当前位置:文档之家› 英语口语培训计划





Good morning /afternoon everyone。大家早上好/下午好。


Nice to see you!很高兴见到你!


How are you?--I`m fine。Thank yon。你好吗?我很好。谢谢。


What`s the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?

——It`s a beautiful day。是个好天。

——It`s sunny(cloydy/rainy/windy/snowy)today。



What day is it today?今天星期几?

——Today is Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/W ednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday。



Stand up。Sit down。起立。坐下。


Please go back to you seat。请坐回去。


Eyes on me。Close your eyes。Open your eyes。



Open your mouth。Please loudly。



Who can tall me?谁能告诉我?


Who wants to try?/Who can try?谁想试一下?第十二周:

Do you understand?你明白了吗?


Read after me。请跟我读。


Are you ready/Ok?你准备好了吗?


Let`s play a game,Ok?让我们玩个游戏好吗?第十六周:

Please have breakfast/lunch/snack。



Please line up,one by one。



Stop talking 。Please listen carefully。






Y ou are wonderful!



Hand in hand。



See you tomorrow/next time。




Hello,Hello to you。Hello,Hello to you。Hello,hi。Hello,hi。Hello,hello to you。

《Good Morning》

Good morning。Good morning,to you,to you,and to you。Good morning。Good morning,to you,to you,and to you。

〈Hello Mary〉

Hello Mary,hello Betty,hello Cindy,I love you。

Hello Jacky,hello Micheal,hello Susan,I love you。


酒店日常英语口语 1 Welcome to our hotel! 欢迎光临(我们酒店). 2 Welcome, sir/madam! 欢迎光临. 3 Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好! 4 Front Office/Restaurant/Recreational Meeting Room/Guestroom/Operator, May I help you? 您好,总台/餐厅/康乐中心/总机(我能为您做些什么?) 5Blue Coast, May I help you? 您好,蓝色海岸(我能为您做些什么?) 6 May I have your name/room number, please? 您可以告诉我您的姓名/房号吗? 7 One moment, please./just a moment/wait a moment! 请您稍候。 8 Thanks! 谢谢您! 9 My pleasure! 不用客气! 10 Sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起让您久等了. 11 Do you speak Chinese/English? 请问您讲中文/英文吗? 12 Do you have a reservation? 请问您有预订吗? 13Show me your passport or identification, please. 请出示一下您的护照或证件。 14 How would you like to pay? In cash or by credit card? 您用什么方式付款,是用现金还是信用卡? 15.Do you want to separate check? 你们是分开埋单吗? 16 please show me your credit card. 请出示您的信用卡. 17 Please sign here. 请在这儿签字。 18 Here is your charge please. 这是找您的零钱。 19 This way, please. 这边请。 20 Follow me, please. 请跟我来。 21 After you, please. 您先请。 22 Hope you enjoy your stay! 希望您在这里过得愉快! 23 Hope you have a good trip! 祝您旅途愉快! 24 Good luck! 祝您好运! 25 Have a nice day!祝您一天愉快! 26 Here you are. 给您。 27 Sorry . 对不起。 28 Not at all. 没关系。 29 Of course. 当然可以。 30 Pardon? 请您再重复一遍,好吗? 31 No problem. 没问题。 32 Excuse me. 对不起,打扰一下。


英语口语话题简述 1.个人介绍 我叫李雷,16岁;九年级学生,今夏毕业; 学习英语将近四年,学习情况良好; 在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海; 我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。 My name is Li Lei, and I'm sixteen years old. I'm in Grade Nine. I will graduate this summer. It is almost five years since I began to learn English. I'm getting on well with it. I was born in Beijing. Now my parents and I live in shanghai. I have a dog called Eddie. I love him very much. 李雷是九年级学生,将于今夏毕业;数学很好,喜欢集邮; 他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都很喜欢他; 1994年出生于上海;他现在和祖父母生活在一起。 Li Lei is a ninth grade student. He will graduate this summer. He's very good at Maths, and he enjoys collecting stamps. Li Lei is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and classmates like him very much. Li Lei was born in Shanghai in 1994. Now he lives with his grandparents. 2.学校生活


