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Directions:There are10blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A), B),C)and D)on the right side of the paper.You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.


Almost half of UK internet users are going online via mobile phone data connections,according to the Office for National Statistics(ONS),45%of people surveyed said they(1)_____use of the net while out and about,compared with31%in2010.The most rapid growth was(2)_younger people,where71%of internet-connected16to24-year-olds used mobiles.

Domestic internet use also rose.According to the ONS,77%of households now have(3)______to a net connection.That figure was(4)4%from the previous year,representing the slowest rate of(5)since the ONS survey began in2006.The figure for domestic connections contrasted sharply with the rapid growth in uptake of mobile services

(6),the popularity of3G broadband did not necessarily mean that more people were going online overall.Many of those using mobile phones are(7)to already have home broadband connections.

Older users,who the government is particularly keen to get(8)_______,appeared to(9)__ relatively untouched by the phenomenon.While71%of16to24-year-old who went(10) said they used mobile broadband,just8%of internet users aged over65made use of the newer technology

1.A.made B.took C.kept D.sought

2.A.around B.within C.among D.beyond

3.A.route B.access C.way D.road

4.A.on B.up C.of D.in

5.A.survey B.internet C.mobiles D.growth

6.A.However B.Because C.Moreover D.Even if

7.A.easy B.fast C.likely D.slow

8.A.connected https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,ed to C.provided D.called

9.A.have B.be C.being D.have been

10.A.abroad B.out C.online D.home



Ironically,a study finds that we‘re awful gift-givers precisely because we spend too much time try into be considerate.We imagine our friends46a gift that is impressive,expensive,and sentimental.We imagine the look of happiness and surprise on their faces and the warmth we feel47.But there‘s something that the most sentimental gift-givers tend not to think too much about:48the gift is practical in the first place.

49,practicality seems like an enemy of great gift giving.Beautiful jewelry,lovely watches, perfect rugs,finely crafted kitchen hardware:These things50great gifts because they communicate something beyond practicality.They communicate that the giver cares.

But do the receivers care?Often,no.“Gift receivers would be51if givers gave them exactly what they requested52attempting to be‘thoughtful and considerate’by buying gifts they did not explicitly request”to surprise them,the researchers write.Their clever paper asks givers and receivers to 53gifts from two perspectives:desirability(e.g.the cost of a coffee maker)and feasibility(e.g.the_ 54_of the coffee maker).Across several experiments,they find that givers consistently give gifts based on desirability and receivers_55_favor gifts based on feasibility.

46.A.opened B.have opened C.opening D.to open

47.A.in return B.in place C.in turn D.in person

48.A.How B.Why C.When D.Whether

49.A.In many cases B.In many ways C.To sum up D.To be sure

50.A.take up B.make for C.lead to D.work out

51.A.surprised B.happy C.more surprised D.happier

52.A.but for B.as to C.rather than D.regardless of

53.A.measure B.select C.classify D.decide

54.A.ease B.cost C.quality D.look

55.A.continuously B.nevertheless C.whereas D.unexpectedly


Riding a bike is good exercise and great fun.But what do you do with a bike after you outgrow it? Nicole Basil,12,has a terrific answer to this question.When she was8years old,she46Pedal Power. It is a charity that collects bikes that kids have outgrown and donates them to Chicago public schools.

Since2008,Nicols has collected and donated more than1000bikes.47the bicycles,Pedal Power supplied riders with400helmets(头盔)last year.“It is important to ride48on a bike,and helmets are a big part of that,”Nicols says.The Wilmette Bicycle&Sport Shop helps to49that all donated bikes are safe to ride.Each bike receives a five-minute50by the shop’s employees.

The bikes are given to students who have good grades and perfect attendance.Nicole says:”Some kids aren’t as lucky as others,51they still do well in school.I think they should be52for that.”Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say test53are improving.“Bikes can take you far,”she says.“Good grades can take you even54”

Barton Dassinger is the principal of Cesar E.Chavez school in Chicago.Students in his school have received bikes.“It’s been a great way to55students to do their best,”Dassinger says.“They work hard to make it happen.”

46. A.joined B.created C.helped D.reformed

47. A.In addition to B.In honor of C.In line with D.In exchange for

48. A.safely B.happily C.freely D.quickly

49. A.insist B.accept C.remember D.ensure

50. A.look-out B.drop-out C.check-up D.line-up

51. A.and B.so C.but D.or

52. A.remembered B.rewarded C.repaid D.recommended

53. A.papers B.scores C.conditions D.methods

54. A.higher B.better C.further D.greater

55. A.require B.exploit C.entitle D.motivate


Why do kids hate Brussels sprouts(芽甘蓝)?Because Brussels sprouts are bitter,and kids generally don't like bitter tastes.But it's not their61.Researchers say that a dislike for bitter and sour is a survival instinct,since most toxic substances62that way too.On the other hand,sweetness typically indicates that something is63to eat,so children are born with a64for sweet.

What we like to eat changes over time.As we age,we realize that65something tastes bitter or sour,it won't kill us,and we learn to66it.When we're older,we67some of our smell sensitivity. Humans need smell to experience flavor,which is different from taste.With our senses diminished.We'll probably begin68sugar and salt to our food.to heighten the flavor.69,there's a theory that the reason many especially“big”-tasting wines in recent years have won awards is that wine critics are getting older and finding subtle flavors70to sense.

If someone is71to detect flavors at all,he may have a taste72,which can be caused by a tongue injury or brain damage.Or it could be a problem with73.The channel that separates the mouth from the nose allows us to smell behind our nose and is74enjoying most complex flavors.That's why food seems75when we have a stuffy nose—except chicken noodle soup.It's so salty.

