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The reasons why parents spend less time with children Nowadays in most of the families in China, both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. After work, these parents always take rest during leisure time. Unfortunately, this causes families spend little time doing things together.What is worse, rare communication between them and their children are become less and less. There are the reasons why the problems of generation gap become more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very common. I think these problems caused by the busy parents.Most of them are busy making money, so they have no spare time to go to the children, to education to children. Thought they have time, they still don’t try to communicate with their children. These cause parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear due to the decease of communication .What’s more, these let children in the process of growing up lost many of the parents and the exchange and accept education quality of opportunity. To solve this problem, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to communicate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. On Sunday,children ’day and some festival,


代沟 王女士的儿子亮亮已经17岁了,她给我们讲了这样一个故事:有一天亮亮向她要150块钱,开始她问做什么,而亮亮只是说有用,在她以不说明原因就不给钱的追问下,亮亮才说要参加一个训练营,叫“21天训练营”,是一个网上训练系统。而王女士一听是网络上的,就以她主观判断说网上的东西都是骗人的,不管三七二十一就是不让亮亮参加。亮亮非常生气,经过一天的“冷战”后王女士才主动要求多了解了解那个“21天训练营”,后来才知道这个训练营是亮亮同学推荐给他的,能够很好的提升参加者完成目标的素质以及帮助参加者克服虎头蛇尾的恶习。但她还是对网络上的东西深表怀疑,最后看在儿子主动想要提高自己的积极性上,才帮助亮亮汇了钱开通了“21天训练营”。没想到亮亮在参加后就像完全变了个人似的,学习也主动开了,并且每天的计划都制定的非常好,半年来成绩已提升了很多。 王女士对我们说,从这件事情上她总结出了两点:一,如果儿女主动做以前不会去做的事情,就一定有他充足的理由,做父母的就要去充分了解,不要武断的去打击儿女。二,做父母的要经常去接触新事物,不要总认为新的事物就是不好的。比如网络并不总是骗人的。 其实,亮亮的母亲还算是开明的了,杨鹏的父母就不是

这样的了。杨鹏快要大学毕业了,他很想去私企锻炼自己,而他的父母却希望他到国企,因为这样工作稳定。至今,他还在为此苦恼不已。 两代人,或多或少总会有一些代沟,在很多方面没有共同语言,相互不能理解对方的行为及思想。做晚辈的,要尽力去理解父辈,尽力减少不必要的冲突。而做父辈的呢?是不是也该去勇于接收新事物,多去理解理解新一代的思想? 兄弟姐妹们,你们的老爸老妈都咋样啊,我爸就特古板,郁闷! 篇二:代沟 正在提笔写着作业,便吹来一阵莫名的感想,人活着,是为了什么?为什么而我活着,却不能做自己想做的。 今年已经16岁了,我很疑惑,到底我活着,是为了做什么。难道就是为了生存在这个世界完成父母的心愿?难道就一定要为此而放弃自己的梦想? 我正在房间做作业。然而心里却迫不及待想着去练歌,写作。但是为了能去,也只能先专心致志的地做着。 “你姐姐一天到晚唱歌,你也开始了是不是,她想考音乐大学我是不允许的,必须给我报军校。考不上军校也得给我考另外的。”


以代沟为话题的议论文 和最亲近的人之间,不也是隔着一扇厚重的大门吗?这所谓的“门”是什么?是代沟呀!那隔着两代、无法逾越的代沟。下面是给大家带来的关于代沟的高考作文,欢迎大家阅读! 关于代沟的高考作文篇1 人与人间是会发生矛盾的,难免回了点冲突而互不相让,让导致伤感情的事情发生。 那天晚上妈妈来老师家接我,她进去问老师我最近的学习情况,老师却说我最近作业完成得不好,妈妈听了后便用凶狠的眼神望着我,当时我就知道今晚没我好日子过,跟老师告别后,妈妈使劲拽我的手往回家的路走,一路上她一直拷问我是怎么回事,可是我一直没有答应。到家后她叫我站到她面前说明情况,我便不耐烦地说:‘不就是作业没写好吗?我就是周末多玩了一会,有什么稀奇,大惊小怪的。’妈妈接着说到:‘你学习再不自觉,我就不管你了。’于是我更不耐烦的嚷道:‘小学不就是要玩嘛,现在不玩以后哪还有时间,我们之间有代沟,我无法和你沟通。’这时妈妈像一只受挑战的狮子随手拿起衣架打着我大吼说:“我每天这么辛苦地挣钱让你上学,为了让你考上中带你中学,

