当前位置:文档之家› 九年级英语下册health话题复习教学设计






Period 1

课型:Listening& speaking

时间:40 minutes

教材内容:七年级上Unit 6, Unit8. 八年级上P 4,P11. 九年级上P50


Language goals 目标语言

1.Words and phrases 单词和短语

Health, healthy, diet, stay away from, chips, coke, coffee, sprite, hamburgers

2. Sentence structure: 句型

1) what do you have for your breakfast?

2) What do you have for your lunch?

3) What’s your favorite fruit?/ drink?

4) What should we do if we want to have a healthy diet?


How to keep a healthy diet? 以及How to give advice?











Key points:

1. Learn the key words.

2. Learn to share your own pinion about healthy diet.


Train students’listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


a computer, blackboard, some food


Step 1 .Lead in and show the language goals.

1. Lead the students talk about the importance of health.

Health is just like the number “1” in the number 100,000.

Without “1”, the number is meaningless. Similarly(同样地),without health, there is nothing.

T: (设计意图:通过教师的引导,让学生明白健康的重要性,并让学生了解本课的语言目标。提升学生对健康的正确理解,增强学生参与的积极性。)

Step 2. Jack’s diet

Show the food that Jack often eat.

T: look at Jack’s food, and think about the question if Jack is healthy.

S: No.

T: If Jack wants to be healthy, what should he do?

S: stay away from(远离)the unhealthy food and unhealthy drink.


T: If we want to be healthy,what should we do?

S:We should stay away from the unhealthy food and unhealthy drink.

T: What are unhealthy food and what are unhealthy drink?

S: chips,hot dogs, hamburgers, coke,coffee,sprite....



T: Do you think I am healthy?

S: Yes.

T: So do you want to know my diet? Now guess what I eat for my three meals.

S: for breakfast, you eat...

For lunch, your eat...

For supper, you eat...

T: As we all know, a healthy diet include healthy food and healthy drink. Then what are healthy food and what are healthy drink?

S1: rice, vegetables, fruit, meat are healthy food.

T: anything else?

S2: I also think water, milk, juice are healthy drink.


Step 3 advice collection.

T: Mary is not healthy, she often gets cold. What should she do? Can you give her some advice.

S1: You should eat some apples.

S2: You are supposed to drink more milk.

S3: You had better eat more vegetables.

S4: Why not eat more pears and drink more water.



Step 4 healthy tips:

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Light supper makes long life


After lunch sit a while; after supper walk a mile .



Step 5 practice ( solve problem)

T: look at the picture and find out what’s Tom’s problem.

S: He is too heavy and not healthy.

T: Can you give Tom some advice.

Tip 1: Don’t _________________________.

Tip 2: You’d better (not) ______________.

Tip 3: It’s a good idea to ______________. 九年级英语

九年级英语下册 教学计划 牛津译林版

初三英语教学计划 本学期我担任初三的英语教学工作,针对学生现状和本学期的教学任务,制定如下教学计划。 指导思想 遵循教学大纲要求,不增加学生过多负担;贯彻素质教育精神,在课堂上培养学生听、说、读、写各项素质;此外,充分利用课堂对学生进行升学教育和其他方面的思想教育。 学生情况分析 本班共有学生55人,特点是班里尖子生很少,中间生占也不多,差生面大。当然大部分学生课堂学习积极性较高,回答问题较积极,能做到自觉完成作业、自觉背诵课文。有部分学生受学习态度、风气的影响,刻苦学习之风渐渐稀薄,轻浮之风开始产生,很多学生上课不认真,课后死记硬背,当然绝大部分还是劳逸结合,掌握了科学的学习方法。从学生成绩来看,存在明显不平衡,虽然上学期有所进步,但和平行班比较,还有很大的差距。 教材分析 本教材共4单元,按要求,从开学到三月中旬要结束新课。此外,本学期增加了口语与听力训练的比重,以便于教好的完成人机对话和听说读写的全面训练。其内容主要反映了学生的日常学习和生活。课本设计题材范围更广,反映了学生对未来生活的想象,如移居火星、拥有机器人生活方式、学习世界上著名伟人的事迹以及著名景点的介绍等。教学内容渗透了思想品德的因素,寓思想教育于语言教学中。并且教材配备了练习册、听力练习、听力训练录音带、教学挂图、教学录相带及中英文教参等必不可少的教学辅助工具。 教学重点、难点 每一节课的教学内容大体有三部分:复习前面已教的语言材料;教学新的词汇、语音、语法;开展各种形式的听、说、读、写训练活动。课堂教学五般采取以下五个步骤:复习、介绍、操练、练习和巩固。在每一步骤中,教师的任务也稍有改变:复习-强化记忆者,介绍-示范表演者、操练-组织者/指挥,练习-裁判员/监督员/监听者,巩固-帮手。组织课堂教学的方法可用教师提问,学生逐个回答,全班学生集体回答或齐声重复教师的话,或分小组朗读对话等。 教学措施和要求 1、认真钻研教材教法,把握教材并把“新课程标准”的理念贯彻到我们当然英语教学过程中每让学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作、交流和探究等方式,学习并使用英语,并激发