61.A.fault B.choice C.habit D.regret

62.A.feel B.look C.sound D.taste

63.A.strange B.necessary C.safe D.ready

64.A.capacity B.preference C.awareness D.consideration

65.A.now that B.in case C.if only D.even though

66.A.enjoy B.improve C.treat D.alter

67.A.form B.lose C.reduce D.gain

68.A.putting B.balancing C.adding D.limiting

69.A.In essence B.In conclusion C.In fact D.In short

70.A.softer B.nicer C.worse D.harder

71.A.unlikely B.unable C.impossible D.improbable

72.A.disorder B.symptom C.therapy D.illusion

73.A.mood B.taste C.flavor D.smell

74.A.subject to B.liable to C.crucial for D.beneficial for

75.A.delicious B.flavorless C.bitter D.smelly


Zoos have become an important site for the preservation and protection of wildlife resources,_ 61__those species that are endangered.__62___,many zoos displayed live animals for public entertainment.Presently some zoos have become scientific and educational__63___that have contributed to the understanding and conservation of wild animal populations.__64___the challenges facing modern zoos are the cost of upgrading old facilities,the struggle to obtain__65___operating funds,and the need to attract more visitors to new and entertaining exhibits.

Many_66__zoos in American cities have undergone renovation(翻新)during the last decades of the twentieth century.Among the recent trends in zoo_67___is the construction of new enclosures that resemble natural habitats(栖息地).The replacement of traditional steel bars and concrete floors __68__appropriately designed surroundings improves visitor appreciation of the animals.Such renovations may_69___stress on animals and allow them to interact with one another more naturally.

Several major zoos conduct captive propagation programs.A captive propagation program includes the breeding of__70__zoo or wild animals to obtain https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,ually for release to__71___or for transfer to other zoos.Captive breeding is one method of__72___some species from extinction.

Zoos have expanded and improved public education programs also,with education departments that develop programs__73___zoo exhibits.Public activities include in-school programs,zoo tours,special events,and websites.The Zoological Society of New York,for example,conducted a major project with a Western African government to monitor an elephant herd_74__it moved throughout its range.

The importance of zoos will increase as natural habitats are diminishing.Through their efforts __75___conservation,education,and environmental advocacy,zoos will continue to play a critical role in wildlife preservation throughout the world.

61. A.superficially B.especially C.importantly D.supposedly

62. A.By that time B.By the time C.At one time D.At that time

63. A.institutions B.associations C.foundations D.corporations

64. A.Along B.Toward C.Among D.Through

65. A.limited B.professional C.sufficient D.excessive

66. A.newer B.older C.former https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,ter

67. A.management B.improvement C.achievement D.assessment

68. A.under B.for C.into D.with

69. A.reduce B.cause C.increase D.avoid

70. A.selected B.sustained C.promising D.surviving

71. A.natural B.the natural C.wild D.the wild

72. A.restraining B.saving C.sheltering D.exempting

73. A.attributed to B.opposed to C.referred to D.related to

74. A.as B.as it C.so D.so that

75. A.in search of B.in honor of C.in support of D.in charge of


Exercise One

Double Income and No Kids(DINK)becomes fashionable in China.The DINK couples are usually regarded as those who have higher educations and1careers with higher incomes.The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional idea of the family and_2__typical.

A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company3that about3.3percent of 1,300surveyed families in Beijing said they have4plans to have children.It is estimated there are about600,000DINK families in large cities like Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,and Chongqing.

Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in5reasons.Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population;some are indulged in building a more well-off family;some are showing sharp_6to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children.

7,most people still believe it is necessary to bear a child to keep the family line on.As an old Chinese saying goes,there are three aspects in failing to be a filial son and the_8serious one is to have no heir for the family.So childless couples will suffer discrimination9family members and neighbors.

But it is clear that the new tide of ideas has come,which suggests young people10to choose their own way of life.They are installing modern ideas into traditional families and society.In the modernization process,personal choices will be highly respected.

1.A.stable B.available C.achievable D.liable

2.A.had become B.may become C.became D.become

3.A.directed B.induced C.indicated D.dictated

4.A.no B.not C.hardly D.scarcely

5.A.elegant B.abundant C.similar D.various

6.A.tension B.attention C.intention D.interaction

7.A.Moreover B.However C.According D.Generally

8.A.most B.more https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,test D.less

9.A.into B.to C.at D.from

10.A.wanted B.should want C.want D.had wanted

Exercise Two

When people search online,they leave a trail that remains stored on the central computers of firms such as Google,Yahoo and Microsoft.Analyzing what we’re looking for on the Web can offer a remarkable __1__into our anxieties and enthusiasms.

UK writer and Internet expert John Battelle wrote on his blog,“This can tell us__2__things about who we are and what we want as a__3__.”

Google’s experimental service Google Trends,for example,compares the numbers of people searching for different words and phrases from2004to the present.According to these graphs,sometimes people’s interests are obviously__4__the news agenda:when the Spice Girls announce a reunion,there’s an immediate__5__to find out more about them.Other results are strikingly seasonal:people go shopping online for coats in winter and short pants in summer.

The most fascinating possibility is that search data might help__6__people’s behavior.When we search online for a certain brand of stereo system,we are surely indicating we’re more__7__to buy that brand.

Perhaps we search for a political candidate’s name when we are thinking about__8__him or her. Maybe we even search for“stock market crash”or“recession”just before we start__9__our investments.This information could clearly be useful to a smart marketer-it’s already how Google decide which__10__to show on its search results pages-or to a political campaign manager.

