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2016各区一模作文立意解析 xx 根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。 有人说:“痛苦是财富,这话是扯淡;痛苦就是痛苦,对痛苦的思考才是财富。”①正视痛苦,思考出路 如材料所述,痛苦就是痛苦,当我们经历痛苦时,最明智的做法是思考痛苦产生的原因,思考降低痛苦的方法,这样便能从痛苦中收获一笔宝贵的财富。 ②体验痛苦,收获财富 事实也不尽如材料所言,痛苦本身也可以是财富,它是一种真真切切的体验,代表着仍然鲜活的、拒绝麻木的心灵。文明的历史就是一部痛苦的历史。 ③规避痛苦,xx人生 乐而不淫,哀而不伤,学习规避痛苦,或者不沉湎在痛苦之中,是一种值得提倡的健康积极的生活态度。 ④直面痛苦,承担人生 生活中的痛苦往往是不可规避的,因为它们是伴随责任而来的,这就要求我们在最开始就能预见痛苦,并且敢于直面它,承担起生活的分量。 xx 根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。 有人说坚持做同一件事,坚持10年就能够成功,坚持20年就能够创造出奇迹。而事实上,绝大部分人同一件事情做了一辈子,依旧平凡无奇。 ①做好规划,审慎坚持

坚持了多年却没有成功,可能是一开始坚持的方向就有了问题,或者是没有一定的物质基础,所谓“无物以相之,亦不能至也”,也有可能是坚持的方式有问题,因为坚持并非是简单的重复,而是要有变化、有创新。所以在坚持之前应该做好规划,解决掉一些问题:坚持什么,凭借什么坚持,怎么坚持。 ②谋事在人,成事在天 有了正确的坚持不代表理所应当就会成功,成功都是有一定的偶然性因素的,需要把握时机。 ③勇于坚持,拒绝盲从 坚持本身就是一种成功,成功不一定是名利上的,也可以是精神修养上的,这种情况下,坚持住就是一切。 崇明区 古希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁说:“认识错误就是拯救自己的第一步。”然而当代哲学家卡尔波普尔又说:“如果我们过于爽快的承认错误,就可能使自己发觉不了我们非常接近于正确。”对此,你有怎样的思考和认识,请自拟题目,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)不少于800字。(2)不要写成诗歌。(3)不得透露个人相关信息。 ①重估错误 错误也许已经非常接近正确了,所以对于错误的价值要重新评估,要学着去观察错误,明辨错误。 ②认识错误,走向成功 认识错误是为了从错误中吸取教训,迈出拯救自己的第一步,再一步步地达至成功,这是对待错误的明智做法。不管是非常接近于正确的错误,还是正确反面的错误,错误都是和正确有着千丝万缕联系的,所以不要害怕犯错,勇于尝试,在试错中逐步走向正确,这种面对错误的态度,应是题中之义。


