当前位置:文档之家› 【恒心】【好卷速递】广西南宁二中2012届高中毕业班三月份模拟考试英语试题










3.选择题,请用28铅笔,把答题卡上对应题目选项的信息点涂黑。非选择题,请用0.5mm 黑色字迹签字笔在答题卡指定位置作答。








1.Where does the woman live?

A.At 886 Barton Street.B.At 886 Garden Street.C.At 889 Bolton Street.

2.What club is the man in?

A.A sports dub.B.A performance club.C.A book club.3.When will the plane arrive?

A.At 1 : 30 pm.B.At 2: 00 pm.C.At 2: 30 pm.4.What do we know about the two speakers?

A.They are classmates.

B.They are friends.

C.They are both newcomers.

5.What language does the shopkeeper probably speak?

A.German.B.French, C.Japanese.





6.Where are" the speakers now.`?

A.Near the center of the city.

B.On the main highway.

C.in the heart of the downtown area.

7.What are they going to do next.`?

A.Go back home.B.Ask someone for help.C.Turn right.听第7段材料,回答8—9题。

8.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

A.What film to see.B.How to go to the cinema.C.The weekend plans.

9, Where have the two Speakers decided to go?

A.The Neighborhood Theater.B.The Broadway.C.The United.听第8段材料,回答l0—12题。

10.How long has the woman been there?

A.A few months. B.2 years.C.4 years.11.Why won't the man call the weather hotline.'?

A.Because it's too expensive.

B.Because it's too troublesome.

C.Because it's useless.

12.What can we learn from the conversation.?

A.The man is always dressed properly for the weather.

B.The woman gave the man some medicine.

C.The local weather is changeable.


13.What do both Mary and Patti have for breakfast?

A.Bread.B.Salad.C.Orange juice.14.What do many Chinese young couples think of western breakfasts?

A.Cheap and convenient.

B.Healthy but not tasty.

C.Convenient and healthy.

15.Why do the British often have fast food for lunch.`?

A.They are too tired to cook lunch.

B.They begin working early in the afternoon.

C.They want to save some time to take a nap.

16.What do we know about the woman?

A.She often has lunch in a fast food restaurant.

B.She always drinks afternoon tea.

C.She usually has a big dinner with the family.


17.What are examinations meant to test?

A.One's learning method.B.One's knowledge.C.One's experience.

18.Why do students in universities usually take examinations?

A.To see if they are fit for more difficult studies.

B.To get the qualification for future work.

C.To classify the students into different grades.

19.Why are office workers required to take examinations according to the talk?

A.Because the exam results Can show whether they are smart.

B.Because the exam results can show how much they know about their jobs.

C.Because the exam results can be used to set the salary.

20.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the talk?

A.The system of examinations.

B.The results of examinations.

C.The functions of examinations.





21.—Shall we have our office decorated?

—I think it' s fine as it is.

A.Why not? B.So what? C.Better not.D.Not exactly.22.Bob works hard.He is often seen in the library reading far into the night.A.sits B.sit C.seating D.seated 23.My aunt may phone this morning, so I have to stay home she calls.A.even though B.in case C.as if D.as long as 24.I am too busy to meet you these days.I would rather you next weekend.A.come B.will Come C.came D.have come 25.After repairs, the church a new look now.

A.puts on B.takes on C.holds on D.turns on 26.Our English teacher, Mrs.White, is kind, hardworking and helpful;, I can't speak too highly of her.

A.in a word B.as a result C.by no means D.on the contrary 27.Tim promised to attend my birthday party, but so far he .

A.didn't turn up B.won't turn up C.hasn't turned up D.wouldn't turn up

28.The president of the company told me, "With work well done, fifth of the workers here will be given raise."

A.a; a B./; the C.the; the D./; a

29.I do appreciate all the help you offered.I don' t think I it without your help.A.need to manage B.should have managed

C.must have managed D.could have managed 30.—Congratulations on your great progress in your studies of physics!

—Thanks, but much .

A.remains to do B.is remained to do

C.is remained to be done D.remains to be done

31.—To learn English well, you must take great pains.

—I will.No effort will be in my English study.

A.spared B.shared C.delayed D.permitted 32.My traveling in Yun Nan last year was a wonderful experience, I can never forget.A.some B.one C.other D.any

33.—My brother never gets upset about his failure in the exam.


A.So does mine B.So is mine C.Neither is mine D.Neither does mine

34.The boy was about to climb up the tree someone suddenly shouted, "Snake!"

A.while B.unless C.when D.until 35.Compared with Mike, Paul is .

A.tall a head B.a head tall C.taller a head D.a head taller




On Valentine’s Day。we went shopping.My eleven-year-old son Sam begged me to allow him to buy his teacher a big red heart filled with 36 .On his small budget(预算),$4.99 was a huge investment(投入),and I was 37 by his generosity.

Sam has not always 38 .teachers.Last year,Sam’s most 39 “achievement” was having the Longest “missing assignment(欠交作业)” list.He 40 all year to keep his head above the academic sea.Many nights Sam sank into tears of frustration(挫折)while 41 his way through another pile of homework.In defense of his 42 grade teacher,she didn’t really assign two hours of homework each night.However,Sam was bringing home all of his unfinished class work.The problem was that his focus was 43 else when the other students were doing their class work.

I must admit l was 44 when I first met Mrs.Hogan.She was a beginning teacher,so young and 45 .How would this new teacher 46 a boy who had feared school?

In the first weeks,the 47 missing assignment issue reappeared.Then,slowly,it began to disappear.Sam had his assignment notebook filled in every day.48,1 wondered what had inspired him.“Mrs.Hogan 49 everyone’s notebook every day,Mom.”Sam reported.

I observed that Sam’s inattentiveness and disorganization were not the 50 things that Mrs.Hogan noticed about him.She 51 Sam as a knowledgeable,capable student who loves to read.Sam rose to her 52 .He earned six A’s on his second—quarter report card.

I still don’t know how much of my son’s change is due to the 53 of Mrs.Hogan.But I do know that my son loves his sixth grade teacher.I believe that every child should have at least one teacher he absolutely loves and 54 .Every child should have a teacher 55 inspires his best effort and the purchase(购买)of a candy-filled heart on Valentine’s Day.

36.A.flowers B.chocolates C.fruits D.candles 37.A.fooled B.scolded C.driven D.touched 38.A.hated B.helped C.loved D.understood 39.A.memorable B.changeable C.usable D.reasonable 40.A.slept B.learned C.wasted D.struggled 41.A.working B.feeling C.building D.losing 42.A.first B.fifth C.sixth D.eleventh 43.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere 44.A.delighted B.bored C.worried D.tired 45.A.gifted B.inexperienced C.unexpected D.skilled 46.A.lift up B.give up C.feed up D.send up 47.A.strange B.other C.new D.same 48.A.Shamed B.Excited C.Amazed D.Impressed 49.A.sees B.watches C.turns D.checks 50.A.dangerous B.common C.primary D.bad 51.A.recognized B.knew C.made D.predicted 52.A.honors B.expectations C.orders D.promises 53.A.force B.beauty C.magic D.youth 54.A.refuses B.receives C.knows D.admires 55.A.who B.it C.he D.she





A Charlotte, North 'Carolina, lawyer bought a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured (投保)them against fire among other things.Having smoked all his great cigars within a month, the lawyer filed claim (索赔)against the insurance company.

In his claim, the lawyer said the cigars were lost "in the series of small fires".Of course, the insurance company refused to pay, giving the obvious reason that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

The lawyer brought the case to the court and out of everybody's expectation, he actually won! At the end 0f the trial, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was somewhat crazy.But the judge said that the lawyer held a policy (保险单)from the company in which it had premised the cigars could be insured and that it would insure them against fire.Because the company didn't say what is considered to be unacceptable fire, it had to pay the claim.Rather than put up with long and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the punishment and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the rare cigars lost in the "fires".After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested and accused him of arson (纵火罪)! With his own insurance claim from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was charged with burning his insured possessions on purpose and was sentenced to 24 months in prison and a $24,000 fine.

This is a true story and was the first place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.It is thought to be the best lawyer story of the year, decade, and probably the century.

56.The lawyer had smoked all the cigars

A.by design B.by mistake C.by accident D.by contract 57.The proper order of the lawyer' s activities is

a.having the company pay his claim b.having himself put in prison and fined c.having smoked all the cigars d.bringing the company to the court

e.insuring the box of cigars.

A.e,c,a,b,d B.a,c,e,d,b C.e,c,d,a,b D.c,e,d,b,a 58.The underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refers to __________

A.the box of cigars B.the insurance company

C.the policy D.the claim

59.Which of the following proverbs is best suitable for the lawyer?

A.Who spits against heaven, it falls in his face.

B.Even the wise make mistakes sometimes.

C.Accidents will happen.

D.An honest man doesn't do anything underhand.


