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扎实的中英文语言基本功( lin guistic proficie ncy both in chinese and english Ianguages );广博的知识面(encyclopedic knowledge );掌握口译基本技巧( mastery of interpretation tech niq ues/skills )。


到单词、词组等零星碎片信息,而不是整段话的完整意思。至于词汇,我认为学生中的一种普遍情况是,大家"四、六级"考试"过关斩将"之后, 阅读词汇有了一定的积累,也明白这些词汇的基本意思,但由于很少使用,大家不是对脑中的词汇只知其一不知其二,就是根本不知道怎样熟练地运用他们。常常是在"点拨"之后,学生们才"如梦初醒"般地把储存在自己脑中的一串串词”激活"起来,若有所悟地连连点头。造成这种情况的主要原因就是长时期不使用英语,以致于过去辛辛苦苦背的词汇都又生疏起来。因此,要提高英语口译水平或有志于冲刺英语口译考试的人,有必要时常地、反复地复习原有的词汇,并使自己的阅读词汇转换成听力词汇和口语词汇。如果能使自己的常用词汇保持在8000 至10000之间,那么,口译时就能做到左右逢源,游刃有余。


再说第二点,即广博的知识。不管是平时做口译,还是去参加口译考试,始终必须记住的是:in terpretatio n knows no boun dary. 为此,


汇。众所周知,英文好但内容不熟悉,译出来的句子常常让人听了觉得" 丈二和尚摸不着头脑。"为了使自己的译文"到位",我们有必要扩大阅读范围,了解各学科、各行业的情况。就目前的口译考试而言,其内容相当广泛,涉及政治、经济、外贸、外交、教育、文化、工农业、高科技、体育卫生和旅游消费等领域。鉴此,参加口译考试的人要广泛涉猎各种题材的书本报刊,尤其是中英文对照读物,使自己在增加知识

的同时又扩大了词汇量,做到to kill two birds with one stone (—箭双雕)。






突然想到9月中我也该考中口了...再不开始准备就太对不起这个暑假了~ 麦刀终于开始学术了~ 考试分两个阶段:笔试、口试 笔试共分四部分。总考试时间为150分钟,满分为250分。(150分合格) 1: 听力40分钟/90分; 2:阅读50分钟/60分; 3:英译汉30分钟/50分; 4:汉译英30分钟/50分。 凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试 5. 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右 6. 每年的3月、9月进行笔试,笔试后1个月左右进行口试。 考试时间安排 笔试:全程考试时间为150分钟,中间不收试卷,其中听力部分考试时间为45分钟(Section 1),阅读部分时间为45分钟(Section 2),翻译部分时间为60分钟(Section 3&Section 4)。 以下为笔试详细流程: 时间考试流程 13:30 考生可以入场 13:40 考考官宣读考生须知,并发布考试试卷及答题纸;考生调试收音机频道,确认收听频率 14:00 考试正式开始,电台开始播放录音 14:00—14:45 考生做Section1 听力部分听力部分时间为45分钟 14:45—15:30 考生做Section2 阅读部分阅读部分时间为45分钟

15:30—16:30 考生做Section3和Section4 翻译部分 翻译部分时间为60分钟 16:30 全部考试结束,考官收回全部试卷和答题纸 这张表格很重要! 科目 时间长度 题目 类型 建议 听力(2: 00开 始,共约45分 钟) 约5分 钟 Part A: Q1-Q20 Spot Dictation 预读:大意、接近的空格、长词、题号顺序 检查:名词、动词单复数、词性、拼写 约25分 钟 Part B: Q1-Q10 Statements 预读选项:话题-高频词、词组; 考点-句子成分差异处 Part B: Q11-Q30 Talks And Conversations 预读选项(同上); 听题:程度副词、转折词、观点 约15分 钟 Part C: Listening And Translation Sentence Translation (5句) 笔记:数字+并 列信息 笔头:常识补充, 务必成句 Passage Translation (2段) 笔记:框架+数字+并列信息 笔头:常识补充,务必成段 阅读(2: 45-3:30) 约45分 钟 Section 2:Q1-30 选择题 先做翻译、后做阅读、先看问题、判断话题、预测结构、估估难易、先易后难 翻译(3: 30-4:30) 30分钟 Section 3 第一篇 英译汉 认真阅读;先视译再下笔;语句流畅;断句为先;遇难词看上下文;


