当前位置:文档之家› 西方传教士在华编纂第一部英文期刊索引之特点及学术价值








1 引言


2 《中国丛报》及其索引之特点

17-18世纪西方传教士在华进行传教活动,同时又输入西方文化,索引就是其中一例。1636年,葡萄牙天主教传教士阳玛诺(1574-1659)在华出版了14卷的著作《圣经直解》中的《圣经直解杂事之目录》。该索引是目前我们所知的西方人在华编制的第一个书后索引[2]。与此同时,来华的西方传教士是近代中文报刊的首创者,也是在华英文报刊最早的创办者。19世纪以来,西方传教士在华创办了三份最早的外文报纸,一份是由澳门葡萄牙多明我会教士编辑的葡萄牙文周报《蜜蜂华报》(A Abelha da China,1822-1823),这是学界一致公认的中国第一份由外国人创办的报纸和澳门第一份报纸。第二份是是《广东记录》(Canton Register,1827-1843)。第三份是《华差报与东钞报》(Chinese Courier and Canton Gazette,1831-1833)。而在他们创办的刊物中,《中国丛报》是那时西方传教士在华采编创办和出版的最早的一份英文期刊。

“The Chinese Repository”,一译《中国丛报》,又译《华事文库》、《中华丛刊》和《中国文库》,1832年5月创办于广州。创办者是美国第一位来华的传教士裨治文(Elijah Coleman Bridgeman,1801-1861)。他生于美国马萨诸塞州一个牧师家庭,1829年9月从神学院毕业后,遂被美部会派往中国。1830年2月15日,他来到广州。在马礼逊、卫三畏和郭实腊等传教士的影响和大力支持下,他创办了这一刊物。裨治文也是学术上颇有成就者,他的著作《美理哥国志略》备受中国知识界推崇,成为当时中国人了解美国地理、政治制度、风土人情等的一部必读书。

《中国丛报》的撰稿者和读者对象是在华的西方传教士、外交官、商人、军事将领和一些懂英文的中国人。该刊所载文章内容,涉及中国语言、文化、历史、经济、艺术、典制、风俗、传教、迷信、教育、人物、医疗、农业、手工业、生物、环境、政府、战争、中外关系、贸易、游记、讣告、谕旨、时事报道、科学、气象、名录、年历、书评等。栏目有“书评”(Review)、“杂记”(Miscellanies)、“文艺通告”(literary notices)和“时事报道”(Journal of occurrences)等。发行量从最多时期的1000册减少到300册,使得裨治文无法维持下去,1851年12月该刊被迫停刊。

该刊所附的《二十卷中国丛报主题综合索引》(General Index of subjects contained in the twenty volumes of the Chinese Repository; with an arranged list of the articles)是检索《中国丛


《文章分类目录》,全名是《按主题编排的中国丛报文章目录》(List of the articles in the volumes of the Chinese repository, arranged according to their subjects)。它是一种分类目录,是按照文章主题进行分类编排的。笔者统计该目,并作如下表格:

从上表可知,该目录分为30个主题,是以阿拉伯数字1,2,3,……为序来编排主题目录的。它收录了1257篇文章,其中涉及数量最多的前5个主题分类目录是传教团、语言文学、中国政府和政治、中英战争、地理学。这与传教士裨治文的身份和活动宗旨以及鸦片战争前中国与世界政治是吻合的。“传教团”中有研究基督教早期在中国传播的文章,如《基督教在华早期传播》(Early Introduction of Christianity into China);有反映在中国传播基督教福音无进展、传教困难和阻碍的《在中国传教》((Propagation of the Gospel in China)、《在华传播基督教福音》(Promulgation of the Gospel in China)等。也有反映基督教在海外活动情况,如《缅甸基督教》(Christianity in Burmah)、《朝鲜的天主教的传播》(Catholic Missions in Corea),泰国和东京迫害天主教徒的《迫害天主教徒》(Persecutions of Catholics)、《东京的天主教传播》(Catholic Missions in Tongking)等。该刊登载的语言类文章,主要论述中国语言文字的起源、汉字读音、汉字注音法、现代汉语教学法、学习中文的工具书、中译问题等,如有描述中国文字起源和六书、汉字读音和用英语字母记录汉语语音表的《中国的书面语》(The Chinese Written Language);有评论普遍采用《马礼逊词典》注音但有待于实践检验和不断改进的《汉字注音法》(Orthography of Chinese Words);有提出推进汉字改革的《现代汉语教学法》(Mode of Teaching the Chinese Language);有介绍《汉语百科辞典》、《拾级大成》、《英语、马来语、汉语词汇表》、《潮州方言初阶》评论性文章,诸如《学习中文的新工具》(New Works on the Chinese Language)和《“Deity”一词的中译问题》(Chinese Terms to Denote Deity)等。