小学科学课教学设计 《了解空气》教学设计 湄江镇东南逸夫小学申茂林 一、教学目标: 知识与技能: 通过实验,使学生认识到空气也像其他物体一样,要占据空间。 过程与方法: 1.引导学生经历典型的科学探究过程。 2.能够提出问题,并通过思维设计方案。 情感态度价值观: 注重事实,敢于提出不同见解,乐于合作与交流,培养学生团结协作、发明创造的能力。 二、教学重难点: 1、重点:引导学生通过不同的探究思路获得知识,懂得空气也像其他物体-样,要占据空间。 2、难点:通过设计、动手实验,培养学生发明创造的能力。 三、教具准备: 1、教师准备:水槽、乒乓球、塑料瓶、塑料杯、石块、漏斗、水瓶等。 2、学生准备:水槽、水、烧杯、、塑料杯、餐巾纸、吸管、剪刀、气球、塑料瓶、橡皮泥、白纸 等 四、教学过程: (一)、导入新课 现在老师这一瓶水要倒到这个空瓶中,大家帮助我想想办法怎样倒水才不会倒到外面来?(用漏斗……) 好,我们就用漏斗试一试,(教师演示)你发现什么现象?(水不能很好地倒进入瓶中)这是怎么 回事呢? 你们猜猜看水为什么倒不进去了呢?[里面有空气]你看见了吗?[没有]那你怎么知道呢?这样吧,我们就用今天这节课一起来揭示其中的秘密,好吗?[好]。引出课题:了解空气

(二)、教学新课: 1、认识“空间”、“占据” 这是倒水的瓶子,它里面空的部分就是瓶子的空间。而这个杯子里面空的部分叫做杯子的空间。 现在我把我水倒到这个杯子里,杯子的空间被水水给怎样了?[占了] 换句话说水占据了烧杯的空间。如果老师把这个石块放进这个杯子里,你们猜,会有什么现象呢?[水会满出来]真的吗? 我们来试一试:(演示实验)我再加满水,再试一次:(演示实验) 汇报:你看到了什么?而且,将石块慢慢的放进杯子以后,杯子里的水有什么变化? 这说明了什么?(组织学生讨论交流) 小结:看来,在一个装满水的杯子里,石块要占据空间,水就必须跑出来。(教师拿出去一个杯子给 学生观察) 2、了解空气 (1)、设计方案、动手实验 刚才,我们讲的都是看得见摸得着得物体占据了空间,那么,上课前我们猜的看不见,摸不着的空 气,到底要不要占据空间呢? 让我们一起来动动脑筋,想办法。老师为你们准备了水槽、水、塑料杯、餐巾纸、塑料袋、剪刀、 气球、塑料瓶、乒乓球、吸管等器材,(师逐一摆出)现在,老师就请四个人一个小组,先讨论一下怎样 充分利用这些器材设计实验,来证明空气到底要不要占据空间;讨论完了就动手试一试。而且在实验中要 注意对比,一个小朋友做的时候,其他的要仔细观察,然后轮流做一做。我们来比比看,哪个小组设计的 实验又多又好。 (2)、交流实验、形成共识 在刚才的实验中,老师发现每个小组设计的实验都各有不同,而且还都很捧呢!!现在那个小组愿意派个代表向大家介绍一下你们的设计呢? 1:你们是用什么器材来设计的? 2:是怎么做的?还有什么好的设计吗?其他的小朋友是怎么做的? 3:在实验中你看到了什么? 3:这说明了什么? 小结:大家开动脑筋,积极配合,设计了各种的实验,老师觉得你们真是太出色了。那么现在大家能 不能再想想看这几个实验都说明了什么?(空气要占据空间)


