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完形填空与阅读理解天天练 53

完形填空与阅读理解天天练 53

完形填空与阅读理解天天练53 Oct. 16

Miss Wenter was watching TV when the program suddenly stopped. “Sorry to 21 the program. Now we are requested to 22 an important notice from the police station. At about nine this evening, a lady named Mrs. Humney was 23 and killed. Anyone who can supply any clue (线索) is requested to report to the 24 . Thank you.” The terrible news made the lonely girl 25 with fear. She couldn’t help looking around, but she didn’t notice that a man was already 26 behind the door to the veranda (阳台).

All of a 27 the man appeared before Miss Wenter. The girl really didn’t know what to do. “Don’t ask for trouble, just put your jewellery on the table; then think over 28 I shall be safe to stay up here for the night,” said the robber. That made Miss Wenter even more 29 , but she tried to 30 herself. Just then came the whistle of a police car, In a little while, someone rang the doorbell. The robber said with a gun 31 the girl’s back, “Go to the door and say that you’ve gone to bed. Never let him in.”

__32 , the girl had an idea. “Oh, who are you?” she said.

“I’m Sergeant Bull, Miss Wenter. Is there something 33 here?”

“No, there isn’t.” Immediately she added loudly, 34 , my elder brother extends his 35 greetings (问候) to you.”

“Thank you. Good night,” Bull replied in the same 36 .

A few minutes later, the sound of the police car going 37 could be heard. “It’s well 38 ,” the robber said with a smile. Then he rushed to the girl. Almost at the same time the glass on the window was broken. The policemen hurried into the room from the veranda. They quickly put handcuffs (手铐) on the robber.

“Miss Wenter, your greetings were so good that it made us take 39 right away,” said Sergeant Bull, because w e’ve already known that your 40 was killed in a robbery half a year ago.”

21. A. stop B. share C. interrupt D. control

22. A. obey B. make C. introduce D. broadcast

23. A. robbed B. hurt C. wounded D. stolen

24. A. public B. police C. hospital D. family

25. A. cry B. shake C. fall D. tremble

26. A. hidden B. sitting C. away D. staying

27. A. while B. time C. period D. sudden

28. A. that B. whether C. where D. what

29. A. careful B. anxious C. strange D. terrified

30. A. protect B. help C. calm D. express

31. A. at B. against C. behind D. beyond

32. A. In a hurry B. Once in a while C. At the same time D. In a flash

33. A. new B. important C. unusual D. upset

34. A. Instead B. However C. Otherwise D. Besides

35. A. warm B. deep C. kind D. real

36. A. sound B. manner C. speech D. voice

37. A. out B. on C. along D. away

38. A. answered B. refused C. done D. said

39. A. care B. action C. risk D. step

40. A. neighbor B. brother C. friend D. parent

Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星)but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food, which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft, if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.

Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called “rem”.

Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage—a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed(畸形的)children or even grandchildren.

Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys, the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.

50. We know from the passage that ________.

A. exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatal

B. the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in coming

C. radiation is avoidable in space exploration

D. astronauts in spacesuits needn’t worry about radiation damage

51. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. the Apollo mission was very successful