在编排上,《文章分类目录》中的文章具有三个特点:(一)文章的作者用英文大写的省略首字母来标识,如 E.C. B.即 E.C. Bridgman;R.M.是Robert Morrison;J.R.M.代表J.R.Morrison,以此类推,这种标识大大节省了目录的篇幅。(二)每个主题,以卷期为序,将出版年代早的卷期置于最前,如vol.I.vol.2等。(三)每篇文章目录包括篇名、作者、卷期和页码,如Topography of the province, and list of the islangd along the coast of Kwangtung, E.C.B. V ol.XII.pp.88,309,477。

《综合索引》(General Index)是一种按照英文字顺编排的索引。从笔者统计编排的如

下表2可见,该索引共收录1912个索引词,其中索引词最多的字母是S(213)、C(190)、T(165)、M(134)、P(131)、B(127)和H(108)。索引词最少的字母是X(2)和Z(8)。该索引包括人名、地名以及其他术语名。如在以“S”开头的词中,有Shántung(山东), Shánxi(山西),Shángh ái(上海) 地名词,有Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Soldiers,Snow,Soap,Soul,Sung dynasty等专用名和普通词。

《综合索引》的编排法,是以英文字母为序。著录是由人名(或地名等)、简写的篇名、卷次和页码构成。兹以Agriculture 为例,以示说明:

Agriculture,how esteemed –i 304

Ranks among occupations xvii 582

Government should promote xii 278

Antiquity of - - iii 121

Herdboy’s praise of - - ix 510

Carefulness of people in ix 400

Procession in honor of - xiii 138

Annual ploughing to - ii 576

Described, implements of - v 485

Practice of irrigation in xvi 409

At Singapore,society for vi 159

在此,Agriculture是索引词,how esteemed –是篇名,“–”表示篇名的省略,i表示第一卷,304是Agriculture所在的页码地址。由此可见,它是通过索引词、相关的篇名、卷次和地址标识为读者提供检索路径的。


然而金无足赤。本索引存在着印刷错误和篇目遗漏的问题。正如编者在该索引前《关于错误的按语》所言,“有些卷中语词错误很多,由于论文页大体已经提及其原因,但没有制定错误表。一些错误说明实际已经修正或在之后的页码上作过解释。”[3]编者还指出了第19卷第412,418,596页的错误,如“418页上数第14行possessing a being改为possessing,or bejing。第596页上数第20行the god (shin)whom their anoestors worshiped改为the ancestral god(shin)whom they (each country)worshiped.”[4]此外,原编文章分类目录存在着不少遗漏。如上述的原目收1257篇文章,而顾钧、杨慧玲最新整理出版的《〈中国丛报〉篇名目录及分类索引》有1514篇,两者相差有257篇。该索引虽有说明“In this general index, the system of spelling Chinese words proposed in the eleventh volume of the Repository has been applied to all the names of places, persons, & c., referred to in it, which involves a slight change in some of them from what they are spelled in the first ten volumes.”[5]但对使用者来说,缺乏更简明扼