If there is one thing I' m sure about, it is that in a hundred years from now we will still be reading newspapers.It is not that newspapers are a necessity.Even now some people get most of their news from television or radio.Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday.But for most people reading a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.The nature of what is news may change.What basically makes news is what affects our lives —the big political stories, the coverage of the wars, earthquakes and other disasters, will continue much the same.I think there will be more coverage of scientific research, though.It's already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives, like genetic engineering.In the future, I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do -- as we develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.It's quite possible that in the next century newspapers will be transmitted (传输)electronically from Fleet Street and printed out in our own home.In fact, I' m pretty sure that how it will happen in the future.You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read—sports and international news, etc.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about competition between the different media.They actually feed off each other.Some people once foresaw that television would kill off newspapers, but that hasn't happened.What is read on the printed page lasts longer than pictures on a screen or sound lost in the air.And as for the Internet, it's never really pleasant to read something just on a screen.

60.In the author's view, in the future

A.newspapers will cover more scientific research

B.more and more people will watch TV

C.newspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer

D.more big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news

61.From the text, we can infer

A.newspapers will win the competition among the different media

B.television will take the place of newspaper

C.newspapers will stay with us together with other media

D.the writer believe some media will die out

62.What will probably be in the newspaper made by yourself ?

A.International news.B.A menu of important news.

C.The most important news.D.What you are interested in.63.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The changes of media.B.The future of newspaper.

C.Make your own newspaper.D.The best way to get news.


It's certainly not hard to know what your dog is telling you when it has a joyful bark and a madly wagging tail.Most of us quickly learn our pet' s language.But some of the signals dogs give are hard to understand.I .carefully studied my dog, and learned some dog's body language that every master should know.

Friendly tail-wagging: When a friendly dog comes across your dog, its tail will be wagging in wide sweeps, hanging down.Its ears are down and its fur is smooth along its shoulders and back.It will sniff (嗅)your dog — first nose to nose, then the body.

"Play" position: After the usual sniffs, your dog suddenly lies down on its chest with its ears flattened and its rear end in the air.Your dog is giving off perfectly clear signals -- "Let's play."

Submissive postures (顺从的姿势): Sometimes a dog will lie on its belly with its ears flattened and the fur along its back flat and smooth.It looks away and may roll over onto its back.It is probably saying, "! am recognizing that you are the boss."

Signs of fear: A frightened dog lowers its body, with its tail hanging low or tucked (缩拢)between its legs.Its head is down, its ears are laid back, and its hairs are usually raised.The dog may keep close to the ground to protect its belly, and it may approach you in circles.Next time, why don't you just spend .some time studying your dog's body language? I am sure you will have fun.

64-.Why did the author study the dog and show the result?

A.To tell people that dogs' body language has the same meanings.

B.To tell people that dogs' body language is too hard to learn.

C.To tell people that they needn't understand dogs' body language.

D.To tell people that they should understand some basic dogs' body language.65.What does a dog want to say by lying on its belly on the ground and rolling over onto its back?

A.It wants to say, "You are my enemy." B.It wants to say, "You are my master."

C.It wants to say, "I' m hungry." D.It wants to say, "I' m angry." 66.Which of the following statements does NOT show that a dog is fearful?

A.Its tail is tucked between its legs.B.Its head is down.

C.It keeps close to the ground.D.It lies down on its chest.

67.We learn from this passage that

A.dogs can communicate with each other and people by its movements

B.dogs can communicate with people by its barks

C.dogs have feelings as human beings do

D.dogs can understand human language


My husband used to work in a bank but during the crisis he lost his job.The economy wasn't looking good and he didn't have too many options (选择权)to get another bank job.It was incredibly difficult to see him go to the storehouse to look for work, hoping and praying that he would be offered a position (where he would be paid even less than his own teenage children were making).His friends encouraged him to keep on "keeping on" and I was right behind them.I told him to just "go for it".

Finally, he got the job.It brought us such a feeling of pride.With his new job we were still able to pay our rent and buy our groceries.But money was still very tight.I worked in a church, so I don't get paid much for my job.We had to pay land and school taxes and a few other expenses were coming up, so he went to look for another job.The storehouse job was just on the weekends —three 13-hour shifts.He found another job for the holiday season, making deliveries from Monday to Thursday.Once he started working both jobs I hardly ever saw him and in these past six weeks he has worked every single day.

He has been working so hard, so I wanted to make it an extra special Christmas this year.I wanted our house to be filled with company—I didn't want anybody to be alone this year.I finally got round to getting the Christmas tree decorated yesterday and ! worked all day to make the house look festive.

When my husband walked through the door at $ p.m.today he looked exhausted.When he saw the house, he broke into the biggest smile.He grabbed me and gave me a huge hug.And then he apologized for not being around and not being able to help me with all the preparations for Christmas.He said he knew it had been hard on me that he hadn't been around and he was grateful that I had not complained.

I almost fell over! I said that I had no words to tell him how much I loved him and how proud I was of him and that he was such a great husband and father and provider for me.

68.The writer's husband worked two jobs mainly because

A.he was energetic and free

B.his child couldn't make money

C.the family was having financial difficulties

D.he had to support the family all by himself

69.Which of the following is true about the writer?

A.She looked down upon her husband' s job.

B.She had a well-paid job in a church.

C.She did all the preparations for Christmas.

D.She often saw her husband going home at 8 pm, very tired.

70.The writer almost fell over because

A.she was too tired because of the heavy housework

B.she was deeply moved by her husband' s words and behavior

C.she lost balance when her husband embraced her so tight

D.she wanted to lie in her beloved husband' s arms

71.What is probably the best title for the passage?

A.He'll Be Home For Christmas.B.A Night A Couple Didn't Sleep.

C.A Sacrifice For Love This Christmas.D.A Home Filled With Love This Christmas.


Tips for a Green V acation

Ah, summer vacation .is almost upon us, and that means most American families are longing madly to get out of town for a week.

Never mind that the economy is in the tank, or that you' ll use almost half of your vacation days at once m it's time to go to the beach! But wait…before you put the kids in that minivan (小面包车)and speed off: there's a greener way.

Don't Travel as Far

In one of those special instances where environmentalism saves .you a lot of money, the simplest piece of advice is to stay close to home, or, even stay at home, which most Americans aren't likely to follow: if you live in a major city, there are probably many museums, parks, baseball.games, and restaurants that you haven' t been to.But if you MUST travel try to stay within 100-150 miles from home.Your wallet, and the planet, will thank you.Find a Green Hotel

This may seem like a strange task, but it's not —check the environmentally friendly hotels.They're standing ready to assist in your eco-traveling and they are committed to reducing waste on the planet.

Take the Train

Rail travel isn't quite dead in the U.S, which is good, because it features some of the lowest pollution of any form of transport.In order of most polluting, it goes: airplanes, cars, trains, and coach buses —— but I don't believe many people think, of coach buses, Greyhound (美国灰狗巴士), for example, as a good way to get around anymore.

Buy Local Souvenirs(纪念品)

This is hard, seeing how we're nationally addicted to plastic toys, but buy local goods when you travel.Supporting a local artist doesn't just do more for the economy of the place that you're visiting, and it also cuts the cost of transporting all of those mass-produced souvenirs.And besides, taking home art, or cooking ingredients(原料)from a place you can't get at home, is far more interesting.

72.What does the underlined phrase in Paragraph2 "in the tank" mean?

A.In good situation.B.Decreasing rapidly.

C.Increasing rapidly.D.In a box.

73.We may infer from the passage that the greenest way to enjoy one's summer vacation is to A.stay at home B.get out of town

C.go to the beach D.find a green hotel

74.According to the passage, are the least polluting form of transport.A.airplanes B.trains C.cars D.coach buses 75.Buying local souvenirs cannot

A.support local artists

B.do more for the local economy

C.cut the cost of our traveling

D.cut the cost of transporting all of those mass-produced souvenirs









Last week I got back from the UK.I was lucky


enough be one of the students from different countries to


visit Britain from February 16 to 28.We pay a visit to


a number of place of interest, such as London, Oxford


or Lake District.I learned much about British culture


and history in London, where was my favorite city.I also


liked Oxford, where I saw much more old buildings.


The Lake District was beautiful, but it was the pity that it


rained heavy when we were there.The most exciting thing


for me in Britain was that I made a good many of friends.




Dear Li Hua,

How are you? I have not heard from you for quite a while.Things here have been quite


As thousands of high school students continue to search for university places, an increasing number

of school leavers are choosing not to go to university but go straight into work.Do you think it is a good phenomenon?


John 请你读后,针对越来越多的高中生毕业后不上大学而选择直接就业这种现象给John回个邮件,




Dear John,

Always glad to hear from you.I think it is good for the students who are poor at their studies to go

straight into work after high school.

Please stay in touch.

Sincerely Yours,

Li Hua



1—5 BACCB 6—10 ABABC 11—15 ACACB 16—20 CBABC


21—25 CDBCB 26—30 ACADD 31—35 ABDCD


36—40 BDCAD 41—45 ABCCB 46—50 ADCDC 51—55 ABCDA


56—60 ACBAA 61—65 CDBDB 66—70 DACCB 71—75 DBADC


76.√ 77.在be之前加to 78.pay—paid 79.place—places 80.or—and 81.where—which 82.much—many 83.第二个the— a 84.heavy—heavily 85.去掉of


Dear John,

Always glad to hear from you.I think it’s good for the students who are poor at their studies to go straight into work after high school.