2016.01高三英语翻译汇编-1 1. appreciate他不感激他朋友们为他所做的牺牲,把这些视作是理所当然的。(appreciate)He didn’t appreciate the sacrifice his friends had made for him, and took it for granted. 2. achieve政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步成效。(achieve)Recently, the government has taken a series of measures to cope with the environmental pollution, which has achieved initial success in some cities. 3. after Jack 的父母发现了他的音乐天赋后,想尽办法将他送入一所享有盛誉的音乐学院学习。(after) After discovering his talent for music, Jack’s parents tried every means to send him to a music college of high reputation. 4. after问了快递人员后,他被告知在网上买的礼物三天后才到上海。(after) After asking the delivery man, he was informed the present he bought on the internet would arrive in three days. 5. Although尽管他明知暴饮暴食有害健康,但他对我们要他节食的忠告却一直置若罔闻。(Although) Although he is quite clear of the fact that drinking and eating too much is harmful to health, he turns a deaf ear to our advice that he should have a diet. 6. amaze从顾客的肢体语言,这个售货员就能知道他想买什么,这让那位顾客十分惊讶。(amaze) From the customer’s body language, the sop assistant can exactly know what he wants to buy, which amaze the customer very much. 7. among全副武装的警察总在恐怖袭击过后最先到达现场的人群之中。(among) The armed police was the first to arrive among the people present after the terrorism attack. 8. announcement在给女儿的信中,扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)宣布他和他的妻子将把99%的公司股份捐给公益事业。(announcement) In a letter to his daughter, Zuckerberg made an announcement that he and his wife would donate 99% of their shares in the company to good cause. 9. appeal自苹果6问世以来,就再没有其他手机对我更有吸引力了。(appeal) Since iPhone6 came out /came into the market /was released, no other cell-phones/mobile phones have appealed to me more. 10. appreciation令我们大加赞赏的是,这位在讲台上发言的大学生去年就白手起家建立了自己的公司。(appreciation)uch to our appreciation, the university graduate speaking on the platform set up his own company from nothing last year.或What we highly praise is that 11. award屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家。(award)Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize. 12. become如今,生态旅游已受到不同年龄旅游者的青睐。(become)Nowadays, ecotourism has become popular among travelers of all/different ages. 13. bribe昨晚你们不应该靠买通检票员混进电影院的。(bribe)You shouldn’t have got into the cinema unfairly by bribing the ticket collector yesterday evening. 14. blind这次竞赛之后,我意识到是愚蠢的骄傲蒙蔽了自己。(blind) After the competition, I found that it was my own stupid pride that had blinded me. 15. carry他采纳医生的建议,开始实施节食计划。(carry)He took/followed the doctor’s advice and began to carry out the plan to be on a diet. 16. consider调查发现,许多国家的人都视照顾年迈的父母为重要的责任。(consider)A survey finds that people in many countries consider caring for aging parents an important responsibility. 17. consist一篇文章通常由引言、主体以及结论三部分构成。(consist)An article usually consists of three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. 18. cover在这么短的时间内看完一篇5000字的报告是几乎不可能的。(cover) It’s almost impossible to cover a 5000-word report in such a short time. 19. conclusion综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越幸福,你就会越长寿。(conclusion)From the above/ As has been stated above, we can come to the conclusion that the happier your family is, the longer you will live. 20. Despite尽管各国已做出不懈的努力,但还需要采取更有效的措施来应对日益严重的环境问题。(Despite) Despite the great effort(s) made by government, more effective measures should be taken to deal with the ever worsening/increasingly serious problem of environment. 21. Despite尽管空气污染严重,警察仍在高峰时段坚守岗位,严格执法,确保交通畅通(Despite)Despite the fact that the air pollution is serious, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic. Despite the serious air pollution, policemen still stick to the posts in the rush hours and strictly carry out the law to ensure the smooth traffic.


编辑点评:为了庆祝女儿Max的诞生,扎克伯格和妻子写了一封长长的书信,表达了他们对女儿的期待和期许,满满的感人情节。一起来看看吧! Dear Max, 亲爱的Max, Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. 妈妈和爸爸对于你的诞生所带来的对未来的希望难以言表。你的新生活充满憧憬,我们希望你能够健康快乐的成长,这样才能好好探索生活。你已经给了我们充分的理由仔细考虑:我们希望你住在怎样的世界。 Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. 和所有父母一样,我们希望你成长的世界比我们这代人更好。 While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. 虽然新闻头条都在关注世界各地哪里出了问题,但从许多方面来看,世界正在变得越来越好。健康状况在改善,贫穷在减少,知识在积累,人与人彼此联通。各个领域的技术发展都说明,你生活的时代肯定比我们的要好的多。 We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation. 我们会尽力让这个愿景实现,不仅仅因为我们爱你,也因为我们对下一代儿童负有道德责任。We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here. 我们相信所有生命都有着同等价值,当然也包括世世代代的后辈。我们的社会有责任付出,以改善后辈们的生活,而非只着眼于当代。 But right now, we don't always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face. 但如今,我们并未团结地将资源投入到这些巨大机遇上,也未致力于解决你们这一代人将要面临的问题。 Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you won't get sick in the first place. 至于疾病,如今我们在疾病治疗上的投入是疾病研究的50倍还多,这样你们一开始就不会生病。 Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and we've already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others. As technology


Dear Max, 亲爱的马克斯, Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. 你给我们的未来带来

的希望,我和你的妈妈尚难以言表。你的新生命充满了期许,我们希望你幸福安康,好愿得偿。你给了我们一个理由,对我们愿汝所在的世界,一番思量。 Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. 一如天下父母心,我们愿你成长的世界比今天更美好。

While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. 头条新闻常常针砭时弊,可在许多方面,世界


扎克伯格《给女儿的信》英文原版 Dear Max, Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today. While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation. We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here. But right now, we don't always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face. Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you won't get sick in the first place. Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and we've already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others. As technology accelerates, we have a real shot at preventing, curing or managing all or most of the rest in the next 100 years. Today, most people die from five things -- heart disease, cancer, stroke, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases -- and we can make faster progress on these and other problems. Once we recognize that your generation and your children's generation may not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to tilt our investments a bit more towards the future to make this reality. Your mother and I want to do our part. Curing disease will take time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it may not seem like we're making much of a difference. But over the long term, seeds planted now will grow, and one day, you or your children will see what we can only imagine: a world without suffering from disease. There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of its energy on these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much better world. Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing human potentialand promoting equality.