1.A.investigation B.insight C.consideration D.prospect

2.A.extraordinary B.obvious C.mysterious D.sensitive

3.A.culture B.nation C.person D.mass

4.A.reduced to B.resulting in C.backed up by D.driven by

5.A.rush B.push C.charge D.dash

6.A.presume B.preoccupy C.predict D.preserve

7.A.liking B.alike C.like D.likely

8.A.fighting against B.voting for C.believing in D.running for

9.A.withdrawing from B.depositing in C.turning down D.adding to

10.A.notices B.papers C.advertisements D.statements

Exercise Three

Researchers produced evidence to support what most of us already knew-that a cup of tea is the answer to any crisis.

Dr.Malcolm Cross,a psychologist at City University London,tested the anxiety levels of a group of people following a_1situation and revealed that even a single cup of tea has a__2__calming effect. His team gave42volunteers a mental arithmetic exam and3__offered half of them a cup of tea and the other half a glass of water.The water group’s anxiety levels soared__425percent compared to before the task,___5_the tea group actually reported a four percent reduction in anxiety-despite the difficult test,they were more relaxed than when they started.

According to a survey carried out for the research,68percent of Britons6ten in a dilemma, making it the nation’s most common response to trouble of7kind.About60percent said the promise of comfort and warmth was the main reason for putting the kettle on.“The8of making and drinking tea-particularly during times of stress-is at the very__9__of British culture,”Cross said.

This study shows that the social psychological10of tea enhance the effects of its chemical make-up on our bodies and brains.

1.A.light-hearted B.serious https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,fortable D.stressful

2.A.significant B.rigorous C.severe D.selective

3.A.previously B.afterwards C.besides https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,tely

4.A.on B.in C.by D.at

5.A.while B.however C.meanwhile D.nevertheless

6.A.give up B.owe to C.look on D.turn to

7.A.whichever B.whatever C.however D.whoever

8.A.ceremony B.function C.ritual D.observance

9.A.beginning B.moment C.end D.core

10.A.aspects B.faces C.sites D.ways

Exercise Four

It’s a new world,and we barely seem to have noticed.Places we_1_with inexpensive low-end manufacturing are going high-tech in a big_2_.The spotlight is mainly in China and India,for good _3.The Chinese economy is surging,4by increasingly sophisticated engineering,with products 5from automobiles to semiconductors.India has nearly as__6an economy,powered by a cheap English-speaking labor force who7in software and services.

Along with these8giants,countries like Japan,South Korea and Singapore are also challenging America’s9.If present trends continue,90%of all the world’s scientists and engineers will be living in Asia102010,according to Nobel Prize winner Richard E.Smalley,professor of chemistry and physics at Rice University.

1.A.deal B.associate https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,municate D.concern

2.A.scale B.route C.way D.dimension

3.A.reason B.purpose C.effect D.health

4.A.checked B.burned C.fueled D.extinguished

5.A.varying B.differing C.changing D.ranging

6.A.tragic B.drastic C.dynamic D.static

7.A.surpass B.excel C.overtake D.bypass

8.A.emerging B.diverging C.submerging D.merging

9.A.manipulation B.presidency C.constitution D.dominance

10.A.until B.in C.by D.before

Fueled by weather,wind,and dry undergrowth,uncontrolled wildfires can burn acres of land-and consume everything in their way—in mere minutes.

__1__,more than100,000wildfires clear4million to5million acres of land in the U.S.every year.A wildfire moves at speeds of up to23kilometers an hour,consuming everything-trees,bushes,homes,even humans-in its__2__.

There are three conditions that need to be3in order for a wildfire to burn:fuel,oxygen,and a heat source.Fuel is any material4a fire that will burn quickly and easily,including trees,grasses, bushes,even homes.Air supplies the oxygen a fire5to burn.Heat sources help spark the wildfire and bring fuel to6hot enough to start burning.Lighting,burning campfires or cigarettes,hot winds, and even the sun can all provide7heat to spark a wildfire.

_8often harmful and destructive to humans,naturally occurring wildfires play a positive role in nature.They9nutrients to the soil by burning dead or decaying matter.They remove diseased plants and harmful insects from a forest ecosystem.And by burning10thick trees and bushes,wildfires allow sunlight to reach the forest floor,enabling a new generation of young plants to grow.

1.A.After all B.Above all C.In sum D.On average

2.A.route B.track C.path D.trace

3.A.stable B.present C.fixed D.favorable

4.A.surrounding B.keeping C.causing D.marking

5.A.acquires B.needs C.captures D.meets

6.A.materials B.places C.temperatures D.conditions

7.A.additional B.excessive C.plentiful D.sufficient

8.A.Although B.As C.If D.Whereas

9.A.drive B.reduce C.return D.assign

10.A.over B.through C.below D.beyond

Over half the world’s people now live in cities.The latest“Global Report on Human Settlements”says a significant change took place last year.The report__1__this week from U.N.Habitat,a United Nations agency.

A century ago,__2__than five percent of all people lived in cities.By the middle of this century it could be seventy percent,or almost six and a half billion people.

Already three-fourths of people in__3__countries live in cities.Now most urban population growth is in the developing world.

Urbanization can__4__to social and economic progress,but also put pressure on cities to provide housing and__5__.The new report says almost two hundred thousand people move into cities and towns each day.It says worsening inequalities,__6__by social divisions and differences in__7__,could result in violence and crime__8__cities plan better.

Another issue is urban sprawl(无序扩展的城区).This is where cities expand quickly into rural areas, sometimes__9__a much faster rate than urban population growth.

Sprawl is common in the United States.Americans move a lot.In a recent study,Art Hall at the University of Kansas found that people are moving away from the__10__cities to smaller ones.He sees a trend toward“de-urbanization”across the nation.But urban economies still provide many possibilities that rural areas do not.