Firstly, university is not suitable for everyone.High intelligence is what it takes to study at university.If you are not smart enough to learn your lessons well, university is apparently not the place for you.Working towards what you are not good at means wasting time.Second, interests and talents play an important role in your success and happiness of life.Having found out where your real interest lies, you should follow it, which will surely help you achieve your goal of life.Finally, university is not the only way to success.What counts is to know about yourself and follow what is right.

Please stay in touch!

Sincerely Yours,

Li Hua



21.选C。根据下文“I think it’s fine as it is.”,得知答案应选择C.Better not.委婉地提出反对意见,“最好不用装修”,表示不同意,而A.Why not? “为什么不”,意在同意;B.So what? “如此又怎样”,提出质疑;D.Not exactly.“根本不是这样”,不符合语境。

22.选D。本题考查非谓语动词,seat作主补用seated形式,故选择D项。该空也可用sitting 形式。


B.in case。其它选项even though (即使)、as if(仿佛)、as long as (只要)均不合题意。

24.选C。would rather 后的从句要用虚拟语气,与过去事实相反用would rather sb had done/been结构,与现在事实相反或表达将来的愿望常用would rather sb did结构。根据下文next weekend的提示,说话者表达的是将来的愿望,故选择C.came。25.选B。本题考查动词词组辨析。put on(上演、穿上),take on(呈现、承担),hold on

(坚持、保持、不挂断电话),turn on(打开)。B选项takes on与a new look 搭配,意为“呈现新面貌”,符合语境。

26.选A。本题考查介词词组辨析。in a word(总之);as a result(因此);by no means(绝不);on the contrary(正相反)。根据语境,空格处应是对前述列举的优点进行的概括总结,故选A。

27.选C。本题考查动词时态。现在完成时的时态标志so far十分明显,故选择C。28.选A。本题考查冠词的使用。第一空考查不定冠词a与序数词构成分数的用法;第二空在被动结构中考查give sb a raise习惯用语,意为“加薪”。

29.选D。本题考查情态动词的用法。A选项不符合上文语境,句意也不通;B选项为should/shouldn’t have done sth.结构,意为“本应该做某事而实际上未做”,常用于表达遗憾、责备;C选项为must have done sth.结构,意为“肯定做过某事”,常用语对过去情况的推测,不用于否定推测;D选项与前移的否定(I don’t think…)实际上构成couldn’t have done sth结构,在虚拟语气中表示本不可能做成的事情实际上做成了,符合本题语境。



31.选A。本题考查动词词义辨析。在被动结构中考查spare no effort (竭尽全力,不遗余力),所以选择A项。

32.选B。本题考查不定代词的应用。空格处缺少a wonderful experience的同位语,在四个选项中,one能指代前述单数可数名词。any(任何一个)指代对象为非特定对象,与a wonderful experience不一致。

33.选D。本题考查倒装结构和情景反应。应答句需要用倒装结构来表达“My brother的情况也如此”。上文中的否定词“never”提示需要“Neither”开头,“gets”一词提示要用助动词does来实现倒装。故选D。


35.选D。本题考查形容词级别及其修饰语的位置。根据上文句意所表达的两者间的比较,可确定空格处要用比较级,而比较级的修饰语常置于比较级的前面。“a head taller”的另一种表达法为“taller by a head”。


36.选B。根据本文的最后一句“a candy-filled heart”中的“candy”,得知应该是


37.选D。依据“small budget”,可知$4.99应该对孩子而言应该是一大笔钱,所以本题应该是“(被他的慷慨大方)打动或感动”,所以D.touched正确。38.选C。根据上文Sam在节日中花不少的钱给老师买礼物,表示对老师的感谢,可知他是爱老师的,同时下文也提到“I do know that my son loves his sixth grade teacher.”。故选择C.loved。




41.选A。lose one’s way:迷路;feel one’s way 摸索而行;work one’s way 努力拼搏。根据上文的“to keep his head above the academic sea.”和下文“through another pile of homework”,可知Sam是在“努力地完成那另堆(堂上未完成的)作业”。故选择


42.选B。根据下文得知Sam现在老师Mrs.Hogan为六年级的老师,而上文提到“last year (去年)”,所以本句说的是去年的事,所以填fifth (五年级)。

43.选C。上文提到Sam拿回家的全是堂上未完成的作业,那是因为别的学生在堂上作练习时Sam的注意力都跑到别的某个地方去了。所以C.somewhere 正确。


45.选B。根据文中的提示可知这位新老师没有经验。所以选择B.inexperienced。46.选A。lift sb up=inspire sb激励某人;give up:放弃;feed up:供给营养;send up:发射。故A项正确。

47.选D。根据上文提到去年missing assignment,以及本句中的“reappeared”,可知同样的事情又出现了。所以选择D.same。

48.选C。上文说:慢慢地,欠作业的事消失了,Sam的笔记本每天都记得满满的,以及本句“wonder”的提示,可知作者应该是很惊讶,故C.Amazed正确。49.选D。根据上文Sam的笔记本每天都记得满满的,可推测得出Mrs.Hogan每天都查看每个人的笔记本。故选择D.checks (查看)。



51.选A。recognize… as ≈consider … as,所以选择A.recognized。52.选B。rise to sb’s expectations=be as good or successful as sb expects.下文提到Sam在第六学年中的第二学期得了六个A等,也可知他进步了。故选择B.expectations。53.选C。从文中得知,作者不清楚Mrs.Hogan具体在哪方面对自己的儿子产生了积极的影响。因此,此处用magic更贴近句意。

54.选D。refuse:拒绝;receive: 接待、接见;know:知道、了解;admire:钦佩。根据love的提示,应该选择D.admires。



56.选A。解题信息:第一段“Having smoked all his great cigars within a month, the lawyer filed claim (索赔)against the insurance company.”


58.选B。解题信息:从“it had promised the cigars could be insured”可知it指代的是承担保险的主体,即保险公司。

59.选A。解题信息:With his own insurance claim from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was charged with…,保险公司“以其人之道还治其人之身”的做法十分明显。

60.选A。解题信息:第二段“I think there will be more coverage of scientific research…”。61.选C。解题信息:作者在文中提出的观点是在众多传媒方式日益繁荣的背景下,报纸因其特性和人们的阅读习惯使然,而不会被取代。

62.选D。解题信息:第三段“You will probably be able to choose from a menu, making up your own newspaper by picking out the things you want to read — sports and international news, etc.”


64.选D。解题信息:第一段“I carefully studied my dog, and learned some dog’s body language that every master should know.”作者在文中将自己的观察和研究成果与读者共享。65.选B。解题信息:综合第四段信息可得知。



68.选C。解题信息:第二段中提到,虽然丈夫获得了一份工作,但“… money was s till very tight.”然后列举了几方面家庭经济困难的原因。


70.选B。解题信息:第四段中,丈夫表达了自己的愧疚以及对妻子的感激,并以亲昵的动作示爱,因而让妻子“…almost fell over”。


72.选B。解题信息:根据第二段“Never mind…”的提示,不要在意的应该是经济不好的方面。

73.选A。解题信息:… the simplest piece of advice is to stay close to home, or, even stay at home,…

74.选D。解题信息:In order of most polluting, it goes: airplanes, cars, trains, and coach buses 75.选C。解题信息:最后一段提到“Buying local souvenirs ”的种种好处,除了B选项内容外,A、C、D选项内容均有提及。












M: It’s a beautiful day today.How about a little trip out into the countryside?

W: That sounds great.What will we do?

M: I don't know.I really haven't thought about what we would do.I would just like to get away from the city for a while.

W: Would you like a picnic or to buy something to eat?

M: A picnic! It sounds good to me.

W: OK.If you'll give me about an hour, we could have fried chicken, some salad, cookies and something to drink.What do you think about that?

M: It will be delicious.I can hardly wait to eat.

W: While I'm doing this, why don’t you plan our trip?

M: All right, that sounds like a good idea.













Text 1

W: Could you have all these my books delivered?

M: Of course, madam.May I have your address, please?

W: 886 Garden Street.



Text 2

W: Alex, what are you doing with that glove?

M: I’m going to play baseball.I’ve just joined a sports club.

W: But can you really play baseball?

M: Yes! Actually, I’m good at all kinds of sports —tennis, swimming, running and so on.


Text 3

M: Excuse me, when will Flight CA981 from New York arrive?

W: It was scheduled to arrive at 1:00 pm.But it will be delayed for an hour and a half.



Text 4

M: Hi, are you a newcomer?

W: Yes, and I’m just trying to get adjusted to the life here.What about you?

M: I’m new, too.I just got here a couple of days ago.