B. protection from space radiation is no easy job

C. astronauts will have deformed children or grandchildren

D. radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers

52. The best title for this passage would be _______.

A. The Atmosphere and Our Environment

B. Research on Radiation

C. Effects of Space Radiation

D. Importance of Protection Against Radiation


六年级英语 阅读理解天天练

小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(1) Hello,boys and girls. My name is Kangkang. I`m from Tianjin. I`m No.1 middle school. My mother works in No.1 middle school. She teaches Chinese. My father is a doctor in a hospital. They both work hard. On Sunday my mother and I often do some shopping. My mother likes shopping a lot. We will go shopping this Sunday afternoon. My mother says she will buy me a red coat. But I don`t like red. I want a yellow one. My mother says yes to me. I am happy. My father doesn`t like shopping at all. He likes animals best. He often takes me to the zoo. My favorite animal is the panda. I think panda are very cute. This Sunday morning my father will go to the zoo with me. I love my parents very much. They love me,too. I have a happy family. ( ) 1. Kangkang`s mother is a ____________. A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher ( ) 2. What color does Kangkang like? A. red B. yellow C. black ( ) 3. ______ likes animals best. A. Kangkang`s mother B. Kangkang C. Kangkang`s father ( ) 4. ______ is Kangkang`s favorite animal? A. the monkey B. the panda C. the elephant ( ) 5. There are (有) ______ people in Kangkang`s family. A. two B. three C. four 答案:CBCBB 小学六年级英语:阅读理解天天练(2) Mary is from Canada. She teaches English in China now. she know a little Chinese. She isn`t free from Monday to Friday. So she often goes shopping on Saturday. Today is Saturday. Mary goes to the shop. She comes out of her car and goes into the shop. “What can I do for you?” the girl in the shop asks her in Chine se. Mary thinks she can tell the boy what she wants in Chinese. So she says in Chinese,“A quilt (被子),please.” Then the girl goes to the back of the shop. “My Chinese is not bad. The girl understands (理解) me.” She thinks. Mary is happy. Soon (不久) the girl comes back. She shows Mary a cup. ( ) 1. What`s Mary? A. a student B. a doctor C. a teacher ( ) 2. What does Mary often do on Saturday? A. do some washing B. go shopping C. go to school ( ) 3. How does Mary go to the shop? A. by bus B. by train C. by car ( ) 4. What does Mary think of her Chinese? A. very good B. very bad C. very poor ( ) 5. What does the girl think Mary need? A. a cup B. a quilt C. books 答案:CBCAA 第1页/共1页


中心句、过渡句、总起句的阅读训练 练习: 一、阅读,填空 (一)、《美丽的南沙群岛》第二自然段 南沙是祖国巨大的蓝色宝库。她拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,蕴藏着极为丰富的矿产资源,贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力。仅曾母暗沙,就以丰富的石油储量而享有“第二波斯湾”的美誉。 1、课文是围绕()中心句来写的。 2、文章从()、()、()三方面介绍了南沙的物产丰富。 3、“用之不竭”中“竭”的意思是(),“用之不竭”形容南沙的海洋动力()。我还能从文中()、()、()读出南沙物产丰富。 4、南沙拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物,如();南沙蕴藏这极为丰富的矿产资源,如();南沙贮存了用之不竭的海洋动力,如()。 (二)、《美丽的南沙群岛》第三自然段 南沙也是个迷人的世界。天是一片蓝玉,海是一块翡翠。远望水天相连,翡翠和蓝玉合璧,蔚为壮观。俯看清澈明亮的海水,龙虾、燕鱼、海龟五彩缤纷,令人心旷神怡。碧波浩渺的南沙海域,连浪涛都是美的,每一个浪头都托起洁白的浪花,一团团,一簇簇,仿佛是欢迎的人群在挥舞着花束。可以肯定,将来的南沙群岛会是一个充满魅力的旅游胜地。 1、这段话是围绕()来写的。 2、这段话中,作者将天比作(),将海比作(),从中可以看出天的蓝和谁的绿;从()可以体会水天一色,融为一体的蔚为壮观的景象;从()可以想象龙虾穿梭、燕鱼飞跃、海龟漫游的有趣情景;从“洁白”“一团团”“一簇簇”中可以体会到()。 (三)、《庐山的云雾》第二自然段 庐山的云雾千姿百态。那些笼罩在山头的云雾,就像是戴在山顶上的白色绒帽;那些缠绕在半山的云雾,又像是系在山腰间的一条条玉带。云雾弥漫山谷,它是茫茫的大海;云雾遮挡山峰,它又是巨大的天幕。 1、这段话是围绕()这个词来写的。


