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装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线

UNIT 7 练习题1


1. 打太极

2. 打羽毛球

3. 去游泳

4. 慢跑

5. 打排球

6. 打篮球

7. 体育馆

8. 可能

9. 危险的 10.参加 11. 起床

12. 你最好

13. 放弃

14. 迟到 15. 改掉习惯 16.对……有益 17. 流行的 18.电脑游戏 19.最喜爱的


1. When you drive here, you can only ________.

A. go straight

B. turn right

C. turn left

2. This product comes with warranty for ________.

A. lifetime

B. 10 years

C. periods

3. We can’t pay the tickets ________.

A. by credit cards

B. by PayPal online

C. by cash

4. I have ________ lessons on Wednesday.

A. yoga and dance

B. yoga and design

C. dance and drink



________ has the most active social network users by Mar, 2013.

A. Qzone

B. Facebook

C. Line


This football game will begin between ________.

A. Germany and Saudi Arabia

B. Germany and Ukraine

C. Saudi Arabia and Ukraine

7. Which food can’t I buy in this supermarket? ________

A. apple

B. medicine

C. bread

Part B 根据下图提供的信息,从23~25题所给的三个选项(A 、B 、C )中,


1. It is convenient to do list on a ________ as the picture above shows.

A. paper

B. mobile phone

C. bulletin

2. Mr. Thomas paid cable bill on ________.

A. August 3

B. August 4

C. August 11

3. There are ________ titles to do in all on August 3.

A. 3

B. 2

C. 1


(A )

In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals,

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装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线 密封线内不得答题 装订线

flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each

football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.

Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.

1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______. A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground

2. The next World Cup will be held in_______.

A. 2006

B. 2007

C. 2005

D. 2004 3. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.

A. people playing football

B. pictures of some football stars

C. a sunny sky

D. flowers

4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries____.

A. to show their love for their owe country

B. to tell the people their stories

C. to show their good wishes for the football teams

D. to show their new ideas about football

5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______. A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans C. they think their favorite players are great D. all of A,B and C

(B )

In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good arties .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden .That was the first photo.

The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.

Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought ba ck wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.

In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The

photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop

them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard.

Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of great people .The picture were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)

Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photos were nor just copies of the real world .They showed feelings, like other kinds of art.

6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picture of ____________

A. his business

B. his house

C. his garden

D. his window 7. The Daguerreotype was____________. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer

8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to__________.

A. watch lots of films

B. buy an expensive camera

C. stop in most cities

D. take many films and something else with him. 9. Mathew Brady______________.

A. was very lifelike

B. was famous for his unusual pictures

C. was quite strong

D. took many pictures of moving people 10. This passage tells us_____________. A. how photography was developed

B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures

C. how to take pictures in the world

D. how to use different cameras

(C )

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together.

Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and buy a van. Their sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

11. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.

A. a motor car

B. a motor home

C. a motorbike

D. a big truck

12. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.

A. sold their old house

B. moved to their grandparents’ house

C. built a new place for a van

D. sold their second car

13. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.

A. a baby

B. much money

C. more than two children

D. interest in vans

14. Americans usually use motor home ____________.

A. to travel with all the family members of holiday

B. to do some shopping with all the family members

C. to visit their grandparents at weekends

D. to drive their children to school every day

15. Motor homes have become popular because___________.

A. they can take people to another city when people are free

B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

C. some people think motor homes are cheap

D. big families can put more things in motor homes


Surtsey was born in 1963.Scientists saw the birth of this island. It began at 7.30 a.m. on 14th November. A fishing boat was near Iceland. The boat moved under the captain's (船长)feet. He noticed a strange smell. He saw some black smoke. A volcano(火山)was breaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smoke were rushing up from the bottom(底部)of the sea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 meters high the next day and 60 meters high on 18th November. Scientists flew there to watch. It was exciting. Smoke and fire were still rushing up. Pieces of red-hot rock were flying into the air and falling into the sea. The sea was boiling and there was a strange light in the sky. Surtsey grew and grew. Then it stopped in June 1967.It was 175 meters high and 2 kilometers long. And life was already coming to Surtsey. Plants grew. Birds came. Some scientists built a house. They want to learn about this young island. A new island is like a new world.