Text 5

M: Sara, my wife got some film developed in a shop nearby, but she lost the bill.Could you go with us to meet the shopkeeper? You know, we need a French speaker to explain the matter.W: Certainly.I think he will show you the photos and then you’ll know which ones are yours.停顿00′05"








Text 6

M: Where on earth are we?

W: Judging by all the traffic, I’d say we’re near the heart of the downtown area.

M: What did I do wrong? Did I take a wrong turn?

W: I’m not sure, but I think that you turned left when you should have turned right.

M: Well, now the problem is how to get back onto the main highway.

W: Why don’t you stop and ask a policeman?

M: Yeah, yeah, I think I see one up there on the next block.







Text 7

M: Linda, shall we go to a show tonight?

W: All right.Look in the movie section of the paper and see what’s on.

M: Well, there’s a western at the Neighborhood Theater and an action at the United.Or, we can go to the drive-in movie to see two science fiction films.

W: Is that all there is to see?

M: No.The Cinema is showing a Japanese movie, and there’s a new French film at the Victory.W: What’s on at the Broadway?

M: Before Sunrise is on show there.Let’s go there.That picture gets good reviews.

W: Ok, call and check what time the next show goes on.I hate to come in the middle.






Text 8

W: You’ve been sick quite a bit since you got here, haven’t yo u?

M: Well, for the past few weeks, the weather in this city has been changing a lot.It’s awful.One day it’s too hot outside, and the next day it’s raining.No matter what I put on, I’m always not dressed properly for that day.

W: You should learn to predict the changing climate in this city.Many newcomers complain about the same problem.I’ve been here for four years and I rarely get sick, because I’m always dressed properly for the weather.But when I first came, that was a different story.

M: I know.But what can I do now?

W: Actually, there is something you can do.I heard that there’s a weather hotline you can call in the morning that will tell you the temperature for the day.

M: Yes, I think I’ve heard of that hotline.

W: Maybe you can give them a call tomorrow morning and see if it helps your situation.

M: Not me! I heard that’s very expensive and I don’t have that kind of money.







Text 9

M: Mary, what do you usually have for breakfast in America?

W: I usually have bread, fried eggs and a bowl of porridge.What about you, Paul?

M: I like to have ham, eggs, bread and butter, salad and orange juice — a typical English breakfast.

W: More and more young couples in China have come to like western breakfasts.They think they are very convenient and healthy.

M: Yes, h aving western food for breakfast is good for one’s health.In England, since most people begin working early in the afternoon, they often have fast food for lunch, such as sandwiches, apple pie and beef noodles.

W: We often have lunch in a dining hall.

M: Do you have the custom of drinking afternoon tea with cakes?

W: No, we usually wait for dinner.It’s the biggest meal of the day.All members of the family come home, sit together and enjoy dishes with rice.






Text 10

Dear Tim,

How are things there? In your last letter you told me that you disliked examinations and suggested that we should cancel all the examinations.To be frank, I don’t like them, either.As for your suggestion that we cancel all the examinations, I’m afraid that I’ll have to disappoint you.In our system of education today, examinations are a common feature.Examinations are meant to test how much a person knows or how much he has learnt from a particular course.They are also meant to make students study, which should be their most important task in life.In today’s competitive world, examinations are needed for the purposes of selection.In universities, students have to pass examinations before they are allowed to study harder courses.In offices, examination results show how much a person knows about his work.In my opinion, examinations are still the most suitable form of t esting one’s knowledge in a certain field.


Curtis 停顿00′02"









广西南宁二中2018-2019学年高一下学期期末考试数学(文)试题 扫描版含答案

2018-2019学年期末检测试题 高一数学参考答案 2019.7 一、选择题: (本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分.) BBDCA BACDA DB 二、填空题:(本大题共 4 个小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分.) 13. 0.9 14.1 15.13 16. ②④ 三、解答题:(本大题共 6 小题,共 70 分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.) 17.解:(1)因为()222+2a b a b a b +=+?2 22+21a b =+?= 所以,3a b =-, ………………… 2分 所以,cos ,2a b a b a b <>===?, 又夹角在[]0,π上,∴,a b <>56π= ; ………………… 5分 (2)因为BC AC AB b a =-=-, 所以,()()()2222222322313BC b a b a b a =-=+-=+-?-=, 所以,BC 边的长度为13BC = ………………… 10分 18.解:(1)因为α是锐角,且43 512(,),(,)551313 A B 在单位圆上, 3sin 5所以,α=,4cos 5α=,12sin 13β= 5c o s 13 β=, …………………3分 4531216cos()cos cos sin sin 51351365αβαβαβ∴+=-=?-?=- ………… 6分 (2)因为31010OA OB ?,所以cos()10 OA OB b a ?=,

且=1OA OB =,所以,cos()10b a -=sin()10b a -=可得:b a >), 且4cos =5a ,3sin =5 a ………………… 8分 所以,sin sin[()]sin cos()cos sin() b a b a a b a a b a =+-=-+- =34+=51051050 创. ………………… 12分 19.解:(1)由222sin sin sin sin sin B C A B C +-= 结合正弦定理得222b c a bc +-=; …………………3分 ∴2221cos =22 b c a A b c +-=?? 又(0,)A π∈,∴=3A π . …………………5分 ( 3sin 2sin A B C += ,()sin 2sin A A C C ++= sin()2sin 3 C C π+=, 1cos 2C C -= ∴sin()6C π-=………………… 9分 又203C π<<∴662C πππ-<-< 5.6412 12C C p p p 技技技?-==解得:,分 上面一行的p 应该为π,后面的三个“技”及问好多余,公式编辑出现问题. 20.解:(1)1819202122205x ++++= =,6156504845525y ++++== 515160i i i x y ==∑,5212010i i x ==∑


什么样的英文电影适合于中学生? 看英语电影可以提高中学生的英语水平,这个是不容置疑的。而且被许多英语成功人士的实践所证明。 但是,有的小学生、初中生的年龄小,在选择英语电影时就要注意英语电影的分级了。 现在有许多人认为我们中国的德育工作做得好,社会风气好,比美国等西方国家做得好。因此,我们有许多家长认为西方的电影没有中国的电影好。我没有出过国,没有亲身感受。但是,在网络上通过阅读相关新闻和博客,我了解到许多国外对青少年的保护政策和做法。我发现,国外对青少年的保护力度大超过我国,甚至是在我们周围的许多亚洲国家,像新加坡的青少年政策都比我们国家做得好。比如,在以下几个方面,国外就比我们做得好: 一、国内外电影的不同 1、烟酒的控制 对香烟的包装封面控制和在公共场所禁吸烟工作,我们国家就做得很不好。就是在印度,吸烟的镜头是不能出现在电影电视上的,更不用谈是吸毒的镜头了。这些控烟控酒的政策,甚至是对高糖饮料的控制,对小孩子的体重控制,许多国家是有相关法律的,而我们的国家没有。我们的青少年能很容易地得到烟和酒,这些在饭店、在商店是没有人管的。国家也没有相关法律来控制青少年吸烟和酗酒。这些区别反映在电影和电视上,中国的电影电视和国外的相比就有很大的

不同。 2、暴力、血腥镜头 在国外不同的电影级别。对暴力镜头是有严格控制的。对儿童的电影是禁止有这些镜头的。而在我国没有电影电视的分级,只有审查制度,电影电视节目是面向全体观众的,所以在节目上就有许多暴力和血腥的场面描写。甚至,有的节目把犯罪过程描写得很详细,有教唆青少年犯罪之嫌。 我们身边的暴力更是多,有的老师就很暴力,有的家长就很暴力,有的城管就很暴力。我们经常说美国的校园不安全,经常发生枪击案,经常死人。这个也是由于中国和美国的枪支管理制度不同造成的。美国有2亿多支枪在民间,几乎人手一支了。假如在我们国家,民间有100万支的话,可能就要天天发生枪击案了,校园中就天天有枪声了。 3、色情镜头 国外电影的色情镜头可能比国内的电影多。但是在儿童电影上是没有的。英文电影中男女接吻的镜头可能是比较多的,这个可能是因为中外文化有差异造成的。其实在我们的身边有些暗地的色情场所虽然没有公开,但是是非常多的,在学校中传播的色情小说也是非常的多。在网络上、在手机上的中国色情就更严重了。在路边的美容院、按摩房、洗浴中心的色情程度大超过国外电影的色情。 4、电影情节 我们的电影的非常注重场面的描写,国外的电影有时对人性的思考多些,看后国外电影更能引人深思。有时,国外电影的风景更优美,



