当前位置:文档之家› 南昌大学期末考试试题




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一. 简算题(25分)

1. 设某线性电路的冲激响应为h(t)=e -t +2e -2t ,求相应的网络函数H (s ),


2. 求


3. 求f(t)=sin(ωt)的象函数。

4.某有向连通图d G 的基本回路矩阵f B 为:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


??????---=011010011000101011001f B 画出有向图d G ,写出全阶关联矩阵a A 。

.列写与上图d G 的回路矩阵f B 对应同一树的基本割集矩阵f Q 。

二.图示电路,电容C=0.5F ,以u c 和i L 为状态变量,写出电路的状态方程,并整理为矩阵形式(10分)

1H i L 2Ω


u s


三.图示电路中,已知R=1Ω,C=1μF ,回转器回转常数



2)(++=S S S F S


+ u 1 - 四.图示电路中,直流电压源U s =5V ,R=2Ω,非线性电阻的伏安关系为:

现已知当0)(=t u s 时,回路中的电流为1A 。如果电压源u s (t)=cos(ωt )(V),用小信号分析法求电流i(t)。(10分)


U s +

- u s -

五.电路如图所示,已知ω=1000rad/s, C=1μF, R=1Ω, L 1=1H ,H L 3

12=, 求:

(1) u s( t)的有效值;

(2) 电阻电压)(t u R ;

(3) 电源发出的平均功率(15分)

u s 1

- u R (t) +


2i i u +=V

)t 2cos(216)t cos(21512u )t (s ω+ω+=

六.图示电路,已知L=0.25H, C=1F, R=0.2Ω,电源电压U S1=1V ,U S2=5V ,设开关S 在位置1时电路已达稳态,t=0时将开关S 合到位置2。


(2)用运算法求电容电压U C (S )。(15分)



- 七.求图示二端口网络的Y 参数,并做出π形等效电路。(15分)

++ U 1 2


以下为爱麟霖/(Curlylin)倾情奉献,需要的朋友可以参考一下 7. Friendship (Listening and Speaking Course, Unit 3; Integrated Course, Unit 2) 1) Do you have many friends? What kind of people do you want to make friends with? Why? Yes. I’d like to make friends with loyal people. In my opinion,a friend is a person who can share his/hers happiness with you, who can lend you a shoulder when you cry,who can give you a hand when you are in trouble without asking for anything in return. In a word,a friend in need is a friend indeed, I think a loyal people can do the things which were mentioned above for his/hers true friend. So I prefer to make friends with loyal people, and I also believe I am a loyal people who you can make friends with. 2) How do you make friends? Please comment on “a friend you buy isn’t worth the price”. First,I’d like to talk to him to find out whether we have the same interest with each other. If the answer is YES,then we have the foundation to develop a friendship. The next days, all we need to do is to treat each other by heart and soul. 3) How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? How can we keep friendship alive? As for me, I regard friendship as a very important part in my life.Just imagine a life,there’s no one to be your friend. What life could be if you had no friend to talk to , no friend to comfore you and cheer you up when you were having a hard time,no friend to lend you a hand when you needed help …… Life without friends is unthinkable ... We have to do hard work to build up and sustain our friendship. First, let your friends know that you really care about them.It’s important to give some cues to your friends. Be sure your friend knows that she is cared about.Second,try to be with your friends when they are in trouble when they need you. Keeping friendship alive is not only to say some sweet words,but need some real action. 4) What does friendship mean to you? What kind of friends do you think are true friends? It's a fantastic experience in whole of my life. Friendship to me is what water to fish.I can't live without a real friend. 2问见(1) 5) How can we get along well with other people? To begin with, we need to be honest with others and always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" . Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others. As long as we abide[?'ba?d] by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.


