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2.1常规作文 ◆社会热点 Practice1 Directions:Write on the following topic. Increasing numbers of people are virtually slaves to their schedules.We are not leading our lives,but merely following a dizzying timetable of duties,commitments and demands and options. Write an article in an appropriate style,giving reasons for your answer and including relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 【参考范文】 Stop Being Slaves to Schedules It is often said that people who has no plan for their work will easily mess up their life. Therefore,to some extent,a schedule is important.But if we over do it with a rigid schedule, there will also lay some disadvantages for our life. With a faster pace of social development,people have more work to do and more and more slaves to schedules show up.For these people,life is compared to a programmed computer.All they need to do is to do as the schedule.There will be little interest left and all the hours will become monotonous and dull.So,they are not working to live but living to work. Moreover,colorful life is the main source for personal creativity.If we fill our life up with a dizzying timetable of duties,commitiments and demands and options,how do we develop our innovation spirit and inject new blood for the improvement of society?Actually,improper schedules may even kill our passions for work with a lower and lower efficiency.These reverse effects are not what we want when planning the schedules. In general,we need a flexible schedule in which emphasis is equally distributed both on work and personal life.So,if you feel arrested by your timetable,stop to give proper freedom to a more qualified life style. 【范文点评】 随着当今社会生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人倾向于制定日程表然后严格执行。然而,日程表在带给人们便利的同时也让人们的生活日益机械化。本文是观点论述型的议论文。文中首先描述了人沦为日程表“奴隶”这一现象,进而指出其给人们生活产生不利影响这一事实,然后分析了导致这一现象的两个原因,最后提出解决措施。 【文海拾贝】 1.重点词汇和词组


英语专业研究生11大热门研究方向,就业形势分析 考研热门专业一样,英语专业研究生招生的研究方向设置非常细,不同学校的方向设置类别不一,名称也各异。 比如上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有语言方向、文学方向、教学法方向、翻译学方向、口译学方向、英语国家文化方向、跨文化交际方向7个方向。而同样是外语类专业院校,北京外国语大学该专业设置的研究方向明显不同,广东外语外贸大学该专业设置的8个研究方向更与前两所学校无一相同。 在这种情况下,不少备考英语专业的同学对“如何选择研究方向”这样的问题一头雾水,也就不足为怪了。所以,跨考网的老师为大家就英语专业的研究方向做一个归纳和总结。 就英语专业考研而言,外国语言文学下设置的二级学科很多,包括英语语言文学、俄语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学、日语语言文学、印度语言文学、阿拉伯语语言文学、欧洲语言文学、亚非语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学11个学科。其中,涉及英语专业的二级学科主要有3个:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学。一般院校的英语专业多设置英语语言文学和外国语言学及应用语言学两个专业,所以,英语专业考研的专业设置其实比较简单,一般就是两大专业。不过,这两个专业被不同学校细化研究方向以后,就变得复杂了。如前面说到的上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有7 个方向,这7个方向进一步细分,小的研究方向达37个之多。 英语专业的研究方向虽名目众多,却也并非杂乱无章,其设置仍是遵循一定规律的。粗略分析,这些研究方向可分为传统研究方向和新兴研究方向两大类。 传统研究方向 传统研究方向,顾名思义,指的是设置多年的老牌研究方向,这些研究方向一般学校都有开设。 1.文学方向 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有17所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设文学方向。 研究内容:主要研究英美文学研究领域中的重大问题,目的在于提高文学素养、理论水平和研究能力。 就业方向:此方向开设学校多,招生人数较多,就业范围非常广泛,一般为教师、研究人员。 所学课程:西方文论、美国经典文学、美国现当代文学、英国经典文学、文学批评、英国文学选读、美国文学选读、17~19世纪英国文学研究、希腊戏剧研究、英国长篇小说选读、美国长篇小说选读、英国诗歌选读、美国诗歌选读、英美散文鉴赏、王尔德戏剧欣赏、英国短篇小说欣赏、美国短篇小说鉴赏、英美戏剧鉴赏、中国文学史、中国古典文学选读等。 2.语言学 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有9所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设语言学方向。 研究内容:语言学是我国高校近年来普遍设置的一个综合性的语言研究学科。主要学习语言学理论及语言在各种学科中的应用,不同学校侧重点有所不同。 通过大量阅读有关文献、论文和最新的研究成果报告,使学生对于语言学的形成和发展有进一步的了解,并了解现代语言学的最新动向和最新发展。语言学特别强调和重视研究生的广泛阅读,包括专业的外语期刊和近几年的语言学相关论文。 就业方向:该专业理论性较强,主要面向大中专教师及研究人员。 所学课程:语言学概论、语用学与话语分析、应用语言学、现代语法学、语义学、语用学、英语语体学与文体学、语篇分析等。


