当前位置:文档之家› 各类科研项目英文翻译名称




1.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(863计划)(No. )This work was supported by a grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. )

2.国家自然科学基金资助项目(No. )General Program(面上项目), Key Program(重点项目), Major Program(重大项目)This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. )

3.国家“九五”攻关项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Key Technologies R & D Program of China during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. )

4.中国科学院“九五”重大项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Major Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the 9th

Five-Year Plan Period (No. )

5.中国科学院重点资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Key Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. )

6.“九五”国家医学科技攻关基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the National Medical Science and Technique Foundation during the 9th Five-Year Plan Period (No. )

7.江苏省科委应用基础基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and Technology Commission Foundation of Jiangsu Province (No. )

8.国家教育部博士点基金资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. ) 9.中国科学院上海分院择优资助项目(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from Advanced Programs of Shanghai Branch, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. )

10.国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973计划)(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (973 Program) (No. )

11.国家杰出青年科学基金(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (No. )

12.海外香港青年学者合作研究基金(No. ) This work was supported by a grant from Joint Research Fund for Young Scholars in Hong Kong and Abroad (No. )

13.中国科学院基金资助Supported by Science Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

14.中国科学院九五重大项目(项目编号:)资助Supported by Major Subject of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(项目编号:)

15.中国科学院院长基金特别资助Supported by Special Foundation of President of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

16.中国科学院国际合作局重点项目资助Supported by Bureau of International Cooperation, The Chinese Academy of Sciences

17.中国科学院百人计划经费资助Supported by 100 Talents Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences Supported by One Hundred Person Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

18.中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目资助Supported by Knowledge Innovation Project of The Chinese Academy of Sciences Supported by Knowledge Innovation Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences

19.中国科学院西部之光基金(项目编号:)资助Supported by West Light Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences(项目编号:)

20.北京正负电子对撞机国家实验室重点课题资助Supported by BEPC National Laboratory

21.兰州重离子加速器国家实验室原子核理论中心基金资助Supported by Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator of Lanzhou

22.国家自然科学基金(项目编号:)资助Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(项目编号:)[Supported by NSFC(项目编号:)]

23.国家自然科学基金重大项目资助Supported by Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (1991483)

24.国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(项目编号:)资助Supported by Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC(项目编号:)25.国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(项目编号:)资助(973计划项目) Supported by Major State Basic Research Development Program(项目编号:)Supported by China Ministry of Science and Technology under Contract(项目编号:)Supported by State Key Development Program of (for) Basic Research of China(项目编号:)

26.国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China

27.国家重大科学工程二期工程基金资助Supported by National Important Project on Science-Phase Ⅱof NSRL

28.国家攀登计划—B课题资助Supported by National Climb—B Plan

29.国家杰出青年科学基金资助Supported by National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar

30.国家科技部基金资助Supported by State Commission of Science Technology of China(科委)Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China

31.中国博士后科学基金Supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

32.海峡两岸自然科学基金(项目编号:)共同资助Supported by Science Foundation of Two sides of Strait(项目编号:)

33.核工业科学基金资助Supported by Science Foundation of Chinese Nuclear Industry

34.国家教育部科学基金资助Supported by Science Foundation of The Chinese Education Commission (教委) Supported by Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China

35.国家教育部博士点专项基金资助Supported by Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China

36.国家教育部回国人员科研启动基金资助Supported by Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China

37.国家教育部优秀青年教师基金资助Supported by Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Ministry of Education of China

38.高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助Supported by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China Supported by Doctoral Program Foundation of Institutions of Higher Education of China


40.黑龙江省自然科学基金资助Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China

41.湖北省教育厅重点项目资助Supported by Educational Commission of Hubei Province of China

42.河南省杰出青年基金(9911)资助Supported by Excellent Youth Foundation of He’nan Scientific Committee(项目编号:)

43.河南省教育厅基金资助Supported by Foundation of He’nan Educational Committee

44.山西省青年科学基金(项目编号:)资助Supported by Shanxi Province Science Foundation for Youths(项目编号:)

45.山西省归国人员基金资助Supported by Shanxi Province Foundation for Returness

46.北京市自然科学基金资助Supported by Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation


超实用称谓翻译大全 常用称谓 校长(大学)President eg:president of Beijing University 校长(中小学)Principal /Headmaster eg:principal/headmaster of Fudan Middle School 院长(大学下属)Dean eg:dean of the Graduate School 系主任(大学学院下属)Chair/Chairman eg:chair/chairman of the English Department 会长/主席(学/协会)President eg:president of the Student Union, Shanghai University