16. Surtsey is ______.

A. an island not far from Iceland

B. a new volcano

C. a fishing boat

D. a place in Iceland

17. Scientists flew there ______.

A. to watch the birth of the island

B. to save the fishing boat

C. to learn about the island

D. to build a house

18. When did scientists fly there to watch?

A. Before the volcano broke out.

B. As soon as the volcano broke out.

C. About four days after the volcano broke out.

D. After the volcano stopped rushing up.

19. Put the following sentences in correct order.

a. The captain found the boat was moving.

b. A new island appeared in the sea.

c. Fire, smoke and rocks were seen rushing up.

d. A fishing boat was near Iceland.

e. The island grew quickly.

A. d-a-c-b-e

B. a-b-c-d-e C .a-b-e-c-d D. b-e-d-a-c

20. The best title of this article is ________.

A. A new island

B. The birth of an island

C. A new world

D. Scientists discovered Surtsey

四.补全对话。(阅读下列对话,从所给选项中,选出能够完成对话的最佳选项,并将选项的字母代号填入选项下方对应题号的横线上。选项中有两个多余选项。)M: Good morning, doctor.

W: Good morning, Jack. You don’t look well. 1.

M: I have a sore throat.

W: Have you got a fever?

M: 2. My temperature is a little high.

W: When did it start?

M: 3.

W: Did you take any medicine?

M: No, I didn’t. 4

W: You should drink some tea with honey, and

take the medicine. You will feel better soon.

M: 5.


1. ______________. (你会发现学打乒乓球容易)

2. __________. ( 你会发现放弃不好的习惯重要)

3. ___________. (你会发现和朋友一起看电视有趣)

4. You will find ______ helpful _______________. (你会发现学日语是有用的)

5. __________________________. (整晚坐在电脑前不好)

6. It’s not good __________________________ . (在睡觉前喝太多茶)

7 ___________________________. (你最好早睡早起)

8. ___________________________. (你最好多做运动)

9. ___________________________. (你最好学好英语)

10. ____________________________. (练太极有好处)


12.I don’t think it’s good for you to sit in front of a computer all night.

13. If you play computer games for too long, you will find it hard to get up in the morning.

A.Do you have a sore throat?

B.Will I feel better soon?

C.W hat’s the matter?

D.Can you give me some advice?

E.Yes, I have.

F.It started two days ago.

G.Thank you.


题号一二三四五六总分分值100得分得分阅卷人 二、判断题(每空1 分,共10分) 题号12345678910答案 得分阅卷人 一、单选题(每小题 1分,共10 分)( )1.刚性基础的埋置深度有时还要受基础刚性角的限制。(√ ) ( )1.基础工程设计包括(A)两大部分。 A.基础设计和地基设计 B.基础内力和基础设计 C.承载能力设计和地基变形设计 D.地基变截面设计 ( )2.钢盘混凝土扩展基础属于(C) A.联合基础 B.壳体基础 C. 扩展基础 D. 筏形基础 ( )3.减轻建筑物的自重措施之一(A) A. 选用轻型结构 B.注意保护坑底土体 C.设置地下室 D.调整基底尺寸( )4、静力平衡条件(B) A.∑F=0∑M≠0 B.∑F=0,∑M=0 C.∑F≠0∑M=0 D.∑F≠0 ∑M≠0 ( )5.为满足承台的基本刚度,桩与承台的连接等构造需要条形承台和柱下独立桩基承台的最小厚度为(B)mm A.500 B.300 C.200 D.100 ( )6.具有良好的过滤性的土工合成材料产品的是(D) A.土工格栅 B.土工膜 C.加筋条带 D.土工织物( )2.柔性基础承受均布荷载时,其基础沉降也趋于一致。(×) ( )3.用现场载荷试验确定地基承载力,可从试验曲线上采用强度控制或变形控制两种取值方法来确定地基承载力的设计值。(×) ( )4.考虑地基与基础相互作用时,既要满足接触条件,又要满足静力平衡条件。 (√) ( )5.基础设计中,配筋由计算确定。(× ) ( )6.由计算基础沉降的公式S=(1-μ)ωP0b/E0可知,基础宽度b越大,则基础沉降s越大,所以,加大基础尺寸会使沉降加大。(×) ( )7.考虑上部结构、地基、与基础相互作用的基础设计计算中,在满足地基与基础的接触条件所求解出的基础弯矩,通常按基础与上部结构的刚度比来计算基础的 分担部分。(√) ( )8.开挖基坑移去的土重,可以补偿建筑物的重量,因此基础只要有足够的埋深,就可有效降低基底附加应力,甚至使基底附加应力趋于零。(×) ( )9.如果地基软弱而均匀,基础刚度又较大,那么可以认为地基反力是直线分布的。 (√) ( )10.桩基设计前必须具备资料主要有建筑物类型及基规模岩土工程勘察报告,施工机量等其中,岩土工程勘察资料是桩基设计的主要依据。(√) ( )7.悬臂式和锚定式挡土墙属于(B) A.扶壁式 B.板桩式 C.重力式 D.固定式 ( )8.当墙顶位移达到墙高的(C)时,砂性填土的压力将降低到主动土压力。 A.0.1﹪~0.2﹪ B.0.4 ﹪~0.5﹪ C.0.1﹪~0.5﹪ D.0.2﹪ ~0.5﹪ 1.常用的基础按结构型式有如下几种①独立基础, ( )9.红粘土主要分布在我国(C)地区 ②条形基础,③筏板基础,④箱形基础等。 A.华北以南 B.黄河以北 C.长江以南 D.长江以北 ( )10.膨胀土一般指粘粒成分主要由(B)组成。 2.为防止地基不均匀沉降通常采用以下三个方面的措施:①建筑 A.水性粘土矿物 B.亲水性粘土矿物 C.粘土矿物 D.泥质岩石 措施,②结构措施,③施工措施。 得分阅卷人 三、填空题(每空1 分,共20分) 题号12345678910答案 2 题号12345678910答案

