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小学英语作文:足球比赛 Football Game_849

小学英语作文:足球比赛 Football Game_849

小学英语作文:足球比赛Football Game Last week, my father took me to the park with his friends, they planed to play the football game, so I could have the chance to see the game. It was the first time for me to watch the football game. It was so good to watch it, I was full of passion. Since that time, I fall in love with football, I spend more time with my father.



作文范文: 周末的活动(第一人称和第三人称) I/He did many things last Sunday. I/He did homework. I/He learned to sing English songs. I/He went shopping with my mom. I/He visivted my grandparents. I/He had a great time. 假期旅行 I/He went to Hangzhou with my parents this summer vacation. I/He went there by train. I/He visited many places. I/He bought some things. I/He was very happy. I/He enjoyed my holiday. 奥运会 The Olympic Games have a very long history. The ancient Olympic Games began in 776BC in Greece. Only men could take part. It stopped a long time ago. People held the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens. Men and women could take part. Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games. The Chinese athletes won 51 gold medals, 21silver medals and 28bronze medals. We all were proud of our country. 介绍一位朋友 I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She is tall. She likes singing. She often wears a nice dress. She is 1.70m and her size is large. 介绍自己 My name is …I was born in the years of Monkey. I like monkeys very much. Because my birth-year animal is also Monkey. I `m as smart as a monkey. I am 1.60m. my size is Medium . Football is my favorite sport.


学英语chant集锦 在小学英语教学中,有很多教师在课堂中都很喜欢使用Chant。Chant又称数来宝,它的特点是短小、生动、有趣,它特有的音调节奏很受学生喜欢。好的Chant简单易懂、上口快、容易记忆,节奏感强,轻松有趣,有助于学生的听、说、读的训练。同时,对培养学生的学习兴趣和行为习惯有着重要的辅助作用。因此在教学中,教师应恰当运用Chant,以有助于课堂效率的提高。以下是我搜集的一些chants,与大家一起分享。 1 What are you doing now What are you doing now? I am reading now. What are you doing now? I am jumping now. What are you doing now? I am running now. What are you doing now? I am laughing now. Hi hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ha. 2. Eyes ears nose mouth chant Eyes. eyes. chua chua chua Ears ,eard. eng eng eng Nose, nose. sh sh sh Mouth, mouth. um um um 3. Hello song Hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank you. Hello hello how are you, oh oh just so so. Hello hello how are you, no no I am terrible. 4. Rabbit song Left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go! 5. Everything is moving now Everything is moving now . Let me show you how.

英语小短文50字简单的 [简单好背的英语短文3篇]

英语小短文50字简单的[简单好背的英语短文3篇] 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 随着全球一体化的发展,我国急需高水平的外语人才。英语作为一门国际性语言,其地位的重要性不容忽视。小编精心收集了简单好背的英语短文,供大家欣赏学习!简单好背的英语短文篇1 With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself atthe first day of my college life. However, there was one thing for sure that Idid feel quite excited and curious about my university. There is no doubt thatstudents like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted toenter the university.

随着时间的流逝,记得在我的第一天大学生活对我来说变得有点困难了。然而,有一点是肯定的,我对大学真的感到很兴奋很好奇。毫无疑问,很多像我这样努力了很长时间才可以进入大学的学生。 Bringingwith expectation, I got into Zhejiang Gongshang University. Generally speaking,it’s an interesting and fantastic place for us to study and live in. Every daya series of outgoing people get into my eyesight. Curious and out of politeness, I’dtalk to them heart to heart. Here I make friends with my new classmates from everywherearound China. What’s more, time and weather permitting, I will enjoy jogging orplaying basketball with my classmates on the playground, tired but happy. Whenstaying in dormitory, I choose to read news online and sometimes watch a film forrelaxing. However, a good student can never leave his study behind.


三年级小学生描写动物的作文 (*) 我们家养了只小狗,名字叫托尼。 它有长长的金色的卷毛,直直的腿,大大的耳朵耷拉在头的两边。托尼很听话,叫它不要在沙发上爬来爬去,它就不去爬;叫它不要随地解便,它就不随地解便。你叫它做好事,它就去做,你叫它做坏事它不去。它常常和我们比赛踢足球。可是妈妈说我有鼻炎,容易过敏,就不让我和托尼玩,我很难过。后来妈妈把它送给了公司的阿姨,阿姨很喜欢小狗。可是有一天阿姨买了菜回来,突然看见托尼不见了,阿姨很伤心,就把这个事情讲给了我们听,我们也很伤心,每天都想着托尼。我更伤心,晚上睡觉的时候都睡不着。 一天,我出去玩,看见了和托尼一样长相的狗,它还抱了我一下,那天我想它要是托尼该多好呀!回家后讲给妈妈听,妈妈说等我长大了,一定买一只狗送给我。 (*) 我家养了一条小狗,小狗长得可爱极了。全身的毛纯黄,像用黄色的染料染过似的,头上长着一对灵敏的耳朵,平时总爱竖着,这让它更能听清周围的动静。一双水汪汪的大眼睛镶嵌在它窄窄的脸上,非常有神。小小的鼻子高高地翘着。小狗的嘴巴平常总是闭着,只有

