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Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name is Jim Allan Green. Green is my family name .My parents gave me both of my other names.

People d on’t use their middle names very much. So “John Henry Brown” is usually called “John Brown”. People never use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names. So you can say John Brown, or Mr Brown; but you should never say Mr John. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the family name but never with the first name.

Sometimes people ask me about my name. “When you were born, why did your parents call you Jim?” they ask.” Why did they choose that name?” The answer is they didn’t call Jim. They called me James. James was t he name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. That’s because it is shorter and easier than James.

1.Most English people have____ names.

A one

B two

C three

D four

2. ____ is Jim’s family name.

A Jim

B Green

C Allan

D James

3. English people use Mr, Mrs or Miss with ____ .

A the family name

B the first name

C The middle name

D the first name and the middle name

4. The teacher’s name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her ____.

A miss Mary

B Miss Joan

C Miss Mary Joan

D Miss Shute

5. People usually call the writer Jim instead of James because _____.

A It’s the name of his grandfather

B It’s easier for people call him

C It’s the name that his parents cho se for him

D It’s more difficult than James

( 2)

It is Saturday。The Browns are at home。Mrs Brown is in the kitchen。She’s making apple pies。The pies she makes are very delicious。Do you want to have a taste?Mr Brown isn’t in the living room。He is outside。He is washing his car。The car is new and very beautiful。So he looks after it very well。Jim is in the garden。He is playing football with some other boys。Where is his sister,Sue?She’s in her bedroom with her friend,Ann。They are watching the Animal World。

1 There are _____ people in Mr Brown’s family。

A six

B four

C two

D three

2 Mrs Brown is ____.

A tasting the apple pies

B watching TV

C cooking

D eating a cake

3 Mr Brown looks after _____very well.

A Mrs Brown

B his daughter

C his family

D his car

4 Who are playing outside? _____

A Mrs Brown and Sue

B Some boys

C Sue and Ann

D Some girls

5 Sue and Ann are ____.

A watching TV in the living room

B playing football in the open air

C watching TV in Sue's room

D playing in Ann's room


On Christmas Eve ----- the night before Christmas Day children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents.

Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is a very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. He lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney into the fireplace and brings them a lot of present.

Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can’t wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: Merry Christmas!’’

Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other.

1. Christmas Eve is _____.

A the night before December 24

B the night after December

25 C the night of December 25 D the night of December 24

2. Father Christmas often puts the presents_____.

A into children’s hats

B into chil dren’s stockings

C under children’s beds

D into children’s shoes

3. Father Christmas comes into the house through the___.

A window

B front door

C chimney

D back door

4. On the morning of Christmas Day, children wake up their parents very early and say____.

A Good morning!

B Happy New Year!

C Best wishes for you!

D Merry Christmas!

5. On Christmas Day, people often ____to each other.



It’s easier to downhill than to climb uphill, so it’s easier to fall into bad habits than into good ones.

Bad habits do not come suddenly. They come little by little without one’s being aware of their danger. Schoolboys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the street. When they cannot

Write their lessons, they copy from their schoolmates. If they see bigger boys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke. If they see their friends

gambling, they want to gamble. When they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stranger, so that they can no longer get rid of them. From copying, they learn to steal; from gambling, they learn to cheat. At last they become distrusted by every. How necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits at the beginning! Or they should overcome us in the end!

1. Bad habits don’t come suddenly, do they? _____.

A Yes, they do

B No, they don’t

C Yes, they don’t

D No, they do

2. Some boy students fall into bad habits____.

A in school

B at home

C on the street

D both A and C

3. The boys may steal from _____.

A copying

B gambling

C writing

D their parent

4. It’s____ to fall into bad habits, but____ to get rid of them.

A easy, hard

B hard, easy

C easy, easy

D hard, hard

5. The writer wants to tell us____.

A to steal for money

B to get rid of bad habits at the beginning

C to go uphill

D A, B and C


The New Year’s Eve party was going on when the b ell rang. A tall man opened the door and came in. Nobody knew him, but the host went over and took him in. The man sat there happily for an hour and drunk. Then he said, “invited me to this party。I don’t know you, or anyone else here. My wife and I wanted to go out in our car, but one of your friend’s cars was in front of our gate, so I came here to find him, and my wife is still waiting in our car!”