厂长(企业)Director eg:director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant 院长(医院)President eg:president of Huashan Hospital 主任(中心)Director eg:director of the Business Center 主任(行政)Director eg:director of Foreign Affairs Office 董事长(企业)President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Directors 董事长(学校)President/Chairman eg:president/chairman of the Board of Trustees


公司企业常见部门名称英文 总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D) 秘书室Secretarial Pool 常见职位、职务英文译名 Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员 Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员


Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学 Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析 Algorithmic Language 算法语言 Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路 Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计 Audit 审计学 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统 Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论 Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术 Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础 Calculus 微积分 Catalysis Principles 催化原理 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索 Circuitry 电子线路 College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理 Communication Fundamentals 通信原理 Comparative Economics 比较经济学 Complex Analysis 复变函数论 Computational Method 计算方法 Computer Graphics 图形学原理 computer organization 计算机组成原理 computer architecture 计算机系统结构 Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术 Contract Law 合同法 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术 Database Principles 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计 Developmental Economics 发展经济学 discrete mathematics 离散数学 Digital Electronics 数字电子电路 Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理 Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理 Econometrics 经济计量学 Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化工技术经济分析Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济 Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电磁场与电磁波 Electrical Engineering Practice 电工实习 Enterprise Accounting 企业会计学 Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理方程


各个学科名称英文翻译 哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws 经济法学Science of Economic Law 环境与资源保护法学Science of Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law 国际法学(含国际公法学、国际私法学、国际经济法学、) International law (including International Public law, International Private Law and International Economic Law) 军事法学Science of Military Law


个人简历——各类奖学金、各种称号、各种职位中英文对照 个人简历——各类奖学金、各种称号、各种职位中英文对照: 一、国家及校级奖项、称号 国家奖学金 National Scholarship 国家励志奖学金 National Encouragement scholarship 三好学生标兵 Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生 Merit Student 学习优秀生 Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖 Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人 Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者 Excellent staff 优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员 Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生 Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者 Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体 Advanced Class 优秀团干 Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部 Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人 Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人 Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人 Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人 Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖 Ethic Award 精神文明奖 High Morality Prize 最佳组织奖 Prize for The Best Organization 突出贡献奖 Prize for The Outstanding Contribution 工作创新奖 Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖 Prize for The Team Contribution 二、各系比赛与奖项 外语系(Foreign Language Department): 话剧比赛 Drama competition 英语演讲比赛 English Speech Contest 八系辩论赛 Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition 黑板报设计大赛 Blackboard Poster Design Contest PPT设计大赛 Courseware Design Competition 文明宿舍 Outstanding Dormitory OK杯篮球比赛 OK Cup for Basketball Game 我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies” Singing Competition


文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译 (大学)校长President/Chancellor (大学)副校长Vice President (大学)代理校长Acting President (中学)校长Principal (小学)校长Head /Master 学院院长Dean of College/Head of College 教务长Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs 总务长Director in Charge of General Affairs 系主任Department Chairman /Department Head 教研室主任Head of the Teaching and Research Section 实验室主任Laboratory Chief 教导主任Director of Teaching and 班主任Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher 教授Professor 副教授Associate Professor 客座教授Visiting Professor/Guest Professor 兼职教授Part-time Professor 名誉教授Honorary Professor 终身教授Lifetime Professor 外籍教授Foreign Professor 研究生指导教师Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor 讲师Lecturer/Instructor

助教Teaching Assistant (T.A.) 实验员Laboratory Technician 图书馆员Librarian 研究所所长Institute Director 研究员Research Fellow/Researcher 副研究员Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研Research Assistant 资料员Data Processor 总工程师Chief Engineer 副总工程师Assistant Chief Engineer 高级工程师Senior Engineer 工程师Engineer 助工Assistant Engineer 技术员Technician 技师Skilled Technician 董事长Chairman of the Board /Chairman 董事/理事Director 副董事Associate Director 高级会计师Senior Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant 注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA) 助理会计师Assistant Accountant