我好好跟你说活你还不耐烦,是不是讨打?”一个女孩的娇弱和尊严让我受不了了,我大声哭起来冲进自己的房间。 随后我一直没跟妈妈说话,可是我发觉我的成绩慢慢地在退步,我真后悔没听妈妈的教诲,所以致使我学习成绩不认真二下降。有过了十多天的一个夜晚,天空在下着蒙蒙细雨,爸爸因为工作忙便没来接我,我便站在老师家门口,忽然在模糊地夜里我看见一个身影朝这边走来,越来越近我眼前一亮,居然是妈妈,她拿着一把伞递给我,说道:“走,回家吧!”当时我然里禽满了泪水,我还以为妈妈真的不爱我,不再管我了,可是她没有,当时我拉着她的手说:“妈妈对不起,那次是我不对,我不该那样对你说话,请你原谅。"妈妈微笑地说:“没事,只要以后你嫩挂在学习中用点功就行了。”“恩”,我答应了妈妈。我们母女的影子在这漆黑的夜晚渐渐抹去了。从那天以后我们便有和好了。 妈妈,隔着代沟我看到你慈祥的面容,我一定会努力学习,不再让你失望了。 关于代沟的高考作文篇2 幸福和“代沟”是两个完全相反意思的词语,但在我看来,这绝对是最适合我的词,因为我此刻就拥有幸福的“代沟”。 同学的“代沟”?友谊


关于代沟的英语作文 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

A complex problem –generation gap Nowadays,“generation gap”has gradually become a common phenomenon all over the world. Experiencing different time, as a result, causes the difference between parents and children in tastes, the method they deal with problems and values. This case may more easily happen in teenagers. The reason lies in they are young, they have strong passion for freedom, and they like showing themselves off. Then it is no wonder that arguments often arise between their parents and them, which always make the parents worried. They can hardly figure out what their children are thinking about. Because they wear strange clothes, listen noisy music and even walk around town with tattoos and pierces all over their bodies. Nevertheless, in teenager’ eyes, their parents are out of date and conservative. They may talk with their friends more often than their parents. In a word, ‘generation gap’ is an interminable problem. Seriously, how to bridge the generation gap In my opinion, first, show respect. The mutual respect can play


代沟的成因Generation Gap The Causes of the Generation Gap(代沟的成因) 汉浯提示:请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明代沟的形成原因。 [写作导航]第一段是引入,可从父母与孩子相互不理解导致互相埋怨开始,然后用问题:“什么是代沟的成因?”结束第一段;第二段探讨原因,其中之一是年轻人的生活方式与以往不同,这体现在教育、择业、婚姻上;第三段可探讨代沟的另一个原因,即父母对孩子的期望值过高,有时是把自己的意志强加给孩子,从而造成代沟;第三段指出另一个原因是社会的飞速发展导致知识和技能的加速更新,使得代沟形成;最后一段总结结束全篇。 [范文] Parents say that children do not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complain that their parents do not understand them. This phenomenon is often referred as the generation gap. What are the causes of the generation gap? One important cause of the generation gap is that young people have to choose their way of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation. In modern society, young people often travel a great distance for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. In the easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money; and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the strong desire that parents have for their children are another cause of the disagreement between them. Often, they discover that they have very little in comMon with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in modern society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in modern society, the knowledge of a lifetime may become out of date overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a future of our life for some time to come. Its causes are rooted in the changes of our society, and in the rapid speed at which society changes. 小议“代沟” The discussion about the "generation gap"


关于代沟的英语作文 关于代沟的英语作文 篇一:关于代沟的英语作文According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They can't bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”。Thus, the generation gap bees more and more obvious and serious. However, why don't we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can't. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life. 篇二:关于代沟 的英语作文The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family, which brings about a number of conflicts in a family. In my opinion, to limit the bad


