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1. 阅读理解

San Francisco, known as “The City bythe Bay”, packs a lot of fun.

View ofGolden Gate Bridge from Baker Beach

As one ofthe most famous sights in all of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge is anabsolute must-see. There are a few good spots to view it from, but my personalfavorite is Baker Beach. This is also a particularly good spot to buy a mealfrom a local market, lay down a blanket and enjoy a picnic in the view of thefamous bridge.

Visit theMusee Mecanique

Fisherman’s Wharf(码头)is one of the most touristyareas of San Francisco and the overpriced, crowded sights can be tiring. But onWharf 41, there’s a unique attraction: the Musee Mechanique. This museum hasone of the largest collections of old indoors game machines in the world, whichoffers great amusements. Entry is free and it’s only a couple of quarters toplay the games.

Eat atSpark Social Food Trucks

With sucha various population, it can be difficult to decide what cuisine to enjoy fordinner. Luckily at Spark Social Food Trucks in the Mission Bay, you can try alittle bit of everything! Not only is the food delicious, but the food truckhas a community feel with weekly events and free desserts.

Have Teaat the Japanese Tea Garden

If youdesire for some calm on the somewhat noisy streets of San Francisco, theJapanese Tea Garden is perfect. Located in Golden Gate Park, the garden looksexactly like Japan. And you can enjoy tea in the traditional tea houseoverlooking a lake.

(1)What does the Musee Mechanique offer?

A . Peace.

B . Picnic spot.

C . Amusements.

D . Delicious foods.

(2)Which spot treats tourists to free desserts?

A . Wharf 41.

B . The Mission Bay.

C . The Baker Beach.

D . Golden Gate Bridge.

(3)What can we infer about the Japanese Tea Garden?

A . Its tea is from Japan.

B . It is a quiet place.

C . It is the best tea house.

D . It was built by Japanese.

2. 阅读理解

South African singer Larry Joe found insolitary confinement(隔离监禁)the peace of mind he needed to develop his talent.A producer helped him make a CD in a cell-turned-studio.

Joe, 31,can see only seven stars outside his window in a prison in Douglas, SouthAfrica for housebreaking. But he has a guitar and a wild hope.

“Iwant to be a bright star. I want people, when they hear me, to see the darknessmuch less. “ Joe s aid.

OnDecember 1, 2008, one of South Africa’s top musical groups, Freshly Ground, wasin Douglas for a concert to mark World AIDS Day.

Joe wasalso invited to play in the support act. He stunned the audience. “Everyonewas totally attracted. I was blown away because I hadn’t heard a better voicelike that before,” Aron Turest Swartz, Freshly Ground’s founder recalled.

When Joewas 13, his parents moved to Douglas. Being poor, his sister would tell himthat she had a headache for bread, but he had nothing to give her. Joe made badfriends, who were always talking about stealing. Later, Joe slipped into crimeto help reduce the burden of family. Finally, he was put into prison forhousebreaking.

Prisoncould have broken him: his father died when he was in prison. So did Joe’s18-month-old daughter. Before prison, he’d see her in the hospital, medicaltubes everywhere. Joe felt broken when she died. But it marked the time of hisrebirth. He stopped pretending there was an excuse for his crime.

OnDecember 13, 2010, the album he recorded in prison was timed for release.

He wasparoled(假释)for good behavior after two years and 10 months.That afternoon, Joe gave a concert at the prison to celebrate his freedom.

It wastime to say goodbye to his seven stars.

(1)What did Joe need to develop his talent?

A . The peace of mind.

B . His guitar and his songs.

C . Seven stars outside his window.

D . A CD made in a cell-turned-studio.

(2)Why did Joe become a prisoner?

A . Because he set fire to the studio.

B . Because he robbed a musician of his guitar.

C . Because he stole some money from a musical producer.

D . Because he was involved in a crime by breaking a house.

(3)What can we infer from paragraph 6?

A . Joe has a happy childhood.

B . Joe’s sister was ill in head.

C . Joe was influenced a lot by his friends.

D . Poverty is certain to result in committing a crime.

(4)What may be the best title for the text?

A . Seven Stars in the Sky

B . A Headache for Bread

C . The Star from the Prison

D . A Concert at the Prison

3. 阅读理解

Scientists at the University of Bonncarried out extensive research to show that the water-drops rolling off a lotus(莲花)leafcarry away dirt, leaving the surface perfectly clean. This phenomena has beennamed the “Lotus Effect” and works best on rough surfaces.