小学生日常行为规范 1、尊敬国旗、国徽;升国旗、奏国歌时要肃立,脱帽,行注目礼,少先队员行队礼。 2、尊老爱幼,友爱同学,平等待人。主动帮助有困难的人和残疾人。要尊重他人的民族习惯。 3、尊敬师长,见面行礼,主动问好,要用尊称,不直呼姓名。 4、孝敬父母,听从父母和长辈的正确教导,不任性。外出或回到家要打招呼。 5、待人有礼貌,会使用礼貌用语;不打架、不骂人;到他人房间要先敲门,经允许再进入;不打扰别人的工作和休息。 6、遇见外宾要有礼貌,热情大方,不围观尾随。 7、诚实,不说谎话,有错就改;答应别人的事要努力做到;不随便拿别人的东西,借东西要还;损坏公物要赔偿,拾到东西要归还失主或交公。 8、不挑吃穿,不乱花钱;爱惜粮食和学习、生活用品,要节约用水电。 9、穿戴整洁;经常洗澡,勤剪指甲勤洗头,早晚刷牙漱口,饭前便后洗手;不随地吐痰,不乱扔果皮纸屑。 10、按时上学,不迟到、不早退、不逃学,有病有事要请假。 11、课前准备好学习用品;上课专心听讲,大胆发言,不懂就问,发

言先举手,回答问题声音响亮;课间做正当游戏。 12、课后认真复习,按时作业,书写工整,卷面洁净独立完成;考试不作弊。 13、坚持参加课内外体育活动,认真做广播操和眼保健操;读写姿势要端正。 14、积极参加学校组织的各种劳动,认真做值日,不怕脏,不怕累。 15、自己能做的事情自己做,自己的衣物用品要摆放整齐,学会收拾房间、洗刷餐具、做简单饭菜等家务劳动。 16、遵守交通规则,过马路走人行横道;不在公路、铁道、码头玩耍和追跑打闹;不违章骑车。 17、乘公共车、船要主动购票;主动给老幼病残让座;在公共场所要遵守秩序;观看演出时不随便走动,要保持安静,演出结束时要鼓掌致谢。 18、爱护公共财物,爱护花草树木和庄稼、不在建筑物和文物古迹上涂抹刻画;保护有益动物。 19、不玩火、防触电、防溺水,不做危险性游戏。 20、要看有益的图书、报刊、录像;不吸烟、不喝酒、不赌博、不参加封建迷信活动。遇到坏人坏事主动报告、敢于斗争。


绝密★启用前 数学试卷 学校:___________ 注意事项:注意事项:1、答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2、请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{}1,0,1,2,3,4A =-,集合()(){} 340B x x x =+-<,则A B =( ) A.{}1,0,1,2,3- B.{}0,1,2,3 C.{}1,0,1,2- D.{}1,0,1,2,3,4- 2.已知复数z 满足()1234z i i ?+=-,则z =( ) A. 15 B. 5 D.5 3.若0.43a =,0.2log 3b =,4log 2c =,则a 、b 、c 的大小关系为( ) A.a b c >> B.b a c >> C.c a b >> D.a c b >> 4.n S 是等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若 63 3 8S S S -=-,且38a =,则1a =( ) A. 18 B.-1 C.2 D.-4 5.已知圆2 2 :230C x y x ++-=,直线()():120l x a y a R +-+=∈,则( ) A.l 与C 相离 B.l 与C 相交 C.l 与C 相切 D.以上三个选项均有可能 6.已知向量1a =,若1c a -=,则c 的取值范围是( ) A.13,22 ?????? B.1,22 ?????? C.[]1,2 D.[]0,2 7.某几何体的三视图如右图所示,则该几何体的体积为( )

A.816π- B.816π+ C.168π- D.88π+ 8.某程序框图如图所示,若输出1S =,则图中执行框内应填入( ) A.() 1 1S S i i =+ + B.() 1 2S S i i =+ + C.S S =+ D.S S =9.《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为8步和15步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是( ) A. 310 π B. 320 π C.3110 π- D.3120 π- 10.已知函数()f x 为R 上的奇函数,当0x ≥时,()2 4f x x x =-,则曲线()y f x =在3x =-处的切线方程为( ) A.290x y -+= B.290x y --= C.260x y -+= D.260x y +-= 11.已知函数()cos sin 2f x x x =?,下列结论中错误的是( ) A.()y f x =的图像关于点(),0π中心对称 B.()f x C.()y f x =的图像关于2 x π = 对称 D.()f x 既是奇函数,又是周期函数 12.若函数()()()2 2ln f x ax a x x a R =+--∈在其定义域上有两个零点,则a 的取值范围是( ) A.()()41ln 2,++∞ B.()(0,41ln 2+?? C.()(){},041ln 2-∞+ D.()()0,41ln 2+ 第Ⅱ卷


小学生家庭作业问卷调 查表 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

小学生家庭作业问卷调查表 年级班 尊敬的家长同志:您好,我们想进行学生作业改革,希望能在不影响学生的学业成绩的基础上,既减轻学生的作业负担,又能发展学生的兴趣,提高学生的综合能力能力。请您如实填写下面的表。谢谢您的参与! 1、你是否觉得孩子的家庭作业量过重? A是() B.正合适() 2、小学低年级学生应不应该布置家庭书面作业? A应该() B.不应该() 3、你是否觉得作业越多孩子的成绩会越好? A是() B.不是() 4、你认为小学生每天的作业量多少合适? A、30分钟量() B.60分钟量() C、2小时以内() 5、你希望小学生的家庭作业完成在 A、学校里() B.家里() C、辅导站里() 6、你希望语文家庭作业类型是 A、简单的抄写() B、课外阅读() C、口头的读书、背书() D、综合性训练() 7、你希望英语家庭作业类型是 A、机械的抄写() B、课外阅读() C、听、读课文() D、综合性训练() 8、你希望的数学家庭作业类型是 A、只做书本上习题() B、拓展习题多做些() C、不要布置() 您的建议: 家长问卷调查表 1.您的职业:工人()农民()公务员()技术人员()商人() 2.您的文化程度:小学()初中()高中()中专()大专()

3.您的家庭结构:四代同堂()三代同堂()核心家庭(父母与子女)()其他类型 () 4.您家里谁负责照顾孩子:父母()母亲()父亲()祖父母() 5.您最关心孩子学习的哪一方面:学习成绩()作业习惯() 6.您家里有多少书: 5 0本以上() 30本左右() 10本左右()没有() 7.您家里订了有关文学类、学习类的报刊杂志吗订了()没有()以前有过() 8.你孩子有放学到家就写作业的习惯吗有()没有()偶尔有() 9.您对孩子在学校的表现了解的程度如何了如指掌()基本了解()不了解,那是 老师的事() 10.您了解孩子学习情况的方式是:看考试成绩()听孩子汇报()到学校问老师 ()没了解过() 11.您知道除书面作业外还有其他的固定家庭作业吗知道()不知道() 12.当得知孩子忘了写作业时,您的态度是:训斥打骂()抱怨学校或老师()主动 联系老师,积极处理() 13.您怎样对待孩子的家庭作业帮他(她)做()让其自己做,然后知道检查()不 过问() 14.孩子在家里做作业时,您一般都在做什么陪着,不干扰()在旁边看电视()有时 在家里打麻将()一般不在家()

英语影视欣赏课the forest教案

六年级英语影视欣赏课 The forest Teaching aims: 1. Enable Ss to use animal words a nd the sentence pattern “He is the biggest / smallest elephant in the forest ”correctly. 2. Enable Ss to imitate the pronunciation and intonation well. 3. Enable Ss to voice for the film. 4. Improve the students’ interests. 5. Important points and difficult points 1) Can use the animal words and sentence pattern correctly. . 2) Can imitate and voice for the film. Teaching Aids: some pictures, CAI Teaching steps Step 1 Pre-watching 1. Sing a song "The more we get together". 2. Free talk T:Are you happy ? Today we 'll go to a beautiful place (CAI--forest, teach "forest"). What's in the forest? (pictures--trees, grass, beautiful flowers) Who lives in the forest? Let's enjoy an interesting cartoon. And we have 3 tasks to finish. Step 2 While-watching 1. Task 1 Let’s watch and circle the animals we have seen . 2. Task 2 Let’s watch and choose. 3. Task 3 Let’s repeat and dub the film. Step 3 Post-watching Let's enjoy the music. More interesting films: 《音乐之声》(The sound of music)《狮子王》(The Lion King)《冰河世纪》(Ice Age)


[规章制度]大学晚自习规章制度 大学生公寓自习教室规章制度 第一条学生公寓自习教室是学校在学生公寓区为学生提供的学习场所。为加强学生公寓自习教室的日常管理,营造良好的学习环境,结合学校实际,特制订本规定。 第二条学生公寓自习教室的开放时间为每天晚18:00至次日凌晨6:00(寒暑假及法定假日除外),由所在楼栋的值班员负责按时开关门。 第三条学生进入自习教室应注意文明礼仪。做到衣着整齐,举止端庄,严禁穿背心、短裤、拖鞋进入教室。自习座位随到随用,不得用书包、书本等物品占座位。 第四条自觉保持自习教室的安静,维护正常的学习秩序。不得大声喧哗,不得在自习教室播放广播、视频,不得在自习教室使用通讯工具,以免影响他人。 第五条自行管理好个人物品。钱包、手机等贵重物品要随身携带,不要置于桌上。离开自习教室时应将个人物品全部带走,以防丢失。