上海市英语口译资格证书第二阶段考试考试流程 1)主考教师在老师用卷上写下考生的姓名和准考证号(即考生第一阶段笔试准考证号)以及该考生的录音磁带号与口试号。同时,在录音带上写下该考生的口试号和姓(名)。 2)进行口语考试录音(如果录音磁带不够,考官可在一分钟后按下录音机暂停键,以留下足够空白保证口译录音的完整,但千万不要忘记在考生开始做口译时启动暂停键)和评分,考生开始讲My name is… My registration number is…(考生不能看着准备过的材料发言,但主考教师可根据实际情况提问或让考生再阅读一遍口语试题) 3)主考教师提供给考生口译记录纸,开始用放音机播放口译试题。 4)每段口译都要评分。对评定为不及格的段落,主考教师还应作出相关评语,点评不及格原因,如:漏译1/3;重大错译;未译等 5)考生可看着记录纸进行口译。 6)主考老师分别在教师用卷上总评分一栏中评出总评成绩并且签名。 7)主考教师可在教师用卷上对考生的口语和水平作简短评语。 8)注意事项1 :在口试过程中,应保证A考试时间B考试环境(尤其是口译考试过程中)C放音清晰D录音完整 注意事项2:考官进入试场,请佩带主考证;请关闭手机等通讯工具;请保持考场的安静。上海市英语口译资格证书第二阶段考试评分纲要 本阶段考试分口语和口译两部分,两部分独立打分,各部分(或段落)成绩分三个档次:优秀,及格,不及格。总评成绩分三个档次:优,及格,不及格。考官可简略书写为:优,及,不 一、口语 要求考生根据考题,连贯地说三~五分钟。(但不要求考生完全按照附加的思考题发言) 1. 优秀:内容完整、切题,语音语调正确,表达流利,语言基本无错误。 2. 及格:内容较完整、基本切题,语音语调基本正确,表达尚流利,语言无重大错误。 3. 不及格:内容不切题或遗漏较多,语音语调错误较多,表达有困难,语言错误较多。 4. 考生正常发挥,口语仍不能达到及格标准者,原则上总评成绩给予不及格。 二、口译 要求考生在规定的时间内将所听到的段落译成英语或汉语。本项目共有四篇短文:两篇英语,两篇汉语,每篇短文分成若干段落,每个段落都需要评分。 1. 优秀:内容完整、准确,基本无遗漏或错译,语音语调正确,表达流利,语言基本无错误。 2. 内容尚完整、准确,无重大遗漏或错译,语音语调基本正确,表达尚流利,语言无重大错误。 3. 不及格:内容不完整或不准确、遗漏、错译较多(达三分之一或以上),语音语调错误很


2011中高级口译口试十大话题之中国经济·All things about GDP 据媒体报道,中国已经取代了日本成为了世界第二大经济体(surpass Japan to become the second largest economy in the world)。这个消息的确让人欢欣鼓舞,这是中国改革开放以来,发展的又一里程碑式的事件(another milestone since the opening and reform of China) 但是,仅仅是GDP并不能说明中国经济的全部(GDP alone does not give a full picture of the Chinese economy). 首先,中国的贫富差距在拉大(the widening wealth gap),中国的经济发展也很不平衡China’s economic development is imbalanced.这些都给社会的稳定造成了潜在威胁( pose potential threat to social stability) 如果按照人均GDP (GDP per capita)来算,中国排在世界124位ranked behind 100th position globally,远远落在很多发达国家之后lagged far behind . 此外,中国的发展也付出了惨重的代价China’s development comes at a price。我们居住的环境极具恶化。environmental degradation. 资源的枯竭energy exhaustion 以代工为主的劳动密集型产业(labor intensive, low-end manufacturing industry)也让我们的劳动者不看重负。 这些问题已经得到了国家领导人的高度重视top government agenda,在中国的第十二五规划中in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan,中国现在需要做的必须是改变经济发展模式change the mode of economic development. 这是一个艰巨而迫切的任务a pressing and difficult task.