1. When did the story happen?

A At 7:00

B In December

C On New Year’s Eve

D When the bell rang

2. The “bell” here means the _____.

A time bell

B doorbell

C church bell

D bell for class

3. The host went to meet and took him in because he took the tall man for ____.

A one of his friends

B his brother

C his classmate

D his teacher

4. The tall man’s wife waited in the car for _____.

A a long time

B two hours

C a half hour

D an hour

5. At last, the host might be a little_____.

A happy

B surprised

C worried

D afraid


The population count in China has ended. Population counters now will spend the next few weeks examining the count to make sure it is correct. The final count is expected to be announced by the end of August. 5000,000 census takes have spent the past ten days talking to members of every family in China. They have collected information on age, employment, educational level of every person in China. China’s population is believed to be 1000,000,000 people. This is about 20% of all the people in the world.

1. This passage is ___.

A a letter

B a piece of news

C a story

D a diary

2. By the end of August, the population counters_____.

A are talking to members of every family

B will begin the census

C only have finished the count

D will be able to have the final conut

3. It will take them____ to examine the count.

A about three weeks

B about ten days

C about a year

D about several months

4. 1000,000,000 means_____.

A one thousand million

B one million

C one billion

D ten billion

5. The population count in China is ______.

A busy and dangerous

B difficult and slow

C pleased and interesting

D important and careful


Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor looked him over carefully and said,“Medicine won’t help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot and smoke one cigar a day. Go to the country place for a mouth.”

After a month the man came to the doctor again,“How are you ?” said the doctor,“I’m glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “OH!Doctor,I feel quite well now,” said the man ,“I had a good rest。I went to bed early,drank a of milk and walked a lot。You r advice certainly helped me,but you told me to smoke one cigar a day almost killed me first。It’s no joke to start smoking at my age!’’

1. The doctor told the man ____.

A to go to bed early

B to drink milk

C to walk a lot

D Both A, B and C

2. Which of the following sentences is true?

A The doctor told the man to visit a beautiful city of country for a month.

B The doctor didn’t tell him what to do.

C After a month, the old man felt better.

D The old man was younger than before after a month.

3. The doctor’s words were _____ for the old man’s health.

A bad

B good

C well

D strong

4. The doctor wanted the old man______.

A to get worse

B to smoke less than before

C to help him

D to start smoking

5. From what the old man said at last, we know_____.

A one cigar a day was really helpful to him

B one cigar a day was better than before

C the old man was not a smoker at all

D smoking made him feel better than before

https://www.doczj.com/doc/086045794.html, 江苏省中小学英语教学


阅读理解训练50篇(1) 1 Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion, unless you learn how to deal with it. They warn that anger can lead to heart disease, stomach problems, headaches, emotional problems and possibly cancer. Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time. Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way. Others burst with anger, and scream and yell.But other people keep their anger inside. They can not or will not express it. This is called repressing anger. For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person's health than expressing it. They said that when a person is angry, the brain releases the same hor- mones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate, raise blood pressure, or sugar into the blood, etC.In general the person feels excited and ready to act. Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous. They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease, and they believe that those who keep their anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure. Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger. They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause of the anger, then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry about. If it is, they say, “Do not express your anger while angry. Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.” Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry. They said that laughter is much healthier than anger. 1.“Damaging emotion” means t hat _________. A.the emotion is harmless B.the emotion is harmful C.the feeling is very strong D.the feeling is hard 2.What statement is right? A.Were you angry, you would be cancered (得癌症). B.Once you are angry, you must be cancered. C.Angry as you are often, you can't be cancered, D.Anger may cause you a cancer. 3.Expressing anger violently _________ repressing it according to some scientists. A.is just the same as B.is more harmful than C.is no better than D.is much better than 4.According to the author, you'd better _________. A.never be angry B.cool it down before you express it C.laugh and laugh when you get angry D.admit you are wrong when you are angry 二


———————— 娘,红当的

参考答案: 1. 花坛 2. 弯弯曲曲低头不语害羞的 3. 略 4. 略 《丑石》节选 这使我们都很惊奇!这又怪又丑的石头,原来是天上的呢!它补过天,在天上发过热,闪过光,我们的先祖或许仰望过它,它给了他们光明,向往,憧憬;而它落下来了,在污土里,荒草里,一躺就是几百年了?! 奶奶说:“真看不出!它那么不一般,却怎么连墙也垒不成,台阶也垒不成呢?” “它是太丑了。”天文学家说。 “真的,是太丑了。” “可这正是它的美!”天文学家说,“它是以丑为美的。” “以丑为美?” “是的,丑到极处,便是美到极处。正因为它不是一般的顽石,当然不能去做墙,做台阶,不能去雕刻,捶布。它不是做这些玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到一般世俗的讥讽。” 奶奶脸红了,我也脸红了。 我感到自己的可耻,也感到了丑石的伟大,我甚至怨恨它这么多年竟会默默地忍受着这一切,而我又立即深深地感到它那种不屈于误解、寂寞的生存的伟大。 1..画出选文的中心句。

