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学术会议常用表达 1. 有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academic conference international conference symposium annual meeting/symposium/conference forum, international forum workshop (2)日期 dates/important dates/key dates (3)地点 location/venue conference location/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference conference themes/topics topic of interests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 call for abstract/proposal/paper paper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance Paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by…deadline for authors notification camera ready version deadline 3. 会议注册 deadline/closing date for registration registration form registration information registration fees and items official invitation letter payment telegraphic transfer only bank transfer bank draft/check 4. 会议进程及内容 conference schedule/program preliminary conference program final conference program opening ceremony/session keynote session/parallel session/tutorial session keynote speech oral presentation poster presentation tea/coffee break (buffet) lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5. 会议具体细节 opening introduction to speaker theme/paper presentation question and answer comment on speaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(Question and Answer Session)是同行之间交流的良好机


最新国际会议通知范文 国际会议通知范文一会议时间:20_年10月30日---11月2日主办单位:国家自然科学基金委员会中国化学会 承办单位:华中科技大学 会议地点:华中科技大学国家学术交流中心 联系地址:华中科技大学生命科学与技术学院 网址: 联系人: 一、会议宗旨 大会旨在为从事微流控芯片、纳微分离与分析以及相关领域基础、应用研究的学者提供广泛多学科交叉的学术交流平台。会议历时4天,将以大会报告、专题报告、邀请报告、口头报告、墙报等交流形式,为与会专家、青年学者、研究生等提供一个与国内外知名学者互动和学术交流的机会,以促进相关学科的深入发展。 二、会议主题 (1)微流控学与纳流控学Microfluidics and Nanofluidics; (2)微全分析系统MicroTAS; (3)毛细管电泳Capillary Electrophoresis; (4)毛细管电色谱Capillary Electrochromatography; (5)高效液相色谱或超效液相色谱HPLC / UPLC; (6)微纳生物分析Micro/NanoScale Bioanalysis;

(7)与上述技术联用的检测技术如光谱、质谱和电化学技术等; (8)上述技术与系统在化学、生物医学、药学、环境和食品安全等领域中的应用。 凡与上述主题相关的新原理、新方法、新技术和新应用均为本次大会的征文范围,已在刊物上发表或全国会议上报告过的论文不在交流之列。 三、会议论文要求 1)中文或英文摘要均可,包括标题、作者、单位、地址、邮编、E-mail 地址、电话、摘要、关键词、参考文献,请标明与会作者(__)和通讯作者(_。每篇摘要限用A4纸1页上下左右分别留出2.5cm,单倍行距。中文摘要题目用三号黑体,作者姓名用四号楷体,作者单位用五号宋体,摘要和关键词用小四号楷体,参考文献用小五号宋体打印,中文摘要请务必提供论文的英文题目和作者信息;英文摘要全篇Times New Roman字体,标题加粗14号,其他内容12号,单倍行距。中文或英文摘要模板可由会议网站下载( )。 2)论文实行网上投稿,对不符合要求的稿件,将退回请作者重新修改。一经评审录用后即定稿,不再修改,并发出通知。请作者在递交论文摘要时仔细检查,论文一经录用,文责自负。 3)论文请务必提供稿件联系人电话、通讯地址和Email。 4、征文截止日期 请于20_年9月15日前在线投稿。投稿网址为: 四、已确定的邀请报告名单(大会报告、专题报告和邀请报告,排名