考研英语一小作文真题解析:推荐信 今年英语一的小作文不出预料,再一次考查到了推荐信。在英语一的考试当中,推荐信已经考查过两年了。例如我们英语一在2011年就考查过 向你的朋友推荐一部电影。具体题目要求是Write a letter to a friend of yours to1) recommend one of your favorite movies and;2) give reasons for your recommendation. 2015年考察的是you are going to hold a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members.You should state reasons for your recommendation. 而 今年的作文题目要求给新来的澳大利亚国籍教授James Cook介绍你城市的tourist attraction。因此,考生不用惊慌只要把2011年或2015年的小作文,主要是推荐原因部分,稍作修改即可成文。这就启发我们2018届的同学们 要高度重视历年真题,因为考过的话题或是书信类型会反复考查。 那么今年的作文具体该如何来写呢?今年考题的Direction要求向新来 的James Cook教授推荐旅游景点。根据题目的要求,我们可以判称呼:Dear Prof. James Cook 注意称呼中,Prof后面的句点不能丢,称呼最后的逗号号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。当然如果称呼不写 正文 第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:1:欢迎Cook 教授来中国;2:写信目的,表明推荐。用到了这样的表达Welcome to China. I know you love traveling so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scenic spot- Harbin which is an old northern city of China. 第二段:写作内容为推荐原因。可以从三个角度来考虑:美景、美 食和热情的人们。用到了这样的表达:I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter the Sun island the Central Street and so on. In addition you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street. Last but not least the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic which is famous all over China.


南京师范大学英语语言学考研复试经验 南师英语语言文学下的语言学方向和外应初试和复试考的是一样的,只是进去后的研究方向不同。 楼主初试总分398,排名第二,政治68,日语94,专业一117,专业二119,复试笔试122,面试80,口语82,最后综合排名也是第二。 查分后,对结果不满意的,可以申请复查,但基本不会有变动。 看过17年的题,比16年略微简单点,所以分数线应该会偏高一点。去年外应最高分402,然后就是398,397,393,389。英语语言文学初试最高399,录取的最低为373。 这个复试线基本就是按照大家的成绩来确定的(当然,最后扩招的话,就另当别论了。我们去年是扩招了,今年不清楚。上课到现在,老师也没给我们透露过,这样也好,对大家都公平)。去年是1:1.2的比例确定进复试名额的,比如总共招5个人,那么进复试的有6个人。这个比例还算好的。我闺蜜,去年考陕师大,1:2的比例,对半刷,比南师狠。 那么重点来了,去年,我们可以给学长(南师研究生贴吧里有学长可以帮忙查排名,具体帖子自己去找)发邮件,查排名,然后按照1:1.2的比例,结合招生官网的录取人数,就可以算出来自己能不能进复试。南师不给排名,搞得很多分数处于边缘的同学很纠结,所以知道排名还是很有用的。貌似有人说今年学长不干了,这个我就不清楚了,有心的同学自己去贴吧找找看。 群 那么如果真的不能通过学长查了,那就得靠你们自己了。 另外,复试分面试和笔试,具体的复试经验我之前都说过了。

