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Global Competition and Public Finance

Global Competition and Public Finance
Global Competition and Public Finance

Global Competition and Public Finance

( A Draft)

Hirofumi Shibata

President, International Institute of Public Finance

President, Kanto-Gakuen University, Japan

A paper presented at the U.N. Workshop on Financial

Management and Accountability

28-30 November 2001, Rome


Global Competition and Public Finance

I. Introduction

Intensified international mobility of capital, labor and goods are increasing disturbing the long cherished methods of taxation and income distribution of individual countries. The volume of international direct investments has increased more than 12 times world wide in the past 15 years and that of commodity trade more than 3 times in the same period. In the period between 1983 and 1998, the annual flow of outbound foreign direst investment (FDI) has nominally rose from less than $50 billion in 1983 to more than $600 billion in 1998. During the same time period, the world commodity trade has increased from a total export volume of $1,667 billion in 1983 to $5,377 billion in 1998 (International Monetary Fund, 1990, 1999).

Globalization of the national markets is destroying the comprehensive income tax system based on the residence principle, and threatens progressive income tax and welfare systems of individual countries. The incidences of income tax avoidance with respect to incomes from capitals, which can move internationally with more ease as compared with labor and natural resources, are becoming increasingly significant.

E-commerce of services whose delivery can be completed through electronic transmissions escapes indirect taxes completely and cross border shopping threatens independence of indirect tax rates of individual countries.

In response to these developments, Scandinavian countries and Austria introduced the so-called “dual income tax system” in 1990’s. It was an epoch making departure from their long established comprehensive income tax regimes, which applies a progressive tax rate schedule on an individual's entire income whatever the sources of his incomes may be.

The dual income tax, on the other hand, divides an individual’s entire income between the incomes from capital that can move easily across international borders and labor income that can not move so easily. It then applies to a progressive rate tax on the labor income and fixed rate tax on the capital income. The fixed tax rate applicable to the capital income is set equal to the lowest tax rate applicable to the labor income. The low tax rate on capital income is designed to prevent international outflows of capital that a higher tax rate would generate. Such a tax system reflect the modern thinking of optimal taxation, which recommend a tax rate

inversely related to the elasticity of supply of the item to be taxed.

Clearly, under the dual income tax system, the high-level welfare system supported by a high level taxation would become increasingly difficult. The opting to the dual tax system does not seem to reflect the willing choice of the traditionally egalitarian minded citizens and the governments of those counties but rather reflects the bitter choice forced on them under circumstances. It was a necessary decision for a small and open economy to survive under the intensified international competition for capital in the globally integrated economy.

The present unsettling world situation symbolized by terrorism, regional conflicts and Afghanistan situation are results of, in large part, the state of utter poverty prevailing in many parts of the world and staggering income inequalities between the rich and the poor nations. Traditionally public finance system has shouldered the main burden of solving income inequalities in each country. The fact that the pressure of global competition is now forcing all countries to relinquish the income redistribution function of their public finance system presents a serious problem to stability of the world.

II The Advantages of the Residence Principle

Under the ability to pay principle of taxation all incomes of an individual where ever their sources may be must be gathered together in one country and the progressive rate schedule of that county must apply to the sum of the gathered incomes. The system under which the country where a specific individual’s incomes are gathered is the country where that individual resides is called the residence principle taxation.

Naturally, the country to which the revenue from a tax accrues and the country where the sources of that taxed income locates themselves are not necessary become the same. An alternative taxation system that attempts to mach the revenue receiving country and the income source country exists. The system under which the country imposes a tax on the incomes whose sources are within that country is called the source principle taxation. Under the source principle taxation, when the sources of his entire income is distributed among different countries, his income of any one country does not reflect his ability to earn income. Unless the tax rates of all countries are the same and fixed, the sum of taxes paid in all countries changes as the country distribution pattern of income changes. Therefore, the source principle taxation cannot realize the ability to pay taxation. Clearly, it is essential to have a comprehensive

income tax system based on the residence principle to realize the principle of the ability to pay taxation.

The source principle taxation is also defective in achieving an efficient use of the limited aggregate quantity of the world resources. For example, a capital investor, wishing to maximize his return to capital, would distribute his capital among different countries so that the rates of return to capital invested become the same in all countries. The rates of return that he uses for his maximization calculus are the returns after subtracting taxes that he has to pay in the source countries. When the tax rates of source countries are different, the returns to capital before subtracting source countries’ taxes are also different. But an efficient allocation of the world’s limited aggregate capital requires equalization of the tax inclusive returns to capital (returns before subtracting taxes. Thus the source principle taxation produces an undesirable outcome from the point of view of efficient resource allocation.

Under the residence principal, taxes that a capital investor subtracts from returns from difference sources are the taxes of the country of his residence and are the same: They are unrelated to the taxes in the source countries. Hence when each investor maximizes the sum of returns of his capital. The returns of capital inclusive taxes of various sources are also equalized. Consequently, the aggregate capital of the world is automatically distributed efficiently among different sources.

Thus under the realistic situation where all countries tax rates are different, the residence principle holds two theoretically desirable characteristics:

(1) Each country can use independently a progressive income tax system that she

considers desirable and can pursue her own welfare programs.

(2) When it is left to individual resource owners’ free choices, the world resources are

automatically distributed among different activities most efficiently.

However, the intense competition in the global economy is gradually demolishing the residence principle taxation.

III. Wrecking of the Residence Principle

Residence principle is desirable system because it realizes the ability to pay principle taxation and bring about an efficient use of the limited quantity of world resources. However, in the real world the tax systems of all countries are moving to the source principle taxation, in which a country taxes incomes whose sources are located within its own territory.

Generally, a tax consists of two parts: one that finances transfer of income from the rich to the poor, namely the transfer tax; and the other, the part that finances the costs of providing governmental services and public goods, highway, harbor and like that, namely the benefit tax. The availability of public services and public goods usually influences the productivity, and hence the rate of return of the invested capital. Hence it is justified that a source country that provides non- residents with public goods and services to tax the returns to investments generated in that country’s territory.

International taxation relationships are governed by networks of bilateral agreements designed to avoid double taxation of the same income, based on the OECD model of “International Convention of Avoidance of Double Taxation.” This convention affords the source country the right to tax on the income generated in its own territory.

If the country where the owner of the income resides imposes a tax on the income generated in the source county, according to the residence principle, the owner of the income is taxed twice on the same income. It becomes necessary to refund a tax doubly imposed. The Convention recommends two alternative methods to void the double taxation: (1) Exclude the non-domestic source income from the taxable income in the country where the owner resides; (2) Refund the amount of the tax paid to the source country from the total tax that the owner paid to his residence country under the residence principle.

Under the first alternative, if the residence government excludes non-domestic source incomes from the taxable income base, that country's system effectively becomes the source principle taxation. Under the second alternative, two possible consequences arise if tax rates are different between the source and the residence country.

First, when the tax rate of the residence country is higher than that of the source country, the tax revenue is divided between the two countries. Because the amount of the tax refunded is limited to the amount that the taxpayer paid to the source country, and the tax paid to the resident country that exceeds the amount of the tax refunded is left in the treasury of the resident country. The situation is the residence principle taxation.