在国际会议上做好口头报告的必备环节(question time) 如果你的论文在国际会议上发表,你又做 oral presentation, 那么如何回答问题也是需要技巧的。一会高质量的会议还是有些牛人云集的,口头报告既可以让别人有机会认识你,探讨一些学术问题,也有利于认识牛人呀:) 所以在这整理了如何完美的完成question time,希望对大家有帮助:) Question time 几点简要事项: ※Welcome the question ※Listen carefully to the question---don’t interrupt ※Take time to think before you answer ※Check you have understood the question---rephrase or clarify if necessary ※Reply positively---be brief and clear ※Accept criticism positively ※After your answer, check that the questioner is satisfied 如果遇到了以下的情形,看看如何来Handling it 1. Instead of asking a question, the person strongly, rather angrily, disagrees with your point of view. ――――对于这种情况你就先礼貌地听他讲完,然后重述一下你的观点,如果有必要,重述时加上点佐证。 如果这人还是不依不扰,you can say, “Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree on this point,” or “ Unfortunately, there’s no time to go into this more deeply right now.” 2. Instead of asking a question, the person states his or her own viewpoints that agree with yours. You can say, “ Yes, that fits in exactly with what I was saying”. 3. The person states positively that some information you have given is inaccurate, but you are absolutely sure that you are correct. 这里,你可以提供你的information source or provide additional support for your statement. OR YOU CAN SAY, “ I believe that my information is correct, but I will certainly recheck my facts.” 4. 如果有人直接提出你的一些information is inaccurate, 而你又不能自己的information was correct or not. ―――Do not feel threatened or regard this as an attack. YOU CAN SAY, “ I appreciate your bringing this to my attention. I’ll have to recheck my sources to see what is correct.” 5. 如果有人问的问题is so basic, 你发现他did not understand any of your presentation.


(虽然短短5页,这可是本主一个多月的工作结晶,往对大家有帮助,别忘了给赞) P1 Greeting: Thanks for introduction. Hello everyone. Wellcome to my talk. Thank the organisers for giving me this opportunity. Self-introduction: My name is [your name] a phd student at group of Prof. [your advisor] who is sitting there. We come from [your University], China. As you know, nanjing is a city with a long history which locates in the south-east of China. Subject: Today, I’m going to talk about our recent work about [your title]. P2 Outline: My presentation is divided into four parts: Background; Morphology control; Catalysis & Drug-delivery; Summary. P3 (Introduction of the background)In the past, numerous researches have been done focusing on micro- and macro-scale. But, there is a central issue, how the understanding at the micro-scale can enable predictions of functional behavior at the macro-scale.Then, a new awareness, also an open concept ‘mesoscale science’has recently emerged to link the micro- to the macroscale. It is clear that porous materials have great potential due to their various composition, structure and morphology. (My theme)In this talk, we focus on controllable synthesis of morphology and use it as mesoscale to obtain the quantification and optimization of the relevant processes. P4 (Catalysis VS your materials) As for heterogeneous catalysis, it is widely known that macroscopic parameters such as the yield, selectivity, products and rate of chemical reactions are related to the nano-structure of catalyst including morphology, size, pore and composition. Because nano-structure can produce various effects on chemical process such as…. P5 (Drug-delivery VS your materials) And when it comes to drug delivery, the morphology and size of porous materials are two main subjects. (you can refer to some references to support your idea) Prof. Mou found that rod-like particles have many 优势(pointing)compared to sphere morphology. Prof. Tang studied mesoporous silica nanoparticles with aspect ratio from 1 to 5 as drug-carrier. She found that the AR of MSNs affect greatly these aspects. vivo


Thank you, prof. …. My name is ….. I’m from ….. I am very pleased to be here to join this forum. The topic of my presentation is properties of rapid construction materials for soil pavement of field airfield. As is shown in the picture, the main parts of my research are about soil pavement. My presentation will include these four parts: First, some background information about this research; second, the main work we have done; third, some conclusions we have got and the last: innovation and presentation of our published papers. Why I choose this item? I think it can be illustrated from the following four parts. First, the existing quantity of airfields is still not sufficient and the airfields have many shortcomings especially in war time. Second, the complementary facilities, such as highway runways are far less than airfields, however, have more weakness. Third, a certain amount of field airfield is quite necessary considering some emergencies such as rescue and disaster relief. Forth, the field airfield can fill the void of airfield and they can be combined to be airfield network. The meaning and aim of this research contains three parts. Fast, convenient and validity, fast means the field airfield must be constructed