课程名称翻译大全 往复泵及其它类型泵Reciprocating Pump & Other type Pumps 微波测量技术Microwave Measurement Technique 微波电路计算机辅助设计CAD of Microwave Circuit 微波技术Microwave Technique 微波技术基础Basis of Microwave Technique 微波技术与天线Microwave Technique and Antenna 微波器件Microwave Device 微波器件及电路Microwave Device and Circuitry 微波铁氧体器件Microwave Iron Oxide Elements 微波网络Microwave Net 微波遥感Microwave Remote Sensors 微分方程Differential Equation 微分方程数值解Numerical solution of partial defferential equatio 微分几何Defferential Geometry 微观分析Micro-Analysis 微观经济学Micro-Economics 微机管理系统概论Introduction to Microcomputer Administration Systo 微机和程序逻辑Microcomputer &Program Logic 微机化设计Microcomputerization Design 微机化仪器Microcomputerized Instrument 微机化仪器仪表Microcomputerized Instrument & Meter 微机汇编语言程序设计Microcomputer Programming in Assembly Languages 微机技术课程设计Course Exercise in Microcomputer Technology 微机继电保护基础Basic Computer Relay Protection 微机控制技术Control Technique of Microcomputer 微机控制系统Control System of Microcomputer 微机励磁检测系统Magnetic Excitation Test System of Microcomputer 微机励磁控制系统Magnetic Excitation Control System of Microcomputer 微机实验与设计Experiment & Design of Microcomputer 微机数据管理Microcomputer Data Administration 微机应用Application of Microcomputer 微机应用技术Application Technique of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Micro-computer 微机原理及接口技术Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-computer 微机原理及应用Principle & Application of Microcomputer 微机原理与外设Principle of Microcomputer & Peripheral Equipment 微机在并网中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Parallel Network 微机在压缩机中应用Application of Microcomputer in Compressor 微机在医学中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Medicine 微机在铸造技术中的应用Application of Microcomputer in Casting 微生物学Microbiology 微型机及应用Microcomputer & its Application 微型计算机控制技术Microcomputer Controling Technique


mathematics数学,biology生物(biography人物传记),physics物理,chemistry化学,biochemistry生物化学,geology 地质,geography地理,astronomy天文学,oceanography海洋学,meteorology气象学,seismology地震学,environmental science环境科学,ecology生态学,electronics电子学,electronic engineering电子工程学,computer science 计算机科学,archaeology考古学,psychology心理学,linguistics语言学,introduction to literature文学入门,history历史,anthropology 人类学,economics 经济学,statistics统计学,aesthetics美学,demography人口学,politics 政治学,philosophy 哲学,aesthetics 美学,sociology社会学 1. 人:学术型的新托福阅读中最常出现的就是各种科学家,以ist和er结尾居多。 例如:anthropologist,archaeologist,paleontologist,zoologist,geographer,astronomer (人类学家,考古学家,古生物学家,动物学家,地理学家,天文学家) 这类的词汇大家无需记住拼写,只要在阅读中出现可以辨认就足以。在面对未知的专有名词时,至少要判断他们存在于那个学科,才好进行下一步的推理。


第一名The First Prize 第二名The Second Prize 第三名The Third Prize 三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student 三好学生Merit Student 学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records 突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity 先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student 优秀工作者Excellent staff 优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre 优秀共青团员Excellent League Member 优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates 优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer 先进班集体Advanced Class 优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres 学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association 学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association 精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual 社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work 文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award 精神文明奖 最佳组织奖 突出贡献奖 工作创新奖High Morality Prize Prize for The Best Organization Prize for The Outstanding Contribution Prize for The Creative Working 团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution 体育道德风尚奖PE Morality Award 优秀指导教师奖Excellent Guide Teacher Award 突出贡献奖Outstanding Contribution Award 工作创新奖Innovation Award 团队建设奖Teamwork Award 最佳台风奖Best Stage Style Award 最佳人气奖Best Popularity Award 优秀组织奖Outstanding Organization Award 最佳创意奖Best Creativity Award 优秀团体奖Excellent Group Award 优秀节目奖Best Program Award 十佳新秀奖Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award 最具潜质奖Most Potentiality Award 最佳才艺奖Outstanding Talent Award 最佳气质奖Outstanding Quality Award 最佳口才奖Best Eloquence Award 最佳演员奖Best Actor Award


