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Doing business in China is a good choice

Doing business in China is a good choice
Doing business in China is a good choice

Doing business in China is a good choice Introduction

Setting up a company or business in China, it’s a good choice in nowadays. Comparing to the United States, which is the most developed country, China is developing faster. If you want to do the business in 30 years ago, China was you last choice, but nowadays it’s changed a lot. Comparing the development of China and the United States, we will discuss why doing business in China is a good choice. (Tong 2008)


Under the global economical environment, there was a global economic crisis since 2008. All over the world suffered from it. Some European countries were bankrupted like Greece. While China survived in this economic crisis. Although the United States introduced many economical policies like putting a large amount of money to save the banks, there are still high unemployment rate, many big or small companies have claimed to be bankrupted. Chinese government gave the policy to face the crisis like accommodative monetary policies, promoting the exportation, reducing the burden of enterprises, the adjustment of labor laws. Only in 2008, Chinese government cut the deposit reserve rate three times in order to increase the money supplying in the market and enlarge investment and consumption. Since China joined the WTO, it plays an important role in this organization. At the same time China got the benefits from the WTO. China enlarged the exporting business arrangement and attracts the foreign investment. China opened its market to the world widely as well. Since China got the most favored nation treatment, it can enjoy the rights equally. (Tong 2008)

China Speeded up the adjustment of domestic industry structure and optimized it. After China joined the WTO, it continues to deepen the reform of its economic system As the WTO requests all the members should be in the market economic system, China has adjusted its market system a lot to meet this request. Review the history of China, before the reform and the opening-up policy made, it pursued planned economy system. While in the United States, when it set up, it pursues the free competition economic system.( Gamble 2011)Comparing these two market economies over 30 years ago, free market economy was much better. It benefited for the enterprises to develop without any limitation from the government. The allocation of resource depends on this market system. While in China at that time, it’s under the planned economy, all the economic activities should according to the government policies. It’s hard for the private enterprises to exist and develop at that time. After over 30 years, China government reformed the economy system, changed it from the planned economy system to the socialist market economy. It made the enterprises especially the small enterprises to develop so fast. There appeared many private enterprises since 1990’s. It’s a big progress of China. During the period of the time, the United States developed so fast too. They continue to take the No.1 stage in this world depends on their advanced technology. When China opened the door to the world, it attract the foreign investment with many good policies such like the tax free for the foreign investors, simplified the registration of the process. At the same time,

Chinese government encouraged the small and private enterprises to develop. Comparing to the old economy system of China, it benefits to develop the market economy. Chinese government showed its big decision to insist the reform. There are some improvements to show China has got strong. In 2008, the Olympics Games was held in China. It showed China not only open to the door to world in the economy, but also they open the arms to accept the different cultures from all over the world. The world people got to know China and the development of China through this big activity. Although the economy of the whole world in 2008 was recessed, in China it still developed faster than other countries. (Schott 2009)

Comparing these political regime types of China and the United States, China is under the authoritarian political system, while the United States is a federal state, the organizational form of regime for the presidential system, the separation of the three powers and combining the balance of political and the bipartisan political party system. So if there is a proposal or a bill to carry out in the United States, it must be discussed in the Senate and the houses of Representatives. After that it will be passed to the president to sign. If the president refused to sign, then to pass both houses of Congress Plenary Session over 2/3 agreed and passed, the bill will get effective automatically without the signature of the president. So when there is a big decision need to make, China government can make it quickly because of its authoritarian political system.(Karon 2011) For example, when the economy crisis happened, Chinese government supplied 4 trillion RMB to save Chinese market. There is another example to show China can deal with the problem rapidly with the centralization. Along with the city urbanization going fast, the Real estate is so hot in China. It supports Chinese economy to grow fast. The price of the apartment is so high. It’s much higher than the average income level. For most Chinese people who are in a low income, the house price is too high to bear. For its Party, it knows the result. If the complaining gets more and more, it’ll harm the government. Chinese government adjusted its policies in time. They published the bill that limits the house buyers who have bought two sets of apartments to buy the third. In other word, if the buyer has two apartments, it’s no way to buy the third. And the government is contributed to build the public housing. The contradiction has been lightened with these polices and methods. All these bills or policies were made by the Party. It doesn’t need the people to vote or improve. But in the United States, even a medical insurance reform bill has been over 2 years discussed and in 2010, it was passed. It showed although this system can protect the individual liberty and private sector, but now it doesn’t work well at dealing with the financial crisis in the United States rapidly. From these issues, it showed the United State is one of the countries with a very high degree of democracy.( Harold 2011)While China cannot get the level as the United States does. Although there are many good advantages of doing business in China, there is a special factor in doing business in China. It’s called Guanxi (relationship) in Chinese. If you have guanxi (the relationships) with the relative government officers,(Bautista 2009) you will get many helps or special caring in the business. Generally you could get big orders from the government sourcing if you have a strong relationship with the government officers. But in the United States, it’s

no way to do in that way. There are so many laws or bills to protect it happened. But lately Chinese government has published the policies to deal with it. Some corrupt officials were punished seriously. Although there is no electoral system in China and the democracy level is not high, Chinese government could response to the people and adjusts its policy to alleviate the contradiction. (Harold 2011)

