当前位置:文档之家› 一篇超详细的英文求职自我介绍






good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september.

now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing xx uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made

extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.

iguess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.





应聘英语助教自我介绍(精选4篇) 应聘英语助教自我介绍(精选4篇) 当碰到陌生人时候,可能需要我们进行自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的欣赏。但是自我介绍有什么要求呢?下面是小编为大家整理的应聘英语助教自我介绍(精选4篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。应聘英语助教自我介绍1 你们好,很高兴能在这种场合见到你们。这是我第二次参加助教面试,不过这是我第一次来新东方应聘英语助教。我非常的激动。我叫XXX,来自湖北鄂东南的一个城市—大冶(大兴炉冶)。现在就读襄樊学院物电系基地班。我有好多爱好,最爱的两个是篮球与英语,我曾经向自己许诺:篮球与英语将伴我走过大学四年,我要在它们身上书写一段不平凡的历史。我热爱英语,我在初中就接触过新概念,高中期间学过李阳疯狂英语,到了大学,我把我的大部分学习时间花在英语上。虽然练口语的机会不多,但我通过看美国片,英文歌,英语报,听英语电台等等尽可能的让自己保持一种对英语良好的感觉。我花了大部分时间在英语上面,虽然没什么建树,但我学会了:勤奋,坚持,永不服输,有获得成功的坚定决心。在大学期间,我尽可能的锻炼自己,让自己看得更高,变得更强,走得更远,要做到“小池塘”里的“大大鱼”,没有最好只有更好。我对自己的评价是:精明能干、为人诚实、能够独立工作、应变能力强,有雄心壮志,有极强的系统管理能力,积极主动,有极强的系统管理能并有良好的交际技能,精力旺盛、思想新潮。当然我觉的自己离应聘的助教有一定的距离。但我很有信心做好这个助教(如果有机会的话)。我曾经在汽车装饰美容店里做过店员,在工厂里做过小时工,在学校学习期间做过家。但这些不足以锻炼提高自己。我觉得来新东方做助教不仅可以让自己尽可能的去帮助那些英语需要帮助的学弟学妹们,而且还可以免费的旁听新东方老师的精彩的课(我听说新东方英语老师不仅教学生如何学好英语,而且还激发他们立志并学习做人之道)。我做过班委里的各个职务,学生会和学生党组织里也作过。但我现在把在这方面的精力放在英语爱好者协会上。做为协会的主要负责人,我在下学期将会有好多机会与襄樊新东方的老师以及活动策划负责人接触。我希望自己能进去学习并早点熟悉你们,让我们协会帮你向襄樊学院更好的传达新东方精神:追求卓越,挑战极限,从绝望中寻


求职面试英文自我介绍4篇 求职面试英文自我介绍4篇 初到一个新的环境,我们有必要进行适当的自我介绍,自我介绍是让陌生人彼此认识的好方法。你所见过的自我介绍是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的求职面试英文自我介绍4篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 求职面试英文自我介绍篇1 Good morning, thanks for giving me this opportunity for this face to face interview. It’s really my honor to apply for this new position. Now I will introduce myself briefly . My name is Eric, 32 years old, married, in good health, born in Linyi city, Shandong province. Till now, I have graduated from Shandong Architecture University for eight years, and my major is English.I got my bachelor degree in 20xx . I studied hard in the university, so I passed Test for English Major grade 4 and grade 8 successively during my university. Since graduation, I have had over 7 years work experience: 5 years in the import and export area. I also spent two years and half working as English


it应聘自我介绍英文版 基本上每个IT公司或者企业的面试中都会涉及it英语自我介绍,流畅的英语面试自我介绍是非常关键也必不可少的,下面橙子为大家带来it应聘自我介绍英文版,供大家参考! it应聘自我介绍英文版篇1 My name is XXX, this year is 21 years old, graduated from XX PLA information engineering university computer science and technology professionals, in the four years of college life, I have grasped the development and application of technology, but also in the development of the network have the profound understanding. So to lay a solid foundation of professional knowledge. In the thoughts and behavior, thought progress, positive enterprising, has the self-confidence, have very strong work sense of responsibility and the dedication to work, work steadfast, bears hardships and stands hard work, have a high comprehensive quality training. During the period of school has many social practice experience, has participated in college online virtual laboratory development needs analysis, the university period as many times more course lesson representative. Professional 1 / 7