1.A.came on B.came over C.came off D.came out

2.A.more B.less C.other D.rather

3.A.flourishing B.thriving C.developed D.fertile

4.A.keep B.lead C.turn D.refer

5.A.surroundings B.concerns https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,munities D.services

6.A.pulled B.drawn C.driven D.pressed

7.A.situation B.treasure C.wealth D.category

8.A.when B.unless C.if D.whereas

9.A.in B.with C.beyond D.at

10.A.essential B.primitive C.prior D.major


2018年同等学力申硕英语 2018年同等学力申硕英语?面对同等学力考试,相信每一位考生都做好了充足的准备,相信每一位考生的心中各不相同。但是提醒考生切勿兴奋过头,要保持一颗清醒的头脑,冷静答题。尤其是英语考试,考生要注意一下几方面: 一、不要“抢”答,要做好答题前的准备 按照英语考试的组织规程,考试两个阶段正式开始答题前几分钟,同学们就会拿到英语试卷。首先要快速地整体浏览一下试卷,大致判断一下对于自己来说试卷的难度。这里要特别注意留意两个部分: 第一个是阅读理解,第二个是看一看书面表达题目 二、不要“长”答,要合理分配答题时间 在第一个阶段的英语考试中,控制好答题节奏,合理利用时间,这一点非常重要。不要在一道试题上耽误太多时间。阅读理解部分由于语篇多,词汇量和阅读量都大,因此比较耗时,但千万不能在这里“恋战”。 三、调动语感做到“一答”准确 英语考试考查语言的运用,因此,考试中有没有语感,就变得非常重要。答题时,不要一味地想语法,想考点,要把考试变成“调动语感”和进行“语言交流”。要自觉运用平时训练所形成的答题技巧。对应试卷各个题型,在回答问题时要注意:

(1)单项选择; (2)完型填空; (3)阅读理解; (4)翻译的重要一步就是一定要理解原文,然后在用自己的语言通顺的表达出来,英语重在意合,英语重在形合;(5)书面表达 四、仔细填涂答题卡避免“非能力失分” 英语考试不仅检验平时训练是否“有素”,“功力”是否“完满”,也体现临场发挥的程度和水平。 温馨提示:考试们在面对考试的时候不用有太多的担心,这2018年同等学力申硕英语其实英语考试除了考查学生英语知识,也是考查学生的应试能力,所以考生在考试中,一定要沉着冷静,保持一个稳定的心,希望同学们关注考试注意事项,注意答题的每一个细节,稳定心理,正常、甚至是超水平发挥,以期在考试中取得优异成绩。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


同等学力申硕英语如何有效进行复习? 近些年随着十月联考取消,报考同等学力申硕的人越来越多了,同等学力考试内容简单,但是英语很多人都不会复习,也不知道难度,下面小编为大家讲解一下, 同等学力申硕英语难度如何? 同等学力申硕的英语考试难度与四六级相当,所以是大家很容易通过的,但是也要注意对在职研究生英语单词的复习,首先大家要了解考研英语与四六级对词汇的要求不同。四六级考试是水平性考试,考试的目的是测验在校大学生的英语水平,直白的说,这种考试,是为了让大多数考生通过的,因此,词汇的复习要有针对性,把考研大纲5500个单词划分出个三六九等来,区别对待。对于你认为熟悉的初高中词汇,要重点记忆它的第二个,第三个,甚至第四个你不熟悉的意思。 同等学力申硕英语该如何复习? 每次都背单词 对于在职研究生英语单词,我们每天一百个是最低限,其实背到后来你会发现这个要求并不高,一个月后,你可能自然而然地就背到三百或者五百,时间上可以平均分配开来,第二天早晨复习以前没背下来的词。大家要一边看一边读每个词的读音,默读也成。看完后回忆一遍,回忆不起来的再看。 多和单词“约会”

对于在职研究生英语单词是否“一见钟情”都是无所谓的,关键在于有更多不同类型的见面机会,因为一个单词能不能记住,取决于和它在不同场合见面的频率,不在于每次看着它的时间长短。一般想记住一个单词,每星期要和它在不同场合见三到四次面,具体问题一定要具体分析;另外,大家在背单词时,还要把握住最基础的部分,也就是所谓的词根,对付这些词根的最好方法,就是进行大量的,不间断的,简单的初级听力练习。因为阅读材料中,还有百分之二十其他词汇,所以光凭这个等级的词还看不懂那些阅读材料。 附:在职研究生热门招生院校推荐表


第一章 考研翻译基础知识 一翻译的定义 二翻译的标准和翻译的方法 三翻译的基本过程 四考研翻译的核心解题策略 第二章翻译技巧:词法翻译法 一词义选择和词义引申 二词性转换 三增词法 四省略法 第三章翻译技巧:句法翻译法 一名词性从句的翻译 二定语从句的翻译 三状语从句的翻译 四被动结构的翻译 第一讲翻译的定义 翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言。 考研翻译简介 (一)考研翻译考查内容和形式 根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。”以2007年考研翻译题为例,考生在试卷上阅读的是一篇完整的文章,翻译的是5个划线部分。如: (二)考研翻译的评分标准 根据大纲规定,考研翻译的评分标准如下: 5个小题,每题2分,共10分。 ·如果句子译文明显扭曲原文意义,该句得分最多不超过0.5分。 ·如果考生就一个题目提供了两个或两个以上的译法,若均正确,给分;如果其中一个译法有错,按错误译法评分。 ·中文错别字不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分,无0.25扣分。 (三)考研翻译今年考题特点和内容 根据对大纲和最近十几年来考研翻译已经考过的真题的分析,我们发现考研翻译具有如下明显的特点。 首先,考研翻译的短文内容大多是涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、哲学、心理和科普方面的题材。其体裁基本上是议论文。如: 1990年:人的性格和行为分析 1991年:能源与农业