发现情况的时候才会张开嘴巴“汪汪”大叫,一副很威风的样子。 别看小狗平时那么威风,其实它十分胆小。有一次,小狗在院子里玩,看见飞来一只蝴蝶,就带劲地去追,正追得起劲,一只老鼠突然窜到它面前,小狗一下子愣住了,一副十分惊恐的样子,然后拔腿就跑,慌乱中还把奶奶晒的花椒给碰翻在地。 小狗虽然胆小,但也很调皮。有一次,奶奶坐在沙发上织毛衣,小狗悄悄地走到奶奶面前,懒洋洋地睡起觉来,正当它闭目养神的时候,毛线球一下子滚了下来,砸到了它的头上,小狗一子跳了起来,看了看毛线球,皱了皱眉头,接着就在那里和毛线球打起“架”来。一会咬,一会扑,一会儿撕,毛线球被小狗折腾得乱七八糟的,小狗也变成立“毛线狗”了,看到这情景,我和奶奶又好气又好笑。 瞧,这就是我家的小狗。有了它,我的生活变得丰富多彩了。(*) 我有一只可爱、聪明、伶俐的小狗,它就是沙皮狗。它非常美丽、漂亮。它身上的毛像棉花一样柔软、乌黑油亮。摸起来可是非常舒服的,它那圆溜溜的大头,真像美丽的小皮球。眼睛像快要突出来的小铅球。鼻子像一座小山峰竖立在他那圆溜溜的眼睛下面。大大的嘴巴像一个黑洞。只要有一点点食物放在他的面前它就像黑洞似得,狼吞虎咽。他那风力的牙齿像一把把利刀安在他的牙门上。他那锋利的爪子像一个个毒牙镶嵌在他的手上。一个摇来摇去的尾巴。加上满脸的


小学英语作文范文 1、根据给出的材料,写一写Sam这个周末的活动计划。 Sam is a puple. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a book this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to help Mum this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 2、看图写作文。 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food

there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 4、题目: My net friend(我的网友)


竭诚为您提供优质的服务,优质的文档,谢谢阅读/双击去除 【三年级英语作文我的寒假】三年级英 语作文50字 时光飞逝,转眼间,又一个学期过去了。你想知道三年级我的寒假作文怎么写吗?下面是小编给大家整理的三年级英语作文我的寒假,供你参考! 三年级英语作文我的寒假篇1 TheNewyear,throughthefootstepscomingtowardsus.happy winterholidaywillbegininaminute,thenhowcanIletthisw interholiday,fullandmeaningful?Istruggledtothinkone day,finally,howtospendthewintervacation.Thinkitover.

seesomebooks,dosomereadingnotes;Appropriatetodosome wintervacationhomeworkeveryday;Lookatthenews,knowab outthestateaffairsandsocialnews.exerciseeveryday,ex ercisetheirbodies;gotothelibrary,theplacesuchasscie nceandtechnologymuseum,xinhuabookstore,getsomelearn ingopportunities,broadentheirfieldofvision;Dosometh ingcanhelpmomanddad...... readingabook.Inordertoletoneselfseesomegoodbooks,Ie arlycametothebookstore.Thevarietyofbooksinthebookst oreIchosesomebooksIlike,putthebookcaseofhome.soitis notafraidofnobookstoread.Irantothestationerystoreto buyathick,beautifulnotebook,inwintervacation,Ihavet owriteit. movement.sportisasourceofhealth,canstrengthenourhea rtandlungfunction;canhelpustopreventosteoporosis;ca


