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2016-3D digitization methods based on laser excitation and active triangulation——a comparison

2016-3D digitization methods based on laser excitation and active triangulation——a comparison
2016-3D digitization methods based on laser excitation and active triangulation——a comparison

3D digitization methods based on laser excitation and active triangulation: a comparison

Olivier Aubreton

Fabrice Mériaudeau

Frédéric Truchetet

3D digitization methods based on laser excitation and active

triangulation : a comparison

Olivier Aubreton a, Fabrice Meriaudeau a, Frederic Truchetet a

a Laboratoire d’Electronique et d’Informatique de l’Image, Université de Bourgogne, 12 rue de la

fonderie, 71200 Le Creusot, France.


In this paper…

Keywords: 3D digitization, Active triangulation


3D reconstruction of surfaces is an important topic in computer vision and corresponds to a large field of applications: industrial inspection, reverse engineering, object recognition, biometry, archeology… Because of the large varieties of applications, one can find in the literature a lot of approaches which can be classified into two families: passive and active [1]. Certainly because of their reliability, active approaches, using imaging system with an additional controlled light source, seem to be the most commonly used in the industrial field. In this domain, the 3D digitization approach based on active 3D triangulation has had important developments during the last ten years [2] and seems to be mature today if considering the important number of systems proposed by manufacturers. Unfortunately, the performances of active 3D scanners depend on the optical properties of the surface to digitize. As an example, on Fig 1.a, a 3D shape with a diffuse surface has been digitized with Comet V scanner (Steinbichler). The 3D reconstruction is presented on Fig 1.b. The same experiment was carried out on a similar object (same shape) but presenting a specular surface (Fig 1.c and Fig 1.d) ; it can clearly be observed, that the specularity influences of the performance of the digitization.

Figure 1 : 3D digitization by active triangulation

A lot of approaches have been proposed in the past in order to solve the problem of digitization of non-cooperative surfaces (specular surfaces, but also glossy, transparent…). In [3] Irkhe et al. present a consequent state of the art and a

Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications IV, edited by Peter Schelkens,

Touradj Ebrahimi, Gabriel Cristóbal, Frédéric Truchetet, Pasi Saarikko, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9896,

98960I · ? 2016 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/16/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2227670

classification of the experimental 3D digitization solutions according to the optical properties of the surface. A dedicated paper was published to compare the techniques for the digitization of transparent object [20]. .

Among the cited solutions, approaches based on “Shape from Polarization” have also been the topic of many research studies on specular surfaces (and transparent surfaces). Wolff [5] proved the relation between the surface normal and the polarization parameters of the reflected ray at the surface of the material. Then, the technique was extended to 3D digitization of specular metallic objects [6], especially by means of active lighting [7]. Even if the measurement accuracy is rather good, this method requires a confined environment, limiting the size of the objects that can be reconstructed and therefore restricts its use apart from research laboratory environment.

While in the visible range, specular reflections are usually considered to be noise in the reconstruction algorithms; deflectometry takes advantage of specular reflections to compute the depth and orientation of the surface. Tarini et al [8] proposed an approach called “Shape from Distortion”. They observed the distortion of several light patterns that were projected from a diffuse source (a computer monitor) onto the mirroring surface. Bonfort et al [9] proposed a similar method and showed that it is possible to recover the shape of specular surfaces by projecting a light pattern from two unknown positions. For these techniques, the cloud of points that is obtained could be very dense, however the matching constraint is high, and a high curvature shape cannot be fully recovered from one pose.

Another method, sometimes classified in the “Shape from Specularities” category, was developed by Zheng [10] and has been widely used. The principle relies on the tracking of a specular reflection that is induced by light sources surrounding the object, while the object is rotating. The continuous acquisition by a fixed camera provides a spatiotemporal collection of images. The study of the apparent motion of specular highlights on the object enables to recover the whole surface. However, the authors noted that the reconstruction accuracy depends strongly on the nature of the specular surface. In other words, diffuse surfaces cannot be entirely reconstructed by this type of technique.