2015年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试 英语试卷一、卷二真题及参考答案 考生须知 1.本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分75分,考试时间为100分钟, 9:00开始,10:40结束:试卷二满分25分,考试时间为50分钟,10:40开始,11:30结束。 2.请考生务必将本人姓名和考号填写在本页方框内。 3.请将试卷一答案用2B铅笔填涂在试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上的无效。 4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [B][C][D]。 5.监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后,请停止答试卷一,将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在自己的桌面上,继续做试卷二。监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。 6.监考员收卷过程中,考生须配合监考员验收,并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据),否则,若发生答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。 Paper One (100minutes) Part I Oral Communication (15 minutes,10 points) Section A Directions:In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A,B and C,taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. Dialogue One A. Do you know what a handicapped space is? B. The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. C. Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Student: Can you tell me where I can park? Clerk: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile? Student: I drive an automobile. Clerk: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. 1 Student: Yes, I have seen those spots. Clerk: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped sign, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening? Student: I park in the evenings. Clerk: 2 Have you seen those signs? Student: Yes, I have seen those signs. Clerk: 3 .


https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,ugh at嘲笑,讥笑 We could laugh at him. No. Mr Darcy is not to be teased . 我们可以嘲笑他不,达西先生是不会被捉弄的。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,y down 放下,拟定,铺设 I lay down with the greater part of my clothes on and slept well for a few hours. 我上了床,身上衣服大都没脱,睡了几个钟头的好觉。https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,y out 安排,布置,设计,摆开,陈列,展示 The civil engineering contractor may need to lay out his own casting yard. 土木工程承包者可能需要设置自己的预制场。 https://www.doczj.com/doc/221807827.html,y off解雇,休息 The doctor told me to lay off for a week.

医生要我休息一个星期。 5.Lead to通向,导致,引起 While he was drinking his moderate allowance, he said, with nothing to lead up to it. 他喝了一小杯酒,突然没头没脑地说起这件事来。 6.Leave out省略,遗漏 The Chinese teacher asked her to leave out the unnecessary words and sentences. 语文老师要求她删除作文里面那些赘余的语句 7.Let down 放下,降低,使失望 Mr James said he felt let down by the show's producers, who allowed him to go on the show. James说他感到非常失望,因为是制作人亲自允许他参赛的。 8.Let go放开,放手 Let's go and reason things out with him.


考研英语完型填空:Use of English 在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整 一、完形填空文章的特点 1. 2. 1)主题(focus) 2)导向性或作者态度的倾向性(观点和态度) 3.短文通常包含三部分基本结构 1)主题呈现 ①文首直接点题 ②用引子(如与主题相关的背景,与论点相似或相对立的观点等)引出主题,主题句在文中或文末出现 2)主题展开 ①提出问题或表述观点后,要对其进行分析、论证,即展开主题 ②主题展开方式,主要体现在短文段落的划分(论述的层次)及各段主题的安排(分论点)上 3)作结 ①下结论 ②提建议 ③概括、总结全文 ④描述事件发展的结果、影响 4. 1)总述是对分述的总结和概括-(中心主线) 2)分述是对总述的展开和祥述-(确保主线贯穿全文) 5. 二、考查要求:能够熟练运用考试大纲要求的英语词汇及语法知识 1.语言要素(包括词汇、语法即表达方式和结构) ① ② 2.语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等) ① 四、完形填空考查内容: 1.词汇知识:形近词及近义词的(动词短语、介词短语)辨析;词汇搭配;一词多义 2.语法知识: 句子基本结构;逻辑关系;上下文语法搭配 ①六大逻辑关系:转折、让步、因果、并列、总分、递进 ②六类从句用法:主宾表,定状同 ③介词含义和用法 ④副词的程度与频率 ⑤句子内部语法结构 3.阅读能力:句子内部信息获取;上下文信息获取;上下文语意关系

五、命题特点: 1.一篇完整的文章=未知信息(20处填空)+已知信息,通过已知信息破解未知信息 2.文章的语言难度显然低于阅读理解题,甚至低于大纲样题 3.干扰选项也多是常用词汇,设置时考虑了内容和结构两方面的完整性与合理性 4.命题大大弱化了对词汇及语法的单纯考查,而加重了对语段特征的辨识能力的考查,即加大了测试语篇水平理解题, 特别是上下文衔接题的比列 六、真题当选选项分布特点 1.A、B、C、D的个数在4个到6个之间,5个最常见 2.几乎没有连续3个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况在0到3个之间 七、解题思路: 1. ①初步把握:篇章主题、文章基调与作者观点、态度,以及文章的脉络结构(段落划分、段落主题、行文逻辑) 2. ①先解答比较容易、有把握的题目 ②先从整体着手,再根据不断增多的文章信息推断细节 3.第三步:基本完成解题后,需要再读全文,已进行检查 4.解题过程中要时刻具备“语篇意识”,注意选项在上下文语境中是否通顺、连贯、合理 八、完形“十二类”标准题型对应解决方法(相关已知信息提示-线索定位分析法) 欲解出一个未知填空,首先需要在文章的已知信息中定位所有与这个未知填空相关联的已知信息点(线索),通过这些已知的信息点的分析总结,推断出未知填空的答案 对整篇文章从结构布局、上下文关系到句子内部结构进行层层分析,从各个层次定位未知填空的相关已知线索,从已知信息破解未知信息 相关已知信息点(提示线索)的分布规律: ①句子内部:每处具体的未知填空都处在一个具体的句子之中,因此与未知填空相关联的已知信息往往处在于此句子 之中,也就是说此未知填空的附近 ②上下文:由于完形文章的上下文之间往往有着明显的逻辑关系,因此一些与填空相关联的已知信息也会分布在此填 空所在句子的上下文中 ③整个意群、段落、文章的结构中:除了看未知填空所在的句子、所在句子的上下句之外。还有一些相关联的已知 信息需要从填空处的整个意群、段落、文章的结构和文章的中心主线所包含的信息去查找


同等学力英语作文十篇范文 题目1:On Opening Psychological Courses(开放心理课程)Many universities and colleges have now decided to open more psychological courses to their students. This is totally advisable and has been warmly welcomed. In the first place psychological courses are in urgent need in colleges and universities. Today students are under tremendous pressures. They have economical and academic pressures and pressures coming from interpersonal relations as well. These pressures may bring them anxiety,depression,and despair. Some students even committed suicide for these pressures. The psychological courses may teach them how to deal with pressures. And thus can be very good for the students’ mental health. In the second place such courses may help students deal with problems in the future. And therefore beneficial to the whole society. The courses teach students how to regulated feelings and emotions in different situations which can be of great use when they graduate and go to work. As for me,I think it’s a wis e idea to open more psychological courses to the students.