酒店前台英语口语 一.概述 在酒店里所使用的英语会话,基本上是属于商业英语,与日常生活会话中所使用的英语略有不同,较注重礼节。正式英语通常会让人误解为极艰深的英语,其实,只要套用一定格式的句子和单词,就可以了。例如: 非正式英语正式英语 What’s your name? May I have your name? 您贵姓?请问您贵姓大名? Do you want some tea? Could you like some tea? 您要喝茶吗?请问您想喝茶吗? Over here, please. Could you come this way please? 这边请。请您往这边走好吗? * 不要说OK, Sure, Yeah等等,而要说Certainly, Sir. * Hey, uh-huh, Hang on 等等,也不适合在酒店中使用。 * 别说“I don’t know.”回答“不知道”是非常不礼貌的说法。 可以说“just a moment, please. I’ll check that for you.” (请稍候,我来帮您确认),然后请有能力处理的人前来协助。 * 对男性客人,尊称为Sir; 面对女性客人时尊称为Ms. 在招呼客人时,最好说“Excuse me, Sir(Ms)”, 不要直接称呼Mr.或Ms. 至于称呼小孩,可以直接使用Excuse me,但是不可以直接称呼boy或girl. * 正视对方的眼睛,以显示出你的信心和诚意。但必须注意,注视对方的眼睛,并不是无理地盯着对方看。* 在面对语言不通的外籍人士时,一定要多加利用手势和肢体语言。但是使用手势时要特别小心,因为对于不同国家、民族而言,手势的意义也大不相同。 二.基本待客英语 (一)在正式的英语表现里,疑问基本句型可分为下列四种: 1. May I ~ 2. Could you ~ 3. Would you ~ 4.Shall I ~? 只要理解这四种基本的句型,就可以处理大部分业务上的状况。 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ~ May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2.麻烦客人时,可使用Could you ~ Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗?


初级口语教程,英语口语入门学习材料 篇一:英语口语(一) 江西省南昌市20XX-20XX学年度第一学期期末试卷 (江西师大附中使用)高三理科数学分析 试卷紧扣教材和考试说明,从考生熟悉的基础知识入手,多角度、多层次地考查了学生的数学理性思维能力及对数学本质的理解能力,立足基础,先易后难,难易适中,强调应用,不偏不怪,达到了“考基础、考能力、考素质”的目标。试卷所涉及的知识内容都在考试大纲的范围内,几乎覆盖了高中所学知识的全部重要内容,体现了“重点知识重点考查”的原则。1.回归教材,注重基础 试卷遵循了考查基础知识为主体的原则,尤其是考试说明中的大部分知识点均有涉及,其中应用题与抗战胜利70周年为背景,把爱国主义教育渗透到试题当中,使学生感受到了数学的育才价值,所有这些题目的设计都回归教材和中学教学实际,操作性强。2.适当设置题目难度与区分度 选择题第12题和填空题第16题以及解答题的第21题,都是综合性问题,难度较大,学生不仅要有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,以及扎实深厚的数学基本功,而且还要掌握必须的数学思想与方法,否则在有限的时间内,很难完成。3.布局合理,考查全面,着重数学方法和数学思想的考察

在选择题,填空题,解答题和三选一问题中,试卷均对高中数学中的重点内容进行了反复考查。包括函数,三角函数,数列、立体几何、概率统计、解析几何、导数等几大版块问题。这些问题都是以知识为载体,立意于能力,让数学思想方法和数学思维方式贯穿于整个试题的解答过程之中。 二、亮点试题分析 1.【试卷原题】11.已知A,b,c是单位圆上互不相同的三点,且满足Ab?Ac,则AbAc?的最小值为() ? ? ?? 1 41b.? 23c.? 4D.?1 A.? 【考查方向】本题主要考查了平面向量的线性运算及向量的数量积等知识,是向量与三角的典型综合题。解法较多,属于较难题,得分率较低。 ??? 【易错点】1.不能正确用oA,ob,oc表示其它向量。 ????