中口口试必备口语试题准备材料(topic1-20) Topic1. China’s Developments and Achievements No one can refuse to admit that there are many achievements of China in recent decades. I know some of them, such as economic reform, joining to the WTO, and successfully bidding to host the Olympic Games in 2008 and so on. They are significant and outstanding achievements. Chinese people benefit a lot from these great achievements. Firstly, people’s living standards have been improved significantly over the past 10 years. A huge number of families have a TV, a computer, a refrigerator and so on, and the most important thing is that most families have a bright and big house. Secondly, peop le’s daily life becomes more colorful and meaningful, recent years bring people a lot of recreational activities, such as computer video games, movies, and internet. Conversely, 10 years ago, we still had not these abundant and colorful campaigns. Of course, there are still a lot of things which should be done in the next 10 years. We should continue to support our economic development and investment, to protect the environment, to cut down the greenhouse gas emissions and to consolidate our military and defense systems. Topic2. An unforgettable graduation ceremony I’d like to say the graduation cerem ony of my senior high school. The only thing that I don’t forget is the speech of principal in my senior high school hall. During the ceremony, I clearly listened to his words with great spirits for all of us. His eyes were filled with hope, which seems like that he told us about how to overcome so many difficulties in the future. His words really attracted all the students and teachers. He told us that we shouldn’t give up at any time, because we must try our best to do everything we could. After the graduation ceremony, I promised to myself that I should continue to study harder in order to have enough experience and knowledge to be a better person who can make more contributions to the whole society.


上外口译培训网[https://www.doczj.com/doc/1910150915.html,] 2015年3月上海高级口译考试真题(阅读部分) 第六部分汉译英(下半场) 2015年春季上海英语高级口译考试考生须知: 2015年春季高级口译考试在3月15日上午8:00开考进场,考试分为上下两个半场,中间10:00—10:10休息。如欲中途退场,须在听力考试结束后方可交卷离场,但上下半场考试结束后前10分钟内,不得交卷离场。英译汉试题是高级口译考试上半场最后一道题,汉译英试题是下半场最后一道题。 Parenthood should be affordable in this country, but the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood is now a quarter of a million dollars and projected to double by the time today's toddlers reach their teens. 首段无需过分投入,只需看到两个关键词 affordable 和 cost 便知文章的话题所在。 Will having kids soon be out of reach economically for many American families? A recent report from the Center for American Progress found that middle-class families are feeling an unprecedented economic squeeze - caught between stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics like housing, health care and children's education. Most families, it seems, are getting by on less and living closer to the financial edge to help their kids grow up healthy and get ahead. 第二段开篇以设问形式点出文章主体:为什么迫于经济压力,很多美国家庭无法生儿育女?答案的关键词在于“caught between stagnating wages and the exploding cost of basics” The most striking growth in costs to families has been in child care, where expenses have climbed about $200 annually in each of the last dozen years, with nearly tenfold growth since the 1960s. Child care, on average, consumes $1 of every $5 in a family's budget and exceeds the typical rent in every state. 本段以细节形式点出抚养儿女的成本增加之快。 In terms of their kids' health, families increasingly have to choose between treating their children's medical needs and paying household bills. Despite gains in the percentage of children with health insurance, per capita medical spending


1上海市英语中级口译证书第二阶段考试试题集锦 (201009) 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 3 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…”,”My registration number is…” Topic: Can shopping vouchers increase consumption? Questions for Reference: 1.To stimulate consumption, which is more effective, tax reduction or shopping vouchers? 2.What are the major purposes of issuing shopping vouchers? 3.In what way can the shopping vouchers best be distributes? Shall every citizen be given the same amount of shopping vouchers or should the vouchers be limited to the lower-income people only? 口译题 Part A Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1 As for us Americans, you may think that we give too much importance to individualism and personal gains, so much so that it might sacrifice collective benefits, and even bring harm to the harmony of the society.// Yes, but you don’t have to be worried. American work ethic is more individual-oriented. We often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.// If I am not mistaken, the traditional Chinese work ethic is based on Confucianism, which stresses the benefit of communal harmony rather than individual freedom.// It’s really very hard to say which is better because if the cultural differences. With the economic globalization, cultural exchanges have become more and more extensive and Americans and Chinese will know and understand each other better. 至于我们美国人,你们会感到我们太看重个人主义,太看重个人利益,这样可能会牺牲集体的利益,甚至会损害社会的和谐。// 是的,但你们不必担忧。我们美国人的工作理念更强调个人主义。我们一般重视的是结果和成就,而不是过程。// 如果我没理解错的话,中国传统的够工作理念是以儒家学说为基础的,这种思想强调整体和谐高于个体自由。// 由于文化差异的存在,真的很难说哪种理念更好。随着经济全球化,文化交流也随之变得越来越广泛,美国人民和中国人民将会更加互相了解和理解。