国际会议通知3篇_写作指导 国际会议通知3篇 发布时间:2020-04-01国际会议,主要是指数国以上的代表为解决互相关心的国际问题、协调彼此利益,在共同讨论的基础上寻求或采取共同行动(如通过决议、达成协议、签订条约等)而举行的多边集会。下面是国际会议通知,欢迎参阅。国际会议通知120xx年/第二届能源与环境保护国际会议是由内蒙古大学、香港工业技术研究中心联合发起组织的国际性学术会议,将于20xx年4月20日-21日在桂林举行。本届会议旨在为参会的专家学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台,共同探讨可持续能源与环境工程及相关技术在全球的发展以及能源、环境相关产业面临的新机遇,从而推动国际能源的技术创新和环境的可持续发展。在此,我们诚挚地邀请海内外专家、学者以及相关行业的朋友们参加本次学术会议!本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在《Advanced Materials Research》上,全部被EI核心与ISTP同时索引,全文截止日为20xx年4月5日。论文要求如下:1、必须符合本次会议征文主题2、流畅的英文撰写,符合英文写作规范,可读性好3、结构严谨,有实用性和创新性4、原创的,未曾出版国际会议通知2院属各部门:我院承办的“中药化学研究进展暨中药健康产业发展国际学术交流会”即将于本月21~23日在重庆举行(会议议程详见12月11日院办公系统通知),现已邀请国家科技部、国家药监局、国家中医药管理局等部门领导以及日本、香港、台湾等国家和地区的国际知名专家、院士、学者亲临大会并做学术报告。请我院各部门积极组织人员参加本次学术会议,以部门为单位统计各部门参会人员,将参会人员名单于15日下午5:00前办公系统发至科研处刘静、梁旭明、蒋渝,办公室吴诗礼、张艳,财务处王玉宏、黄琼,以便会务组根据人员情况做好会议资料、会场布置、会议签到等准备,请按时将参会人员名单返回。请准备提交会议论文的科技人员16日前发至科研处和信息中心。现将参会人员统计等有关要求通知如下: 1.我院参会人员不收取注册费,22日上午8:00—8:50 在会场外(具体地址详见11日办公系统第二轮会议通知)签到领取会议资料,凭代表证进入会场,中午为自助餐; 2.我院专家指导培养的在院研究生亦可参加本次会议,有关要求同上;请各部门统计参会研究生时在“备注栏”写明我院导师姓名; 4.会务组将根据提交的参会人员名单准备会议资料等,填报了参会人员名单的方可签到领取资料进入会场,请各部门抓紧时间返回统计表; 5.会议期间,保持会场纪律,请将手机关闭或调为静音,严禁在会场拨打电话、高声喧哗或随意走动等。附件:部门参会人员统计表科研处20xx年12月12日国际会议通知3各学院(系、所):为提高研究生培养质量,促进国际交流与合作,为博士研究生拓宽学术视野、活跃学术思想,20xx年我校研究生院在“985三期”建设中立项,继续设立研究生参加国际学术会议奖励基金。兹将有关具体事宜及要求通知如下:一、资助对象和资助条件 1. 申请资助的博士、硕士研究生应同时具备以下条件:(1)全日制脱产非定向的在校博士、硕士研究生;(2)具有良好的政治素质,较强的科研能力和英语交流能力;(3)以第一作者(或导师第一作者申请人为第二作者)撰写并以同济大学为第一署名单位的学术论文或摘要,被在国外举行的本学科领域权威的国际学术会议录用。(4)参加国际学术会议的内容必须与学位论文有关; (5)资助的国际会议必须在国外(港、澳、台地区为境外,不属于国外)举行,申请人必须被邀请在会议上作口头报告或张贴海报; 2. 原则上每位研究生在学期间只能获得一次该项资助。表现突出者,可酌情给予奖励。 3. 原则上每位研究生导师指导的在读研究生仅限一名成功申请同一次国际学术会议的资助。二、申请和评审程序 1. 研究生国际学


编号:国际会议通知3篇 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期:年月日 X X公司

国际会议,主要是指数国以上的代表为解决互相关心的国际问题、协调彼此利益,在共同讨论的基础上寻求或采取共同行动(如通过决议、达成协议、签订条约等)而举行的多边集会。下面是国际会议通知,欢迎参阅。 国际会议通知1 20xx年/第二届能源与环境保护国际会议是由内蒙古大学、香港工业技术研究中心联合发起组织的国际性学术会议,将于20xx年4月20日-21日在桂林举行。 本届会议旨在为参会的专家学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台,共同探讨可持续能源与环境工程及相关技术在全球的发展以及能源、环境相关产业面临的新机遇,从而推动国际能源的技术创新和环境的可持续发展。 在此,我们诚挚地邀请海内外专家、学者以及相关行业的朋友们参加本次学术会议! 本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在《Advanced Materials Research》上,全部被EI核心与ISTP同时索引,全文截止日为20xx 年4月5日。