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What?kind?of?rooms(foods)?would?you?like?to?have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、 Here?is?a?brochure?of?our?hotel?and?t ariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3、 We'll?give?you?a?10%(ten?percent?)?di scount.? 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll?offer?tour?guides?complimentary ?breakfasts.? 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We?accept?your?terms.? 我们接受您的条件。 6、May?I?introduce?myself?? 让我介绍我自己。 7、 May?I?present?you?a?litter?souvenir??请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's?drink?to?our?friendship!? 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let?me?propose?a?toast?to?the?health ?of?our?guests!? 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)? 干杯! 11、How?do?you?like?Chinese?food??您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、 What?do?you?think?of?our?service??您对我们的服务有什么意见?

13、 Thank?you?for?your?comments(compli ment,?suggestions).? 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm?afraid?it's?against?the?hotel's?regul ations.? 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、 In?our?hotel?we?don't?accept?tips.? 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's?our?pleasure?to?serve?our?guests? well.? 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank?you?all?the?same.? 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm?afraid?you'll?have?to?pay?for?the? damage.? 您必须赔偿。 17、 Thank?you?for?telling?us?about?it.? 谢谢您告诉我们 18、 I'll?look?into?the?mater?right?away.?我马上去处理这件事情。 19、 I?assure?you?it?wont?happen?again.?我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please?don't?worry,?sir?(madam)?先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I?will?send?someone?up?to?your?room? right?away.?


营销部 1.Which kind of room would you prefer,a double or twin ?/what kind of room do you want? 你需要什么类型的房间,单人房还是标间? 2.May I have your name , please?请问你的姓名? 3.What can I do for you ?我能为你做些什么吗? 4.How long will you be staying ?你打算住多久? 5.How many people are there in your party?你的团队有多少人? 6.Is it just for tonigh?就住今晚吗? 7.When do you need the room ?你什么时候需要房间呢? 8.I'm sorry, but we are all booked for next week.对不起,我们下星期的预定全满。 9.I'm afraid we have no double rooms available.我们没有标间了。 10.When did you make the reservation? 你需要预定什么时候的? 11.Could you fill out the registration card, please? 请你填写登记卡 12.Does this include breakfast? 这里面包含了早餐吗? 13.Thank you very much------Don't mention it ./ you are welcome. 14.Would you like to register now?你现在要登记吗? 15.May I see your passport /ID Card, please? 我能看下你的护照、身份证吗? 16.Will you be paying in cash?你付现金吗? 17.Your room number is ,The bellboy will show you the way there. I hope you enjoy your stay. 你的房号是,保安会为你带路,希望

酒店饭店英语口语大全 前台服务

酒店饭店英语口语大全前台服务 Part 1 Counter Services 前台服务 Unit 1 预订房间Room Reservation 经典句型: What kind of room would you like? 您要预订什么类型的房间? How long do you plan to stay? / How many nights? 您打算住多久?/ 您住几个晚上? I’m sorry we are fully booked for 22nd. 很抱歉,22号那一天的客房都已经订出去了。 A single room is $ 70 per night, with 15% service charge. 单人间每晚70美金,另加15%的服务费。 模仿对话: A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: I’d like to book a room in your hotel. A: What kind of room would you like? B: I’d like to book a single room for August 18th. A: Please hold on. I’ll check our reservations. (After a while) I’m afraid we have no single room vacant on that day. What about a double room instead. B: That’s fine. Thanks you. ---------------------------------------------------------精品文档---------------------------------------------------------------------