Second, when the tax rate of the source country exceeds that of the residence country, the amount paid to the residence country is fully refunded to the tax payer, and it becomes the source principle taxation. Only if the residence country were to refund the full amount of the tax that the taxpayer paid to the source country, it would become the residence principle taxation. But the residence country normally limits the amount of the refund to the amount that corresponds to the resident country’s tax on the

non-domestic source, and therefore the amount of the refunds is normally short of the full amount that the taxpayer paid to the source country.

In the first case, there is strong incentive for the source country to raise her tax rate to the resident country’s level. Because the amount of the tax the source country imposes is to be refunded fully by the investor's residence country, a raise in the source country's tax will not cause the source country to loose foreign investments. If this situation prevailed, the residence country would loose the entire tax revenues from the non-domestic source incomes. The residence country has no means to counter against the source country in this case, except for reducing own tax rate to zero or abandon the residence principle taxation.

Consider the case of investment through a subsidiary set up in the source country. Under the residence principle taxation the resident country should tax the parent company in the year when the subsidiary has made profits. However, this practice is impossible under the present international law because the law sees the subsidiary an independent company.

With respect to interest income from foreign investments, all countries employ the residence principle. But it is practically difficult to impose a tax on interests earned in foreign countries. Presently, a wide spread use of the source principle is recognizable with respect to the interest income by the means of the withholding tax system.

On the whole, the existing international agreements for avoidance of double taxation, the established international law governing subsidiaries and practical tax administrative constrains are all antagonistic against upholding the residence principle taxation. They are forcing all countries to take a lukewarm attitude towards enforcement of the resident principle taxation.

IV Competitive Tax Rates Reduction

As the source principle taxation in fact replaces the residence principle taxation in practice, international competition for tax rate reduction becomes a more intense reality. Under the source principle taxation, the net rate of return to investment is the rate after subtracting the tax of the source country that an investor has to pay to the source country. Naturally, in the competition for attracting foreign capital, a country with a high tax rate suffers relative to a low tax rate country. The same applies to the competition for other internationally movable factors of production such as for skilled labor. But the degrees of mobility of factors of production are different due to the

difference in the costs of the relocations. Monetary capital reacts to a slight change in the rate of return. The development of the IT technologies has made it possible fort monetary capital to shift investment locations internationally, quickly and cheaply. Labor is less mobile as compared with the monetary capital. Particularly unskilled labor is less mobile because the difference in return that can be realized through shifting employment or locations is lower as compared with the skilled labor and consequently difficult to absorb the cost of movements.

Countries attempting to attract productive factors of production to their own territories compete for lower effective tax rate on incomes to be earned by these factors of production. An example demonstrates the impact of a tax rate change on the international flow of capital. The German government decided to impose a 10 per cent withholding tax on interest income in 1989. The amount of long term capital moved out of Germany in the prospect of the reduced net return of return amounted to DM85 billion. As the result, the German government was force to abandon the introduction of the withholding tax. It reintroduced a 30 percent withholding tax on interest incomes of residents by the order of the Supreme Court on the ground of equity. However, non-residents are exempt from this 30 percent withholding tax. Many member countries of EU also exempt investment incomes of non-residents from their withholding taxes.

Unification of national markets induced active international movements of factors of production. But the degree of international shifting differs between tax bases such as labor and capital. It is now becoming a common practice in tax reform that a country sets different tax rates according to the degrees of international mobility of the tax bases. Accordingly, weights of the tax burden are shifting to relatively immovable factors of production such as unskilled labor from the easily movable factors of production such as monetary capital. Such a trend naturally widens income differentials between the poor and the rich in many countries and creates serious disharmony in their society.

V. The Dual Income Tax

Scandinavian countries and Austria abandoned their respective comprehensive income tax systems, and introduced the so-called “duel income tax” systems in 1990’s. Under the dual income tax, the entire income from all sources of an individual is divided One part is the capital income (monetary income and income from real estates)

and the other part the labor income. A progressive tax schedule applies to the labor income and a fixed rate, equal to the lowest tax rate applicable to the labor income, applies to the capital income.

Because the dual income tax applies a lower tax on the capital income, which can avoid a tax easily by moving out the country, theoretically, the tax revenue could decline. For a country like Sweden, which had employed a strict comprehensive income tax with a steeply progressive tax rate schedule, it appears a really great turn over from the high welfare, based on high tax, oriented to the efficiency oriented national policy.

However, the decision is probably simply to adjust the country to the changed realty of the world. It is based on a judgement that it is desirable to keep foreign capital in home by a low tax rate rather than loosing it by a high rate. If it is not possible to tax effectively the capital income under the present international capital flow situation, it is more efficient to tax labor that is not easily mobile than capital.

VI. Indirect Tax Competition

We have discussed importance of international competition in the area of direct taxation. Let us now turn to the same importance in the area of indirect taxation. With respect to the methods of imposing indirect taxes under international taxation context, two major ways exist. One method is to impose on goods and services the taxes of the country in which they are consumed. It is called the destination principle taxation. Another method is to impose on goods and services the taxes of the country where they are produced. It is called the origin principle taxation.

Under the destination principle taxation, when goods and services are exported all taxes that imposed by the exporting counties up to the stage of exportation are refunded at the point of the exports. The importing country in turn imposes taxes equal to the amount that that country’s comparable domestic products would have paid up to the same stage where imported goods and services had reached. Therefore the indirect taxes of the exporting countries are thus separated from those of the importing country. Consequently, each country can set its own tax rate independently.

On the other hand, under the origin principle taxation, no tax adjustments take place at the point of exportation and importation. In each country’s domestic market, the domestically produced good and services bearing domestic taxes compete directly with the foreign produced goods and services bearing the foreign taxes. The high tax country’s products and services are placed at competitively disadvantages as compared

with those of the low tax rate country. Each country looses independence in the tax rates setting. It can not determine its own tax rate without paying due consideration to the competing countries' tax rates. Thus in order to maintain independence in income redistribution and welfare polices the destination principle taxation is preferred to the origin principle taxation.

However, the maintenance of rigid international border control for the purposes of tax adjustments runs counter against the international free trade movement. European Union is aiming at eventual complete abolition of the border controls on the intra-union trade and moving to the origin principle taxation. At this moment EU abolished border tax adjustments on goods and services related to the consumers’ cross border shopping except for automobiles and yachts.

With respect to E-commerce, imposition of indirect tax is particularly difficult. Particularly, so in the case of the transactions which involves electronically delivery of the ordered products. Because of competition between imported and domestically produced goods and services, the rates of indirect taxes on goods and services of all countries tend to gravitate at the rate of that of the lowest rate country, and the countries maintaining high tax rates tend to lose revenues. It was reported that 67 percent of cigarettes consumed in Quebec province of Canada before the Province reduced its Tobacco tax in 1994 were those purchased illegally in the United States.

VII. Conclusions

Under the increasingly intensifying international competition, it is becoming extremely difficult to tax internationally mobile factors of production such as capital and skilled labor. Consequently, the burden of tax by relatively immobile factors of production such as unskilled labors, farmers and pensioners are increasing. But many of those whose burdens of taxation are increasing are receivers of income transfers until a few years back. Income transfers that depend on income tax revenues become simply transfers between low-income people. The existing transfer systems do not contribute improvement of general welfare.

But we must aware of the effects of liberalization of trade and free movement of capital and labor. They must have improved efficiency of the world production as a whole. Therefore, as long as the rate of increase in the world population does not overtake the rate of increase in the world production, per capita income of the world population must increase. Indeed, it is the major or only justification for promoting

worldwide efficiency improving policies.