五分钟详细的英语自我介绍(精选多篇) 第一篇:五分钟自我介绍第二篇:五分钟面试自我介绍第三篇:五分钟自我介绍第四篇:五分钟自我介绍第五篇:五分钟自我介绍更多相关范文 五分钟自我介绍 各位尊敬的考官,xx好: 今天能在这里参加面试,有机会向各位考官请教和学习,我感到十分的高兴,同时通过这次面试也可以把我自己展现给大家,下面通过五分钟求职自我介绍让您了解我的基本情况。我叫xxx,xx省xx人,今年6月将从xxxxx专业本科毕业。除了简历上您看到的内容,我愿意特别说一下我来xxx应聘这份职位的原因:首先,我最大的特点是有比较强的沟通能力和良好的团队精神。在与人合作工作中,我会非常认真的聆听和分析别人的意见,也不会没有原则的轻易放弃自己的意见。其次,我觉得自己有较强的学习和实践能力,在遇到困难的时候会冷静分析事情所处的状态,和各种可能发生的结果,并努力做到最好承担自己的责任。正是基于对自己这方面的自信,使我有勇气来应聘xxx这一职位。 在求职面试自我介绍时,一直以来有一分钟自我介绍,三分钟自我介绍,一般都提倡时间不宜过长,因为往往时间长会显得内容比较啰嗦,但以下这个五分钟求职自我介绍则大为不同。 尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师:通过考试,今天,我以本岗位笔试第一的成绩进入了面试。对我来说,这次机会显得尤为珍贵。

我叫,今年24岁。xx年7月我从**师范学校艺师美术专业计划内自费毕业。由于从97年起国家不再对自费生包分配,使我与“太阳底下最光辉的职业”失之交臂。幸好,当时河西马厂完小师资不足,经人介绍,我在该完小担任了一年的临时代课教师。 回想起那段时光真是既甜蜜又美好,虽然代课工资很低,但听着同学们围在身旁“老师”、“老师”的叫个不停,看着那一双双充满信任的眼睛,那一张张稚气的小脸,生活中的所有不快都顿时烟消云散了。工作中,不停地给自己做着工作总结,向老教师多请教来丰富自己的教学经验。我原想,即使不能转正,只要学校需要,就是当一辈子代课教师我也心甘情愿。不料,1998年起国家开始清退临时工和代课教师,接到了学校的口头通知后,我怀着恋恋不舍的心情,悄悄地离开了学校。 今天,我想通过此次考试重新走上讲坛的愿望是那样迫切!我家共有三姊妹,两个姐姐在外打工,为了照顾已上了年纪的父母,我一直留在他们身边。我曾开过铺子,先是经营工艺品,后又经营服装。但不论生意做得如何得心应手,当一名光荣的人民教师始终是我心向往之并愿倾尽毕生心血去追求的事业。我曾多次参加考试,但都由于各种原因而未能实现梦想,但我暗下决心,只要有机会,我就一直考下去,直到理想实现为止。 如今的我,历经生活的考验,比起我的竞争对手在年龄上我已不再有优势,但是我比他们更多了一份对孩子的爱心、耐心和责任心,更多了一份成熟和自信。