南昌大学研究生英语复试口语话题 1. 谷歌事件:In my opinion, it is necessary to regulate the Internet according to law. Google is useful. I often used it to study. for its exit, I'm sorry. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 2. 世博会: This is an exciting thing. It is an important and a long history of event. It will display cultural and scientific achievements and so on. I am proud of our country to hold such an event. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 3. 当前中国教育制度: China's education system is examination-oriented education. Therefore, the scores become very important and leading students to rigid. I hope that our country can improve this aspect .Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 4. 犀利哥现象: He was just a poor man. If it is not because of the media reports, he may have been begging. Poor man like him, there are many needs to be concerned. I hope that our country can improve this aspect. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 5. 男女平等: This is a difficult topic for us. But, I think that women want to be equal. it is not enough that Just a man to respect a woman. Women should be independent. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 6. 留学: If they go abroad in order to knowledge, I support it. And I hope that they will be able to serve China. If it is for fame, I feel that there is no need to go abroad. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 7. 出国: This is a difficult topic for me. But, I think that everyone has their own ideas. If he wants to go abroad, we do not have the right to oppose. He can do what they want to do. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 8. 减肥: We all love beautiful, especially the women like to lose weight. it is good that as long as they do not affect health . Weight loss is not wrong, but there should be an good means. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 9. 关于广告: There are a lot of false advertising. And these ads are vulgar. I do not understand that TV still play them every day. I hope that our country can improve this aspect .Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 10. 上网: Network is a tool. It is good or bad, the key lies in how we use it. Network is useful, if it is used to learn .But many people indulge online games and neglect their studies. I hope that our country can improve this aspect .Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 11. 人生目标:My ideal is that I can become a Doctor. I hope I can serve the community and realize self-value. In addition, I wish I could have a happy family. Everyone is healthy. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 12. 电视节目: So far, I have a long time did not watch TV. Because I do not like those programs .Many TV programs are boring .And there are too many vulgar advertisement on TV. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 13. 朋友: For us, friends are very important. There may be some misunderstanding between friends, so we need to understand each other. I think it is not important that how many friends you have. but that how many good friends you have. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 14. 体育: I know that sports is very good, but I still do not like it. My friends like play basketball. Sometimes I play badminton. Teacher, this is some of my ideas. 15. 生态问题: I have heard the news that the southern drought is very serious. This is the consequence of destroying the ecological environment. "Earth Hour" is just a show. I hope that there is a practical action .I hope that our country can improve this aspect.


南昌大学第二届大学物理竞赛试卷 填空(每题3分) 1. 在x 轴上作直线运动的质点,已知其初速度为v 0,初位置为x 0,加速度a=At 2+B (A 、B 为常数),则t 时刻质点的速度v= ;运动方程 为 。 2.质量为m 的子弹,水平射入质量为M 、置于光滑水平面上的沙箱,子弹在沙箱中前进距离l 而停止,同时沙箱向前运动的距离为s ,此后子弹与沙箱一起以共同速度v 匀速运动,则子弹受到的平均阻力F=__________________。 3.如图所示,质量为M ,长度为L 的刚体匀质细杆,能绕首过其端点o 的水平轴无摩擦地在竖直平面上摆动。今让此杆从水平静止状态自由地摆下,当细杆摆到图中所示θ角位置时,它的转动角速度ω=__________,转动角加速度β=__________;当θ=900时,转轴为细杆提供的支持力N =__________。 4.质量为M ,长度为L 的匀质链条,挂在光滑 水平细杆上,若链条因扰动而下滑,则当链条的一端刚脱离细杆的瞬间,链条速度大小为___________________。 5.将一静止质量为M o 的电子从静止加速到0.8c (c 为真空中光速)的速度,加速器对电子作功是__________。 6.有两个半径分别为5cm 和8cm 的薄铜球壳同心放置,已知内球壳的电势为2700V 。外球壳带电量为8310-9C 。现用导线把两球壳联接在一起,则内球壳电势为__________V 。 7.半经为R 的圆片均匀带电,电荷面密度为σ。其以角速度ω 绕通过圆片中心且垂直圆平面的轴旋转,旋转圆片的磁矩m P 的大小为____________。 8.用长为l 的细金属丝OP 和绝缘摆球P 构成一个圆锥摆。P 作水平匀速圆周运动时金属丝与竖直线的夹角为θ,如图所示,其中o 为悬挂点。设有讨论的空间范围内有水平方向的匀强磁场, 磁感应强度为B 。在摆球P 的运动过程中,金属丝上P 点与O 点间的最小电势差为__________。P 点与O 点的最大电势差为__________。 9.在无限长载流导线附近有一个球形闭合曲面S ,当S 面垂直于导线电流方向向长直导线靠近时,穿过S 面的磁通量Φm 将___________;面上各点的磁感应强度的大小 O L,M θ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B θ l