初三英语一节复习课的教学设计 xx、3 一、设计背景初中英语升学考试所涉及的知识面广,因而复习时需要扎扎实实打好基础,对课本的复习可以说是以“地毯式”搜捕的方式进行的。教师要在有限的时间内完成如此大容量的复习任务,就必须要想方设法提高复习效率,让学生的复习取得事半功倍的效果。我在复习中采用“话题”复习法,用话题带动词句的使用,注重知识的综合运用。 二、设计理念本课是以“problems and advice”为话题的复习课,课堂上把主动权交给学生,以听说训练为主线,通过看、听、说、写等一系列教学活动,让学生运用所学知识来组句、编对话、写作文,使学生获得最基本的英语听说能力,并在教学中充分激发学生强烈的学习愿望,在注重学生知识能力发展的同时,注重提高学生的人格修养,学会关心别人,帮助别人,达到培养学生互助的德育教育的目的。 三、设计特色 1、教师将若大的课堂根据学生的程度进行分层教学,做到因材施教。如果按传统的“一刀切”、“齐步走”,势必会使“优生吃不饱,差生吃不消”。采用分层教学,把教学目标有计划、有步骤、有措施地落实到每个层次的学生中,使学生学有所得,

教师教有所获,提高了学生的学习积极性,有助于缩小两极分化 的现象。 2、以话题为轴心,教师先整合话题,精选相关语篇,然后围绕话题,激活学生学习的热情,引导学生把词汇、短语、句型综 合运用在口述中,然后让学生把口述的内容写出来。通过话题复 习的方式,注重双基的训练,淡化知识的讲解,注重功能项目的 教学,加强读写教学,提高学生综合运用英语知识的能力,使学 生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力。 四、教学步骤: 1、值日生报告。课前如往常一样,值日生free talk。随后根据值日生报告的出席情况或天气情况,引出本课的话题①:What’s wrong? / What’s the matter? 如S: ……The weather is rainy、 Everyone is here except Han Min、 A、出席情况:T: Yes, Han Min isn’t at school today、What’s wrong? Do you know?S1: Maybe she is ill、S2: Maybe her bike is broken, and she is late、S3: Perhaps she studied too late last night and overslept、……学生纷纷猜测,激活了他们的开口欲望,为下面的自编对话做好准备。 B、天气情况:T: Yes, the weather changes a lot these days、 You should take good care of yourselves、Don’t catch a cold、教师适时的关心能够营造一种和谐的课堂氛围, 为后面的课堂活动创造条件。


九年级英语下册教案 导语:每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的。以下为大家介绍九年级英语下册教案文章,欢迎大家阅读参考! 九年级英语下册教案1 转变课堂教学方式,提高课堂教学效率,增强学生的学习能力,做好中考总复习工作,抓好优秀生和边缘生,尽量不让学生漏掉,鼓励学生向目标迈进,中考争取稳中有升。 1、按单元复习。通览教材,进行单元知识点扫描。目的是对基础知识和基本技能进行系统的复习,把好“基础关”;任务是掌握各单元知识结构,全面地复习知识点,完成理解记忆;重点是重视课标要求与教材的基础作用,强化基础知识和基本技能的训练;面向全体,面向基础。 2、语法专项复习。钻研考试标准和考试说明,进行语法、词法、句子、时态和话题专项复习。统揽初中教材中的重点语法项目,使学生从整体上把握初中教材内容。 3、题型专练,模拟演练。按照中考题型进行题型专练,了解学生对基础知识和基本技能的掌握情况,抓住中考题型变化,确定训练方式,进行查缺补漏。最后进行几次中考模拟演练,演练之后教师要精讲精炼,在讲题上下功夫。 第一轮: 时间安排:2月21日----4月21日