初级口语教程Lesson9 Stop Eating Fried Potatoes

初级口语教程Lesson9 Stop Eating Fried Potatoes Lesson 9 Text A Stop Eating Fried Potatoes Mrs Jenkins went to her doctor one day, because her heart was giving her trouble. The doctor listened to her heart carefully and did a few other things. Then he said, Well, Mrs Jenkins, stop smoking, and then you'll soon be quite all right again. But doctor, answered Mrs Jenkins quickly, I've never smoked. I don't like smoking. Oh, well, said the doctor, then don't drink any more alcohol. But I don't drink alcohol, answered Mrs Jenkins at once. Stop drinking tea and coffee then, the doctor said to her. I only drink water, answered Mrs Jenkins. I don't like tea or coffee. The doctor thought for a few seconds and then said, Well,. . . er. . . do you like fried potatoes? Yes, I like them very much, answered Mrs Jenkins. All right, then stop eating those, said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye to Mrs Jenkins. Text B Keep Him in Bed MRS WELSH: Get up, Peter. It's late. PETER: I can't get up , Mom. I'm ill.


中文:行不通。 Topic2、It won't happen again. 中文:下不为例。 Topic3、I've got a headache. 中文:我头痛。 Topic4、I'm crazy bout English. 中文:我非常喜欢英语。 Topic5、Can you give me some feedback? 中文:你能给我一些建议吗? Topic6、I'm sorry to hear that. 中文:听到这个消息我感到遗憾。 Topic7、Pain past is pleasure. 中文:过去的痛苦即是快乐。 Topic8、It's up to you. 中文:一切由你决定。 Topic9、Keep up the good work. 中文:再接再厉。 Topic10、I apologize. 中文:我很抱歉。 Topic11、May I have your name, please? 中文:请问你叫什么名字? Topic12、Keep the change. 中文:不用找了。 Topic13、It's a nice day today. 中文:今天天气很好。 Topic14、It's awesome. 中文:棒极了! Topic15、Let's hope for the best. 中文:让我们往好处想吧。 Topic16、Can I take a message? 中文:要我传话吗? Topic17、Can you give me a wake-up call? 中文:你能打电话叫醒我吗? Topic18、I'd like a refund. 中文:我想要退款。 Topic19、It takes time. 中文:这需要时间。


话题简述部分 1. 学校生活School life 例一 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校。 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文,他认为学习外语很有趣。 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志。他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London. His favourite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreign languages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and his classmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much. 例二 1.南希14 岁,是七年级学生。 2.她每周放学后打两次排球。她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习。 3.每周一南希去“同伴俱乐部”,在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况。她的同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况。朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to the Buddy Club. There, older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school. Julie is her good friend. 2. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies 例一 1. 我有许多爱好,喜爱游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我的最爱。 2. 不过每天我有很多家庭作业,做作业花费很多时间,我没有时间用在爱好上,对此我真的感到遗憾。 3. 我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 I have many hobbies. I love swimming, singing and shopping. At the moment, travelling is my favourite hobby. However, I have a lot of homework every day. I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.I really feel bad about it. I don't want to give up all my hobbies because of my homework. 例二 1.迈克迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球。 2.放学后,他经常和同学们一起踢一小时左右的足球,他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在五点半之前回家。 3.他认为花些时间在爱好上是很重要的,希望能得到父母的支持。 Mike is crazy about football! He loves watching football matches. Of course, he loves playing football too. He often spends about one hour playing football with his classmates after school. His parents don't like this and have asked him to go home before 5:30. He thinks it is important for him to spend some time on his hobbies. He wishes he could have his parents' support. 3. 饮食Diet 例一 1.为了更健康,我已改变了饮食。 2.以前我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐。 3.现在早餐时我总是吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时通常吃鱼和蔬菜。


