当前位置:文档之家› 保定英文介绍



Baoding was located in central of HeBei province and situated in the Center of Shijiazhuang Beijing and Tianjin, so Baoding is also called the capital Southgate.

Baoding is an ancient city with thousand years of history!The zhili governor’s office was built in the seventh year of the Emperor yongzheng’s reign,famous figures such as 曾国藩,李鸿章,and 袁世凯also work here. Ranzhuang is a small village in baoding,during the anti-japanese war period,the militia in ranzhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet army.ranzhuang tunnel stand sites are very important battleground of war sites on the north china in the war period. Baiyangdian lake is one of the famous tourist acctractions,it’s called”pearl of north china”.the china national tourism administration classified it as a 5A scenic area.

Baoding is the cradle of generals, the first army officer school is built in Baoding,吴佩孚,孙传芳,蒋介石,叶挺,傅作义等,more than 1700 generals were all developed by baoding army officer school.

There were many great men, such as: Jingke in warring states, liubei in han dynasty,geographer lidaoyuan,mathematician zuchongzhi and so on.In modern times, There are still many celebrities in Baoding,such as The world champion guojingjing there are also many delicious Speciality Foods such as lvrouhuoshao。

Baoding Baoding has a lot of institution of higher learning,such as Hebei University, North China Electric Power University, Hebei Agricultural University.


Good morning everyone: I am from Bao Ding city He Bei Province.now I will introduce my hometown. Baoding is an ancient city with thousands years of history ! it is located in the central of he bei province and situated in the center of Shi Jia Zhuang ,Bei Jing and Tian Jin,so Bao Ding is also called the capital Southgate. It has a long history,so there are lots of famous scenic spots and historical attractions.next I will introduce some of them.first is The Zhi li Governor's Office.it was built in the seventh year of the Emperor Yong Z heng’s reign (A.D.1729), famous figures such as Zeng Guo Fan, Li Hong Zhang and Yuan Shi Kai also worked in it. Ran Zhuang tunnel, perhaps most of us had learned it in our middle school.It is a small village in Qing yuan County, Bao ding city. During the Anti-Japanese War period, the militia (民兵)in Ran zhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet Army(日伪军) . Now Ran Zhuang tunnel stand sites(冉庄地道战遗址)are very important battleground of war sites on the north China in the Anti-Japanese War period . Bao Ding is the cradle of generals, the first army officer school was built in Bao Ding, Wu Pei Fu, Sun Chuan Fang ,Jiang Jie Shi ,Ye Ting, Li Ji Shen, zhang zhi zhong, Fu Zuo Yi etc, more than 1,700 generals were all developed by Bao Ding army officer school.


英文产品介绍范文怎么写 现在世界贸易往来越来越频繁,用到英语介绍产品的机会也越来越多。下面由为你提供的英文产品介绍范文,希望大家喜欢。 英文产品介绍范文(一) Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you.This is the latest product of the NOKIA.I'm sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance,such as the silver-white metal shell,properly colored keyboard,the crystal screen,etc. Of course,it's not persuasive to just judge it from the outside.There's no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile,so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it.First,it has the google authorized GPS software,which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air.Second,the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net.This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos,listening to music,delivering pictures and so on.At last,the most essential,it's not expensive in comparison with its fellow products.