主要内容:初中教材课文中出现的单词、短语、常用句型;熟记对话和课文,理解所学语法内容。 阶段目标:完成理解性记忆内容,熟记课文中出现的单词、短语、常用句型;熟练掌握对话和课文内容,所学语法能达到一定的应用程度。 具体思路:第一轮复习应以大纲为依据,教材内容为根本,按教材的编排顺序进行单元复习。每复习一单元之前,教师布置学生认真记忆书后单词和短语;课上检验,然后让大家找出本单元的知识点,总结用法,教师再做以适当的补充;这一阶段的复习,应充分发挥学生的主观能动性,以教师总结为辅,学生复习为主。注重学生归纳,教师总结指导应注意事项。对学生已掌握的内容少讲或不讲,对学生不够熟练的要重点讲。同时教师要根据每单元的重点内容有针对性地设计一些练习题,巩固所复习的知识点。最后,再将本单元的知识点赋予下一单元书后的单词和短语中,进行再一次检测。 七年级上 2课时 七年级下 4课时 八年级上 8课时 八年级下 10课时 Unit 1 How do you study for a test ? 1课时 Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark . 1课时


2017-2018 学年 九年级英语下学期教学计划 本学期是整个九年制义务教育的最后一个学期,学生即将面临着中考考验。 这是一次真正意义上的选拔考试。迎接好这次中考就成为本学期教学的一个重要 工作。因此,在教学中一定帮助学生理解、吸收、吃透教材,对教材中的知识进 行内化,即进行综合、应用、创新和中考思维的升华,把书本知识变成学生自己 的知识。要有一定的时间作强化训练,通过训练,锁定差距,然后提出弥补差距 的可操作性对策措施,千方百计缩小差距,改变尖子生少、中间断层、底薄的现状。对学生分批分层地辅导和督促,让他们尽可能实现最佳的成长理想, 一:教材简析 : 1.所处地位及前后联系 本册教材是义务教育阶段初中英语九年级英语下的教材内容, 它是初中英语 学习的总结阶段 , 起着不可替代的作用 , 它既承接了前面所学内容 , 又是对前面所学知识的归纳和总结 , 同时又积极的为进入高级中学的学习打下坚实的基础 . 2.教材内容简析 本册教材内容主要分四个单元 , 每个单元涉及到不同的语言项目和几个相关 的语法项目。具体教学内容包括:使役动词、过去完成时态,及复习初中阶段八 种时态。 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.谈论事物对人的影响,掌握make的使动用法。 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.讲述过去发生的难以预料的事情。了解过去完成时态。 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade7.谈论环境污染和环境保护问题。 分享过去回忆和经历。 复习宾语从句及八种基本时态。


小学三年级英语(3A)复习课教案 Recycle 2 教学目的: 1、通过复习,学生能熟练掌握本学期所学第五和第六单元的单词。 2、通过复习与活动,学生能综合运用本学期所学的部分日常用语。 教学准备:多媒体课件,教师准备小球,玩具小车,儿子的照片,一瓶可乐,一些纸杯,一些食物图片等。 教学过程: Step 1Free talk 1、教师可采用比较活泼的问候方式,例如:教师唱:“Hello!hello!How are you?Hello!Hello!How are you?”学生用歌声回答:“I’m fin e, thank you. I’m fine, thank you.”教师唱“Good afternoon! Good afternoon! Good afternoon to you.”学生也以歌声作答. 2、师生进行接歌比赛。(此举旨在活跃气氛,调动学生的情绪。为下面的复习活动做好准备。)歌曲Hello, How Are You, 歌谣Dinner Time, 1,2!How are you? Step 2 games 1、复习第五、第六单元的单词。出示卡片,复习单词后一起表演读let’s do. 2、Guessing game(运用课件进行) 1)What’s missing? 屏幕每次出示五个图片,给学生看一会就消失其中一个,然后问

学生What’s missing? 让学生说出消失的单词,说对了给有掌声鼓励,说错了出示再想想的提示。 2)看图猜物。 出示一幅被覆盖的图,每点击一次鼠标就会露出一小部分,逐渐显露出被覆盖的全图。学生在此过程中用“What’s this? It’s….”来猜。(使用第五、六单元单词图片。) 3、教师手里拿一物品, T:I have a ball.提示学生举手说 S1:Oh,really? May I have a look? T:Sure, here you are. S1:Oh, it’s nice!I like it! T:Thank you! 同法复习单词car doll photo(儿子照片) Step3 Role play 1、大屏幕出示儿子照片,并向学生介绍: T:This is my son, You want to know more about him here? Ss:Yes! T:You can ask me. S1:What’s your ( his) name?/How old are you? T:His 2 years old. What's the date? Oh,my dear!Today is his birthday! I have a birthday party.I must go home. Let’s go together,Ok?同时邀请学生去家里一起给儿子过生日。


