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HW_U6B4 教师版

HW_U6B4 教师版
HW_U6B4 教师版

Online Homework_U6B4

I.Reading Comprehension

Section A Fast Reading

1 Every summer about a dozen journalists gather at a former army training camp north of London to spend the day watching the training of London’s special armed police unit. These are the people who regularly have to tackle the increasing number of criminals who are prepared to carry guns.

2 The journalists also get a chance to shoot a gun on the practice range—none of it seems that difficult, and we put most of the bullets somewhere on the target. But then we move on to the next stage of the training, where some of the problems, which actually crop up on the street are imitated. The lights on the range are dimmed and we are stood in front of a large screen. We still have guns, but the bullets are fake, and videos are played where actors act out various types of situations.

3 Does the man holding a woman in front of him really have a gun or not? Is the man apparently preparing to surrender really going to, or is he going to raise the gun in front of him and shoot? We have to decide whether to shoot and when, just like the police officer has to when faced with this situa tion for real. The journalists’ results here were not so impressive. I am afraid we killed many an innocent person carrying nothing more lethal than a stick.

4 The debate over whether more police in Britain should be armed with guns has been going on for years. The current policy is to have a small number of specialists available in each of the 43 police departments in Britain. They are kept up to scratch with intensive and regular training.

5 But the wisdom of that policy has been questioned as the amount of violence encountered by the police has grown. It is usually the ordinary street officer who is on the wrong end of this, rather than the armed experts who arrive rather later.

6 To see the direction in which the British police are heading, consider the experience of the Northumbria police who have responsibility for law and order in 5,000 square kilometers of Northeast England. The population is 1.5 million, living in rural areas and a few urban centers. The 3,600 police officers in the force deal with all the typical problems thrown up by the Britain of the 1990s.

7 John Stevens, head of the Northumbria Police Department, has just published his review of the past years. During 1994, for example, 61 officers (54 men and 7 women) were forced into early retirement after being attacked on duty. Before being allowed to leave the police for medical reasons, they lost between them 12,000 days on sick leave: the equivalent of 50 police officers off the street for a full year.

8 S tevens makes this observation: “The personal cost of policing has never been so high. One -third of the officers leaving were disabled in the very worst degree and will suffer for the rest of their lives for their effo rts in the fight against crime.”

9 This picture of a policeman's lot could be repeated in many other parts of Britain, yet the police themselves still oppose more widespread arming of their officers. The most recent survey, conducted last year, showed that only 46% were in favor.

10 The general public, however, likes the idea: 67% favored wider issuing of guns. But they, of course, would not have to carry them and maybe even use them. Recalling my own experience

shooting a gun on the practice range, I certainly would not want the responsibility.

11 It is clear to everyone that the police need more protection against the gun and the knife. They already carry longer clubs to replace the old ones. They have access to knife-resistant coats and gloves.

12 The likely next step is agreement from the government to test pepper spray, an organic substance derived from peppers that disables an attacker if sprayed in his face. If used properly, the discomfort, although extreme, is only temporary. Provided the spray is washed away with water, recovery should be complete within a couple of hours. Unpleasant, certainly, but better than being shot.

13 Many people in Britain would not mind seeing their police with longer clubs or even pepper spray. They would just like to see them. I have lost count of the times we have been filming police officers on the street when local residents have come up to us and told us it is the first time in weeks they have seen police in the area.

14 Actually the biggest threat to the traditional image and role of police officers does not come from guns and armed crime but the increase in the tasks we expect the police to carry out. New laws and police priorities are taking up so much time that many forces simply cannot afford to let their officers walk up and down the streets. Politicians are now asking members of the public to watch the streets. In some prosperous areas, local people pay private security firms.

15 Many officers believe it is all these extra duties, rather than the fear of being shot, that have really changed their role. In future, if you want to know what time it is there might not be much point asking a policeman. He either will not be there to ask or will not have the time to answer.

Statements based on the passage:

1. Every summer some journalists gather at a former training camp just to watch the training of London’s special armed police unit.

2. Actors imitate the situations which may actually occur on the streets in front of the journalists,

who are asked to make difficult decisions.

3.Most of the decisions made by the journalists about whether and when to shoot were wrong.

4. A large number of the armed specialists are hired mainly for the dangerous tasks.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/1d18279427.html,ually it is the armed specialist who is in trouble, not the ordinary street officer.

6.Police officers can’t ask for leave for medical reasons until they are disabled in the fight

against crime.

7.More than half of the police officers don’t like the idea of widespread arming partly because

they don’t want to take on more responsibilities.

8.Local residents can seldom see police officers walking on the streets because the police

officers know that the public are asked to watch the streets themselves.

9.In fact, the biggest threat to the traditional image and role of police officers does not come

from guns and armed crime but the increase in the tasks people expect the police to carry out.

10. Most street officers believe that extra duties changed their role.

Section B Passage Reading

Passage 1

Most people would agree that bribery has a corrosive (腐蚀的) effect on international commerce and that the practice of bribery introduces monetary inefficiencies into commercial transactions. Despite this, it’s been practiced for years—sometimes by people who would readily agree with the preceding sentence. In 1977, spurred by the post-Watergate mood in the United States and the then surprising admission by many large US corporations that they sometimes bribed foreign officials to obtain business, Congress enacted (颁布) the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Today the FCPA covers all companies and individuals (US or foreign, including foreign officials) offering bribes in the United States, and US nationals and companies incorporated (组成) in the United States that participate in corrupt practices in any fashion outside the United States. Until the late 1990s, the United States was the only conutry doing this, and American companies trading or investing overseas were often heard to complain they faced two unpleasant options: bribing foreign officials snd risking FCPA prosecution or refusing to engage in bribery and losing the contract. The tide of commercial opinion is turning, however, and more international treaties and conventions combating bribery and corruptin have been passed in the last few years than in any other period in history. The most significant development is the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions that went into effect in 1999. T he OECD Convention focuses on eliminating the supply side of bribery—that is, eliminating the acceptance of bribes by those officials. As of July 2001, 34 countries including Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Norway and Sweden had already passed laws making bribery of foreign officials illegal. In 1996, the 34-member Organization of American States approved the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption designed to eliminate bribery and corruption in the member countries.

11. The US FCPA law forbids the following to offer bribes EXCEPT______.

A. American companies founded in the US

B. American people doing business outside the US

C. foreign companies doing business outside the US

D. foreign companies founded in the US

12. What’s th e focus of the OECD Convention?

A. It focuses on enacting the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

B.It focuses on the demand side of bribery.

C.It focuses on punishing those companies which bribe foreign officials.

D. It focuses on eliminating the acceptance of bribes.

13. What were the two options American Companies faced in the late 1990s?

A. Bribing foreign officials or signing the contract.

B. Trading overseas or trading at home.

C. Risking FCPA prosecution or losing the contract.

D. Combating corruption or eliminating bribery.

14. The best title for this passage should be “______”.

A. The Severe Harm Bribery Done to International Business

B. Elimination of Bribery and Corruption

C. Bribery—A Norm in Many Countries

D. The Combat Against Bribery and Similar Measures Enforced

15. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. International business has been holding the identical attitude towards bribery.