中职英语基础模块Unit 3练习题

Unit 3 一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.J_____ in the English corner is a good way to learn English. 2.Her English is perfect.She wants to a_____ the English speech contest. 3.The salesgirls are giving the foreign customers very good s_____ in English. 4.We will g_____ from our school next year. 5.Many students think English is too d_____ to learn. 6.Some of us lose c_____ or even give up. 7.Don’t be a_____ of making mistakes. 8.If you have difficulty speaking English,you should listen as much as p_____. 9.Nobody taught them.They just keep on learning by t_____. 10.You have to do more writing p_____ to improve your writing skills. 二.单项选择。 ( )1.—Davide has made up his mind to continue with his studies. --_____and_____. A.So he has;so have I B.So has he;so have I C.So he has;so I have D.So has he;so I have ( )2.—Mr.Smith,I don’t think I can get along with my classmates as a new student. --_____,Tom.Everything will be fine. A.Forget it B.Take it easy C.Go ahead D.Don’t mention it. ( )3.The croods,_____ 3D science fiction movie,made_____ really huge success in the history of movie. A.a;a B.a;/ C.the;a D./;the ( )4._____ we go shopping ?I want to buy some clothes. A.Shall B.Can C.Must D.Need ( )5.We’re going to the movies this evening.I wonder_____ you can go with us. A.if B.when C.that D.where ( )6.—Could you tell me_____ ?I’m going to pick you up at the airport. --At 15:45 this Friday. A.where you met me B.who you are coming with C.when you came here D.what time you are arriving ( )7.—Jim,could I use your computer ? --Yes,of course you_____. A.could B.can C.must D.should ( )8.—I often use micro-blog to communicate with others. --You are so smart ! Can you please tell me_____ ? A.how to do B.how to use it C.how can I use it D.when can I use it ( )9.You should give up_____ at once. A.smoke B.to smoke C.smoking D.smoked ( )10._____ words and idioms you know,_____English becomes. A.More;easier B.The more;the easiest C.The more;the easier D.More;easier ( )11.—Are these books_____ ? --No,they are not his.They belong to_____. A.Tom;her B.Tom’s ;her C.Tom;hers D.Tom’s hers

人教七年级英语unit7 单元测试试题(含答案)