Except the influence of the political regime type on the business or economy, there are some other facts that can affect the business in one country. I like to set up the business in China, because there are cheap labors. The cost of labors in China is much cheaper than in the United States. (For example, the cost of Chinese labor of China is about RMB 100 per day, while the cost of U.S.A labor is USD 15 per hour equals to about RMB 94). Chinese government gave many good policies to help the foreign companies or foreigners to set their companies or business in China like the tax free in 2 years and simplified the registration process, etc. For the small enterprises, at the beginning of the company set up, there is a tax free policy to them. Chinese government encourages the exporting business and pays more attention on the industries and manufacturing companies. The price of energy is cheaper in China too. Conclusion

Through the above analysis, choosing a place to set up a business, the political influence is so important. During the financial crisis, Chinese government takes the responsibility to protect the companies which are running in China. It’s quick and rapid to deal with many big problems with the centralization. Although its democracy level isn’t high even there isn’t the electoral system, the government has response to people’s complaints rapidly. At the same time doing business should know the culture of the country that you will set up your business. Comparing to the United States, China has its advantages in many aspects. Although it isn’t high democratic and there isn’t a set of complete laws for business, the improving space of China is big. Comparing to the United States, doing business in China to make money is easier.( Murray & James 1984)


1.Karon. T. (2011, Janurary 20). Why China Does Capitalism Better than the U.S. Retrieved August 20, 2011, from Time: https://www.doczj.com/doc/1216733442.html,/time/world/article/0,8599,2043235,00.html

2.Tong, C.H. & Tong, L.I.,( 2008) ‘The U.S.-China Trade: An American Perspective’, Competition Forum, vol. 6, no.1, pp. 116-121

3.Fan, Y (2007) ‘Guanxi, government and corporate reputation in China; Lessons for international compaines’, Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 447-449

4.Schott, J. 2009, ‘America, Europe, and the New Trade Order’, Business and Politics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 1-22

5. Harold.B (2010) What Is the Influence of the Economic Crisis?Retrieved 27th Match 2012 from https://www.doczj.com/doc/1216733442.html,/2010/03/what-is-the -influence-of-the-economic-crisis/


7. Gamble. B.W (2011) Investing In Emerging Markets: The Rules Of the Game. New York Apress publisher

8. Murray.H & James M (1984). Doing business in the United States. International journal of legal information, 12 (5-6), p. 269


帮妈妈做家务500字作文五篇 妈妈平时为家操劳,我们可以帮妈妈做点家务减轻她的负担。下面是橙子为您带来的是帮妈妈做家务感受作文,希望对您有所帮助。 篇一:帮妈妈做家务今天妈妈下班非常早,下午下课了她把我接上后对我说:“贞贞,今天妈妈回家给你做好吃的。”我迫不及待的问妈妈:“什么好吃的呀?”“回家你就知道了,但是,你必须先把作业做完以后才能吃,否则不许吃饭,好吗?” 我为了吃上好吃的,到家以后我就赶快把作业拿出来,做了起来。妈妈就在厨房里忙起来了。 等我把作业做完以后,到厨房一看,妈妈正在和面,她看到我以后对我说:贞贞快来帮忙。然后就把厨房里的围裙拿了出来,给我围上了。“做什么?妈妈。”今天妈妈给你做豆沙包吃,好不好?我一听,高兴地蹦了起来,因为我最爱吃豆沙包了。你把这个大盆端到客厅去,用筷子把盆里的陷搅一搅,一定要把陷搅匀呀!知道了吗。 经过我和妈妈的努力不一会儿就把豆沙包包好了,然后我们就把包好的豆沙包放进了微波炉里,定好时间。哎呀!就等香喷喷的豆沙包出炉了。这时候再看我们俩个人,手上、身上、脸上及头上全都是白面粉,简直就成了一个小雪人了。我和妈妈都笑了。 时间过得好慢啊!等啊等啊,终于香喷喷的豆沙包就要出炉了。妈妈打开微波炉,把豆沙包拿了出来,可是一看,我们做的豆沙包和

市场上买的不一样呀!因为市场买的是圆形的,可是我们做的却是扁扁的,这是怎么一回事儿呢?经过我们认认真真的分析以后,觉得问题应该出在面粉上,因为我们和面时放水太多了,面软了,在烤制的过程中就变成扁扁的了。虽然形状不好看,但是吃起来还是蛮好吃的吗!毕竟这是我们的劳动成果呀! 希望小朋友们都要帮妈妈多做点家务,给妈妈减轻点负担。这样我们才是一个好孩子。 篇二:帮妈妈做家务今天,妈妈在家大扫除,我看着妈妈一会整理房间,一会擦桌子,忙得上气不接下气,我见妈妈每天都这样忙忙碌碌的,得多吃亏损呀!于是,我产生了一个念头,如果我能帮妈妈分担一些家务活,妈妈就会不这么累了吗? 于是,我二话不说,卷起袖子,拿起抹布和洗洁精,就开始擦玻璃了。我先将抹布打湿,拧干,再将洗洁精洒在玻璃上,又用湿毛巾将污点全部擦干净,最后,再用干毛巾将洗洁精擦干净,这样,一块洁净的玻璃就出来了。 接着,我拿出扫把,准备帮妈妈妇地。我将我平时乱丢乱放的玩具和零食,放回该放的位置后,我就用扫把仔仔细细、认认真真打扫一遍后,把垃圾扫入灰斗中,再倒入垃圾桶里,再将拉圾倒入垃圾堆中后,扫地任务也完成了。 我再拿来拖把,将地板拖得干干净净、一尘不染。 拖完地后,我拿几双脏兮兮的鞋子,开始洗鞋,我先将鞋子打湿,再将鞋子洒上泡沫,然后我拿出刷子来,将鞋子的里里外外、上上下


