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Writing Skills of Case Report in English 在医学刊物上发表的病例报告实际上是开始从事医学写作的最好的方法之一。病例报告的撰写,首先要做好题目的选择,肯定要选择与自己专业有关的临床工作,并能提出你认为是很感兴趣的,在概念上、临床上以及理论上存在的棘手问题。通常文字不超过3000字(包括参考文献和附录在内)。绝大多数的病例报告所采用的书写格式,类似于临床研究报告,应该包括:引言、病例叙述、讨论和结论。本文所采用的文章是从2004年英国LANCET杂志中摘录。 1、引言 引言部分要简短明了,应介绍与报告相关的主要临床和概念上的难题,说明病例的重要性,报道的原因,若可能的话,应引证一些最新的综述资料,并能简明地概括出所涉及到的资料内容。在时态上,由于陈述的是客观事实,故运用一般现在时。如: 2、病例叙述 病例叙述的宗旨就是让读者了解病例,明确全部相关结果。病例的叙述通常要


3、讨论 讨论部分就是要解释病例叙述中不明确的一些情况,并提供对结果的解释。例如,报道肝酶升高,但未发现显著的肝功能异常,给读者讲明为何肝酶升高。在讨论部分的时态运用上,由于提供的是自己现在的推断和观点,故采用一般现在时。如:

Case study report

Case study report Table Page Executive Summary (2) 1. Introduction (2) 2. Discussion (2) 2.1. Make changes in the communication process (2) 2.2 Care about the effective information (4) 2.3. Overcoming the barriers to effective interpersonal communication (5) 3. Conclusion (6) References (6)

Executive Summary Communication in management is defined in understandable information, ideas and feelings of two or more persons in the population of the process of transfer or exchange, the entire management of the work and communication. Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning. Communication acts to control member behavior in several ways. In this case, we will see how the CEO deals with many problems by communicating with his stakeholders and gains a new reputation for cooperation throughout the world. 1. Introduction When Douglas Daft became CEO of Coca-Cola, the company was in trouble. Because of a series of problems, the government, the customers and some other competitors were unsatisfied with the Coca-Cola and the internal of company was arguing in different opinions and levels. Then Daft took a series of measures to solve problems. Through the process , the whole staff recognized that the importance of the right ways to communicate with top managers, government regulators, customers and use the right ways to communicate with others and absorb other opinions to solve problem. And we can know that communication skills alone do not make a successful manager. However, ineffective communication skills can lead to a continuous stream of problems for a manager. 2. Discussion 2.1. Make changes in the communication process Coca-Cola was in trouble. The previous year, European Union regulators had raided the European offices of Coca-Cola and its bottlers and leveled serious anticompetitive charges against the venerable soft-drink marketer. That same year, the company was hurt by negative publicity when hundreds of people in Belgium complained of headaches and nausea after drinking Coca-Cola beverages. Faced with these circumstances, top managers’slow response lead to some company executives that they departed from tradition and submitted a confidential memo criticizing Coca-Cola’s actions. We can see that because of the top managers’ slow response to their stakeholders, they were unsatisfied. To complicate matters, worldwide sales were slowing due to economic was in some countries, employee morale was lower, and the stock price was lagging. How could these happen? We will discuss from the communication process. 2.1.1. The message sender In this process, the message senders are the stakeholders, the European Union

案例报告 Case Report Template

INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS Case Reports CASE REPORTS (Fewer than 2000 words) We receive a large number of case reports and typically accept those of exceptional teaching value. DEFINITION: Articles reporting a small number of patients (typically 1-5) patients with: (1) a diagnostic dilemma; (2) an unusual manifestation of disease processes; (3) an unusual treatment challenge; (4) an unanticipated early failure or complications of some treatment. We typically do not accept cases in which two entities are associated since conditions may occur coincidentally, rather than causally. Authors must include a comprehensive literature review if a rare event. ? Must contain Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion. The Introduction should include the need and rationale for the new technique. ?Must use text TEMPLATE for guide: (see below). Authorship (Navigate below) We believe it important to document the adequate participation of all authors in at least three major elements of a study and report; the number of authors will generally relate to the scope of the project. For case reports we request no more than 4 authors. In all cases, however, multiple contributions of each author must be documented in our required form addressing copyright transfer, authorship, and conflicts of interest. Authors are encouraged to read “Thoughts on Authorship” Clin Orthop Rel Res 2008; 466:1002-5. Conflict of Interest statement (Navigate below) Authors of all manuscripts published in CORR must clarify any and all potential conflicts of interest. On the Title Page please note any funding or financial support or potential sources of conflict of interest: ?Consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc. ?If any author has directly received research funding and/or has potential conflicts of interest, State "One or more of the authors () has received funding from" and note the source and the initials of those authors who received funding in the parentheses. ?If your institution received any sort of support state, "The institution of the authors has received funding from" and note the source. ?If you received no financial support please note, "Each author certifies that he or she has no commercial associations (eg, consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing arrangements, etc) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article."