53天天练三年级下册错题集 一、辨一辨。 1、0除以任何数都得0。() 2、任何数(0除外)除以0都得0。() 3、24时计时法和12时计时法相差12小时。() 二、填一填。 1、□÷○=23……15,○最小是(),此时,□是()。 2、妈妈早上8:00上班,中午休息1小时,下午5:00下班,她一天工作()小时。 3、小学生每日睡眠时间至少要保证10个小时,如果小明早上6:30起床,那么他每天最迟()上床睡觉。 4、淘淘生病了,按医嘱要服4次药。第一次和第二次的服药时间间隔4小时,以后每次间隔的时间是上次的2倍。他5月28日16时第一次服药,他第4次服药的时间是()月()日()时。 三、选一选。 1、明明的生日是2月29日,他有可能是()年出生的。 A.2006年 B.2010年 C.2012年 2、荆门自2017年4月9日起,每天7时至19时,禁止载货汽车、专项作业车在外环线上通行。王师傅在()可以驾驶一辆载货汽车在外环线上通行。 A.8:00 B.13:30 C.晚上8:00 四、智慧加油站。 1、商场促销,饮料买3箱赠1箱。妈妈买4箱饮料花了240元,平均每箱比原来便宜多少? 2、李老师买了1个足球和3个皮球,共花了84元。张老师买了1个足球和1个皮球,共花了60元,1个皮球和1个足球各多少元? 3、同学们为联欢会布置教室,将气球按3红2绿2黄的顺序排列,第84个气球是什么颜色的? 4、小马虎在计算一道三位数除以一位数的除法时,把除数6写成了8,计算出商是123。正确的商是多少? 5、甲桶有油69千克,乙桶有油36千克。将甲桶中的油倒入乙桶多少千克后,乙桶中油的质量是甲桶中油的质量的2倍? 6、同学们去公园玩,中午休息时到快餐店购买了一些事物和饮品。 食物:虾球5元、汉堡9元,薯条7元饮品:奶茶6元,果汁8元 (1)一组的同学买了一种食物正好用去98元,买的是什么?买了多少个? (2)二组的同学买了一种饮品正好花了136元,买的是什么?买了多少? 7、一个正方形花坛四周均匀地栽了424棵月季,4个角上各栽了1棵,每边有多少棵月季? 8、在计算762÷□时,给出满足相应条件的除数。 (1)如果商的中间是0,除数是几?(2)如果商的末尾是0,除数是几? 9、请你用6、7、8、9这四个数字组成两个没有重复数字的两位数,使它们的乘积最大。 10、到北京出差的李叔叔购买了一些特产要寄回荆门。 (1)他购买了14只烤鸭,每只68元。买这些烤鸭他一共花了多少钱? (2)另一种烤鸭的价格比他购买的烤鸭的价格每只高15元。如果买同样多的这种烤鸭,李叔叔需要花多少钱? 11、一块长方形花圃长8米,扩建后长增加了3米,宽不变,面积扩大了18平方米。现在花圃的面积是多少平方米? 12、把两个长9米、宽4米的长方形,像右图一样叠放在一起。组成的新图形的面积是多少平方米?合多少平方分米? 13、波波家的阳台要铺地砖,用边长4分米的方砖,沿着阳台的长铺了10块,沿着宽铺了5块,波波家的阳台有多少平方分米?合多少平方米? 14、李老师买来一张长8分米、宽5分米的长方形大彩纸板,要用它来裁边长是2厘米的小正方形,可以裁成多少个?