同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试大纲(第六版) 一、指导思想 本考试大纲要求通过教学使学生具有较好的用英语获取信息的能力和一定的用英语传递信息的能力。这就要求考生具有较强的阅读理解能力,一定的口语交际能力和语篇信息处理能力,同时也必须具有一定的英译汉能力和写作能力。本考试旨在测试考生是否达到大纲所规定的各项要求和具有大纲所规定的各项语言运用能力。 二、评价目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语口语交际、阅读、语篇完形处理、英译汉和写作等技能(由于技术上的原因,本考试暂时取消听力测试,口语交际技能的测试采用书面形式进行。考生听力能力的测试由各院校在考生学习期间进行)。考生应在词汇知识、语法知识、口语交际能力、阅读理解能力、语篇完形处理能力、英译汉能力和写作能力等方面分别达到以下要求: (一)词汇 掌握约6 000个英语词汇和约700个常用词组。对6 000个词汇中的2 800个左右的积极词汇要求熟练掌握,即能在口语交际和写作中准确地运用;其余词汇则要求能在阅读、语篇完形处理和英译汉等过程中识别和理解。 (二)语法 掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇。 (三)口语交际 能用英语进行日常口语交流。对于生活、学习和工作中的常见英语交流,能理解交流情景、说话人的意图和会话的含义,并能运用相应的知识和判断进行恰当的交流。能正确理解英语口语中常见的习惯用法。 (四)阅读 能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能读懂一般性题材的文章、广告等应用性文本和博客及跟帖等互动形式的阅读材料。要求能抓住大 意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并能领会和分辨作者或话语参与各方的主要意图和态度及其异同等。 (五)语篇完形处理


在职研究生同等学力申硕英语备考经验汇总 一、复习方法篇 1、如何高效增加词汇量 1)不要背书 大部分人背书都是背了后面忘了前面,正襟危坐几个小时,其实记住的单词没几个,为什么?因为人的瞬时记忆力只能记忆5-7个东西,比如你妈妈叫你去买菜,七样以内你能记住,要是十几样你就得用笔记了。因此背书没用,那怎么办?就是分组背,记一组,测试一组,再记下一组。(刘毅的背单词的书就是按照这个原理来设计的) 2)不要用整段时间来背单词 我看过很多人的每日计划,什么几点到几点是背单词时间。这个没用,你花几个小时光背单词,记忆效率绝对很低,脑袋都木掉,合上书一个字也想不起来。一些英语牛人就一个背单词方法——小卡片。每天没事就拿出来看一下,坚持不懈,效果绝对好。 3)在遗忘临界点复习 有个伟大的艾宾浩斯记忆曲线,非常厉害,只要按照那个曲线在遗忘临界点复习,5次复习就可以终身不忘。可以在第1、2、5、15、30、60天把单词再重复看一遍! 4)语境记忆 背单词绝对不能没有例句,中文的一个词你可以对他有很多种解释,英文也一样,如果没有例句帮你体会单词用法,光背词意在真正阅读的时候一定会抓瞎。(刘毅的背单词的书每个单词都有例句) 5)巧用学习工具 现在科技发达,学习工具很多,巧加利用才能事半功倍。我用的是Nokia N73手机,里面有英汉词典,遇到不懂的单词随时用来查,同时也可以把一些单词作为提示有空的时候拿来看。 6)背记单词必须和做真题结合起来 因为单词必须得放到文章中能够认知才叫记住了单词这样单词的记忆会达到事半功倍的效果。传统的每天只是拿着单词书死记硬背是不科学的也是效率最低的。