论文要求如下: 1、必须符合本次会议征文主题 2、流畅的英文撰写,符合英文写作规范,可读性好 3、结构严谨,有实用性和创新性 4、原创的,未曾出版 国际会议通知2 院属各部门: 我院承办的“中药化学研究进展暨中药健康产业发展国际学术交流会”即将于本月21~23日在重庆举行(会议议程详见12月11日院办公系统通知),现已邀请国家科技部、国家药监局、国家中医药管理局等部门领导以及日本、香港、台湾等国家和地区的国际知名专家、院士、学者亲临大会并做学术报告。 请我院各部门积极组织人员参加本次学术会议,以部门为单位统计各部门参会人员,将参会人员名单于15日下午5:00前办公系统发至科研处刘静、梁旭明、蒋渝,办公室吴诗礼、张艳,财务处王玉宏、黄琼,以便会务组根据人员情况做好会议资料、会场布置、会议


The benchmark for survey and spatial solutions 3D Laser Scanning for Masonry Arch Bridges The benchmark for survey and spatial solutions The benchmark for survey and spatial solutions

3 Overview Introduction

5 Introduction Technological Push - TLS ?Developed for Petroleum and Mining Industries 6 Introduction Applications Pull ?Several Applications – purely as a result of initiative

8 Clientele Architects, Engineers and Government ?General Knowledge of Surveying

TEAM “Effective team management promotes project stability, structure and performance” 10 The benchmark for survey and spatial solutions

11 Team Collaboration between GHD Bridges (Vic) and Vekta Works completed for Department of Transport 12 Acquisition


员工书面警告通知书 当员工犯错误不是很严重时,公司就会对违纪的员工下达书面警告通知书。下面学习啦小编为大家整理了一些员工的书面警告通知书,供大家参考学习,希望对大家有所帮助。 书面警告通知书范文篇一 ____同志作为公司市场部副经理,在其本职工作中有所疏忽,导致市场信息耽误,故特此给予警告处分一次。希望下次引以为荐,不再发生。 ____建设集团有限公司 二零____年____月____日 书面警告通知书范文篇二 ________员工: 因与____年____月____日,违反____________的规定,现进行书面警告一次,以资惩戒,如在一月之内违反公司其他规章制度,将予以劝退或除名处理。 门店管理中心 开单人:________ 员工签字确认:________ 日期:________ 日期:________ 此警告单一式两联,被警告人一联,部门留存一联 书面警告通知书范文篇三全体员工: 单位员工____在近段工作时间中屡次不服从领导工作安排及顶撞领导,并且不参加公司工作会议,严重影响公司

的运作,由于情节严重,本着教育为主的原则,今给予警告计小过一次,处以罚款100元。望后期避免类似问题的出现,若再犯,将严格按照公司相关规定严肃处理! 望全体员工引以为戒,杜绝此类事件的发生,共同维护正常工作秩序。 行政人事部 二○____年____月____日 书面警告通知书范文篇四编号: 部门: 同事: 根据《员工纪律办法》,如员工,将给予书面警告或记小过处分。按照考勤统计,你于年月至年月期间,累计迟到已达次。经研究,现向你发出书面警告。 遵章守纪是员工应恪守的基本行为准则,希望你纠正迟到行为,按时出勤,否则将会受到进一步的纪律处分。 人力资源部 二○年月日 猜你感兴趣 1.警告通告范文4篇 2.员工书面警告通知书范文 3.暑假家长通知书模板3篇 4.员工开除通知书范文7篇