2.为什么天文学家说它是以丑为美的? 3.“奶奶脸红了,我也脸红了”。他们为什么会脸红呢? 4.读了这篇文章,你有什么启发? 参考答案: 1.丑到极处,便是美到极处。 2.因为它不是一般的顽石,不能去做墙,做台阶,不能去雕刻,捶布。它不是做这些玩意儿的,所以常常就遭到一般世俗的讥讽。 3.“我们”为之前对丑石不屑一顾的态度感到羞愧。 4.我们做任何事情都不能用世俗、浅陋的眼光去看待,要去挖掘它的内涵。 《世界上第一个听诊器》节选 一天,雷奈克缓步从一个花园走过,突然被两个正在玩跷跷板的男孩吸引住了。只见他们一个站在这头,弯着腰,把耳朵紧贴()跷跷板,一个蹲在那头,用一枚铁钉在板上轻轻地划()着。原来,通过木板,在另一头能清楚地听到划木头的声音!雷奈克试了试,声音果然沿着木板传了过来。他高兴极了,马上跑回医院。他把一本笔记簿卷()成筒儿,一头靠着病人的胸腔,另一头凑近自己的耳朵。啊!呼吸声、心跳声都听到了! 1.在括号里给画线字注音。 2.雷奈克通过观察小朋友们玩跷跷板的样子,发现了什么?


大学英语四级阅读理解训练 Classified advertising is that advertising which is grouped in certain sections of the paper and is thus distinguished from display advertising. Such groupings as “Help Wanted”, “Real Estate”, “Lost and Found” are made, the rate charged being less than for display advertising. Classified advertisements are a convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser. The reader who is interested in a particular kind of advertisement finds all advertisements of that type grouped for him. The advertisers may, on this account, use a very small advertisement if it were placed among larger advertisements in the paper. It is evident that the reader approaches the classified advertisement in a different frame of mind from that in which he approaches the other advertisements in the paper. He turns to a page of classified advertisements to search for the particular advertisement that will meet his needs. As his attention is voluntary, the advertiser does not need to rely too much extent on display type to get the reader’s attention. Formerly all classified advertisements were of the same size and did not have display type. With the increase in the number of such advertisements, however, each advertiser within a certain group is competing with others in the same group for the reader’s attention. In many cases, the result has been an increase in the size of the space used and the addition of headlines and pictures. In that way, the classified advertisement has in reality advertisement. This is particularly true of real estate advertising? 1. All of the following facts are advantages of classified advertisement for advertisers EXCEPT that ____. A) classified advertisement charges less money B) it is easier to attract the attention of the target consumers C) it provides more information for the readers


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.


小学语文阅读理解答题万能公式+阅读专项练习及解析语文阅读解题步骤点拨 1.通读文章了解主要内容,揣摩中心思想。 2.认真通读所有题目,理解题意,明确题目的要求。 3.逐条解答,要带着问题,仔细地阅读有关内容,认真地思考、组织答案。 4.检查,看回答是否切题,内容是否完整,语句是否通顺,标点是否正确。 某句话中某个词换成另一个行吗?为什么? 动词:不行。因为该词准确生动具体地写出了…… 形容词:不行。因为该词生动形象地描写了…… 副词:如(如:都,大都,非常只有等):不行。因为该词准确地说明了……的情况(表程度,表限制,表时间,表范围等),换了后就变成……,与事实不符。 (注:有些是可以换的,不要一律写不能换,要根据题目及文章含义看看具体能不能哦!) 动词理解 XX生动表现了人(事)物X X的特点(情状)(或描绘出一幅……的场景),反映了人物……的心情

一句话中某两三个词的顺序能否调换?为什么? 答:不能。因为: (1)与人们认识事物的(由浅入深、由表入里、由现象到本质)规律不一致; (2)该词与上文是一一对应的关系; (3)这些词是递进关系,环环相扣,不能互换。 (注:有些是可以的,不要一律写不能,要根据题目看看具体能不能哦!) 句子分析 这样的题目,句子中往往有一个词语或短语用了比喻、对比、借代、象征等表现方法。答题时,把它们所指的对象揭示出来,再联系上下文,围绕主题,挖掘出句子深层含义,再整理一下自己的语言就可以了。 例题:请问文中划线部分用了怎样的修辞手法,表达了作者怎样的心情? 不同修辞的作用及答题格式: A、比喻、拟人 作用:生动形象; 答题格式:把XX比作(把XX拟人化)X X,生动形象地写出了(事物)……的特点,表达了(人物)……