1healthy 2. ours 3.responsibility https://www.doczj.com/doc/268559086.html,ing 5.for 6 curing 7.a 8.planted; 9. on 10 promoting 11 on how great 12 healthier 13.born 14.with 15.trully 16. thinking 17.directly; 18 desires; https://www.doczj.com/doc/268559086.html,es 20. strongest 21 than 22 where 23 where 24 better 25 Not only do students 26anything they want 27 rapidly 28. what 29.learning 30.with 31 communication 32 financial 33.so 34. children get an education https://www.doczj.com/doc/268559086.html,panies 36. Building 37 to 38 and educator 39 college because of the color of 40 Only 41 fully 42 are 43. too 44. building 45 compared 46. we want to share 47 behind us 48 a 49 surrounded 50 to see A great letter from a great father Dear Max, your mother and I don’t yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and 1___________ ( health ) so you can explore it fully. You’ve already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in. Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than 2____________ ( we ) today. While headlines often focus on what’s wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today. We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral 3______________ (responsible) to all children in the next generation. We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those 4__________( come ) into this world, not just those already here. But right now, we don’t always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face. Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you won’t get sick in the first place. Medicine has only been a real science 5________ less than 100 years, and we’ve already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others. As technology accelerates, we have a real shot at preventing, curing or managing all or most of the rest in the next 100 years. Today, most people die from five things —heart disease, cancer, stroke, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases — and we can make faster progress on these and other problems. Once we recognize that your generation and your children’s generation may not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to tilt our investments a bit more towards the future to make this reality. Your mother and I want to do our part. 6_________ (cure ) disease will take time. Over short periods of five or ten years, it may not seem like we’re making much of 7________ difference. But over the long term, seeds 8________ ( plant ) now will grow, and one day, you or your children will see what we can only imagine: a world without suffering from disease. There are so many opportunities just like this. If society focuses more of its energy 9_____ these great challenges, we will leave your generation a much better world.


2016年上海高三语文一模汇编·作文 【宝山区】 26.根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。 纪录片《互联网时代》解说词: 从人类文明出现到2003年,所有存储下来的信息的总和仅仅相当于如今人类两天创造的数据量。全球最大的图书馆,美国国会图书馆的所有馆藏不足今天人类一天所产生数据量的万分之一。 互联网时代的数据拥有了全然不同的价值内涵,有用才被记录的时代结束了,一切能够被记录的都会是有意义的。 【崇明县】 26.古希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁说:“认识错误就是拯救自己的第一步。”然而,当代哲学家卡尔波普尔又说:“如果我们过于爽快地承认错误,就可能使自己发觉不了我们非常接近于正确。”对此,你有怎样的思考和认识,请自拟题目,写一篇文章。 要求:(1)不少于800字(2)不要写成诗歌(3)不得透漏个人信息。 【奉贤区】 27.阅读下面材料,选取一个角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800的文章(不要写成诗歌)。宋朝朱熹在他的《观书有感·其二》中说“昨夜江边春水生,艨艟巨舰一毛轻,向来枉费推移力,此日中流自在行”。意思是:江边停泊着一艘大战船,水不深,船搁浅,怎样也移不动,昨天夜里江边春水涨高了,只见那大船已如羽毛般轻轻漂浮在水面上,想到早先浅水时的想尽办法来推移战船,实在白费力气,现在水满了,那船不是在江心自由自在的行驶了吗? 【虹口区】 27.根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。生活就像是驾驶马车,有人在车上昏昏欲睡,任马拉行;有人始终按照自己的意愿清醒地驾驭着马车。 【黄浦区】 26.根据以下材料,自选角度,自拟题目写一篇不少于800 字的文章(不要写成诗歌)。 “知止”二字作为座右铭高悬于李嘉诚办公室的醒目处,清人曾国藩一生的作为和成就也处处有“止”的烙印。 古语云“知行知止,知止而行”,意思是要懂得“行”,也要懂得“止”,懂得“于止中行”。