一、參加會議經過 會議時間為2010.09.08~.2010.09.11,為期四天。 二、與會心得 2010年World Molecular Imaging Congress於日本京都的國際會議中心(Kyoto International Conference Center)盛大舉辦,該國際會議中心同時也是1997年京都議定書(Kyoto Protocol)的簽訂地點。自9月8日開幕為期四天的研討會每天都安排了Poster的展示競賽,以及各種主題的Educational workshop與Oral presentation,內容相當豐富充實。 議題部分延攬了與分子影像相關的各種基礎研究,以及分子影像於臨床醫學、學術研究上的應用。囊括(1)各種Imaging modality (Ex. MRI、CT、US…)的儀器進展暨應用,在此議題中亦包含大、小動物模型(animal model)的建立,並分享目前在各種臨床前研究上應用情形,這部份對於實驗室建立大腸直腸癌幹細胞小動物模型有很大的幫助。(2)在各種分子影像探針的設計議題中也顯示未來多功能的分子影像探針將會是一大焦點,發展可結合功能性與解剖性的影像資訊、或使分子探針除了可以進行疾病診斷外,更具備標靶治療的能力,奈米科技(Nanotechnology)在這裡扮演了相當重要的角色,此議題對實驗室而言可以提供我們未來在奈米藥物研究上的參考,也可與實驗室長期致力的光動力診斷治療做進一步結合。(3)眾多議題中的另一重點便是癌症幹細胞(cancer stem cell)的偵測、診斷與消滅,這部份也與我們實驗室另一研究主軸不謀而合,經由研討會聽取許多寶貴的研究經驗,提供我們針對人類大腸直腸癌幹細胞進行診斷與治療研究上的有力資源。分子影像融合傳統醫學影像的優勢,又更深一層讓人看到疾病的分子層次,有助於癌症與各種疾病的早期診斷與標靶治療,甚至是進行個人化治療,必定可成為未來臨床醫學研究與應用上的一大利器。 最後,非常慶幸自己能有如此千載難逢的機會赴日本參與WMIC,從世界各地前來與會的大學者及研究人才豪不吝嗇地分享他們在其專業領域上的研究與心得,提出許多寶貴的見解,都可作為未來在醫學影像或疾病診斷、治療上進一步研究的參考與靈感來源。除此之外,也讓我有機會見識到日本千年古都-京都的文化氣質,以及漫步在歷史古蹟中的魅力,此次日本之行讓我不管在知識或是身心都獲得正面能量的薰陶。


国际会议通知3篇 国际会议,主要是指数国以上的代表为解决互相关心的国际问题、协调彼此利益,在共同讨论的基础上寻求或采取共同行动(如通过决议、达成协议、签订条约等)而举行的多边集会。下面是国际会议通知,欢迎参阅。 国际会议通知1 20xx年/第二届能源与环境保护国际会议是由内蒙古大学、香港工业技术研究中心联合发起组织的国际性学术会议,将于20xx年4月20日-21日在桂林举行。 本届会议旨在为参会的专家学者提供一个高水平的学术交流平台,共同探讨可持续能源与环境工程及相关技术在全球的发展以及能源、环境相关产业面临的新机遇,从而推动国际能源的技术创新和环境的可持续发展。 在此,我们诚挚地邀请海内外专家、学者以及相关行业的朋友们参加本次学术会议! 本次会议所有录用的文章将以正刊出版在《Advanced Materials Research》上,全部被EI核心与ISTP同时索引,全文截止日为20xx年4月5日。 论文要求如下: 1、必须符合本次会议征文主题 2、流畅的英文撰写,符合英文写作规范,可读性好

