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Text A:How to be cool at college 大学里怎样才酷
Meaning: How to make yourself very good and impressive to others at college.
Cool: adj 绝妙的;顶呱呱的;e.g. You look really cool in that new dress. If you say that someone is cool, you mean that he is fashionable, attractive, and trendy. 如果你说某人很酷,你是指他很时尚,很有吸引力。
第一段: (1)Going to college? Lucky you! You’ll have a great time and a lot of fun on the way. Yet your education is also very serious business. 上大学了?你真幸运!上了大学你将很快活,有很多乐趣。但是你的学习也是件严肃的事。
Have a good/great/wonderful time: enjoy oneself 过得愉快;玩得开心;e.g. They had a great time in the cinema.
On the way: 在路上; On the way to school, she met her friend Mary.
Education: 教育, 培养, 训练; e.g. elementary, secondary and higher education.
moral, intellectual and physical education. 德育、智育、体育
Business: n. 生意, 事情, 业务, 商业, 商行, 职责 e.g. Business is business. 公事公办。 Business neglected is business lost. 忽视职责就是放弃事业。 Enter into business relation. 建立商业关系。
(2) To a large extent, you will be on your own. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often
在很大程度上, 你将靠自己。 的确,会有很多人帮你, 但是无论你决定做
have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. Most of you have decided on a career. Even though some of you 什么, 你常常得自己走出第一步。 你们中多数人已经决定了自己将来干什么。即使有些人以后
may change your mind later, you will have to set goals and work hard for them step by step until you graduate.
可能改变主意, 但是还得自己确定目标, 并且一步一步为它们奋斗,直到毕业。
To a large extent: 在很大程度上; To a large extent, our price depends on how large your order is.
On one’s own: 独自;靠自己; e.g. I can’t carry it on my own. It’s too heavy.
Children should learn to be on their own from day one. 孩子一开始就应学会独立。
Take the first step in sth or doing sth: 率先迈出做……的第一步; e.g. You are the one to take the first step in making your own decision. 自己做决定得自己率先迈出第一步。 One should take the first step in one’s own matters. 自己的事自己要率先迈出第一步。
Whatever (pron) 任何……的事物;凡是……的东西;不管什么…; e.g. Whatever I said, he would disagree.
He refuses, for whatever reason. 不论什么理由他都拒绝。 Whatever you do, do it well. 做任何事都要做好。
Career: a job or profession that you have been trained for, and which you do for a long period of your life.
Career in…;

e.g. a career in business; a teaching career; He realized that his acting career was over.
Career development/advancement/progress;
Even though/if: 即使…也;尽管; 就算; e.g. Even though you don’t like it, you have to take the job.
I wouldn’t do this, even though you paid me a thousand dollars.
Change one’s mind: 改变主意; e.g. He won’t change his mind once he sets goals to go to college.
Goal: n 1. Something that you hope to achieve in the future SYN aim. 目标;
2. the area between two posts where the ball must go in order to score in games such as football or hockey.球门;
3. the action of making the ball go into a goal, or the score gained by doing this; 进球得分;
e.g. I scored the first goal. 我得了第一分。 An own goal; 乌龙球;
Step by step: little by little; gradually;一步一步地;逐渐; e.g. We learn English step by step.
Graduate: v 1. Someone who has completed a university degree, esp a first degree。 毕业;

第二段: As a teacher, I always tell my students to work hard and keep up from day one. You should also think about taking other subjects. For a rich full life of college, you should make the most of the opportunities at hand.
From day one: from the very beginning; 一开始;从第一天开始;
Keep (sth) up: 1. To continue doing sth;继续做某事; e.g. I don’t think I can keep this up any longer.
2. if a situation keeps up, it continues without stopping or changing.保持 E.g. How long can the economic boom keep up?
3. to continue read and learn about a particular subject, so that you always know about the most recent facts, products.
Think about: 考虑;想; e.g. You ought to spend more time thinking about your work.
Subject: n 1. An area of knowledge that you study at a school or university. 学科;科目;
2. the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, book, film. 主题;题目;
Make the most of……: get as much pleasure, profit, etc as possible from sth; 充分利用……;
Opportunity: n 1. A chance to do sth or an occasion when it is easy for you to do sth; 机会;时机;
At hand: near in time or place; 即将来到;在手边;在近处; e.g. Help is close at hand. 救星就在眼前。

第三段: I hope you have understood this by now: going to college means a lot more than getting a grade. You know you
我希望到现在你一理解了这一点, 即上大学远非仅仅意味着得到一个分数。 你知道你
have a debt to many people. They have worked hard to make these opportunities open for you. Please, don’t let them
欠了很多人的债。 他们努力为你创造

了这些机会。 请别让他们失望!
down! Study hard and learn more.
By now: 到目前为止; e.g. I have learnt 5000 word by now.
More than: 修饰名词。意为:“不只;不仅仅;远不止;” 例:We must consider more than the beginning of the motion, however. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的初始阶段。 Being a good listener means much more than just “listening with ears”. 作一名好的倾听者,绝不只是 “用耳朵听”.
Have a debt to sb: 欠某人债; e.g. Don’t have a debt to anybody!
Let sb down: 令某人失望; e.g. I hope you won’t let me down. I didn’t let my parents down by becoming a college student. 我成了大学生,没有令我父母失望。
Make +n/pron + adj: 使得……怎么样。 E.g. make the door open. Make him nervous. Make the situation worse.