However, in the reality, income gap between the rich and the poor in the world seems widening rather than shrinking. It implies that the increments in the world income brought out by the intensified competition and consequential efficiency improvement is held in the hands of the group of the high-income people.

But we come to a standstill. As shown in this paper, under the globally integrated world markets it is extremely difficult for a small and open country to pursue independently own income redistribution policy and welfare programs. However, closing income gap between the rich and the poor is at least theoretically possible if all countries jointly pursue common welfare programs or if a large country leads a worldwide income redistribution program.

It was the new capitalism that was lead by Keynes and others that averted the international communists’ revolutions. When we observe anti-WTO movements lead by NGO’s and regional conflicts, and Afghanistan etc. we feel as if we are walking on the same wheel track to complete destruction the world peace. It appears that it is the time when we must institute a worldwide income redistribution program and put excessive capital movements in harness.


土耳其电力市场土耳其电力市场概况概况 一一、土耳其电力市场发展现状土耳其电力市场发展现状 随着土耳其经济的高速发展,土耳其电力市场正成为土耳其经济发展最快的领域之一。自1980年起,土耳其的电力需求就开始快速增长,2009年达到了194兆瓦特-小时(TWh)(图1)。目前土耳其的人均用电量低于2200千瓦时,远低于欧盟6602千瓦时的平均水平。根据土耳其能源部最近的调查显示,土耳其的电力需求将从2008年的198 TWh 增加到2017年的363TWh。 图1 19801 1980--2009年土耳其电力需求年土耳其电力需求((TWh TWh)) 数据来源:TEDA ?,E üA ?。 注:7.8%、3.6%是复合年均增长率(CAGR)。 电力产业可分为四个垂直分工的部门:发电、传输、分配和零售。在土耳其,目前除了传输环节仍完全由国有公司TEIA ?控制外,其他环节均引入了私营企业(图2)。

数据来源:EüA?,TE?A?,TEDA?。 土耳其电力市场自由化时间表 二、土耳其电力市场自由化时间表 在土耳其电力工业的发展初期,曾有外国企业参与,之后由地方公共团体承担。1950年以后,私营企业逐渐参与。1970年10月,根据国家第1312号法令,设立土耳其电力局(TEK),垄断性的经营发电、输电、配电业务。根据土耳其3096号法令,从1984年开始,允许私营部门进入电力市场,但只有极少数的民营企业参与经营电力。1994 年,一贯垄断经营发电、输电、配电的TEK被分割成发电、输电公司TEA?和配电公司TEDA?。2001年 TEA?解体为EüA?、TE?A?和TEDA?,这三家公司的主营业务分别是发电、输电和零售。2005-2010年,土耳其配电领域的私有化开始,预计在2005-2010的5年中TEDA?将被21个私营配电公司所取代。2007年,土耳其发电领域开始了私有化进程。2008年,拥有总装机容量141MW的ADüA?公司成功完成了私有化,这是土耳其政府私有化管理局(Privatisation Administration)


中东包括那些国家? “中东地区”或“中东”是指地中海东部与南部区域,从地中海东部到波斯湾的大片地区,“中东”地理上也是非洲东北部与欧亚大陆西南部的地区。 中东名称的来源据说是:16-17世纪欧洲殖民者向东殖民时,把距离欧洲的地理位置按远近划分成了:近东,中东,远东。 中东大部分为西亚,但与西亚的区别是:1.中东不包括阿富汗。2.中东包括非洲国家埃及。3.中东包括了土耳其的欧洲部分。 中东是两洋三洲五海之地,其处在联系亚欧非三大洲,沟通大西洋和印度洋的枢纽地位。其三洲具体指亚欧非三大洲,五海具体指里海,黑海,地中海,红海,阿拉伯海。交通便利,海陆空的路线,可顺利运送石油到各国。 “中东”不属于正式的地理术语。一般说来包括巴林、埃及、伊朗、伊拉克(专题,图库)、以色列、约旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特、叙利亚、阿联酋和也门,巴勒斯坦、马格里布国家(阿尔及利亚、利比亚、摩洛哥、突尼斯)以及苏丹、毛里塔尼亚和索马里,由于其历史文化原因一般认为属于中东国家,土耳其和塞浦路斯尽管地理上属于中东地区的一部分,但是他们自身认为属于欧洲;北边的阿富汗有时也与中东联系密切。 政治概念上的中东问题系指阿拉伯国家(包括巴勒斯坦)与以色列之间的冲突问题,也称阿以冲突。中东问题是列强争夺的历史产物,也是世界上持续时间最长的地区热点问题,至今已半个多世纪。中东问题的核心是巴勒斯坦问题。 中东包括那些国家?使用的语言? “中东”概念究竟包括哪些国家和地区,国内外尚无定论,但一般泛指西亚,北非地区,约24个国家,1500余万平方公里,3.6亿人口。 西亚国家包括沙特、伊朗、科威特、伊拉克、阿联酋、阿曼、卡塔尔、巴林、土耳其、以色列、巴勒斯坦、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦、也门和塞浦路斯。 北非包括:苏丹、埃及、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、马德拉群岛、亚速尔群岛 阿拉伯国家主要用阿拉伯语、库尔德语、土耳其语、波斯语,以色列主要用希伯来语. 中东包括北非的埃及和西亚各国中除了阿富汗以外的其他国家。主要使用阿拉伯语。 中东地区都有什么语言?各自国家的母语都是什么? 中东地区国家包括巴林、埃及、伊朗、伊拉克、以色列、约旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特、叙利亚、阿联酋和也门,巴勒斯坦、马格里布国家(阿尔及利亚、利比亚、摩洛哥、突尼斯)以及苏丹、毛里塔尼亚和索马里,这里面大多数阿拉伯国家的通用语言是阿拉伯语,以色列的通用语言是希伯来语,伊朗的通用语言是波斯语,土耳其和塞浦路斯虽然地理上属于中东地区,但他们一般认为属于欧洲,而阿富汗虽地理上不属中东地区,但与中东联系密切.此外,在这些国家还有大量的民族,比如说库尔德族、贝督因各部族,这些民族说本民族的语言。而苏丹等东非洲国家通用英语. 因信奉伊斯兰教,通用官方语言是阿拉伯语,只是类似于我国的方言,发音有区别,以色列说的是希伯来语,伊朗说的是波斯语,土耳其说土耳其语. 中东国家有哪些风俗? 阿联酋虽然是穆斯林国家,信仰伊斯兰教,但国家实行对外全方位开放,政策较开明,对外国人在衣食住行等方面没有太多的限制,超级市场可以买到猪肉及其制品,基本可满足居住在阿联酋各国人士的需求,值得注意的是:


设计、开发和评估低成本的温室技术以适应寒冷的沙漠条件 INDU BHUSHAN BHAGAr’, It R. KIJMAR AND ASHWANI KUMAR’ ‘College of Agricultural Engineering, Dapariment of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, Rajendra Agriculwral University. Bihar Peso (Samastipur) 848125. India :tvyua Bhubaneshwar (Otissa), India Correspondence 气候参数的研究和应用的温室技术创业作物生产在寒冷的沙漠地区的Spiti山谷地区做了。这项研究表明,江青在寒冷的环境条件的莫迪沙漠地区温室技术couldgrow蔬菜作物适应。不同形状的绿色房子结构构造和灵活性的蔬菜作物越来越像甜菜叶子、香菜、生菜、番茄、茄子、薄荷、mcdii、卷心菜、黄瓜进行了研究。海沟类型温室提供优于收益率泰坦其他类型的温室结构和生产的甜菜叶子蔬菜ws发现所有蔬菜中最高。得出温室技术是一个成功的技术存在的问题和寒冷的沙漠地区,人们可以在更大程度上减少 关键词气候、温室、垃圾生产。成本,沙漠的条件。 阱热辐射(长期波动)物体发出的在(2)。在温度和fls的二氧化碳水平在绿色房子负责蔬菜和其它作物的生产力量在寒冷的climateconditions。低成本温室是一个简单的结构,采用本地可用的材料,如竹子和蒂姆误码率(3)。UV-stabilised聚乙烯薄膜作为穿衣-?丁材料。与传统的温室,没有具体的控制设备调节环境因素在温室提供。然而简单的技术采用操纵燕鸥ptrature和相对湿度。使用材质交配——als和网络可以减少甚至光的强度。Thetem高温可以redupced duering wnarm obe seiasonbyg所有侧墙。这样的结构也被用作避雨提高作物。否则内部温度温室里的增加在边墙上的吗fihn覆盖着塑料。印度的寒冷沙漠区位于高海拔范围西北部的喜马拉雅山脉的最北部的拉达克地区县覆盖ofiammu贡献度和克什米尔和Lahul-Spiti di-视觉ofHimachal邦。这个地区是rized成立由高海拔(2700 - 4600),桑迪moun tains,非常低的温度(-40 C),16 w相对湿度(40%到),低氧浓度在空气和低降水(80 - 300毫米),主要在雪的形式,时间短(120 - 150天)的种植季节(5月到9月)。欧元区的展品更大的多样性的土壤、地形和cli交配的寒冬,高风和低降雨。印度有大约74809的kin2寒冷的沙漠地区查谟和克什米尔的状态和喜马偕尔邦。查谟和克什米尔代表总数的87.4% regiovn coldoarid whereaseHimacharl邦12.60%(4)。在小口袋ofGharhwalSimilarclimaticeonditionsarealsomet Badrinath之外(镍钛和法力)和Nelang地区的Uttarkashi Uttaranchal(5)。寒冷干旱环境harshing,andunpredictabie不稳定。这是不可能在田间种植任何作物在这些区域大胆冬天。因此,self-sustenance不仅是期望水机还强制性的地区方面发展。温室技术意味着生产的植物使用覆盖的经济结构,它允许快速收集太阳辐射和修改agro-dlimate条件有利于植物的生长和发展。这项技术包含infra结构、建模和adoptation作物的选择、生产经济学、农艺男人管理和商业潜力。低成本的绿色房屋技术可以提升经济增长的几种方法更喜欢的蔬菜生产和绿色的蔬菜,在冬季(6),温室成形工艺中的技术是一个可行的选择对这些问题。通过采用温室技术、气候param片式可以修改和条件可以作出有利于一些作物生产活动。一个在吸引了研究响应ofcrop增长!收益率在寒冷的沙漠条件下温室。天气寒冷的沙漠的特殊性i.e.high tem高温波动;强风和高紫外线辐射光的强度,再加上不同的需求类型 的ent温室的地区。通常该地区被孤立于主要的土地和保持土地锁住大部分的几个月在此后一年所有需要的材料为温室必须本地可用的和成本低廉,这样可怜的部落农民可以负担得起费用。他有足够的能力的温室必须捕获太阳能和生产蔬菜甚至在零下的温度(7),也应该足以抵挡强烈的寒潮和极低的温度下。结构应该简单和容易managethle,所以即使是一层-人可以建立和管理它没有任何困难。保持这些记点不同类型的绿 色房屋被构造和性能的评估通过种植蔬菜creps在德签署了结构。


二、中线 路线走向:中国(北京、郑州、西安、乌鲁木齐)——中亚——西亚及中东——中欧——西欧 中亚 一句话概况:(机遇)中亚地区电商起步晚,发展相对落后,算是一块未开垦的处女地。 从相关资料了解到,目前,(优势)中亚大部分国家(包括哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和阿富汗斯坦)已经有宽带接入,网络基础设施建设有助于互联网用户的增长,但(劣势)中亚地区互联网的商业用途还远远低于亚洲其他国家。同时,由于物产相对匮乏,中亚地区居民生活所需品严重依赖进口,跨境电商是其目前主要的电商形式。 根据市场调研来看,2015年中亚地区的跨境电商已有了重大改变,这主要得益于哈萨克斯坦进入了WTO提高了商业透明度、吉尔吉斯斯坦对欧盟消费进一步扩展等。而促进中亚地区电子商务迅速发展的原因主要有两点: 1、电子商务可以有效降低商品价差,同时由于信息不透明和贸易水平落后,市场上存在严重的价差,而中亚也成为了世界上货物最贵的地方。但是电子商务的发展和渗透可以有效地解决这一问题。 2、电子商务能够触及到传统进口市场无法满足的人群,包括女性(中亚地区居民多为穆斯林,女性有许多禁忌)、小企业和乡村企业。 据悉,哈萨克斯坦的B2C网站chocolife.me和吉尔吉斯斯坦B2B网

站prodsklad.kg比较活跃,也在一定程度上刺激了中亚电商的发展。另外,由于(威胁)在中亚地区,信用卡使用限制,网络支付存在很大风险,货到付款是目前主要的支付方式。 西亚及中东 一句话概况:中东市场有两个鲜明的形象:(机会)一是易被忽视的“金矿”,二是跨境电商伺机爆发。 从告了解到,中东地区电商市场从2011年的70亿美元增长至2012年的90亿美元,有29%的涨幅,2013年这一规模达到112亿美元,2014年达到128亿美元,2015年突破150亿美元。 中东地区各国电商渗透率为:阿联酋46%,沙特阿拉伯25%,黎巴嫩9%,埃及8%,科威特35%。根据Research and Markets的报告,从B2C电商销售额来看,阿联酋是中东地区最大的B2C电商市场,沙特阿拉伯是中东地区第二大B2C电商市场。 在电商基础设施上,物流方面,中东地区的公司只能通过公路传送货物而不是飞机,且目前没有公认的法律规定可参考。支付方面,大约80%的网上购物是货到付款,15%是信用卡和借记卡支付。 由于联系亚、欧、非三大洲,沟通大西洋、印度洋,中东地区自古以来就凭借十分重要的地理位置成为国际贸易要塞。这一地区给人的总体感觉是,居民有钱(石油输出国),但物资缺乏,所以人们跨境网购的热情非常高。 在这一背景下,Amazon、eBay等全球电商早早的就进入中东市场,而近年来,中国的电商企业在此也颇为活跃。根据中国跨境出口电商商


土耳其的经典谚语 土耳其在中世纪曾一度是世界上最强大的国家之一,她的强大绝非偶然,而是和这个民族的血液与文化有关的,下面整理了土耳其谚语,欢迎大家阅读。 土耳其谚语(热门)一小勺盐能调好一大碗汤 犬吠,而驮队继续向前。 与朋友吃喝,可是别跟他们做生意。 邻人的鸡仔如鹅;邻人的妻子娇如娥。 通红的果子招石头。 上帝也给每只笨鸟儿准备了一个矮树枝。 上帝每关上一扇门,就打开另外一千扇。 如果技能可以看会的话,那么每条狗都能开肉铺了。 “说”是耕种,“听”才是收获。 能力的话没有学校的。 土耳其谚语(最新)长远来看,吝啬鬼和慷慨人花出去的还是一样多。 饥饿的肚子是不长耳朵的。 未至溪流前,莫把裤腿卷。 每个“糟糕”背后还有个“更糟糕”。 闲散如酸醋,会软化精神的钙质;勤奋如火酒,能燃烧起智慧的