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


南昌大学 20 05 ~20 06 学年第 1 学期期 终 考试试卷 试卷编号: ( B )卷 课程名称: 大学物理 适用班级: 学院: 系别: 考试日期: 06年1月 专业: 班级: 学号: 姓名: 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 累分人 签 名 题分 27 25 38 100 得分 评卷人 一、 选择题(每题 3 分,共 27 分) 1. 下列各图所示的速率分布曲线,哪一图中的两条曲线能是同一温度下氮气和氦气的分子速率分布曲线 [ ] f (v ) f (v ) v O f (v ) v O (B) (A) f (v ) (D) v O (C) v O V V 2V 1O T 1T 2 T a b 第1题图 第2题图 2、 一定量的理想气体,其状态在V -T 图上沿着一条直线从平衡态a 改变到平衡态b (如图). (A) 这是一个等压过程. (B) 这是一个升压过程. (C) 这是一个降压过程. (D) 数据不足,不能判断这是哪种过程 [ ] 3、两个质点各自作简谐振动,它们的振幅相同、周期相同.第一个质点的振动方程为x 1 = A cos(t + ).当第一个质点从相对于其平衡位置的正位移处回到平衡位置时,第二个质点正在最大正位移处.则第二个质点的振动方程为 (A) )π21cos(2++=αωt A x . (B) )π21 cos(2-+=αωt A x . (C) )π2 3 cos( 2-+=αωt A x . (D) )cos(2π++=αωt A x . [ ]

4、图中所画的是两个简谐振动的振动曲线.若这两个简谐振动可叠加,则合成的余弦振动的初相为 (A) π2 3. (B) π. (C) π2 1. (D) 0. [ ] 图(b) T 1 T 2 M 45° S A C f L B 图(a) 第4题图 第5题图 5、检验滚珠大小的干涉装置示意如图(a).S 为光源,L 为会聚透镜,M 为半透半反镜.在平晶T 1、T 2之间放置A 、B 、C 三个滚珠,其中A 为标准件,直径为d 0.用波长为的单色光垂直照射平晶,在M 上方观察时观察到等厚条纹如图(b)所示.轻压C 端,条纹间距变大,则B 珠的直径d 1、C 珠的直径d 2与d 0的关系分别为: (A) d 1=d 0+,d 2=d 0+3. (B) d 1=d 0-,d 2=d 0-3. (C) d 1=d 0+2,d 2=d 0+3. (D) d 1=d 0-2,d 2=d 0-3.[ ] 6、波长500nm(1nm=10-9m)的单色光垂直照射到宽度a 0.25 mm 的单缝上,单缝后面放置一凸透镜,在凸透镜的焦平面上放置一屏幕,用以观测衍射条纹.今测得屏幕上中央明条纹一侧第三个暗条纹和另一侧第三个暗条纹之间的距离为d 12 mm ,则凸透镜的焦距f 为 (A) 2 m . (B) 1 m . (C) 0.5 m . (D) 0.2 m . (E) 0.1 m . [ ] 7、光强为I 0的自然光依次通过两个偏振片P 1和P 2.若P 1和P 2的偏振化方向的夹角=30°,则透射偏振光的强度I 是 (A) I 0 / 4. (B)3I 0 / 4. (C)3I 0 / 2. (D) I 0 / 8. (E) 3I 0 / 8. [ ] O P Q S ν m v 2/2 8、光电效应中发射的光电子最大初动能随入射光频率 的变化关系如图所示.由图中的 (A) OQ (B) OP (C) OP /OQ (D) QS /OS 可以直接求出普朗克常量. [ ] 9、 假定氢原子原是静止的,则氢原子从n 3 的激发状态直接通过辐射跃迁到基态时的反冲速度大约是 (A) 4 m/s . (B) 10 m/s . (C) 100 m/s . (D) 400 m/s . [ ] (氢原子的质量m =×10-27 kg) x t O A/2 -A x 1 x 2


