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wechat’s function:

1.Voice Chat(语言讯息)

2.Group Chat(聊天室)


4.Video call.(视频聊天)

5.Favorite Messages .(收藏)

6.Wechat payment.(微信支付)

7.Group chat(群聊)

8.Free Call(语音通话)

9.Friend Rader(实时对讲)

10.Group chat QR Code(聊天室)

11.Chat History Backup(聊天记录备份)

12.Web WeChat(微信网页版)


14.People Nearby(附近的人)

15.Walkie Talkie(实时对讲)

Let’s me talk about of main function. One is

moments and other is Wechat payment.

Voice Chat(语言讯息):

1.When you can’t type some words the

best choice of you is Voice Chat. You can send some voice to tell your friend what do you want to tell you friend.

2.How to use it

Hold "Hold to Talk" to start recording a message. Release the button to send

While still holding down, you can move your

finger up to the X button to discard and not send the voice message you are recording.



Moments(Chinese: 朋友圈pinyin: péngyǒu quān) is a newly added function of the smartphone app WeChat, which is launched on 19 April 2012 in the WeChat version 4.0.[1] It serves new social-networking functions for Wechat users. The Chinese translation of Moment is kno wn as “Friends' circle”, which means users can share and get access to accepted WeChat friends' information, creating an intimate and private communicating circle within the users' choice of close friends.

2.Fundamental Function

Picture and small video

Users can directly release pictures and small video. For picture user can select less than 9 pictures from photo album or take picture. For small video, you can take a small video that less than 8 seconds and share it to your friends in Moments.


In other hand, users can share some words with no any pictures. You can share you emotion or some interesting words with your friends.

3.How to use

Select "Moments" under the "DISCOVER"


Then press the camera icon to select a photo or take a new one.

Share your Moments to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Just link your WeChat account to access this feature

Free Call(语音通话)

1. i ntroduce

As the name implies, you do not

spend any money to call you friends

when you have internet. The

function is very useful to chat with

you friends.

2. H ow to use

In the Chat window, press "+" and select

"Free Call" (Voice Call).

Your friend will see the following window and can tap "Accept" to start the call.

Video call.(视频聊天)


Video Call is available on WeChat versions 4.2 and later, allowing you to talk to your friends

face to face.

2.How to use

In the chat window, press "+" and select "Video Call".

If your friend has not sent you a message in the past 10 minutes, you need to send them an invite message and get a response in order to call them.

Select "Video Call" again in the chat window. Your friend will see the following window and can tap Accept to start.

2. Wechat payment(微信支付):


Wechat payment is a payment function in Wechat APP. Users can use phone to achieve payment quickly. Users can build a association between a wechat number and a bank card. Then user can use Wechat to payment.

Wechat have a lot of others function. I will not introduce one-by-one

Wechat background

( Zhang XiaoLong)

En janvier 2013 elle possède 300 millions de membres à travers le monde, dont 240 millions uniquement en Chine6

En juillet 2013, le réseau Wechat possède 400 millions d'utilisateurs en Chine7 et 70 millions d'utilisateurs en dehors de la Chine8.

D'après Xinhua, WeChat comptait en octobre 2013, 600 millions

d'utilisateurs sur toute la planète1,2.

En avril 2014, le réseau continue de se développer et attaque frontalement ses concurrents directs : Facebook Messenger et Whatsapp en tête. Il diffuse notamment deux vidéos qui mettent en scène le fondateur de Facebook Mark Zuckerberg9. Celui-ci consulte son psy qui lui conseille d'utiliser WeChat pour localiser ses amis et développer toujours plus de liens10. Wechat was built by Zhangxiaolong

WeChat began as a project at Tencent Guangzhou Research and Project center in October 2010.[18]The original version of the app, "Weixin", was invented by Xiaolong Zhang, and named by Ma Huateng, Tencent CEO.[19]

In April 2012, Weixin was re-branded as WeChat for the international market.