扎克伯格《给女儿的信》全文(中英文版) Dear Max, Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can explore it fully. You've already given us a reason to reflect on the world we hope you live in.我和你的母亲无法用言语来描述你带给我们的未来希望。你的新生活中充满了希望,我们希望你能保持快乐和健康。你已经给了我们充分的理由,让我们反思我们希望你生活的世界。 Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.像所有父母一样,我们希望你在比我们今天生活得更好的世界中快乐成长。 While headlines often focus on what's wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is shrinking. Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.但是新闻中往往更多提及负面的东西,实际上,从很多方面来看,我们的世界正变得越来越好。健康正获得改善,贫困水平正在降低,知识正在增长,人们之间的联系变得更为紧密,每个领域的科技进步都意味着你的生活应该比我们今天好得多。 We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a moral responsibility to all children in the next generation.我们将努力实现这个目标,这不仅仅是因为我们爱你,也因为我们对所有下一代孩子拥有道义上的责任。 We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world.我们认为所有生命都有平等的价值,包括人数超过今天的未来一代。我们的社会有义务投资于现在,以改善那些即将出生在这个世界上的所有人的生活,而不仅仅是已经降生在这个世界上的人的生活。 But right now, we don't always collectively direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face.但是现在,我们并非总是将所有资源集中于你们这一代将面临的最大机遇和问题上。 Consider disease. Today we spend about 50 times more as a society treating people who are sick than we invest in research so you won't get sick in the first place.以疾病为例,今天我们在治疗疾病方面的花费是投资于将来你们不会生病的研究的50倍。 Medicine has only been a real science for less than 100 years, and we've already seen complete cures for some diseases and good progress for others. As technology accelerates, we have a real shot at preventing, curing or managing all or most of the rest in the next 100 years.在不到100年时间里,我们会看到某些疾病完全被治愈,其他疾病获得更好治疗。随着科技进步加速,我们在接下来的100年中,将有机会预防和治愈疾病,同时在大多数疾病方面作出重大突破。 Today, most people die from five things -- heart disease, cancer, stroke, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases -- and we can make faster progress on these and other problems.今天,大多数人死于五种疾病,分别是心脏病、癌症、中风、神经退行性疾病以及传染病,我们可以在这些和其他疾病方面取得更快进展。 Once we recognize that your generation and your children's generation may not have to suffer from disease, we collectively have a responsibility to tilt our investments a bit more towards the future to make this reality. Your mother and I want to do our part.一旦我们认定你们及你们的孩子一代不会在受某种疾病困扰,我们有责任向未来倾斜投资以便实现这个目标。我和你的母亲想要尽我们的责任。


精编高考英语句子翻译试题汇编大全 appreciate他不感激他朋友们为他所做的牺牲,把这些视作是理所当然的。(appreciate)He didn’t appreciate the sacrifice his friends had made for him, and took it for granted. achieve政府近来采取了一系列措施治理环境污染,这些措施在部分城市已取得初步 成效。(achieve)Recently, the government has taken a series of measures to cope with the environmental pollution, which has achieved initial success i n some cities. after Jack 的父母发现了他的音乐天赋后,想尽办法将他送入一所享有盛誉的音乐学 院学习。(after) After discovering his talent for music, Jack’s parents tried every means to send him to a music college of high reputation. after问了快递人员后,他被告知在网上买的礼物三天后才到上海。(after) After asking the delivery man, he was informed the present he bought on the internet would arrive in three days. Although尽管他明知暴饮暴食有害健康,但他对我们要他节食的忠告却一直置若罔 闻。(Although) Although he is quite clear of the fact that drinking and eating too much is harmful to health, he turns a deaf ear to our advice that he should have a diet. amaze从顾客的肢体语言,这个售货员就能知道他想买什么,这让那位顾客十分惊讶。 (amaze) From the customer’s body language, the sop assistant can exactly know what he wants to buy, which amaze the customer very much. among全副武装的警察总在恐怖袭击过后最先到达现场的人群之中。(among) The armed police was the first to arrive among the people present after the terrorism attack. announcement在给女儿的信中,扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)宣布他和他的妻子将把99%的 公司股份捐给公益事业。(announcement) In a letter to his daughter, Zuckerberg made an announcement that he and his wife would donate 99% of their shares in the company to good cause. appeal自苹果6问世以来,就再没有其他手机对我更有吸引力了。(appeal) Since

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