Other approaches such as multi-camera passive systems [11], structured-light based systems [12], have also been proposed, but the surface roughness should not exceed a low bound. Chromatic confocal microscopy [13] is another way to estimate the 3D coordinates with good accuracy, but the surface should not be excessively tilted. Finally we can note that some commercial systems mounted on robotic arms (Nikon Metrology) operate on the assumption that the reflected radiation at the surface of an object has a small diffuse component; thus, scanners can acquire a reflective shape after several successive scans, if the incident radiation is sufficiently intense and if the distance of the measurement is relatively low.

We can note that the approaches presented previously, exploit specularity of the surface in order to realize 3D reconstruction. That is why each of them is generally not adapted to surfaces that present different optical properties. A second remark is that most of these approaches work in the visible domain and non explore other spectral domains, such as for example, infrared domain.

In the following parts, we will present approaches which are based on the analysis of the emitted rays of a surface (named approaches by emission). A specific way, where a laser is used to excite the surface (and produce a local emission) will be discuss in part 2.2 and 2.3. Finally we will conclude in part 3.


2.1Approaches by emission

Generally speaking, 3D scanners exploit the reflected patterns that were projected onto the surface to digitize. But, a second way in 3D digitization can be based on the examination of radiations emitted by the surface of the object.

For example some 3D digitization systems have been inspired by the active thermography, commonly used in non-destructive testing applications. In [16] Bodnar presented a flying spot laser system, which is able to detect and evaluate the dimensional characterization of wear, cracks that occur in metallic materials. The method used is called “photothermal radiometry”, and is based on scanning the object with a laser excitation. In the same field, Pelletier and Maldague [20] have developed a technique for thermal image analysis called "Shape from Heating", which can extract the orientation and depth of simple surface (a cylinder in the paper) that is heated by a diffuse infrared source. The main goal of this 3D shape extraction is to improve the detection of defects by correcting the temperature variations that result

from the non-planarity of the surface. However the accuracy of this method has not been demonstrated yet for the 3D digitization of complex shapes.

Fluorescence property of a material is also an interesting way for 3D digitization. Fluorescence is the property of a material to absorb light at a particular wavelength and to subsequently emit light at a longer wavelength. The considered fluorescence emission is isotropic and is in the visible range of electromagnetic spectra. We can find in the litterature some works using fluorescence for 3D digitization. For example, [21] authors propose a photometric approach based on fluorescence emission.

2.2Active triangulation and approaches by emission

As explained in the introduction, 3D digitization approaches are based on active triangulation using structured light (points, lines, grid…) projected onto the surface to digitize. The main problem is that the direction of the reflection of the light on the surface depends to the optical properties of the object.

On the next figure one can see the effect of three surface properties (diffuse, specular and transparent) on the reflection. In the first case (diffuse) the structure light is reflected in almost all directions. Then, there is a great probability that the sensor of the camera can observe the reflected rays enabling therefore to develop a triangulation scheme. Unfortunately, for specular surfaces, the light is reflected in a specific specular direction which prevents the camera from detecting the reflecting beam and the triangulation is therefore not possible. The same conclusion can be done in the case of transparent object (glass for example), which combine the effect of specularity and transparency.

Figure 2 : influence of optical properties on the direction of the reflection of the light