On 12 August 2015, Tencent revealed WeChat's Monthly Active Users metrics to be 600 million,[21] a quick growth over the previously released number of 549 million Monthly Active Users released only 5 months earlier.[22]


Direction: 如今微信(WeChat)走进了人们的生活,为大家带来诸多便利,但有些人也随之成为“微信控”(WeChataholic),请你就此事写一篇文章。你的文章必须包括: ·对此现象的描述 ·你对“微信控”的看法 ①In present-day society, Internet has played an important role in our daily lives, while the new form of communication “WeChat” is②gaining increasingly more popularity among people. Naturally,a great number of people have become “WeChataholic”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all the time and can’t live without it. WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with others, ③However, the negative effects of being addicted to WeChat far overweigh its advantages. To begin with,the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, espec ially for teenagers who are physically immature. In addition, ④people who are buried in WeChat may easily ignore the people around them and may be separated from their sur roundings, which ⑤cause a potential threat to people’s interpersonal relationships.⑥Last but not least, the overuse of WeChat ruins the normal running of our lives, directly reducing the efficiency of people’s daily work and study. In conclusion,we should make full use of the value of WeChat, and reduce its disa dvantages to the minimum as well. ⑦Only in this way, can we surely make better use of WeChat. 内容分析:本篇文章考察的是典型的议论文,要求学生针对最近热门的话题“微信热”进行现象的描述和观点的阐述。所以行文可以大致分为两大板块。第一部分介绍背景和描述现象,说明微信在人们中的流行,以及从而诞生的微信控一族。这部分考察了学生的描写叙述能力。而第二部分的议论则更考察学生的逻辑和分析能力,可从几个方面按顺序阐述你对于微信控的看法。 精彩亮点分析: 亮点一:开门见山,说明互联网时代的重要性,介绍背景。使用短语sth plays an important r ole in(在…扮演着重要的角色)。 亮点二:引入话题,微信走进了人们的生活。Sth gains increasingly more popularity among people(在人们中悄然流行起来)。平日里积累的短语在写作时需要有效激活。 亮点三:议论分析,弊大于利。表示利弊的词汇可以多背诵一些,如advantage,disadvantag e,positive effect,negative effect等。可用far overweigh表示“远大于”。 亮点四:使用定语从句丰富句式的多样性。be buried in 表示“对…沉迷”适用于许多话题。亮点五:使用cause a potential threat to(对…构成潜在威胁),不失为议论必备短语。 亮点六:注意逻辑词的使用,尽量避免简单的逻辑词如firstly, secondly等。可适当地积累一些短语代替,增强逻辑性。 亮点七:结尾总结,言简意赅,使用倒装句。Only in this way, can sb do sth(只有…才能…) 写作贴士:议论文的写作不能简单机械地背诵模版,需要把平时积累的相应短语、句式巧妙地糅合到文章中。同时,注意训练记叙描写的能力,夹叙夹议是高考写作的总体趋势。


The popularity of WeChat WeChat, known as Weixin in china, is a mobile phone text and voice messaging communication service which is developed by Tencent. Users can access it across a variety of platforms including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and Symbian. In less than two years,WeChat has registered 200 million users and its overseas markets is rising rapidly. Up to now WeChat is already one of most popular chat applications which are used in mobile phones. Undoubtedly, WeChat is definitely a wonderful invention that changed the world. Why does WeChat become so popular in such a short time? As far as I am concerned, it is so easy to use WeChat. You can register WeChat with your phone number, and add your friends Number in your contact list, then you can start your conversation by tapping the voice button. It's using just like a interphone. In the second place, WeChat is powerful. It can send messages of voice, video, photo and text. Various informations could be sent to your friends, from which receivers could enjoy the best pleasure. In the third place, WeChat is supported on Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, and 4G data networks, by which you can chat with your family or friends in a brand new way by using your phone no matter when and where. But you don't need worry other things, such as basic fees. As we can see, WeChat is becoming one of the first services of technology from China to tap an international customer base and to entertain more users outside the home country than domestically and it has 700 million registered users all over the world up to now. It is definitely a wonderful invention that changed our life style. However, as a matter of fact, the potential dangers of WeChat to the users could not be ignored. First,so many people immerse themselves in Wechat and waste a lot of time. In addition, some functions of the Wechat may lead to crimes. Therefore, I insist that we should make the best use of it, but we s houldn’t spare too much time on it. Only in this way, can we enjoy it better.