B. Some American firms complained the FCPA was not fair to their business dealings.

C. The US is not closely related to the international treaties combating bribery.

D. More treaties and conventions combating bribery were passed in the past decade.

Passage 2

The economic effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States are spreading across the country and the world. The attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. have hurt many businesses, especially the airline industry and financial markets. Many companies have been forced to dismiss thousands of workers. Many individual states are concerned about their economic future.

Since the attacks on September 11, the stock market suffered major losses. The Dow Jones industrial average lost seven percent of its value. The other major measures of the value of American stocks fell to their lowest levels in three years.

Some economic experts say the drop in the value of stocks could directly affect long-term spending. They say it may cause people to lose trust in the economy and spend less money. Businesses across the country already have reported decreases in sales. Experts note that the American economy was close to a recession even before the attacks.

The airline industry was probably hardest hit by the attacks. The nation’s skies w ere temporarily closed to all air travel. Travellers remain frightened and are avoiding flying. High fuel and labour costs are making the situation worse. The airlines are losing hundreds of millions of dollars each day.

There are also concerns about the economic effects of any military action. This could raise the price of oil. Production could be reduced if a large number of part time troops are called to active duty. Trade could be restricted.

On Monday, the United States Federal Reserve lowered interest rates. The action was designed to support the economy by making it easier for people and businesses to borrow money. The European Central Bank took similar action.

The Bush administration and Congress are considering several tax and spending proposals. President Bush has already signed into law a forty-thousand-million dollar emergency spending


16. What industries have suffered most from the attacks?

A. The textile industry.

B. The airline industry and financial markets.

C. The tourist industry.

D. The motor-vehicle industry.

17. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Immediately after the attacks, most flights were temporarily canceled in the USA.

B. Since the attacks on September 11, the stock market suffered major losses.

C. T he drop in the value of stocks may not influence people’s trust in the economy.

D. The European Central Bank took no action to deal with the recession.

18. In response to the action taken by the United States Federal reserve, the European Central

Bank had to ______.

A. dismiss thousands of workers

B. raise the price of oil

C. lower interest rates

D. borrow some money from the government

19. Which of the following economic effects of the terrorist attacks in the United States is NOT

mentioned in this passage?

A. The airline industry was severely hit by the attacks.

B. The price of oil could be raised and trade could be restricted.

C. The drop in the value of stocks could directly affect long-term spending.

D. Resources that could have been used to enhance the productive capacity will now be used

for security.

20. What’s the main topic of the passage?

A. Terrorism and National Security.

B. World Financial Markets.

C. The Economic Effects of the September 11th terrorist attack.

D. Possible ways to combat inflation.

Section C Reading in Depth

In the past several years, many news stories about corporate greed have come to surface. The illegal practices of some executives have negatively 21 our economy. What makes this worse is that these 22 seem to have the consent of some political leaders. Some of the executives even 23 lawmakers. Recently a member of Congress from California was caught demanding gifts from interest groups in exchange for 24 new laws. A few top leaders in the government are under 25 for illegal activities. This doesn’t even scratch the 26 of the problem. A few years back a company made many purposeful accounting errors to fool 27 .

Many believe that one reason the problem become so big was that our nation’s top leaders 28 the company. By the time the truth was unveiled, many innocent people had lost their entire 29 . There seems to be more and more companies that exploited the public’s trust for their own interests. This calls for laws and strict 30 to put the illegal practice to an end.


Section A Word Building

31. China has changed from being a country where the great majority was ____________ to one

where the great majority is literate. (literate)

32. We are making ____________ to fly Mr. Goodall to the nearest hospital. (prepare)

33. Now that the financing has been secured, the production of the film is ____________ (assure)

34. In the evening we were treated to a ____________ performance by this very fine actor.


35. I offered my ____________ for those staff with the heavy workload to deal with, but I know

for sure that there are no ways to help them at the present. (understand)

36. She’d had the ____________ to sell her house just before house prices came down. (sight)

37. We’re collecting money to build a house for homeless people. Would you like to make a

____________. (donate)

38. The trade representative said, “We have demonstrated extraordinary patience and are op en to

further ____________ in the 30 days before our decision becomes effective.” (negotiate)

39. Even its critics acknowledge that Los Angeles has wonderful weather and ____________

scenery. (impress)

40. Your top ____________ must be given to those projects designed to give you greater freedom

of choice and more free time in the long term. (prior)

Section B Word Replacement

41. The champion was unexpectedly knocked out of the tournament in the first round.

A. allowed to leave

B. destroyed in

C. defeated in

D. refused by

42. Some of what we are talking about should be kept secret, thus it should be discussed in


A. quietly

B. secretly

C. briefly

D. confidently

43. After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit on a solution.

A. came up with

B. came over

C. took across

D. took part in

44. He tries to explain how this particular proposal squared with the government’s purposes.

A. was against

B. was consistent with

C. was filled with

D. was equaled with

45. One can imagine combining two of these views, but in practice they have remained separate.

A. properly

B. generally

C. in reality

D. in some extent

46. Suppose you were offered a bribe in exchange for a promise, what would you do—receive it

or stand by your principles?

A. believe in

B. give up

C. keep to

D. adapt to

47. Gary presents a full picture of the behavior, good and bad, which he encountered at the


A. participated in

B. suffered from

C. addicted to

D. met with

48. Your last composition wasn’t up to scratch. You really ought to make more effort.

A. objective

B. satisfactory

C. fantastic

D. remarkable

49. It was true that a major problem had just cropped up which demanded immediate attention.

A. solved quickly

B. appeared unexpectedly

C. imposed suddenly

D. understood suddenly

50. These differences may derive from general social and political climate.

A. provide for

B. obtain with

C. depart from

D. come from

Section C Word Filling

51. President Bush was worried about the economic consequences of accounting scandals in US

corporations and he accused some of their leaders ______ not taking their responsibility.

A. in

B. with

C. of

D. by

52. The professor definitely will not agree with the point that the translation ______ to little more

than looking up words in dictionaries.

A. agreed

B. amounted

C. closed

D. represented

53. The speech which he made ______ the project has been very encouraging.

A. rejecting

B. considering

C. concerning

D. providing

54. A surprising number of inexperienced pilots haven’t really though t about how they would

______ having to land in a field.

A. tackle

B. solve

C. face

D. deal

55. You will be paid while you are on sick ______, but obviously there are limits to this.

A. holiday

B. departure

C. leave

D. live

56. She has lost ______ of how many tickets she has sold. She is always absent-minded when she

is on duty.

A. attention

B. count

C. number

D. conscious

57. Centralized records provide the means ______ people may have access to the same body of

information, regardless of their physical situation.

A. of which

B. in which

C. where

D. by which

58. Cheating in various forms is ______ the increase in colleges and universities, and I have lost

count of the number of students who were caught cheating this semester.

A. in

B. with

C. of

D. on

59. ______ you object to carrying out a particular management order and you are afraid of the

manager, what would you do?