南昌大学2003 ~2004 学年第二学期期末考试试卷A卷 一单项选择题 1.‘A’的ASCII码为65,n为int型,执行n =‘A’+‘6’-‘3’;后,n的值为B。 A)‘D’ B) 68 C) 不确定的值D) 编译出错 2.下列变量名中, A 是合法的。 A)CHINA B) byte-size C) double D) A+a 3.在static int B[3][3]={{1},{3,2},{4,5,6}};中, a[2][2]的值是C。 A)0 B) 5 C)6 D)2 4.若有定义int a=3, *p=&a ;则*p的值是 B 。 A)常量a的地址值B)3 C)变量p的地址值D)无意义 5.下列关于指针运算的各叙述中,不正确的叙述是 D 。 A)指向同一数组的两个指针,可以进行相等或不等的比较运算; B)可以用一个空指针赋值给某个指针; C)指向数组的指针,可以和整数进行加减运算; D)指向同一数组的两个指针,可以进行有意义的相加运算。 6. 已知x、y、z是int型变量,且x=3,y=4,z=5;则下面各表达式中,值为0的是 D 。 A)‘x’&&‘y’ B)x<=y C)x || y+z && y-z D) !((x


南昌大学2006~2007学年第二学期期末考试试卷 试卷编号:(A )卷 课程编号:课程名称:马克思主义基本原理考试形式:开卷 适用班级:06级姓名:学号:班级: 学院:专业:考试日期:2007-7-9 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分累分人签名 题分25 22 20 20 13 100 得分 考生注意事项:1、本试卷共页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页或破损。如有立即举手报告以便更换。 2、考试结束后,考生不得将试卷、答题纸和草稿纸带出考场。 一、单项选择题(每题1 分,共25 分,答案填写在括号里) 得分评阅人 1.马克思主义的精髓是() A.对立统一规律 B.解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 C.能动的革命的反映论 C.理论联系实际 2.马克思主义全部学说的理论基础是() A.马克思主义政治经济学 B.马克思主义哲学 C.马克思主义政治学 D.科学社会主义理论 3、生产力诸要素中的主导因素是() A、劳动对象 B、劳动资料 C、劳动者 D、生产资料 4、关于物质、运动、静止的正确提法是() A、运动是物质的存在形式,物质同时也是运动的存在形式 B、凡物质皆运动,没有相对静止的东西 C、相对于不同的参照系统,运动其实也是相对的 D、人不能第二次踏进同一条河流 5、关于意识的本质问题,唯心主义的错误在于() A、否认意识对物质的决定作用 B、夸大物质对意识的决定作用 C、否认意识物质的依赖性 D、片面强调意识对物质的依赖关系 6、彻底的唯物主义一元论根本要求是() A、承认世界是多样的统一 B、承认物质对意识的根源性 C、坚持一切从实际出发 D、反对一切形式的二元论 7、社会经济结构的性质是由() A、现实存在的各种生产关系的总和决定的 B、属萌芽状态的生产关系决定的 C、占统治地位的生产关系决定的 D、本质相同的生产关系的总和决定的 8、十一届三中全会以来,由于党的路线、方针、政策的正确,促进了我国经济的迅速发展,这说明() A、上层建筑对经济基础有能动的反作用 B、上层建筑的进步可以解决经济基础发展的根本方向 C、经济基础发展的总趋势是由上层建筑决定的 D、经济发展的规律是可以改变的 9、社会分裂为阶级的根本原因是()