Passage 1 An Old Man One day an old man is taking a train to his hometown. One of his shoes falls onto the ground, but the train starts .He can not pick it up. Then he takes off the ogher and throws it near the fallen shoe. A boy beside his asks him,”why do you do that?” He says, “If a man picks them up ,he ma as well get a pair of shoes.” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ()1.An old woman is taking a train to his hometown. ()2.one of the man's shoes falls nto the ground. ()3.The old man picks his shoes up. ()4.The old man takes off the other and throws it near the fallen shoe. ()5.The old man is very kind . Passage 2 Why Do I help You? It is early in the morning. Mr. White is cutting the grass in the yard. Suddenly, his neighbor Mr. Black runs out and helps him. Mr. White is very happy and he asks Mr. Black, “Do you often help people cut grass?”“No!” “So why do you get up and help me?” Mr. Black says :”I help you cut the grass so that I can go back to sleep again.” ()1.When does the story happen? It happens in the _______ morning. A. early B. late C. middle D. last ()2.What is Mr. White doing? Mr. White is _______ in the yard. A. watering B. drinking C. doing exercises D. cutting the grass ()3.How does Mr. White feel when his neighbour helps him? Mr. White is very _______. A. angry B. happy C. upset D. excited ()4.What does Mr. Black want to do? Mr. Black wants to _______ again. A. sleep B. eat C. drink D. read books ()5.Does Mr. Black often help people cut grass? _______. A. Yes B. No C. Not mentioned D. We don't know. Passage 3 Lynn's Weekend Today is Sunday. Lynn is very happy. She needn't clean the classroom, do morning exercise or have classes. She has to do many exercises at school every day. She has no time to play. And only at weekends can she play happily. But she has to do her homework at home. She has to clean her bedroom, wash her clothes and water the flowers at home, she doesn't like doing these things. And you? 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1. Today is Saturday. ( )2. Lynn needs to clean the classroom. ( )3. Lynn has no time to play at school.


三年级下语文专题阅读(找过渡句)、写作(分场合、讲礼貌) 一、(语文漫道)会写的字(听写) 冰箱、宽窄、石窟、窟窿、审查、辱骂、悲惨、愤怒、疯狂、硬度、惩戒、记载二、(人教版)会写的词(听写) 寓言、狼狗、叼走、街坊、劝告、后悔、盘缠、硬盘、以身作则 三、多音字(先注音,后组词)(会认,会写,熟记) 圈()()铺()() ()() ()() 四、近义词(会写,熟记) 劝告——()赶紧——() 南辕北辙——()亡羊补牢——() 五、反义词(会写,熟记) 亡羊补牢——() 六、词语拓展(熟读) 带有反义词的成语:南辕北辙、南征北战、东张希望、古为今用、今非昔比 苦尽甘来、来龙去脉、里应外合、内忧外患、前仆后继、前仰后合、前因后果、左邻右舍、异口同声、左顾右盼 【读写训练】 阅读目标:我会找出过渡句 在文中找出过渡句,这并不难。过渡句一般在段落的开头,少数在段落中间,更少的在段落末尾。过渡句十分明显地告诉我们:从一个地点转移到了另一个地点,或者把一件事情连接到另一件事情,从一个动作转化到另一个动作…… 如:赵州桥不但坚固而且美观。 这个过渡句告诉我们,前面讲的是赵州桥的“”,后面要介绍赵州桥的“”了。 【阅读达标训练】 送给妈妈的礼物 一天,老师对同学们说:“世界上有一个美好的节日——母亲节,别忘了在五月的第二个星期天,回报以下崇高而伟大的母亲。” 佳佳沉思了:我的母亲谈得上崇高而伟大吗她每天上班下班,洗衣服做饭,对我的学习和生活什么都要过问,整天唠唠叨叨。 不!不是这样的!是谁冒着严寒把生病的我送到医院是谁守着生病的我彻夜不眠又是谁骑着自行车风尘仆仆地为我买学习用具是谁在爸爸外出工作时,一个人挑起家务重担,成了全家的“顶梁柱”这一切的一切。不是别人,正是妈妈。 五月的第二个星期天,佳佳用自己的零花钱买了一束康乃馨。柔嫩的花瓣层层叠叠,红、黄、粉、白,颜色各异,热烈又纯洁。细碎的满天星闪烁其间,照得满屋生辉。佳佳把一张淡蓝色的信纸压在花下,那里寄托着她对母亲的感激和祝愿。 妈妈见到了花,眼角的鱼尾纹分明是点点泪光。一束鲜花和一句真诚的祝愿,就让妈妈如此感动。子女的回报比起父母的付出,就像一滴水和大海,一点火星和熊熊燃烧的烈火。但是这滴水和这点火星,足以让父母心中掀起波涛,燃起烈火。