3 结语

综上所述,《二十卷中国丛报主题综合索引》在西方索引早期在华传播史上具有重要的历史地位。如果说1848年美国W.F. Pool(普尔)编制和出版的《普尔期刊文献索引》是世界上最早的期刊论文索引,1851年美国的《纽约时报索引》是世界上最早的日报索引,那么笔者认为,《二十卷中国丛报主题综合索引》是美国传教士在华编纂和出版的第一份英文期刊索引。它比1925年杜定友主编的我国现代最早的报纸索引早74年,比1930年上海《人文》杂志编纂的《最近杂志要目索引》早79年。因此,无论在美国海外期刊索引编纂史上,还是在中国期刊编纂史上,它皆具重要的学术价值和史学意义。此外,在中国现代索引出现之前,西方现代索引已传入我国,经历了一个漫长的默默无闻的传播时期。从《中国丛报》在华的出版和销售来看,19世纪一部分中国知识界人士已经接触到了西方现代索引,不过由于对西方索引的认知不足,长期以来它尚未引起我国学界的重视。在今看来,这是我们研究世界视野中的中国索引事业发展史不能忽视的重要史实和不能不关注的史料。


1 张西平主编;顾钧,杨慧玲整理.《中国丛报》篇名目录及分类索引[K].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008:前言

2 平保兴. 西方索引早期在中国的传播研究[J]. 中国索引,2009(3):18-19

3 张西平主编;顾钧,杨慧玲整理.《中国丛报》篇名目录及分类索引[K].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008: 306

4 张西平主编;顾钧,杨慧玲整理.《中国丛报》篇名目录及分类索引[K].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008: 306

5 张西平主编;顾钧,杨慧玲整理.《中国丛报》篇名目录及分类索引[K].桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2008: 353



我的家庭 假定你是李华。写一篇英语文章,介绍你的家庭情况。内容主要包括: ①你的出身。 ②你家的家庭成员,包括爷爷、奶奶共6人。 ③爷爷、奶奶是农民,在家乡务农。 ④父亲是高级工程师,在非洲援建一座发电站。 ⑤母亲是一名教师,在一所中学教英语。 ⑥哥哥(或姐姐)是医生,在人民医院工作。 ⑦自己的情况。 【作文示范】 My Family My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①. My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination. I wish that I could be enrolled②by a famous university. That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony③. We love each other devotedly. ①for one's own trade 各专其事 ②enrol(l)[in'r ul] v.招收;录取 ③live in harmony 和睦相处 【写法指要】 这是一篇介绍家庭概况的说明文。写这类文章时要把家庭每个成员的情况都予以介绍。引言段总说家庭的组成,扩充段分别介绍各个成员的概况。通常,按由老到少的顺序陈述。本文扩充段第一句是段落主题句。结尾段总是写“和睦相处”、“相亲相爱”、“幸福美满”等吉利的话语。