第四段: You should also consider this: Are you going to take a course to really learn something or are you going to take
你也应该考虑这个问题, 你选修一门课程是为了真正学点什么呢, 还是只为了成绩单上有
it only to have it on your record? I have heard far too many students tell me that they are doing a course to get a
这门课程的成绩? 我已听到太多的学生告诉我, 他们选修一门课是为了一个文凭,
certificate for a better chance of “getting a job”. Sadly, this is not a good reason to learn anything. Why? Well, firstly, you
以便有更好的“谋得工作”的机会。 不幸的是, 这不是个好的学习理由。 为什么呢? 这个嘛,首先
may not get a job even if you do a course that is likely to get you one. Secondly, you are cheating yourself. If you don’t
即使你选修的课程可能帮助你谋得一份工作,你也未必能得到这份工作。 其次, 你在欺骗你自己。 如果你不
have a real understanding and liking of your course, you may begin to feel very unhappy. You know it will be very
真正理解和喜欢你的课程, 你就可能开始感到不愉快。 要知道, 否则你很
difficult for you to respect yourself (unless) you are proud of your work. The truly happy person is one who is proud of
难尊重你自己。 除非 你为自己的工作感到骄傲。 真正幸福的人是一个为自己个工作感到骄傲并对自己
his work and honest with himself. This is true of a worker, doctor, teacher, or whatever.
诚实的人。 这对工人、医生、教师或其他无论谁来说都一样。
Course: n 1. A series of lessons in a particular subject. 课程; e.g. an English course; an evening course;
2. A period of time or process during w

hich sth happens. 过程;进程;e.g. During the course of flight; 在飞行期间
3. one of the separate parts of a meal. 一道菜; e.g. first/second/main course;
Far: adv 常与too一道使用,表示强调。 意为:“非常;太” e.g. far too busy; far too cold;
Certificate: n 1. An official document that states that a fact or facts are true.证书;证明;文凭;执照;
e.g. birth/death/marriage certificate; 出生证;死亡证;结婚证;
Reason: n 1. Why sth happens, or why sb does sth. 原因;理由;借口; e.g. What’s your reason for being so late?
v. 2 use one’s reason; 推理;思考; e.g. He has the ability to reason. 他有思考能力。 She can reason very clearly.
Likely: adj sth that is likely will probably happen or is probably true. 看来要发生的;可能的;
e.g. Snow showers are likely tomorrow. 明天可能下雪。Likely outcome/effects/consequences; 可能的结果;
the most likely cause of the problem
Cheat: 1. V. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or to get an advantage, esp in a competition, game, or examination. 欺骗;作弊; e.g. He had cheated in the test by using a calculator.
Understanding: n. knowledge about sth, based on learning or experience; 了解;理解;
Liking: n. liking for sth; 喜欢; e.g. She has developed a liking for theater.
Respect: n. admiration. A feeling of admiring sb or what they do, esp because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills. 尊敬;敬重; respect for……; e.g. I have the greatest respect for Jane’s work. Win one’s respect; lose one’s respect;
Unless: conj. If…not; 如果不;除非; e.g. Unless some extra money found, the theatre will close.
He won’t go to sleep unless you tell him a story. My boss told me that unless my work was improved, I would lose my job.
Truly: really, sincerely; 真正地; e.g. His work is truly original. I am truly sorry. She truly believed he was innocent.
Be true of…; 对…….也有效/一样; e.g. That is not true of the people I am talking about. 我所说的那些人却与此不同。
Or whatever: anything like that; 这一类(物或人); e.g. Just write sth, a letter, a report, or whatever to kill time. 为打发时间写点什么吧,信,文章,报告,无论什么都可以。
Make up one’s mind: decide; 决定;
5. So, as you begin your college career, make up your mind to learn as much as possible.
因此,在开始你的大学生涯时, 下定决心好好学习吧!

Text B:Hi, I’m new here!
Meaning: Hello, I am a new student.
1. College is a new and different experience for me. I’m away from home, so I have many things to adjust to, e.g. being
上大学对我来说是种新的不同的体验。 我离开了家, 因此有很多事情要去适应, 比如说,
on my own, taking with friendly people. These are some of the things I

like about college.
得自己依靠自己,和友好的人交谈。 这些是我喜欢大学的一些方面。
Experience: knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this; 经验;体验;
Experience of/in/with…; e.g. You’ve got a lot of experience of lecturing. My experience in many areas of the business.
Adjust: to gradually become familiar with a new situation; 调整;适应: adjust to: e.g. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. My parents had difficulty adjusting to living in an apartment.
Adjust oneself to sth; 适应; It took time to adjust myself to motherhood. 我花了些时间才适应做母亲。
2. First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents aren’t around to say,
首先, 生活在大学里给我一种责任感, 一种独立感。 父母不会再在身边对我说:“
“No, you’re not going out tonight.” or “Did you finish your homework?” Everything I do has to be my decision, and that
不行,你今晚不能出去。 或者,“你做完家庭作业了吗?” 我做的每件事都得自己决定, 而这
makes me responsible for my own life. During the second week I was at college, I had to go out and look for a bank
就使我得对自己的生活负责。 在校第二周时, 我得出去找我可以开账户的银行。
where I could open an account. And when I got to the bank, I had to decide whether to have a current or savings
在我到了这家银行时, 我得决定是开往来账户还是储蓄账户
account and whether or not to get a credit card. Decisions! Decisions!
是否要一个信用卡。 拿主意吧,快拿主意吧!
Responsible: if someone is responsible for an accident, mistake, crime etc, it is their fault or they can be blame. 有责任的
e.g. Police believe that the same man is responsible for three other murders in the area.
Responsibility: n. a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens. 责任;职责;e.g. Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility.
Decision: n. a choice or judgment that you make after a period of discussion or thought; 决定;
e.g. Do you ever wonder if you made the right decision? Decision to do something: Decision about/on:
3. Friendly people, that’s another thing I like about college. On my first day I came to Marymount University here in
人们都很友好,这是我喜欢大学的另一个方面。 我从纽约来到佛吉尼亚洲玛丽蒙特大学的第一天
Virginia from New York, I was a bit confused about where I was going. My mother and I drove in. We did not know the

