当前位置:文档之家› 我国大型超市企业发展战略研究方案




摘要 (3)

Abstract (4)

引言 (6)

1 世界零售业态变迁及理论述评 (7)

1.1零售业态的演进理论 (7)

1.1.1零售之轮理论 (7)

1.1.2手风琴理论 (8)

1.1.3零售辩证过程理论 (9)

1.1.4零售自然选择理论 (9)

1.1.5零售生命周期理论 (10)

1.2西方发达国家零售业态的演化及启示 (11)

2 中国零售业各主要业态特点分析及发展比较 (14)

2.1我国零售业主要业态介绍 (14)

2.1.1我国零售业态分类 (14)

2.1.2我国零售业各主要业态特点分析 (14)

2.1.3我国零售业态的演化进程 (17)

2.1.4我国零售各业态发展比较 (17)

2.1.4我国各零售业态所处生命阶段和前景 (19)

2.2我国零售业发展趋势预测 (20)

2.2.1 连锁经营将成为零售业的主流形态,并且向国际化发展 (21)

2.2.2大型综合超市(大卖场)成为主力业态 (21)

2.2.3多业态经营将成为零售业主流发展方向 (22)

3我国零售业的现状及竞争态势分析 (24)

3.1我国零售业的现状及问题 (24)

3.1.1从我国零售百强企业看我国零售业的现状 (24)

3.1.2我国零售业目前存在的问题 (25)

3.2我国零售业的市场竞争态势及结果预测 (26)

3.3连锁大型综合超市(大卖场)的波特五种力量模型分析 (28)

4我国大型综合超市企业多业态组合发展战略的思路 (35)

4.1零售业态演进理论的缺陷和不足 (35)

4.2多业态组合的理论基础 (35)

4.3我国连锁大型综合超市实施多业态组合发展战略的思路 (36)

4.3.1涵型组合发展战略的要素 (37)

4.3.2外延型组合发展战略的要素 (39)

5我国大型综合超市企业多业态组合发展战略的具体实施 (41)

5.1搞好资本运作,组建大型控股公司和大型商业企业集团 (41)

5.2建立明晰的多元化的产权结构和科学规的现代企业制度 (42)

5.3关注国家政策和政府行为的影响 (43)

5.4进一步提高核心竞争力,加大联锁经营的力度 (43)


共生圈” (44)

5.6服务、营销方式的不断创新 (45)

5.7大力推进信息化和物流配送体系的建立 (45)

5.8适时向产业上游拓展,大力开发自有品牌 (46)

5.9区域化、国际化发展战略 (47)

参考文献 (48)

致 (49)
















The retail industry boasts itself as a sun-rising industry.

In today’s environment when China’s economic growth has taken a graduate shift from an investment-motivating production-oriented growth to consumption-motivating market-oriented growth, the retail industry, as the major circulation and final channel of the tertiary sector, has increasingly manifest its leading and dominant role in the upper industries, with a growing contribution to the growth of the national economy, and hence its unparalleled position in the transition period for the economic structure when the tertiary sector of the economy has seen a speedy development.

With China’s accession into the WTO and the further opening of the

market, the enormous market potential has attracted groups of retailing giants from all over the world, further heating the already fierce competition for market at home. How to survive in this fierce competition and to seek development is a new task facing China’s retailing enterprises.

With large-scale comprehensive supermarkets as the subjects for research, by tracking the development of China’s retail form, this paper aims to identify the laws for form structure changes as well as for form development and to apply these laws in practice, so as to determine operation strategies for enterprises which can follow the trend of industrial development. The paper consists of five chapters:

Chapter One deals with five general theories in the world’s retail form changes and “five revolutions”in the development of retail forms in western developed countries.

Chapter Two summarizes the characteristics of typical retail forms, with the basic conclusion that chain operation is the mainstream operation approach in retail business, and that large-scale comprehensive supermarkets will become a major retail form, with multi-form operation as the direction in development.

Chapter Three analyzes characteristics, present situation, industrial environment of China’s retail business as well as compares the development and the competitive statuses of various forms, and through a theoretical analysis of multi-form complex and five power model analyses of

large-scale comprehensive supermarkets, predicts that in China the retail form of large-scale comprehensive supermarkets will become a major form, and that a trend of multi-form complex and common development will form through merger and acquisition as well as other means for capital expansion.

Chapter Four states the author’s preliminary ideas as to how to implement multi-form complex development strategies for chain large-scale comprehensive supermarkets.

Chapter Five gives the author’s ideas on how to implement multi-form complex development strategies for China’s large-scale comprehensive supermarkets.

Key words: Retail form, Five power model, Strategy

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