高级口译口试必备 高级口译口试必备高级口译口试必备就大多数参加《英语口译 资格证书》的考生而言,获得该证书的最大"拦路虎"是证书考试第二阶 段的口译部分,其"吃掉"的考生人数要多于景阳岗上的猛虎数百倍!本 人虽不如武松猛威,但对被口译考试"拦路虎"吞入"虎口"的萃萃学子们深表同情,并愿集自己二十多年来的英语及口译教学经验,对矢志于攀登《口译资格证书》这座"高山"的口译爱好者们切磋交谈,一起探讨 闯过证书考试”拦路虎"的一些路径和方法。一般来说,要通过高层次的英语口译考试,参考者必须具备三个条件: 扎实的中英文语言基本功( lin guistic proficie ncy both in chinese and english Ianguages );广博的知识面(encyclopedic knowledge );掌握口译基本技巧( mastery of interpretation tech niq ues/skills )。 先说第一点,即中英文语言基本功。在口译领域,中英文语言基本功就是指相当熟练地掌握和运用中英文两种语言。具体而言,口译参考者的听力、词汇、句子组织能力和口头表达能力都要达到相当高的水准。在教学和考试中,我发现大多数考生在这几个方面的能力严重欠缺。有的人听听简单的材料尚可以应付,但听力材料稍许难一点,尤其是当英语句子长一些,或者英语原句句子结构复杂一些,他们便两眼发呆,徒叹无奈。个中原因,就是听力水平不够高。一段话听下来,只得

到单词、词组等零星碎片信息,而不是整段话的完整意思。至于词汇,我认为学生中的一种普遍情况是,大家"四、六级"考试"过关斩将"之后, 阅读词汇有了一定的积累,也明白这些词汇的基本意思,但由于很少使用,大家不是对脑中的词汇只知其一不知其二,就是根本不知道怎样熟练地运用他们。常常是在"点拨"之后,学生们才"如梦初醒"般地把储存在自己脑中的一串串词”激活"起来,若有所悟地连连点头。造成这种情况的主要原因就是长时期不使用英语,以致于过去辛辛苦苦背的词汇都又生疏起来。因此,要提高英语口译水平或有志于冲刺英语口译考试的人,有必要时常地、反复地复习原有的词汇,并使自己的阅读词汇转换成听力词汇和口语词汇。如果能使自己的常用词汇保持在8000 至10000之间,那么,口译时就能做到左右逢源,游刃有余。 句子组织能力和口头表述能力是一个问题的两个方面。"一个问题"是指口头迻译问题;两个方面是指怎样在短时间内把相关的句子组织串联起来,以及如何快速、正确、清晰地把它们口译出来。在与学生们进行口译操练时,我发现他们的句子组织能力和口头表述能力都比较弱,难以在规定的时间里组织起一串像样的句子,然后以流畅的语言表述出来。究其原因,一是英语语感较弱,对英语句式缺乏足够的感悟,不知如何快速灵活地遣词造句,更不懂怎样巧妙地长短句结合。二是长期忽略口头表述,说话迟缓,吐字不清,句式不通,缺少连贯性。我们知道,口译的特点是,口译过程中容不得许多时间进行思考,口译考试时尤必其如此。因此,口译时译文句子要组织得快,口头表述也要同步跟上。这样才能顺利完成口译任务,或通过口译考试。