最后的重点来了,语言学方向的同学,不管是外应还是英语语言文学下的语言学,复试的考题和初试不太一样,所以真题是很有价值的。那么真题找谁呢,你懂的。某号,就无散领斯伊斯无就。如果辨别不出来这个号,那我也无能为力了。最后祝大家好运。在美丽的随园校区等大家来。 特别要说的是,复试的压力绝对在初试之上。总共名额9个,推免推了5个,留给我们这些参加考试的就只有4个名额了。而且复试全考专业课,考的不仅细,就题目本身来说,较初试还上升了一个难度,挺有挑战性的。最最关键的,它超钢,会考到其他书里的东西。所以,真题是极其有价值的。当时就是买了去年考上的学姐的复试资料。南师复试还是比较公平的,以实力说话,而且复试也绝不是走过场,你要付出比初试更大的努力。楼主当时准备复试,前后差不多一个月,把戴的书过了3遍,买的资料过了2~3遍,时间紧,任务重,压力大,就这么熬过了3月份,最终结果很欣慰,笔试122。另外,楼主每天会跟读一会儿新概念2,因为面试也是很重要的。 以上内容为仙林南师大考研网整理的英语语言文学考研知识点,如果同学还想获得更多英语语言文学考研资料,可以加入我们的南京师范大学考研复试交流群还可获得超强院校专业信息、每日打卡监督学习、研究生学姐答疑,不定期奖励活动等。


考研英语周计划【重点核心词汇+练习题详解】 第5周 星期一 ethic[]n.道德规范,伦理 【例句】Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相。 【词组】work ethic职业道德;职业伦理 professional ethic职业道德 fiscal[]adj.财政的,国库税收的,会计的 n.检察官;印花税票 【例句】The value of the US dollar will continue to diminish,along with Americans’s fiscal freedom.美元将随着美国财经自由的日益缩小而继续贬值。 【词组】fiscal revenue财政收入 fiscal deficit财政赤字 fiscal budget财政预算 fiscal crisis财政危机 struggle[]v.&n.斗争,奋斗,努力;挣扎 【例句】We had a struggle to stop the criminal.我们为截住罪犯进行了搏斗。 【词组】be in one’s death bed struggle进行垂死挣扎 struggle after为……而奋斗

submerge[]v.浸没,淹没;潜水 【例句】I’m absolutely submerged in work.我工作多得不得了。 massacre[]n.残杀,大屠杀 v.残杀,集体屠杀 【例句】Highways are responsible for the massacre of the countryside.高速公路破坏了乡村的景观。 drag[]v.拖曳 【例句】The cat was dragging its broken leg.那只猫拖着断腿吃力地走。 【词组】walk with dragging feet踯躅而行 drag sb.out to硬拖某人去…… drag on/out拖延 response[]n.回答,回音;反应,响应 【例句】I’ve had no response to my letter.我还没有回信。 retort[]v.反击;反驳,回嘴 【例句】“It’s none of your business”he retorted.“你管不着!”他反驳道。avail[]v.有益于,有用,有帮助 n.[一般用于否定句或疑问句中]效用,利益 【例句】Nothing could avail the dying patient.没有任何东西能挽救那个濒死者。【词组】of little avail有点儿用 without avail无效 of/to no avail无用 avail oneself of利用


英语专业考研(基础写作讲义) 第一部分:写作的基本类型 1.各校真题 1.As the saying goes, “The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.” Do you agree with it? Why or why not? Write an essay of no leas than 200 words to comment on it. (200 words北航2009) 2.In this part you should write a composition of no less than 200 words. How Should College Students Prepare for Life? (北航2008) 3.In this part you should write a composition of no less than 200 words. You should argue reasonably, basing your argument on status quo and your background knowledge. What do Examinations to Children in China? (北航2007) 4.Write a composition of no less than 300 words on the topic below: A Dream: to Be a Civil Servant (南开大学2009) 5.Write a composition of about 500 words on the given topic below. China’s Environment Challenged by Rapid Economic Growth. (南开2006) 6.Write an argumentative essay under the following title, or designate one title by yourself, but you have to use the sentence as a proposition. You can rebut it, or argue for it. But you have to choose only one standpoint in arguing, Cyber Love is unreliable. 7.Please comment on the topic” Hope is One thing and Reality is Another.” In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement and in the second part you should support the thesis with appropriate details. Your thesis statement could be in agreement or disagreement with the topic. Marks will be awarded for organization as well as for syntactic variety and appropriate word choice. 8.How should college students prepare for life?(200 words, 北航2008) 9.You are required to write an article in English with the topic of “All that Glitters is not Gold” Your writing should contain a minimum of 300 words.(人大2006年) 10.Write an essay of 300 words to state your own opinion on the following topic. Give examples, either your personal observations and experiences or simply things you have read that would back up your view. Your writing will be assessed for language, content, organization and length. “Are Interpersonal Skills Important to Your Future Development?”(对外经贸大学2009) 11.Read the following topic. Write on your answer sheet a composition of about 200 words. Be sure to provide a title for your composition and write in paragraphs. Topic: The government of your country has announced that it has enough money to start one of the two programs: space exploration or food and clothing for the unemployed. Which do you think the government should spend lots of money on? 12.The government of your country has announced that it has enough money to start one of the two programs: space exploration or food and clothing for the unemployed. Which do you think the government should spend lots of money on?(200 words,二外2008)