第六条自觉维护自习教室的清洁卫生。禁止将食品带入自习教室,不得随意在墙上张贴涂画,不得随地吐痰,乱扔废弃物,离开教室,带走垃圾。自习教室的日常清洁卫生由所在楼栋的值班员负责。 第七条爱护自习教室中的公物。自习教室内的桌椅设备,不得随意挪动,严禁刻划桌椅墙壁。爱护空调等电气设备,提倡节约用电,空调的使用月份原则上为每年的1月、2月、3月、6月、9月和12月。夏季室内的空调温度不低于摄氏26℃度,冬季的空调温度不高于摄氏26℃,空调的使用由所在楼栋的值班员负责。 第八条自觉遵守自习教室的安全规定。严禁携带宠物进入自习教室,严禁在自习教室内抽烟、使用明火,严禁违章使用电器。 第九条自习教室原则上仅用于学生自习,如因特殊情况需要借用自习教室的,应由学院提出书面申请,经学生处批准,方可使用,使用时不得占用每天的正常开放时间。 第十条本规定自公布之日起施行,解释权在校学工部(处)。 扬州大学学工部(处) 扬州大学后勤保障处


广西南宁二中柳铁一中2021届高三9月联考数学理 科 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,集合,则 () A.B.C.D. 2. 已知复数满足,则() A.B. C.D.5 3. 若,,,则a、b、c的大小关系为()A.B.C.D. 4. 某几何体的三视图如图,则几何体的体积为 A.8π﹣16 B.8π+16C.16π﹣8 D.8π+8 5. 已知圆,直线,则 A.与相离B.与相交C.与相切D.以上三个选项均有可能 6. 已知向量,若,则的取值范围是()

C.D. A.B. 7. 展开式中项的系数为() A.5 B.6 C.-6 D.-4 8. 某程序框图如图所示,若输出,则图中执行框内应填入() A.B. C.D. 9. 《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为步和步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是() A.B.C.D. 10. 已知函数为R上的奇函数,当时,,则曲线 在处的切线方程为() A.B. C.D. 11. 已知函数,下列结论中错误的是() A.的图像关于点中心对 称B.的图像关于直线对称 D.既是奇函数,又是周期函数C.的最大值为

12. 若函数在其定义域上有两个零点,则的取值范围是() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题 13. 若x,y满足约束条件,则的最大值为_______. 14. 已知等差数列中前n项和为,且,,则________. 15. 以O为中心,,为焦点的椭圆上存在一点M,满足 ,则该椭圆的离心率为_______________. 16. 已知四棱锥的五个顶点在同一球面上.若该球的半径为4, 是边长为2的正方形,且,则当最长时,四棱锥的体积为_______________. 三、解答题 17. 在中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且满足 . (1)求B; (2)若,AD为BC边上的中线,当的面积取得最大值时,求AD 的长. 18. 若养殖场每个月生猪的死亡率不超过,则该养殖场考核为合格,该养殖月份1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月


广西南宁二中柳铁一中2021届高三9月联考数学文 科试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知集合,集合,则 () A.B.C.D. 2. 已知复数满足,则() A.B. C.D.5 3. 若,,,则a、b、c的大小关系为()A.B.C.D. 4. 是等比数列的前项和,若,且,则 () A. B.C.D. 5. 已知圆,直线,则 A.与相离B.与相交C.与相切D.以上三个选项均有可能 6. 已知向量,若,则的取值范围是()A.B. C.D.

7. 某几何体的三视图如图,则几何体的体积为 A.8π﹣16 B.8π+16C.16π﹣8 D.8π+8 8. 某程序框图如图所示,若输出,则图中执行框内应填入() A.B. C.D. 9. 《九章算术》中有如下问题:“今有勾八步,股一十五步,问勾中容圆,径几何?”其大意:“已知直角三角形两直角边长分别为步和步,问其内切圆的直径为多少步?”现若向此三角形内随机投一粒豆子,则豆子落在其内切圆外的概率是() A.B.C.D. 10. 已知函数为R上的奇函数,当时,,则曲线 在处的切线方程为() A.B. C.D. 11. 已知函数,下列结论中错误的是() A.的图像关于点中心对 称B.的图像关于直线对称

D.既是奇函数,又是周期函数C.的最大值为 12. 若函数在其定义域上有两个零点,则的取值范围是() A.B. C.D. 二、填空题 13. 若x,y满足约束条件,则的最大值为_______. 14. 已知等差数列中前n项和为,且,,则________. 15. 已知O为坐标原点,点,分别为椭圆的左、右焦点,A 为椭圆C上的一点,且,与y轴交于点B,则________. 16. 已知球的直径,A,B是该球球面上的两点,若, ,则棱锥的表面积为___________. 三、解答题 17. 在中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c,且满足 . (1)求B; (2)若,AD为BC边上的中线,当的面积取得最大值时,求AD 的长.

【精品】英语影视歌曲欣赏选修课总结 常州市钟鼓楼实验中学 杭婷42

【精品】英语影视歌曲欣赏选修课总结常州市钟鼓楼实验 中学杭婷42 英语影视歌曲欣赏选修课总结 常州市钟鼓楼实验中学杭婷 学生刚上初一时,基本上每个学生对英语这门学科抱有浓厚的兴趣且成绩优良,但往往一年下来学生的英语学习热情有所减退,学习英语的动力不足。通过一些英语游戏和英文歌曲,电影的欣赏来提高学生对英语学习的兴趣和信心,提高学生学习英语的元认知。通过游戏,歌曲,和原汁原味的英文电影的欣赏,为学生提供了更多的书本以外的语言输入,让学生为电影配音,能够用英语来做事,让学生体会到英语学习的成就感,也为学生的课本英语学习提供了源源不断的兴趣。学生在歌曲和电影的欣赏中即能提高听力,也能为有效的改善自己的语音语调创造有利的条件。 整个学期的选修课目标为:1.帮助学生培养学习英语的兴趣2(通过游戏培养学生的合作意识。3(帮助学生提高听力,帮助学生了解一定的朗读技巧; 4(为学生创设原汁原味的语言输入机会。 5(用英语做事,体会做中学的快乐。本学期我带着学生学习了以下内容: 1. 学唱英文歌曲《Doremi》填写歌词,并在课堂上进行小组竞赛,看看哪个组唱得好。 2. 学唱英语歌曲《My love》填写歌词,了解西域男孩合唱组合的情况。 3. 欣赏电影《功夫熊猫》,对电影中某个情节的对话进行模仿,并为电影配音。 4. 学唱英文歌曲《Proud of you》填写歌词,并进行小组竞赛,激发学生兴趣。 5. 学唱英文歌曲《Yesterday once more》填写歌曲。 6. 听视频内容《Rabbit》填写短文内容,学习对话内容和其中生词,为视频配音。



学校规章制度之作业管理制度 为了进一步落实省、市、区三级业务主管部门关于作业改革的文件精神,进一步规范我校办学行为,切实减轻学生的课业负担,科学有效地提高教育教学质量,促进学生全面健康发展,制定开发区实验中学作业管理制度。 一、作业管理领导小组 组长:李环 副组长:崔秀梅 组员:曲娟崔树喜衣美琴刘凤楚房承山 及各教研组长 二、制定制度,分工落实 教务处根据上级主管部门关于作业改革的文件精神,制定出学校作业管理整体要求,并将工作具体分工级部主任、教研组长和备课组长,每个层面各负其责。级部主任负责作业过程监控与监督记录,教研组长负责制定本学科的作业设置与评价制度,进行作业设计与评价的指导,带领学科老师进行作业改革探索,备课组长带领组内老师进行作业集体备课。 三、控制作业总量 课外作业的科目及数量要求严格执行《烟台市进一步规范办学

行为深入推进素质教育若干规定》的通知(烟教〔2012〕37号)中有关规定,每天书面家庭作业总量不超过1.5小时。 四、作业设置与评价 作业的布置要依据新课程标准和教材内容,精选习题,建立“必做+选做”模式,杜绝给学生布置机械性、无效重复、难度过大的作业,严禁布置惩罚性作业。丰富作业类型,提倡布置探究性、实践性作业。既要有练习型、预习型作业,也要有扩展型、创新型作业。除书面作业外,鼓励布置综合实践作业、实验操作作业、小组合作探究作业以及个性化作业。教师必须认真、及时批改学生作业,做到全批全改,批改后的作业要标明批改时间,以备随机抽查。严禁让家长、学生代为布置、批改作业的做法 五、作业备课制度 学校建立完善的作业备课制度。学校把作业计划具体落实在教学计划里,每周备课组教师在集体备课中实现作业的集体备课。集备作业的过程中,要求老师了解作业的难易程度、所需时间、规范格式、容易出错的地方和适宜的学生群体,做到布置作业适量且具有针对性。 六、建立作业监测、公告和问责制度 每周的作业在前一周通过集体备课集体决定,当周每天各备课组长在级部QQ群里向全体老师公示当晚作业,经级部主任审核通过后布置给学生。然后由任课老师把当天作业在班级家长QQ群里公示,让


