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剑桥雅思10 test 1和test 2 答案

剑桥雅思10 test 1和test 2 答案
剑桥雅思10 test 1和test 2 答案


2020雅思考试高分经验 对于第一次接触雅思考试的考生来说,学习前辈的经验绝对是提高备考效率的利器。下面就和大家分享雅思考试高分经验,希望能够帮助到大家,来学习一下吧。 分享雅思考试高分经验 一、听力:百篇*听一遍,不如一篇*听百遍 市面上的英语听力材料多如牛毛,许多烤鸭在听力练习中贪多,练习材料听完了十几本,却收效甚微。其实,在复习的一开始,百篇*听一遍不如一篇*听百遍,通过精读的方法,在练习中不断熟悉特定单词的弱读和连读,并锻炼自己头脑同步的反应力能够更加有效的在短期内提高听力水平。 剑桥雅思真题集是雅思听力训练的好材料,选一份听力真题,按照正式考试时一样听,然后做题,校对答案,看自己错在哪里,并且明确自己在答题的过程中有哪一些单词和句子是没有听懂或者听到的,然后再认真看原文,弄懂且记录自己不会的单词和不明白意思的句子,最后合上原文,继续听一遍,如再还有听不懂的句子和单词,则重复同样的方法将它们记录下来,然后继续听,如此反复,直到完全听懂。

需要注意的是在平时的雅思考试练习中逐词逐句的“抠字眼儿”,即要把每个单词和句子都听懂,对于常用词汇更要做到拼写正确。而在雅思听力考试中,如遇单词没听到或没听懂,要作到迅速断舍离,不要仍在原地纠结,可以结合上下文推断。 二、口语:建立属于自己的语言库 练习口语顾名思义,就是要开口说,这个大家都知道的方法作起来却没有那么简单。开口说的前提是要有东西可以说,会说,会表达。如果不是在英语国家或者身边没有人可以一起练习的好伙伴,那我们首先要做的就是背诵,这里说的不是背诵每一道雅思口语题目的答案,而是通过背诵优秀*帮助建立自己的语言库,只要正确的句子在你自己脑子里,开口说英文其实就是肌肉运动了。新概念英语是一套很好的背诵材料,用词简单,场景丰富并配有中文翻译,当背诵完一篇,可看着中文译英文,看着英文译中文,不断练习,直到这篇*的中英文都融会贯通于心。这样不知不觉中,你会发现自己的口语表达会有本质飞跃。 而在雅思考试口语部分,做到以下几点也就离高分不远了: 1、明确使用的词汇 雅思口语注重考察的是大家使用英语进行日常交流的能力,所以在考试时那些生僻奇怪词汇尽量避免出现,毕竟不是所有人


剑桥雅思口语真题解析 Part 1: 1.1姓名 1. What’s your full name? 2. Can I have your name, please? 3. Are there any special meanings of your name? 4. Do you like your name? Why? 5. Do Chinese people like changing their names? 6. What kind of people in China like changing their names? 7. Is there any rule for Chinese people giving names to their children? 1.2故乡 My hometown is Guangzhou. It is the capital of Guangdong province in the southwest of China. It is a large industrial city. It is close to Hong Kong so a lot of the industries involve trade and retail. It is also a finance area. The people in Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. By the year 2011, it is believed that my hometown Guangzhou has become the economic center of China. 2. Where is it located? 3. How about the climate in your hometown? Which season do you like? In my hometown Guangzhou, the four seasons are not evident, which only has spring and summer. It is too hot in the summer and it is also humid in the winter. I like summer better, for we will go swimming and start our outdoor activities in the summer, it gives us pretty environment, which full of various kinds of colors. Another reason is that it is suitable for traveling around. 4. How about the people in your hometown? The people in my hometown Guangzhou are very genial and helpful, also are very easy to get around. People will always give you a hand with things. If you lose your way and ask someone, he will give you the direction immediately, he can also give you a hand if you are in trouble. 5. What do most people do in your hometown? 6. Oh yes. Even though Guangzhou is very modern, it has some interesting temples and streets. There is one called the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and it was built about 1500 years ago. There is also a famous cultural and commercial street in Guangzhou called Beijing Road. In this street, you can not only see a historic exhibition about different years roadbed, which has more than thousand histories, but also has many business shops sale almost all kinds of things. Besides, you can taste traditional snacks and refreshments or experience temples with /unusual special architectural style nearby. Anyway, it is an interesting place so worth to visit! 7. How about the style of the building in your hometown? 8. What is one of the greatest changes having taken place over the years? 9. What problems still exist in your hometown? 10. How to improve the situation in your hometown? 11. Where is Chinese population mainly distributed? 12. What changes have occurred in people’s dwelling? 1.3学习 1. Are you an employee or a student? (Are you working or studying?) 2. What is your major?


听前预测 1-5题为个人信息填写,通过左边五行与之相对应的项目,我们得知分别要填写姓名(对于复杂的姓名,录音中会做拼写)、出生日期(注意听取关于月份和年代的信息)、课程名称、住宿的时间长度和饮食要求。卷面上我们可以看到red的提示,如果考生经验丰富的话,应该能够预测到第五题的答案可能是meat,因为印度人的饮食习惯是不吃红肉的。 6-10题考的是学生对住宿的要求,其中涉及房屋的类型、兴趣爱好、对室友的要求、地理位置和社交的场地。 ? 名师解读剑9听力 1. ??Bhatt?在问到can I take your name的时候,考生就需要做好书写的准备,根据考试常规来讲,复杂的名字后必然会给出相应的拼写,所以后面的Could you spell your name please?这句话之后,就要奋笔疾书跟上节奏了:B-H-A-double T。 2.? ?31 March?这类出生日期的填写一般没有太多障碍,考生一定要能够对月份熟练拼写,录音中听到了1972的年份,由于题目对字数的要求是one word and/or a number,所以要选择填写更重要的信息,即31st March. 3. ??nursing?看到题目Course of study,考生应该能够预测出可能会听到what course do you study或者what course are you enrolled in这类提问,原文中问到的是what will you be studying,回答说I'm doing a course in nursing,答案为nursing。 4.? ?2?在问到how long would you want to stay in hall后,考生最先听到的数字是3 years,但是后面又接了一个词but,这类转折词对于定位答案至关重要,暗示之前听到的数字是无效答案,but后面听到的I'd only like to stay in hall for two 中的two才是真正的答案。 5. ??meat? 问题中的diet是听音关键,听到do you have any special diet,回答说Yes, I don't take red meat。一般来说吃什么或不吃什么,用到的动词可能是take 也可能是have。

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