在单词有了进步之后,你会发现不管是汉译英还是英译汉都不在害怕。但是前提仍然是,多多练习。熟能生巧,翻译多了,跟好的翻译答案对照之后,你会发现好多“的字结构”“使字结构”“无主句”等等之类的句子其实翻译方法是很有章可循的,翻译多了,你会知道什么情况下用被动结构,什么情况下用强调结构,这些能力的前提是必须得多多练习。 2、疯狂做往年的真题并且做后花长时间认真分析 认真做每年的真题,尤其是一些有考验经验的人推荐的真题。争取三天一套,做的时候要卡着时间。做完后要理科对照着正确答案认真分析。做完一套真题可能只需要三个小时的时间,但是做完之后的分析却需要6个小时。所以按照在职学习人的时间来算,三天做一套真题节奏刚好。即便是你做过一遍之后,答案已经背下来了,也仍然要认认真真地做真题,把真题的阅读理解和完形填空作为精读的材料去认真详细地分析每一个句子,攻下你在真题里碰到的每一个生词。 做真题有几大好处,一是通过反复做真题,你可以记住大纲里80%的单词;二是通过反复做真题,你可以熟悉阅读理解完形填空的文章风格和真题出题思路,到考试的时候才不会不适应,尤其是近5年的试题;三是真题的阅读理解其实就是很好很地道的说明文和议论文,熟读之后你会发现里面有好多很精美很地道的句子,拿来用到自己的作文里非常的出彩。三是通过精读真题的阅读理解和完形填空,基本上你第二卷的英译汉已经不成问题了。(第二卷的作文和英译汉通过做真题完全可以搞定了)。 3、针对09新大纲复习对策 今年的英语考试大纲试卷一考试内容与以往相比,去掉了辨识错误部分,保留了会话技能、词汇、阅读理解、综合填空4部分内容。也就是说在考试时间不变的情况下,考试内容减少,试卷难度也就相应降低,对考生而言是好消息。以往,辨错题是试卷中唯一直接考查语法结构题目,新大纲调整后,考生就不需要记忆细小语法知识,更利于考生的英语复习。 专家认为辨识错误部分的5分可能会加到阅读理解部分或词汇部分。根据新大纲中的样题看,2009年英语考试阅读理解部分分值预计会增加,由25分变成30分,题目数量也相应从25个增至30个。同时,新大纲删除500多个旧词增加1220多个新词和50个常用词组。词汇量要求提高预示着今年的英语水平考试难度可能比以往会加大。 面对新大纲词汇量增加的问题,考生可以采用像滚雪球一样的方法记忆。在复习词汇时,首先从掌握大学英语四六级考试要求的词汇入手,每天定时定量地完成背诵内容,第二天,将学过的单词默写几遍,以加深印象。这个阶段大概需要3个月的时间,然后进入背诵考研词汇阶段,考生可选择一本考研核心词汇作为辅助记忆参考书。但是不要认为单词一遍就记住了,记单词的关键是重复记忆。按照记忆曲线,记忆7次一般就差不多记住了,但是还有很少的一部分单词不能记住。他在记完7次以后,把仍然记不住的单词抄在卡片上。正面写着英文单词、词性、音标;背面写着意思、助记法等。


英语考试词汇记忆方法汇总 学习英语最常遇到的问题,便是词汇不足。词汇不足的人在英文听、说、读、写各方面的能力都会受到严重限制。所以词汇量的多少在英语学习中占有重要地位。一般认为背单词是件既吃力,又往往成效不彰的苦差事。实际上,若能采用适当的方法,是可以缩短扩大词汇量所需的时间,并且提高记忆单词的质量的。长喜英语经过多年的发展,在词汇方面的研究也在不断增进,下面介绍九种长喜英语推荐的词汇学习方法。 一大学英语词汇串联记忆学习法 串联记忆以其活泼独到的记忆方法、快捷高效的记忆效果、轻松鲜活的学习语境、切中考试的敏锐视角,在众多词汇学习方法中脱颖而出,独树一帜,受到广大考生一致好评。 串联记忆以“同义串记”为核心,将词汇的巧妙串记、鲜活用法、语境理解、图文辨析巧妙、紧凑地融合成四个环节,层层深入,为同学们大造出一个充满乐趣的词汇学习新天地。 串联记忆敏锐地抓住了四六级新题型考试对词汇的两个考察倾向——同义转述与作文用词,干净利落地解决了这两个问题。 一、编者通过对近15年六级真题的统计分析,发现约有30%的题目在考查考生的同义转述能力。通过同义串记,可以掌握一串词之间的灵活转换,可以让考生对听力和阅读试题中的考试&大一些同义转述一看便知,轻松答题。 二、考生在写作中总是要么感觉下笔无词或只会用一些简单词翻来覆去表达同一意思,要么用词不准,这样作文只能停留在及格线左右。通过本书的同义串记,既知一些词何时可以通用,又知一些词何时不可通用,就能使考生在表达相同意思时能想到不同的英语词汇,且准确地道,这样考生的作文就会用词准确、富于变化。 串联记忆示例:通过学习“ abandon 抛弃”这个词,我们可以串联到“reject desert quit resign drop disc ard”等意义相关联的一串词汇,集中学习了这一串词汇后就能清晰地辨别出这串词的区别不同之处,使记忆清晰不混淆。 二大学英语读美文记单词


考研英语完型填空之答 案详解 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

摘选自星火图书《考研英语各个击破系列——完形填空三步突破法》 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In 1924 American’ National Research Council sent to engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lignting__1__workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2___giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that the very___3____to being experimented upon changed subject s’ behavior. The idea arose because of the __4____behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to __5____of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6____what was done in the experiment; ___7_someting was changed ,productivity rose. A(n)___8___that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9___to alter workers’ behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were _11__ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store _12 __the descriptions on record, no systematic _13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to__ 14__ interpretation of what 15___ , lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16___ rose compared with the previous Saturday and__ 17 __to rise for the next couple of 18__ , a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers__ 19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case , before __20 __a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged” Hawthorne effect “ is hard to pin down. 1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored 2. [A] at [B]up [C] with [D] off 3. [A]truth [B]sight [C] act [D] proof 4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C]mischievous [D] ambiguous 5. [A]requirements [B]explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments 6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work 7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as 8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion 9. [A] suitable [B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant 10. [A] about [B] for [C] on [D] by 11. [A] compared [B]shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed


2018 年同等学力英语真题及答案 一卷部分 Paper One (100 minutes) Part I Oral Communication (10 points) Section A Directions: In this section there are two incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C, taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. Dialogue One How about you? Wanna join us? It’s a long weekend. Tina: I’m so glad the weekend’s finally here. Lewis: Me too. Imagine! 1 c We’ve got three days in a row. Tina: So, where’re you going? Lewis:I don't have any plan yet. I’ll just play it by ear.2 A Tina: We’re going to go hiking and camping in the mountains. Lewis: That sounds exciting! Tina: 3.B Lewis: Hm, let me think about it. I’ll let you know later. Dialogue Two And I’d like the cheapest flight available. What is your destination? And when will you be returning? Travel Agent: Freedom Travel. How can I help you? Caller: Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month. Travel Agent: Okay. 4 B . Caller: Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland. Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are available. 5 C Caller: Uh, well, I’d like to catch a return flight on the twenty-ninth. 6A Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, that’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90from Kennedy to Helsinki. It’s only $980. Caller: Alright, let’s go with that. Section B Directions: In this section there is one incomplete interview which has four blanks and four choices A, B, C and D, taken from the interview. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the interview and mark your answer on the Answer sheet. I think the big difference is, What have you done to make this yours? how they look in the Oval Office. you don’t need so much heart.