·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器

·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源 ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备


人教版新起点小学英语词汇总 一年级上(没有分单元) book书ruler尺子pencil铅笔eraser橡皮pencil case 铅笔盒 backpack书包school学校 eye眼睛hand手ear耳朵mouth嘴nose鼻子foot(feet)脚 face脸leg腿arm手臂 cat猫bird鸟rabbit兔dog狗chicken鸡duck鸭 monkey猴子tiger虎panda熊猫elephant 大象fish鱼 one一two二three三four四five五six六 seven七eight八nine九ten十 red红色(的) yellow黄色(的) purple紫色(的) brown棕色(的) orange橙色(的) white白色(的) green绿色(的) pink粉红色(的) blue蓝色(的) black黑色(的) apple苹果banana香蕉peach桃melon瓜 pear梨orange橙子grape葡萄strawberry草莓pineapple菠萝 一年级下 Unit9 classroom 教室door门window窗户blackboard黑板wall 墙desk 桌子chair 椅子boy 男孩girl 女孩in 里面on 上面under下面where哪里 unit 10 room房间closet衣柜telephone电话computer 电脑TV 电视bed 床picture图片table餐桌lamp台灯armchair 沙发behind后面next to旁边 Unit 11 Toys玩具plane飞机boat船train火车ball球teddy bear玩具熊 bus公交车Car小汽车doll玩具娃娃pinwheel风车box盒子 Unit 13 Shapes图形circle圆形triangle三角形rectangle长方形square 正方形 eleven 11 twelve12 Thirteen13 fourteen14 fifteen15 sixteen16 seventeen17 eighteen18 nineteen19 twenty20 Unit 14 Clothes衣服T-shirt T恤衫pants 裤子shorts短裤jacket 夹克 Sweater毛衣skirt短裙dress连衣裙shoe鞋子sock袜子 Unit 15 Food食物drink 饮料rice 米饭noodles面条jiaozi 饺子tofu豆腐Vegetables蔬菜meat牛肉fish 鱼肉chicken鸡肉bread 面包 milk牛奶ice cream冰激凌juice果汁egg鸡蛋


单元教材分析: 第一单元主要学习关于教室的3个单词desk, chair, blackboard ,三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under;以及询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…?It'under/ in/ on…。本单元是学生开学后的第一单元,与学生生活实际紧密联系,学习教室有关的物品名称,易于学生接受,容简单实用,易于教师操练。本单元为下个单元Room做了很好的铺垫,由教室到房间,使得下一步的学习变的简单,过度自然。 单元教学目标: 1、语言技能目标 (1)能够听懂、会说与教室有关的三个词汇:chair, desk, blackboard,以及三个表达位置的词汇:under/ in/ on。 (2)能够听懂、会说有关询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…?It'under/ in/ on…,并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 (3)能够听懂简短的课堂指令语,女口:Put your ... in/on/under ...等,并作出相应的反应。 (4)能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母A、B、C、D。 2、情感目标 (1)能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。 (2)能够对英语学习保持兴趣,并积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动;能做到有序参与,积极使用英语。 (3)能够在活动中逐步养成爱护教室的课桌椅和学习用品的习惯。 单元教学重点:与教室有关的3个词汇:desk, chair, blackboard ;三个表达物品位置的介词:under / in / on 。 单元教学难点:句型Where is…?It's…的使用。 单元课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学目标: 能够在适当场景下听懂、说出与教室有关的三个词汇:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, un der. 教学重难点: 能听懂、说出与教室有关的三个单词:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个

人教版新起点英语一下 英语录音内容

一年级下册英语录音内容 新起点一年级下册课文录音材料 49 A项:In my classroom I can see, A desk, a chair, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A window, a door, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A wall, a blackboard, For you and me. 50 A项:CHANT Where’s Angel?Whe re’s Angel? She’s in the pencil case. Where’s Angel?Where’s Angel? She’s on the pencil case. Where’s Angel ?Where’s Angel? She’s under the pencil case.Oh, oh! Lily: Under the desk? B and G: No! Lily: Under the chair? B and G: No! Lily: In the desk? B and G: Yes! 51 A项Where is the blue ruler? Blue ruler? Blue ruler? Where is the blue ruler? It’s under the desk. Where is the red star? red star? red star? Where is the red star? It’s on the wall. Where is the black pencil? Black pencil? Black pencil? Where is the bl ack pencil? It’s in the pencil case. Bill: Where is the blue ruler? Lily: It’s under your desk, 52 A项: Put the pencil in the pencil case. Put the ruler in the pencil case. Put the eraser in the pencil case. Put the pencil case in the backpack.