本文由雪白乌鸭贡献 文教、科技有关部门常见职衔与职称英文翻译  (大学)校长 President/Chancellor  (大学)副校长 Vice President  (大学)代理校长 Acting President  (中学)校长 Principal  (小学)校长 Head /Master  学院院长 Dean of College/Head of College  教务长 Dean/Director of Teaching Affairs  总务长 Director in Charge of General Affairs  系主任 Department Chairman /Department Head  教研室主任 Head of the Teaching and Research Section  实验室主任 Laboratory Chief  教导主任 Director of Teaching and  班主任 Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher  教授 Professor  副教授 Associate Professor  客座教授 Visiting Professor/Guest Professor  兼职教授 Part-time Professor  名誉教授 Honorary Professor  终身教授 Lifetime Professor  外籍教授 Foreign Professor  研究生指导教师 Graduate Teacher/Research Supervisor  讲师 Lecturer/Instructor  助教 Teaching Assistant (T.A.)  实验员 Laboratory Technician  图书馆员 Librarian  研究所所长 Institute Director  研究员 Research Fellow/Researcher  副研究员 Associate Research Fellow / Associate Researcher 助研 Research Assistant  资料员 Data Processor  总工程师 Chief Engineer  副总工程师 Assistant Chief Engineer  高级工程师 Senior Engineer  工程师 Engineer  助工 Assistant Engineer  技术员 Technician  技师 Skilled Technician  董事长 Chairman of the Board /Chairman  董事/理事 Director  副董事 Associate Director  高级会计师 Senior Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Chartered Accountant  注册会计师(美国)Certified Public Accountant(CPA)  助理会计师 Assistant Accountant  主任会计 Chief Accountant  高级经济师 Senior Economic Manger / Senior Economist  经济师 Economic Manager /Economist  建筑师 Architect  规划师 Planner



Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学 Advanced Mathematics 高等数学 Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言 Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计 Audit 审计学 Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分 Catalysis Principles 催化原理 Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索 Circuitry 电子线路 College English 大学英语 College English Test (Band 4) CET-4 College English Test (Band 6) CET-6 College Physics 大学物理

Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学 Complex Analysis 复变函数论 Computational Method 计算方法 Computer Graphics 图形学原理 computer organization 计算机组成原理computer architecture 计算机系统结构Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术 Contract Law 合同法 Cost Accounting 成本会计 Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术 Database Principles 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计Developmental Economics 发展经济学 discrete mathematics 离散数学 Digital Electronics 数字电子电路 Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Econometrics 经济计量学 Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical


哲学Philosophy 马克思主义哲学Philosophy of Marxism 中国哲学Chinese Philosophy 外国哲学Foreign Philosophies 逻辑学Logic 伦理学Ethics 美学Aesthetics 宗教学Science of Religion 科学技术哲学Philosophy of Science and Technology 经济学Economics 理论经济学Theoretical Economics 政治经济学Political Economy 经济思想史History of Economic Thought 经济史History of Economic 西方经济学Western Economics 世界经济World Economics 人口、资源与环境经济学Population, Resources and Environmental Economics 应用经济学Applied Economics 国民经济学National Economics 区域经济学Regional Economics 财政学(含税收学)Public Finance (including Taxation) 金融学(含保险学)Finance (including Insurance) 产业经济学Industrial Economics 国际贸易学International Trade 劳动经济学Labor Economics 统计学Statistics 数量经济学Quantitative Economics 中文学科、专业名称英文学科、专业名称 国防经济学National Defense Economics 法学Law 法学Science of Law 法学理论Jurisprudence 法律史Legal History 宪法学与行政法学Constitutional Law and Administrative Law 刑法学Criminal Jurisprudence 民商法学(含劳动法学、社会保障法学) Civil Law and Commercial Law (including Science of Labour Law and Science of Social Security Law ) 诉讼法学Science of Procedure Laws