A. Suppose

B. What about

C. Consider

D. Believe

60. The committee tried to separate ______ paid for real services from exaggerated fees that really

amount to bribes.

A. finances

B. briberies

C. commissions

D. economies Online HomeWork_U6B4 KEY

I. Reading Comprehension

Section One Fast Reading






6. F

7. T


9.T 10.T

Section Two Passage Reading

Passage 1 :

11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.A

Passage 2 :

16.B 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C

Section Three Reading in Depth

21.H 22.G 23.B 24.N 25.I 26.O 27.J 28.M 29.L 30.K

II. Vocabulary & Structure

Section One Word Building

35.understanding 31. illiterate 32.preparations 33. assured 34.


39. impressive40. priority

36. foresight 37. donation38.


Section Two Word Replacement

41.C 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.C 46.C 47. D 48. B 49.B 50.D

Section Three Word Filling

51.C 52.B 53.C 54.A 55.C 56.B 57. D 58.D 59.A 60.C

III. Listening Comprehension

Section One Short Talks

61.C 62.D 63.C 64.D 65.C

Section Two Long Talks

66.B 67.D 68.C 69.C 70.B

71.B 72.D 73.C 74.C 75.D

Section Three Dictation

76. expensive 77.restaurant 78. driving 79. fun 80. accident


工程问题 (三) 教学目标 1. 熟练掌握工程问题的基本数量关系与一般解法; 2. 工程问题中常出现单独做,几人合作或轮流做,分析时一定要学会分段处理; 3. 根据题目中的实际情况能够正确进行单位“ 1的统一和转换; 4. 工程问题中的常见解题方法以及工程问题算术方法在其他类型题目中的应用. 知识精讲 工程问题是小学数学应用题教学中的重点,是分数应用题的引申与补充,是培养学生抽象逻辑思维能力的重要工具。工程问题是把工作总量看成单位“ 1'的应用题,它具有抽象性,学生认知起来比 较困难。在教学中,让学生建立正确概念是解决工程应用题的关键。 一、工程问题的基本概念 定义:工程问题是指用分数来解答有关工作总量、工作时间和工作效率之间相互关系的问题。工作总量:一般抽象成单位“1” 工作效率:单位时间内完成的工作量 三个基本公式:工作总量=工作效率4作时间, 工作效率=工作总量"作时间,工 作时间=工作总量 "作效率; 二、为了学好分数、百分数应用题,必须做到以下几方面: ①具备整数应用题的解题能力,解决整数应用题的基本知识,如概念、性质、法则、公式等广泛应用于分数、百分数应用题; ②在理解、掌握分数的意义和性质的前提下灵活运用; ③学会画线段示意图?线段示意图能直观地揭示量”与百分率”之间的对应关系,发现量与百分率之间 的隐蔽条件,可以帮助我们在复杂的条件与问题中理清思路,正确地进行分析、综合、判断和推理; ④学会多角度、多侧面思考问题的方法?分数、百分数应用题的条件与问题之间的关系变化多端,单靠统一的思路模式有时很难找到正确解题方法?因此,在解题过程中,要善于掌握对应、假设、转化等多种解题方法,不断地开拓解题思路. 三、利用常见的数学思想方法: 如代换法、比例法、列表法、方程法等 抛开工作总量”和时间”抓住题目给出的工作效率之间的数量关系,转化出与所求相关的工作效率,最后再利用先前的假设把整个工程看成一个单位”,求得问题答案.一般情况下,工程问题求的是时间.

第三讲 必胜策略问题

第三讲数学游戏中的必胜策略 知识要点:做数学游戏时,如果你掌握了一些策略,就一定能取胜。“抢数”游戏就是两个人按照一定的规则轮流报数,并将所报的数逐步累加,先报到规定数的一方获胜;“让数”游戏与“抢数”游戏类似,只是先报到规定数的一方失败。虽然简单,这里隐藏着数学奥秘。 例题精选: 例1.甲乙二人轮流报数。从1起,每人每次可报一个数或连续报两个数。谁能报得20谁就获胜。先和同学玩一玩这个游戏。如果由你先报数,你能保证获胜吗? 点拨:可以从20往前想,如果想获胜,自己不要报19和18。因为报19,对方报20这一个数就获胜了;报18,对方连续报两个数19、20就获胜了。这样,要想获胜(抢到20)必须抢到17。 同理,要想抢到17,就要争取抢到14; 要想抢到14,就要争取抢到11; 要想抢到11,就要争取抢到8; 要想抢到8,就要争取抢到5; 要想抢到5,就要争取抢到2; 因此,先抢到2。对方报3,自己报4、5;对方报3、4,自己报5。这样就又抢到了5。依次方法继续下去,就一定会获胜了。 例2.甲乙二人轮流报数。从1起,每人每次最多可以连续报3个数。谁能报得30谁就获胜。 点拨:这是传统游戏“抢30”。仍可以采用从后往前想的方法。 要想抢到30,就要争取抢到26; 要想抢到26,就要争取抢到22; …… 因此,先抢到2。再看对方报数情况依次抢6、10、14、18、22、26、30就可获胜。 例3.按照例1的报数方法,如果先报“20”的一方失败,怎样保证获胜? 点拨:这就是“让数游戏”。让20就要抢19,并且依次抢16、13、10、7、4、1。 因此,要先报“1”,再根据对方报数情况依次抢4、7、10、13、16、19,这样就把20让给了对方。 根据上面三个例题,你发现什么规律?


单元分层突破 [自我校对] A .天主教会 B .宗教“异端” C .加尔文 D .亨利八世 E .资本主义 主题一 新教派的比较 [核心整合]派别 路德派加尔文派英国国教代表人 物马丁·路德加尔文 亨利八世主张或 内容提出了“信仰耶稣即可得救”的原则,主张简化宗教仪式,驱 逐教皇势力提出“先定 论”等新的 神学观,否定教皇权威,主张建立民(1)规定英国国王为英国教会最高首脑(2)保留天主教主教制、基本教义和仪式仍然不变 (3)未经国王同意,教会无权

主教会召开宗教会议,更不许任意 修改和制定教规 结果或影响(1)马丁·路德发起的 宗教改革得到广泛支 持,引发了闵采尔领 导的农民战争 (2)16世纪50年代, 德意志确立“教随国 定”的原则 新教中的激 进派,影响 遍及欧洲 (1)由于国教中保留了许多旧 教残余,16世纪下半期,在 加尔文教的影响下,出现 “清教徒” (2)1640年,英国资产阶级即 以清教为旗帜,发动了反对 封建制度的革命 传播情 况德意志北部和东北部、 北欧(瑞典、丹麦、 挪威)、美国 瑞士、法国、 英国和美国 等地 英国 [即时演练] 1.马丁·路德认为只要有虔诚的信仰,灵魂便可以获得拯救;约翰·加尔文 又把“依靠信仰才能得救”解释成先定论,即永生与永罚、成功与失败,甚至 贫富荣辱,都是上帝先定的,人类不能改变上帝的决定,甚至不可能知道上帝 的选择,只能通过世俗生活和个人奋斗去证明上帝的决定。对此理解正确的是( ) A.前者否定了《圣经》的绝对权威 B.后者不利于人文主义的发展 C.二者都体现了新兴资产阶级的信仰要求 D.二者都破除了教权与世俗权力的束缚 【解析】 马丁·路德、约翰·加尔文宗教改革都是以资产阶级宗教代替封建 宗教,体现了资产阶级的要求,故C项正确;两场改革并没有否定《圣经》的绝 对权威,两场改革均体现了人文主义精神,故A、B两项错误;二者没有破除教 权与世俗权力的束缚,故D项错误。 【答案】 C 主题二 对欧洲宗教改革的整体认识 [核心整合] 1.改革的历史背景:经济、政治、思想等发展的产物 天主教通过一系列手段或措施,在政治、经济、思想文化以及社会生活方