外研版,初中,九年级,英语,下册,全册,教案,课时备课表(教案)课题 Module1 Unit 3(2) 课型 Language in use 第5课时 教学 目标 知识目标 Grasp the usage of the grammars(a/an/the/名词、数词) 能力目标 Use the points of this unit very freely. 情感目标 Get the students to choose the best way to travel 内容 分析 重点 The usages of the grammars. 难点 To use an/a/the correctly 关键点 Know the rules of the usage of an/a/the

教法学法 Team-work and communication approach. 教具 学具 Muiti-media A tape recorder 教学程序 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Step1:Have a dictation Step2:Reading Step3: 讲解《中华一题》中的错题 Step6:Homework for today 试题一份 Get the students to write the following useful expressions: In time / on time The Great Wall Fly-flew-flown Be bad for Do harm to At the end of Too…to..

Around the world:The first plane to fly across the Atlantic Ocean Get the students to read this passage, before reading, teach the following: Eventually=at last=in the end=finally Freezing 严寒的 Take off 起飞 Then ask a few students to read it ,and translate it into Chinese at last. Solve the problems which the students met in reading. 教师讲,学生先在书上改错,然后再把错误改在作业本上。改的同时,有不明白的,请及时问老师。 板书设计 《中华一题》中的错题 错的单词 错的短语 出现的比较重要的句型 等等 教学后记 Module2 Education 日期 教学目标 1. To grasp the words and expressions such as geography,physical,,neither,present,absent,speech.…and so on. 2. To listen to the dialogue about “Schools”.


六年级英语教学设计 南康市唐西片中心小学温世燕 一、教学背景:时态是英语学习中的一个重要内容,广大小学生在实际运用 时会出现混淆的情况。在这八册书中出现了一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将来时这四种时态,我将会用两节课对这四种时态进行复习。 二、教学内容:复习语法一般过去时和一般将来时。 三、教学目标: 1、复习一般过去时和一般将来时两种时态并让学生能够能灵活运用。 2、通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,培养学生参与课堂教学的兴趣和积极性,以及培养他们运用语法知识的交际能力。 四、教学准备:多媒体课件 五、教学过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1、Greetings Good afternoon, boys and girls. Good afternoon, Miss Wen. 2、Daily talk eg:①.What did you /he /she do …? ②.What did you /he /she do …? ③.Did you go to …? ①.What are you going to do …? ②.What is he/ she going to do …? ③.Are you going to…? (设计意图:由老师与学生的自由交流,自然地复习了过去时和将来时的句子,唤醒对这两种时态的记忆,并拉近了师生之间的距离,营造英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话。) 3、Sing a song: What are you going to do? (设计意图:利用歌曲复习将来时,为下面的课堂教学做好铺垫,活跃课堂气氛并激发学生学习兴趣。) Step2: Presentation/Practice 1、Brain storm(PPT出示动词图片、词组,学生快速朗读一次) A、过去式的复习 Da Xiong’s Last Week Da Xiong: (crying)I failed the English test.


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen, examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable, weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull, nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…, be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…, to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to;make +sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】 1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.”and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals 【情感目标】 With the help of this unit's study,students should know that things affect our feelings.We should treat it correctly and be happy and active in our life. Teaching Time 【课时】 Five periods Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) Period 2 Section A(3a-4b) Period 3 Section B(1a-1e) Period 4 Section B(2a-2e) Period 5 Section B(3a-3b) & Self Check 本单元围绕情感的话题,通过学习让学生能够表达自己的感受。Section A通过谈论不同事物对情绪的影响,要求学生学习与情感有关的词汇,并通过听说读写逐步掌握make作使役动词的语言结构,学习掌握表达情绪和感受的形容词和动词,学习make+sb.+do sth.和


小学英语语法复习课教学设计 一、教学内容: 复习语法一般过去时(The Past Tense)和一般将来时(The Future Tense) 二、教学目标: 1、复习一般过去时和一般将来两种时态时并能熟练运用 2、通过听说读写训练,发展学生综合运用语言的能力,提高与他人合作、交往的能力 3、能够用简短的语段表达自己的思想,体会到英语学习的成就感 三、教学准备:多媒体课件、录音机 四、教学过程: A:Free talk: a: What date is it today? It’s …. What day is it today? It’s …. What lessons do you have on … morning? We have …. What’s your favourite subject? It’s …. b: What’s the weather like today? What’s the weather like in …in Changzhou? Which season do you like best? Why? c: What’s your hobby? What’s your father/ mother’s hobby? My hobby is taking photos. 设计意图:由老师与学生的自由交流,拉近了师生之间的距离,营造