找工作时的面试,正是应征单位决定是否要延揽应征者的依据。在面试中,除需注意衣装合宜之外,得体出众的谈吐实为关键所在。 怎么样的谈话内容和态度,才能使你脱颖而出呢?我们来看看Jennifer Wong是怎样开始她的介绍的吧: Good morning. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Jennifer Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative. My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1995, I received my MBA from the School of Business, University of Texas. For five years, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for Magic Kitchen Supplies. Action Appliances is a forward-looking company. I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S. Thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. At Magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S. market share by 25%. This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products. A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you. 上午好。很高兴能在这儿和各位介绍自己:我是Jennifer Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。 我的背景和工作经验使我足以胜任这份业务代表的工作。我在台湾念大学,主修行销,一九九五年,我从美国德州大学的商学院得到企管硕士的学位。过去五年来,我用我的专业知识和技能,担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主任一职。 Action电器公司是个高瞻远瞩的公司。我知道你们正在开拓新市场,尤其要在美国闯下一片天地;正因为如此,你们需要一位积极、肯负责的业务代表。我在神奇厨具用品公司工作的五年,将产品在美国的市场占有率提高了百分之二十五,这足以证明我有能力在当地推销产品。 如果能进入贵公司工作,那将是学习的大好机会。我希望能成为Action电器公司的一员。谢谢。 短语解说 tailor-made 最适合,最完美的 "Tailor"是“裁缝师”;裁缝师手工制作的西装,总是最合身。因此这个词组是形容某人或是某物的条件好,对于某种情况来说,是最完美、最合适的,例如:


应聘个人自我介绍最新英文版_自我介绍 个人自我介绍英文版(一) good morning ! it is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, i hope i can make a good performance today. i'm confident that i can succeed. now i will introduce myself briefly i am 26 years old,born in shandong province . i was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX. i spend most of my time on study,i have passed cet4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. in july XX, i began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in qingdao city.because i'm capable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job. and in august XX,i left qingdao to beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.because i want to change my working environment, i'd like to find a job which is more challenging. morover motorola is a global company, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. that is the reason why i come here to compete for this position. i think i'm a good team player and i'm a person of great honesty to others. also i am able to work under great pressure. that's all. thank you for giving me the chance. 个人自我介绍英文版(二) hello everybody,my name is xxx,i'm from xxx,glad to be here,and gald to be part of you.to be a freshman here, like most of you, i feel excited and a little nervous as well, i hope we can look after each other and enjoy the four years in university.i had learn ps. i am a very outgoing young guy/girl, as all you can see. i love xxx, if any of you have the same hobby as i do, i would be very happy to have discussions with you.i hope you all can remember me,xxx,a happy guy/girl like the sunshine. glad to be your friend, thank you. 个人自我介绍英文版(三) i was born in a small village of shan dong province on april 4th, 1968. when i was young, my family was very poor, so i had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when i was in the middle school. in 1986 i was admitted by university of international business and economics (or: uibe) to pursue a bachelor degree in economics. my major is accounting in department of international business management. the undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others. i developed several professional interests in accounting, finance, and international trade. the following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence. in 1990-1993, i worked as an assistant to funding manager in china national technical import and export corporation. in 1993-present, i was employed by china kingdom import and export corporation to be the manger of financial and accounting division. i do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working


求职英语:为个人简历添彩经典句子 2009年08月17日16:14 本文选自《》的博客,点击 中国人向来以谦虚为美德,但是面试中的过分谦虚万万不可取,相反适当的自我赞美,或者说是对自己真实的评价反而能增加面试官对你的好感,这是一种自信的表现。那现在就来看一下,用英语如何表述自己的优点吧。 Mature,dynamic and honest。 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management。 有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y。 需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable。 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force。 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright,aggressive applicants。 反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential。 有雄心壮志。 Initiative,independent and good communication skill。 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality。 愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities。 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills。 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person。 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude。 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed。 有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills。 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others。 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality。 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently。 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。


求职面试的英文自我介绍 Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. 自我介绍(self-introduction) 1.Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you . I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******. 2.Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an opportunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something to do with the job. What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the success. I hope you will give them a wonderful speech .Good luck to you ! 3.good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious


应聘工作英语自我介绍 面试时,有时候还要求面试者进行英语自我介绍。如何用英语进行自我介绍呢下面是由小编为大家整理的应聘工作英语自我介绍,供大家参考。 应聘工作英语自我介绍【1】Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of XX. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July XX, I begin work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August XX,I left QingDao to BeiJing and