考研英语一小作文真题解析 2018考研英语已结束,总体而言,今年英语难度并不大,不管是英语一还是英语二的学生都普遍反映难度并未超出预期。相对而言,今年英语试卷命题人在小作文上动的脑筋比较多,很多考生对2018考研英语的小作文感觉最为棘手。 咱们先来说说英语一,今年英语一小作文题目是: Directions: Write an email to all international experts in your university inviting them to attend a graduation ceremony. In this letter you should state the time place and other information about the ceremony. 翻译是:给你们学校的国际专家写封邮件,邀请他们参加毕业典礼。信中应说清楚时间、地点和其他典礼相关信息。 这篇题目在英语表述上没有任何的陷阱,一如既往地简单直接,完全符合考前跨考老师对英语一小作文特点的分析,说好听点叫题目要求但是部分学生考完后还是反映有失手的情况,究其原因,很多人其实还是因为题目理解不准确。虽说出题人本身并未特意设置难点,但是英读明白了题,咱们来写文章,这篇小作文要求写Email,也就是电子邮件,所以格式按照信件来就行了。 首先是要有称呼,这篇文章的称呼是有一点难度的,既然是给专家(experts)写信,那么称呼就写Dear Experts就可以,要是当陌生人来写,写成Dear Sir or Madam也没问题。注意称呼之后的标点是逗号。 正文部分肯定还是分三段来写。第一段必须要写的是写信目的,这封信的写信目的自然就是邀请专家参加毕业典礼。套用I am writing this email on the purpose of inviting···就可以,甚至不用理解ceremony一词的意思,照着写就行。由于这群专家可以被认为是陌生人,所以理所应当的应该加一个自我介绍的部分,这里就可以套用咱们课上讲的I a m a···who···的句型了。合理的填充内容是:学生会的一员以及正要举行一场毕业典礼。 第二段总是需要分条去阐述的。题目中明确的给出了一个要求,需要写毕业典礼的时间和地点,举办活动用hold或者host表达。所以这理所当然地可以成为第二段的第一个层次。第二个层次写题目的第二个要求,也就是其他典礼相关信息。一般情况下我们邀请信都会写到邀请理由,也就


I. Fill in the blanks. 1. The features that define our human languages can be call ed ______ features. (北二外2006研) 2. Linguistics is usually defined as the ______study of language. (北二外2003研) 3. Language, broadly speaking, is a means of______ communication. 4. In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules. This feature is usually ter med______ 5. Linguistics is the scientific study of______. 6. Modern linguistic is______ in the sense that the linguist tries to discover what language is rather than lay down some rules for people to observe. 7. One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of ______ over writing. 8. The branch of linguistics which studies the sound patterns of a language is called ______. (北二外2003研) 9. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words is called______ . (北二外2004研) 10. ______mainly studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. (北二外2005研) 11. Semantics and ______investigate different aspects of linguistic meaning. (北二外2007研) 12. In linguistics, ______ refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation as sentence. (中山大学2008研) 13. ______can be defined as the study of language in use. Sociolinguistics, on the other hand, attempts to show the relationship between language and society. 14. The branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of sentence is called _______. (北二外2008研) 15. Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual ph enomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as and . The former refers to the abstract linguistic linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and the latter is the concrete manifestation of language either through speech or through writing. (人大2006研) 16. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ______ study. 17. Linguistic potential is similar to Saussure’s langue and Chomsky’s______. 18. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is ______ and parole. The former is the French word for “language”,which is the abstract knowledge necessary for s peaking,listening, writing and reading. The latter is concerned about the actual use of language by peop le in speech or writing. Parole is more variable and may change according to contextu al factors. 19. One of the important distinctions in linguistics is and performance. (人大2006研) 20. Chomsky initiated the distinction between ______ and performances. (北二外2007研) II. Multiple Choice 1.Which of the following is NOT a frequently discussed design feature? (大连外国语学院 2008研) A. Arbitrariness B. Convention C. Duality of the following words is entirely arbitrary? (西安交大2008研) A. tree B. crash C. typewriter D. bang