路怎么走。 母亲和我进了学校, 然而我们不知道
building we were supposed to go to, but the guard was very nice. With a smile, he told us what building we were
我们要去的那栋大楼在哪。 可警卫很好, 他笑着告诉我们要找的是哪栋大楼
looking for and where we could park our car. My room was on the first floor of New Gerard, and I knew I had to go
该在哪个地方停车。 我的房间在新格拉德一楼。 我知道我得
through some glass doors, but my mother and I didn’t know which ones. Some students saw me and asked, “Are you a
通过几道玻璃门, 可我母亲和我却不知道是哪几道。 有些学生看到我问: “你是
new student?” When they found out I was looking for New Gerard, one said: “oh, just follow us; that’s where we’re
新生吧?” 当他们得知我在找新格拉德时, 其中一个说:“啊,跟我们来吧,我们也去那里”
going.” Even now I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are friendly people around to talk with.
University: n. an educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree. 大学;
At a university: university of…; go to university; be at university; study something at a university;
Confuse: v. to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand: 使糊涂;使困惑;
e.g. I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.
Suppose: v. 1) used to say you think something is true, although you are not certain about it.
2) used to say that you think that something is probably true, although you wish it was not and hope someone will tell you it is not. E.g. I suppose that ……
Guard: n 1) someone whose job is to protect a place or person; 警卫;保安;
e.g. security guard; armed guard; prison guard; be on guard; 执勤;
Comfortable: adj. making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc. 舒服的;惬意;
Dorm: n. a large building at a college or university where students live; 宿舍;
4. I do like a lot of things about college, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about things at home. Although I like college, 我的确喜欢大学里的很多东西, 但这并不意味着 我不想念家里的东西。 虽然我喜欢大学,
I can still get homesick: New York is a very good place, too!
我还是想家。 纽约也是一个好地方。
Homesick: adj. feeling unhappy because you are a long way from your home. 想家的;思乡的;


第一段 At Sunday’s graduation, Su-Kyeong Kim will speak to the 385 members of her class. This might seem like a
在周日的毕业典礼上, 金素静将向她所在班级的385名同学演讲。 对于像她这样的女孩
dream to a girl like her. Kim hardly spoke a word of English when she first arrived in the USA four years ago. But now,
来说,这似乎是个梦。 4年前金刚来到美国时连一个单词都不会说。 但此刻
her dream has become a reality.
Reality: n. 1)what actually happens or is true, not what is imagined or thought: 现实;
e.g. the distinction between fantasy and reality. TV is used as an escape from reality.
In reality: used to say that something is different from what people think: 实际上;
e.g. In reality, violent crimes are still extremely rare.
2)the fact that something exists or is happening: e.g. She had never accepted the reality of her pregnant.

第二段 Kim was only 15 years old when she first arrived. Within four years, though, she has managed to become so
金刚来美国时只有15岁。 然而在4年里, 她能说一口
fluent in English that she doesn’t even have a foreign accent! She has won many awards, and has even written a book
流利的英语,而且不带外国口音。 从那时起,她赢得了许多奖项,还写了一本
about her experiences in learning English.
Within: prep. 1) During a certain period of time. 在…之内;e.g. We should have the test results back within 24 hours.
Within an hour of our arrival Caroline was starting to complain.
2) less than a certain distance from a particular place: e.g. The invading troops came within 50 miles of Paris.
Manage: 1)to direct or control a business or department and the people, equipment, and money involved it: 管理;
e.g. He was asked to manage a new department. Managing a football team is harder than you think.
2)manage to do something: to succeed in doing something difficult, esp after trying very hard. 有能力做;有办法处理;
e.g. Don’t worry, I am sure I can manage on my own. They are not sure they can manage to control the situation.
Fluent: adj. 1)able to speak a language very well. (fluent in…): 流利的;e.g. She was fluent in English, French and German.
2) fluent+语言: e.g. fluent French/Japanese; 例:He spoke in fluent Italian.
3) fluent+动作/乐器:熟练的;流畅的; e.g. Fluent readers seldom stop at an unknown word, as they can manage to guess its meaning.
Accent: 1)the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from=dialect: 口音;乡音; e.g. He had a strong Irish acce

Award: 1) n. something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done: 奖金/品; e.g. The movie has won a number of awards. (award for……)
第三段 Kim first saw the need for the book when she began helping Korean students at her school after they had just
arrived in the country. She knew they were having the same troubles that she had experienced.