上海中高级口译考试全解析 上海外语口译资格证书考试已经进行了将近十年,目前报考的人数越来越多,依然有很多第一次接触到口译考试的朋友对此考试感到疑惑,这里出一个解答的汇总,希望能解决大家心中的疑问1、口译报考新手入门常见问题解答2、英语中高级口译考试考试对象、考试流程、证书用途口译报考新手入门常见问题解答 上海市外语口译证书考试还有很多别名。比如我们通常叫的上海口译考试、中高级口译证书考试……目前十分火热,且报考人数连年增长,这里针对新手报考口译考试通常会遇到的一些问题做了一系列整理,帮大家理清思路,搞清楚这到底是个怎样的口译考试 问:什么是上海市外语口译证书考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试是上海紧缺人才培训工程重要项目之一,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(PCEC)负责组织实施。自1995年6月开考到现在,已有几十万人报考。考试通过者(含笔试和口试)获得由上海紧缺人才培训工程联席会议办公室颁发的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》 问:上海市外语口译证书考试有哪些考试项目?

答:目前的考试项目有四个。它们是英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译、英语口译基础能力。 问:这四个项目的考试费用是怎样的? 答:在上海地区,考试收费标准由上海市物价部门审核批准。英语高级口译笔试、口试各210元; 英语中级口译笔试、口试各180元;日语口译笔试、口试各200元; 英语基础能力笔试、口试共200元。 (以上费用为上海地区考务费、报名费,外省市考点的考生另增加代办费)。也就是说不同地区的报名费会略有高低不同,以当地报名点的报名费用为主。 问:通过考试,我可以拿到什么证书? 答:英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》; 笔试合格者可办理《上海市外语口译笔试合格证书》;对英语口译基础能力笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市英语口译基础能力合格证书》。 问:要拿到《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》,我需要通过哪几项考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试通常分为两部分,即笔试和口试。考生必须首先报考笔试,通过笔试部分考核的考生才能报考口


.高级口译口试流程: 口试分为两个部分:口语、口译 第一部分 3-minute talk 先是给你提前给你一个话题,再有5分钟时间准备。等到口试的时候,再面对考官,就这个话题展开,发表自己的观点。(基本而言,这一部分难度不高,虽然官方说法是3分钟,但一般一分钟后就会示意你停止,因为这个考试时间比较紧张。) 简而言之,5分钟的时间准备,3分钟的口头表达。 第二部分 4 passages of interpretation(重点) 这部分共有四段口译,两段英翻中,两段中翻英。每一段分两小段翻完,即共有八小段。每小段通常有四句话,其中至少应有一句长难复杂句。每小段结束后磁带中发出“嘟”的声音,考生必须在第二声“嘟”之前把听到的段落翻译出来。每小段间隔时间约为22到25秒钟。每小段字数大约为80-120字。 具体流程 候考时:8:00之前到达考点(上海考点有可能会有下午场,所以根据准考证的时间准备),手机要放在老师发放的密封袋中,根据自己的口试好进入相对应的教室,讲台上有老师叫号,叫完一批,那一批人就坐到最前面去,按组号就坐。等这一批人的前一批(他们在候考室外的一个小教室)去小考场了,这批人就可以进小教室了。小教室里仍然按照组号就坐,老师核对两证,然后分发口语题,这张口语题的纸头是不可以写字的,口语准备时间大概五分钟,然后就从小教室出来,进走廊,按照自己的组号寻找小考场,如果你的前一位还在考试中,你就坐在外面的椅子上等待即可。等前一位考完了,你就进去开始自己的考试。(这一部分全程听老师的就好,考点会安排妥当。) 考试中:当老师示意你开始的时候,你就开始讲自己的名字和口试证号码,my name is……..my registration number is……..说完了就直接开始说你的口语题。一般来说,你原先准备的口语是说不完的,老师会适时打断你,然后他就会放口译题的磁带,给你一张纸头作笔记用,然后你就开始翻译。16段话结束以后,考试结束。带好所有物品,道谢离开即可。 1.3.高级口译口试评分标准及通过率 口试与笔试最大的区别在于没有具体的分数,而只有及格与不及格之分。整个口译部分共八小段,必须要确保翻对其中的六小段。换而言之,最多只能错两小段。如只翻对五小段,错三小段,虽然只差一小段,但结果仍然是不过。所以相


上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题(06.9) 1: (30 ) A: : , a . . . . . . a (1) , . I (2) . (3). , (4). , (5) . a (6) , a , , , (7) . (8). . (9) ? I (10). , , , (11). , 30 , (12) ! (一三). , , . (14). , (一五) , (16) . (17) . (一八), , . a ‘’ ‘’ . a , (19) . , (20). B: : . , . , . . 1 5 . 1. (A) 85 . (B) , . (C) . (D) . 2. (A) . (B) a “ ” . (C) . (D) 100. 3. (A) , , , . (B) , , , . (C) , , , . (D) , , , . 4. (A) a . (B) . (C) a , . (D) , , . 5. (A) . (B) . (C) a . (D) . 6 10 . 6. (A) 3 20 . (B) a . (C) . (D) 2050. 7. (A) . (B) a ’s . (C) . (D) .