读《西方文明史》有感 13通信1班张扬雪 西方文明何以从一片空白的蛮荒一跃,发展成为当今世界的高度文明,在社会生活的各个方面——经济、政治、文化、等高度繁荣?在如此短暂的时间各个部分是如何优化组合发挥出最大的潜力,铸就西方今天的辉煌?这段历史的峥嵘岁月是如何蹒跚走过?那些哲学思想、宗教趋向、艺术作品是怎样影响时局的?《西方文明史》逼真的再现了这一历程。 西方政治文明具有从分散到整体的特性,早在罗马法律文明,希腊政治文明之前已经产生过一些分散的文明,罗马和希腊的文明是西方文明真正意义上的开始——人成为政治动物和城邦的动物,公民对社会,集体事情普遍热心,特殊的地理环境与社会环境是公民有可能参加政治,法律使人们的行为有了准则,利于统一国家的形成,二战后快捷的通讯工具与交通工具使世界整体化趋势加强,政体也走向多元化,政治局势牵一发而动全身。 在新航路开辟以前,西方的经济还处于一种平庸的状态,新航路开辟后,资本主义经济迅速发展西方经济真正意义上开始了。此后在几个主要的国家里发展,这种先进的生产方式极大的推动了生产力的发展,此后的几次工业革命把西方文明推向了高潮。资本迅速积累,物质财富迅速增长,,直到今天的经济全球化的背景下,西方经济一直保持领先地位。 西方文艺区别于中国的最大特点是:极端性(中国的是保守的中庸思想指导下的单调主题)。西方的每一件成功的作品都是一次伟大的思想冲击和思想解放运动。,带有巨大的冲击力。这也是其能较早地冲破中世纪思想束缚的原因之一。每一件成功的文艺作品都是一次伟大的思想解放运动,直接反作用于经济政治,它们是互相影响的整体。战争是一切矛盾不可调和最激烈的爆发方式,带有浓厚的经济政治色彩,战争可以使谈判桌上的不可能变为可能,这也是其魅力所在。通过战争,先进的生存方式先进的阶级登上自己的舞台。 从希腊化文明看西方文明,希腊化文明不单是对希腊文明的继承,更是希腊文明与波斯文明、亚洲文明的有机结合,是一种过度和发展。 《西方文明史》在介绍希腊化文明时只是抽象地说:“它不是一种杂烩,而是有自己的特性”。但书中并没有说明其特性的具体内涵。可见西方文明史的庞大,本书并不能面面俱到。希腊化文明有其重要的两支:希腊文明和波斯文明。起初他们都是由军事起家,建立强大的军事帝国,实行强权政治,使得处于战乱分裂的欧洲大陆再次同意起来,顺应了民意。军事征服,强权政治带去了他们的思想观念,风俗文化促进了文化,思想的交流,并且服务于政权的巩固。 从《西方文明史》中我们窥探到文明进程的艰难我们更惊叹于其崛起速度。先进的生产方式,自由开放的思想,生产关系与生产力、上层建筑与经济基础相适应以及各个部分方面是如何优化整合,都是其文明崛起之所在。我们的社会主义各个方面文明建设,都值得对此选择性借鉴。 学生签名: 提交时间:2015年12月


How did the USA expand its territory in its formation? In July 4, 1776, 13 colonies in North America declared their independence from Britain. In 1783, through Treaty of Paris (1783), Britain recognized the sovereignty of the United States,and offered to cede all the land between the east of the Mississippi River and the Atlantic coast. In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase almost doubled the nation’s area. In 1819 because of internal and external troubles, Spain entered into Adams–Onís Treaty of 1819 with the United States, which led Spain cede Florida and other Gulf Coast territory. Then, the United States successively obtained the Texas and Oregon areas from Mexico and Britain by means of countermeasures and threats. In 1848, the victory of America in the Mexican-American War resulted in the Mexican Cession of California through the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Then in 1853, James Gadsden, U.S. ambassador to Mexico at that time, bought nearly 100 thousand square kilometers of land along the US-Mexico border for $10 million. In 1867, the United States purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire for 7.2 million dollars, which covers an area of 1.5 million square kilometers. In the late nineteenth Century, the United States also acquired some islands in the Pacific through war, such as Hawaii. Although this is twenty-first Century, the ambitions of American expansion never cease. 1776年7月4日,北美洲的13个殖民地宣布脱离英国独立。1783,通过《巴黎条约》(1783),英国承认了美国的主权,并提出放弃在密西西比河以东和大西洋海岸之间的所有土地。1803,路易斯安那购地案使美国领土几乎翻了一番。1819,由于内部和外部的麻烦,西班牙与美国签订了亚当斯欧尼斯条约(1819),导致西班牙放弃佛罗里达州和其他海湾沿岸领土。随后,美国通过策反和威胁先后从墨西哥和英国先后获得了德克萨斯和俄勒冈地区。1848,美国在美墨战争中的胜利,促成了墨西哥通过1848瓜达卢佩-伊达尔戈条约的加利福尼亚割让。1853,美国驻墨西哥大使James Gadsden在美国墨西哥边境购买了近10万平方公里的土地,价值1000万美元。1867,美国从俄罗斯帝国用720万美元购买了阿拉斯加,占地面积150万平方公里。在十九世纪下旬,美国也通过战争获得了太平洋上的一些岛屿,比如夏威夷。尽管现在是二十一世纪,但是美国扩张的野心从未停止。