英语四级阅读理解练习题 第94组

洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 综合题,请根据题目给出的内容,来回答下面给出的试题。An unidentified wit once said, "laugh, and the world laughs with you. Snore, and you sleep alone." Yet snoring is far from a laughing matter, as those unfortunates with good hearing, who are rightly subjected to the sounds of the snoring disorder, will testify. It has been estimated that one of eight Americans snores; this means that there are approximately 21 million people --- women as well as men - who render an unpleasant sound when they are asleep. And assuming that each snorer disturbs the sleep of at least one other person, it necessarily follows that there are 21 million unhappy listeners. While a sleeping person breathes, either in or out, several structures in his nose and throat generate the snoring. The sounds, coming from the soft palate and other soft structures of the throat, are caused by vibratory responses to inflowing and outflowing air. When the soft tissues of the mouth and throat come close to the lining of the throat, the vibrations that occur are caused by the position of the tongue. In short, the noise made by snoring can be compared to the noise when breezes flutter a flag on a pole. The frequency of the vibrations depends on the size, density, and elasticity of the affected tissues and on the force of the air flow. Although it is usually the process of in haling or exhaling through the mouth that cause snoring, short snores come from the nose of an open-mouthed sleeper. In all fairness to snorers, however, it should be emphasized that snoring is an involuntary out which stops as the offender is awakened. 请根据上面给出的内容,来回答下面的单项选择题(下列每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。每小题0分,共5题。)16. If each snorer disturbs the sleep of one other person,the number of Americans that are unfortunately subjected the sound of the snores will be _____. A :one out of five B :one out of eight C :eight out of one hundred D :one out of eighteen 请选择答案:A:B:C:D:17. The snoring is caused by _____. A :the soft palate and other structures of the throat B :the inflwoing and outflwoing air through the nose C :the inflowing and outflowing air throught mouth D :the vibrations as a result of the inflwoing and outflowing air 请选择答案:A:B:C:D:18. If a person produces short snores,most probably he has _____. A :a soft palate B :a big nose


高考英语阅读理解练习题及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 I was born on the 17th of November 1828, in the village of Nam Ping, which is about four miles southwest of the Portuguese Colony (殖民地) of Macao, and is located on Pedro Island lying west of Macao, from which it is separated by a channel of half a mile wide. As early as 1834, an English lady, Mrs. Gutzlaff, wife of a missionary to China, came to Macao. Supported by the Ladies' Association in London for the promotion of female education in India and the East, she immediately took up the work of starting a girls' school for Chinese girls, which was soon followed by the opening of a boys' school. Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school and it was doubtlessly through his influence and means that my father got me admitted into the school. It has always been a mystery to me why my parents should put me into a foreign school, instead of a traditional Confucian school, where my big brother was placed. Most certainly such a step would have been more suitable for Chinese public opinion, taste, and the wants of the country, than to allow me to attend an English school. Moreover, a Chinese belief is the only avenue in China that leads to political promotion, influence, power and wealth. I can only guess that as foreign communication with China was just beginning to grow, my parents hoped that it might be worthwhile to put one of their sons to learning English. In this way he might become an interpreter and have a more advantageous position to enter the business and diplomatic world. I am wondering if that influenced my parents to put me into Mrs. Gutzlaff's School. As to what other sequences it has eventually brought about in my later life, they were entirely left in the hands of God. (1)How was the author admitted to Mrs. Gutzlaff's school? A. Through his father's friend's help. B. Through his own efforts to exams. C. Through his father's request. D. Through Mrs. Gutzlaff's influence. (2)Why did the author's parents put him into an English school? A. An English school was more influential. B. Foreign trade with China was developing fast. C. It met with Chinese public opinion. D. He could become a successful interpreter. (3)What did the author think of his parents' decision to put him into an English school? A. It was skeptical. B. It was mysterious. C. It was thoughtful. D. It was wonderful.【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,小时候父亲送作者去英语学校而不是中文学校,并分析了具体原因。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school”可知,作者是通过父亲朋友的帮助进入到Mrs.