111111 cos sin sin 2224 S x y = =?=ααα, …… …………7分 2221112||[cos()]sin()sin(2)223343 S x y πππ = =-+?+=-+ααα. … …………9分 依题意得 2sin 22sin(2)3π=-+αα, 整 理得 cos20 =α. ………………11分 因为 62 ππ<<α, 所以 23π <<πα, 所 以 22 π= α, 即 4 π = α. …… …………13分 2、三角形中求值 〖例〗(2013年高考北京卷(理))在△ABC 中,a =3,b 6,∠B =2∠A . (I)求cosA 的值; (II)求c 的值. 【答案】 解:(I)因为a =3,b =2 ,∠B =2∠A . 所以在△ABC

中,由正弦定理得3sin sin 2A A =.所以2sin cos sin 3A A A =.故cos 3 A =. (II)由(I)知 cos A = ,所以 sin A == .又因为 ∠B=2∠A,所以2 1cos 2cos 13 B A =-= .所以2sin 1cos B B = -= . 在△ABC 中,53sin sin()sin cos cos sin C A B A B A B =+=+=所以sin 5sin a C c A ==. 【举一反三】 (2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试大纲版数学(理)WORD 版含答案(已校对)) 设ABC ?的内角 ,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,()()a b c a b c ac ++-+=. (I)求B (II)若31 sin sin 4 A C = ,求C . 【答案】 ③三角不等式

小学奥数 工程问题(二).教师版

工程问题(二) 教学目标 1.熟练掌握工程问题的基本数量关系与一般解法; 2.工程问题中常出现单独做,几人合作或轮流做,分析时一定要学会分 段处理; 3.根据题目中的实际情况能够正确进行单位“1”的统一和转换; 4.工程问题中的常见解题方法以及工程问题算术方法在其他类型题目中 的应用. 知识精讲 工程问题是小学数学应用题教学中的重点,是分数应用题的引申与补充,是培养学生抽象逻辑思维能力的重要工具。工程问题是把工作总量 看成单位“1”的应用题,它具有抽象性,学生认知起来比较困难。在教学中,让学生建立正确概念是解决工程应用题的关键。 一.工程问题的基本概念 定义:工程问题是指用分数来解答有关工作总量、工作时间和工作效率之间相互关系的问题。 工作总量:一般抽象成单位“1” 工作效率:单位时间内完成的工作量

三个基本公式:工作总量=工作效率×工作时间, 工作效率=工作总量÷工作时间, 工作时间=工作总量÷工作效率; 二、为了学好分数、百分数应用题,必须做到以下几方面: ① 具备整数应用题的解题能力,解决整数应用题的基本知识,如概念、性质、法则、公式等广泛应用于分数、百分数应用题; ② 在理解、掌握分数的意义和性质的前提下灵活运用; ③ 学会画线段示意图.线段示意图能直观地揭示“量”与“百分率”之间的对应关系,发现量与百分率之间的隐蔽条件,可以帮助我们在复杂的条件与问题中理清思路,正确地进行分析、综合、判断和推理; ④ 学会多角度、多侧面思考问题的方法.分数、百分数应用题的条件与问题之间的关系变化多端,单靠统一的思路模式有时很难找到正确解题方法.因此,在解题过程中,要善于掌握对应、假设、转化等多种解题方法,不断地开拓解题思路. 三、利用常见的数学思想方法: 如代换法、比例法、列表法、方程法等 抛开“工作总量”和“时间”,抓住题目给出的工作效率之间的数量关系,转化出与所求相关的工作效率,最后再利用先前的假设“把整个工程看成一个单位”,求得问题答案.一般情况下,工程问题求的是时间. 例题精讲


导数与三角函数压轴题归纳总结 近几年的高考数学试题中频频出现含导数与三角函数零点问题,内容主要包括函数零点个数的确定、根据函数零点个数求参数范围、隐零点问题及零点存在性赋值理论.其形式逐渐多样化、综合化. 一、零点存在定理 例1.【2019全国Ⅰ理20】函数,为的导数.证明: (1)在区间 存在唯一极大值点; (2)有且仅有2个零点. 【解析】(1)设()()g x f x '=,则()()() 2 11 cos ,sin 11g x x g x x x x '=- =-+++. 当1,2x π??∈- ???时,单调递减,而()00,02g g π?? ''>< ??? , 可得在1,2π?? - ?? ?有唯一零点,设为. 则当()1,x α∈-时,()0g x '>;当,2x πα?? ∈ ??? 时,. 所以在()1,α-单调递增,在,2πα?? ???单调递减,故在1,2π?? - ???存在唯一极大 值点,即()f x '在1,2π?? - ?? ?存在唯一极大值点. (2)()f x 的定义域为. (i )由(1)知, ()f x '在()1,0-单调递增,而()00f '=,所以当时, ,故()f x 在单调递减,又,从而是()f x 在的唯 一零点. ()sin ln(1)f x x x =-+()f x '()f x ()f x '(1,)2 π-()f x ()g'x ()g'x α()0g'x <()g x ()g x (1,)-+∞(1,0)x ∈-()0f 'x <(1,0)-(0)=0f 0x =(1,0]-

(ii )当0,2x π?? ∈ ??? 时,由(1)知,在单调递增,在单调递减,而 ,02f π??'< ???,所以存在,2πβα?? ∈ ???,使得,且当时, ;当,2x πβ??∈ ???时,.故在单调递增,在,2πβ?? ???单调递 减.又,1ln 1022f ππ???? =-+> ? ???? ?,所以当时,. 从而()f x 在0,2π?? ??? 没有零点. (iii )当,2x ππ??∈ ???时,()0f x '<,所以()f x 在,2ππ?? ???单调递减.而 ()0,02f f ππ??>< ??? ,所以()f x 在,2ππ?? ??? 有唯一零点. (iv )当时,()l n 11x +>,所以<0,从而()f x 在没有零点. 综上, ()f x 有且仅有2个零点. 【变式训练1】【2020·天津南开中学月考】已知函数3()sin (),2 f x ax x a R =-∈且 在,0,2π?? ????上的最大值为32π-, (1)求函数f (x )的解析式; (2)判断函数f (x )在(0,π)内的零点个数,并加以证明 【解析】(1)由已知得()(sin cos )f x a x x x =+对于任意的x∈(0, 2 π), 有sin cos 0x x x +>,当a=0时,f(x)=? 3 2 ,不合题意; 当a<0时,x∈(0, 2π),f′(x)<0,从而f(x)在(0, 2 π )单调递减, 又函数3 ()sin 2f x ax x =- (a∈R)在[0, 2 π]上图象是连续不断的, 故函数在[0, 2 π ]上的最大值为f(0),不合题意; ()f 'x (0,)α,2απ?? ???(0)=0f '()0f 'β=(0,)x β∈()0f 'x >()0f 'x <()f x (0,)β(0)=0f 0,2x ?π?∈ ???()0f x >(,)x ∈π+∞()f x (,)π+∞