我会做家务500字作文:3篇 我会做家务500字作文篇一:以前喝的豆浆都是妈妈在市场买的,不知道豆浆是怎样做出来的,也没有想过要学做豆浆。但是今天,我学会了,喝起来比市场买的甜多了,香多了,心里很有成就感。 早上的时候,婶婶问我会不会打豆浆?想不想学打豆浆?诗诗姐姐会打豆浆,如果我想学的话,让诗诗姐姐教我,我连忙说好。 终于到了打豆浆的时候了,我兴奋地把诗诗姐姐叫来,让她教我打豆浆。准备的工具有:装豆浆的大杯子、黄豆、一双筷子、白沙糖,最后还有一样很重要的东西豆浆机。 首先,黄豆用水清干净,装进装豆浆的大杯子里,之后把豆浆机清理干净,把黄豆装进豆浆机里,盖上盖子,插上电源,大约20人分钟就可以了。就在等待的时候,把一勺白糖倒进装豆浆的杯子里,20分钟过去了,豆浆弄好了,把热腾腾的豆浆装进大杯子里搅拌均匀,一杯香甜的豆浆就出来了。 自己亲手做的豆浆果然很好喝,我学会了自己做豆浆,真开心! 我会做家务500字作文篇二:在寒假期间,我帮外婆做了一件家务事。 我在外婆家度寒假。有一天,外公外婆不在家。我做完作业,想起了在街上听到的大人们的议论声:“现在的孩子吃的好,穿的

好,都不爱劳动,个个像小公主、小王子一样!”我可不想做小公主,我也要学着帮外婆做些事。我想:“我能帮外婆做点什么事呢?”我开始四处寻找,忽然,目光落到了玻璃窗上,只见玻璃上有许多灰尘。于是,我决定擦玻璃。 首先,我准备好抹布、旧报纸,再用脸盆盛满水。一切准备就绪,我就开始擦玻璃。 我看着窗户上的灰尘,心想:这些灰尘,用干抹布、湿抹布擦都不行,用什么呢?我忽然看见了阳台上浇花的喷壶,何不先用喷壶喷喷水呢?说干就干,我双手紧握着喷壶,用力的喷向玻璃,玻璃上落满了水雾。一会儿,灰尘都湿透了,我就把抹布浸湿,拧干,在玻璃上一上一下按顺序擦。湿抹布擦完以后,灰尘虽然没有了,可玻璃上却留下了一道道水迹。我赶紧拿来报纸,全面认真地干擦一遍。干擦完之后,水迹就完全消失了。 玻璃终于被我擦得干干净净,看着自己的劳动成果,心里特别高兴。外婆回来后,看见屋里的玻璃,都被擦得干干净净,也表扬了我。 家务劳动虽是一件小事,却能够体现我们敬老爱老的思想。今后,我要做出更多敬老爱老的实际行动来! 我会做家务500字作文篇三:星期天早上,爸爸上班去了,妈妈出去买菜,我一个人呆在家里挺无聊,心想:我还从来没做过家务,今天学着做吧。 我先在水龙头下接了半盆水,把毛巾浸湿,再拧干,就开始擦了。先擦客厅的擦几,电视机电视柜,再擦饭厅的饭桌。然后,又把毛巾洗干净擦卧室,我把爸爸妈妈房间里的床头,床头柜,


Unit 1 Unit 1 My neighbourhood Excuse me. Where is the hospital? 不好意思。医院在哪里? Go straight. It's on your right. 直走。在你右手边。 It's next to the restaurant. 紧挨餐厅。 Excuse me. How can I get to the post office? 不好意思。请问怎么去邮局? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. 直走,在第一个十字路口左转。It's between the bookshop and the grocery. 它在书店和杂货店之间。Lesson 1 第一课 A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 restaurant 餐馆 post office 邮局 bank 银行 grocery 食品杂货店 across from 对面 next to 紧邻 between 在……之间 Yaoyao's aunt comes to vist her family. 瑶瑶的阿姨来她家做客。

Yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood. 瑶瑶带着她参观街坊。"Look, this is a post office. Our school is next to it." “看,这有一间邮局。我们学校在它旁边。” "Oh, I see. What's that?" "哦,我看到啦。那是什么?” "That's a restaurant. We can eat Beijing duck there. “那是一家餐厅。我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭。" We often have a grocery in the neibourhood. 我们小区还有一间杂货店。 It's across from the park. 就在公园对面。 Mum often buys fruit and vegetables there." 妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜。” "I want to buy some gifts. Is there a supermarket here?" “我想买一些礼物。这有超市吗?” "Yes, of course. It is between the bank and the park." “当然。就在银行和公园中间。” B Look and say. 看和说。 Where is the bank?银行在哪里 It's between the supermarket and Sunday Park.在超市和周日公园中间。 Lesson 2 第二课 A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 turn left 向左转 go straight 直行


学电脑必懂的53个英文单词和缩写(我不信你都认识) 潜龙飞天发表于2010年06月28日 09:36 阅读(1) 评论(0) 分类:个人日记 举报 PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器