保定历史简介 保定有着悠久的发展史, 有灿烂的历史文明和丰厚的历史文 化积淀。从已发掘的一系列古文化遗址看, 保定区域具有发达的史前文明。如涞水县出土的智人化石可证实, 在2.8 万年前, 这里即是黄种人( 蒙古人种) 的祖先一一智人的繁衍生息地。众多的从石器时期到商、周文化遗址和有关唐尧及有易氏的历史记载和大量的传说, 可证实这里是唐尧的故里。在四五千年前, 这里已经是人烟辐揍、居落密布, 原始农业经济相当发达的区域, 有易氏已在易水流域放牛牧马、植桑种谷了。由涞水张家洼出土的北伯青铜器, 有关专家推断, 这里就是古燕国的始封地。春秋战国时期, 保定区域先为燕、中山( 鲜虞) 侯国之地, 到战国中期, 赵灭中山, 保定南属赵、北属燕, 始有" 燕南赵北" 之说, 成为燕文化的腹地。燕国曾在今容城东筑都城, 燕昭王在今易县筑下都。燕昭王复国中兴、荆柯刺秦王等传之千古的事件都导源于这里。秦汉时期, 保定区域始设众多的郡( 国) 、县, 筑关建城, 成为北部防御要地。 三国两晋南北朝时期是我国民族大融合的重要阶段, 河北的世 家大族纷纷南下江淮, 而北方游牧民族则南下中原接受汉文化, 建立国家。保定区域正处于农耕文化和游牧文化的结合过渡带, 受影响是最大的。东晋十六国到南北朝, 保定区域先后属少数民族建立的国家冉魏、后赵、前燕、前秦、后燕、北魏、东魏、北齐、北周等, 其中后燕定都中山( 今定州)。多年的战乱使保定区域经济的发展受到影响; 由于大批士族南迁, 使当地文化受到冲击。但同时

多个少数民族在这里的活动, 又给这里的文化注入了多元成分, 使这里的民风质朴而悍劲, 文化上也富有特色。《隋书·地理志》说:" 自古言勇侠者皆推幽并, 然涿郡自前代以来多文雅之士。" 隋唐五代时期, 保定区域经历了隋初和盛唐的稳定发展阶段, 也经历了隋末的动荡、唐代安史之乱、藩镇割据和五代的纷纷战乱。在隋初和盛唐, 保定的经济文化得到全面发展, 唐代保定区域属河北道。唐天宝年间, 河北道正仓积粟182 万石, 义仓积粟1754 万石, 居全国第一, 经济地位十分重要, 所以唐代在定州设大总管府。经济的发展促进了文化的繁荣, 出现了一大批文化名人。隋末农民起义风起云涌, 保定是农民起义非常活跃的地方; 安史之乱, 这里又首当其冲; 藩镇割据, 数这里的藩镇势力最强, 足以 和唐朝廷相抗衡。难怪有些在唐朝不得志的读书人来到这里寻找出路。韩愈《送董邵南游河北序》中的董邵南即是其中之一。五代时, 保定先后或分属后唐、后晋、后汉、后周及辽( 契丹) 等, 各统治者之间争战杀伐不己。保定虽不是政治、军事斗争的焦点, 却也时时处在战争的旋涡中。重要战事有后唐与契丹的曲阳之战、辽兵南侵、周世宗北伐等。后晋石敬瑭割燕云十六州予契丹( 辽), 保定北部的涿州等入辽。连年战争, 民无宁日, 经济遭到很大破坏。 宋辽金元时期, 保定先是处于宋辽边界, 宋辽之间经常发生战争, 而且主战场多是在保定一带, 著名的有杨家将抗辽、满城战役、瓦桥关战役、歧沟关战役等。宋辽战争多以宋王朝失败而告终, 辽军得胜后即劫掠而去。直至宋景德元年十二月(1005 年1 月),


Baoding was located in central of HeBei province and situated in the Center of Shijiazhuang Beijing and Tianjin, so Baoding is also called the capital Southgate. Baoding is an ancient city with thousand years of history!The zhili governor’s office was built in the seventh year of the Emperor yongzheng’s reign,famous figures such as 曾国藩,李鸿章,and 袁世凯also work here. Ranzhuang is a small village in baoding,during the anti-japanese war period,the militia in ranzhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet army.ranzhuang tunnel stand sites are very important battleground of war sites on the north china in the war period. Baiyangdian lake is one of the famous tourist acctractions,it’s called”pearl of north china”.the china national tourism administration classified it as a 5A scenic area. Baoding is the cradle of generals, the first army officer school is built in Baoding,吴佩孚,孙传芳,蒋介石,叶挺,傅作义等,more than 1700 generals were all developed by baoding army officer school. There were many great men, such as: Jingke in warring states, liubei in han dynasty,geographer lidaoyuan,mathematician zuchongzhi and so on.In modern times, There are still many celebrities in Baoding,such as The world champion guojingjing there are also many delicious Speciality Foods such as lvrouhuoshao。 Baoding Baoding has a lot of institution of higher learning,such as Hebei University, North China Electric Power University, Hebei Agricultural University.