(B) . (C) . (D) a . 9. (A) 6 7.(B) 8 10.(C) 11 16.(D) 17 25. 10. (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 11 一五 . 11. (A) A . (B) A . (C) . (D) . 12. (A) .(B) .(C) . (D) . 一三. (A) .(B) (C) A .(D) . 14. (A) ——. (B) ——. (C) ——. (D) ——. 一五. (A) . (B) . (C) . (D) . 16 20 . 16. (A) . (B) ’ . (C) , . (D) , . 17. (A) . (B) ’ . (C) . (D) ’ . 一八. (A) . (B) . (C) a . (D) a . 19. (A) . (B) .(C) . (D) . 20. (A) ’s .(B) ’s .(C) ’s . (D) ’ ’s . 2: (30 ) : . . , (A), (B), (C) (D), . . 1—5 a a a a . , , . , , , a . , ’s , a , . ’s , , . ’s . “ a , ’t ,” , a , a , 25 . , a ’t . , , , . . a ’t , ’t , a a ’t . “ , ,” , a . “.” , . , . “ ’ , ,” , a , ’ . , , “ a , ‘’ . , a .” , , . “ ’t . ,” , a , a ’s . ’s a , , , . “ ,” , a a ( ), . , . , . 1. ? (A) a . (B) a . (C) . (D) .


中级口译口试模拟试题(1) 09年秋季中级口译二阶段口试模拟试卷,请大家认真练习! [1] Part A [2] Part B 模拟题(2)>>> 口语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. Y ou should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. Y ou need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is…, “ “My registration number is…”. Topic: What are the important factors involved in looking for an ideal job? Questions for Reference: 1.What qualifications or personality do you think are of vital importance for an individual in his or her job hunting? 2.What is your primary concern in selecting a profession, your personal interest, income, specialization, or your working environment? Give reasons for your answer. 3.Do you think a job interview is indispensable for a recruiting institution? Why or why not? How can we train ourselves to become successful interviewees? Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal…and stop it at the signal…Y ou may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages o nly once. Now let us begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: Welcome to the Cairo International Conference Center. The Conference Center is a gift from the government of China. It is a symbol of friendship between the peoples of China and Egypt. // Up to now, the Cairo International Conference Center is the only comprehensive conference center in Egypt. It occupies an area of 300,000 square meters. Of there, 58,000 square meters have been given to conference facilities. //


2020高级口译攻略 高级口译分为两个部分——笔试和口试,且笔试通过才能参加口试。下面就和大家分享高级口译攻略,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 高级口译攻略 听力Listening 听力(一):Spot Dictation和Note-taking and Gap filling 这两个大题都是考察速记能力的。要求填空的内容都是听力文稿中的原话,但难点在于朗读者语速较快。提高得分率最好的办法就是多听真题和模拟题。一遍过后若没有都能听出,则再次播放直到能完全填出所有内容。训练10篇以后,则只听一遍,模拟考试状态。 听力(二):Listening Comprehension 1. 高级口译的听力短文多数考察细节题,所以在听的过程中一定要记笔记。 2. 由于听力的题目并未在卷子上呈现,所以我们可以从选项出发对问题有一个预判。

听力(三):Passage Translation and SentenceTranslation 1. 边听*边把握*大意与主旨 2. 速记:记录数字,日期等,还有尽可能多的细节。最后争取把记下来的点统统用上,串联成一篇*。 3. 笔记:一定要整洁、有序、条理分明。否则*内容的先后次序会受到很大的影响。 4. 用词要简单直白 阅读Reading 阅读(一)选择 1. 高口的*相对较长,所以推荐的做题方法是先看题后去*找相关句子。 2. 针对不同题型的不同解法,这里就不赘述了。(具体要结合题目,可以参考《高级口译笔试备考精要》) 3. 高口的词汇远超六级。应试者最好能背完专四。若能背完专八,则更为稳妥。 阅读(二)问答题