Ancient Greece can be said that the cradle of Western civilization, is a miracle of world civilization, and its glorious history for future generations with great relish. The ancient Greeks of the advocates of freedom and democracy for future generations to create a cultural masterpiece, its great cultural heritage and establish the height of the civilization of ancient Greece, and a profound impact on the process of Western civilization and even the process of civilization of the world. Ancient Greek mythology, ancient Greek philosophy, ancient Greek democratic system, an art treasure was born in such a small peninsula of Greece, destined to rise and development of the civilization of ancient Greece is full of legendary, fabulous colors. Greek culture created by the Greeks with extraordinary penetration, she was able to transcend time and space constraints to the Apennines, with the sailing of the fleet and Romans Legion spread, spread to the Rhine, spread to Bactria, did she have unlimited vitality, from time to time after the civilization of absorption, transformation, thus becoming a common humanity and eternal treasure. Greece has a great king: Alexander the Great. Alexander can be disseminators of Greek culture in the course of his conquests, conquered numerous nations and tribes, and advanced Greek culture to their country, the rapid spread Greek culture in Alexandria. On the other hand, some Eastern thought, and especially religious ideas into the Greek world. Hellenistic era, large and small around the world by the Alexandria City of Alexandria can clearly see the status and influence of Greek culture in the Western and even the world. Ancient Greek philosophy, the influence of classical Greek philosophy to modern science and modern philosophy in many ways, paving the road. In matters of religion, classical Greek philosophy, the development of different religions of the early Hellenistic have a profound impact. The early Greek philosophers on the later generations never stopped from early Christian theology, Muslim philosophy to the Renaissance to the Enlightenment and modern general science visible. Ancient Greece is the origin of the Olympic Games, is now the modern Olympic Games in the pursuit of higher, faster, stronger, under the slogan has become a big stage to unite the world, enhance the friendship of the world, seen left in ancient Greece is not only a simple legacy of the Olympic Games, more Olympic Games, which contains the human civilization and spiritual. This living heritage is the created by the advocate simpleness and freedom of the Greeks and passed down, and long-term impact on the world. The Greeks showed strong interest in the mysteries of the universe and everything the law. Alexander's expedition almost the Greeks saw the world "at the end of" the face of the turmoil of the Indian River, crossing the inaccessible Caucasus, they can not help feeling that the former ignorance, and ignorance. We know that Pythagoras long ago discovered the universe Theorem; Euclid previous experience in the creation of the geometry of the system, until now his "geometric principles or popular textbooks in European universities; Archimedes good at thinking, the overflow of water from the bathtub to realize the existence of buoyancy. From the scientific strength and confidence, assert that if I give him a fulcrum will move the world This is the dauntless spirit and fortitude of a challenge to the natural quality. Greek scientists valuable here. That Roman soldiers killed begged the grace period to think about the problem of Archimedes, the unexpected will fall forever may not forgive the charges. Greek astronomy benefited from Babylon, Samos Ali Stark early as in the center of the Earth on the suspected before Copernicus, The Sheba Adamkus made a major astronomical instrument concept imager and quadrant, The invention of the indexing method to determine the location of the ground to the latitude and longitude lines, and very close to the exact value to calculate the solar year, the length of the lunar


中西方家庭教育的异同 小组成员:郁洁、张静雯、张苗苗、章莉丽、赵浏婷、仲秋、周阳、朱珏(组长) 一、共同之处 第一,重视家庭教育。 无论你来自哪个国家你属于,哪些国籍,我们都认为家庭是一个人的第一个学校,家长是第一个老师。中国或西方国家,无论是古代还是现代,家庭教育总是在最基本的位置的。 第二,家庭教育应从小开始,履行职责。 家庭,“家长们应该是言传身教。从他的表情,我们知道他生气或快乐,然后给予指示。”因为“它很容易集中孩子的注意力。他长大后,他的注意力分散,所以孩子教育必须从小抓起。 第三,有时候父母的分工在某些情况下会阻碍孩子教育的发展,并且带来了一些坏的结果。 在中国或在西方,母亲几乎是被描述的主要角色,然而对父亲的描述只有一少部分。母亲几乎是家庭教育的主要承担者。母亲是负责儿童日常生活中的饮食如饮料和食物,母亲是孩子物质保障,情感等方面的主要承担者,也 是培养孩子的主要监护人。 第四,注重培养孩子的兴趣,让他们正确地认识知识的价值。 中国的父母在远古时代就充分意识到这个道理,他们在孩子校时候就教他们阅读《四库全书》和《五经》,并且学习各种各样的思想学派,激发他们对知识的渴望和求知欲。在西方,父母也注重家庭阅读。孩子必须在睡觉前听的故事,这是一种优良的西方传统家庭教育。 五、注重以个人的例子以及口头令来教学。 父母是孩子的模式,通常父母一个简单的动作是更有效率的灌输,孩子会在不经意间模仿他们的父母。