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高三年级第一学期期末调研考试 英语试题 本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷1至10页,第II卷11至12页。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 第I卷 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 A A program in our college helps you work part-time to ease your pressure from costs. If you need more money to cover all of your education-related costs, this program may be fit for you. Advantages Work experience: Last year, more than 1,400 positions were available across all departments. The jobs wary from one department to the next, and in most cases, participants find a position in their chosen field. Money: During the regular academic year(September to April), you can work party-time and earn $3,200---sometimes more---while you take courses! During the summer time, you work


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Good morning everyone: I am from Bao Ding city He Bei Province.now I will introduce my hometown. Baoding is an ancient city with thousands years of history ! it is located in the central of he bei province and situated in the center of Shi Jia Zhuang ,Bei Jing and Tian Jin,so Bao Ding is also called the capital Southgate. It has a long history,so there are lots of famous scenic spots and historical attractions.next I will introduce some of them.first is The Zhi li Governor's Office.it was built in the seventh year of the Emperor Yong Z heng’s reign (A.D.1729), famous figures such as Zeng Guo Fan, Li Hong Zhang and Yuan Shi Kai also worked in it. Ran Zhuang tunnel, perhaps most of us had learned it in our middle school.It is a small village in Qing yuan County, Bao ding city. During the Anti-Japanese War period, the militia (民兵)in Ran zhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet Army(日伪军) . Now Ran Zhuang tunnel stand sites(冉庄地道战遗址)are very important battleground of war sites on the north China in the Anti-Japanese War period . Bao Ding is the cradle of generals, the first army officer school was built in Bao Ding, Wu Pei Fu, Sun Chuan Fang ,Jiang Jie Shi ,Ye Ting, Li Ji Shen, zhang zhi zhong, Fu Zuo Yi etc, more than 1,700 generals were all developed by Bao Ding army officer school.


保定 百科名片 保定市地处北京、天津、石家庄三角地带,素有“京畿重地”、“首都南大门”之称。保定是中国历史文化名城、对外开放城市、中国优秀旅游城市、全国双拥模范城、戏曲之乡、游泳之乡、全国篮球城市、全国乒乓球重点城市,也被人们称为“长寿之城”、“冠军之城”,入选2008中国特色魅力城市200强。 中文名称:保定 外文名称:Baoding 行政区类别:省辖市 所属地区:河北省 下辖地区:定州市、涿州市等 政府驻地:保定市东风西路1号 电话区号:0312 邮政区码:071000 地理位置:河北省中部 面积: 2.21万平方公里 人口: 近1100万,其中市区100.6 万 气候条件:属暖温带大陆性季风气候 著名景点:满城汉墓景区等 火车站:保定站 车牌代码:冀F 行政代码:130600 目录 简介 行政区划 区位交通 保定气候 广播电视 历史 中山国地 秦上谷郡 始建保州城 重建保州城 建府学及书院 明代改建保定城 设立莲池书院 修浚府河 推广植棉和纺织技术 建官刻印书局 创办畿辅大学堂 英法德意四国联军侵占保定创办学堂 保定陆军军官学校 创办育德中学 曹锟兵变 建立河北农业大学 创办协生印书局 日军侵占保定 国民党河北省政府迁保定保定市人民政府成立 河北省会

保定地区 地市合并 文化 文化名城 保定老调 涿州皮影 满城寸跷 涞水高洛古乐 雄县赵岗古乐 定州子位吹歌 曲阳石雕 白沟泥人 曲阳定瓷 易县易水砚 安新苇编画 雄县黑陶 易县绞胎瓷 定兴珐琅 旅游 保定八景 综述 大慈阁 奎楼应宿 横翠朝晖 古莲花池 东皋春雨 西刹秋涛 鸡水环清 狼牙山 节日 顺平桃花节 保定敬老健身节 白洋淀荷花节 涿州花灯节 安国国际药材节 满城金秋红叶柿子节满城华北航空旅游节红色之城 特殊资源 体育 饮食文化 综述 驴肉火烧 白运章包子