关于代沟的英语作文 篇一:关于代沟的英语作文 According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They can’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with

their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”。 Thus, the generation gap becomes more and more obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can’t. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life. 篇二:关于代沟的英语作文 The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family, which brings about a number of conflicts in a family. In my opinion, to limit the bad effects of the generation gap, each family should use the following three methods: First of all, it is important that


以代沟为话题的作文(一) 幸福和“代沟”是两个完全相反意思的词语,但在我看来,这绝对是最适合我的词,因为我现在就拥有幸福的“代沟”。 同学的“代沟”―友谊 和同学的“代沟”永远是最幸福的,就要从母校毕业了,我现在很珍惜这个保质期为六年的友谊。还差两个月,保质期结束了,我要用力啃下,咬出最纯洁的友情。这种“代沟”永远是幸福的,纯洁得就让这份“代沟”藏在心底。 蓝天的“代沟”―忧郁 和蓝天的“代沟”永远是因忧而生,无聊的时候,忧虑的望着蓝天的心情,怀念和同学的友谊,和校园的情感,当然还有家的温馨。 写作的“代沟”―灵感 和写作的“代沟”来源于灵感的涌现,记得有人说:在黑夜中有很多的灵感。我正好应证了这句话,每当黑夜降临,灵感就一定会来,在灵感中写下的心情日记,永远只能用自己的灵感在黑夜诵读。 我的“代沟”―成长 和自己的“代沟”诠释了我从一个七斤重的婴儿,长到现在120斤的大胖子,十二度春秋在我和自己的“代沟”中划过,我相信没有“代沟”的幸福是无畏的,因为你无法在“代沟”中成长。 或许在你成长的路上有太多太多的“代沟”,如果你的“代沟”不是幸福的,你永远只能停留在自己的天地;如果你的“代沟”是幸福的,这种“代沟”会促进你成长。“代沟”的幸福还有幸福的“代沟”只有内心才会发现。 以代沟为话题的作文(二) 在学校举行的“四爱”教育演讲会上,邹老师说:“在麦当劳里,当你们吃着汉堡,啃着鸡翅时,你们的父母只是坐在一旁看你们吃,他们说:‘我们不吃。’孩子们,你们真的以为是他们不爱吃吗?他们是让给你们吃啊!你们想想看,你们都喜欢吃的东西,父母怎么会不爱吃呢?”老师说得的确属实,但在我妈身上却是个例外。我笑着问坐在身边的妈:“你爱吃麦当劳吗?”妈说:“呵,我可没骗你,我真的不爱吃那东西,那股味道我可受不了。你知道的,我只喜欢吃麦当劳里的脆皮甜筒。”我笑了,我当然知道。其实我真的很了解她。 她不吃糖,不碰牛肉、羊肉等味重的东西,喜欢吃生黄瓜、生西红柿、胡萝卜、生地瓜和类似虾、螃蟹、扇贝这类的海鲜。她受我的影响极爱吃肉串,有时还会抿两口啤酒。()她从不喝牛奶,说那有种令她恶心的味道,她宁愿用豆浆取代牛奶。她骗不了我,我太了解她。 我和妈妈之间似乎不存在代沟。我不喜欢听歌,不追求时尚,我是个被“流行”一脚踹开的落伍之人,单凭这一点,代沟就难以形成。妈妈喜欢民族唱法和美声唱法,于是,在她的熏陶下,我知道了彭丽媛喜欢把头发高高挽起,殷秀梅喜欢穿袖口极大的蓬蓬裙,戴玉强喜欢“唱不露齿”…… 妈妈从不搽脂抹粉,对此,我曾感不满,为什么人家妈妈都花枝招展,只有我妈妈素面朝天?渐渐,我明白了,我要的妈妈不是模特,我要的是爱。现在想想,朴实、自然的妈妈才会令人倍感温暖与亲切。看看我左边那位厚粉浓妆,一副神圣不可侵犯的“王室贵族”,再看我右边和蔼可亲,正与别人谈笑风生的妈,我不禁释然许多。 妈说:“我喜欢银色的小轿车。”我说:“行!我以后给你买。”“你还得给我买套房子。”“没问题,你喜欢住哪儿?北京?还是上海?”“城市倒无所谓,只要靠湖就行。别忘了,一定要别墅,不是别墅我可不住哦!”我笑了,说:“好,以后一定让你每天从自家别墅的车库里开出银色轿车,把全市的湖看个遍!” 以代沟为话题的作文(三)