小兔子 小兔子又温顺又可爱。 兔子浑身长满了毛茸茸的白毛,远远看去像一团棉花。它的一双红眼睛被白毛包住了,嵌在眼窝里,像镶着两颗红宝石。白兔两只长长的耳朵,足有二寸半,里面一层是粉红色的皮,外面毛茸茸的,我想它的听觉一定很灵敏。小白兔的鼻子扁扁的,嘴唇分成三瓣,总是不停地耸动着,不知是因为害怕,还是随时在根据气味寻觅食物。兔子的身子圆滚滚的,看上去挺肥。前腿又短又小,后腿又长又有力,在动物王国里它还算是个长跑健将呢。兔子尾部有一条又短又小的尾巴,正如俗话所说的:兔子尾巴长不了。 青蛙 我非常喜欢青蛙。夏天,我常常去池塘边看青蛙。 青蛙很喜欢躲在草丛里,偶尔也叫几声。它们叫得最欢的时候是在大雨过后。每当这时如果有一只叫,旁边的也就随着叫了起来。几十只甚至上百只青蛙“呱呱”叫个不停,那声音能够传到几里地以外,多像一曲气势磅礴的交响乐呀! 青蛙的身体胖胖的,有的身体足有七八厘米长。它们披着黄绿色或深绿色的衣裳,露着雪白的肚皮。它们的头又宽又扁,像一个三角形。它的头上鼓着一双圆溜溜的大眼睛,

长着大嘴巴、小鼻子。 青蛙爱吃小昆虫,观察它捕食的动作才有趣呢。有一天,我静静地蹲在池塘边上的大树后面,细心地观察着。一只青蛙蹲在地上,张着嘴巴仰着脸在等待着什么。突然,一只小虫飞过来,只见青蛙猛地向上一窜,舌头一钩,又落在地上。小虫不见了,青蛙又恢复了原来的样子,耐心地等待着。 青蛙可真是个捉虫的能手,听农民伯伯说:要是算起来,一只青蛙一年之内最少可以消灭一万只害虫。它真是我们的好朋友啊! 小狗 小狗的警惕性非同寻常,它有一个特别灵敏的鼻子,能闻到3里以外东西的气息,吃食物时,它总要低下头闻一闻。它还有一双耳朵,每当听到特别的声音,它的耳朵总会竖起来,认真地倾听着外面的动静!因而,人们养它来看大门,它是人类的忠实的朋友。 小狗有一张宽而大的嘴巴,嘴里有一排洁白而又锋利的牙齿,它一口就可以将一只大老鼠咬死! 小狗有着矫健的四肢,它跑得速度非常快,一分钟可以跑二、三里路呢!



我的班级My Class I am ten years old now, I am in a primary school, in my class, I have many friends. My friends and I get along with each other well,they will help me when I am in trouble. When the activity race comes, my class gets united and fight for the first place, I am soproud of my class, I have so many happy memories. 我现在十岁了,我在一所小学上学,在我的班级中,我有很多的朋友。我的朋友和我之间相处得很好,他们会帮助我,当我遇到困难 的时候。当活动比赛举行的时候,我的班级就会团结起来,为第一 名奋斗,我为我的班级感到自豪,我有很多开心的回忆 我最喜欢的节日My Favorite Festival There are many festivals in a year, I love Children’s day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school. In the school, i will play many games, there will be no class on Children’s day, and everybody will have fun. Children’s day is my favorite day, the day belongs to me. I enjoy that day so much. My parents will also celebrate it for me. 一年中有很多的节日,我喜欢儿童节,因为在那天,我可以从学校 里得到很多的糖果。在学校里,我可以玩很多的游戏,儿童节那天


小学英语chant集锦 1 What are you doing now What are you doing now? I am reading now. What are you doing now? I am jumping now. What are you doing now? I am running now. What are you doing now? I am laughing now. Hi hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ha. 2. Eyes ears nose mouth chant Eyes. eyes. chua chua chua Ears ,eard. eng eng eng Nose, nose. sh sh sh Mouth, mouth. um um um 3. Hello song Hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank you. Hello hello how are you, oh oh just so so. Hello hello how are you, no no I am terrible. 4. Rabbit song Left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go! 5. Everything is moving now Everything is moving now . Let me show you how. My head is shaking, shaking ,shaking, shaking. My arms are swing, swing ,swing ,swing.