第七单元知识点整理与复习 一.必回短语。 1.(购物时)…多少钱_______ 2.look nice_______ 3.服装店_______ 4. at a good price_______ 5.一双_______ 二.重点句式 1.这件T恤衫多少钱?--7美元。 _______ _______this T-shirt? --_______seven_______. 2.Can I help you?(译成汉语)____________________________ 3.你想要什么颜色的? _______ _______do you want? 4. I'll take it.(译成汉语)____________________________ 5.给你。 Here_______ _______. 6.不客气。_______ _______. 7.这些红色袜子多少钱? --8美元。 _______ _______ _______these red socks? --_______eight dollars. 8.We sell all our clothes at very good prices.(译成汉语) 三.词语运用 1.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Are the black_______(短袜) Miss Miller's? 2.My shorts are too_______(短的). I want to buy a long pair. 3.-How_______(大的) is your room? -It's very small. 4.-How much is the white T-shirt? -Twenty_______(美元). 5.The_______(价格) of the skirt is twenty dollars. 6.Does the store_______(卖)shoes? 7.The sweater is nice. I'll_______(拿)it. 8.We don't have vegetables for lunch. We_______(需要) to buy some. 9. We have sweaters in all_______(颜色). 10. Mom, I don't like this_______(裙子).I want a black one. 四.语法演练 I.用英文填写计算结果。 1.four +eight= 2. seven +eight= 3.thirteen + seven= 4. fourteen + sixteen= 5.seventy-fourteen= 6. eighty -sixteen= 7.sixty-thirteen=8. eighty-forty= 9.forty-eight-twelve=10. ninety +five= II.词汇 A)用画线单词的反义词或对应词完成句子。 1.This shirt is too big. But that one is too_______. 2.This ruler is_______and that one is long. 3.The man likes apples but the_______likes bananas. 4. That store_______all kinds of school things. Let's go and buy some. 5.He goes to school at 7: 30 and_______back at twelve.


英语期末考试试卷 班级姓名座号评分 一单词(共15分) 1.菜单 2.鸡肉 3.音乐 4.晴朗的 5.公司 6.volunteer 7.vocational 8.badminton 9.favorite 10.expensive 二词组(共20分) 1.一杯果汁 2.中餐 3.期待 4.英文歌 5.特价销售 6.hold on 7.play chess 8.eat out 9.be crazy about 10.an exciting movie 三选词填空(共20分) western provide fly best message news boring speak cheap welcome 1.May I take a . 2.I like play badminton . 3.I’ve got a good to tell you 4.We’ll free parking service. 5.I hate painting,it’s .

6. to my birthday party! 7.Can you Chinese? 8.I often kites with my friends on Sunday. 9.I’d like some food. 10.The food is not only delicious,but also . 四单项选择(共20分) 1.Hello!This is Ben. Can I to WangYang? A say B talk C speak D tell 2. Would you something to eat? A like B have C like to D have to 3. he like watching TV? –No, he listening to music. A Do likes B Dose likes C Does like D Do like 4.Meiwei restaurant is expensive than Y ueguang restaurant. A much B more C far D very 5.TangHua housework now. A do B does C is doing D doing 6.Would you like to us? A join B join in C joining D joins 7.What are you now? A does B doing C do D to do 8.What’s your shopping list?


浙江科技学院 2009 -2010学年第 2学期考试试卷 B卷 一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1以下哪种基础形式不属浅基础(B) A 地下条形基础, B 沉井基础, C扩展基础, D 箱形基础 2下列钢筋混凝土基础中,抗弯刚度最大的基础形式是(C) A 柱下条形基础, B 十字交叉基础, C 箱形基础, D 筏板基础 3对高层建筑物,其地基变形验算应以哪种变形特征做控制( D ) A 沉降量,B局部倾斜, C 沉降差,D倾斜 4地基土载荷板试验可以得到的土参数是( A ) A 承载力特征值, B 地基沉降量, C 压缩模量, E 弹性模量 5用分层总和法计算地基变形时,土的变形指标是采用(B) A 弹性模量,B压缩模量, C 变形模量,D旁压模量 6在地基持力层承载力验算中,基础底面深处的荷载取下列哪个值进行计算 ( A ) A:基底压力 p, B :基底深度处的土自重应力σc,C:A+B , D: A-B 7 按规范方法计算的建筑物沉降是(D) A.基础的平均沉降,B.刚性基础的平均沉降, C.实际基础的中点沉降,D.不考虑基础刚度的中点沉降 8甲,乙两基础,底面积,基底压力和压缩层内土质都相同,甲基础埋置深 度大于乙基础,则两者的沉降是( B) A 甲基础沉降大, B 乙基础沉降大, C 两者沉降相等, D 无法确定 9地下水位下降时,建筑物的沉降可能会( A ) A 增大, B 减小, C 一定不变, D 有时增大有时减小 解:地下水位下降时,土的自重应力会增加,从而使建筑物产生附加沉降。 10 桩产生负摩阻力时,下列说法中正确的时(D) A桩距越大,下拉荷载可能越小, B桩身轴力、桩身沉降沿深度逐步衰减, C单桩极限承载力由桩周土总侧阻力和桩端阻力所组成, D采用涂层法措施后,可使桩身负摩阻力、沉降减小,但中性点深度变大 二、名词解释(每小题 4 分,共 20 分) 1 刚性基础:是指用抗压性能较好,而抗拉、抗剪性能较差的材料建造的基础,常用的材料有砖、毛石、素混凝土、灰土等。因此设计时必须保证基础内的 拉应力和剪应力不超过基础材料强度的设计值。这类基础的相对高度都比较