Friendship is absolutely crucial for us. We have to do hard work to build up and sustain friendship. Here are some important ways to keep friendship alive .First of all, let your friends know that you care about them. If you can't be there at the given moment, say something like, "I wish I could be with you. May I call you tomorrow " Be sure your friend knows she's cared about. Second, try to be with your friends when they are in trouble. Remember troubled people are most in need of their friends to stay around. The last but not the least, keeping friendship alive is to say to your friends "I miss you and I love you ". Remember it right for college students to have tattoos Nowadays many college students like to highlight their personalities, to be their own. They have taken special ways to show their personalities. For example, some college students who are tattooed think tattooing is cool and shows great personality. But teachers and parents do not think tattooing is right for students. They believe to be a student you should dress like a student--no tattoos, of cause. Some people even believe that those who are tattooed are not good students. As far as I am concerned, although many people can not accept students’tattooing, nothing is wrong with tattooing. College


南昌大学20 18 ~2019 学年第 1 学期期终考试试卷

南昌大学2018~2019学年第1学期期终考试A(3)类A 卷解答 一、1. π 、- π /2 、π/3. 2. )21cos(04.0π+π=t x 3. ])330/(165cos[10.0π--π=x t y (SI) 4. )2 1 100cos()21cos(30.0π+ππ=t x y (SI) 5. 1.2 mm 3.6 mm 6. 125 rad/s 、 338 m/s 、 17m 7. 6 、 第一级明(只填“明”也可以) 8. 子波 、子波干涉(或答“子波相干叠加”) 9. 一 、三 10. 2I 二.、A 、B 、D 、 C 、C 、B 、B 、B 、B 、A 三、 1解:设物体的运动方程为 )c o s (φω+=t A x . 恒外力所做的功即为弹簧振子的能量: F ×0.05 = 0.5J . 当物体运动到左方最远位置时,弹簧的最大弹性势能为0.5 J ,即: 5.02 1 2=kA J , ∴ A = 0.204 m . 2分 A 即振幅. 4/2==m k ω (rad/s)2 ω = 2 rad/s . 2分 按题目所述时刻计时,初相为φ = π.∴ 物体运动方程为 2分 )2c o s (204.0π+=t x (SI). 2分 2解: x 2 = 3×10-2 sin(4t - π/6) = 3×10-2cos(4t - π/6- π/2) = 3×10-2cos(4t - 2π/3). 作两振动的旋转矢量图,如图所示. 图 2分 由图得:合振动的振幅和初相分别为 A = (5-3)cm = 2 cm ,φ = π/3. 4分 合振动方程为 x = 2×10-2cos(4t + π/3) (SI) 2分 3解:(1) 由P 点的运动方向,可判定该波向左传播. 原点O 处质点,t = 0 时 φc o s 2/2A A =, 0sin 0<-=φωA v 所以 4/π=φ O 处振动方程为 )4 1 500cos(0π+π=t A y (SI) 3分 由图可判定波长λ = 200 m ,故波动表达式为 ]4 1 )200250(2cos[π++ π=x t A y (SI) 2分 (2) 距O 点100 m 处质点的振动方程是 )4 5 500cos(1π+π=t A y 1分 x O ω π/3-2π/3A 1A 2 A


南昌大学期末试卷 班级 姓名 学号 一. 简算题(25分) 1. 设某线性电路的冲激响应为h(t)=e -t +2e -2t ,求相应的网络函数H (s ), 并绘出极、零点图 2. 求 的原函数。 3. 求f(t)=sin(ωt)的象函数。 4.某有向连通图d G 的基本回路矩阵f B 为: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ???? ??????---=011010011000101011001f B 画出有向图d G ,写出全阶关联矩阵a A 。 .列写与上图d G 的回路矩阵f B 对应同一树的基本割集矩阵f Q 。 二.图示电路,电容C=0.5F ,以u c 和i L 为状态变量,写出电路的状态方程,并整理为矩阵形式(10分) 1H i L 2Ω - u s + 三.图示电路中,已知R=1Ω,C=1μF ,回转器回转常数 ) 22(1 2)(++=S S S F S