酒店宾馆常用英语口语900句 目录 酒店宾馆常用英语口语900句 (1) 问候客人(一) (1) 问候英语(二) (2) 问候客人(三) (3) 换房续住(四) (7) 问询服务(五) (9) 行服务(六) (12) 总机服务(七) (15) 结账与兑换服务(八) (18) 订票服务(九) (23) 餐饮服务(十) (24) 餐厅服务(十一) (26) 点菜服务(十二) (28) 餐厅值台服务(十三) (31) 结账服务(十四) (32) 酒吧服务(十五) (35) 清扫客房(十六) (41) 客房送餐服务(十七) (42) 赔偿与更换服务(十八) (44) 事物招领服务(十九) (46) 客房维修(二十) (47) 洗衣服务(二十一) (49) 在饭店医务室(二十二) (54) 在饭店购物中心(二十三) (55)

问候客人(一) 1.Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。 2.Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。 3.Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。 4.Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。 How are you?你好吗? Fine,thank you,and you?很好,,您呢? Fine,thanks. 很好,。 5.How do you do?您好? How do you do!您好! 6.Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们饭店。 7.May you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝您住店期间愉快。 8.Hope you had a good trip. 希望您旅途愉快。 9.Hope you have a good journey. 祝您旅途愉快。 10.It’s nice to meet you,sir. 见到您很高兴,先生。 11.Pleasant to meet you,sir. My name is……见到您很高兴,先生。我叫××× 12.Welcome you back,sir. 欢迎您回来,先生。 13.Nice to see you again,madam. 很高兴又见到您,夫人。 14.Goodbye,thank you for coming. Please come again. 再见,感您光临,希望您再次光临。 15.Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。 16.Have a good evening. 祝您度过一个愉快的夜晚。 17.Have a good weekend. 祝您周末愉快。 18.Good night and have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。 19.Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,祝您做个好梦。 20.Good night and rest well. Hope you will come back tomorrow.


酒店常用英语口语100句 Greetings (打招呼) 1、Good morning ,sir(madam) 早上好,先生(小姐) 2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen 下午好,女士们,先生们. 3、Good evening ,miss Price 晚上好,普莱丝小姐. 4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ? 你今天好吗?布朗先生. 5、I’m quite well ,thank you. 我很好,谢谢你. 6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam) 再次见到你真高兴,先生(小姐) 7、Nice to meet you ,sir. 见到你真高兴,先生. Titles(称呼) 8、Are you Mrs.Best? 你是贝丝特夫人吗? 9、You must be professor Ford. 你一定是福特教授. 10、May I know your name,sir(madam)? 我可以知道你的名字吗?先生(小姐). 11、Here’s a letter for you ,Dr white.

怀特医生,这儿有你的一封信. 12、you’re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith.史密斯船长,有你的电话. 13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry. 欢迎来到我们酒店,享利小姐. 14、May I be of service to you,Mr Baker ? 我能为你服务吗?贝克先生? 15、Can I help you, Ms Blake? 我能帮你吗?布雷克小姐? 16、Would you take the seat ,young lady ? 请坐,小姐, Offering Help 主动提出帮助 17、May I help you ? 18、Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 19、What can I do for you ? 我能为你作什么? 20、May I take your bag for you? 我可以为你拿你的手提包吗? 21、May I help you with your suitcase? 我能帮你拿你的箱子吗? 22、Would you like me to call a taxi for you ? 你需要我为你叫一辆出租车吗? 23、Thank you very much. 非常感谢 24、Thanks for the trouble . 麻烦你了 25、It’sv e ry kind of you?