中职英语基础模块2 unit 8 配套单元测试 Name: Class: 一,知识清单。(共20个小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) chat with friends______ send and receive emails_______ download musice and films_______ watch films _______ search for information _____ learn how to use software______ read novels /news_____ do a survey ______ solar power ____ daily life______ as long as _____ agree with ____ be connected to the Internet _______ go online_____ Put in the correct address____ pass the exam____ with the development of our country_______ free time /spare time______ keep in touch with ____ make online friends________ 二,单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. - -Your dress is very beautiful. --Oh, ________. I bought it yesterday. A. no. B. yes C. Thank you. D. Just so-so, I think. 2. — This is _______ useful dictionary, I think. —So it is, and it’s _______ unusual one .


I. 单选(每小题1分,共20分) 1. Everyone _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 3. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 4. _______ is Jeff going for his vacation(假期)? A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 5. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 6. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 7. How’s the weather there? _______. I’m on the beach. A. Terrible B. I t’s snow C. It’s hot D. Not bad 8. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 9. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 10. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. pictures C. medicine D. shower 11. Thank you for _______ us. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps 12. It’s wi ndy and cold, so he is wearing a scarf _______ his neck(脖子). A. around B. on C. with D. at 13. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer. A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot D. cool, warm 14. Uncle Tom is a writer. He is _______ a book. A. write B. wrote C. writes D. writing 15. _______ many people her on vacation A. They’re B. There are C. There is D. Their 16. How much is it? Five _______ yuan. A. thousandes B. thousands C. thousan d’s D. thousand 17. It’s a nice _______. A. weather B. photo C. day D. / 18. What _______ Lucy and Lily _______? A. is, doing B. do, doing C. does, do D. are, doing 19. Kate is _______ English. I’m _______ American. A. a, an B. /, / C. an, a D. /, an 20. That _______ terrible. A. look B. hears C. finds D. sounds II. 完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 21 . Dally wants 22 her mother something. Dally 23 10 dollars. She is thinking about 24 . She thinks and thinks. Then she has an 25 . “I can buy a card 26 my dear mother.” Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card. She 27 some words on it. She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.” Her mother is 28 happy. “29 , Dally. ” She says. Dally is 30 , too. ( ) 21. A. Teachers’ Day B. Christmas’ Day C. Womans’ Day D. Women’s Day


1.He sometimes fights ________others .We don’t like him . A. for B. with C. against D. off 2.Why do you ____________your temper A. lost B. lose C. have D. get 3. Since then the number of wild animals there _____greatly. A. have increased B. has increased C. is increased D. are increasing 4. _________his mother become thinner and thinner, the young man feels sad and wants to cry. A. See B. Seeing C. Seen D. To see 5 At last, he can ________his temper when he becomes angry. A. keep B. take C. get D. prevent 6.In 2011, a war between the Libya’s government and the opposing faction_________ A. happened to B. broke out C. took place D. took the place 7. Efforts and intelligence will lead to __________ A. succeed B. success C. succeeding D. B or C 8. The fence will never be the same ____it was before. A. as B. that C. like D. alike 9. She ran out of the classroom ________. A. at anger B. on anger C. in anger D. in angry 10. We like English ___it is rather difficult for us. A. even if B. though C. as if D. in case