SCI论文写作方法(超实用) 这是我在一个论坛上看到的一个猛人发的很多贴,感觉写的挺好,我就将他写的内容全部整下来,供自己也为大家提供一个参考 SCI论文的写作对国内的同行来说似乎是一个拦路虎,让咱们就这个话题发表一下自己的意见。我先来。 英语若是我们自己的母语的话,我相信我们每一个人发表的每一篇论文将都是SCI论文,因为国外的英语类杂志除了刚申办的之外都是SCI收录杂志,外国人发表的英语类论文都是SCI论文。这说明了什么?关键是语言。语言是非英语国家论文的最大障碍。首先是时态和语态:在前言和讨论里,描述该研究的过去历史和现状时,要使用相应的时态:过去就使用过去时,现状要求现在时。在材料与方法、结果里,写自己的研究过程时,要使用过去式。在前言和讨论里引述别人的研究或话语时,要使用过去式,或者如果所引述的东西已被证实是真实的事实,要使用现在时。最后的结论要使用现在时。语态上要尽量使用被动语态,主动语态少用或不用。 谈到SCI论文,很多人似乎觉得这种文章很高深,不好写。其实不然,有很多可写的。除了实验研究之类的论文外,临床上做的很多都可以成文:一篇个案(case report 或者case report and literature review),一点技术革新(techniqcal case report), 临床报告(4-5个个案可以写成一篇clinical report),正式论文(论著或原著original),甚至对某篇论文的看法都可以写成文章与编辑交流登报。一点技术革新可以包括你如何解决临床上的一个难题,比如导管导丝在某个位置进不去,你如何解决的,都可以成文。 关于语态,要尽可能使用被动态。比如要这样写:This study was carried out to investigate the complications of thyroid arterial embolization. 这种被动态论文中常见,而如果您写成“We carried out this study to investigate the complications of thyroid arterial embolization", 这种主动态无论从语法上还是其他方面来说都正确,但就是不适用于科学论文中。因为科学论文讲究的是科学性,往往从客观的角度去描述,而不是从We人的角度去描述。 前言主要是简单地交代一下该研究的过去历史、现状以及存在的问题,这一部分以1-3段为宜,不能太长。常见的问题是写得太短或太长。国内的中文论文的前言往往写得太短,没有简介清楚就开始材料与方法了。写得太长的都快要写成一篇短的综述了。曾经审过美国Stanford大学的一篇稿子,前言写了2-3页了还没有进入正题。写前言的时候时态是:过去的用过去时,现状以及存在的问题用现在时。其实这一部分可以从现有的文献中摘引过来,因为别人往往将该研究的历史与现状及问题总结的很清楚了;所以写这部分时很多作者都是摘引其他现成论文的前言或讨论中的相关内容,只不过将句子进行不同的排列组合罢了,让别人看不出来是摘引过来的;另外,在这样写的时候,要给出引文的出处,让人一看有理有据,也不会授人以抄袭的嫌疑。这部分的文字部分可以完全摘引过来,只是在结尾时要点明你要做的是什么研究、解决的是什么问题,这样才能顺利进入材料与方法的写作。因此前言的写法基本是没有什么问题的。 前言主要是简单地交代一下该研究的过去历史、现状以及存在的问题,这一部分以1-3段为宜,不能太长。常见的问题是写得太短或太长。国内的中文论文的前言往往写得太短,没有简介清楚就开始材料与方法了。写得太长的都快要写成一篇短的综述了。曾经审过美国Stanford大学的一篇稿子,前言写了2-3页了还没有进入正题。写