r=1000Ω,求1—1端等效元件参数。(10分) + u 1 - 四.图示电路中,直流电压源U s =5V ,R=2Ω,非线性电阻的伏安关系为: 现已知当0)(=t u s 时,回路中的电流为1A 。如果电压源u s (t)=cos(ωt )(V),用小信号分析法求电流i(t)。(10分) R U s + - u s - 五.电路如图所示,已知ω=1000rad/s, C=1μF, R=1Ω, L 1=1H ,H L 3 12=, 求: (1) u s( t)的有效值; (2) 电阻电压)(t u R ; (3) 电源发出的平均功率(15分) u s 1 - u R (t) + 3 2i i u +=V )t 2cos(216)t cos(21512u )t (s ω+ω+=


【适用时间:学年第一学期试卷类型:[]卷】 教师填写栏课程编号:试卷编号: 课程名称:电工与电子学(I) 开课学院:考试形式:闭卷适用班级:考试时间:120分钟 试卷说明: 1、本试卷共 7 页。 2、本次课程考试可以携带的特殊物品:计算器。 3、考试结束后,考生不得将试卷、答题纸和草稿纸带出考场。 题号一二三四五六七八九十总分 累分人 签名题分25 12 63 100 得分 考生填写栏考生姓名:考生学号: 所属学院:所属班级: 所属专业:考试日期: 考生 须知 1、请考生务必查看试卷中是否有缺页或破损。如有立即举手报告以便更换。 2、严禁代考,违者双方均开除学籍;严禁舞弊,违者取消学位授予资格; 严禁带手机等有储存或传递信息功能的电子设备等入场(包括开卷考试), 违者按舞弊处理;不得自备草稿纸。 考生 承诺 本人知道考试违纪、作弊的严重性,将严格遵守考场纪律,如若违反则愿意接受学校按有关规定处分! 考生签名:

一、填空题:(共 25 分) 得 分 评阅人 1.如将三只额定值为220V/90W 的白炽灯泡串联接在220 V 的电源上,每只灯泡消耗的功率 为 瓦。设灯泡电阻未变。(2分) 2.如右图所示,1 234300R R R R ====Ω ,5 600R =Ω ,当开 关S 断开时a 和b 之间的等效电阻 Ω;当开关 S 闭合 时a 和b 之间的等效电阻 Ω。(4分) 3.当电路发生换路时,电容元件上的 不能跃变,电感元件中的 不能跃变。 (2分) 4.电路发生串联谐振时,电路的阻抗模 Z 其值最 ,在电源电压U 一定的情况下,电 流I 其值最 ,电路对电源呈现 性。(3分) 5.晶体管工作于放大状态时, 集电结处于 偏置;晶体管工作于饱和状态时,集电结 处于 偏置。(2分) 6.射极输出器是从 输出,其电压放大倍数接近 。(2分) 7.如右图所示,已知2 i u = V ,1 5k R =Ω ,2 10k R =Ω , F 50k R =Ω ,电源电压为15± V , 则输出电压o u 为 V 。(2分) 8.一单相桥式电容滤波整流电路,其交流电源频率 Hz 50=f ,负载电阻L 120R =Ω ,要求直流输出电压o 12V U =,则流过整流二极管的电流 = D I mA ,变压器二次侧电压的有效值= U V 。 (4分) 9.当稳压二极管在电路中起稳定电压的作用时,它两端应加 。(空格内填正向