HistoryBaoding is a city with a history dating back to the Western Han Dynasty. It was destroyed by the Mongols in the 13th century, but after the Mongols established the Yuan Dynasty, it was rebuilt. It acquired the name "Baoding" during the Yuan dynasty —the name is roughly interpreted as "protecting the capital", referring to the city's proximity to Beijing. Baoding served for many years as the capital of Zhili, and was a significant centre of culture in the Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. After Zhili province was abolished in 1928 Baoding became the capital of the newly formed Hebei province. During World War II, the city was the site of a headquarters for Japanese occupation forces. In 1958, the role of provincial capital was assumed by Tianjin, which had lost its status as a provincial level municipality, but when Tianjin was elevated again in 1966, Baoding regained its position. In 1970, however, the rapidly growing city of Shijiazhuang became capital instead. [edit] Geography and climateBaoding is located around 140 kilometres south of Beijing. It is nearly halfway between Beijing and Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province. Baoding is situated on flat plains, to the east of the Taihang Mountains. It is surrounded by farmland. The city is roughly rectangular in shape, and is divided by the north-south Jingguang Railway. Baoding Railway Station marks the geographic centre of the city. The older part of Baoding is on the east side of the railway, and is administratively divided into the North City and South City. On the west side of the railway is the New City, an area of more recent development.[1] Baoding is located in the middle of Hebei Province, east of Mount Taihang. During the Monsoon season, the yearly average precipitation is 570 millimeters, the yearly average temperature is around 12.0 °C. [edit] Administrative divisionsBaoding prefecture-level city consists of 3 municipal districts, 4 county-level cities, 18 counties: DemographicsThe Baoding urban area has a population of around 1,006,000 (2009). The population of the Baoding administrative area is 10,890,000. The considerable majority are Han Chinese. The language of Baoding is Mandarin Chinese — specifically, the Baoding dialect of Ji-Lu Mandarin. Despite Baoding's proximity to Beijing, the Chinese spoken in Baoding is not particularly close to Beijing dialect — rather, it is more closely related to Tianjin dialect. [edit] EconomyBaoding is located in the centre of the Bohai Rim economic area which includes Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang. One of the largest employers in Baoding is China Lucky Film, the largest photosensitive materials and magnetic recording media manufacturer in China.[2] And, Yingli group, 2010 World Cup sponsor, is located its headquarter in Baoding, who is the Global Top 10 solar panel manufacturer. More renown companies include ZhongHangHuiTengWindpower Equipment Co., Ltd (Wind Turbine) and Baoding Tianwei Group Co., Ltd(Transformer). Baoding High-tech Industrial Development Zone [1] [edit] Renewable energyBaoding city has one of China's biggest plants which manufacture blades