Contraryto popular belief, lotus leaves are not smooth at all. When examined under apowerful microscope, the leaf cells show a bumpy surface. That makes thesurface rough. As a result, dirt rests only on the tips of the wax crystals(蜡晶体)coveringthe leaf surface. The roughness reduces the contact area between the dirt andthe leaf surface. A rough surface structure with wax crystals makes itimpossible for water to stick. Due to the friction(摩擦力),the water contracts at once. It forms round waterdrops to minimize the contactarea with the rough, waxy leaf surface and runs off the leaf very

quickly.Since the dirt only rests on the tips of the wax crystals they stick morestrongly to the waterdrops than to the leaf surfaces. They are washed away whenthe water falls on the leaves.

On smoothleaves, the dirt is pushed from one part of the leaf to the other. This isbecause the dirt has a larger contact area where they can rest comfortably onthe flat surface. We must also keep in mind that water usually spreads and onlypartially runs off the leaves-that too, only if the leaf is tilted! The dirtmay get driven, but they are mainly displaced from one side of the leaf to theother.

Scientistssay that the “Lotus Effect” is particularly beneficial for it helpsto protect the lotus leaves from harmful bacteria. The dirt on the leaves oftencontains tiny disease causing fungi and bacteria. While most of the bacteriaget washed off, the few that remain eventually die since they do not get thewater they require for survival and growth.

(1)What is “Lotus Effect”?

A . The self-cleaning feature of lotus leaves.

B . The lotus surfaces’ ability to kill harmful bacteria.

C . The dirt leaving off lotus leaves with the help of wind.

D . Lotus leaves making waterdrops from the dirt on them.

(2)What does the underlined word “bumpy” in paragraph 2 probobaly mean?

A . Flat.

B . Bended.

C . Flexible.

D . Rough

(3)Why are waterdrops unable to stay on lotus leaves?

A . The rough and waxy leaf surface reduces the friction.

B . The smooth leaf

surface makes waterdrops roll down.C . The contact area between drops and leaves is too large.D . The waterdrops fall on the leaves at a too high speed.

(4)What is the benefit of “Lotus Effect” ?

A . It can help the lotus grow healthily.

B . It can protect the lotus from sunshine.

C . It can make the bacteria more and stronger.

D . It can help the lotus leaves keep the required water.

4. 阅读理解

Studies have suggested early rising andsuccess might be linked. People who wake up early are more in keeping with thetraditional corporate schedule and tend to have more positive personalities,which might lead to better grades in school or higher wages on the job.

Is gettingup early for everyone? No. There’s been lots of research about how some peopleare biologically more likely to feel more alert (机敏的)in the morning, whileothers are at their best at night. You might be more alert and have bettercognitive (认知的)ability in the afternoon, for instance.So, if you don’t naturally feel alert in the morning but decide to wake upearly anyway, you might be disturbing your actual top performance times. Ofcourse, people may have personal reasons for making an early start. Parentswith young children or workers with non-traditional hours may also have nochoice about what time they start the day.

Gettin g upearly doesn’t necessarily translate to instant success at the office. In fact,depending on the person, it could end up having a negative effect. Especiallyif you don’t normally wake up super early and are trying to

follow some kind ofproductivity fashion. An even worse condition may arise if you’re actuallyreducing sleep to become an early riser. Sacrificing sleep means you may be hitby the many negative effects of sleep lack. Getting a full night’s sleep andgetting the same amount of sleep at the same time each night are bothimportant. So if early rising means cutting sleep, don’t do it.

Whatshould you do? Don’t listen to thought-leaders or Linkedln influencers butfigure out what works best for you. Pay attention to when you feel most tiredand most awake. Make a note of the times you fall asleep and wake up naturally.Try to adjust your schedule to those times, as that’s how you’ll tap into mostof your natural energy for the day ahead. And above all, it’s getting adequateamounts of sleep.

(1)What is paragraph 1 intended to tell us?

A . The early bird catches the worm.

B . A good beginning makes a good ending.

C . A thousand mile trip begins with one step.

D . Constant dropping wears the stone.

(2)Why is getting up early unfit for everyone?

A . People have different cognitive ability.

B . It disturbs working orders.

C . Not all are in their best state in the morning.

D . Few people have their top performance times.

(3)What does the author think of getting up early?

A . It can lead everyone to success.

B . It has too many negative effects.

C . It means shortening the sleep time.

D . It is less important than sleeping enough and well.

(4)What do experts advise to do with the working time?

A . Follow the advisers’ directions.

B . Find out your own best time table.

C . Sleep more and better than before.

D . Use your energy averagely in a day.


5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

Four Everyday Things Hurting Your Health

Youreveryday behaviors may be holding you back. However, perhaps you don’t evenknow it. ________, as well as someexpert advice on what to do instead.

________. It can also decrease your brain’sability to function, thus resulting in poor performance at work and longerreaction time behind the wheel. Experts recommend practicing a relaxing bedtimeroutine like taking a bath, cutting down on caffeine and alcohol. Another trickis to stick to a consistent sleep schedule.