·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源 ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置 ·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical And Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备 ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System Interface,SCSI 接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备 ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒 ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位 ·ATA:指硬盘传输速率ATAttachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec


人教版新起点一年级上册单词表Unit 1 book 书,书本 ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 schoolbag 书包 teacher 教师 I 我 have 有 a/an 一(个) Unit 2 face 脸 ear 耳朵 eye 眼睛 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 this 这(个) is 是 my 我的 Unit 3 dog 狗 bird 鸟 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子 cat 猫 what 什么 it 它 Unit 4 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 how 多少 many 多的,许多的 are 是 there (代替主语) Unit 5 black 黑色;黑色的 yellow 黄色;黄色的 blue 蓝色;蓝色的 red 红色;红色的 green 绿色;绿色的 colour 颜色 Unit 6 apple 苹果 pear 梨 banana 香蕉 orange 柑橘;橙 do (助动词) you 你;你们 like 喜欢;喜爱 yes 是,是的 no 不,不是 人教版新起点一年级下册单词表Unit 1 chair 椅子 desk 书桌,写字台blackboard 黑板 on在……上 under 在……下面/下方 in在……里面 where 在哪里

the 放在名词前,特指人、事或物Unit 2 light 灯 bed 床 door 门,出入口 box 箱子,盒子 near 靠近,接近 behind 在...背后 Unit 3 plane 飞机 ball 球 doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃 train 列车,火车 car 小汽车,轿车 bear 玩具熊,熊 can 可以,能够 sure 当然 sorry 对不起,抱歉 Unit 4 rice 米饭,米 noodles 面条 vegetable 蔬菜 fish 鱼肉,鱼 chicken 鸡肉,鸡 egg 鸡蛋 hungry 饥饿的 want 要,想要 and 和 Unit 5 juice 果汁,蔬菜汁 tea 茶,茶叶 milk 奶,牛奶 water 水 thirsty 口渴的thanks 感谢 Unit 6 shirt 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫,短袖圆领衬衫skirt 裙子 dress 连衣裙,套裙 socks 短袜 shorts 短裤 your 你的,你们的 人教版新起点二年级上册单词表Unit 1 father 父亲 mother 母亲 brother 兄;弟 sister 姐;妹grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父 who 谁 he 他 she 她 Unit 2 classmate 同班同学 friend 朋友 woman 女人 girl 女孩 man 男人 boy 男孩 look 看;瞧 his 他的 name 名字 her 她的 or 还是 Unit 3



使用电脑必懂的53个英文单词和缩写 ·PC:个人计算机Personal Computer ·CPU:中央处理器Central Processing Unit ·CPU Fan:中央处理器的“散热器”(Fan) ·MB:主机板MotherBoard ·RAM:内存Random Access Memory,以PC-代号划分规格,如PC-133,PC-1066,PC-2700 ·HDD:硬盘Hard Disk Drive ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive ·CD-ROM:光驱Compact Disk Read Only Memory ·DVD-ROM:DVD光驱Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory ·CD-RW:刻录机Compact Disk ReWriter ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card) ·AUD:声卡(声卡正式用语应为Sound Card) ·LAN:网卡(网卡正式用语应为Network Card) ·MODM:数据卡或调制解调器Modem ·HUB:集线器 ·WebCam:网络摄影机 ·Capture:影音采集卡 ·Case:机箱 ·Power:电源

·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕 ·USB:通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus,用来连接外围装置·IEEE1394:新的高速序列总线规格Institute of Electrical And Electronic Engineers ·Mouse:鼠标,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·KB:键盘,常见接口规格为PS/2与USB ·Speaker:喇叭 ·Printer:打印机 ·Scanner:扫描仪 ·UPS:不断电系统 ·IDE:指IDE接口规格Integrated Device Electronics,IDE接口装置泛指采用IDE接口的各种设备 ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System Interface,SCSI接口装置泛指采用SCSI接口的各种设备 ·GHz:(中央处理器运算速度达)Gega赫兹/每秒 ·FSB:指“前端总线(Front Side Bus)”频率,以MHz为单位·ATA:指硬盘传输速率AT Attachment,ATA-133表示传输速率为133MB/sec ·AGP:显示总线Accelerated Graphics Port,以2X,4X,8X表示传输频宽模式 ·PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect ·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸·BIOS:硬件(输入/输出)基本设置程序Basic Input Output System

人教版新起点英语一年级下册全册教案 (最新)