董事长Board Chairman总经理General Manager副总经理Vice General Manager执行副总经理Executive Vice President执行副总Deputy General总经理秘书Secretary总经理助理General Manager's Assistant市场营销部经理Manager of Marketing Department销售部经理Sales Manager餐饮部经理Food and Bererage Manager客房部经理Housekeeper康乐部经理Recreation Dept Manager财务部经理Financial Controller人事部经理Personnel Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer保安部经理Chief Security Officer办公室主任Director of Executive Office大堂副理Asst Manager物资经理Logistic&;Purchasing Dept.Manager会计Accountant销售工程师Sales Engineer生产经理Production Dept.Manager销售工程师Sales Engineer工会主席Labour Union chairman操作工Operator 库管员Warehouse Keeper技术工程师Technicial Engineer销售一部经理Sales Dept.Manager接待员Receiptionalist配料员Operator保洁员Purifier人事经理助理HR Assistant炊事员Canteen Worker会计Accountant质保经理QC Dept.Manager机械师Machinist工程主管Facilities Supervisor采购员Buyer车间班长Group Leader叉车司机Driver机修工Operator采购主管Purchase Manage综合管理部Colligation and Management Dep财务部部长Finance Dep.Minister市场部部长助理Market Dep.Ministe r's assistant 生产部部长助理Produce Dep.Ministarls assistant研发工程师Develop Engineer业务主办Operation Direct计划员Programmer更夫Bellman技术服务部经理Technical Service Dept.Manager物资内勤Secretary技术服务工程师Technician Service Engineer销售二部经理Sales Dept.Manager车间主管Production Supervisor内勤Secretary出纳Cashier 检验员hecker市场部经理Marketing Dept.Manager区域销售经理Regional Sales Manager IT工程师IT Engineer研磨工Operator司机Driver清扫工Purifier人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager文员Clerk财务经理Finance Dept.Manager技术发展部经理Technical Development Dept.Manager电工Electrician送货员Deliveryman挤压工Operator


课程名称翻译大全 生物物理学Biophysics 真空冷冻干燥技术Vacuum Freezing & Drying Technology 16位微机16 Digit Microcomputer ALGOL语言ALGOL Language BASIC 语言BASIC Language BASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & Application C 语言C Language C程序设计Program Design in C C++程序设计C++ Program Designing CAD 概论Introduction to CAD CAD/CAM CAD/CAM CET-4 College English Test (Band 4) CET-6 College English Test (Band 6) COBOL语言COBOL Language COBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program Designing C与UNIX环境C Language & Unix Environment C语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计C ourse Exercise in dBASE Ⅲ FORTRAN语言FORTRAN Language IBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XT IBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC IBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages LSI设计基础Basic of LSI Designing OS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation System PASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range Working PASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCAL PASCAL语言PASCAL Language VLSI设计基础Basis of VLSI Design X射线与电镜X-ray & Electric Microscope Z-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly Languages 板壳理论Plate Theory 板壳力学Plate Mechanics 半波实验Semiwave Experiment 半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体材料Semiconductor Materials 半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors 半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements 半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics 半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry 半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit 半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry


合肥工业大学各学院、专业名称及其英文翻译仪器科学与光电工程学院School of Instrument Science and Opto-electronic Engineering 1、测控技术与仪器Measurement & Control Technology and Instrument 2、光信息科学与技术 Optic Information Science & Technology 机械与汽车工程学院 School of Machinery and Automobile Engineering 3、车辆工程 Vehicles Engineering 4、工业工程 Industrial Engineering 5、工业设计 Industry Design 6、过程装备与控制工程 Process Equipment & Control Engineering 7、机械设计制造及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacture & Its Automation 8、交通工程 Transportation Engineering 9、热能与动力工程Thermal Energy & Power Engineering 材料科学与工程学院 School of Material Science and Engineering 10、金属材料工程 Metal Materials Engineering 11、材料物理Materials Physics 12、无机非金属材料工程 Inorganic Non-metallic Materials Engineering 13、材料成型及控制工程 Material Forming & Control Engineering 电气与自动化工程学院 School of Electric Engineering and Automation 14、电气工程及其自动化 Electric Engineering and Automation 15、生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering 16、自动化 Automation 计算机与信息学院 School of Computer and Information 17、计算机科学与技术 Computer Science & Technology 18、电子信息工程 Electronic Information Engineering 19、电子信息科学与技术 Electronic Information Science & Technology 20、通信工程 Communications Engineering 21、信息安全Information Security 化学工程学院 School of Chemical Engineering 22、高分子材料与工程 Macromolecule Material and Engineering 23、化学工程与工艺Chemical Engineering and Technics 24、制药工程 Pharmacy Engineering 25、应用化学 Applied Chemistry 土木建筑工程学院 School of Civil Engineering 26、给排水工程Water Supply & Drainage Engineering 27、工程力学 Engineering Mechanics 28、水利水电工程 Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering 29、土木工程 Civil Engineering 30、建筑环境与设备工程 Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering 建筑 与艺术学院 School of Architecture and Arts 31、城市规划 Urban Planning 32、建筑 学 Architecture 33、艺术设计 Artistic Design 资源与环境学院 School of Resources and Environment 34、地理信息系统 Geographic Information System 35、环境工程

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