Studieshave shown that sitting for extended periods can have significant negativeimpacts on physical and mental health. You don,t have to run amarathon to get active, though. Work small exercises into your day, likestanding during TV advertisements or parking your car far away from anentrance.________.

Is it uneasy to lock your cell phone awayfor a solid 60 minutes? Social medi a isn’t helping, either. Experts recommenddeleting social media apps or hiding them. ________, and making a point of doingsomething to ground you in the present moment each day.

In today’scompetitive society, it’s human nature to take on as many tasks as possible.But continuous responsibility and rushing from one job to the next is a badhabit that can lead to eventual burnout.________, especially those that you have notime to accept.

A. The small can make a huge difference

B. Bad sleep can lead to a variety of harms

C. Good education background isn’t helping

D. This means practicing the art of saying”yes”

E. Experts suggest politely turning down invitations

F. Be aware of some habits with a negative impact onyour health

G. They also suggest charging your phone outside ofyour bedroom


6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

While volunteeringin Tanzania,my wife and I got the idea of what we call a”street library” because children in our neighbourhood were able toread but had no1at all

We had anidea to make books 2to local children who wanted to read. We 3a famous internationalcharity for collecting money. We 4books in three book stores ofthe capital city. My wife Sue 5all 180 books withsticky-backed paper to keep them clean. A local man made some 6to store the books. I madesome “library cards” and 7with a tailor called Saddiqi,whoagreed to keep the boxes in his 8and to run the library. Thelibrary was 9to open!

Anyonecould 10with their name and theirparent’s mobile phone number. Saddiqigave them a 11with a number, with which they could read thebooks only in his shop. I decided it was better to do that than let readers 12the books. There is no 13to join the library. Within five days we had over 100 14and more were joining eachday! Even though the books are 15for children in differentgrades of difficulty,16were using the library for free, too.

Thisside-project was, I think, one of the most 17things we did in Tanzania.It was in some way a thank-you gift to our 18for welcoming us so warmly into theirlives. The whole 19worked together on thestreet library and that’s surely part of the reason it is still 20after we left.

(1)A . chanceB . interestC . businessD . sense(2)A . preciousB . availableC . cheapD . useful(3)A . leftB . contactedC . soldD . bough(4)A . donatedB . readC . wroteD . ordered(5)A . copiedB . mendedC . printedD . covered(6)A . cupboardsB . countersC . boxesD . drawers(7)A . quarreledB . debatedC . consultedD . fought(8)A . shopB . houseC . gardenD . courtyard(9)A . readyB . unlikelyC . illegalD . necessary(10)A . drop inB . settle downC . see aroundD . sign up(11)A . bookB . photoC . cardD . newspaper(12)A . wait forB . take awayC . learn fromD . refer to(13)A . wayB . chargeC . dataD . need(14)A . librariansB . workersC . membersD . tailors(15)A . evenB . hardlyC . neverD . mainly(16)A . adultsB . babiesC . youthsD . foreigners(17)A . boringB . rewardingC . worryingD . surprising(18)A . relativesB . patientsC . neighboursD . students(19)A . schoolB . companyC . countryD . community(20)A . openB . cleanC . emptyD . Modern四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

There isgood news- for those who enjoy ________ - around in rain and don’t want to gettheir clothes dirtied or those who play soccer but don’t want their shirts toget soiled or wet with sweat. British scientists have created a fabric thatnever gets dirty or wet! The cloth ________ with a special non-sticky chemicalthat resists oil and water. This ensures that the clothes made ________it remain clean. But the scientists are notyet ready to make public the ________ information of this”miracle” chemical.

A well-knownFrench company recently launched ________new range of jackets that have Teflon in them.T eflon is the plastic coating on non-stick cooking pans,________has a special characteristic: No reaction toanything. As a result, dirt and water slip away from the Teflon fabric, as ________ as oil slips out of aTeflon-coated pan.

Americanscientists have gone a step ________.They have added insecticide to the fabric that killsmosquitoes on contact. This new anti-mosquito fabric ________ immediate buyers shortly after itsinvention. According to reports, several mosquito net producers are planning ________. with each other in thebid to “net” the company for the use ofthis new technology.


8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Mygrandparents had a small farm, that they grew crops and vegetables. They alsoraised dozen of hens and cocks, which were kept, in an area surrounded by afence for protect. However, there were always several chickens escaped throughthe fence, wandering freely in the fields.

Last spring, I visited to my grandparents’ farm andplay near the wheat field. Suddenly I caught amazing sight: a hen was walkingpast, following by five chicks! No one knew where and when the hen hatched hislittle kids. My grandma was happy and hurried prepared a new home for themother and the children.


9. 假定你是李华,你的外教老师Mr. Terry即将退休。请用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:








Dear Mr. Terry,

Congratulations on your retirement! Bestwishes. We will miss you very much. Yours,

Li Hua

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