本文由天涯流浪狗1贡献 第一章 决心篇 一、树立必胜的信心。 在战略上“藐视”注册会计师考试,万万不能为所谓“天下最难考”所吓倒,这决不是套话、空话,而是有新的内容。 纵观几年来的注册会计师考试,有多少个非会计专业的考生拿到了“资格证书”? 又有多少个尚没有毕业的在校生纷纷通过了注册会计师考试一门、两门、三门……更有四门,要知道这些通过的学员,或者是备考前根本就没有学过会计专业课;或者是仅仅学过注册会计师考试的几门课程,而不是全部。这些活生生的事实充分的说明了所谓“天下最难考”并不可怕,我们完全有信心战胜它。 二、在战术上“重视注册会计师考试”,并贯穿于备战的全过程。 说注册会计师考试不难,并不等于我们可以轻视它。 孙子兵法云:知己知彼,百战不殆。注册会计师考试自然有它自身的特点,只要我们掌握了它的特点,认识它、了解它,因势利导,就一定能够征服它。 那么,这种特点是什么呢? 就是常考章节、命题规律、出题思路、命题方式以及重点、难点和常考点。 掌握了这些,答案就在面前、难道我们还不能够顺利通关吗? 说到这里,可能有人会问,由什么人去揭示常考章节、出题思路、命题方式以及重点、难点、常考点呢?我们哪有时间?哪有那个本事? 是的,这个艰巨的任务是由老师来完成的,也就是注册会计师考试的关键之一——如何对学习资料取与舍,以便在有限的时间内取得最佳的学习效果?这正是参加培训班与不参加培训班的根本区别,下面将要重点阐述。 三、通过注册会计师必须的精神状态 含金量最高的两大执业资格考试国家司法考试和中国注册会计师考试。 要想一举通过注册会计师考试,我们一定要给自己构造今年考“注会”的精神动力和学习方法。 要想成功,就要有忍受屈辱、忍受失败、忍受孤单的能力。 (一)信念是成功通过必备的保障。 给自己树立一个坚定的信念——今年一定我会一次性通过注会6科的考试。 注会考试我们不仅要坚持,还要有良好的心态和足够的自信。不要给自己太大的压力,也不要逼自己一定要过,相信自己的实力,放松自己的心情,相信自己是那10%,告诉自己还有90%他们付出的不比你少!你即使走进了90%也不丢人,因为你曾经努力过!有了良好的心态,进了考场才能发挥的更好! 信念只是一种心态,一种选择,它并不需要任何理由和条件。有了必胜的信念,她会扣动你的心灵,,就会触发你浑身的力量去努力奋斗。 成功的人,总是先相信,然后就会看到; 成功人士,在面临新的挑战,只有一个答案:我一定做得到。他不会有任何借口,而是第一时间相信自己一定能成功。然后,再想办法去达成。世界冠军在成功之前,他一定是相信自己一定会成功,然后才能够成功。 而不成功的人,总是看到了才会相信,我要失败了怎么办?不相信就等于是放弃,等于不给自己机会。 别人不相信我不重要,重要的是,一定要自己相信自己。哪怕身边的人都持怀疑态度,我依然要相信我自己,今年一定会一次性通过注会6科的考试,成功一定属于我。 (二)定位决定自己成就的高度。 我选择怎样的人生平台,将决定我拥有怎样的人生。一个人,要获得更大的发展,就要不断地为自己寻找更大,更高的平台。 (三)我一定要有个自己的梦想,为梦想而奋斗。 人,之所以活着,是因为心中对自己充满信心和盼望。假若人没有了梦想,那就等于没有了一切。人若是一点儿梦想都没有,那人生也就没有什么乐趣。有了一个梦想无论遇到任何难关,任何打击,各种怀疑,或面对各种诱惑都能够坚定不移地将自


教学要求:了解命题的概念,会判断一个命题的真假,并会将一个命题改写成“若p,则q”的形式. 教学重点:命题的改写. 教学难点:命题概念的理解. 教学过程: 一、复习准备: 阅读下列语句,你能判断它们的真假吗? (1)矩形的对角线相等; >; (2)312 >吗? (3)312 (4)8是24的约数; (5)两条直线相交,有且只有一个交点; (6)他是个高个子. 二、讲授新课: 1. 教学命题的概念: ①命题:可以判断真假的陈述句叫做命题(proposition). 也就是说,判断一个语句是不是命题关键是看它是否符合“是陈述句”和“可以判断真假”这两个条件. 上述6个语句中,(1)(2)(4)(5)(6)是命题. ②真命题:判断为真的语句叫做真命题(true proposition); 假命题:判断为假的语句叫做假命题(false proposition). 上述5个命题中,(2)是假命题,其它4个都是真命题. ③例1:判断下列语句中哪些是命题?是真命题还是假命题? (1)空集是任何集合的子集; (2)若整数a是素数,则a是奇数; (3)2小于或等于2; (4)对数函数是增函数吗? x<; (5)215 (6)平面内不相交的两条直线一定平行; (7)明天下雨. (学生自练→个别回答→教师点评) ④探究:学生自我举出一些命题,并判断它们的真假. 2. 将一个命题改写成“若p,则q”的形式: ①例1中的(2)就是一个“若p,则q”的命题形式,我们把其中的p叫做命题的条件,q叫做命题的结论. ②试将例1中的命题(6)改写成“若p,则q”的形式. ③例2:将下列命题改写成“若p,则q”的形式. (1)两条直线相交有且只有一个交点; (2)对顶角相等; (3)全等的两个三角形面积也相等. (学生自练→个别回答→教师点评) 3. 小结:命题概念的理解,会判断一个命题的真假,并会将命题改写“若p,则q”的形式. 三、巩固练习: 1. 练习:教材P41、2、3 2. 作业:教材P9第1题


工程问题 一:基本类型 工程问题中的某项工程一般不给出具体的数量,首先,在解题时关键要把“一项工程”看作单位“1”,工作效率就用完成单位“1”所需的工作时间的倒数来表示;其次,在解答时要抓住三个基本数量:工作效率、工作时间和工作总量,并结合有关工程问题的三个基本数量关系式来列式解答。 模型一:工作效率(和)×工作时间=工作总量 模型二:工作总量÷工作效率(和)=工作时间 模型三:工作总量÷工作时间=工作效率(和) (一)先合作,后独作 例1、一条公路,甲队独修需24天完成,乙队独修需30天完成。甲、乙两队合修若干天后,乙队停工休息,甲队继续修了6天完成,乙队修了多少天?(A) 例2、修一条公路,甲队单独修20天可以修完,乙队单独修30天可以修完。现两队合修,中途甲队休息2.5天,乙队休息若干天,这样一共14天才修完。乙队休息了几天?(B级)