1. 圈画。问答题的题目较为直白,但是需要回答的内容非常非常多,而且常常涉及好几段的内容,所以一定要在*中划出重点。 2.概括与总结。抄原句费时费力,而且会使答案缺少层次与逻辑。所以一定要对原文进行概括与整合。 翻译Translation 1. 熟练掌握《中高级口译口试词汇必备》上的内容 2. 在英译中的过程中若遇难词,先考虑通过上下文推测语境义,不行则跳过。 3. 在英译中的过程中需要调整语序。不要盲目求快,要通篇阅读,确定每句话的主语再进行翻译。 4. 在中译英的过程中,首先要确定每一句话的句型,由分句到主句。 5. 在中译英的过程中,求准确是最为重要的。若译者英语水平有限,可采取逐字翻译的策略。若有能力的同学,则可以根据每句话的主语,适当变动句型,运用从句、非谓语等复杂语法。 6. 翻译完毕之后,要检查语法以及拼写。 参考书目Books For Reference


中高级口译口试词汇必备-词汇表 后发现代化国家 a new comer striving for modernization 借鉴国际经验draw experience from international practice 在和平崛起进程中in the process of (its/her) peaceful rise 以自己为主rely on itself 关注和解决问题address and resolve problems 走出……道路blaze a trail 能源节约energy conservation 形成中国特色的节约方式shape up a China style. energy-saving approach 农村富余劳动力superfluous rural labor force 有中国特色的stamped with Chinese characteristics 解决这个世界级的大难题tackle the formidable universal problem 引导农村富余劳动力有序流动provide guided and orderly flow of redundant rural labor force between the countryside and the city 提高就业和创业本领enhance one’s skill to enter the workforce or to start his own business 保持东部沿海城市发展活力maintain the dynamics of economic growth of eastern costal areas 掠夺别国资源loot resources of other countries 输出意识形态和价值观念export its own ideology and values 掠夺式经营the predatory operation model 消耗人类不可再生资源consume unrenewable resources 己所不欲;勿施于人What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others. 极其需要be badly in need of 在……进程中in the process of (中国的现代化一定要)有(中国特色)bear 比如for instance 在……问题上with regard to 人均per capita 热衷于be bent on 不做某事refrain from doing sth. 绝非易事it is anything but easy (it is no easy thing …) 排在后列lag behind (the world) 人均资源占有量per capita hold of resources 短缺be in tight supply 生态环境ecological environment


上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试2001年9月 (Test Book) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 MINUTES) Part A: Spot Dictation Direction:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. The parents set the rules and the children obey, right? Wrong. In a growing number of North American families, adults have let their children _______________(1). “Parents want to be nurturing and make their small children happy, but many have become confused about _________ (2) to achieve this,”explains a noted psychologist. “Large numbers of parents are being ________ (3), to the point that entire families end up organizing themselves around _______________(4).” The problem is that many fathers and mothers try to be _______________(5) to their children. However, parenting is not a popularity contest. _______________(6) is a normal part of child development and is strongest between _______________(7). Setting rules and enforcing them teaches the child that he or she is _______________(8) but not equal in authority. Then a child feels safe and secure and can be a kid again. Believe it or not, it’s frightening for a child a realize that they are _____________(9) a situation. In upside-down families, when parents _________ (10) from the rules they set, children become very insecure, anxious, and out of control. They don’t _______________(11) to protect them. In order to _______________(12) and keep control, parents should act in accordance with the following tips: First, _______________(13). Parents cannot guide a child and seek his or her approval of their decisions _______________(14). Don’t say, “It’s time for bed. OK?” Instead, say, “It’s time for bed, kids.” Second, don’t _______________(15) and then change them. It’s very important to be consistent. Once you make a rule, _______________(16). Third, pay less attention to your child when _______________(17) is bad and more when it is good. Do not reward bad behavior by giving extra attention to it. Instead, save your attention for when _______________(18). Finally, don’t allow your kids to call you by _______________(19). This

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