同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解一 来源:更新:2009-3-2 14:31:10 点击次数:5226 同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解一 同等学力申请硕士学位英语考试1995-2006真题高频词汇详解 考前突破词汇难关之对策 词汇在英语学习中的重要性自不待言,要想把英语学好,词汇掌握少了是不可能的。为了帮助考生在考前有效突破这一难关,特提出如下对策: 一、区别不同要求,各个击破“堡垒” 同等学力考试分为口语交际、阅读、翻译、写作、词汇等专项测试。这些专项测试对词汇数量、类型和掌握的熟练程度要求也是差别很大的。口语交际所要求的词汇量不大,但要求熟练程度高。其中对人文教育、科学技术、生活口语、习语谚 38

语等,必须做到“眼熟”。翻译和写作涉及的词数量也不大,但多数是正规的大词,尤其连接词汇、句法结构功能词等要用得熟练。辨错改错、综合填充用词数量均有限,主要考运用技能。相比之下,阅读词汇数量最大,几乎涉及到全部《大纲》词表,不过其中许多词只要能认识即可。“词汇”考项涉及的词群已如前所述,不仅要求认识,更要求掌握其用法及细微差别。针对这些不同的要求,考生不可仅靠“背词”一招取胜,而应采取如下方法各个击破:(1)先快速背诵本系列丛书的《大纲词汇板块速记》一书,不仅可一举突破阅读的词汇难关,也可对听力等其它考项词群认识在先。(2)在背上述词汇其间,重在“听”配套的磁带,以听熟“听力”词群。(3)对写作、翻译涉及的词群,通过动笔“写”熟。(4)对其它词群则主要靠在练习中巩固与消化。 二、集中精力于难点,复用词汇靠题练 《大纲》规定同等学力应试考生最低应掌握5,300个英语词汇和300个左右的常用动词词组。对其中的2,500个带星号的复用词要求熟练掌握。其学习重点已很明确。且在这2,500左右带星号的复用词中,其中中学学过的词就有1,500多。要考的复用词中真正生疏的也只有1,000个左右。下面把1995~2006这11年考题中经常考到的词汇列示如下: 38


两大原则,力保四分 第一:红花绿叶原则 每次出现,每次都选的单词为红花词。每次出现,每次都不选的词为绿叶词。 红花词(按排名):however,also,yet,while,because(一定背着,很重要) 绿叶词:是见到后不选的词:排名第一的是:since,而且谁跟since谁倒霉,since家族都不选,同义词:eversince,nowthat一次都没选过。 还有绿叶词:what,它是著名的说和关系词,不选。What不能跟在名词后,就不能引导定语从句和同谓语从句。而定语和同谓语是考试的大热门。所以它是个绿叶词。 还有两拨绿叶词,一个是涉及到虚拟语气的词。而在考研的历年考题中却出现得很少,是因为考研完型填空选材因素,完型填空都选于比较严肃的话题,而虚拟语气不能适应严肃的场景,故出现得很少。 排第一的是:If only;要想了解这个词,还有only if ,only if就是if;但if only却不是only,only if既不是红花也不是绿叶。 If only用英文来解释的话,相当于I wish,相当于要是,只要,要是什么什么多好呀。 If only的用法,它的后面跟从句,从句的时态,如果与过去的情况相反,从句用过去完成时。如果与现在情况相反,从句用一般过去时。如果从句与将来的情况相反,从句用过去将来时,用would/could+动词原形。 If only或者I wish后面跟句子,它后面的句子都是过去时态,这也是是否选此词的依据。如果不是过去时,直接排除! 例 44 its economy continues to recover, 44.[A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that 所以不选C A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without f eeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 . 35. [A] if only [B] now that [C] so that [D] even if 所以不选


1 a 2 abandon 3 ability 4 able 5 aboard 6 about 7 above 8 abroad 9 absence 10 absent 11 absolute 12 absorb 13 abstract 14 abuse 15 academy 16 accent 17 accept 18 acceptable 19 access 20 accident 21 accommodation 22 according to 23 accordingly 24 account 25 accurate 26 accuse 27 accustomed 28 ache 29 achieve 30 acid 31 acquaintance 32 acquire 33 acre 34 across 35 act 36 action 37 active 38 activity 39 actor 40 actress 41 actual 42 actually 43 ad 44 adapt 45 add 46 addition 47 address 48 adjust 49 administer 50 administration 51 admire 52 admit 53 adopt 54 adult 55 advance 56 advanced 57 advantage 58 adventure 59 advertise 60 advertisement 61 advice 62 advise 63 aeroplane 64 affair 65 affect 66 afford 67 afraid 68 Africa 69 African 70 after 71 afternoon 72 again 73 against 74 age 75 agency 76 agenda 77 agent 78 ago 79 agree 80 agreeable 81 agreement 82 ahead 83 aid 84 aim 85 air 86 airline 87 airplane 88 airport 89 alcohol 90 alike 91 alive 92 all 93 allow 94 almost 95 alone 96 along 97 aloud 98 already 99 also 100 although 101 altogether 102 always 103 amazing 104 ambassador 105 ambition 106 ambitious 107 ambulance 108 America 109 American 110 among 111 amount 1 / 24

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