二、不同之处 一、两种不同的育儿观 西方国家育儿的着眼点在于,培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存能力的社会人。西方国家的很多家庭都十分重视孩子从小的自身锻炼。孩子的成长必须靠自身的力量。因此,要从小就形成自立的意识和独立生活的能力。而独立生活能力来自从小的锻炼。所谓锻炼是多方面的,诸如劳动锻炼、坚强意志的锻炼、忍耐力和吃苦精神的锻炼等等。但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和劳动能力的锻炼。通过参加劳动,让孩子从小就形成独立的劳动意识、劳动技能和爱劳动的习惯;在劳动和艰苦的环境中去克服困难,磨炼意志,发展各自的才能和特长,增长才智,并形成刻苦、节俭等品质。就是在这种潜移默化的过程中,随着年龄的增长逐渐促其成为具有独立生存能力和社会责任感的公民。 中国的一些家庭育儿往往着眼于孩子将来有出息、有个好职业、一生能在顺境中度过。父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得好。孩子成长中能给他们多少幸福就给他们多少幸福。一句话,若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也心甘情愿。为此,在孩子的成长过程中,除生活上加倍关心外,父母最关心的是孩子的智育。为使孩子学习好,能成龙成凤,除了学习,什么都不让孩子干。至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来社会的适应能力,以及公民意识等则很少考虑,有的甚至不考虑。由此看出,中国家长的育儿与西方国家明显不同。 二、两种不同的教育方式方法

西方文明史 (2)

英文学院研究生学期课程论文 课程名称西方文明史 任课教师王晓红 论文标题The Fall and Decline of Roman Empire 姓名郝旭姣 班级英语语言文学2班 学号2010493 日期2011.3.28

INTRODUCTION The Roman Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the history of mankind. In fact, it may even be considered the most powerful empire to have ever existed. However, the mighty empire of Rome has fallen. The Roman Empire emerged from the Roman Republic when Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar transformed it from a republic into a monarchy. Rome reached its zenith in the 2nd century, and then fortunes slowly declined with many revivals and restorations along the way. This was a period in which the state structure, undermined by the barbarian invasions which provoked famine and destruction, was in deep economic and political crisis, and the population in Rome and in the countryside lived in precarious conditions. The decline of the Roman Empire is one of the events traditionally marking the end of Classical Antiquity and the beginning of the European Middle Ages. Throughout the 5th century, the Empire?s territories in Western Europe and northwestern Africa, including Italy, fell to various invading or indigenous peoples in what is sometimes called the Migration period. Although the eastern half still survived with borders essentially intact for several centuries until the Arab expansion, the Empire as a whole had initiated major cultural and political transformations since the Crisis of the Third Century, with the shift towards a more openly autocratic and ritualized form of government, the adoption of Christianity as the state religion, and a general rejection of the traditions and values of Classical Antiquity. “The decline of the Roman Empire was not a single event but a gradual process that lasted several centuries.”(奥托.基弗,174) This process was characterized by increasing economic inequality, incompetent political and military leadership, foreign invasions and political instability resulting in repeated usurpations and all-out civil war. On the other hand, under some strong emperors, the Empire enjoyed stretches of respite from its woes.