儿科英文病历 case report

Medical Records for Admisson Medical Number: General information Name: Age: Sex: Female Race:Han Nationality:China Address: Parents Name: Date of admission: May 8th, 2001 Date of record: 11Am, May 8th, 2001 Complainer of history: patient’s mother Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint: Pharyngalgia and fever for four days. Present illness: The patient felt pharyngalgia and weak about four days ago. She ate some medicine (not clear), but it do nothing. Then she found ulcer in her mouth and fever all along, but she felt no nausea and never vomited. So her parents took her to Wuhan Children’s Hospital, there she received treatment of antibiotics, but her symptom s didn’t abate. So her parents took her to our hospital, she was adm itted with a diagnosis of “fever of unknown” Since onset, her appetite was not good, and both her spiritedness and physical energy are bad. Defecation and urination are normal. Past history The patient is healthy before. No history of “measles” or “pertussis” etc and no contact history with T.B or other infective diseases. No allergy history of food but she was allergy to sulfa. Personal history 1.Natal: First birth born, uneventfully and on full term with birth weight 2.7 Kg. The state of her at birth was good, no cyanosis, apnea, convulsion or bleeding. 2.Development: Able to raise head at second month. The first tooth erupted at 6th. She began to walk at one. Her intelligence was normal.

如何写case report97 - 2003 文档

引言临床病例报告是描述和分析诊断和/或管理1或2 患者健康的第一线证据。care.1,2,3病例报告已使用多年作为健康科学的方法教导学生,2,4是作者学术写作的最佳开端之一,他可以成为作者和读者共同2,5,6和宝贵的学习经验,尽管病例报告很有价值但由于各种原因许多期刊不再公布了这项研究设计。过去的在病例报告上的侵权行为终于在一些杂志上消失。有些期刊不再公布,一般应用中实践水平低,因为案件以证据为基础的,使得有一定的病例报告固有limitations.2,8,9,10,11有些案件增加量以科学知识体系来说太少了,这是作为一个停止出版原因cases.12其他因素,包括有限的页面空间在一本杂志,往往专注于实验研究,以及身材矮小的影响情况报告对日记??的影响评价factor.13因此,这些期刊那些继续发表个案报告他们接受更多的,如果一个人渴望看到他或她的手稿宽限期1页同行评议的杂志,它需要的高品质。使用一案的报告发表在一份杂志并没有很困难。许多麻烦可避免通过了解必要的属性和零件的出版物案件report15值得,16 并具有一对同侪审查和理解出版过程。本文讨论的原因写一份报告,报告的一个可写的风格,对病例报告的局限性,达到高潮的1病例报告编制一步一步的述。会前提交检查表被列入在写作过程中提供协助。这是我们的打算使写作过程更愉快的新和经验丰富的作家一样。方法这篇文章是对一个先前的文件,是更新创建使用一对文献进行全面检讨通过年中2000.17因为很多人改变的案例报告,我们的要求认为这是适当的和必要的更新上次审查。对于当前文件,我们搜查医学,护理累积索引和联合健康文学(CINAHL资料)和索引捏脊通过文学的2000年2006年9月。搜索范围包括以下 关键词:病例报告,作者,同行评审, 手稿。检索有关手稿 来源进一步审查发现有关 在每个环节提供的数据库和通过审查该论文的参考阅读。的结果目前文献的审查,然后用我们以前出版的更新使用说明概述文献。 讨论 为什么写病例报告? 增加的价值作为基础科学置于 卫生保健的时代证据为基础 保健肯定随机放置 临床试验在层次结构的顶部可靠 健康的信息可能会在健康使用 护理decision.10在此层级中,病例报告是在底部,因为现有的描述性报告和意见德高望重的authorities.10因此,人们可能会问,有一个地方在科学文献中的情况报告?许多作者同意的情况报告,其地点在公布的文献,并应写,因为它们提供的新认识卫生care.1领域,14,18,19例仍然是一个几种方法可以带来新的条件或新病因到了科学community.9注意,11 例如,在1985年,美国医学协会重印从报纸杂志51 美国医学协会的显着改变了科学和医学实践中该组织存在的150年。有趣的是,这些论文5例案件reports.20 虽然个案报告可在其颇具影响自己的优点,可简单地提供文件发生,3提供的初步证据对较大规模的设计师必要的实验studies1,21,22或警告的潜力专业并发症care.8名单的理由发布提供了一个有趣的例子是在图1。格兰姆斯和Schulz23建议值得报导的案件有没有研究过。还有其他原因撰写个案报告。例如,作家,学生和一般读者发现一宗报告,是教育和有趣。2,7此外,学生可以在目前情况下盛大轮和专业的下一步增长将会得到如此published.9此外,医生独特的情况下可以报告从他们的临床实践,以补充证据base.1,15,16,18,21最后,撰写报告的行为提供了一个实践的机会,简要书面沟通,了解一主题,并认为critically.2,8虽然这些中学原因都是高尚的,如果不增加新的案件知识,那么就几乎不可能的稿件被接受发表。案例类型的报告由于通常情况报告和有关的教育到实践中,有3个类型,往往是出版,包括诊断或评估报告,治疗或管理报告,以及教育报告。描述和诊断病例报告讨论了用于诊断或分析方法评估病人。这些案件目前的诊断这是罕见的,混乱,或难以提供,但通常不讨论treatment.18,其他26例报告描述和探讨了全面管理 1.提出一个不寻常的或未知disorder1,9,14,21,23 2。为了提供一个案例1,9异常病因 3。提出一个具有挑战性的差别diagnosis1 4。为了描述在卫生保健,其原因错误