(二)丙先帮甲,再帮乙 例3、搬运一个仓库的货物,甲需10小时,乙需12小时,丙需15小时。有同样的仓库A和B,甲在A仓库,乙在B仓库同时开始搬运货物,丙开始帮助甲搬运,中途又去帮助乙搬运,最后同时搬完两个仓库的货物。丙帮助甲搬运了几小时?(B级) (三)甲乙合作,中途有人休息 例4、一项工程,如果单独做,甲需10天完成,乙需15天完成,丙需20天完成。现在三人合作,中途甲先休息1天,乙再休息3天,而丙一直工作到完工为止。这样一共用了几天时间?(B级)

(四)独做化合做 例5、甲乙合做一项工程,24天完成。如果甲队做6天,乙队做4天,只能完成工程的1/5,两队单独做完成任务各需多少天?(B级) (五)合做变独做 例6、一项工程,甲先独做2天,然后与乙合做7天,这样才完成全工程的一半。已知甲、乙工作效率的比是2:3。如果由乙单独做,需要多少天才能完成?(B)


角的概念、定义 一、知识清单 1. 终边相同的角 ①与α(0°≤α<360°)终边相同的角的集合(角α与角β的终边重合): {} Z k k ∈+?=,360 |αββο ; ②终边在x 轴上的角的集合:{}Z k k ∈?=,180|οββ; ③终边在y 轴上的角的集合:{}Z k k ∈+?=,90180|οοββ; ④终边在坐标轴上的角的集合:{}Z k k ∈?=,90|οββ. 2. 角度与弧度的互换关系:360°=2π 180°=π 1°=0.01745 1=57.30°=57°18′ 注意:正角的弧度数为正数,负角的弧度数为负数,零角的弧度数为零, 熟记特殊角的弧度制. 3.弧度制下的公式 扇形弧长公式r =l α,扇形面积公式211 ||22 S R R α==l ,其中α为弧所对圆心 角的弧度数。 4.三角函数定义: 利用直角坐标系,可以把直角三角形中的三角函数推广到任意角的三角数.在α终边上任取一点(,)P x y (与原点不重合),记22||r OP x y ==+, 则sin y r α=,cos x r α=,tan y x α=,cot x y α=。 注: ⑴三角函数值只与角α的终边的位置有关,由角α的大小唯一确定,∴三角函数是以角为自变量,以比值为函数值的函数. ⑵根据三角函数定义可以推出一些三角公式: ①诱导公式:即 2 k π αα±→或902k αα±→o 之间函数值关系()k Z ∈,其规律是“奇变偶不变,符号看象限” ;如sin(270)α-=o cos α- ②同角三角函数关系式:平方关系,倒数关系,商数关系. ⑶重视用定义解题.

人教版高中英语选修8教师用书:Unit 1 Section_Ⅲ Learning_about_Language_-_Using_Language(含答案)

Section_Ⅲ Learning_about_Language_&_Using_Language Fill in the blanks according to the text. GEORGE’S DIARY 12TH_14TH JUNE Date Transportation Experience Feeling 12th, June ?1.Bus ?Cable car ?Visited 2.San_Francisco_Bay and the city on the cable car. ?Had lunch at 3.Fisherman’ s_Wharf. ?4.Exhausted 13th, June ?Car ?Had a(n) 5.79km_round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. ?Went to 6.Chinatown,_and saw temples, markets, art galleries and a(n) 7.museum about the history of Chinese immigration. ?Wanting to visit again 14th, June ?8.Ferry ?Went to 9.Angel_Island,_a famous immigration station from 1882 to 1940. ?Watched the Golden Gate Bridge on the way. ?10.Thoughtful and thankful (一)根据所给词性和汉语意思写出单词,并适当拓展 1.indicate vt.指出;指示;指明;表明;暗示→indication n.指示;标示2.luggage n.行李→baggage (同义词<美>)n.行李


百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我 六年级奥数第三讲工程问题 顾名思义,工程问题指的是与工程建造有关的数学问题。其实,这类题目的内容已不仅仅是工程方 面的问题,也括行路、水管注水等许多内容。 在分析解答工程问题时,一般常用的数量关系式是: 工作量 =工作效率×工作时间, 工作时间 =工作量÷工作效率, 工作效率 =工作量÷工作时间。 工作量指的是工作的多少,它可以是全部工作量,一般用数 1 表示,也可 工作效率指的是干工作的 快慢,其意义是单位时间里所干的工作量。单位时间的选取,根据题目需要,可以是天,也可以是时、 分、秒等。 工作效率的单位是一个复合单位,表示成“工作量 / 天”,或“工作量 / 时”等。但在不引起误会的情况下,一般不写工作效率的单位。 例 1 单独干某项工程,甲队需 100 天完成,乙队需 150 天完成。甲、乙两队合干 50 天后,剩下的工程乙队干还需多少天?分析与解:以全部工程量为单位 1。甲队单独干需 100 天,甲的工作效 例 2 某项工程,甲单独做需 36 天完成,乙单独做需 45 天完成。如果开工时甲、乙两队合做,中途甲队退出转做新的工程,那么乙队又做了 18 天才完成任务。问:甲队干了多少天? 分析:将题目的条件倒过来想,变为“乙队先干 18 天,后面的工作甲、乙两队合干需多少天?”

例 3 单独完成某工程,甲队需 10 天,乙队需 15 天,丙队需 20 天。开始三个队一起干,因工作需要 甲队中途撤走了,结果一共用了 6 天完成这一工程。问:甲队实际工作了几天? 分析与解:乙、丙两队自始至终工作了 6 天,去掉乙、丙两队 6 天的工作量,剩下的是甲队干的,所 以甲队实际工作了 例 4 一批零件,张师傅独做 20 时完成,王师傅独做 30 时完成。如果两人同时做,那么完成任务时张 师傅比王师傅多做 60 个零件。这批零件共有多少个? 分析与解:这道题可以分三步。首先求出两人合作完成需要的时间, 例 5 一水池装有一个放水管和一个排水管,单开放水管 5 时可将空池灌满,单开排水管 7 时可将满池水排完。如果一开始是空池,打开放水管 1 时后又打开排水管,那么再过多长时间池内将积有半池水? 例 6 甲、乙二人同时从两地出发,相向而行。走完全程甲需 60 分钟,乙需 40 分钟。出发后 5 分钟,甲因忘带东西而返回出发点,取东西又耽误了 5 分钟。甲再出发后多长时间两人相遇? 分析:这道题看起来像行程问题,但是既没有路程又没有速度,所以不能用时间、路程、速度三者 的关系来解答。甲出发 5 分钟后返回,路上耽误10 分钟,再加上取东西的 5 分钟,等于比乙晚出发15