The Popularity of WeChat

The Popularity of WeChat Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and more popular in China. Almost everyone has WeChat. I think there are some reasons for the popularity of WeChat.Firstly, this is simple software.Whether children or adults, even the old man knows how to play WeChat quickly.As long as open software, you can chat with anyone.Secondly, this is interesting software.You have a circle of friends in the WeChat.Not only you can upload pictures or videos to the circle of friends, but also you can look at the others circle of friends.There is the reason why so many people like share their interesting life to the circle of friends.The most interesting thing is people grab red envelopes In New Year. Meanwhile, using Wechat, you can also do group chats, or find new friends nearby to talk to, which helps make many friends and express your feelings and opinions more freely. In my opinion, WeChat is a double-edged.On the one hand, in such an efficient society, it can make us more convenient.What’s more, we can know more about this world through this platform. On the


Wechat First wechat’s function: 1.Voice Chat(语言讯息) 2.Group Chat(聊天室) 3.Moments.(朋友圈) 4.Video call.(视频聊天) 5.Favorite Messages .(收藏) 6.Wechat payment.(微信支付) 7.Group chat(群聊) 8.Free Call(语音通话) 9.Friend Rader(实时对讲) 10.Group chat QR Code(聊天室) 11.Chat History Backup(聊天记录备份) 12.Web WeChat(微信网页版) 13.Shake(摇一摇) 14.People Nearby(附近的人) 15.Walkie Talkie(实时对讲) Let’s me talk about of main function. One is moments and other is Wechat payment. Voice Chat(语言讯息): 1.When you can’t type some words the

best choice of you is Voice Chat. You can send some voice to tell your friend what do you want to tell you friend. 2.How to use it Hold "Hold to Talk" to start recording a message. Release the button to send While still holding down, you can move your finger up to the X button to discard and not send the voice message you are recording.


Topic: WeChat Discussion Points: 1.Preparation - There will be focus on some important new words, and you will be asked to translate the sentence into English 预习重点词句,翻译出下列常用句子的意思 Business is business Give me a lift/ride Drop me a line Watch your mouth Behind the time 2. Reading - Short reading segment about “Wechat,” members will read out loud and summarize the text. Teachers and other members will correct any mistakes made. 阅读短文“微信” 3. Small Talk - Greetings (As the members will need to learn situations they may face in everyday life)小话 题:如何打招呼 a. Members will practice how to greetings with someone - This will be done in pairs, or if a really big group, in groups of 3s. Members should use this as a chance to ask and answer questions about someone (give them an example of questions they may ask when talking about someone). 我们会准备三个关于“打招呼”的小对话,大家需要两两分组情景模拟,如果人数多的话,三人一组。b. After practicing the conservation, two groups will be chosen at random to demonstrate in front of us (without the use of paper dialogue). This is your chance to see where your English level is at and where to improve it –Don’t worry about making mistakes. 对话结束后,邀请三组现场进行对话表演 Topic discussion (Wechat) 主题讨论(微信) a. Do you use wechat or not? How long do you spend on Wechat every day? b. How does it influence your life? Share your experience with us c. Are you a Wechataholic? What do you think of it? d. Every things has two sides, in your opinion, what are the positives/negatives of WeChat? Words List New Words –Wechat

unitwechat (2)

WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study.