关于代沟的高中英语范文5篇代沟是指子女在走向社会的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的思想观念、行为习惯的差异。请你就代沟写一篇作文吧。下面橙子给大家带来关于代沟的高中英语范文,供你参阅。 关于代沟的高中英语范文篇一代沟 Generation Gap Generation gap refers to the misunderstanding between the old and young. The term came into fashion after the 1980s. However, in recent years, the phenomenon is getting more and more fierce. 代沟指的是老人和年轻人之间的误解。这个词在20世纪80年代就开始流行。然而,近年来,这种现象是越来越激烈。 How does generation gap come into being? The first reason is that the two generations have grown up in different ages, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Secondly, due to having little in common with each other, they are unwilling to sit down and talk face to face. Besides, as modern life is so stressful, both of them are so busy with their study or work that they have not enough time to exchange their ideas. 代沟是如何产生的呢?第一个原因是这两代人是在不同时代长大的,所以他们对生活的态度是不同的。其次,由于由于彼此之间很少1 / 8


我们与父母的代沟_关于代沟的作文700字 进入亲春期后,我们生命又奏响了全新的乐章。我们于父母的关系也发生了变化,出现了沟通上的困难。我们总在抱怨父母越来越不理解我们,而父母也在感叹孩子越来越难以管教。大多数人会与父母产生不同程度的误解、分歧,甚至隔阂、矛盾与冲突。心理学家和社会学家把两代人之间的矛盾和冲突称为代沟或代际冲突。美国社会学家玛格丽特米德在一本名叫《代沟》的书中指出:整个世界处于一个前所未有的局面之中,青年人和老年人,青少年和所有比他们年长的人,隔着一条深沟在互相相望这些问题的出现有多方面的原因。 进入青春期,我们开始朦胧地意识到自己正在变成大人;我们对自己的言行和内心世界表现出越来越多的关注,自我意识和自尊心不断增强;我们对成人的依赖越来越少,独立性越来越强。我们不再像过去那样把父母看成是至高无上、无所不知的,而是逐步用批判的眼光看待父母。我们强烈希望并尝试与父母建立平等的关系。我们不再一味地依赖父母,被动地接受他们的干预、指导,而是开始独立地思考问题,自主地解决问题。 但是,很多父母仍然把我们方程不懂事的小孩儿。因此,我们与父母之间就产生了各种误解、分歧、隔阂,甚至产生矛盾与冲突。 由于我们与父母在知识水平、思想观念、行为方式等方面存在差异,因此对同一个问题的看法、态度不一定相同,这是双方矛盾产生的重要原因。 我们在学习和生活上遇到困难时,很愿意求助父母和老师。但是,遇到心理困惑,可能更愿意向同伴倾诉。我们与同伴之间越来越密切的关系也可能使我们与父母的亲情变得相对疏远。 在这个时期,我们往往会以执拗的、对立的、反抗的心态对待妇女。这又加剧了我们与父母治疗的矛盾和冲突。父母与子女之间的代沟是客观存在的,同时是难以避免的。


代沟英语作文 代沟英语作文(一): 如何让弥合代沟?How to Bridge the Generation Gap? The generation gap is unavoidable in almost every family,which brings about a number of conflicts in a family。 In my opinion, to limit the bad effects of the generation gap, each family should use the following three methods: 大部分的家庭免不了存在代沟,代沟给一个家庭带来很多冲突。我认为,为了控制代沟的不良影响,每个家庭都就应尝试以下方法: First of all, it is important that family members discuss openly about their pleasures or sadness in childhood in family gatherings。This activity does not only create a close relationship but also help build up understanding among all members。 For instance, once children are aware that their grandparents and even their parents did not have a good upbringing during their hard childhood,they will stop plaining about the previous generations’ obsoleteness。In the meantime, once old people realize young people are nurtured in a new modern way, it is easy for them to be tolerant of young people’s new habits or hobbies。