始建于1227年,原名“雪香园”,由于园内池塘中荷花茂盛,所以称为古莲花池。占地24000平方米,是中国十大历史名园之一,2001年被命名为全国重点文物保护单位。始建者是蒙古军事将领张柔,元代仍为私人苑囿,明代成为知府衙署,清代被辟为皇帝行宫后,经过进一步扩建,建成了占地100亩的莲池十二景,博得了“城市蓬莱”的美誉。雍正年间直隶总督李卫又在院内创办了书院。1904年改为校士馆,1912年改为小学堂。1936年宋哲元主持河北省政务,恢复了莲池书院,聘请高步瀛任教,第二年因卢沟桥事变,莲池书院从此走完了辉煌的历史。 编辑本段简介 自古以来,作为“关山带河,联络表里,控扼燕蓟,四达之冲”的古城保定,历史上留下了不少值得考究的文化遗产,古莲池与莲池书院就是其中之一。保定古莲池,她虽几度兴衰,现非全貌,却基本上保持了漪碧涵虚的独特风格。人们说,到保定如果不去莲池,等于没到保定。 编辑本段详细介绍 古莲花池,地处河北保定市内闹市区,是保定古城八景之一,称“涟漪夏艳”。古莲花池是国家级文物保护单位,是全国十大名园之一。古莲池不仅以“林泉幽邃,云物苍然”闻名,更因与莲池书院同处一址而声名远播。总面积为2.4万平方米,其中池水面积7900平方米。池水以中心岛为界分为南北两塘,蜿蜒曲折的东西二渠将两塘沟通一体。南塘呈半月形,外围峭壁环峙,松柏滴翠。北塘呈不规则矩形,四周玉石堆岸,杨柳垂丝。水心亭居其中。莲池自古就环水置景,以水为胜,因荷得名。园中诸景建制小巧玲珑,优雅别致,拙中见巧,朴中有奇,汇集了中国南北古建筑园林风格的精华。莲池实为我国北方古代园林明珠,前人曾用“几疑城市有蓬莱”形容她,有"城市蓬莱"、"小西湖"的美誉。 编辑本段历史故事


保定莲池英语导游词 保定莲池英语导游词1 My hometown is in Baoding. There are many places of interest in Baoding, including Mancheng Han tombs, Yixian Xiling, ancient lotus pond Among them, I am most impressed by the ancient lotus pond. Spring came, I followed my grandfather to the ancient lotus pond. As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a grotesque rockery. Some look like lively and clever little monkeys with their hands in front of their forehead to look into the distance. Some look like the mighty king of beasts, the tiger with vigorous steps. Some look like exquisite and beautiful fairies coming down to earth, scattering beautiful flowers Go ahead, you will see an antique Zhuojin Pavilion. The red and brown doorposts, the colorful pictures on the eaves, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, the landscape, the mandarin ducks playing in the water, the pavilions and pavilions, all of them are so lifelike and fascinating. The whole pavilion is perfect.


保定导游词大全 1、野三坡导游词 百里峡导游词 尊敬的各位游客朋友: 大家好!非常欢迎各位来野三坡百里峡观光游览,我是导游员XXX,这次旅游将由我为您提供导游服务,衷心的希望能得到您的支持与配合,预祝大家旅途愉快,谢谢! 在进入景区之前,我先给大家介绍一下百里峡的基本情况: 这是一张百里峡全图,三条红色主线代表百里峡三条迂回曲折形如鹿角的峡谷,即蝎子沟、海棠峪、十悬峡,总长105华里,故称"百里峡",在百里峡景区游览有以下几条路线可供您选择: 一、单程游览。三条峡谷都可以分别游览。 海棠峪是百里峡特色,也是景点最集中的地方,有老虎嘴、一线天、金线悬针、回首观音、天桥、天梯(栈道)和索道,游完主要景点,需要时间一个半小时左右,往返路程12华里。 您若是以前来过百里峡,我便向您推荐我们正在开发的蝎子沟这条峡谷,往里走600米就到龙潭映月景点,再往里还有摩耳崖、铁索崖、大青崖等景点,原始特色浓郁,突出了"野"的特色,正待开发。 十悬峡景点有抻牛湖,弧形悬崖构成的"不见天"、灵芝山"