3、结构严谨,有实用性和创新性 4、原创的,未曾出版 国际会议通知2 院属各部门: 我院承办的"中药化学研究进展暨中药健康产业发展国际学术交流会"即将于本月21~23日在重庆举行(会议议程详见月11日院办公系统通知),现已邀请国家科技部、国家药监局、国家中医药管理局等部门领导以及日本、香港、台湾等国家和地区的国际知名专家、院士、学者亲临大会并做学术报告。 请我院各部门积极组织人员参加本次学术会议,以部门为单位统计各部门参会人员,将参会人员名单于15日下午5:00前办公系统发至科研处刘静、梁旭明、蒋渝,办公室吴诗礼、张艳,财务处王玉宏、黄琼,以便会务组根据人员情况做好会议资料、会场布置、会议签到等准备,请按时将参会人员名单返回。请准备提交会议论文的科技人员16日前发至科研处和信息中心。现将参会人员统计等有关要求通知如下: 1.我院参会人员不收取注册费,22日上午8:00—8:50 在会场外(具体地址详见11日办公系统第二轮会议通知)签到领取会议资料,凭代表证进入会场,中午为自助餐; 2.我院专家指导培养的在院研究生亦可参加本次会议,有关要求同上;请各部门统计参会研究生时在"备注栏"写 明我院导师姓名; 4.会务组将根据提交的参会人员名单准备会议资料等,填报了参会


学术会议方案范例 进行XX药业产品介绍和相关学术推广,包括让医生认识产品的特点和优势,帮助其建立处方产品的信心,指导其选择患者并使用产品,同时进行相关学术交流,加强客情关系,最终达到品牌宣传、产品销售的目的。 二、会议目的 1、促进与终端客户的交流与合作,进一步加强客情关系。 2、传递公司的企业文化,以提升公司的品牌。 3、提高公司品牌良好的口碑宣传,最终达到销售相关品种 三、会议基本策划 1、会议名称:XXXXX医疗学术推广暨联谊交流会议 2、会议时间:20XX.11.25(周XX) 20XX.11.26(周XX)

3、会议地点:XXXXX 4、会议主题:学术交流、联谊沟通、销售合作 5、会议邀请对象:XXX社区医院 6、主办单位:XXX药业、医学教|育网搜集整理XX药业集团 7、会议形式:客户联谊+会议交流 8、组织部门:企划部、采购部、医院销售中心 9、会议规模:100家左右的社区医疗服务机构,近200人。学术会议方案范例:现代电机储能系统研讨会会议筹备方案一、会议时间 定于5月10日至12日,会期3天. 二、会议地点

哈尔滨理工大厦 三、参会人员(30人) 1.华北电力大学xx教授、北京交通大学xxx、清华大学xxx、天津大学xxx、哈尔滨工业大学xxx、哈尔滨工程大学xxx、哈尔滨电机厂xxx、哈尔滨大电机研究所xxx、哈电集团xxx、哈尔滨理工大学xxx. 2. 港澳和海外以及大陆的知名专家、学者、作家、传媒人士,各所研究机构和高校代表. 四、会议议程见附件. 五、所需经费预算 与会学者支付来往机票及当地交通费用,现场会费及其它由宿迁学院负责.详细见附件. 六、工作分工(下设三个工作组) 1. 会务组:负责材料的打印、收集、装袋、分发,会议报到、签到,会


参加国际会议总结模板 篇一:国际会议口头报告ppt演讲内容准备模板 The Draft of Academic Presentation 国际会议的口头报告模板,每页ppt你需要讲什么东西需要分页详细写,尽量口语化,如下是本人参加比利时会议的模板,供大家参考。 P1 开场白: I am so honored to be with you to communicate academic questions and ideas. The tile of my academic presentation is “The preparation and catalytic performance of porous silica nanotube functioned with heteroatoms” I shall only take ten minutes of your time. I will talk about the topic on the preparation of porous materials. P2 First of all, i wanna introduce myself. I come from nanjing university of technology, nanjing city, china. P3 The content is listed as follows. P4 All our researches are conducted by the academic

thoughts. Generally speaking, we are committed to porous materials. In order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for Pilot experiments and scale-up production; we tune the structure, such as composition and morphology step by step and optimize them further. What’s more, the possible synthesis mechanisms are also investigated. Today, the presentation is based on the right-hand branch. P5 It is known that mesoporous silica have excellent characters as the catalyst carrier, such as…….. But due to lack of active sites, we have to introduce organic or inorganic species as active sites. And the catalytic performance need to be further improved. P6 As we know, the three factors including activity, scale and diffusion factor play decisive role in the catalysis, affecting the yield, selectivity, stability strongly. In our presentation, we mainly focus on the influence of scale factor on the catalysis. P7