西南交通大学 2007-2008 学年第( 2 ) 学期考试试卷 课程代码 0134300 课程名称 基础工程 考试时间 120 分钟 阅卷教师签字: 一、简答题( 每小题 6分,共 5题30分) 1. 确定浅基础埋深时,应主要考虑哪几方面的因素? 答案: 1) 建筑物的结构条件和场地环境条件; 2) 地基的工程地质和水文地质条件; 3) 季节性冻土地基的最小埋深; 2. 请解释文克勒地基模型的含义,以及该模型的适用范围。 答案: 该地基模型是由捷克工程师文克勒( E.Winkler )于 1867 年提出的。该模型认为地基表面上任一点的 竖向变形 s 与该点的压力 p 成正比,地基可用一系列相互独立的弹簧来模拟,即 p ks 式中 k 为基床系数或称地基系数。当地基土的抗剪强度相当低(如淤泥、软粘土等)或地基的压缩层厚度 比基底尺寸小得多,一般不超过基底短边尺寸的一半时,采用文克勒地基模型比较合适。 3. 试简述以无限长梁的计算公式为基础,利用叠加原理求解有限长梁的方法(可配合图形说明) 。 答案: 将梁 AB 向两端无限延伸得到一无限长梁,将原荷载 P 、M 作用于无限长梁上,无限长梁在 A 、B 两截面 上将分别产生内力 Ma 、Va 和 Mb 、 Vb 。而 A 、B 两截面原本为自由端,剪力和弯矩应为零。为保证有限 长梁与无限长梁在 AB 间等效,需要在无限长梁的 A 、B 两处分别施加两组集中荷载 [MA ,PA ],[MB ,PB ], 称为端部条件力,并使这两组力在 A 、B 截面产生的弯矩和剪力分别等于外荷载 P 、M 在无限长梁上 A 、 B 截面处所产生弯矩的负值(即: -Ma ,-Mb ,-Va ,-Vb ),以保证原梁 A 、B 截面上的弯矩和剪力等于零 的自由端条件。然后应用无限长梁计算公式求解出 [MA ,PA ],[MB ,PB ]。最终将已知的外荷载 P 、M 和 端部条件力 MA 、PA 、MB 、PB 共同作用于无限长梁 AB 上,按照无限长梁的计算公式分别计算梁段 AB 在这些力作用下各截面的内力及变形,然后对应叠加,就得到有限长梁在外荷载 P 、 M 作用下的内力及变 形。 4. 何谓桩侧负摩阻力、中性点?在哪些情况下应考虑桩侧负摩阻力的作用? 答案: 当桩周围的土体由于某些原因发生下沉,且变形量大于相应深度处桩的下沉量,即桩侧土相对于桩产生向 下的位移,土体对桩产生向下的摩阻力,这种摩阻力称之为负摩阻力。正负摩阻力分界的地方称之为中性 点。 通常,在下列情况下应考虑桩侧的负摩阻力作用: 1)在软土地区,大范围地下水位下降,使土中有效应力增加,导致桩侧土层沉降; 2)桩侧有大面积地面堆载使桩侧土层压缩; 3)桩侧有较厚的欠固结土或新填土,这些土层在自重下沉降; 4)在自重湿陷性黄土地区,由于浸水而引起桩侧土的湿陷; 5)在冻土地区,由于温度升高而引起桩侧土的融陷。 5. 简要说明高承台桩基础分析的步骤(即如何根据承台外荷载求得基桩内力) 。 线订装封 密 线订装封 密线订装封


综合练习题二 一单选(BCBDC BDCBD ACCCD) 1Some of the ____ students in our class want to be the best ____ doctors in the future. A girl; woman B girl; women C girls; woman D girls; women 2 She said that the girl was very honest and she never ____ to others. A lies B lay C lied D laid 3 Many young people are eager to get jobs with that company ___ products sell very well both at home and abroad. A who B whose C where D that 4 The table cloth was so dirty that she ___ it from the table. A got B brought C carried D removed 5 He often calls ___ his teacher in his office ____ help. A on; in B at; for C on; for D up; with 6 ---John, won’t you come and watch TV? ---____. I prefer reading to ______ television. A No; watch B No; watching C Yes; see D Yes; seeing 7 _____, he didn’t hurt himself in the accident. A To my surprised B In surprise C I’m surprised D To my surprise


Unit 7 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16. Tom _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 17. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 18. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 19. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 20. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 21. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 22. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 23. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. picture C. medicine D. shower 24. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer.