小学六年级英语阅读理解天天练(20):Yogi bear 今天我们要来认识一个可爱的小家伙—Yogi Bear,Yogi的家园快被拆除了,这就意味着他将流落街头。为了保卫自己的家园,聪明的Yogi想出了一个好办法。。。看完小短文大家记得答题哈! In Jellystone Park, the bears Yogi and Boo Boo live happily. But they have a big problem now. Jellystone Park loses business (生意惨淡). Mayor (市长) Brown decides to (决定) close the park and sell the land. People in the city will lose (失去) a beautiful park. Yogi and Boo Boo will lose their only home. The park keeper (守园人), Ranger Smith, will drive them out of (赶出) the park. Yogi is smarter than the average (普通的) bear. He thinks of (想到) an idea. He and Boo Boo will work together with their “enemy (敌人)” Smith. They will find a way (方法) to save Jellystone Park together. Will Smith help Yogi and Boo Boo? Can they save the park? Let’s see the movie Yogi Bear. 【小练习】判断下面句子正确与否,正确的写"T",错误的写“F”。 1.( )In Jellystone Park, the bears Yogi and Boo Boo live happily. 2.( )Mayor (市长) Brown decides to (决定) open another park. 3.( )The park keeper (守园人), Daniel Washington, will drive them out of (赶出) the park. 4.( )Yogi is smarter than the average (普通的) bear. 【解析】 1.T.从文章第一句In Jellystone Park, the bears Yogi and Boo Boo live happily.可以知道这句话是正确的。 2.F.从短文第四句Mayor (市长) Brown decides to (决定) close the park and sell the land. “布朗市长决定关闭公园并卖掉这块地”可以知道题目所说的“再开个公园"是错误的 3.F.从The park keeper (守园人), Ranger Smith, will drive them out of (赶出) the park.可以看出守园人是"Ranger Smith",而题目中的名字是"Daniel Washington",所以本题也是错误的。 4.F.从短文第三段第一句可以找到原句Yogi is smarter than the average (普通的) bear.所以本题正确。


阅读还原题导向性突破训练 近年中考英语越来越强调考查学生的综合语言技能,在题型上进行创新。桂林市中考英语的C篇阅读还原题就是一例。许多考生由于缺少针对性训练,或训练目标不明确,找不到解题的突破方向,一看到这类题就头疼。于是,阅读还原题成了出题者眼中的“拉分题”。其实,只要了解题材和文章结构,弄清此类题的出题方向和解题技巧,“拉分题”也会成为“送分题”。 阅读还原题的选材广泛,包括文化、生活、叙事、人物等题材。阅读还原的篇目一般为250词以内,通常从原文中挖出五个句子,要求还原到文中适当的地方。着重考查分析理解和布局某篇的能力。要求读懂全文、理清思路、把握脉络,对号入座,使文章自然流畅。 一、训练目标一:捕捉大意,梳理思路,判断挖空的是什么句?主题句?过渡句?还是结论句? 例一:2011年福州市中考题改编,思考那空是主题句,哪空是过渡句,哪空是结论句? The word "cartoon" came from Italian. It first referred to the picture before an actual(真实的)drawing on the wall. 66 Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing that is humorous, satirical(讽刺的)or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper or magazine, with or without a short text. 67 People of all ages, especially young children enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, on television and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it. 68 They have supplied ideas to plays, movies, television series and so on. Names or words from cartoon series have also come into modern languages. Many cartoonists(漫画家)draw with special pens. 69 Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons. 70 . A.They have set the style for clothing, food, manner and many other things. B.In the mid-19th century, it came into English. C.This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons. D.Some use the computer. E.Today cartoons are a part of the daily lives of most people. 提示: 1.主题句往往在段落的开头,如果挖空会造成对段意的理解困难。因此必须对下文细节进行概括,提炼出恰当的主题句。有时还可以通过承上启下的关键词进行主题句的选择。72题位于段落开头,应该是填入主题句,从下文People of all ages...enjoy all kinds of cartoons.... Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it.我们至少可以概括出主题句应该与people和life相关,概括能力强的学生可以概括出主题句的大意:卡通对人们生活很重要,因此选E答案。而且E答案的Today一词,与上文的It first referred to the picture...Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing...在时间上相呼应,有承上启下的作用。 2. 阅读还原题考得最多的是过渡句。过渡句多数出现在段落中间,它也许与前句有逻辑关系,也许与后句有逻辑关系,也许与前后句都有关系。我们可以根据本段大意,观察思