Unlike classical active triangulation approaches, the principle of emission triangulation techniques, is based on the measurement of the radiation that is emitted by the object instead of the reflection of visible radiation. A laser source is used to cause a local excitation which consequently induces an emission of rays. Because the emission is omnidirectional, with an intensity modulated by the emissivity of the surface, the model of emitted radiation tends to approach the model of the diffuse reflection of visible light for diffuse surfaces and, thus, addresses the issue of specular reflection or transparency in the visible spectrum. We have proposed two approaches based on this working principle. The first one, named “Scanning from Heating” (SFH) has been initially proposed by Eren et al. [18] for the 3D digitization of glass objects and an extenstion with laser line was later proposed by Meriaudeau et al.[19]. A laser source is used to create a local heating point. The heated surface radiates IR radiations on a wavelength range linked to its temperature (Planck’s law), which are imaged with an adapted IR camera. The 2D coordinates of the heated point are computed in the 2D image , then,knowing the parameters of the system (which are obtained by a previous calibration), the 3D coordinates of the point are computed using triangulation method. Using a CO2 laser, the feasibility of this concept has been demonstrated on glass objects, and some scanning results have been presented [19]. An evolution of this work has been proposed by Bajard [14] to perfom 3D scanning of metallic objects, specular or not, that have a high reflectivity and a high thermal conductivity.

The second approach has been proposed by Rantonson [13]. In this approach a UV laser is used to create a local emission of visible rays by fluorescence effect. The global configuration is similar to SFH : a laser is used to excite the material and create an emission; but in this case, the camera is working in the visible domain as the fluorescence shifts the excited beam from UV to visible. Compared to SFH, for which the camera is an IR Long Wave camera, it is an important advantage while dealing with the system cost.

Some results obtained by these approaches are presented in next figures. We can note that the 3D digitization has been obtained on different surfaces : specular (a), transparent (b and c), diffuse (e), glossy (e) and translucent (f).

To achieve these results, we can note that one parameter of the object is important : the absorption coefficient at the wavelength of the laser. Its influence on 3D digitization will be presented in next section.

Figure 3 : 3D digitization by SFH or UV approaches

2.3Effect of the wavelength of the laser on the 3D reconstruction

Because the intensity of the emitted rays is linked to the quantity of energy absorbed by the material, the result of 3D digitization depends to the absorption coefficient of the surface. First, this coefficient depends on the material of the surface to digitalize. As presented in Fig. 3, the absorption coefficient of metals is greater in lower wavelengths. As an example for aluminium, the absorption coefficient is 4 times more important at 1.06 μm (wavelength emitted by a Nd- Yag laser) than at 10.6 μm. But the absorption coefficient depends also to the roughness of the surface. In Fig. 4, two cylinders of steel, with two roughnesses, have been digitalized by UV approach. We can note that the 3D reconstruction is more efficient with the second cylinder, for which the roughness is more important. One of the solution to improve the quality of the reconstruction, can be to increase the power of the laser. For example in Fig. 5, the power of a 1,06um laser has been determined for several material and roughness, in order to obtain reconstruction with a global reconstruction error less than 300um.

The non perfect absorption of the laser by the surface of the object is not always an inconvenient. For example, at a wavelength of 1,06 um, glass objects are not completely opaque to the laser wavelength. Because a part of the laser is transmitted in the material, and reflected on the second dioptre of the object, a second spot of emission can be observed in IR images (Fig. 6 a). The position of this second spot depends on the thickness of the material which can be estimated [15] (Fig. 6. b).

Figure 4 : examples of absorption coefficient of metals

Figure 5 : effect of roughness on 3D digitization

(W) P Oxidized steel 4,1

Polished steel 17,5

Oxidized aluminum 9,1

Polished aluminum 44,7

Oxidized copper 24,5

Tungsten 6,1 Figure 6 : choice of the power of the laser for several material

Figure 7 : Glass Thickness estimation by SFH


In this paper we have presented two methods for non cooperative surfaces, based on laser excitation and active

triangulation : UV triangulation and Scanning From Heating. The main advantage of these methods, compared to

classical 3D scanners based on structured light, is that it’s possible to perform 3D reconstruction of diffuse specular or

transparent objects. The working principle of these approaches is similar : a laser is used to create a local excitation of

the surface to digitalize, which generates the omnidirectional emission of rays. The main difference is the wavelength

domain of the emission : IR rays for SFH and visible rays (500 to 700 nm) for UV triangulation. Then UV triangulation

can be interesting if the cost of the system has to be limited. SFH is also interesting for measurement of thickness or

NDT application.


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