人教版 高中数学必修4 三角函数知识点

高中数学必修4知识点总结 第一章 三角函数(初等函数二) ?? ?? ?正角:按逆时针方向旋转形成的角1、任意角负角:按顺时针方向旋转形成的角零角:不作任何旋转形成的角 2、角α的顶点与原点重合,角的始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,终边落在第几象限,则称α为第几象限角. 第一象限角的集合为{} 36036090,k k k αα?<, 则sin y r α= ,cos x r α= ,()tan 0y x x α= ≠. 10、三角函数在各象限的符号:第一象限全为正,第二象限正弦为正,第三象限正切为正,第四象限余弦为正. 11、三角函数线:sin α=M P ,cos α=O M ,tan α=AT . 12、同角三角函数的基本关系:()2 2 1sin cos 1αα+=

第三讲 必胜策略问题

第三讲数学游戏中的必胜策略 知识要点:做数学游戏时,如果您掌握了一些策略,就一定能取胜。“抢数”游戏就就是两个人按照一定的规则轮流报数,并将所报的数逐步累加,先报到规定数的一方获胜;“让数”游戏与“抢数”游戏类似,只就是先报到规定数的一方失败。虽然简单,这里隐藏着数学奥秘。 例题精选: 例1.甲乙二人轮流报数。从1起,每人每次可报一个数或连续报两个数。谁能报得20谁就获胜。先与同学玩一玩这个游戏。如果由您先报数,您能保证获胜不? 点拨:可以从20往前想,如果想获胜,自己不要报19与18。因为报19,对方报20这一个数就获胜了;报18,对方连续报两个数19、20就获胜了。这样,要想获胜(抢到20)必须抢到17。 同理,要想抢到17,就要争取抢到14; 要想抢到14,就要争取抢到11; 要想抢到11,就要争取抢到8; 要想抢到8,就要争取抢到5; 要想抢到5,就要争取抢到2; 因此,先抢到2。对方报3,自己报4、5;对方报3、4,自己报5。这样就又抢到了5。依次方法继续下去,就一定会获胜了。 例2.甲乙二人轮流报数。从1起,每人每次最多可以连续报3个数。谁能报得30谁就获胜。 点拨:这就是传统游戏“抢30”。仍可以采用从后往前想的方法。 要想抢到30,就要争取抢到26; 要想抢到26,就要争取抢到22; …… 因此,先抢到2。再瞧对方报数情况依次抢6、10、14、18、22、26、30就可获胜。 例3.按照例1的报数方法,如果先报“20”的一方失败,怎样保证获胜? 点拨:这就就是“让数游戏”。让20就要抢19,并且依次抢16、13、10、7、4、1。 因此,要先报“1”,再根据对方报数情况依次抢4、7、10、13、16、19,这样就把20让给了对方。

2017-2018学年物理人教版选修1-1 1.5电流和电源同步练习-教师用卷

2017-2018学年物理人教版选修1-1 1.5电流和电源同步练习-教师用卷 一、单选题 1. 一太阳能电池对一用电器供电时,电流为40mA,则在1min时间内,通过该用电器的电荷量为 A.0.04C B.0.24C C.0.4C D.2.4C 2. 电脑的充电电池多为锂电池,假设锂电池的充电电流为500mA,则以下说法正确的是 A.1 s通过电池某一横截面的电荷量为500 C B.1 s通过电池某一横截面的电荷量为5 C C.充电过程把其他形式的能转化为电能 D.充电过程把电能转化为其他形式的能 3. 如图所示,电解池接入电路后,在t秒内有n个一价正离子通过溶液内某截面S,有n个一价负离子通过S,设e 为元电荷,以下说法正确的是 A.电流为零B .电流为 C .电流为 D .电流方向从

二、多选题4. 关于电流,下列说法正确的是 A .通过导线截面的电量越多,电流越大 B .单位时间内通过导体横截面的电荷量越多,则导体中电流越大 C .电流有方向,因此电流是矢量 D .通电时间越短,电流越大 5. 某金属导体中,如果在2 秒钟内共有 个电子通过某横截面,那么通过这个导体的电流是 A .0 B . C . D . 6. 如图所示为一磁流体发电机示意图,A 、B 是平行正对的金属板,等离子体(电离的气体,由自由电子和阳离子构成,整体呈电中性)从左侧进入,在t 时间内有n 个自由电子落在B 板上,则关于R 中的电流大小及方向判断正确的是() A .I = ,从上向下B .I =,从上向下C .I =,从下向上D .I =,从下向上 7. 给一粗细不均匀的同种材料制成的导体通电,下列说法正确的是 A .粗的地方电流大,细的地方电流小 B .粗的地方电荷定向移动速率大,细的地方小 C .各处的电流大小相同 D .粗的地方电荷定向移动速率小,细的地方大


(1 工程问题 在日常生活中,做某一件事,制造某种产品,完成某项任务,完成某项工程等等,都要涉及到工作量、工作效率、工作时间这三个量,它们之间的基本数量关系是:工作量=工作效率×时间.探讨这三个数量之间关系的应用题,我们都叫做“工程问题”. 解题关键是把“一项工程”看成1个单位,抓住数量关系:工作效率×工作时间=工作 总量,来解答。 要善于利用常见的数学思想方法,如假设法、转化法、代换法等。工作的先后顺序可以 改变(假设); 要善于抓住工作效率之间的关系,并适当将它转化为工作时间和工作量之间的关系,这 样的转化和代换,往往能化难为易。 【例1】★用计算机录入一份书稿,甲单独做10天可以完成,乙单独做15天可以完成。那么,乙中途休息了天。 【解析】假设乙中途没有生病休息,那么甲、乙两个人8天完成的工作量为 14 +)×8= 10153 多完成的工作量就是乙休息时干出来的,所以乙休息的天数为 (41 -1)÷=5(天)315 【小试牛刀】一件工作,甲做9天可以完成,乙做6天可以完成.现在甲先做了3天,余下的工作由乙继续完成.乙需要做几天可以完成全部工作? 【解析】解一:甲做了3天,完成的工作量是311221 =,乙还需完成的工作量是1-=,要÷=4 933336 (天) 解二:9与6的最小公倍数是18.设全部工作量是18份.甲每天完成2份,乙每天完成3份.乙完成余下工作所需时间是(18-2×3)÷3=4(天) 解三:甲与乙的工作效率之比是6∶9=2∶3.甲做了3天,相当于乙做了2天.乙完成余下工作所需时间是6-2=4(天) 【例2】★★一件工作,甲、乙两人合作30天可以完成,共同做了6天后,甲离开了,由乙继续做了40天才完成.如果这件工作由甲或乙单独完成各需要多少天? 【解析】乙效:61,乙需50天;甲效:111,甲需75天。 (1-)÷40=-= 3050305075 【例3】★★某工程先由甲单独做63天,再由乙单独做28天即可完成;如果由甲、乙两人合作,需48天完成.现在甲先单独做42天,然后再由乙来单独完成,那么乙还需要做多少天?