英语基础模块一期末考试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分) 姓名:___________ 班级:___________ 得分:_________ 一.单词过关我能行: (20*1=20分) 1.超市_________ __________3.提供_____________ .信息 7.咖啡_________ .服务员___________ 10. form________11.爱好____________12. guest____________ 13.欢迎_________14. customer_________15.邮票____________ ________17.音乐___________18. translation________ 19.国际象棋 二.短语翻译我最棒: (10*2=20分) 1.向....学习________________ to do 3.对...感兴趣______________ computer games__________ 5.放风筝stamps__________________ 7.一杯果汁ready for___________________ 9.向B介绍good at doing 三.单项选择: (20*1=20分) ( )1. What_____you like for breakfast A. may B. will C. would D. can ( )2. What do you like to eat A.juice B. dishes C. soup D. tea ( )3. He likes the book but it_____ too much. A. pays B. costs C. takes D. spends ( )4. There_____five sheep in the field. A. be B. is C. are D. been ( )5. They won't go to the Great Wall if it _____tomorrow. A.rain B. raining C. rains D. will rain ( )6. Miss Li is one of ______in our school. A. a popular teacher B. more popular teacher C. most popular teacher D. the most popular teachers ( )7. You can borrow all kinds of books from the_______. A. library B. classroom C. canteen D. office ( )8. He doesn't have much money. He is only a____ of the company. A. manager B. general engineer C. director(导演) D. cleck ( )9. ______your umbrella, or you will be wet in the rain. A. Talk B. Talked C. Take D. Took ( )10. When traffic lights are red, we_____ stop and wait. A. may B. can C. must D. might ( )11. Jeff_______ football and knows a lot about it. A. is interested on B. is interested in C. is interesting about D. is intesting with


西南交通大学2007-2008 学年第( 2 )学期考试试卷 课程代码 0134300 课程名称 基础工程 考试时间 120 分钟 阅卷教师签字: 一、简答题(每小题6分,共5题30分) 1.确定浅基础埋深时,应主要考虑哪几方面的因素? 答案: 1) 建筑物的结构条件和场地环境条件; 2) 地基的工程地质和水文地质条件; 3) 季节性冻土地基的最小埋深; 2.请解释文克勒地基模型的含义,以及该模型的适用范围。 答案: 该地基模型是由捷克工程师文克勒(E.Winkler )于1867年提出的。该模型认为地基表面上任一点的竖向变形s 与该点的压力p 成正比,地基可用一系列相互独立的弹簧来模拟,即ks p 式中k 为基床系数或称地基系数。当地基土的抗剪强度相当低(如淤泥、软粘土等)或地基的压缩层厚度比基底尺寸小得多,一般不超过基底短边尺寸的一半时,采用文克勒地基模型比较合适。 3.试简述以无限长梁的计算公式为基础,利用叠加原理求解有限长梁的方法(可配合图形说明)。 答案: 将梁AB 向两端无限延伸得到一无限长梁,将原荷载P 、M 作用于无限长梁上,无限长梁在A 、B 两截面上将分别产生内力Ma 、Va 和Mb 、Vb 。而A 、B 两截面原本为自由端,剪力和弯矩应为零。为保证有限长梁与无限长梁在AB 间等效,需要在无限长梁的A 、B 两处分别施加两组集中荷载[MA ,PA],[MB ,PB],称为端部条件力,并使这两组力在A 、B 截面产生的弯矩和剪力分别等于外荷载P 、M 在无限长梁上A 、B 截面处所产生弯矩的负值(即:-Ma ,-Mb ,-Va ,-Vb ),以保证原梁A 、B 截面上的弯矩和剪力等于零的自由端条件。然后应用无限长梁计算公式求解出[MA ,PA],[MB ,PB]。最终将已知的外荷载P 、M 和端部条件力MA 、PA 、MB 、PB 共同作用于无限长梁AB 上,按照无限长梁的计算公式分别计算梁段AB 在这些力作用下各截面的内力及变形,然后对应叠加,就得到有限长梁在外荷载P 、M 作用下的内力及变形。 4.何谓桩侧负摩阻力、中性点?在哪些情况下应考虑桩侧负摩阻力的作用? 答案: 当桩周围的土体由于某些原因发生下沉,且变形量大于相应深度处桩的下沉量,即桩侧土相对于桩产生向下的位移,土体对桩产生向下的摩阻力,这种摩阻力称之为负摩阻力。正负摩阻力分界的地方称之为中性点。 通常,在下列情况下应考虑桩侧的负摩阻力作用: 1)在软土地区,大范围地下水位下降,使土中有效应力增加,导致桩侧土层沉降; 2)桩侧有大面积地面堆载使桩侧土层压缩; 3)桩侧有较厚的欠固结土或新填土,这些土层在自重下沉降; 4)在自重湿陷性黄土地区,由于浸水而引起桩侧土的湿陷; 5)在冻土地区,由于温度升高而引起桩侧土的融陷。 5.简要说明高承台桩基础分析的步骤(即如何根据承台外荷载求得基桩内力)。 答案 1)应用群桩整体刚度系数建立承台位移与外荷载的关系式,求解出承台的整体位移; 班 级 学 号 姓 名 密封装订线 密封装订线 密封装订线