The contrast of home education between China and western countries IN CHINA: Everything is for children In Western Nations Parents advocate 提倡free development 1、The tendency of family education 2、The values of family education 3、The focus 焦点of family education 4、The training of sense of independence 5、Financial education The tendency of family education IN CHINA: Parents tend to focus the social enlightenment.However,they ignore the development of children themselves. In western countries: Parents in western countries often start from the characteristics of their children,letting them develop freely. The values of family education It's parents faults for children's being ignorant. In western countries:Children are as equal as any members in the


Since its first appearance in the 15th century in the courts of European royalty, ballet has become one of the most loved forms of dance. One of the most beloved ballets is “Swan Lake.” 芭蕾自15世纪在欧洲皇室宫廷首次出现,已成为最受喜爱的一种舞蹈形式。最为人们喜爱的芭蕾舞剧是“天鹅湖”。 The word “ballet” itself is French, and comes from the Italian word “ballo”,meaning “a dance.” Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influences from many countries. “ballet”一词是法语,源自意大利语“ballo”,意即“一种舞蹈”。今天我们所知道的芭蕾舞,是许多国家影响下的产物。Highly technical ballet is always performed to music,the results on stage are magical. The graceful moves display the body in the most elegant and beautiful manner possible. 高超的芭蕾舞,它总是配合音乐演出,舞台上演出的效果魅力十足。优美的动作竭尽其优雅绝妙的姿态把体态之美展示出来。 俄罗斯“肥胖芭蕾舞团”英国行 2.The 16 performers weigh an average of 20 stone and have one goal - not to lose a single pound 该芭蕾舞团中16名演员的平均体重达到20英石(1英石约为14磅),这些舞蹈演员们有一个共同目标就是——绝对不掉1磅体重。

介绍家庭成员英语作文:My Family Members

介绍家庭成员英语作文:My Family Members 介绍家庭成员是我们常见的一个写作,下面语文迷小编整理了介绍家庭成员的英语作文,供大家参考选择。 介绍家庭成员英语作文一 My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker’s family. There are six people in my family. They are my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. 我的名字叫李华。我来自一个工人家庭。我们家有六口人。他们是我的爷爷,奶奶,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和我。 Every member in my family works for his or her own trade①. My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People’s Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I am going to take this year’s college entrance examination. I wish that I could be enrolled②by a famous university. 我的家庭中的每个成员都各专其事①。我的爷爷和奶奶都是农民。


Chinese Dragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion. 对龙图腾他的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞、开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。Dumplings Dumplings are one of the Chinese people’s favorite traditional dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saint---Zhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elastic dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. There’s an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings”. During the Spring Festival and other holidays, or when treating relatives and friends, Chinese people like to follow the auspicious custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new year. 饺子是深受中国人民喜爱的传统食品。相传为古代医圣张仲景发明。饺子的制作是包括:1)擀皮、2)备馅、3)包馅水煮三个步骤。其特点是皮薄馅嫩,味道鲜美,形状独特,百食不厌。民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。中国人接亲待客、逢年过节都有包饺子吃的习俗,寓意吉利。对崇尚亲情的中国人来说,“更岁交子”吃饺子,更是欢度除夕、辞旧迎新必不可少的内容。 Acupuncture Acupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral channels”theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the body’s yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”. The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints of the patient’s body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the patient’s acupoints so as to stimulate the channels and relieve pain. With its unique advantages, acupuncture has been handed down generation after generation and has now spread all over the world. Nowadays, acupuncture, along with Chinese food, kung fu (otherwise known as Chinese martial arts), and traditional Chinese medicine, has been internationally hailed as one of the “four new national treasures.” 针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是“内病外治”。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位,以达到刺激经络。治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今并传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外誉为中国的“新四大国粹”。 Chinese Kung Fu Chinese kung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture in abundance. It is a


中西方家庭教育差异的英语演讲 篇一:中西方家庭教育观念差异 (一)看重日常生活行为和习惯 ●西方家长:从小教起从日常教起 西方家长重视从日常行为与情感中对孩子进行“做人的教育”,注重从内心情感去尊重别人,看重的是日常生活的行为与习惯的培养。 ●中国家长:忽视了“做人的教育” 而我国家长和幼儿教师往往脱离孩子心理发展的实际,例如幼儿园时就提出爱国主义、革命英雄主义、伟大理想主义的教育,忽视基础的行为习惯、良好的人际交往等与孩子发展阶段相适应的“做人的教育”。 我们一直谈教育要循序渐进,这不仅适用于智力教育、知识教育,同样适合于做人做事的道德教育。现在我们的孩子道德观念淡漠,社会性发展差,这与家长忽视对孩子最基础的“做人教育”不无关系。 (二)让孩子学会独立 ●西方家长:让孩子自己动手学会独立 西方家长一般都相信孩子具有自我反省和教育的能力,