考研英语作文范文155篇 (1)上大学的理由 1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, care 1.People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years. Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they’ve been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they’ve had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves. Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesn’t relate to their career. I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. They should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in. (2)父母是最好的老师 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great deal about how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Sometimes they can only see their children though the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent. Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own. They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to force their child to love science too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car repair? Parents are usually eager to pass on their value to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations need different ways of thinking. When children are young, they believe that their parents are always rights. But when they get older, they realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid social or technology changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at school may find that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes kids have to find their own


成都东软学院应用外语系2014级考研初试分析报告 院系:应用外语系 专业:英语商务英语 年级:2014级 一、总体情况 英语和商务英语专业参加2018年国家硕士研究生考试的同学总计12名,其中英语专业8名,商务英语专业2名。最终进入复试要求的同学总共4人。 2014级英语一班 XX同学成绩 400 2014级英语二班 XX同学成绩 345 2014级英语二班 XX同学成绩(学生本人不愿意透露) 2014级英语三班 XX同学成绩 352 整体上来看,14级英语和商务英语专业考研情况不容乐观,值得反思。 二、成绩分析 本届学生考研的专业不一,有考翻译硕士的,也有考教育教学类的,也有选择跨专业考研,如图:

就参加2018年考研同学的初试成绩来看,相比去年有小幅度提升,以下已单科科目的成绩进行分析: ①政治: 政治成绩70分以上的学生3人,占比达24.9%;在60~70分的学生7人,占比达58.33%;60分以下的学生2人,占比达16.67%。通过以往的政治国家线来看(56~59之间),此次考研学生的政治成绩普遍较好,甚至还有高分的出现。 ②二外/专业基础 这部分将二外英语和翻译硕士专业基础一起进行了统计,80分以上的学生3人,占比25%;70~80分的学生4人,占比33.33%;60~70分的2人,占比16.67%;60分以下的学生3人,占比25%。据了解

学生考的二外多为英语,翻译硕士的专业基础也是考的英语,但从统计的情况来看作为英语或商务英语专业的学生考取的分数并不十分理想,大多在70~80分之间,甚至还有3名学生英语成绩60分以下。 ③专业科目1 由于同学考的专业不一,所以只能进行粗略的统计。专业课1总分150分,成绩在70分以下的占比25%,80~90分之间最多,占比41.67%,在90分以上的占比33.33%。整体上来看专业课1成绩不理想,虽然很多过了国家线,但并不具备竞争优势。 ④专业课2 从图表可以看出,专业课2的成绩普遍在70~80分之间,占比达50%,还有60分以下的同学,专业课2的成绩差,考点掌握不足,复习不够扎实。


考研英语真题一:小作文邀请信范文 .table{border-left:1px #99CCFF solid;border-top:1px #99CCFF solid} .table td{border-right:1px #99CCFF solid; border-bottom:1px #99CCFF solid; text-align:center;FONT-SIZE: 12px; COLOR: #000000; LINE-HEIGHT: 22px; FONT-FAMILY: ‘微软雅黑’} 2013年考研真题、考研答案汇总 2013考研真题考研英语真题考研政治真题考研数学真题 考研专业课真题 2013考研答案考研英语答案考研政治答案考研数学答案考研专业课答案考研英语作文 考研英语大纲考研政治大纲考研数学大纲考研专业课大纲 >>>>点击查看更多考研真题、考研答案信息笔者为广大考生整理了2013年考研英语真题一:小作文邀请信范文,供广大考生参考:Dear professor, I am the chairman of the Students’ Union of Foreign language school in Peking University. We are to hold an English speech contest next week. I am writing to ask whether you can honor us to be a judge for the competition. The contest will be held next Sunday, Dec, 20. 2012 in

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