英语氛围,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话,并从老师的爱好是拍照过渡,为下一个环节作了较好的铺垫。 B: Look, listen and guess a: T: Here are some photos. Let’s look, listen and guess what is the girl doing now?( 只出示照片上的人物,点击声音键,让学生猜一猜,然后出示完整的图片。) S:Is __________ ? Maybe she’s …. She’s …, I think. Are ___________? (多猜几次,然后出现事情的真实画面) T: What is the girl doing? S: He’s listening to music. b: What are they doing? They are playing basketball. 设计意图:通过看图、听音,猜事的活动,让学生在不知不觉中进入了教师精心创设的英语情境,他们可以用现在进行时的肯定句或一般疑问句来猜一猜图中的人物正在干什么,学生的学习积极性一下子就能调动起来。原本枯燥的句型复习具有了较强的趣味性。 C: Look and guess T: Do you usually play basketball at the weekends? What do you usually do at the weekends? What do you usually do in the morning? a. 出示照片:冯书记(女)早晨跑步 T: What does Miss Fen do in the morning?


九年级下册英语教案范文. Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? The First PeriodⅠ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabulary: restroom, shampoo, stamp (2) Target Language: Excuse me. Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. There’s a bookstore on River Road. 2. Ability Objects: 1)Train students’listening ability. (2)Train students’ communicative competence. Teaching Step 1: Revision T: You’re new to this school. You need to know where the main office is.How can you ask where the main office is? S1: Where’s the main office? T: That’s one way to ask. But there is a more polite way you can ask. You can say, "Can you tell me where the main office is?" Class repeat. Can you tell me where the main office is? Ss: Can you tell me where the main office is? T: That’s correct. Now let’s say you want to know where Classroom 1 is. How can you ask? S2: Can you tell me where Classroom 1 is? T: Good! There’s another polite way you can ask: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Class repeat. Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? Ss: Could you tell me how to get to Classroom 1? T: That’s right. Very good.Step Ⅱ1a Go through the


九年级英语下·RJ Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Language Goal 【语言目标】 Talk about how things affect you Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words drive,friendship,king,power,banker,pale,queen,examine,nor,palace,wealth,grey,lemon,uncomfortable,weight,shoulder,goal,coach,kick,courage,pull,nod,agreement,disappoint Key Phrases would rather,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more…the more…,be friends with sb.,leave out,call in,neither…nor…,to start with,let…down,kick sb.off,be hard on sb.,rather than,pull together Key Sentences 1.The loud music makes me nervous. 2.Sad movies don't make John cry. 3.Money and fame don't always make people happy. 4.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. Key Grammar Learn to use “make+sb.+infinitive without to; make+sb.+adj.” Ability Goals 【能力目标】1.Develop listening,speaking,reading and writing skills by using the target languages. 2.Learn to talk about how things affect you by using “make sb.do sth.” and “make sb. adj.”. Moral Goals With the help of this unit's study,students should


第二课时 复习课What are they doing on the bus? Do you know the answers? 1. 能够运用句型How does …feel? 来询问某人的情绪并使用表示情绪的形容词来描述情绪,并用You should …Don’t …来安慰他人和提供建议。2. 能使用What’s wrong? 询问他人状况。 课前准备一张简明城市交通图和若干面小彩旗、学生课前对放学后的活动做出简单计划并进行表述、录音机和录音带。 教学过程 I Warm-up 1,全班齐唱歌曲“How can I get to the zoo? ” 2,学生四人一组分角色朗读Let’s read I 部分的对话。可根据朗读的流利程度及语音语调的正确、优美程度展开评比。II Preview “探路先锋”游戏:教师准备一张简明城市交通图,以及若干面小彩旗。教师出示交通图,在图中标出若干个地点,如A、B、C等,请两名学生到地图前,各持一面彩旗。教师给出指示语,如:“I ’m at Point A, I go from A. Then turn left at the traffic lights. Where am I ?”教师的指示语应清晰、准确,可由简至难步步推进。能够率先将彩旗贴至教师所述位置的为“探路先锋”,教师给予奖励