小学英语日记50字带翻译10篇 篇一 1. Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing computer games. We played basketball game online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of course, I won finally. We had a good time. 2. I went to visit one of our teachers with some of my classmates this morning. Miss Jones is our English teacher and she likes all the classmates. She tried so hard to help us to improve our English. We went to her flat and had lunch there with her. We had a good time. 3. I went to see a film in the cinema this evening. It was called Kong Fu Panda. I love this film. It is funny but I also learned something from the film. We should not give up things easily. We should have a good plan and make up our mind to make our dream come true. 4. Xiaomei and I went out this morning. We went to the city centre. We went window shopping, and then we had lunch at the restaurant. We didn’t buy anything


【导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是无忧考网整理的《小学生英语作文范文10篇》,希望帮助到您。 小学生英语作文范文篇一 Last week, my father took me to the swimming pool, he told me that I should learn to swimming, so that I could protect myself when I meet the emergent situation. I was so afraid of the water at the beginning, my father asked to be brave, I tried to go into the water many times, finally I made it. It is a good try for me, I believe I can swim soon. 小学生英语作文范文篇二 There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter. We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good. My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close. I feel happy to have such family. 小学生英语作文范文篇三 Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldn’t cook for me, they asked me to live with my grandparents. Thinking about staying at home alone, I felt excited, I told them I could take care of myself. When the darkness came, I felt hungry, I cooked the simple dinner, what’s more, I washed the dishes. I can take care of myself. 小学生英语作文范文篇四 I like to watch comedy so much, because it makes me laugh happily and I will forget about the annoyance. The comedies from Zhou Xingchi are my favorite, no matter how many times I watch them, I just can’t help laughing out loudly. Watching comedy is a good way to relax, it helps me to keep the good mood. 小学生英语作文范文篇五 My uncle is a policeman. He is very tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.


小学英语chant集锦 1、动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, Tiger Tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes是斑纹; Lion Lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,Mane Mane是鬣毛; Elephant Elephant是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk是象鼻; Kangaroo Kangaroo是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 2、小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear可真棒。 3、月份歌 一月January雪花飞;二月February年来到;三月March花儿笑;四月April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动;六月June节日到;七月July向着党;八月august烈日照; 九月September回学校;十月October庆国庆;十一月November初冬到; 十二月December过圣诞。 4、天气歌 五种weather好兄妹,都是字母y结尾,Sunny大哥阳光照,Cloudy乌云飘呀飘, Rainy大雨哗哗下,Windy狂风吹来了,Snowy小妹脾气怪,不到冬天她不来。 5、颜色歌 red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎; black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。 6、形状歌 Shape形状真奇妙,直线、方形、圆、三角,Line,line, square,Circle, circle, triangle, Triangle三条边,Line就是一条线,Circle是个大圆圈,Square方形记心间. 7、方向歌 east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明;south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。 8、物主代词 我的my,你的your,男的他的用his, 女的她的就用her, 物品它的用its, 我们的our ,你们的your,他们的their. 9、Be动词 我是am,你是are,is跟着他、她、它, 复数全部都用are


描写小动物的作文 导读:本文是关于三年级作文描写小动物的作文,感谢您的阅读. 你喜欢小白兔吗?告诉你,我可喜欢小白兔啦!你看,小白兔全身长着雪白的绒毛,没有一点杂色。它一蹲下来,就像一个魄的绒球,多可爱!它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石,特别美。小白兔的耳朵和别的动物不一样,长得比较长,只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动,警惕地注视着周围的动静。最有趣的要算是小白兔嘴巴了。别的动物只有上下,两瓣嘴唇,可它呢,上嘴唇豁成两半,加上下面一瓣嘴唇,就成"三瓣嘴"了,它长成了这"三瓣嘴"是为了好看吗?不!因为小白兔最爱吃大萝卜,小嘴张不大,怎么能吃大萝卜呢?现在有了这"三瓣嘴",它不就可以张大嘴巴大口大口地吃了吗?小白兔的前腿短,后腿长,走起路来总是一蹦一跳,它那屁股后面贴着的短尾巴,也跟着一撅一撅的,怪有趣的。我想,经我这么一介绍,你一定也喜欢上小白兔了吧! 这篇文章的小作者写小白兔,做到了以下几点: 1、有一定的顺序。小作者先从整体观察小白兔,写小白兔的全身毛色,再观察身体的各部分,从头部,到身体四肢,再到尾巴依次写下来。 2、抓住动物的外形特点来写,写全身,突出"雪白的绒毛",写眼睛,主要写眼睛"红",写耳朵,主要写耳朵的"长",写嘴巴,突出小白兔的 "三瓣嘴",写腿,只写"长"和"短",写尾巴,突出"短"。尤其是"三瓣嘴",小作者写得比较详细,因为"三瓣嘴"是小白兔和其它动物比较起来,显得很特别的地方。小作者还写了自己对小白兔为什么有"三瓣嘴" 的猜想。 3、抓住动物的活动特点。如文中"只要听到一点轻微的声音,它就会把耳朵唰地竖起来向四面转动……""走起路来总是一蹦一跳",短尾巴 "也跟着一撅一撅的"就写小白兔的活动特点。 4、注意用词准确,尽量做到语句优美。耳朵"竖"起来,尾巴"贴" 在屁股后面,"竖""贴"等这些词用得很准确,小作者还用了打比方的句子。如"它一蹲下来就像一个白色的绒球","它有一对红眼睛,就像两颗嵌在雪球上的红宝石"形容了小白兔的毛色白,给人毛茸茸的感觉,眼睛红、亮。读了这篇文章,确实让人感到小白兔的可爱。