第四段“You think you the only person feeling embarrassed when making mistakes,” she said when we interviewed her,
“当你犯错误时,你认为你是唯一感到尴尬的人,” 我们采访她时她说道,
“but everyone does it.” She calls her book Looking for Trouble. It means that the road to success in learning a second
“但是人人都一样。” 她将她的书命名为《寻找麻烦》, 它的意思是学习第二语言的成功之路
language can be difficult. “I want others to know that it’s OK to make mistakes,” she said, “that nothing can be gained
会充满艰辛。 “我想让其他人知道,犯错误没什么大不了,”她说,“不冒险则一无所获。
without risk. Lots of people think other people do not make mistakes. It’s not true. Everyone makes mistakes. But you
许多人认为别人不会犯错误, 但事实并非如此。人人都会犯错误, 但你
can turn those mistakes into a big step toward your success.”
Embarrass: v. 1)to make someone ashamed, nervous, or uncomfortable, esp in front of other people: 使窘迫;尴尬;
e.g. He didn’t want to embarrass her by asking questions.
Interview: n. 1) a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether they are suitable for a job, course of study etc. ( interview for…): 面试/谈; e.g. an interview for a job on the Los Angeles Times.
2)an occasion when a famous person is asked questions about their life, experiences, or opinions for a newspaper, magazine, television program. (interview with…): 采访; e.g. an interview with the president/newspaper/radio/TV.
Risk: 1)the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen. (risk of…): 危险性;风险性;
e.g. Skiers always face the risk of serious injury. (risk that…): There’s a risk that the disease may spread further.
(risk to…): There’s no risk to public health. (Take a risk in doing something); (Take the risk of doing something);
Turn…into…;使转变/成为;e.g. Her bitter experience has turned her into a stronger person.

第五段 In the book, Kim writes about her “terrible” situations: a taxi

driver left her and her mother in a dark parking
金在书中写道她所经历的一些“可怕的”境遇: 出租车司机半夜把她和她母亲留在黑暗的停车场里,
lot at midnight because they had not been able to give the driver the right address in English; she gave the wrong
就因为她不能用英语告诉司机确切的地址; 当她向老师
pronunciation of the word “sheet” in asking for a piece of paper, and her teacher thought that she had said a rude word;
要一张纸时,她竟然把“sheet”的发音给发错了, 结果老师以为她说了粗话;
she heard a girl say “Do you mind if I sit with you?” and she answered “Yes!” loudly.
她听一位女孩对她说:“你介意我坐在你旁边吗?” 她大声地回答:“是的!”
Situation: 1) n. a combination of all the things that are happening and all the conditions that exist at a particular time in a particular place. 状况;境遇;形势; e.g. I explained the situation to everyone. (in a …… situation)
2) n. the type of area where a building is situated---used esp by people who sell or advertise buildings.=location: 位置;环境; e.g. The house is in a charming situation, on a wooded hillside.
Sheet: 1) n. a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a bed to lie on or lie under—blanket, duvet: 床单;
2) n. a thin flat piece of something such as metal or glass, that usually has four sides (sheet of…) 片;块;张;
Rude: adj. 1) speaking and behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people=impolite: 粗鲁的;
(be rude to…) e.g. It’s rude to stare.
Ask for: 要求;请求; e.g. The workers are asking for another increase in pay. She asked me for a drink.

第六段 These experiences taught Kim an important lesson about learning English well: You have to be brave. Never be
这些经历给金就如何学好英语上了重要的一课。 你得勇敢, 决不能
afraid of making mistakes. You have to dare to learn the language ----you can’t just sit in your own room and only study
害怕犯错误。 学习英语你必须要大胆; 你不能只坐在房间里学习语法,
grammar. You have to go and talk to people and listen to them speak.
Teach someone a lesson: 给某人一个教训; e.g. His failure in the exam has taught him a lesson.
Dare to(do sth): 胆敢;敢于;(不用于进行时) e.g. The little boy would never dare to say no to his father.
Mary was so brave that she even dared to criticize her boss.
第七段 Take a leaf out of Kim’s book! 以金为榜样吧!

Text B: Listening to a Radio Program in English
第一段 Listening to a radio program in a foreign language

is difficult for many of us. We may have studied the language
对于我们许多人来说,听懂外语广播节目是困难的。 这门外语我们可能已经学习
for years, be able to read and even speak and write in the language. However, listening to a foreign language calls for
了很多年,能够用它阅读,甚至还能用它讲话和写作。 然而, 要听懂一门外语 需要
different skills. Some people have natural ability to learn languages quickly because they know how to “listen”. Others
各种技能。 有些人具有学习语言学得快的天赋, 因为他们懂得如何去听。 而其他人
have to study for a long time. Everyone, however, can improve his or her listening skills with practice.
必须要花很长时间去学习。 不过,人人都可以通过练习来提高自己的听力。
Call for: need or deserve: 需要;值得; e.g. This trouble calls for quick action by the government.
Skill: n. an ability to do something well, esp because you have learned and practiced it.=talent: 技能;能力;
e.g. Reading and writing are different skills. Many jobs today require computer skills.
Natural: 1) n. existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people: 天然的;自然的;
e.g. the study of the natural world. Natural disasters. The need for natural light in offices.
2) n. having a particular quality or skill without needing to be taught and without needing to try hard: 天生的;固有的;
e.g. a natural musician. His natural ability with figures.
Ability: n. the state of being able to do something. (ability to do something): 能力;才能;
Improve: v. to make something better, or to become better. 改进/善;
e.g. a course for students wishing to improve their English. The doctor say she is improving.

第二段 We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice. We understand the grammar
我们母语的听力很好是因为我们进行了多年的练习。 我们熟悉母语的语法
and the words. We also understand the style of our own language. We know what to expect in almost any situation
和词汇。 我们也了解母语的风格。 我们几乎能猜到各种场合下的谈话内容。
because we have heard similar conversations many times before. As a result, we can understand what is being talked
这是因为我们曾多次听到过类似的谈话。 结果, 我们也能听懂谈话的内容。
about, even if we are not listening carefully. Unfortunately, this is not true with a foreign language. We have to listen
即使我们不仔细去听, 遗憾的是, 听外语就不是这样了。 我们得非常
really hard and we must try not to let the style of our own language a