关于代沟的高中英语作文 由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不同,不同的人对事情有不同的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随处可见。下面,是橙子为你整理的关于代沟的高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 关于代沟的高中英语作文篇1 According to the variety of social background, personal experience and personal emotion, differernt people have different opinions towards things. Thus, there is no doubt that generation gap exists everywhere. We always find that there are big differences between us and the old generation. We always regard the old are outdated, while they think us are crazy. They can’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our childish thinking. Instead, we could put up with their standpat thingking and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the generation gap becomes more and more obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realize that opinions can be changed, while people can’t. So, we can think in an other way, learn to accept. It is certain that we can narrow the generation gap to live a more harmonious life. 由于社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不同,不同的人对事情1 / 5


《代沟作文》 代沟作文(一): 代沟 每每与好友谈起自我和父母之间的事,总会引发我们的牢骚,于是代沟就成为我们津津乐道的话题,我们共同诉说不被了解的痛苦,一齐表达对父母的埋怨。 我们这一代与父辈有太多的不一样。我们喜欢流行歌曲,他们总会皱起眉头,认为那是些不健康的靡靡之音。我们认为是帅呆了的明星,他们却认为是花拳绣腿不学无术的典范,完了还会忧心忡忡地嘟浓一句可别像他们那样。我们喜欢蓝天、白云、大海,可他们却要我们喜欢语文、数学、外语。我们看到作业会情不自禁地叹气皱眉头,可他们却兴高采烈欢欣鼓舞 小时候的随意欢乐已被这天的约束沉重代替了。小时候与父母的关系是多么融洽啊,我们使个小性子父母都会满足,可如今却不一样了,父母的心中己立定了一个标尺,为此他嘴门不惜牺牲孩子们眼前的利益。 我们对父母充满了矛盾的心理,一边是恨,恨他们不理解我们;一边又是爱,爱他们不惜牺牲自我为子女做出奉献。当我看到两个大哥哥的经历以后,我对代沟有了进一步的理解。一个因学历低总也找不到工作,一个因高学历工作总是找他,两个大哥哥的事情给了我很深的印象。代沟的构成除了年龄之外更多的恐怕还是父母的期望。 想到那里,我对父母的埋怨似乎有了新的认识。父母要求我努力学习,难道这是错的吗?父母害怕我分心学坏,难道他们不就应担心吗?尽管父母会受文化程度等的影响有些做法会过分一些,难道我们固执、任性、逆反、对抗就没有值得深思的地方吗? 我心中明白,父母对我的爱没有因为我长大了而减少半分,只是他们更能感受社会的竞争,他们更能看到前面路途上的不易。当我们觉得眼前还是一片坦途的时候,他们已经看到了坎坷和崎岖,他们是为我们担心哪! 是啊,当我们在竭力指责父母的时候,如果能用成熟一点的心态去看他们,我们的心会平静许多。当我们为了让父母理解我们而高呼理解万岁的时候,是不是也就应换个角度,为了让我们理解父母而同样高呼一声理解万岁呢? 代沟作文(二): 幸福的代沟 幸福和代沟是两个完全相反意思的词语,但在我看来,这绝对是最适合我的词,因为我此刻就拥有幸福的代沟。


A complex problem –generation gap Nowadays,“generation gap”has gradually become a common phenomenon all over the world. Experiencing different time, as a result, causes the difference between parents and children in tastes, the method they deal with problems and values. This case may more easily happen in teenagers. The reason lies in they are young, they have strong passion for freedom, and they like showing themselves off. Then it is no wonder that arguments often arise between their parents and them, which always make the parents worried. They can hardly figure out what their children are thinking about. Because they wear strange clothes, listen noisy music and even walk around town with tattoos and pierces all over their bodies. Nevertheless, in teenager’ eyes, their parents are out of date and conservative. They may talk with their friends more often than their parents. In a word, ‘generation gap’ is an interminable problem. Seriously, how to bridge the generation gap? In my opinion, first, show respect. The mutual respect can play an important role in avoiding conflicts. Second, listen more than talk. It’s no doubt that it is a very efficient way to keep the conversation


2019四级作文范文:代沟问题 Directions: Write a composition entitled Generation Gap. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 现代生活越来越好,但老年人和年轻人之间的代沟却依然不可逾越 2. 产生代沟的原因 3. 解决的办法 【范文】 Generation Gap Though many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider. In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecreative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old. I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others as they wish. Diversity doesn't mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems.