人教版新起点英语一年级下册全册教案 (最新) Unit 1 Classroom 单元教材分析: 第一单元主要学习关于教室的3个单词desk,chair,blackboard,三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under;以及询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is …? It’s under/ in/ on…。本单元是学生开学后的第一单元,与学生生活实际紧密联系,学习教室有关的物品名称,易于学生接受,内容简单实用,易于教师操练。本单元为下个单元Room 做了很好的铺垫,由教室到房间,使得下一步的学习变的简单,过度自然。 单元教学目标: 1、语言技能目标 (1)能够听懂、会说与教室有关的三个词汇:chair, desk, blackboard,以及三个表达位置的词汇:under/ in/ on。 (2)能够听懂、会说有关询问和表达位置的功能句:Where is…? It’s under/ in/ on…,并能在恰当的情境中初步运用。 (3)能够听懂简短的课堂指令语, 如:Put your ... in/on/under ...等,并作出相应的反应。 (4)能够借助日常生活图片识别、会说大写英文字母A、B、C、D。 2、情感目标 (1)能够跟随录音大胆模仿说唱歌曲和歌谣。 (2)能够对英语学习保持兴趣,并积极参与课堂上组织的各种活动;能做到有序参与,积极使用英语。 (3)能够在活动中逐步养成爱护教室的课桌椅和学习用品的习惯。 单元教学重点:与教室有关的3个词汇:desk, chair, blackboard;三个表达物品位置的介词:under / in / on。 单元教学难点:句型Where is …? It’s …的使用。 单元课时安排:五课时 第一课时 教学目标: 能够在适当场景下听懂、说出与教室有关的三个词汇:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under. 教学重难点: 能听懂、说出与教室有关的三个单词:blackboard,desk,chair;以及三个表达位置的词汇:in, on, under。 教学准备:课件 教学时间:年月日 教学过程: 一、热身 教师发出指令,请学生听指令完成任务,如:Show me your ruler / book.等。


作文网小编为你精选的作文: 记叙文 | 议论文 | 说明文 | 应用文 | 散文 | 美文 每个人都有着难忘的第一次,而我难忘的就是第一次做家务。下面是由小编为大家整理的“第一次做家务500字作文”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助。 篇一:第一次做家务500字作文 每个人都经历过许多的事情,开心的,烦恼的,难忘的…… 在我经历的事情中,就像天上的繁星时时闪耀在我心头,伴我度过每一个快乐的日子。在这些事情中,让我对我印象最深刻的是我在读一年级的时候。 那是一个星期天,吃完了中午饭,妈妈对我说:“孩子,你能帮妈妈扫一次地吗?”我一听是扫地,我高兴得跳了起来,因为我早就想帮妈妈做家务了,再说扫地太简单了,就爽快的答应了妈妈。 我拿来扫把,开始在客厅里扫,我拿起扫帚扫过去扫过来,不知扫了多久,发现把这里扫干净了,其它地方脏了,把其它地方扫干净了,另外的地方又脏了,扫得我汗流浃背,不知怎么回事?这是妈妈走了过来笑眯眯地说:“孩子,像你这样扫地是扫不干净的。”“不就是扫过去扫过来嘛!”我还很不服气的说。“来,我教你,要从房间的四周往中间扫,不能把扫帚扬得太高,不能用太大的力,要不然你扫这里的时候会把灰尘扫到其它地方,扫其它地方的时候同样如此。”妈妈耐心的说道。 我听了还很不耐烦的样子,扫地还有那么多的讲究?我半信半疑地按照妈妈说的方法去扫,结果真的把房间扫得干干净净的,而且一点儿也不累。妈妈看了我的成果,开心地笑了,还连声夸奖我是一个聪明的孩子。我为能帮妈妈做好家务感到开心。 从这一次扫地,让我明白一个道理:做任何事情都要讲究方法,讲究技巧,只有这样,做每一件事情才能成功。 篇二:第一次做家务500字作文 从小到大,我一直是家里的小公主,从来不干家务活。可是今天,我长大了,所以,我决定做家务。 一个阳光灿烂的星期天,我刚从床上爬起来,就闻到被子里有一股汗骚味,妈妈说了,被套盖久了不洗就会发臭。我却很高兴,因为我有活干了。 我先把棉被套取下,那被套可真难取,要拉这边取那边的。我以前也见过妈妈洗被套,我便学着妈妈的样子,把被套放进洗澡盆里,装上一盆清水,然后打着赤脚踩进盆里。哎呀,这水可真凉!凉得我有从盆里跳出来。不过我觉得这也挺有意思的,于是再踏了进去。我扶着墙壁,像踩脚踏车似的踩被套。这被套真有趣,我踩左边,它右边就会鼓起一个包;我踩


周次时间教学内容备注 1 3月1- 2 Unit 1 My Neighbourhood 2 5-9 Unit 1 My Neighbourhood 3 12-16 Unit 2 Cities 4 19-23 Unit 2 Cities 5 26-30 Unit 3 Travel 6 4月2-6 Unit 3 Travel 7 9-13 Revision 1 8 16-20 Review the words 9 23-27 Unit 4 Hobbies 10 30-4 Unit 4 Hobbies 11 5月7-11 Unit 5 Free Time 12 14-18 Unit 5 Free Time 13 21-25 Unit 6 Countries 14 28-1 Unit 6 Countries 15 6月4-8 Review the words

16 11-15 Revision 2 17 18-22 Revision 18 25-29 19 7月2-6 20 9-13 Unit1 单元教学目标 一、语言技能目标 第一层次: 1. 能够听懂、会说restaurant, post office, bank, grocery, crossroads 等表示场所和地理位置的词汇.以及across from, next to, between等表示方 位的词汇和turn left, turn right, go straight等表示行进方向的词汇;能 够根据语境恰当使用.并能借助拼读规律认读和识记生词. 2. 能够听懂、会说用来问路和指路的功能句:How can I get to …? Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. It’s between…能够 在情境中初步口头运用这些功能句. 3. 能够读懂有关路线描述的文段.从中提取关键信息.并写出问路与指路的句子. 4. 能够比较流利地朗读文段. 5. 能够借助熟悉的已学单词感知字母组合ai和ay的发音规律.借助图片理解 生词的词义.并利用该规律拼读生词.进而基本能做到“听词能写.见词能读”. 第二层次: 1. 能够借助图片读懂街区中常见公共场所的介绍.并模仿范例进行小制作. 2. 能够学唱与本单元话题相关的歌曲. 3. 能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂Story Time的故事.完成故事后的画路线 图的活动.并能有感情地朗读故事.