水帘洞"、令人费解的"怪峰"、擎天玉柱等景观,到天梯栈道往返14华里。 二、小环游览。 主要是从海棠峪游至天桥,爬上下2800级的环保天梯栈道到十悬峡,绕回我们现在所处的位置--汉城堡,全程16.3华里,需4个小时左右。 三、大环游览。 大环游览路途较长,也是海棠峪和十悬峡这两条峡谷连通。 主要路线是:从汉城堡出发游海棠峪至天桥,然后爬栈道到天亭,沿山路上山,到达百里峡峰--望京坨。上山后沿二郎担山,冬至开光洞等景点出十悬峡回到"汉城堡",需要最少8个小时的时间,路为40华里左右。 我们现在所处的位置是汉城堡,这是一座仿汉建筑,它采用了抬梁式和穿斗式的建筑风格,是为了拍摄电视剧《三国演义》中"空城计"一出戏所建的外景,现以成为我们出入景区的显著标志。 现在我们已经进入百里峡景区内,大家顺着我手指的方向看,两个山脊之间有一石人仙官,这就是进入百里峡景区的第一个景点"仙官指路",它形象逼真,栩栩如生,这是由于岩层中发育多组裂隙(地质学上称为节理),经后期风化作用而形成的,在"仙官指路"右边的那条峡谷就是蝎子沟,因沟中遍生蝎子草而得名,蝎子草属于荨麻科,一年生草本植物,当人畜触碰其叶,就像蝎子蛰了一样疼痛,但半个小时后疼痛便会自然消失了,沟内有龙潭映月、铁索崖、摩耳崖等景


如对您有帮助,请购买打赏,谢谢您! 介绍产品的英语作文 第一篇:《介绍产品的英语作文》 Now , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. Have made a market research,we find that these things make our lives easier. The digital products like the computer and the cell phone have completely made a great impact on our life. These products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspects of our daily lives and produced many economic benefits as well. The digital age has contributed to many labor saving technologies at the same time as improving the quality standards of production.. Because our company wants to extend ,so we need to hire someone to our company. If you want to be emploeed,just give your recommend letter to our company. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


2021保定高二期末英语作文 2021保定高二期末英语作文1 There is no doubt that everyone will encounter sad things in all his life. However, faced with sadness, different people usually take different attitudes to treat it. Generally speaking, the wise regard these sad things as their valuable experiences which are indispensable in their life. Whats more, never do they have sadness haunt themselves. Quickly, they get rid of sadness and find new pleasures of life. Thus, their life always seems so fine. On the contrary, some pessimists always have sadness haunt them. Their mind always wanders into past sad events, which results in their moodiness and vexation daylong, and even causes sleepless nights, poor diets, frequent headaches, etc. Obviously, none of these results is what we want. As a result, there is a great need for us to follow the wise persons example and learn to rid us of painful memory. As an old saying goes, there are no such setbacks that we could not overcome. Keep in mind that never do you have sadness haunt yourself.


产品介绍的英语作文 【篇一:产品介绍中英文】 班级:2011级市场营销类1班姓名:学号: 英语期末项目考核评分表 班级:2011级市场营销类1班姓名:学号: 产品介绍 产品名称:联想电脑 为客户提供产品:在16岁~ 34人,家庭用户专注于25到54岁 该产品功能和信息描述:娱乐可以打发时间,学习,阅读一本书,记住,互 联网,应用程序是完整的,可以当移动硬盘使用。功能齐全、方便群众 是现代社会的进步,科技的发展和技术进步的标志 产品特点的销售优势:每个零件材料避免假。专业生产技术。价格体 现身份,升级更方便。所有有良好的销售渠道和售后服务渠道。对 比国内品牌,然后你说,联想是全球第三,是nba和奥运会赞助商(在都 灵冬季奥运会,联想在计算机可靠性击败其他的大型全球品牌是奥运 会选为计算机设备)对比国外大品牌,说,性价比高,性能和良好的质量。联想的电脑和特殊的技术和软件内部服务维护,也方便 班级:2011级市场营销类1班姓名:学号: product introduction product name: lenovo computers for customers products: at the age of 16 ~ 34 people, home users focus on 25 to 54 the product function and information description: entertainment can kill time, learning, reading a book, remember, internet, application is complete, and can when mobile hard use. the function is all ready; convenient the crowd is modern social progress, the development of science and technology of the sign product features sales advantage: each parts material to avoid the fake. professional production technology. the price is higher. upgrade is more convenient. all have good sales channels and after-sales service channel. contrast domestic brand, then you said lenovo is the worlds third, and is the nba and olympic sponsors (in turin olympic winter games, lenovo in computer reliability beat the other big global brand is the olympic games chosen as computer equipment)contrast foreign big brands, said high performance/price ratio, and

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