医学病例报道case report文章英语用词用句

出生/妊娠情况 ?was the first child born to unrelated healthy parents after a full-term pregnancy. ?The patient was born after a full-term pregnancy by caesarean section because of premature rupture of the membranes足月、剖腹产、胎膜早破?she spontaneously breathed and cried. ?The proposita, a 15-year-old girl, was the product of the fifth full-term pregnancy. ?Polyhydramnios was present in the third trimester. 晚期妊娠羊水过多 ?Anthropometrical data recorded at birth were: weight 1700g ( < 3rd centile) and height 40cm ( < 3rd centile). ?He was the first child of a nonconsanguineous 非近亲结婚Turkish couple born at term by normal spontaneous vaginal delivery. 顺产 ?This 13-year-old boy was born to non-consanguineous Pakistani parents by Caesarean section and weighed 3.6 kg (50th centile) at birth. ?She was delivered by Cesarean for failure to progress 停育at 37 weeks’ gestation. ?Pregnancy was characterized by intrauterine growth retardation宫内发育迟缓, nuchal thickness, and turbidity of amniotic fluid requiring a caesarean birth at the 39th week of gestation. ?short femora 股骨短 家人情况

英文写作 Case Report

Case Report Case report can divided into three parts, namely, Introduction, Case History, and Discussion. 1, INTRODUCTION is used to tell content, its purpose and significance. It should be as brief, and concise as possible and in present tense. Sample 1, Isolated false aneurysms of the innominate artery resulting from penetrating trauma are rare. We present one such case that was successful managed by resection and interposition grafting and emphasize the importance of arch aortography in the management of penetrating thoracic trauma. Sample 2, Malignant disease should be remembered in the differential diagnosis of common rheumtological disorders. We present a patient whose pain proved to be due to malignant disorder and not to simple trochanteric bursitis. 2, CASE HISTORY consists of the patient’s gender, age, history, symptoms, tests, diagnosis as well as treatment. Details of the normal test results, the clinical process of post-operational and medication treatment should be recorded when necessary. If more cases are to be reported they should be numbered respectively “case 1”,” case 2”… 2-1, General Introduction of Case History consists of the name, sex, general conditions and complaints of the patient as well as occupation and race if necessary. The real name and residential number shouldn’t be referred to. The language should be brief and in past tense. Sample 1, a 37-year-old woman with the previously uncomplicated pregnancies was seen 5 months into her third pregnancy with a two-week history of severe lower back pain. Sample 2, two women, aged 17 and 22 years, came to the accident and emergency department early in the afternoon. They described the acute on set of a diffuse rash 15 to 30 minutes after they had lunched together in a local pub. 2-2 Symptoms and Clinical treatment; 1), to tell about the typical symptoms, complications, diagnosis and treatment instead of other irrelevant materials. 2), to tell about special examining method as well as its result. 3), to tell about medication dosage; either smaller one or bigger one should be marked. 4), to tell about effects of treatment: Are the symptoms relieved? Are there any complications? Are these in expectation? 5), to tell about the result of treatment: Is the patient alive or dead? What are the current conditions? What treatment is the patient to be given? Sample 1 (description of symptoms), They described the acute onset of a diffuse rash 15 to 30