考研复试面试之英文自我介绍 考研复试自我介绍是学生给导师的第一印象,导师提问这块时非常灵活,没有一个具体的标准。考研复试导师在现场会问到很多问题,比如说你的个人经历,成功经历,失败经历,个人梦想,读研的计划等等。关于个人的信息一定要准备好,一定不要临时去想,因为临时想很难组织语言,也很难想得完美。 下面开始介绍英文部分 其实英文部分和中文部分主题一样,简单说明就是把汉语翻译过来就可以。 但有几点要注意: 1英文毕竟不是咱们的母语,不要刻意求华丽,省的一上场紧张全忘记了,简单自然最好。2也不要太过于滚瓜烂熟,有背稿之嫌 3切记不要太长,太长容易出错。三分钟以内就可以。语速不要太快,正常语速就可以,讲太快容易把自己搞紧张的。 4,心理上一定不要轻视英语面试。研究生考研复试的英语部分一般是由学校的公共英语或研究生公共英语教研室来考核。好点的学校,那些参与面试的导师几乎都是海龟,在国外呆了多年,他们是可以用一口流利的英语做学术报告的。如果你进去上来一口标准流利的英语,瞬间镇住各位老师。相信我,成功就在眼前了。 同样,英语部分也是一样分清条理,抓住重点。 一,开场白,姓名,英文名,本科专业,本科学校 二,性格爱好,实践经验 三,为什么想读研,读研时的打算 四,结束语 例如: 1.开场白(作自我介绍时,最好不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦,而且这样说的同学很多,考官听多了,未免太俗。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel


英语求职自我介绍演讲稿 英语求职自我介绍(一) Good monring. It's a pleasure for me to be here in front of you to present myself. My name is Philip Wong, and I am a candidate for the position of Overseas Sales Representative. My background and work experience are tailor-made for this position. I studied marketing as an undergrad here in Taiwan, and in 1985, I received my MBA from the University of Texas School of Business. For five years now, I have utilized my skills and knowledge as the Assistant Director of Exports for magic kitchen Supplies. Action Appliances is a forward-looking company. I am aware that you are expanding into new markets, particularly in the U.S. Thus you are going to need aggressive, take-charge sales representatives. At magic Kitchen, during my five years there, we expanded our U.S market share by 25%. This is just one example of my ability to go out there and sell products. A position with your company would be both a learning experience and a great opportunity. I look forward to becoming part of the Action team. Thank you. 中文翻译: 早安,很高兴能在这儿跟各位介绍自己;我是Philip Wong,来此应征海外业务代表。 我的背景和工作经验使我足以胜任这份业务代表的工作,我在台湾念大学,主修行销,1985年,再从美国德州大学的商学院得到工商管理硕士的学位。过去五年来,我以这些专业知识及技巧担任神奇厨具用品公司的外销部副主任。 Action电器公司是个高瞻远瞩的公司,我知道你们正在开拓市场,尤其要在美国闯下一片天地;正因为如此,你们需要一位积极,肯负责的业务代表。在神奇厨具


求职面试自我介绍范文英语版 求职面试自我介绍范文英语 good morning, my name is jack. it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, and eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly. i am 21 years old. i was born in heilongjiang province, northeast of china. i am a senior student at beijing xx university. my major is packaging engineering. and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june. in the past 4 years, i spend most of my time on study. i have passed cet4/6 with an ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attended several packaging exhibition held in beijing. this is our advantage study here. moreover, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978, our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkward. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in what is my plan during graduate study life. i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal. i like my major packaging and i won’t give up. if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in these fields, patent, trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study


Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now i will introduce myself briefly I am 26 years old,born in shandong province . I was graduated from qingdao university. my major is electronic.and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003. I spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 . and i have acquired basic knowledge of my major during my school time. In July 2003, I began work for a small private company as a technical support engineer in QingDao city.Because I'm capable of more responsibilities, so I decided to change my job. And in August 2004,I left QingDao to BeiJing and worked for a foreign enterprise as a automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging. Morover Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of company ennvironment. That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position. I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. Also I am able to work under great pressure. That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance. 自我介绍(self-introduction) 1.Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you . I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command

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