孩子要自己劳做,自己生活,从劳做中得到快乐,从动手中获得各种知识,学习各种技能。孩子能做到的,就让他自己做,这是对孩子的尊重。 比如在西方有很多这样的情形:父亲或母亲在前面走,刚刚学会走路的孩子跟在后面走。他们认为这对孩子独立性的培养十分重要。 ●中国家长:层层保护种种溺爱 中国的家长生怕孩子磕着碰着,往往要抱着或拉着孩子走。 (三)让孩子自然发展 ●西方家长:让孩子自由发展 西方人巴望孩子成名成家的观念相对比较淡薄,他们并不煞费苦心地设计孩子的未来,而是注重孩子的自由发展,努力把孩子培养成为能够适应各种环境,具备独立生存能力的社会人。 他们的家庭教育是以培养孩子富有开拓精神、能够成为一个自食其力的人为出发点的。 基于这种观念,西方国家的很多家庭都十分重视孩子从小的自身锻炼。他们普遍认为,孩子的成长必须靠自身的力


[俄罗斯的英文]俄罗斯的蓝猫 【自我介绍】 俄罗斯蓝猫的具体介绍。下面是大家创业网为大家整理的俄罗斯蓝猫,供大家参考。 俄罗斯蓝猫 俄罗斯蓝猫(Russian Blue),历史上曾被称做阿契安吉蓝猫,曾有过三种不同的名字。最初是阿契安吉蓝猫。直到20世纪40年代才有现在的名字。另外有段时间它则叫做马耳他猫。证据显示,这种猫确实原产于俄罗斯,因为已在俄罗斯寒带地区发现了同种的猫。俄罗斯蓝猫体型细长,大而直立的尖耳朵,脚掌小而圆,走路像是用脚尖在走。身上披着银蓝色光泽的短被毛,配上修长苗条的体型和轻盈的步态,尽显一派猫中的贵族风度。 俄罗斯蓝猫原产于白海沿海或斯堪的纳维亚地区。俄罗斯蓝猫历史较为悠久,二次大战以后,俄罗斯蓝猫的数量急剧减少,为了把其种群数量恢复,培育者用暹罗猫与其进行杂交,使得俄罗斯蓝猫的外形带有一些东方情调。由于祖先

起源于寒冷的西伯利亚地带,很多地方称它为”冬天的精灵”。 俄罗斯蓝猫由于生于严寒的俄罗斯地带,毛层厚密,躯干的双层被毛显得十分突出,在所有的短毛猫中是最厚实的,不同的是,它的被毛不是紧贴身体而是直立着的;毛色为均匀的蓝色,有独特的银色光泽,这是毛尖为银色所产生的效果。 俄国蓝猫有着精实的中等体态, 包覆在篮灰色短短的绒毛下。其实这种偏蓝的灰色是由于黑色毛发的基因遭到 衰减的表现。对于俄罗斯蓝猫的毛发来说, 还分为一层柔软的绒毛般的底层毛, 以及一层比较长且略粗硬, 有蓝色基底银色末端的外层毛。由于毛发的银色末端带来的光学效应, 使得俄国蓝猫有“闪闪动人”般的外貌。俄罗斯蓝猫的眼睛应该是深沉而鲜明的绿色, 如果成猫以后有着黄色的眼睛或者眼睛上有白斑就会被视为缺陷而影响到猫的价值与地位。 俄罗斯蓝猫又有”短毛种之贵族”和”冬之精”美誉。原产于白海沿海或斯堪的纳维亚地区。俄罗斯蓝猫生性温和、稳重、安静,动作灵巧、敏捷,身体强健,特别耐寒,叫声

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