火焰。 科学的敌人,不比朋友少。 不学习的人总以后悔而告终。 真理不需要喋喋不休的誓言。 不劳动的玩乐,就象没有放盐的面包。 谎言的船开不远。 土耳其谚语翻译İnsanoğlu bir varmış bir yokmuş, dünya gelip geçicidir. 人如匆匆过客,天地亦非永恒。 Hırsızlık bir ekmekten, kahpelik bir öpmekten. 盗物一次便是贼,卖淫一回即为娼。 Ağustosta gölge kovan, zemheride karnı ovar. 夏天干活不卖力,冬天就要饿肚皮。 Akı karası geçitte belli olur. (或者) Ak göt, kara göt geçit başında belli olur. 是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛。 Duvarı nem, insanı gam yıkar. 潮湿摧墙倒,忧伤催人老。

海伦斯诺翻译译文 英译汉

The Impact of Mother to Helen Each individual is extremely grateful to mother’s tending and educating. The influence of mother is anywhere but subtle. Sometimes we are unaware of the influence on our attitudes and behaviors. Helen Foster Snow was deeply influenced by her mother, without whom it could be extremely difficult to understand Helen with her attitude towards various challenges and her great motivation and desire for making success. In her struggle for kindness, Helen had had experiences such as being brave to be the first, acting as heroic and fearless and daring to take risks. All above came from her mother’s influence when Helen was young. Hannah Davis Foster, mother of Helen, devoted all her life to public service and her affairs. To improve lives of women and children, Hannah forged ahead and worked very hard. She was once a teacher, a businesswoman and even led community work. Energetic and creative, Hannah always participated in service activities in community with Helen around her, working selflessly for the development of society. Although she was a women leader, Helen’s mother always did men’s work. For example, she build house herself. Before Helen was 15, she stayed with her mother and learned from her mother during the whole process of her growth and development. In the period that Helen was to be an adult, she absorbed her mother’s crave for accomplishing gracious undertakings and the awareness of serving for the others. Helen’s mother worked very hard all her life and always worked over times. She built parks and playgrounds for children. Also she established the system of tutorship and she hoped that children could grow healthily, becoming physically- strong, noble-thinking, good-attitude and normative-behavior. As Helen’s mother put it, it was of great importance to adhere to good values and take pleasure in helping others, which she instructed Helen in a methodical and patient way. Helen emphasized on good morals which was a proof that her mother indeed influenced her. If we compared Ha nnah’s life with Helen’s experience, we will find many similarities. In 4th July, 1910, seated in the float for woman suffrage, Hannah took part in the


展会名称:第20届2009土耳其国际家庭用品、礼品及家用电器展览会 (Zuchex) 展览时间:2009年10月15日至18日 展览地点:土耳其,伊斯坦布尔,TüYAP展览中心, 展馆名称:1号 --10号展馆 网站:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a13876338.html, 展会综述: 这届2009年秋季展,有超过1000间来自22个国家和 地区的企业参展,展厅规模达到10个展厅之雄伟规 模。该展是世界第四,欧洲第三的家庭用品展览会, 是第20届举办。每年分春秋两届举行,展出面积达到 60,000平方米。2008年秋季展已经有16个国家和地 区的550多家企业参展,专业买家超过45,000人次, 来自全球100个国家和地区,主要来自欧洲、美国、 中东及亚洲等地。土耳其每年官方消费品部分采购进 口额为10亿欧元,近几年越来越多的西欧买家发现该 展是个不错的产品采购资源,这部分买家的数量正呈 显著增长的趋势。由于土耳其毗邻欧亚非三大陆的特 殊地理环境,使该展成为辐射欧亚非三大陆的枢纽型 展览会。2008年春季开始该展首次设立国际展区,是 有意进军欧亚市场的出口型贸易和生产企业的绝佳良 机。 参展范围: 家用小电器,各类礼品,家居装饰品,家纺用品,餐厨用品,玻璃制品,塑料制品,陶瓷制品,灯具及照明设备。 买家分布:欧洲,南北美,亚洲,中东,非洲 新产品推荐:

藤制家居用品 Portable Grill Standard Drum Oven 背景为画的tableware 花纹典雅高尚的Dinnerware

展会情况及市场展望: 开展4天,我司展位一直是同列展位买家人流最旺,受关注度最高之处.虽然同行https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a13876338.html,紧靠旁边,他们非常羡慕我司展位前驻足登记询盘的买家数量之多,并表示他们参该展数次,第一次见有如此的买家人流量。这次来我司登记的买家多数为各公司的President或者Import Manager,占买家比率77.83%,其余问贸易公司和采购商的Product Develop Manager。 在历史过程中,作为连接亚欧大陆的灵魂之都,伊 斯坦布尔成为丝绸之路之间的东部和西部的世界 过渡点,至今仍保持这一传统的生存延续。该枢纽 型展览会的举办,吸引了不少来自欧洲,中东,亚 洲,非洲和南北美洲的买家,对2010年这些地区 的家居和家电用品发展趋势起了至关重要的作用。环球市场展会专业展会数据分析