WeChat WeChat was created by tencent technology .It is an instant messaging and on-line chat app and can help people to simplify their communications.wechat is very famous in China ,we might even say everyone knows it. When you in the street, you can see people around you using wechat to talk with their friends. Wechat is a free applications.It can send voice message,pictures,GIF and text by mobile phone.Even your friends in foreign country,you can also use it to contact.The wechat have shorten the distance between people.Many chat soft can do those works,but why wechat is so popular?It has many specific functions: Social intercourse The wechat have “people Nearby”,it is a function that can search people arround you and know some information about them.When you find people who has same hobbies,then you can use wechat to build a new relationship.It can also enjoy group chat up to many people ,by the group everyone can puts forward their idea and solve some difficult problems.The we chat “Moments”supports to send videos and photograph ,by this way you can share you daily life with your friends,you can know you friends lives,too. On-line chat When we use wechat to chat on-line,we can use sticker gallery,such as


Direction:如今微信(WeChat)走进了人们的生活,为大家带来诸多便利,但有些人也随之成为“微信控”(WeChataholic),请你就此事写一篇文章。你的文章必须包括: ·对此现象的描述 ·你对“微信控”的看法 ①In present-day society, Internet has played an important role(play a vitally import ant role)in our daily lives,while the new form. of communication “WeChat”is②gaining inc reasingly more popularity among people. Naturally,a great number of people have beco me “WeChataholic”or “phubber”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all t he time and can’t live without it. WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with others,③wh ereas the negative effects of being addicted to WeChat far overweigh its advantages.To begin with,the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, especially for teenagers who are physically immature. In addition,④people who are obsessed with WeChat may easily neglect the people around them and being isolated from their surroun dings, which⑤poses a potential threat to people’s interpersonal relationships.⑥Last but n ot least,the overuse of WeChat interferes with the normal running of our lives, directly re ducing the efficiency of people’s daily work and study. In conclusion, we should make full use of the merit of WeChat, and reduce its demeri t to the minimum as well.⑦Only in this way, can we definitely make a better use of WeC hat. 内容分析:本篇文章考察的是典型的议论文,要求学生针对最近热门的话题“微信热”进行现象的描述和观点的阐述。所以行文可以大致分为两大板块。第一部分介绍背景和描述现象,说明微信在人们中的流行,以及从而诞生的微信控一族。这部分考察了学生的描写叙述能力。而第二部分的议论则更考察学生的逻辑和分析能力,可从几个方面按顺序阐述你对于微信控的看法。 精彩亮点分析: 亮点一:开门见山,说明互联网时代的重要性,介绍背景。使用短语sth plays an important role in(在…扮演着重要的角色)。


1. The Internet is so powerful that it is used widely around the world. As the Internet is developing rapidly, more and more people take advantage of its comprehensive abilities. Currently, a website named https://www.doczj.com/doc/2312802488.html, is getting fashionable among students in universities. Why does such a phenomenon appear in our society? As we can see, there are some common reasons for it. In the first place, a large number of college students are crazy about using https://www.doczj.com/doc/2312802488.html, to make friends. This website provide a wonderful platform for everyone to interact with others. In the second place, students have the chance to write blogs to show their amusing life to their friends. Most of them share their experiences with each other. In the third place, such blog could help the network users explore the fascinating world. Meanwhile, it helps students improve their IT skills. Although https://www.doczj.com/doc/2312802488.html, benefits us a lot ,it has some disadvantages. For example, several students immerse themselves in writing blogs and waste a lot of time. They even abandon their study. Some of them reveal their personal information via their blogs. This condition may lead to crimes. As far as I’m concerned, everyone is supposed to exploit the network blogs with a limit. As a colleg e student, I acknowledge that Internet is not only beneficial but also dangerous. There fore, I insist that we shouldn’t spare too much time on https://www.doczj.com/doc/2312802488.html,. And it’s of vital importance for us to protect ourselves when we surf the Internet. 2. In recent years, with the development of economy and network, the blogs is popular with the majority of people, the number of people can easy to express their inner voices and the thought of communication and so on. There are a lots reasons of the popularity of blogs. Firstly, someone who want enter blog Is an easy thing, it need not take much time and money, you can write your individual thoughts without rigid control. Secondly, blog has powerful influence, such as share openness.Thirdly , the openness of blog decides it has rich application, people can pick up knowledge and share information and so on. However, present blogs may exist negative influen ce. Some people pass on bed information and lead to bring a lots negative influence to peo ple’s life, and network could be violated by someone and so on. Therefore, we should take measures to protect it and that can promote harmonious society. 3. Think about it, when we talk about instant messaging tool ,which will be the first one jump into your mind. If your answer is QQ or MSN,I must say you're a bit old fashioned. Today, Wechat is becoming the most popular text and voice messaging tool all over the world, it has a Chinese name Weixin, actually it's also a new product from Tencent, so we can call it QQ's little brother. Can you imagine that a mobile phone ‘app’ so appealing that it reaches 200 million users within 8 months of launch without any promotion and quickly spreads to 30 countries? That’s Tencent WeChat, it is becoming the ‘must have’ communication tool among the young people in China.