ffect our learning of the foreign language.
Style: n. a typical way of writing, painting etc that is used by a particular person or during a particular period of time: 文体;风格; e.g. The editor in New York liked both the ideas in her letters and her writing style.
Expect: v. think something will happen because it seems likely or has been planned. 预期/料;
e.g. I expect to be back within a week. The company expects to complete work in April.
(expect somebody to do something); (expect that……);
Similar: adj. almost the same: 近似的;类似的;相似的;
e.g. We have similar tastes in music. Both approaches seem to achieve similar results.
(be similar to…);与…近似; (be similar in…)在某方面近似;
Conversation: n. an informal talk in which people exchange news, feelings and thoughts. 交谈;会话;
Be true with…: 适合于;对…适用;
e.g. The food is good and the same is true with the service. 食物可口,服务也不错。
Affect: v. 1)to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation: 影响;
e.g. the areas affected by the hurricane. A disease that affects the central nervous system.
2)to make someone feel strong emotions: 使感动;e.g. We were all deeply affected by her death.

第三段 Listening to a radio program in a foreign language is easier if we know something about the subject already.
Evening programs are usually quite long and detailed. Morning programs, however, usually have many short items of
晚间节目通常很长而且详尽, 晨间节目则多是短小的新闻和信息。
news or information. These are good to listen to because we often do not have the time or energy to listen to those in
晨间节目较适合收听, 因为我们常常没有时间或精力去收听晚间节目。
the evening.
Detailed: adj. 1)containing or including a lot of information or details: 详细的;
e.g. detailed description/account/analysis/study.
Item: n. a single thing, esp one thing in a list, group, or set of things: 一项/件/条;
e.g. He opened the cardboard box and took out each item. The store is having a sale on furniture and household items.
Energy: n. 1) power that is used to provide heat, operate machines etc: 能量/源;e.g. The water is heated by using energy from the Sun. The problem with nuclear energy is dealing with the waste.
2)the physical and mental strength that makes you able to do things: 精力;
e.g. Where do those kids get their energy from? Are you suffering from a lack of energy?

第四段 The name of the program will usually tell us what the subject is (e.g. A Week in Politics). But sometimes, i

t may
节目的名称通常会告诉我们其主题是什么(比如《一周政治》这个节目), 但有时, 也并非如此
not! In this case, you can try guessing what the program will be about.
Case: n. 1) an example of a particular situation or of something happening: 实例;事例;
e.g. There were 16 cases of damage to cars in the area.
2)a situation that exists, esp as it affects a particular person or group.状况;情形;
e.g. Changing men’s and women’s roles is not easy, but in our case it has been helpful.

第五段 Another suggestion is to try listening to the news headlines in a foreign language every day, and then compare
另外一个建议就是试着每天听听外语新闻广播摘要, 然后将它们
them with the Chinese ones. You could also listen to the weather reports, as they are usually short and sweet. However,
与汉语新闻广播摘要加以对比。你也可以听听天气预报, 因为它们通常简短、中听。 不过,
be prepared to listen carefully because the presenters often speak very quickly. Last but not least, try to listen to a
要准备好用心听, 因为播音员常常说得很快。 最后但并非最不重要的一点:
foreign radio program every day ----- a little bit of listening practice every day is better than a lot, all in one go!
Suggest: 1) v. to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc. 建议;提议;
e.g. The zoo asked its visitors to suggest a name for the new baby panda.
(suggest that…); (suggest doing something);
Headline: 1) n. the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report: 标题;大字标题;
2) n. the important points of the main news stories that are read at the beginning of a news program on radio or TV: 摘要; e.g. I turned on the radio to get the headlines.

Unit Three Text A Wealth, Success or Love?
第一段:Which is more important, wealth, success or love? People have many differing views on this: some think wealth is
财富、成功还是爱,哪一个更重要? 关于这一点,不同的人有不同的看法。有些人认为财富
more important; some success; others think love is the most important of all. Of course, they all have their reasons to
更重要;有些人认为成功更重要;有一些人则认为爱是最重要的。 当然他们都有自己的理由。
believe. But is there a third way? Could it be possible for a person to choose one and somehow get the other two, as well?
但是否有另外的方案呢? 一个人能不

What do you think? Read the following tale to find out:
你是怎么想的? 请读读下面的故事寻找答案吧:
Wealth: 1) n. a large amount of money, property etc that a person or country owns:财富;钱财;
e.g. The country’s wealth comes from its oil. The distribution of wealth. 财富的分配。 A wealth of…….= a lot of……
Differ: 1) v. (differ from…) to be different from something in some way: 有区别;不同于;
e.g. The two systems differ in many respects. People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.
2)v. (differ about/on/over…) if two people or groups differ about something, they have opposite opinions: 与…意见相左;
e.g. The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.
View: 1) opinion: what you think or believe about something: (view on/about…); 看法;观点;
e.g. What is your view on the subject?
2) sight: what you are able to see or whether you can see it: ( view of…); 景色;
e.g. We would like a room with a view of the sea. The house has wonderful views over the valley.
3) v. see: (view something as something) to think about something or someone in a particular way: 考虑;认为;
e.g. The law should be viewed as a way of meeting certain social goals.
Somehow: adv. 1) in some way, or by some means, although you do not know how: 以某种方法;通过某种途径;
e.g. Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back somehow. Maybe we could glue it together somehow.
2) for some reason that is not clear to you or that you do not understand: 由于某种不明的原因;不知为什么;
e.g. Somehow, I just don’t think it will work.
Following: adj. the next; 下列的;接着的;其次的; e.g. The following afternoon/month/page/chapter etc.
Tale: 1) n. a story about exciting imaginary events; 故事;传说;
e.g. tales of her life in post-war Berlin.