广西南宁二中玉高柳高2019高三第一次联考(解析版)-物理 物理试题 【二】选择题:本大题共8小题。在每题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项是符合题目要求,有的有多个选项符合题目要求。全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。 14.图中AO、BO、CO是完全相同的三条绳子,将一根均匀的钢梁吊起。当钢梁足够重时,结果AO先断,那么〔〕 A.α=120°B、α《120° C.α》120°D、不能确定 15.两石块A、B从同一高处自由下落,石块A比石块B早下落2S。令石块B开始下落的时刻为计时起点,取石块B为参照物,那么以下图象中能正确表示石块A运动的图象是〔〕 答 案:BC 解析: 取石块 B为参照物,A做匀速运动,能正确表示石块A运动的位移图像是B,速度图象是C。 16.一带正电小球从光滑绝缘的斜面上O点由静止释放,在斜面上水平虚线AB和CD 之间有水平向右的匀强电场如下图。下面哪个图象能正确表示小球的运动轨迹〔〕 17.如下图,一个小球从地面竖直上抛。小球两次经过一个较低点A的时间间隔为TA,两次经过较高点B的时间间隔为TB,重力加速度为G,那么A、B两点间 的距离为〔〕 A.错误!未找到引用源。 B.错误!未找到引用源。 C.错误!未找到引用源。 D.错误!未找到引用源。 答案:D解析:设小球上抛的最高点距A点的距离为HA,距B点的距 离为HB,根据树枝上抛运动规律,HA=错误!未找到引用源。G(错误!未找到引用源。)2,HB=错误!未找到引用源。G(错误!未找到引用源。)2,A、B两点间的距离为HA -HB=错误!未找到引用源。.,选项D正确。 18.如下图,一圆盘可绕通过其中心且垂直于盘面的竖直轴转动,盘上距中心R处


2019—2020学年度广西南宁二中玉林高中高三年级 联考高中化学 理科综合能力测试 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 O:16 S:32 Na:23 N:14 第一卷〔选择题每题6分共126分〕 一、选择题〔此题包括13小题。每题只的一个选项符合题意〕 6.关于以下事实的讲明错误的选项是〔〕 ①蔗糖中加入浓H2SO4后显现发黑现象,讲明浓硫酸具有脱水性 ②浓硝酸的颜色变黄,讲明浓硝酸见光易分解 ③ SO2气体通入溴水使溴水褪色,讲明SO2具有漂白性 ④常温下浓硫酸可用铁槽车储运,讲明常温下浓硫酸跟铁不反应 A.①②③④B.③④C.只有③D.只有④ 7.某化学教师把〝钠与氯气反应〞的课本实验装置作如以下图改进,将一根玻璃管与氯气发生器相连,玻璃管内放一块黄豆粒大的金属钠〔已吸净煤油〕,玻璃管尾部塞一团浸有NaOH溶液的棉花球。先给钠预热,到钠熔融成小球时,撤火,通入氯气,即可见钠着火燃烧,生成大量白烟。以下表达错误的选项是〔〕 A.反应生成的大量白烟是氯化钠晶体 B.浸有NaOH溶液的棉球用于吸取未反应的氯气,以免污染空气 C.钠着火燃烧产生惨白色火焰 D.用淀粉碘化钾溶液滴在管外的棉球,能够判定氯气是否被完全吸取 8.假设N A表示阿佛加德罗常数,以下讲法正确的选项是〔〕A.2.24LCO2中含有的原子数为0.3N A B.0.1L 3mo1·L-1的NH4NO3溶液中含有的NH4+数目为0.3N A C.1 mol Cl2作为氧化剂得到的电子数为N A D.14g氮气中含有7N A个电子

9.现有Na2CO3、H2SO4、Ba(OH)2 三种物质的量浓度与体积都相等的溶液,假设以不同顺序将它们中的两种混合起来,假如显现沉淀那么过滤,再将滤液与第三种溶液混合起来,最终所得的溶液〔〕A.一定呈酸性B.一定呈碱性 C.可能呈中性D.一定呈中性 10.K2SO3易被KMnO4等强氧化剂氧化,现将18mL 0.2mol/L的K2SO3溶液与含有2.4×10-3 mol KMnO4溶液混合,恰好完全反应。那么反应后锰元素的化合价为〔〕A.+6 B.+4 C.+2 D.+7 11.以下各组离子在碱性溶液中能大量共存,且溶液无色透亮,加酸酸化后溶液变色,但无沉淀也无气体生成的是〔〕A.Fe2+、I-、ClO-、SO42-B.Br-、K+、SO42-、BrO3- C.S2-、SO32-、K+、SO42-D.Ca2+、Cl-、HCO3-、Na+ 12.X+、Y+、M2+、N2-均为含有一定数目电子的短周期元素的简单离子,离子半径大小关系是:N2->Y+、Y+>X+、Y+>M2+,以下比较正确的选项是 〔〕 A.原子半径:N可能比Y大,也可能比Y小 B.原子序数:N>M>X>Y C.M2+、N2-核外电子数:可能相等,也可能不等 D.碱性:M(OH)2>YOH 13.在一定温度和压强下,将一支容积为15mL的试管充满NO2后,倒置于一个盛水的水槽中,当试管内液面上升至一定高度不再变化时,在相同的条件下再通入O2,假设要使试管内的液面仍处在原高度,那么通入的O2体积为〔〕A.3.75mL B.7.5mL C.8.75mL D.10.5mL 第二卷〔非选择题共174分〕 26.〔11分〕〔1〕氢气是一种高效而无污染的理想能源,近20年来,对以氢气作为以后的动力燃料氢能源的研究获得了迅速进展。 ①为了有效进展氢能源,第一必须制得廉价的氢气,以下可供开发又较经济且资源可 连续利用的制氢气的方法是。 A.锌和稀硫酸反应 B.光解海水C.以石油、天然气为原料 ②氢气的燃烧热为285.8kJ·mol-1。写出其完全燃烧的热化学方程式。


《英语电影欣赏》教学课程及方案 一、课程简介 本课程的教学目标在于进一步培养中学生学习英语的兴趣,提高英语的听说能力,增强用英语表达思想的信心,克服和外国朋友交流的恐惧,特别是提高日常生活中英语的口语表达能力;通过对不同类型的英语影视作品的欣赏,促进学生从不同的角度提高对语言的运用能力,从而进一步提高学生独立的审美能力和人文素养。本课程重点介绍相应影片故事背景、讲解重点词汇和句型、欣赏经典台词、评析影片所表现的主题。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握影视欣赏的一般方法,学会对影视作品做出一般性评论的技巧;使学生进一步了解不同国度的文化,记住影片中使用的经典表达,学习地道的英语口语。内容简介:推荐影片《料理鼠王》 二、教学方式方法 1.课程教学的基本方式方法:英语电影欣赏教学通过课堂教学和学生自主学习进行。课堂教学以学生为主体,教师为主导,改变过去以教师为中心的教学模式,注重强调和培养学生的自主学习能力。在教学中开展以任务为中心的形式多样的教学活动。在加强基础训练的同时,采用启发式、讨论式、发现式和研究式等教学方法,充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习动机,最大限度地让学生参加学习全过程。同时注意教学方法的多样性,并积极探索新的教学方法。运用多

媒体,通过音视频材料,强化真实性语言的输入。坚持教师为主导,学生为主体的教学建构。采用启发式、讨论式、发现式、研究式等教学方法,注重培养学生的思维能力和实践能力,充分调动学生积极性,发挥学生的能动性和创造性,激发学习兴趣。 2.活动地点:各班教室时间:6月10日晚6:30---8:30 3.活动形式:各班统一时间观看电影《料理鼠王》 4.活动对象:初中部夏令营学生 附:妙语佳句 1. spit out : 吐出,说出,咒骂出。“Spit it out!”就是“快说!”,又如:spit out an oath(切齿诅咒), spit out the pips (吐核儿). Spit it out! How much do you want to borrow this time 说吧!这次你想借多少钱 2. touche : 讲得好! 3. check out : 多用于表示“结帐后离开,检查,核查”,也可以表示结果属实、吻合。台词中,律师说:“DNA吻合,时间也准,一切都无懈可击。”来看check out的多重含义: I would like to check out. 我想结帐。 Are you ready to check out 你准备好退房了吗 Did you check out of the office 你办了离职手续了吗