如何在中东做生意 2010-05-11 11:10:39| 分类:关于中东.中国商阅读376 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 -- 关于中东市场 中东指巴林、塞浦路斯、埃及、伊朗、伊拉克、以色列、约旦、科威特、黎巴嫩、阿曼、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚、阿联酋、也门等 15 个国家。 一、市场概述 中东市场通常指环绕波斯湾和阿拉海的9个国家和周边阿拉伯国家,总人口达到5-7亿,人均年收入从阿联酋,科威特等的3-4万美元到伊朗,伊拉克,也门等国家的年人均收入5-6千美元不等,这些阿拉伯国家的轻工,日用,电子,服装基本外要依赖进口,产品的价格要求为中低要求,档次不是非常高.同时这些部分地区,几乎可以讲是一种完全纯消费的特点。中国产品在全世界以物美价廉著称,中国作为世界第一轻工,电器,服装等产品大国,以绝对优势占据整个中东市场。尽管欧美市场是目前世界上最发达、最成熟的市场,但这个市场的竞争十分激烈,商品趋于饱和,加上高进口关税及贸易壁垒的限制,后来者或中小实力的企业很难进入。纵览当今世界,唯有中东和非洲市场是一个充满商机、前景良好的热点市场。 说起中东,就不能不提阿联酋和迪拜。迪拜是阿联酋7个酋长国中的一个,位于阿拉伯半岛的东端,处于"五海三洲"中点的重要战略位置,是东西方的交通要道和贸易枢纽。每天通过迪拜转口的集装箱达到几万个,为中东第一大港口,在迪拜你可以找到全世界120国家的商人,他们常年穿梭于中东与本国,从事商品贸易。据不完全统计,阿联酋年贸易额约800亿美元,由于自然资源的匮乏,除了石油和天然气外的其它产品,从工业用原料、设备到民用生活物品均依赖进口,故阿政府一直实行开放的自由贸易政策,没有贸易壁垒,无外汇管制及其管理机构,从得到授权的银行可以无限制地获得外汇,没有征收公司或企业的利润税和营业税的规定,没有所得税、增值税、消费税和中间环节的各种税收,利润可以自由汇出。除烟、酒等极个别商品外,其它大部分商品只是象征性征收1%-4%的关税。外贸在阿联酋经济中占有重要位置。阿各类商贸公司14108家,其中外国公司680家,国有中国公司37家,自由贸易区4个。1995年,加入世界贸易组织。进口主要有粮食、机械和消费品。阿转口贸易比重较大,同100多个国家和地区有贸易关系,与40多个国家签订了双边贸易协议和避免双重征税协议。我国主要出口阿联酋的主要产品为:轻工,纺织,机电,和家用电器,由于国内厂家对阿市场的重视不够,使得出口产品的质量有所下降,直接影响到价格,目前所有出口产品的纯利润从1997年的45%,下降到17%,部分产品下降到10%左右,在2001年出口中东,仅仅到迪拜港口的货物容值达到25亿美元。 往来中东80%以上的货物要经过迪拜进行中转,同时辐射到非洲大部分国家,辐射人口达到13亿。在这里云集了非洲近30多个国家的客商,常年在这里采购日用,轻工,电器,服装,等货物。通常进口交易额度的75%转口非洲市场,20%转口周边海湾国家,5%直接在阿联酋消费。迪拜素有“中东的香港”之美誉,是阿联酋的金融经济中心,以其自由宽松的经济政策、得天独厚的地理位置、完善齐备的基础设施,迅速成为中东地区的交通枢纽和最大的货物集散地。通过迪拜,货物可转销到海湾地区、俄罗斯、东欧、非洲、地中海。目前我国产品以种类繁多、档次适中、规格齐全、价格合理颇受青睐,进一步开发潜力极大,尤其是机电五金、汽摩配件、纺织服装、轻工工艺极具竞争优势。通过迪拜,货物可转销到海湾地区、东欧、非洲、南亚。海湾地区以盛产石油天然气闻名于世界,石油天然气的储量占世界65%以上,沙漠面积占陆地面积80%以上。整个海湾地区除了石油天然气工业比较发达以外,几乎没有其它的工业。全部的工业产 品依赖进口。


多危害公路桥梁设计标准 George C. Lee1 , Mai Tong2 and Phillip Yen3 摘要: 根据AASHTO标准LRFD在哲学的研究方法,一项具有比例的作为危险比较的标准被作为联邦公路管理局和土木工程硕士研究的课题。本文介绍的一般做法是由MCEER进行建立各种灾害事件及其影响,预计公路桥梁适当比较的平台。 1.0介绍: 除了正常的功能要求外,多重危害(如:如地震、风的风味,洪水、船舶碰撞,交通超载事故,和恐怖主义袭击等)必须适当考虑在公路桥梁设计内,。当前的AASHTO桥梁设计规范提供了每个载荷危害的详细危险识别。为进一步研究抗多种灾害的桥梁,有必要建立桥梁对接的测量标准。例如在返回期间或在某一时间内发生的概率超出标准的各种危害就可以用一个简单的标准来考虑解决。然而,它并不完全合理运用这种标准来校准,因为许多其他有影响的因素,如危害持续时间的不确定性,桥梁设计荷载的危险,关键部件的脆弱性,风险危害引起的后果,影响潜力的地区和损伤的桥梁可能会有所不同。事实上,在目前的AASHTO 标准规范,设计地震灾害定为475的回报期,其中已经有50年超出标准10%的历史。从NEHRP(NEHRP 2000)最近建议的基础上,还打算增加对重大桥梁的回报期至2000-2500年。正确的设计地震重现期仍在研究和专业的社会讨论。根据ASCE的07-95,风危害的回报期定于50年,根据FHWA HEC 18 冲刷的回报期定为100年。相比之下,根据设计的生命桥跨度(戈恩等2003),活负载的最高年限定为75年,目前尚没有统一的对跨板灾害发生频率的设计要求。 2.0AASHTO标准LRFD致多灾害大桥设计改进 美国公路桥梁设计的主旨是在于将标准规格的AASHTO标准过渡到AASHTO标准的LRFD上。在认识到LRFD设计方法的优势基础上,又因为设计上主要的不确定性来自需求装载危险。所以适当的对公路桥梁设计的多重危险的比较是非常重要的。 从AASHTO标准LRFD设计方法论的角度看,每一个桥梁的设计应为指定的极限状态。低强度的危害桥梁的经验,定期和极端灾害事件这两个的设计标准是极限状态的设计代表。这意味着,桥梁结构系统,包括其部分和连接的设计必须首先达到失效机制。因此,过度意外的构件要尽量避免,因为它可能会在对结构产生不利影响,不良的位置 导致损坏(如塑料合页)。 AASHTO标准LRFD不同于AASHTO是因为LRFD的设计不同于传统的ASD,.应力设计方法。建筑署设计的一个主要弱点是,没有考虑到既高于预期负荷概率和低于预期的实力在同一时间和地点发生,而把所有载荷和载荷组合一视同仁的看待。因此,它具有很少或根本没有设计标准之间的假设,以及许多实际性成分的桥梁,或实际发生的事件的概率(Kulicki 1999年)有直接关系。 为了克服ASD方法的不足,LRFD在标准偏差或者变异系数的随机变量- 破坏指数β(这是一个失败的概率测量给定的负载设置,该元件的标称电阻正在设计。)的规范基础上建立。 β值直接关系到失败的概率大小。依据以往对剪力和弯矩规格模拟和实际的桥梁的设计, 可靠性指标对其进行了评价模拟。可靠性指标的范围涵盖了从小于2广泛高于4。正如(诺瓦克1999)编制的数据表明,过去的做法是由β= 3.5表示,该值被选中作为对LRFD规范校准目标。β= 3.5对应的安全统一的概率(1 - 对失败的概率),这是等于或大于99.98%。 AASHTO标准LRFD的优点是,它提供了一个统一的概率为基础的标准来衡量一个桥梁设计的安全水平。最好是,如果有相类似的统一标准能为多种灾害对桥梁的影响进行比较,那么它将加强AASHTO标准LRFD,并提供一个危险因子校正负载坚实的基础。可惜的是,似乎没有一个可以给予灾害事件和上述原因很好的解释。继LRFD和比较缺乏统一的危害的标准在目前的多个危险桥梁设计视图的基本方法后,FHWA的研究任务是探索和建立一些可能的和合理的非均匀commeasurable标准。 3.0COMMEASURABLE准则的多种危害公路桥梁设计 单词“commeasurable”是指根据“平等”的基础上比较。从多种灾害影响或危害桥梁载荷校准比较方面说,“平等”是相当复杂的。例如,危害分类上,commeasurable回收期基础确定是建立对个人发生危害的基础上设计荷载的。在这方面,commeasurable 标准只考虑了灾害发生的不确定性; 而没有考虑造成危害的电阻结构。船只的大小和重量在特定河流的物理限制到导致了船舶碰撞是一种不能得到妥善的风险投资。因此,碰撞的影响不会随着时间显著变化。据测定,每一年的总碰撞事故与事故位置无关。 commeasurable标准的目标是不是要审判桥梁设计本身,而是提供一个“平等”的基础来评估桥梁上的一个潜在危险的事件可能造成的影响。上文指出了“平等”的基础,可以解释“发生”,“安全”,“维修费用”,“中断服务”等的不同之处。