Case Study Report—Difficult Transitions

Case Study Report Difficult Transitions

Writing a Case Study Report Direction: Analyze the following case and write a report by following the discussed pattern in the course. It is expected to be submitted on Dec 29. Remember to include a cover page to show your name, class and student number. Difficult Transitions Tony Stark had just finished his first week at Reece Enterprises and decided to drive upstate to a small lakefront lodge for some fishing and relaxation. Tony had worked for the previous ten years for the AAA Company, but AAA had been through some hard times lately and had recently shut down several of its operating groups, including Tony’s, to cut costs. Fortunately, Tony’s experience and recommendations had made finding another position fairly easy. As he drove the interstate, he reflected on the past ten years and the apparent situation at Reece. At AAA, things had been great. Tony had been part of the team from day one. The job had met his personal goals and expectations perfectly, and Tony believed he had grown greatly as a person. His work was appreciated and recognized; he had received three promotions and many more pay increases. Tony had also liked the company itself. The firm was decentralized, allowing its managers considerable autonomy and freedom. The corporate Culture was easygoing. Communication was open. It seemed that everyone knew what was going on at all times, and if you didn’t know about something, it was easy to find out. The people had been another plus. Tony and three other managers went to lunch often and played golf every Saturday. They got along well both personally and professionally and truly worked together as a team. Their boss had been very


□受试者编号: 人体生物等效性试验 病例报告表 (Case Report Form) 受试者姓名缩写:□□□□ 试验结束:□完成□退出 研究医师: 试验开始日期:年月日 试验结束日期:年月日 试验单位: 申办单位:

填表说明 在正式填表前,请认真阅读下列填表说明 病例报告表填写说明 1.筛选合格者填写正式病例报告表。 2.病例报告表应用圆珠笔用力填写(由申办单位统一提供)。 3病例填写务必准确、清晰,不得随意涂改,错误之处纠正时需用横线居中划出,并签署修改者姓名缩写及修改时间。举例:LGW05-02-12。 4.患者姓名拼音缩写四格需填满,两字姓名填写两字拼音前两个字母;三字姓名填写三字首字母及第三字第二字母;四字姓名填写每一个字的首字母。 举例:张红 5.所有选择项目的□内用√标注。如:√。表格中所有栏目均应填写相应的文字或数字,不得留空。 6.因故未查或漏查,请填写“ND”;具体用药剂量和时间不明,请填写“NK”;不适用请选“NA”。 7.期间应如实填写不良事件记录表。记录不良事件的发生时间、严重程度、持续时间、采取的措施和转归。如有严重不良事件发生(包括临床试验过程中发生需住院治疗、延长住院时间、伤残、影响工作能力、危及生命或死亡、导致先天畸形等事件),必须立即通知主要研究单位南京市鼓楼医院国家药物临床试验机构伦理委员会及申办者。


筛选期记录 研究医师(签名):日期:200□年□□月□□日复核人(签名):日期:200□年□□月□□日

筛选期记录 研究医师(签名):日期:200□年□□月□□日复核人(签名):日期:200□年□□月□□日

Case study report

Case study report 1.Question : How much money does Steve receive when he takes the order? Answer: He receives $1000 when he takes the order. Question: How much does the system cost to build and install? Answer: It costs $6920 to build and install. Question: When does he receive final payment? Answer: He receives final payment on day 65. 2.Table TIME DAY1 DAY7 DAY14 DAY28 DAY35 DAY65 TRANSACTION 1000 3920 1200 1500 300 9000 BALANCE 1000 2920 4120 5620 5920 4080 Bar chart -8000-6000 -4000 -2000 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 DAY1DAY7DAY14DAY28DAY35DASY65transaction balance 3 It is obvious that the company has been lack of money since day 7. Then the cash flow gap doesn ’t stop widening until the customer pays the final money. In this case, the owners Steve and Sue have to loan money from their families, friends or even banks. Or they won ’t take advantage of early settlement discount and people will not work or them because of a shortage of wages. So anyhow they need to have a try. And if they are lucky enough to enjoy a good reputation and possess valuable property for guarantee, maybe they can get a loan from the bank to reduce the gap. And of course on account of money is scarce capital, it has to be respected, so the owners have to pay interest on it. But why are they short of money? Well, in my opinion,this problem can be explained from two espects--one is fewer sources, the other is higher cost. On the one hand, as we all know, the company is owned by only two people, so it ’s similar to

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