学生作业管理制度 作业是检测教师教与学生学习效果的中介,是师生交流的工具,是教师常规教学工作的重要组成部分,是全面提高教学质量的重要保证,为了加强质量管理,规范对学生作业的管理,根据有关课改精神以及相关管理条例特制定本管理制度: 一、作业布置 1、每学期教研组内教师应该开展作业专题研究活动,对教材上的作业进行具体研究,确定学期内的作业范围、作业要求等基本内容。 2、教师在布置作业前一般先将作业做一遍,将作业分为“必做作业”和“选做作业”,作业布置应根据学生的学情,为学生精心选择作业,作业要保证基础性和时效性,杜绝机械重复的作业。同时教师应该根据学生的不同学情和学习能力,对不同层次的学生布置不同层次的作业,为不同的学生的学习创设不同的作业空间。 3、作业的形式应该多样化,要根据学科以及学生的年龄特点,积极探索作业的形式,可将作业分为课堂作业、家庭作业、课外实践作业等,学生可采用书面、社会实践等形式来完成。 4、学生的课堂作业一定要适量适度,一般在课堂上给学生留十分钟左右的作业时间,尽量保证课堂作业在课内时间完成。 5、语数等学科教师要协调好学生的家庭作业时间,一二年级不留书面作业,三四年级不超过半小时,五六年级控制在一小时以内。 6、严禁教师将书写作业作为惩罚学生的手段。 二、作业书写 7、一二年级学生用铅笔书写作业,从三年级开始学生用钢笔、

圆珠笔等书写作业。 8、教师应该根据作业的特点规定相应的书写格式,作业书写应该强调格式规范,书写整洁,作业本干净卫生。 9、班级每学期举办一次优秀作业展示,发挥学生之间作业的传帮带作用。 三、作业批改 1、提倡学生作业面批制,通过面批及时发现问题,及时更改。教师对学困生的作业进行当面批改,当面指出学生作业中的优点和存在的问题,及时引导学生对作业进行更正,加强教师对学生作业情况的及时指导。 2、对学生的作业评价一般采用“等级与激励性语言”相结合的形式,也可采用“五星”等形式。教师在等级评价等基础上,应该用激励性的语言来鼓励引导学生,特别是习作(作文、日记等)、美术等一些创作性的作业,教师应该从多方面来评价鼓励学生,发挥作业评价对学生的指导与激励作用。 3、教师应该及时批改作业,批改时一律用红笔,对正确的作业采用打“√”等形式,对于学生作业中特别精彩的地方,可采用其他符号或者语言进行提示鼓励。同时教师对具有创造性、独特性的作业应该以鼓励和引导为主,注意保护学生的积极性。 4、对于学生作业中错误的地方教师应该要求学生及时订正,学生在改错前标注“订正”二字,然后按照作业的基本要求书写,教师及时对学生订正的作业进行批改。 5、作业应该及时批改,作文一般在一周内批改完成外,其他作业一般在当天批改。 6、教师在批改过程中应该做好相关记录,特别是对有独创性和有普遍性错误的


广西南宁二中2012届高三12月月考 文综政治试卷 24.某地牛肉的价格。(P)与其需求量(Q)存在如图所示关系。在其他条件不变的情况下,下列判断正确的是 () ①牛肉的价格由P A向P B运动时,其需求量会增加 ②牛肉的需求量由Q B向Q A运动时,其价格会上涨 ③牛肉的价格由P B向P A运动时,羊肉的需求量会增加 ④牛肉的需求量由Q A向Q B运动时,羊肉的价格会上涨 A.①②B.①③C.②③D.②④ 25.近年来,“中国创造”“中国经验”“中国现象”“中国模式”等成了 国际流行词。流行词的变化发展记录了时代前进的脚步,这表明人 的意识() ①是人脑对客观世界的反映②需要借助语言来表达 ③随着社会生活变化而变化④能够能动地改造客观世界 A.①B.①② C.①②③D.①②③④ 26.经过30多年快速发展,无论是我国的经济总量,还是综合国力,都有大幅增加和提升; 但人口多、底子薄、发展不平衡的基本国情没有变,发展中国家的地位没有变,社会主义初级阶段的基本特征没有变。对这里的“变”与“没有变”理解正确的是 () ①“变”是事物的绝对运动,“没有变”是事物的相对静止 ②“变”的是部分,“没有变”的是整体,整体决定部分 ③“变”与“没有变”构成一对矛盾,是事物发展的动力 ④“变”的是量,“没有变”的是质,量变是质变的必要准备 A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①④ 27.国务院总理温家宝201 1年10月19日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署制订社会信用体系建设规划。全会提出,“把诚信建设摆在突出位置,大力推进政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设,抓紧建立健全覆盖全社会的征信系统,加大对失信行为惩戒


广西南宁二中、玉高、柳高2019高三第一次联考-语文 语文试题 本试卷分为第1卷〔选择题〕和第二卷〔非选择题〕两部分,总分值150分,考试时间150分钟。 第1卷 第1卷共10小题,每题3分,共30分。在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目 要 求。 【一】(12分,每题3分) 1、以下词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是 〔〕 A、咋.舌(zà) 嘈.杂〔cáo〕恬.不知耻〔tián〕大雨滂.沱(pāng) B、打的.(dí) 露.相(lù) 椿.萱并茂(chūn) 圆凿方枘.(ruì) C、咨嗟.(jiē) 剽.窃〔piāo〕杀鸡儆.猴〔jǐng〕佶.屈聱牙(jí) D、愆.期(qiān) 狡黠.(xié) 嗷嗷待哺.(bǔ) 徇.私舞弊(xùn) 2、以下各项中,加点熟语使用恰当的一项为哪一项 〔〕 A、常年在外打工并能携带子女的打工者为数不多,外出打工造成许多农村孩子短期或长 期自己生活,形成了特别多畸形的空巢家庭 ....现象。 B、宽容,不是去应付,去虚与委蛇 ....;而是以心对心去包容,去化解,去让那个越发世故、物化和势利的粗糙世界变得湿润些。 C、这些贪官中饱私囊要挖空心思,为了防止东窗事发还要殚精竭虑 ....。如此不仅妨碍身心 健康,还必定会招致牢狱之灾。 D、特别多人说话支支吾吾,不知所云,什么原因不知所云?一方面,许多说话者本身在思 维 上确实是迷糊的,另一方面,空口说白话 .....,一问三不知。 3、以下各句中,没有语病的一句是 〔〕 A、哈佛燕京图书馆每年都有一次卖旧书的盛会,每次我都能在一堆堆五花八门的书里淘 到如金子般宝贵的书,并因此而兴奋。 B、那个剧本的创作原型是市大学生服务中心全力资助的身患大病的在校大学生的真实经历,着重反映了贫困大学生群体自强不息精神和社会各界扶助贫困大学生的感人事迹。 C、奥运会开幕式一向是主办城市向世界推介其文化和历史的舞台,伦敦奥运会也不例外:从田园牧歌到工业革命,从莎士比亚到罗琳,从工业革命到社交网络……英国人试图通 过三个小时的表演和狂欢向世界做出展示。 D、2018年教育部出台的“贫困地区专项计划”,我国部分知名院校专门辟出一万个招生计划,提供给全国680个集中连片贫困县学籍的考生。 4、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是 〔〕 风在瓦缝中穿行,声如短笛,拖着长长的尾音,是底气充足的美声。雨点落下,清越激昂,


班级规章制度范本 为了更好的管理班级,制定了班级规章制度。下面学习啦小编整理了班级规章制度范文,供大家参考! 班级规章制度范文篇一为了使同学们有良好的学习环境,安安静静、轻轻松松、快快乐乐、健健康康地学习成长,特制定以下管理细则。初二(3)班的同学们,让我们共同遵守,把我们班建设成全校最优秀的班集体,相信大家一定能做得到。 扣分细则: 一、学习纪律: 1、迟到、早退一次扣2分,旷课一次扣5分。 、上课讲话、不听讲、搞小动、借东西一次扣1分。 、课桌上放过多书本一次扣1分。书、本、文具摆放不整齐一次扣1分。 、上课打瞌睡、睡觉一次扣1分,上课喝水、在班级里吃小食品一次扣2分。 、课间、中午在班级、走廊大声说话、追逐、打闹、下地走动一次扣2分。 、作业不交扣3分,不按时完成扣2分。作业字迹潦草不规范扣1分。 、抄袭他人作业,抄袭者扣2分,被抄袭者扣1分。 、在楼上不能向楼下乱丢杂物、吐口水,如有发现,每

次扣3分。 、爱护公物,破坏台凳、门、玻璃,灯制、扫把、垃圾桶等要合理使用,不能故意破坏,如有发现,照价赔偿。视情节轻重扣1—5分。 10、集会、做操要快静齐。迟到扣1分,缺席扣2分,排队不整齐,讲话,搞小动作扣1分。 二、环境卫生: 1、值日生要把教室、走廊、楼道清扫干净,把扫把垃圾桶等摆放整齐,清扫不彻底,当天值日生每人扣1分。 、值日生不按学校指定地点倾倒垃圾和脏水扣1分。乱扔扣1分。 、务必在规定时间内完成清扫工作,否则当天值日生每人扣1分 、座位周围有纸屑等杂物者每次扣1分。 、饮水机、门窗等坚持天天抹洗,不干净扣1分。 、不参加扫地的,每次扣2分,罚扫1天。迟扫的扣1分,到场不扫的,扣2分。 三、行为规范: 1、打架斗殴或纠集校内外人员打架一次扣10分。 、赌博一次扣10分。抽烟酗酒一次扣10分。 、起哄、怪叫、吹哨、鼓倒掌、敲桌椅等影响班级秩序一次扣5分。

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