III Presentation 1,“我是实习小交警”活动:教师准备一张简明城市交通图和一顶交警帽。学生两人一组,分别扮演交警与问路者,可进行如下对话: A: Good morning, sir. Where is the post office, please? B: Go straight. T urn right at the hospital. It ’ s on the left … A: Thank you. 若问路者及其他学生能根据“交警”的指示语顺利找到目的地,则“实习”小交警晋升为“正式”小交警,教师颁发给交警袖章或其他奖励品. 2, 教师说: “Now we know the city very well. I’m going to …this afternoon. Where are you going ? What are you going to do after school?”与学生展开如下对话: T: What are you going to do after school? S: I’m going to the…. T: Where is the ….? 3, Let’s read II 教师可接着学生的回答提问:“W hat is A going to do this afternoon? ”学生回答后,教师继续提问:“What are Zhang Peng and Mike going to do this afternoon? Do you want to know? Let’s read the dialogue. ”教师指导学生仔细阅读对话,回答提出的问题。师生一起朗读对话后判断正误的句


最新人教版九年级下册全册教案电子版(打印版) Unit 10Y ou're supposed to shake hands. Section A (1a-2d) 1.重点单词:custom,bow,kiss,greet 2.重点短语:shake hands,be supposed to,the wrong way,hold out 3.重点句式: —What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? —You are supposed to shake hands. They are expected to shake hands. As soon as I held out my hand, he bowed. She kissed me on both sides of my face! 1.重点短语和句型 2.动词不定式的用法

动词不定式的用法 一、预习课本P73-74新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英. 1.风俗________________ 2.鞠躬________________ 3.亲吻________________ 4.和……打招呼_______________________________________ 二、认真预习1a-2d找出下列短语和句型. 1.错误的方式_________________________________________ 2.欢迎会____________________________________________ 3.应该______________________________________ 4.伸出___________________________________________ 5.——当你第一次遇见某人的时候你该怎么办? ——你应该握手. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


邛崃市回龙镇初级中学校曹彬琴单元复习教学内容选词完成短文填空练习课时1 教 Ss to learn the methods to do the reading practice in the test. 学 the methods while doing reading exercises. 目 the students’ reading skills to get good grade in the test. 标 教学重点难点教具学具资料准备1.Teach Ss to learn how to do the reading practice in the test. 2.Understand and use the methods to finish the reading exercises correctly. practice paper, 2. PPt. Media Player. 教师活动(教师导航)学生活动或师生互动(学程设计) Step 1. Greetings Greetings. Step 2. leading-in Listen carefully. 课T:In the test,we often have reading practice,so it is very 堂important for us to improve our reading skills if you want to get 教 a good grade,Today we’ ll have a lesson about how to do the reading 学practice. 设Step 3. Reading practice 1 1.Hand out the paper and then 计ask Ss to do the first reading practice and show the answers on the screen. After that ,ask them to read the passage aloud. 1.Do the first reading practice with the help of the teacher and then check the answers on the screen. 2.Read the passage aloud. Step 4. Explanation about the reading methods 1. Make a conclusion about the


九年级英语下册全册教案 九年级版英语下册Lesson 11教案 Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: exactly, divide, crazy Oral words and expressions: human being, original, adult, Dolly, insect Teaching Aims: 1. Know more about cloning. 2. create the students' spirit of cooperation. Teaching Important Points: 1. The advantages and disadvantages of cloning. 2. The expression of ability and disability. 3. The use of coordinating conjunctions. Teaching Difficult Points: The advantages and disadvantages of cloning. Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1: Show a picture of Dolly. Then let the students discuss what our life will be if we make a clone of ourselves. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Discuss for five minutes. Then present their results to the class. Step2. Listening task: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear. 1. The clones are the ______ height. 2. There are ______ ways to clone people. Finish the task in class in oral. Step3. Reading task: Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F). 1. We can make clones from dead animals. 2. Each clone would be a different person. 3. We can combine the DNA of pigs and dogs. Finish the task in class in oral. Step4. Pair work: Read the text again and find more details about the text. Try to solve the following problems. Talk about them with your partner. At the same time, encourage them to ask more questions about the text. How many ways are there to clone people? What are they? Do you want a clone of your self? Why?

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