Unit 1 Lesson 1 This is the first lesson in this first unit. The main topic is the daily expression the primary student would use during the period of school, so improving the students’ abilities of the daily conversation is very important. 【知识目标】 Key vocabulary: book, ruler, pencil, eraser, pen, pencil, book, ruler, schoolbag Key structures: Show me your … I’m… 【能力目标】 To understand the language of class instruction, such as: stand up 【情感目标】 Cultivate students' interest in English activities 【教学重点】 Students can understand, speak, read and write vocabulary: Tomato, potato, candy, bag Students can understand and speak the following sentences: Show me your (book). Here it is. 【教学难点】 Learn self introduction and Good morning pronunciation. The consolidation of classroom discipline. Teaching recordings, pictures, word cards, teaching pictures and PPT courseware. Step 1. Warm Up


为父母做家务心得感想作文500字_做家务心得体会作文 劳动有利于调节我们的大脑,让大脑得到休息。劳动有利于我们心灵手巧,提高 我们的创新能力。大家平时帮父母做家务有什么心得体会呢?以下是小编为大家准备的为父母做家务心得感想作文,欢迎大家前来参阅。 为父母做家务心得1 每天妈妈起早贪黑的上班,还要接送我和妹妹,真是很辛苦呀!今天晚上妈妈下班 回来,给我们烧的都是我和妹妹爱吃的菜,我和妹妹吃的津津有味。吃好了饭,我和 妈妈说:“让我来洗碗吧!你出去放松放松。”妈妈和爸爸去散步了。 我和妹妹开始行动起来。我先在水槽里放满了水,再把碗和筷子统统放进水槽里,在洗碗球上滴一些洗洁精,擦洗一遍。一旁的妹妹就在那里玩,我把水龙头打开,把 碗里放满水,里面的泡泡可遭了殃,手放碗里搅拌,泡泡一个个地爆炸了。我愤怒地说:“我辛辛苦苦地洗碗,你竟然在旁边玩!”妹妹委屈地说:“哥哥我现在不玩了,我们 俩一起好好的洗碗。” 妹妹吸取了教训,开始好好洗碗。我和妹妹一个人拿一个碗。我的碗就像一个调 皮的小毛孩,一下子从我的手里溜走了,掉进了水槽里,溅我一身水。一旁的妹妹偷 偷地嘲笑我,结果她自己的碗也掉进了水槽里,溅到了自己的脸上。我说妹妹你还笑 不笑了!”我们把水倒掉,再接一槽水,在里面清洗。碗里冲一冲,碗底冲一冲。不一 会儿,我们俩把碗和筷子洗得干干净净。 妈妈回来了,看见我们把碗洗的干干净净,用微笑的面孔表扬了我们,妈妈说:“你们真是妈妈的宝贝,是个乖巧懂事的好孩子。”

为父母做家务心得2 今天是星期天,我睡了个懒觉,九点钟才起来。下床一看,发现爸爸妈妈都出去了。吃完父母留给我的早餐后,望着脏兮兮的屋子,决定抓住这个机会锻炼一下自己。 我看了看灰尘很多的房间,准备先打扫房间。我拿来扫帚和撮箕,装着很在行的 样子,一甩一甩的,把灰尘都扬起来了。我呛得受不了,连忙打开窗户,灰尘全部随 着风飘出去了。 我又拿来拖把,把它弄得湿漉漉的,我专心致志地拖起来。因为地面太滑,我一 个踉跄,摔了个“狗啃泥”。过了一个小时,我坐在沙发上欣赏我的“杰作”:地板被打扫 的一尘不染,还闪着光呢。 这时,时钟已经指向了十一点,我肚子饿得咕咕叫,该煮饭了。我先淘米,把米 和水混在一起,不停地用手搅拌。淘干净后在电饭煲内放好水,插上插头,按上按钮。然后我从冰箱里拿出豆角,洗干净后,小心翼翼的切好放到锅里。我又往锅里倒了点 油和盐,炒起来。炒完豆角,我看了时间,急忙三步并两步跑到电饭煲旁,拔掉插头,慢慢的揭开锅盖,长出一口气,说:“还好没焦!” 等我做完菜,爸爸妈妈也回来了,他们看见我收拾好的房间,和桌子上的饭菜, 不停地说:“我们儿子长大了!”“哈哈哈……”全家沉浸在笑声当中。 这个星期天我做了一些力所能及的家务活,既能减轻父母的负担,又锻炼了我的 生活自理能力。做家务的感觉真好! 为父母做家务心得3 小时候,我们看着爸爸、妈妈在家里做家务活。那时,我又怎么会知道做家务是 如此不易啊! 有一天,我对爸爸、妈妈说道:“今天,由我来帮你们做家务吧!”爸爸、妈妈欣慰 地看着我,笑着说:“我们的儿子长大了。”首先我从客厅开始搞卫生。我拿起扫把把 客厅里的地扫干净,然后又用抹布把地板擦得一尘不染。 换过新的水之后,我又把桌子擦了一遍,那叫一个亮啊!搞完客厅,现在该打扫房 间以及阳台和厨房了。我心里想:天啊!光打扫一个客厅都这么费劲,想想爸爸、妈妈 是有多么不容易啊。