第二段:A woman came out of her house and saw three wise men with long white hair sitting in her front garden. She
一位妇女从她家出来, 看见三位留着长长白发的智者坐在她家前面的花园里。
didn’t recognize any of them. Out of sympathy, she said: 三:“I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please
她没有认出他们中的任何一个。出于同情, 她说: “我想我不认识你们, 但你们一定饿了。
come in and have something to eat.” 四:“Is the man of the house at home?” they asked. 五:“No,” the woman said,
请进来吃点东西吧” “家里的男主人在家吗?”他们问道。 “不在”女人说,
“he’s out.” 六:“Then we cannot come in,” they replied. 七: In the evening, when her husband came home, the woman
“他们出去了。”“那我们不能进去,”他们回答道。 晚上女

told him exactly what had happened. 八: “Go and tell them I am home and invite them in!” said her husband. 九:
她一五一十地告诉他所发生的事情。 “去告诉他们我回来了,并邀请他们进来吧!”丈夫说道。
The woman went out and invited the men in. 十: “We do not go into a house together,” they replied. 十一: “Why is
女人出去请他们进来。 “我们不会一起进入一所房子。”他们答道。
that?” she wanted to know.
Wise: adj. someone who is wise makes good decisions, gives good advice etc, esp because they have a lot of experience of life: 聪明的;明智的; e.g. a wise old man. At the time I thought he was wonderful, but I am older and wiser now.
Recognize: 1) v. to know who someone is or what something is, because you have seen, heard, experienced, or learned about them in the past: 认出; e.g. I didn’t recognize you in your uniform.
2) v. to accept or admit that something is true: 承认; e.g. One must recognize that homesickness is natural.
Out of…: because of: 由于;因为;出于; e.g. Susan joined them in the game out of interest.
The old man fell and broke one of his legs. Out of sympathy, many people gave him some money.
Sympathy: 1) n. (sympathy for…) the feeling of being sorry for someone who is in a bad situation: 同情;同情心;
e.g. I had a lot of sympathy for her; she had to bring up her children on her own.
Exactly: 1) adv. (exactly where/what/when etc.) used when emphasizing that something is no more and no less than a number or amount, or is completely correct in every detail: 确切地;准确地;
e.g. It’s exactly half past five. I can’t remember exactly what she said. I will tell you exactly where he lives.
Invite: v. (invite somebody to something/to do something) to ask someone to come to a party, wedding meal etc. 邀请;

十二段: One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” pointing to one of his friends, and then pointing to the next
其中一位老人解释说:“他名叫财富,” 他指着他的一位朋友说, 然后又指着另一位
one, said: “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you
说:“他叫成功,我叫爱。” 随后他又说:“现在进去与你丈夫商量, 你想要我们当中哪一位
want in your home.”
十二段的词语解释: Point to…: indicate the direction, draw attention to someone or something by holding out a finger towards it: 指着;指向; e.g. Pointing to a girl standing by him, the boy told his mother that the girl’s name was Anna.
Add: v. 1)say more. To say more about something that has just been said: 进而讲;继续说;
e.g. “And I d

on’t care what you think,” she added.
2) v. to put something with something else or with a group of other things: 增加;(add…to…)
e.g. If the mixture seems dry, add water. Do you want to add your name to the list?

十三段: The woman went in and told her husband what the old men had said. Her husband was extremely happy. “How
女人进去告诉她丈夫老人说的话。 她丈夫高兴极了。
nice!” he said. “Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come in and fill our home with wealth!”
十三段的词语解释: Extremely: to a very great degree: 极端地;非常地; e.g. Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.
十四段: His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?” While they were arguing, their daughter-in-law was
他妻子不同意。 “亲爱的,我们为什么不邀请成功呢?”当他们正在争论时,他们的儿媳妇
listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion:
在屋子的另一个角落里倾听着。 她打断他们的话,提出自己的建议:
十四段的词语解释: Argue: v. to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way: 争辩/吵;
e.g. (argue with…) We could hear the neighbors arguing. They argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.
Daughter-in-law: your son’s wife: 儿媳;
Jump in…:join in a conversation or discussion suddenly, usually by interrupting other people: 突然插话;
e.g. Mary and I were talking excitedly when Anna jumped in.
It is impolite of children to jump in when their parents are talking about real business.
十五段: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”
十六段: “Let us take our daughter-in-law’s advice,” said the husband to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”
“就听儿媳妇的建议吧,”丈夫对妻子说。 “出去邀请爱来做我们的客人吧。”
十六段的词语解释: Take one’s advice: accept someone’s advice: 接受某人的建议;听从某人的劝告;
e.g. I will take your advice and get more exercise every day.

十七段:The woman went out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”
女人出去问三位老人: “你们当中谁是爱?请进来做我们的客人吧。”
十八段:Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other two also got up and followed him. Amazed, the wife
爱起身走向房子。 另外两位也起身跟在他身后。 妻子感到很惊讶,
asked Weal