On the Popularity of Wechat

In recent years, when we talk about instant messaging tools ,which will be the first one jump into your mind? If your answer is QQ or MSN,I must say you're a bit old fashioned, Today, Wechat is popular with the majority of people all over the world , especially it is becoming the ‘must have’ communication tool among the young people in China. There are many reasons of the popularity of Wechat. Firstly, It is so easy to use WeChat. First ,you can log in to WeChat with your Facebook account or sign up with your phone number, and then add your friends Number in your contact list, now you can start your conversation by tapping the speak button. It's just like using a walkie talkie. Secondly, WeChat is powerful. It supports sending voice, video, photo and text messages. You can also do group chats, or you can find new friends nearby to talk to, you can even directly send message to Tencent QQ friends. Thirdly , WeChat works on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Symbian and Blackberry devices, W hat’s more, it is supported on Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, and 4G data networks. It means no matter when and where, you can chat with your family or friends in a brand new way by using your phone however you don't need worry your phone fees. However, present Wechat may exist negative influence. Some people pass on bed information and lead to bring lots of negative influence to people’s life, and network could be violated by someone and so on. Therefore, we should take measures to protect it and that can promote a harmonious society. It is definitely a wonderful invention that changed the world.

My View On Wechat

My View On Wechat With the internet technology and smart mobile phone industries rapidly flourishing, the wechat has crept into our real life and played an increasingly important part. Although the wechat may not be taken seriously or regarded as "the youngsters' toy"by someone, the registered users are 700 million or so in 2014, according to the figures given. It means that about fifty percent of Chinese is using wechat, which took only three years. If the number of kids and the old is not included, the percentage is absolutely higher. Firstly, personal relationships are deeply strengthened and our lives are more convenient owing to the wechat. As everyone knows, people communicated with each other by sending letters in the past, which is a significant waste of time and for the most part, the letters'content had happened for a few days. However, the wechat, as a kind of instant internet chat tool, completely breaks the time and geography limits. Whenever and wherever, we can have a chat with our acquaintances by wechat. We do not meet with each other for a long time, but we can still maintain a close relationship. Secondly, wechat makes us acquire a lot of knowledge. In the circle of friends of wechat, subscribers share some practical knowledge, common sense or philosophy of life, which is both interesting and comprehensive. When we relax with updating the circle in our leisure, we also take in some educational or funny information. The last one, wechat can support us to save a deal of money. It is indispensable to call friends or relatives to send our regards, which maybe cost us a few dollars even dozens of dollars at a time. However, wechat not only possesses the voice chat capabilities, but also offers us voice functions, which means that we cost almost nothing, but we can have a free chat with them.Undoubtedly, wechat has revolutionized our ways of communication. In conclusion, wechat, as an instant chat software, not only enriches our daily lives, deepens social interactions with each other, but also saves a substantial amount of costs. Eventually, I believe that wechat will greatly change our lives in the future.

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