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典范英语6 ⑤《科密特船长与紫色星球》梗概

典范英语6 ⑤《科密特船长与紫色星球》梗概
It was a quiet morning at Stardust Space Station.Captain Stella was checking the space shuttle.Captain Comet was watering the plants.Spanner wanted to sit at the control https://www.doczj.com/doc/074206541.html,et let Spenner not to tuch that red button.There was also a big button labelled 'Gravity'Spanner was not sure what 'Gravity'was.He tuched it to see want happened.And then Comet had a strange feeling.Then Spanner pressed the button to make the https://www.doczj.com/doc/074206541.html,et and plants fell down.
When Spanner was cleaning the mess.The scanner found something.Everybody came here to have a look.It can't be an ansteroid,It must be a https://www.doczj.com/doc/074206541.html,et and Spanner took the shuttle to had a look.Spanner called the planet "Planet Spanner".At the planet.The planet looked very strange.It was purple and covered in huge spikes.On the planet,Spanner made a flagepole,Comet feel it was alived,He said to Spanner "NO STOP!"But befor Comet stoped him,Spanner had already hammered the sharp flagpole into the https://www.doczj.com/doc/074206541.html,et and Spanner came back to the shuttle.They blasted off.They looked at the screen.It was a SPACE MONSTER!
Spanner hammerd a sharp flagpole into his backsid,so it want to eat Comet Spanner's shuttle.Just then Captain Stella's face appeared on the screen.Stella said there no one or planet closer only some https://www.doczj.com/doc/074206541.html,et drived the shuttle through the snsteriods.Sothe monster can't follow them.They went back to the space station.
Spanner said"How will poeple we were the first to find it?"Comet said "Oh,they'll know.After all,it does have your flag sticking out of its bottom!"he said.

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