th and Success, “I only invited Love. Why are you coming in too?” 十九段: The men replied together:
问财富和成功: “我只邀请了爱,你们为什么也进来?” 这两位一起回答:
二十段: “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would have stayed out. But since you invited Love,
“如果你邀请的是财富和成功,我们其余两位就会留在外面。 但既然你邀请了爱,
wherever he goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also wealth and success!”
他走到哪,我们就跟到哪。 只要有爱的地方,也就会有财富和成功!”
十七段至二十段的词语解释: Amazed: very surprised: 吃惊的;惊异的; e.g. I am amazed you have never heard of the Rolling Stones. You would be amazed how much money you can save.
Text B: Silly Mr. Smith
一 Mr. Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social errors. He always likes to take part in various social
史密斯先生因其所犯下的许多社交错误而在华盛顿闻名。 他总是喜欢参加各种社交集会,
meetings because he wants to make friends with as many people as he can. Usually, when he is invited, he goes, unless he
因为他想和尽可能多的人交朋友。 他通常是接到邀请就去, 除非他
is really ill.
一的词语解释: Be well known: widely known or famous: 有名的;著名的;
e.g. As a movie star, Chen Daoming is well known in China. Yao Ming is well known both in China and in America.
Because of…: by reason of: 因为;由于: e.g. Mr. Wang has stayed at home resting for three years because of poor health.
Social: adj.1) spent in time or activities with friends: 社交的;交际的;
e.g. Mr. White spends almost all of his spare time reading books, with no social life at all.
If you don’t pay attention to your own behavior in daily life, it’ll be quite possible for you to make social mistakes when you communicate with others.
2) of human society, its organization, or quality of life: 社交的;有关社会的;
e.g. With the changes in women’s social role, their position in the family has been improved as well.
The government is now paying more attention to social services such as education and health.
Error: a mistake: 错误; e.g. The medical error led to the death of the patient.
The court has made a serious error in sending an innocent man to prison.
Take part in…: have a share or responsibility in some activity: 参加;
e.g. The students are prepared to take part in the school sports meet.
Mike is very interested in taking part in various kinds of school activities.
Various: adj. different from each other; of different kinds: 各种不同的;各种各样的;
e.g. There are various methods of learning English. We sell this kind of

hat in various colors and sizes.
Make friends with…: form a friendship with: 跟…交朋友; e.g. Mike made friends with Jack the first day they met.

二 Recently, silly Mr. Smith received an invitation to a fashionable party. Although he didn’t know the hostess, he
最近史密斯先生收到了一个名流聚集会的邀请。 虽然他不认识女主人,
accepted the invitation. He was secretly very pleased because he felt that he was becoming more and more popular!
他还是接受了邀请。 他暗自非常高兴, 因为他觉得他正变得越来越受欢迎!
When the evening came, he dressed up smartly, took a taxi, and told the driver to go straight to the party. When Mr. Smith
夜晚来临时, 他穿戴整齐, 坐上一辆出租车,告诉司机直接开到聚会地点。 当史密斯
got there, he found that about a hundred people had been invited. He began to move around the hall. He spoke to all the
到达那儿时。他发现大约有100人收到了邀请。 他开始在大厅里走来走去。 跟所有的
other guests, whether he knew them or not. However, he soon realized that he had never met any of the other people
宾客说话。 不管他是否认识他们。 然而他很快就意识到他从来就没有见过在场的任何人,
present, although they all seemed to know each other. Yet Mr. Smith was feeling happy. He danced and danced with as
尽管他们好像都互相认识。 然而史密斯先生还是感到很快乐。他跟他所能找到的众多漂亮
many pretty women as he could find, feeling on top of the world.
女士不停地跳舞, 感觉极其幸福。
二的词语解释:Recently: adv. Not long ago; lately; 最近;不久前; e.g. We haven’t received any news from him recently.
Recent: adj. having happened or come into existence only a short time ago: 最近的;不久前的;
e.g. This trend has been changing in recent decades. 这个趋势在近数十年里一直在改变。
Fashionable: 1) adj. popular, esp for short period of time: 时髦的;上流社会的;
e.g. Strong colors are very fashionable at the moment.
2) popular with, or used by, rich people: 时尚的;时髦的;
Hostess: n. a woman at a party, meal etc who has invited all the guests and provides them with food, drink etc: 女主人;
e.g. The hostess did a good job in taking care of all the guests at the party. 女主人对聚会上所有的客人都照顾的很好。
Secretly: adv. Known about by only a few people and kept hidden from others: 秘密地;背地里;
e.g. The boy pulled out a letter secretly and began to read it.
Dress up: 1) put on formal clothes or one’s best clothes: 穿上礼服;穿上盛装;
e.g. Are we going to dress up for the wedding? Mary was dressed up for her friend’s birthday party.
2) (usually of children) wear someone el

se’s clothes for fun and pretence: (通常指小孩)穿别人的衣服闹着玩;装扮;
e.g. The prisoners escaped by dressing up as guards. 囚犯们装扮成警卫逃跑了。
Smart: 1) adj. a smart person is wearing neat attractive clothes and has a generally tidy appearance.漂亮的;时髦的;
e.g. You are looking very smart today.
2) adj. smart clothes, buildings etc are clean, tidy, and attractive: e.g. a smart black suit. Smart new offices.
Smartly: adv. E.g. The young man likes everything about his girlfriend, esp her smartly arranged hair.
Hall: n. a large room in which meetings, dances, etc. can be held: 大厅;会堂;
Realize: 1) v. to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it: 了解;认识到;(realize that…)
e.g. I suddenly realized that the boy was crying. He didn’t realize that his book was a great success.
2) v. to achieve something that you were hoping to achieve:使实现; e.g. She never realized her ambition of winning an Olympic gold medal. A young singer who has not yet realized her full potential.一位没有实现全部潜能的年轻歌手。
Pretty: 1)adj. a woman or a child who is pretty has a nice attractive face: 漂亮的;好看的;
e.g. a pretty little girl. Maria looks much prettier with her hair cut short.
Feel on top of the world: extremely happy; 极其高兴的;
e.g. When the little boy received a Christmas present, he was feeling on top of the world.
When the girl learned that she had been admitted to Beijing University, she felt on top of the world.