本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文译文题目(中文):再生建筑垃圾作为混凝土骨料用于 可持续建筑材料的探究 学院: 城市建设学院 专业: 土木工程 学号: 201308141162 学生姓名: 郑健 指导教师: 唐红 日期: 二○一七年六月

InternationalConferenceonSustainableDesign,Engineeringan dConstruction Recycled Construction Debris as Concrete Aggregate for Sustainable Construction Materials ShahidKabir*,AmmarAl-ShayebandImranM.Khan ProcediaEngineering145(2016)1518–1525 (可持续设计、工程与建筑国际会议) 再生建筑垃圾作为混凝土骨料用于可持续建筑材料的探究ShahidKabir*,AmmarAl-ShayebandImranM.Khan (土木与环境工程系,费萨尔国王大学,沙乌地阿拉伯王国)能源与工程145(2016)1518–1525

摘要 为了比较各种来源有差异的再生混凝土骨料废料拆除的工程性质,笔者专门为此做了一个实验:实验室从一个已知的工程性质商业预拌混凝土公司得到样品来测试混凝土废物,通过一些关于样品的工程性质的信息具体,并从结合市场规则的前提出发将其作为实验的控制样品。本研究探讨了潜在的建筑废物的可持续建筑材料的发展,以获得建筑废物的经济回报。将建筑垃圾处理成砾石后,计算出废料的再生材料量,进行骨料试验。实验室样品的制作是对各种废物来源进行混合设计与骨料回收的基础上完成的,得到控制样品后,最后进行抗压强度,拉伸强度,抗弯强度,以及一些非破坏性试验(NDT),如脉冲速度和锤击试验。从不同的测试得到的结果之间的相关性进行了分析,在这个实验程序中,指出样品之间的线性相关性以及其他机械性能的评价,如抗压强度,劈裂抗拉强度,弯曲强度,脉冲速度等。 关键词 可持续混凝土设计;再生骨料,建筑拆除混凝土,混凝土工程性能 一、引言 固体废物管理是全球面临的严峻挑战,而这也是海湾地区的一个特殊问题 ,其中大多数国家有着世界上最高的人均废物产生量。工业增长、建设繁荣、快速城市化、生活方式的改变和不可持续的消费模式,都对这一日益严重的浪费问题有着不小的影响。城市化建设的加速导致了数十亿美元的建设公共基础设施部门的建设项目的支出,这导致了建筑材料与相关建筑废弃物的管理不断增长的物质人力需求。拆除旧建筑物,成吨的建筑废料被丢弃;这些拆除的混凝土也常常被认为是没有价值的,作为拆卸废物处置。然而,大多数建筑垃圾被认为是有利用价值的,可以可用于再生建筑材料。 自然资源通常由建筑业大量消耗,同时还生产大量的建筑和拆除废物。碳废物构成最大的固体废物量。例如,美国建筑业每年产生超过1亿吨的碳废物,而大约有29%的固体废物流是由建筑业产生的。此外,英国的碳废物废物贡献率超过50%,每年有着7000万吨的碳废物被丢弃。克莱文等人在1994年的报道说,建筑活动产生的约20-30%的废物在澳大利亚,这是弃置垃圾的填埋场。而在1993-2004年间,则是中国香港建筑垃圾的巅峰年代,建筑垃圾的制造量翻了一番,达到2000万吨。2004年。在香港近23%的固体废物来自建筑业活动。大量的建筑垃圾在不同的国家揭示了地方行动的重要性,同时,回收和再利用建筑废物在整个建筑行业的生命周期中有着显著的意义。 建筑废物的产生和建筑材料消耗以及自然资源的不可持续使用也与建筑业的不利环境影响有关。在全球范围内,据估计,约30%的废物处置堆填区来源于建筑和拆除活动。此外,自然资源的过度使用,如碎石生产、爆破土石的山区,已成为一个日益严重的环境问题,这些工业生产的废物需要通过创新思想来加以解决,同时改善可持续发展的综合管理方案来获得经济回报。


土耳其概况 【国名】土耳其共和国(Republic of Turkey)。 【面积】78.36万平方公里,其中97%位于亚洲的小亚细亚半岛,3%位于欧洲的巴尔干半岛。 【人口】7256万,土耳其族占80%以上,库尔德族约占15%;城市人口为4970多万,占总人口的70.5%。土耳其语为国语。99%的居民信奉伊斯兰教,其中85%属逊尼派,其余为什叶派(阿拉维派);少数人信仰基督教和犹太教。 【首都】安卡拉(Ankara),人口447万,年最高气温31℃,最低气温-4℃。 【政体】共和制 【货币】土耳其里拉(Turkish Lira)。 【国家元首】总统阿卜杜拉·居尔(Abdullah Gül), 2007年8月28日由议会选出,当日就任。 【主要节日】新年:1月1日;国家主权和儿童日:4月23日;青年和体育节:5月19日;胜利日:8月30日;共和国成立日:10月29日。 【简况】地跨亚、欧两洲,邻格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、伊朗、伊拉克、叙利亚、希腊和保加利亚,濒地中海、爱琴海、马尔马拉海和黑海。海岸线长7200公里,陆地边境线长2648公里。南部沿海地区属亚热带地中海式气候,内陆为大陆型气候。

土耳其人史称突厥,8世纪起由阿尔泰山一带迁入小亚细亚,13世纪末建立奥斯曼帝国,16世纪达到鼎盛期,20世纪初沦为英、法、德等国的半殖民地。1919年,凯末尔领导民族解放战争反抗侵略并取得胜利,1923年10月29日建立土耳其共和国,凯末尔当选首任总统。 【政治】2002年11月,正义与发展党在土第22届议会选举中获胜,实现单独执政,结束了土自1987年以来多党联合执政的局面。正义与发展党上台后,积极推进政治、经济改革,统筹社会协调发展,取得明显成效。2007年7月,正发党以46.6%的得票率赢得大选,继续单独执政。 2011年6月,土举行第24届议会选举,正发党以49.9%的得票率赢得胜利,实现第三次连续单独执政。 【宪法】土立法体系效仿欧洲模式。现行宪法于1982年11月7日生效,是土第3部宪法。宪法规定:土为民族、民主、政教分离和实行法制的国家。 【议会】全称为土耳其大国民议会,是土最高立法机构。共设550个议席,议员根据各省人口比例经选举产生,任期4年。实行普遍直接选举制,18岁以上公民享有选举权。只有超过全国选票10%的政党才可拥有议会席位。本届议会成立于2011年6月29日,是土第24届议会。目前议会议席分布情况是:正义与发展党327席,共和人民党135席,民族行动党52席,和平民主党29席,无党派7席。 【政府】又称部长会议。本届政府是土第61届政府,成立于2011年7月13日,系正义与发展党单独执政,法定任期4年。 【行政区划】土耳其行政区划等级为省、县、乡、村。全国共分为