提高英语口语能力的几种方法 如何提升英语口语水平是学习英语人士问过千万次的问题。这是 一个简单、现实的问题,但也是一个复杂、难以回答的问题。对这个 问题最忠实也最简单的回答是多讲。不过如何多讲呢?下面给读者一 个实实在在的回答。 口语练习的理解问题 我国学生的常见病是爱面子、害羞,不愿意开口,怕犯错误,特 别是语法错误,总担心别人笑话自己。事实上,越是害怕犯错误越是 会犯错误,而且是更严重的错误,即交流失败。我们在讲汉语的时候,注意力是放在所要表达的意义上的。我们可能注意语气轻重、选词是 否恰当,却很少注意句子语法结构。口语交流的重心按其重要性来说,首推有效性,流畅性次之,恰当性再次之,语法的准确性恐怕是最不 重要的了。学习英语口语能够说是在持续犯错误的过程中练习、进步的。害怕犯错误而不敢开口讲英语的人是练不好口语的。今天犯错误 是为了明天不犯错误,所以练口语应该积极主动、大胆、克服害羞心理,利用一切可利用的机会讲英语,和别人对话、讨论,对景物独白 描写,阅读后复述内容,参加英语角、英语演讲比赛等等。这样,英 语口语水平就会提升得比较快。 口语练习是一个过程,进步的速度是和练习者所付出的时间成正 比的。刚开始时,进步的速度可能很慢,让人着急。但只要坚持练下去,很快就会有效果。 对话是最有效的方法 众所周知,对话是提升口语水平最有效的方法,所以应该抓住一 切机会和说英语的人士对话。口语的流利水准是和对话练习的时间成 正比的。有人曾算过一笔帐,一个人每天使用母语(讲话)的时间约为 10个小时左右,即一年中他讲母语的时间可能有三千多小时,而一个 学习英语的人平均每天真正讲英语的时间可能连一个小时也没有。就


1.学校生活School life 要点:1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校;2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣;3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 要点:1.南希14岁,是七年级学生;2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习;3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。 2.阅读Reading 要点:1.我喜欢看罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的书,我认为它们真的太精彩了;2.比如,《金银岛》讲述的是一个小男孩的故事;他出海航行,寻找宝藏;故事给了我很大的信心;3.读完这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞;将来,我还想去旅游,拥有一些令人兴奋的经历。 要点:1.我喜欢阅读;每周我花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书;我对历史题材的书感兴趣,但是我最爱看小说;2.朋友们给我很多读书建议;我们常见面,讨论读什么书;3.阅读总是段美好的时光。好书让我在忙碌一天之后轻松下来;同时也向我打开了一个全新的世界。 3.自己动手做Do it yourself 要点:1.我表弟安德鲁对DIY很着迷;他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间;但事后,房间总是一团糟;2.曾经有一次他想在自己的卧室里安装一盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了一个错误,整个房子都停电了;3.我给他买了一些DIY书籍,建议他选修一些DIY课程。 要点:1.这里有一些制作水果沙拉的小建议;2.首先,使用当季水果;其次,搭配不同颜色的水果;比如,把红色的苹果、青色的梨子和紫色的葡萄搭配起来会使沙拉看上去五彩缤纷;3.最后,在食用沙拉前再做沙拉;有些水果在空气中放置一段时间后会很快变色。 4.大熊猫Giant pandas 要点:1.人人喜欢大熊猫;大熊猫温顺且安静,吃一种特别的竹子;2.野外现仅有大约一千六百只大熊猫,它们的数目越来越少;3.大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,而且人们也为取其毛皮而猎捕它们;如此下去,世界上很快将再无大熊猫。


Lesson 1 Text A How Old Is She? A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor, and did not know her. so he first asked some questions, and one of them was , "How old are you?" "Well," she answered, "I don't remember. doctor, but I will try to think." She thought for a minute and then said, "Yes. I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn't it?" Text B Could I Speak to Jim,Please? A: Hello, 332440. B: Oh hello, Sally. This is Dave Thomson here. Could I speak to Jim please? A: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet B: Any idea when he might?be back? A: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on B: O. K. well , tell him I've called , will you , and I'll try again later. the way back. A: All right. Goodbye , Dave. B: Thanks then Sally. Goodbye. Questions on Text B 7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. Accident The river, you see, was never really safe at that time of the year- early autumn, I mean, when there is heavy rainfall. So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all spring and summer, I knew there might be an