三 When dinner came, he was asked to sit beside a certain woman. The woman tried to be friendly, even though she had
当晚宴开始时, 他被安排坐在某位女士身边。 这位女士努力表现的友好, 即使她
never met Mr. Smith before. She spoke politely, whenever he spoke to her. Between the first and second course of the
以前从未见过史密斯先生。每当他对她说话时,她都彬彬有礼地答话。 在第一,二道菜的空隙间,
meal, she turned to Mr. Smith and said, “Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table?”
她转向史密斯先生,说: “你看见餐桌那头的那位灰发男子了吗?”
四 “Ah, yes. Who is he?” asked Smith. 五 “He’s the Secretary of the International Department!” she replied.
“啊,看见了,他是谁?”史密斯问道。 “他是国际部的部长!”她答道;
六 “So that’s the Secretary of the International Department!” Mr. Smith said. “I’m afraid that I find very little to like about
“他就是国际部的部长?”史密斯说, “我恐怕找不出该喜欢他什么,
him, although he is the Secretary.” 七The woman did not reply.

Smith went on, despite her coldness:
尽管他是部长。” 那位女士没有答话。 史密斯不顾她的冷淡继续说道:
八 “I really can’t see how he received his post, unless he is perhaps a relative of the President.”
Polite: adj. (it is polite of somebody to do something) having or showing good manners, sensitivity to other people’s feelings, and/or correct social behavior: 有礼貌的;客气的;
e.g. It is not polite to ask others about their income. 询问别人的收入是不礼貌的。
Turn to…: change the direction to; 转向; e.g. The little boy turned to his mother and asked her to buy the toy gun.
At the end of…: 在…末端;在…结尾;e.g. Anna recognized the man sitting at the end of the table as a friend of her father’s
Secretary: 1)n. someone who works in an office typing letters, keeping records, answering phone calls, arranging meetings:秘书:文书:2)n. an official in charge of a large government department in the US. 部长;
e.g. The secretary told me that the manager was too busy to see me then .秘书告诉我经理现在很忙没时间见我。
He used to be the Secretary of Agriculture of the US.
International: adj. relating to or involving more than one nation: 国际上的;世界性的;
e.g. The company was successful in its international trade. 这家公司的国际贸易做得很成功。
Department: n. any of the important divisions or branches of a government, business, college, etc; 部门;部;处;
e.g. She is the head of the English Department. 她是英语系主任。
You may find toy department on the sixth floor. 你可以在六楼找到玩具部。
Despite: in spite of; 不管;尽管; e.g. The fire burned for more than five hours before it was put out, despite the great efforts of firefighters. 尽管消防队员作出了巨大的努力,火在被扑灭之前还是燃烧了5个小时。
He had many good qualities, despite his apparent rudeness. 尽管他表面显得粗鲁,他还是有许多好品质。
Relative: n. a member of your family: e.g. a gathering of friends and relatives. 亲戚朋友们的聚会。
Her boy friend is a distant relative of mine. 她的男朋友是我的远亲。
President: n. 1) the official leader of a country that does not have a king or queen. 总统;
2) the person who has the highest position in a company or organization; (president of…) 会长;大学校长;

九 “It hardly matters whether you like the Secretary or not,” she said. “He was chosen because the President thought he
“你喜不喜欢部长倒是没多大关系,”她说, “总统选中他是因为总统认为他
was the man for the job. If he does the job well, you should have nothing to say against it.”

十 “That’s just it,” said Smith, not easy to give up. “No one does the things he does, unless he is a full fool!”
“那是,”史密斯说, 还不轻易放弃。 “没有人做他所做的事情,除非他是个十足的傻瓜。”
十一 “Sir,” she said the woman in a proud voice, “Do you know who I am?”
“先生,”女士用骄傲的声音说道, “你知道我是谁吗?”
十二 “No,” replied Smith. 十三 “I am the Secretary’s wife,” she said coldly.
“不知道,”史密斯答道。 “我是部长的妻子!”她冷冷地说。
十四Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, but he went on, in spite of his obvious error:
史密斯大吃一惊, 但他不顾自己所犯的明显错误,继续说道:
十五 “My dear lady, do you know who I am?” 十六 “No, I don’t” the woman replied.
“亲爱的夫人,你知道我是谁吗?” “不,不知道。”女士答道。
十七“Thank God!” Mr. Smith cried out, and quickly left the table.
“感谢上帝!”史密斯惊叫着, 飞快地离开了餐桌。
Give up: stop having or doing: 放弃;抛弃;终止; e.g. The doctor told Jim to give up sweets in order to lose weight.
In spite of…: without being affected or prevented by something: (despite) 虽然;不顾;尽管;
e.g. They went out, in spite of the heavy rain. He kept on working hard, in spite of his poor health.
Obvious: 1) adj. easy to see and understand: 明显的;显而易见的; e.g. The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less. It was obvious to everyone that he was lying. 人人都明白他在撒谎。
Cry out: shout sth loudly: 大声呼喊;e.g. The dying man cried out his mother’s name. The wounded man cried out in pain.
Unit Four Text A The Computer Is Down 计算机死机了
第一段 The most frightening words in the English language are: “Our computer is down.” I hear it more and more as I go
about trying to do my business.
第二段 One day, I was at the airport trying to buy a ticket to Washington and the man said, “I’m sorry, I can’t sell you a
一天我在机场, 想买去华盛顿的机票, 售票员说:“很抱歉,我不能卖给你机票,
ticket. Our computer is down.”
第三段 “What do you mean your computer is down?” 第四段“It just doesn’t work well.” 第五段“Then just write me
“死机了,什么意思?” “就是计算机不能正常工作了。” “那么给我开张票。”
out a ticket.”
第六段 “I can’t write you out a ticket. The c

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