状语。) 例句:That is the reason why I did the job.(在现代英语中why可以省略)上句也可以这样表示:That is the reason I did the job. 关系副词在定语从句中的用法看似简单,以下注意点不可忽视: 1)“wher”、“where”和“why的运用取就于表时间的名词、表地点的名词和表原因的名词reason 在定语从句中所作的成分,比较下面的几组句子: *I will never forget the day when I first met you on the seashore. *I will never forget the days which/that we spent together in . **This is the hospital ______ my mother works. **This is the hospital ______ we visited the day before yesterday. 知识小结(判断定语从句引导词的方法)方法一:不及物动词则要求用关系副词when, where, why, 从句中的谓语为及物动词且后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;方法二: 先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时选择关系代词(who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时选择关系副词( where 地点状语,when 时间状语,why 原因状语) 2) “when” “where和“why”可以替换成介词+ which ”介词的选用取就于先行词和定语从句中的动词。例如: Do you still remember the day on which we first met in Nantong?(on which=when) This is the room in which we lived last year.(in which=where) Do you know the reason for which he refused to go t o Mary's birthday party. (for

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