代沟话题的作文 代沟话题的作文 在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编整理的代沟话题的作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 “代沟”也就是指两代人之间的价值观念,心理状态,生活习惯等方面的差异。它就像一道无形的墙,始终无法打开心窗沟通。毕竟父母与子女已经相隔了几十年,“几十年”这又是一个什么概念呢?它足以使一个国家的诞生,也可以使一个国家毁灭。在这遥遥漫长的几十年里,世界将发生怎样的变化,谁都无法预料到。 教育是每一辈人都关心的话题,但在这千千万万的家庭中,谁又能做到人格与学问齐发展呢?在奶奶那一年代里,教育的概念就是要求晚辈具有良好的`品格;在妈妈那这一代人中,教育就是腰包能鼓起来;而在我们这一代人中,品格又要与知识齐发展。可见在这短短的几十年里,教育在人们的心中发生了如此大的改革。它不是在于想起时就给与子女长篇大论,要求子女该怎样,而是在无形中给晚辈们树立良好的作风,你的每个思想都将通过语言、神态、动作等方

面表现出来,从而使子女在自己的大脑中形成坚固的堡垒,遇事能迅速反弹出来,以次给予子女正确的引导。但是,父母往往都没有认识到这点:一味的相信“黄金条下出好人”这无疑是给自己与子女之间加上隔离装置,反而使子女不敢与父母说出心里话,父母也更加不能理解到子女们的内心世界,这样就使后果与想法背道而驰。 家长不是圣人,他只是以一个后来人的身份起到一个警戒的作用,在子女的思想出现分歧后进行开导。也并不是一张日程表,约束子女,让子女按照自己的意愿生活。然而家长的做法正是现在的少年所痛恨的,仿佛自己就是一个木偶,任人摆布。 回想过去做的错事,假使听信父母的话就不会出现如此种种难堪。可是,人就是有点古怪,任何事情偏要自己亲自尝试,初生牛犊不怕虎嘛,家长的种种经验不也是从实践中得到的吗?为何偏偏要干涉子女呢? 或许家长们都还没有认识到,当今世上的某些不法份子犯罪的原因不是别的,而是因为与父母之间的代沟太深,时间越久,压抑感就越大,最终有一天火山爆发,而一发不可收拾。 在学校举行的“四爱”教育演讲会上,邹老师说:“在麦当劳里,当你们吃着汉堡,啃着鸡翅时,你们的父母只是坐在一旁看你们吃,他们说:‘我们不吃。’孩子们,你们


英语作文代沟的成因(The Causes of the Generation Gap) 汉浯提示:请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明代沟的形成原因。 [写作导航]第一段是引入,可从父母与孩子相互不理解导致互相埋怨开始,然后用问题:“什么是代沟的成因?”结束第一段;第二段探讨原因,其中之一是年轻人的生活方式与以往不同,这体现在教育、择业、婚姻上;第三段可探讨代沟的另一个原因,即父母对孩子的期望值过高,有时是把自己的意志强加给孩子,从而造成代沟;第三段指出另一个原因是社会的飞速发展导致知识和技能的加速更新,使得代沟形成;最后一段总结结束全篇。 [范文] Parents say that children do not show them proper respect and obedience, while children complain that their parents do not understand them. This phenomenon is often referred to as the generation gap. What then are the causes of the generation gap? One important cause of the generation gap is the chance that young people have to choose their way of life. In more traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and agree to, and to continue the family occupation. In modern society, young people often travel a great distance for their education, move out of the family at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. In the easily changing society, parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money; and to do all the things

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