Unit 1 In China Lesson 1 世界上有许多美丽的国家,其中我们伟大的祖国中国他屹立在世界的东方,她是一位美丽善良的母亲。 在这辽阔的国土上有着神奇的景观,山川与河流,还有一群勤劳美丽而善良的民族。那么,就让我们一起更加真切地了解认识我们的祖国吧。 【知识目标】 1. Be able to listen and read the words and dialogues: morning tea, 早茶 soup 汤; the Potala Palace, 布达拉宫;the Summer Palace, 颐和园; the Terracotta Army 兵马俑。能够运用已学功能句操练本课新学词汇。 2. Be able to ask and answer questions. 【能力目标】 对听说读写能力都要有意识地发展锻炼,学生能够掌握重点单词的读写及其对应含义,这也有助于自然地学习英语句型。What did you go on your summer vacation? I went to... with my parents. 能够用英语流利表达自己过去做的事情,学会用一般过去时回答完别人的问题。 【情感目标】 学习英语最大的乐趣就是能够理解运用。多了解英语与汉语不同的地方,也要善于要拓展学习其他方面,多参加课外活动。老师要学着寓教于乐地教学,让英语学习成为孩子们生活中的一种乐趣,沟通和学习的工具。 【教学重点】. 1. The relevant words and dialogues. 2. Be able to do some free talk with the words.


作文500字:通过做家务我学到了 虽然说,帮妈妈做家务很累,但是从劳累当中学到了许多有用的东西,还是值得的。下面是WTT为您推荐的作文:有一天,爸爸异想天开,叫我当一次星期日的“值日家长”,妈妈举双手赞成,猫咪也连叫几声:“喵喵喵(妙)”真是有趣,班级里有值日班长,公司里有值日经理……还从来没听说过什么“值日家长”。虽说是个新鲜事儿,但我还没有思想准备。 早上六点闹钟一响,我一骨碌爬起来,赶到厨房给要上班的父母做早饭。早饭虽然简单,却把我累出了一身汗:香肠切得像线轴,倒牛奶弄湿了衣袖。 真不容易啊!早饭总算端上了桌。我学着妈妈的口气向还在呼呼大睡的爸爸嚷道:“快起来!快起来!你又要和猫咪并肩比懒 了!”妈妈把手放在嘴边“嘘”了一声,“你爸爸昨天晚上到11点才睡的。”我吐了吐舌头,不敢再打扰他老人家。 饭桌上,我抱歉地说:“对不起,我把盐错当糖放在牛奶里了。”“没关系,我早就腻歪甜牛奶了,总想改成咸牛奶,就是老忘。”“哈哈哈……”爸爸可真逗! 作为“家长”,我有权利请人做事。妈妈精通家务,我叫她帮我洗衣服,爸爸力气大,我让他换煤气。令我庆幸的是,他们都绝对服从。

晚上,我发表了卸任演说:“本值日家长初次上任,有很多失误之处,请多多包涵!妈妈处处配合我表扬;爸爸工作认真表扬;猫咪打碎饭碗该罚!” 当“值日家长”让我对爸妈的辛劳有了初步体验,也让我懂得了珍惜别人的劳动成果,理解万岁!感谢家人! 同学们,当你们坐在一尘不染的沙发上,躺在干干净净的床上,靠在洁白无暇的墙壁上……你可曾想过,别人要花多少时间和精力来把它打扫得这么干净?今天,我体验了做家务的辛苦,我深深地感受到了我们要注意家里的卫生,不乱丢乱扔垃圾。 一大清早,我拿好了卫生工具,整装待发。我先要打扫卧室,卧铺好了被褥,把毯子折叠好,拉开移门,把毯子放入衣柜里。把床上的灰尘掸到地上。然后用扫把把卧室里的垃圾清扫掉,扫地时要特别注意一些很难扫的卫生死角,比如:门的背后、床头柜两侧、床头柜下面、床的下面都要扫的干干净净、一尘不染。然后再用拖把拖一拖,卧室的卫生就打扫好了。 接着要打扫卫生间,你别看卫生间小,可是打扫起来保证把你累得满头大汗。我先用是的抹布把镜子擦得光彩照人、锃光瓦亮。然后我用平底的拖把把墙壁、玻璃移门上的灰尘都擦掉,然后再把洗手盆上的牙膏、污渍……擦干净。最后再扫一扫地砖,大功就告成了! 接下来我去挑战卫生难点厨房。厨房打扫起来可麻烦了!我先把碗洗干净,放入消毒柜里,再用湿的抹布把台面擦干净,再把

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