1. 文化Culture(与2016的第20篇一样) 例一 要点: 1. 第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好”或者“很高兴认识你”,与你握手。 2. 在公共场合,他们举止得体,他们认为插队是无礼的行为,他们总是排队;在家中他们也非常有礼貌。 3. 入乡随俗。当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们的行为举止应当像当地人一样。 British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet y ou for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it’s rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do. 例二 要点: 1. 我们能在很多地方,比如医院、博物馆、街道、公园见到各类公共标志。它们通常颜色鲜明,用图形表达。 2. 大多数公共标志能给我们提供有用的信息。它们能帮我们找路,告诉我们周围的地点;它们提醒我们远离危险,告诫我们不能做某事,比如,在艺术博物馆里我们总能看到“禁止拍照”的标志。 We can see different public signs in places like hospitals, museums, streets, and parks. They are often bright in colour and have pictures on them. Most of them give us useful information. They help us find our way and tell us about the places around us. They keep us safe from danger and warn us not to do something, for example, we can always see the sign “No photos” in an art museum. 2. 著名人物Famous people(与2016的第9篇一样) 例一 要点: 1. 谭盾1958年出生在中国湖南省中部。很小的时候他就表现出对音乐的兴趣。 2. 对他而言,最好的音乐来自大自然。由于喜欢大自然的声音,他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们。 3. 谭盾成功地把中国音乐和西方音乐融合在一起,在东西方之间架起了一座桥梁。用他自己的话讲,“我的音乐就是梦想无边。” Tan Dun was born in 1958 in central Hunan, China. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. To him, the best music comes from nature. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music. Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. In his words, “My music is to dream without boundaries.” 例二 要点: 1. 谭盾是当今世界最伟大的艺术家之一。 2. 他在年轻的时候用石头、纸张等常见的物品来制作音乐。 3. 他喜欢来自大自然的声音,他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们。比如,在他的一部作品《水乐》中,他没有使用任何乐器。通过控制水流的速度,他用水制造出了五十多种声音。那真


大学英语口语课程教学大纲 一、层次与学制:本科,四年制 二、教学时数:134学时,第一、二、三、四学期开设;周学时2 三、适用专业:非外语专业 四、课程性质与任务 本课程为一门重要的必修的基础技能课程,主要通过课堂口语实践,充分唤起学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生通过吸收丰富的预料,快速提高听说能力,深入了解各国文化和社会知识,训练学生用英语进行思考,有效培养他们的英语交际能力。 教师要根据我校应用型人才培养目标,对课程进行认真研究、深入挖掘,结合课程特点、教学内容和当前形势及现实生活,对学生进行人生观、世界观、价值观和思想道德品质教育,努力使学生在获得知识的同时学会做人的道理。 五、课程的目的与基本要求 本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力,同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化和生活习俗。通过本课程的学习,学生应能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈;能就社会生活中的一般性话题进行连贯的发言;能比较准确地表达自己的思想,做到语音准确、语调自然、语法基本正确,语言运用基本得体。将语言技能、语言知识、文化意识等要素有机地结合起来,相互促进、循序渐进,帮助学生最终实现交际的目的。 本课程要求学生能够运用已掌握的词汇、句型和常用表达法,结合个人实际,较为流畅地就一些常见话题发表个人见解。大多数学生应能通过本门课程的学习具备用英语介绍信息、发表意见等基本交际能力。与此同时,本课程还将进一步强调学生的语言准确性和表达多样性,使他们逐步脱离母语的负面影响。 六、教材与教学参考书 教材:《流畅英语口语教程》《Inside Out》第一、二、三、四册,Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones, Jon Hird,上海外语教育出版社(2007年4月)(特色教材) 教学参考书:每册包括学生用书、教师用书、拓展练习册、video CD录像、CD-ROM多媒体光盘、测试光盘。 七、教学主要内容与学时分配 第一学期:每周2学时,共14周,28学时,完成第一册的13个单元,其中讲授学时13学时,讨论训练学时6.5学时,习题课、测验学时6.5学时,期末考试2学时。

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