精心整理 学术会议常用表达 1.有关会议的一般信息 (1)名称 conference academicconference internationalconference symposium annualmeeting/symposium/conference forum,internationalforum workshop (2)日期 dates/importantdates/keydates (3)地点 location/venueconferencelocation/venue (4)主题 issues/themes/(main)topics/scopeofconference conferencethemes/topics topicofinterests 2.论文征稿、提交与录用 callforabstract/proposal/paper paperdeadline deadlineforabstract/fullpaper/proposalsubmission submissiondeadline deadlineextended dateformortificationofacceptance Paperacceptance/rejectionwillbeinformedby…deadlineforauthorsnotification camerareadyversiondeadline 3.会议注册 deadline/closingdateforregistration registrationform registrationinformation registrationfeesanditems officialinvitationletter payment telegraphictransferonly banktransfer bankdraft/check 4.会议进程及内容 conferenceschedule/program preliminaryconferenceprogram finalconferenceprogram openingceremony/session keynotesession/parallelsession/tutorialsession keynotespeech oralpresentation posterpresentation tea/coffeebreak (buffet)lunch/(buffet)supper (welcome)banquet 5.会议具体细节 opening introductiontospeaker theme/paperpresentation questionandanswer commentonspeaker closing 6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语 学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(QuestionandAnswerSession)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨 精心整理


国际会议口头报告ppt 演讲内容准备模板The Draft of Academic Presentation 国际会议的口头报告模板,每页ppt 你需要讲什么东西需要分页详细写,尽量口语化,如下是本人参加比利时会议的模板,供大家参考。 P1 开场白: I am so honored to be with you to communicate academic questions and ideas. The tile of my academic presentation is “The prep aration and catalytic performance of porous silica nanotube functioned with heteroatoms ” I shall only take ten minutes of your time. I will talk about the topic on the preparation of porous materials. P2 First of all, i wanna introduce myself. I come from nanjing university of technology, nanjing city, china. P3 The content is listed as follows. P4 All our researches are conducted by the academic thoughts. Generally speaking, we are committed to porous materials. In order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for Pilot experiments and scale-up production; we tune the structure, such as composition and


The Draft of Academic Presentation 国际会议的口头报告模板,每页ppt你需要讲什么东西需要分页详细写,尽量口语化,如下是本人参加比利时会议的模板,供大家参考。 P1 开场白: I am so honored to be with you to communicate academic questions and ideas. The tile of my academic presentation is “The preparation and catalytic performance of porous silica nanotube functioned with heteroatoms” I shall only take ten minutes of your time. I will talk about the topic on the preparation of porous materials. P2 First of all, i wanna introduce myself. I come from nanjing university of technology, nanjing city, china. P3 The content is listed as follows. P4 All our researches are conducted by the academic thoughts. Generally speaking, we are committed to porous materials. In order to explore high-performance functionalized materials for Pilot?experiments and scale-up?production; we tune the structure, such as composition and morphology step by step and optimize them further. What’s more, the possible synthesis mechanisms are also investigated. Today, the presentation is based on the right-hand branch. P5 It is known that mesoporous silica have excellent characters as the catalyst carrier, such as…….. But due to lack of active sites, we have to introduce organic or inorganic species as active sites. And the catalytic performance need to be further improved. P6 As we know, the three factors including activity, scale and diffusion factor play decisive role in the catalysis, affecting the yield, selectivity, stability strongly. In our presentation, we mainly focus on the influence of scale factor on the catalysis. P7 Due to lack of active sites for mesoporous silica, two main methods (surface loading, modified framework) are widely reported, by which various organic or inorganic active sites can be immobilized on the surface or incorporated into the framework of mesopoous silica. P8 Though various morphologies of mesoporos silica were widely synthesized, the synthesis of the mesoporos silica, with three simultaneous characteristics including doped metal, mesoporous structure and specific morphology, is always a challenge, which is rarely reported. In other words, for our case exploring a proper condition, at which the silicon and metal sources can simultaneously hydrolyze, can ensure a desired material. P9 Next, let’s look at the synthetic steps. Firstly,…. Then, …. After that, …. At last, we obtained the products.

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