1 )我的书包My Backpack I have a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from myparents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all myschool things in it. It is very heavy. It is with all the time duri ng school days. It is a good friend of mine. (2) 我的房子My House I have a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom,one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the livi ng-room. I do my homework in the study. I have dinner in the kitche n. This is my house. I like it. (3) 今年暑假(This vacations) In this vacati ons I go to travel in some famous places and I go to visit my gran dpare nts in the village. I lear n someth ing differe nt. like example: I know people work in the village it is so hard and so tired, they are grow the vegetable, rice and someth ing else it is very difficult. (4) 小学的最后一个暑彳假(the last summer in my elementary school) T he last summer in my eleme ntary school is very un forgetable,i remember i will go to ano ther school and have to leave my friends and teachers,i feel sad ,but i learned to get together with them to remember the frie ndship betwee n us,we have a good time and swear to study hard in order to have a bright future.


小学英语chant全面总结资料大全 动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, Tiger Tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,Stripes Stripes是斑纹; Lion Lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,Mane Mane是鬣毛; Elephant Elephant是大象, 可爱的大象鼻子长,Trunk Trunk是象鼻; Kangaroo Kangaroo是袋鼠, 育儿袋里装宝宝,Pouch Pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。 漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。 五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear 可真棒。 月份歌

一月January雪花飞; 二月 February年来到;三月 March花儿笑; 四月 April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动; 六月June节日到; 七月July向着党; 八月 august烈日照; 九月 September回学校;十月 October庆国庆; 十一月 November初冬到;十二月December过圣诞。天气歌 五种weather好兄妹, 都是字母y结尾, Sunny大哥阳光照,Cloudy乌云飘呀飘,Rainy大雨哗哗下,Windy狂风吹来了,Snowy小妹脾气怪, 不到冬天她不来。 颜色歌

red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎; black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。


小学英语作文范文(必背) Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 小学英语作文范文(必背) 2、看图写作文。(园地29页) 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:下图是Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。 要求:1、条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 2、不少于70个单词。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 小学英语作文范文(必背) 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 小学英语作文范文(必背)

小学英语chant 集锦

小学英语chant 集锦 动物歌 动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说, tiger tiger是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,stripes stripes是斑纹; lion lion金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,mane mane是鬣毛; elephant elephant是大象, 可爱的大象鼻子长,trunk trunk是象鼻; kangaroo kangaroo是袋鼠, 育儿袋里装宝宝,pouch pouch育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。 小熊bear建新房,朋友friend来帮忙。 漂亮的house真气派,能挡风雨outside大门外。 五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。 葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。 动物animal齐庆贺,inside、inside里面请,都夸bear可真棒。 月份歌 一月January雪花飞; 二月 February年来到; 三月 March花儿笑; 四月 April风筝飞; 五月May去劳动; 六月June节日到; 七月July向着党; 八月 August烈日照; 九月 September回学校; 十月 October庆国庆; 十一月 November初冬到; 十二月December过圣诞。 天气歌 五种weather好兄妹, 都是字母y结尾, sunny大哥阳光照, cloudy乌云飘呀飘, rainy大雨哗哗下, windy狂风吹来了, snowy小妹脾气怪, 不到冬天她不来。 颜色歌

red红,yellow黄,blue蓝色像海洋; green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎;black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。 形状歌 Shape形状真奇妙, 直线、方形、圆、三角, Line, line, square, Circle, circle, triangle, Triangle三条边, Line就是一条线, Circle是个大圆圈, Square方形记心间. 方向歌 east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明; south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。 物主代词 我的my,你的your, 男的他的用his, 女的她的就用her, 物品它的用its, 我们的our ,你们的your,他们的their. Be动词 我是am,你是are, is跟着他、她、它, 复数全部都用are Two Big Trees Two Big Trees Two big trees, taller than the house. The trees are tall. Two big trees. Two big trees, older than the house. The trees are old. Two big trees. Two big trees, stronger than the house. The trees are strong.

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