大学英语四级阅读理解(1)We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming(把......按能力分班) pupils. It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixed-ability teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning. In our classrooms, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups: this gives them the opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope with personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyse and evaluate, and to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes they work on individual tasks and assignments, and they can do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this efficiently. An advanced pupil can do advanced work: it does not matter what age the child is. We expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every


小学语文阅读理解专项练习题 1、种辣椒 常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察它的生长过程。 回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。 到了盛夏,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,几天后,一朵朵雪白的小花,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。 秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。收获的时节到了,我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,竟收了小半筐。 我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道不是真理吗? 1.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 ①小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。() ②我飞一样地跑到窗台前。() 2、蒙蒙的小雨 蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。 忽然迎面一辆的士飞驰而来她猛地拐向路边但车把挂在树干上她摔倒了小妹妹没事吧一个小伙子站在她身边问道陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医院吧。”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医院走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。 她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地说:“三年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了,像你一样。不,还不如你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会儿,小伙子说:“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。”听了这话,陈红陷入了沉思?? 医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。“我去通知你父母,你知道他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过告诉了他们,又说,“要不是那位大哥哥,我真不知该怎么办好,哎,他呢?”这时,只听护土小姐说:“那个小伙子,看见你爸妈来后,他就离开医院了。”陈红怔住了:“我还不知他叫什么呢!” 父亲背起陈红,母亲在旁边扶着,一家人走出医院的时候,他们多么希望在人流中再次寻到那小伙子的身影。 1.给第二自然段中没有标点的地方加上标点。 2.联系上下文解释加粗词的意思。


英语四级阅读理解练习附答案 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《英语四级阅读理解练习附答案》的内容,具体内容:下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international ma... 下面是我整理的,希望对大家有帮助。 Culture is one of the most challenging elements of the international marketplace. 『This system of learned behavior patterns characteristic of the members of a given society is constantly shaped by a set of dynamic variables: language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, aesthetics, technology, education, and social institutions.』① To cope with this system, an international manager needs both factual and interpretive knowledge of culture. To some extent, the factual knowledge can be learned; its interpretation comes only through experience. The most complicated problems in dealing with the cultural environment stem from the fact that one cannot learn culture—one has to live it. Two schools of thought exist in the business world on how to deal with cultural diversity. One is that business is business the world around, following the model of Pepsi and McDonalds. In some cases, globalization is a fact of life; however, cultural differences are still far from converging.

(英语) 高考英语阅读理解专题训练答案及解析

(英语)高考英语阅读理解专题训练答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 A Guide to the University Food The TWU Cafeteria is open 7 am to 8 pm. It serves snacks, drinks, ice cream bars and meals. You can pay with cash or your ID cards. You can add meal money to your ID cards at the Front Desk. Even if you do not buy your food in the cafeteria, you can use the tables to eat your lunch, to have meetings and to study. If you are on campus in the evening or late at night, you can buy snacks, fast food, and drinks in the Lower Café located in the bottom level of the Gouglas Centre. This area is often used for entertainment such as concerts, games or TV watching. Relaxation The Globe, located in the bottom level of McMillan Hall, is available for relaxing, studying, cooking, and eating. Monthly activities are held here for all international students. Hours are 10 am to 10 pm, closed on Sundays. Health Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Wellness Centre is committed to physical, emotional and social health. A doctor and nurse is available if you have health questions or need immediate medical help or personal advice. The cost of this is included in your medical insurance. Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm. Transportation The TWU Express is a shuttle service. The shuttle transports students between campus and the shopping centre, leaving from the Mattson Centre. Operation hours are between 8 am and 3 pm. Saturdays only. Round trip fare is $1. (1)What can you do in the TWU Cafeteria? A. Do homework and watch TV B. Have meals and meet with friends C. Buy drinks and enjoy concerts D. Add money to your ID and play chess (2)Where and when can you cook your own food? A. The TWU Cafeteria, Friday. B. The Lower Café, Sunday. C. The Globe, Friday. D. The Mattson Centre, Saturday. (3)The Guide tells us that the Wellness Centre _________. A. gives advice on mental health B. offers services free of charge C. trains students in medical care D. is open six days a week 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一则应用文.介绍了大学部分服务项目的情况。一是介绍了自助餐厅、咖啡馆,它们营业的项目及时间、地点等.二是可以让学生放松娱乐的地方,可以在这里自己做饭,组织一些活动等.三是关于健康保健卫生,学生可以去咨询有关健康保

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