Unit 5 Honesty Reading Whose Fault Para.1--Para. 4 ⅠWords 1. 诚实n. / 诚实的adj. 2.错误n. 3.停留v 4.校长n. 5. 猜想,认定v. 6.校长n. 7.便条n. 8. 许诺,答应v. 9.谎言n. 10.威胁v. 11.恳求v. 12. 沉默的adj. 13.极大地adv. 14. 困惑,不安v 15.突然地adv. 16.扔掉v. 17.放飞v. 18) 树枝n. II Phrases 1. 逃离_________________________ /________________________________ 2. 去游泳________________________ 3. 让某人做某事____________________ 4. 等候______________________ 5. 和....步行回家_______________________ 6. 给某人某物__________________ 7. 一定做某事_______________________ 8. 说谎_________________________ 9. 保持沉默_________________________ 10. 从........取出____________________ 11.扔掉_______________ 12. 随风飞走__________________________ III Language points 1. Bill ________ ______________ __________ ______________ one hot day and ____________ _________________. 炎热的一天,比尔逃学去游泳了。 ※stay away from ... = run away from ...逃离.... ; 远离...... E.g. He _________ ________ __________ ______________ today 今天他没上班。 ※stay up 熬夜,通宵不睡 E.g. He _________ ________ yesterday evening.


英语基础模块二(下册)期末试题 2017-2018学年度英语基础模块一(下册)期末试题 、补全单词。(1' *10=10 2. b_aut_ful(美丽的) 4. m_n_g」(经理) 6. _nt_rview(面试) 8. v_c_tio n (假期) 10. c_mp_ny(公司) 、短语翻译:(2' *10=20 2. play volleyball_ 4. have a trip 6. surf the internet 7. ___________________ take a parttime job 9. _________________ go online 三、连线:(1' *5=5 ' 1. It is made in Chi na. 2. We end our trip. 3. You can go on li ne. 4. I had a bad cold. 5. He had an in terview. 四、单选题:(1' *10=10) ()1.The broken bike ___ here by Mr Smith. A. can mend B.can mended C.can be mend D.can be mended () 2. The old bridge in my hometown ___ n ext mon th. A. is going to be rebuilt B. will rebuilt C. are going to be rebuilt D. are going to rebuilt ()3. The play ___ at the theatre next Sun day. A. is going to be show n B.will show n C.will show D.is show n ()4. The old stone bridge __ next week. A. i s going to be rebuilt B.will be rebuild C.are going to be rebuilt D.will rebuilt ()5. It _____ fine yesterday. We __ to the park. A. is , went B. were, go C. was, went D. was, go 班级:2017计应班姓名: 成绩:_________ 1. s_bw_y(地铁) 3. ch_ng_(改变) 5. en_ug_改变) 7.p_r_nt(父亲或母 亲) 1.go swimmi ng, 3.have fun ___ 5.see a movie 8.read news _________ 10.made in China ____ A. 你可以上网。 B. 我得了重感冒。 C. 我们结束了旅行。 D. 它是由中国制造的 E. 他参加了一场面试

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