BPMN2.0标准业务流程建模简介 Thomas Allweyer著2.1最初的BPMN模型 一个简单的BPMN流程模型被认为是一个起点。在图1中所示的模型工作可以被大多数先前已经涉及任何种类的过程建模的人所直接理解。建模的方式类似于公知的流程图和活动图。 图1 一个简单的BPMN模型 营业部和人力资源部门参与的过程为“发布职位”。当需要雇员的过程开始。该营业部报告该职位空缺。然后,人力资源部写一份招聘启事。该营业部的评论此招聘启事。 在这一点上,有两种可能性:要么招聘启事是好的,否则是不行的。如果不行的,它是由人力资源部返工。这是一次,其次是营业部审查招聘启事。同样,其结果可能是好还是不好吧。因此,它可能在招聘启事发生时需要检讨多次。如果它是好的,它是由人力资源管理部门公布的,在这个过程结束时。 在现实中,用于创建和发布招聘启事可以更加复杂和广泛。所提出的例子是(像在这本书中所有例子)为了具有小的和容易理解的模型的简化,可用于说明不同的BPMN元素。 2.2 BPMN构建的使用 下面,将模型图1中的每个元件更加紧密地说明。整个过程被包含在一个池。这是一个完整的过程的一般种类的容器。在上面的例子中,池标有包含进程的名称。 每一道工序都坐落在池内。如果该集合对于过程来说是不重要的,它不要求将其拉在图中。在不显示一个池的过程中,整个过程都包含在一个无形的,隐含的池。池是特别有趣的当数个池用来模拟一个协作使用,即几个合作伙伴的过程的相互作用。每个合作伙伴的过

程在一个单独的游泳池显示。这将在第5章描述。 从图1中的池分隔成两个道。道可用于各种用途,例如用于分配组织单位,如在这个例子中,或用于技术系统内代表不同的组件。在这个例子中,道显示的过程的活动由营业部和人力资源部门进行。 被池和道也被称为“泳道”。他们像游泳池划分成的道。比赛的每一个参与者只游在自己道。过程本身开始的第一个活动为“要求员工”。流程通常有这样一个启动事件。其标志是一个简单的圆形。在大多数情况下是有意义的只使用一个起始事件,而不是几个的。 一个圆角矩形代表活动。在一个活动得到的东西做的。这是由活动的名称表示,比如“报告工作机会”或“审查职位发布”。 连接箭头用于模拟的顺序流。它们表示,其中不同的事件,活动,和其它元件的遍历顺序。通常,这被称为控制流,但在BPMN有第二类型的流,该消息流,从而影响一个过程的控制,以及,因此,某种控制流,太。出于这个原因,术语“序列流”被使用。用于从其它种类的流区分开来,这是很重要的绘制顺序用实线和填充箭头流动。 这个过程“发布职位”包含了拆分:活动“审查招聘启事”后面的网关。一个空白的菱形代表了一个独特的网关。这意味着,从几个外向顺序流向,只有一个必须选择。在招聘启事进程正确网关到达每一次,一个决定必须。无论顺序流向右后跟,导致活动“发布作业发布”,或一到左侧被选择,触发活动“返修作业发布”。因此不可能同时遵循两条路径。 这样的决定的逻辑也被称为“异或”,缩写为“异或”。在输出路径的条件决定选择哪条路径。如果建模工具的使用量和处理已被执行或由软件程序进行模拟,则通常可以正式定义确切条件。这种正式的描述,其可以表示在一种编程语言,可以存储在该序列流动的特殊属性。 如果,在另一方面,模型的目的是要说明一个过程到其它人,那么最好是写非正式的,但可以理解的,语句直接进入图,旁边的顺序流。的意思是“好”与“不行”后,被称为“审查职位发布”活动是明确到人- 一个程序无法使用它。 网关还用于合并替代路径。在示例过程中,对活动“评论作业发布”左侧网关合并两个输入序列流动。再次,这是一个唯一网关。该公司预计,无论是活动“写入招聘发布”或“返修职位发布”进行网关到达之前- 在同一时间,但不能同时使用。它应为使用网关或者用于分离或用于接合被照顾,但不能用于二者的组合。在示例过程中


本科生毕业设计(论文)外文科技文献译文 译文题目(外文题目)学院(系)Socket网络编程的设计与实现A Design and Implementation of Active Network Socket Programming 机械与能源工程学院 专学业 号 机械设计制造及其自动化 071895 学生姓名李杰林 日期2012年5月27日指导教师签名日期

摘要:编程节点和活跃网络的概念将可编程性引入到通信网络中,并且代码和数据可以在发送过程中进行修改。最近,多个研究小组已经设计和实现了自己的设计平台。每个设计都有其自己的优点和缺点,但是在不同平台之间都存在着互操作性问题。因此,我们引入一个类似网络socket编程的概念。我们建立一组针对应用程序进行编程的简单接口,这组被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的接口,将在所有执行环境下工作。因此,ANSP 提供一个类似于“一次性编写,无限制运行”的开放编程模型,它可以工作在所有的可执行环境下。它解决了活跃网络中的异构性,当应用程序需要访问异构网络内的所有地区,在临界点部署特殊服务或监视整个网络的性能时显得相当重要。我们的方案是在现有的环境中,所有应用程序可以很容易地安装上一个薄薄的透明层而不是引入一个新的平台。 关键词:活跃网络;应用程序编程接口;活跃网络socket编程

1 导言 1990年,为了在互联网上引入新的网络协议,克拉克和藤农豪斯[1]提出了一种新的设 计框架。自公布这一标志性文件,活跃网络设计框架[2,3,10]已经慢慢在20世纪90 年代末成形。活跃网络允许程序代码和数据可以同时在互联网上提供积极的网络范式,此外,他们可以在传送到目的地的过程中得到执行和修改。ABone作为一个全球性的骨干网络,开 始进行活跃网络实验。除执行平台的不成熟,商业上活跃网络在互联网上的部署也成为主要障碍。例如,一个供应商可能不乐意让网络路由器运行一些可能影响其预期路由性能的未知程序,。因此,作为替代提出了允许活跃网络在互联网上运作的概念,如欧洲研究课题组提出的应用层活跃网络(ALAN)项目[4]。 在ALAN项目中,活跃服务器系统位于网络的不同地址,并且这些应用程序都可以运行在活跃系统的网络应用层上。另一个潜在的方法是网络服务提供商提供更优质的活跃网络服务类。这个服务类应该提供最优质的服务质量(QOS),并允许路由器对计算机的访问。通过这种方法,网络服务提供商可以创建一个新的收入来源。 对活跃网络的研究已取得稳步进展。由于活跃网络在互联网上推出了可编程性,相应 地应建立供应用程序工作的可执行平台。这些操作系统平台执行环境(EES),其中一些已 被创建,例如,活跃信号协议(ASP)[12]和活跃网络传输系统(ANTS)[11]。因此,不 同的应用程序可以实现对活跃网络概念的测试。 在这些EES 环境下,已经开展了一系列验证活跃网络概念的实验,例如,移动网络[5],网页代理[6],多播路由器[7]。活跃网络引进了很多在网络上兼有灵活性和可扩展性的方案。几个研究小组已经提出了各种可通过路由器进行网络计算的可执行环境。他们的成果和现有基础设施的潜在好处正在被评估[8,9]。不幸的是,他们很少关心互操作性问题,活跃网络由多个执行环境组成,例如,在ABone 中存在三个EES,专为一个EES编写的应用程序不能在其他平台上运行。这就出现了一种资源划分为不同运行环境的问题。此外,总是有一些关键的网络应用需要跨环境运行,如信息收集和关键点部署监测网络的服务。 在本文中,被称为活跃网络Socket编程(ANSP)的框架模型,可以在所有EES下运行。它提供了以下主要目标: ??通过单一编程接口编写应用程序。 由于ANSP提供的编程接口,使得EES的设计与ANSP 独立。这使得未来执行环境的发展和提高更加透明。

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