第一讲 任意角与三角函数诱导公式 1. 知识要点 角的概念的推广: 平面内一条射线绕着端点从一个位置旋转到另一个位置所的图形。按逆时针方向旋转所形成的角叫正角,按顺时针方向旋转所形成的角叫负角,一条射线没有作任何旋转时,称它形成一个零角。射线的起始位置称为始边,终止位置称为终边。 象限角的概念: 在直角坐标系中,使角的顶点与原点重合,角的始边与x 轴的非负半轴重合,角的终边在第几象限,就说这个角是第几象限的角。如果角的终边在坐标轴上,就认为这个角不属于任何象限。 终边相同的角的表示: α终边与θ终边相同(α的终边在θ终边所在射线上)?2()k k αθπ=+∈Z 。 注意:相等的角的终边一定相同,终边相同的角不一定相等. α终边在x 轴上的角可表示为:,k k Z απ=∈; α终边在y 轴上的角可表示为:,2 k k Z π απ=+∈; α终边在坐标轴上的角可表示为:,2 k k Z π α= ∈. 角度与弧度的互换关系:360°=2π 180°=π 1°= 1=°=57°18′ 注意:正角的弧度数为正数,负角的弧度数为负数,零角的弧度数为零. α与2 α的终边关系: 任意角的三角函数的定义: 设α是任意一个角,P (,)x y 是α的终边上的任意一点(异于原点),

它与原点的距离是0r =>,那么sin ,cos y x r r αα==, ()tan ,0y x x α= ≠,cot x y α=(0)y ≠,sec r x α=()0x ≠,()csc 0r y y α=≠。 三角函数值只与角的大小有关,而与终边上点P 的位置无关。 三角函数线的特征:正弦线MP“站在x 轴上(起点在x 轴上)”、余弦线OM“躺在x 轴上(起点是原点)”、正切线AT“站在点(1,0)A 处(起点是A )” 同角三角函数的基本关系式: 1. 平方关系:222222sin cos 1,1tan sec ,1cot csc αααααα+=+=+= 2. 倒数关系:sin αcsc α=1,cos αsec α=1,tan αcot α=1, 3. 商数关系:sin cos tan ,cot cos sin αα αααα = = 注意:1.角α的任意性。 2.同角才可使用。 3.熟悉公式的变 形形式。 三角函数诱导公式:“ (2 k πα+)”记忆口诀: “奇变偶不变,符号看象限” 典型例题 例1.求下列三角函数值: (1)cos210o; (2)sin 4 5π 例2.求下列各式的值: (1)sin(-3 4π ); (2)cos(-60o)-sin(-210o) 例3.化简 ) 180sin()180cos() 1080cos()1440sin(?--?-?-?-?+?αααα


1 .1 图 7.3图7 .2图7三角函数及其有关概念 [知识清单] 一、角的概念 1. 角 角是以一点为公共端点的两条射线组成的图形.公共端点叫做角的顶点, 两条射线叫做 角的边。 2.正角、负角、零角 正角与负角是由旋转的方向决定的,我们把按逆时针方向旋转所形成的角 叫做正角,把按顺时针方向旋转所形成的角叫做负角形成一个数值为0的角,我们把这个角叫做零角。 3.终边相同的角 具有相同的终边的角叫做终边相同的角,如图7.1中的边相同的角。 ①终边相同的角不一定相等,但相等的角,终边一定相同; ②终边相同的角有无数多个,它们相差360°的整数倍,如: α与360()k k Z α+∈ ,β与360()k k Z β+∈ ,β与360()k k α+∈ Z 都是终边相同的角。 例 设176π α=- ,则与α终边相同的最小正角是多少? 解 1717777236066666 πππππα=-=--+=-?+ 所以,与176 πα=-终边相同的最小正角是76π 。 例 设203π α=,则与α终边相同的绝对值最小的负角是多少? 解 2020444 436033333 πππππα==+-=?- 所以,所求之角是43 π-。 4. 象限角 在第几象限,我们就说这个角是第几象限的角,如αβ与个象限,我们称其为界限角。 例 900- 是第几象限的角? 解 9002360-=-? , 所以900- 是第二象限的角。 例:-572。是( )象限的角。 5、角的度量 1). 角度制 当射线绕端点逆时针方向旋转使终边与始边第一次重 合时所形成的角叫做周角,规定1周角为360o。1周角的1 360 为1度, 2). 弧度制 等于半径长的圆弧所对的圆心角称为1弧度的角。用弧 度作单位来测量角的制度叫做弧度制。1弧度也记为1rad

高三文科数学专题复习 三角函数、解三角形 (教师版)

高三文科数学专题复习 三角函数、解三角形 专题一 三角函数的概念、同角三角函数的关系式及诱导公式 A 组 三年高考真题(2016~2014年) 1.(2015·福建,6)若sin α=- 5 13 ,且α为第四象限角,则tan α的值等于( ) A.125 B.-125 C.512 D.-512 1.解析 ∵sin α=-513,且α为第四象限角, ∴cos α=1213,∴tan α=sin αcos α=-5 12,故选D. 答案 D 2.(2014·大纲全国,2)已知角α的终边经过点(-4,3),则cos α=( ) A.45 B.35 C.-35 D.-45 2.解析 记P (-4,3),则x =-4,y =3,r =|OP |=(-4)2+32=5, 故cos α=x r =-45=-4 5,故选D. 3.(2014·新课标全国Ⅰ,2)若tan α>0,则( ) A.sin α>0 B.cos α>0 C.sin 2α>0 D.cos 2α>0 3.解析 由tan α>0,可得α的终边在第一象限或第三象限,此时sin α与cos α同号, 故sin 2α=2sin αcos α>0,故选C. 答案 C 4.(2016·新课标全国Ⅰ,14)已知θ是第四象限角,且sin ????θ+π4=35,则tan ????θ-π 4=________. 4.解析 由题意,得cos ????θ+π4=45,∴tan ????θ+π4=34.∴tan ????θ-π4=tan ????θ+π4-π 2=-1 tan ??? ?θ+π4=-43. 答案 -4 3 5.(2016·四川,11)sin 750°=________. 5.解析 ∵sin θ=sin(k ·360°+θ),(k ∈Z ), ∴sin 750°=sin(2×360°+30°)=sin 30°=12. 答案 1 2 6.(2015·四川,13)已知sin α+2cos α=0,则2sin αcos α-cos 2α的值是________. 6.解析 ∵sin α+2cos α=0, ∴sin α=-2cos α,∴tan α=-2, 又∵2sin αcos α-cos 2α= 2sin α·cos α-cos 2αsin 2α+cos 2α=2tan α-1tan 2α+1, ∴原式=2×(-2)-1 (-2)2+1 =-1. 答案 -1 B 组 两年模拟精选(2016~2015年) 1.(2016·济南一中高三期中)若点(4,a )在12 y x =图象上,则tan a 6π的值为( ) A.0 B. 3 3 C.1 D. 3 1.解析 ∵a =412=2, ∴tan a 6 π= 3. 答案 D 2.(2016·贵州4月适应性考试)若sin ????π2+α=-3 5,且α∈????π2,π,则sin ()π-2α=( ) A.2425 B.1225 C.-1225 D.-24 25 2.解析 由sin ????π2+α=-35得cos α=-35, 又α∈????π2,π, 则sin α=4 5 ,

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