南昌大学2005~2006学年第二学期期末考试试卷 试卷编号:( A ) 卷 课程编号: T55020001--03 课程名称: 大学物理 考试形式:闭卷 适用班级: 理工05级(Ⅰ)、(Ⅱ)、(Ⅲ)姓名:学号: 学院:专业: 班级:考试日期:06年6月 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 累分人 签 名 题分 30 22 48 100 得分 考生注意事项:1、本试卷共6页,请查看试卷中是否有缺页或破损。如有立即举手报告以便更换。 2、考试结束后,考生不得将试卷、答题纸和草稿纸带出考场。 一、 填空题(每空 2 分,共 30 分) 得分 评阅人 1、质点在力j x i y F 322+=(SI 制)作用下沿图示路径 运动。则力F 在路径oa 上的功A oa =,力在路径ab 上的功A ab =。 2、一质点沿直线运动,其运动学方程为x = 8t -2t 2 (SI),则在t由0至4s的时间 间隔内,质点的位移大小为 ___________,在t 由0到4s 的时间间隔内质点走过的路 程为_________________. 3、真空中一半径为R的均匀带电球面带有电荷Q(Q >0).今在球面上挖去非常小块的面积△S(连同电荷),如图所示,假设不影响其他处原来的电荷分布,则挖去△S 后球 心处电场强度的大小E =_____________,其方向为____________ O R △S Q A B E 0 E 0/3 E 0/3 第3题图 第4题图 b(3,2) o c a x y

二、 选择题(每题 2 分,共 22分) 得分 评阅人 1、一光滑的内表面半径为10 cm 的半球形碗,以匀角速度ω绕其对称OC 旋转.已知放在碗内表 面上的一个小球P 相对于碗静止,其位置高于碗底4 cm,则由此可推知碗旋转的角速度约为 (A) 10 ra d/s. (B) 13 rad /s. (C) 17 rad /s (D ) 18 rad/s . [] ω P C O A M B F 第1题图 第2题图 2、如图所示,A 、B 为两个相同的绕着轻绳的定滑轮.A 滑轮挂一质量为M的物体,B 滑轮受拉力 F ,而且F =Mg .设A、B 两滑轮的角加速度分别为βA 和βB ,不计滑轮轴的摩擦,则有 (A) βA =βB . (B ) βA>βB . (C) βA<βB .(D ) 开始时βA =βB,以后βA <βB .[] 3、假设卫星环绕地球中心作圆周运动,则在运动过程中,卫星对地球中心的 (A) 角动量守恒,动能也守恒. (B ) 角动量守恒,动能不守恒. (C)角动量不守恒,动能守恒. (D) 角动量不守恒,动量也不守恒. (E ) 角动量守恒,动量也守恒.[] 4、如图所示,一匀质细杆可绕通过上端与杆垂直的水平光滑固定轴O旋转,初始状态为静止悬挂.现有一个小球自左方水平打击细杆.设小球与细杆之间为非弹性碰撞,则在碰撞过程中对细杆与小球这一系统 (A) 只有机械能守恒. (B ) 只有动量守恒. (C)只有对转轴O 的角动量守恒. (D) 机械能、动量和角动量均守恒.[] O E O r (B) E ∝1/r 2 R E O r (A) E ∝1/r 2 R E O r (C) E ∝1/r 2 R E O r (D) E ∝1/r 2 第4题图 第5题图 5、半径为R 的均匀带电球面的静电场中各点的电场强度的大小E 与距球心的距离r之间的关系曲 线为: [B ]


英语口语考试试题及参 考答案 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

c a n w e k e e p f r i e n d s h i p a l i v e. Friendship is absolutely crucial for us. We have to do hard work to build up and sustain friendship. Here are some important ways to keep friendship alive .First of all,let your friends know that you care about them. If you can't be there at the given moment, say something like, "I wish I could be with you. May I call you tomorrow "Be sure your friend knows she's cared about.Second, try to be with your friends when they are in trouble. Remember troubled people are most in need of their friends to stay around. The last but not the least, keeping friendship alive is to say to your friends "I miss you and I love you ". Remember it right for college students to have tattoos Nowadays many college students like to highlight their personalities, to be their own. They have taken special ways to show their personalities. For example, some college students who are tattooed think tattooing is cool and shows great personality. But teachers and parents do not think tattooing is right for students. They believe to be a student you should dress like a student- -no tattoos, of cause. Some people even believe that those who are tattooed are not good students.

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