53天天练五年级答案 【篇一:五年级计算天天练】 第二周: 第三周: 27、得数保留一位小数。 第七周: 第八周: 38、7x=4913+x=28.5 2.4x=26.4 7.5x-3x=18 50、15.75-4.3-5.7 4.78-0.69-0.31 17.64-3.02-6.98 4.02-0.27-0.73 18.32-1.52-8.48103.49-67.3-32.7 第十一周: 51、13.14-2.76-7.248.89-0.25-0.7512.62-7.26-2.7452、107.03-60.4-39.6 11.23-4.4-5.6 9.44-0.1-0.9 53 3.95-0.41-0.59 6.65-0.82-0.18+2.35 4.36+14.8+ 5.64+5.2 27.85-(7.85+3.4) 6.7+3.9+2.3 54、 (1.38+1.75)+0.25 6.37-2.5-1.518.2 – 9.0248.55- 3.97+1.45 1.88+2.3+3.736.75-16.75-8.47 55、4.02-3.5+0.9810.75+0.4-9.7 12.13+7.15-1.13+2.85 8.42+8.46+8.54+8.58 24.56-6.98 9.8+0.2-9.8+0.2 第十二周: 【篇二:五年级数学上册应用题天天练 (553)】 。照这样计算,学校一年能节约用水多少吨? (90) 一辆洒水车每分钟行驶30米,洒水的宽度是7米,洒水车行驶了19分钟能给多大的地面洒上水? (91) 服装厂5天生产服装215套,照这样计算,全月(按25天工作日计算)可生产服装多少套?(用两种方法计算) (92) 新华书店运到4车图书,每辆车装150包,每包有60本。新华书店运到图书多少本? (93) 一辆送货车拉了250箱面包,平均送到8个商店后,还剩10箱,平均每个商店送几箱面包? (94) 学校栽了一些盆花。如果每个教室放3盆,可以放24个教室。如果每个教室放4盆,可以放多少个教室? (95) 同学们去参观科技馆,四年级去了45人,五年级去的人数比


四年级英语阅读理解天天练 阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 My name is Tom. I’m a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, t his is my classroom. It’s very bright. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There’s a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. 1. Tom’s school is very big and beautiful. ( ) 2. Tom’s classroom is very bright. ( ) 3. There’s a computer in the classroom. ( ) 4.There are twenty-four girls in Tom’s class. ( ) 5. The big library is for the teachers. ( ) 6. Tom can play football. ( ) 7. Tom likes his school. ( ) 阅读短文, 选择正确答案. Nancy : Who’s that man with a big mouth and two small eyes? Yang Ling: He’s my uncle and he’s a doctor. Nancy: My father is a doctor, too. What’s your aunt’s job? Yang Ling: She’s a bus driver. What about your mother? Nancy: She’s an English teacher. ( )1. Who can write and read English? A. Nancy’s father. B. Nancy’s mother C. Yang Ling’s father. D. Yang Li ng’s mother. ( )2. Who has two small eyes? A. Yang Ling’s father. B. Yang Ling’s mother C. Yang Ling’s uncle . D. Yang Ling’s aunt. ( )3.Who can drive a bus? A. Nancy’s father. B. Nancy’s mother C. Yang Ling’s uncle . D. Yan g Ling’s aunt ( )4.Nancy’s father is a _________ ,too. A. teacher B. doctor C. waiter D. cook 阅读下面的短文,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 1. Look at that boy. His name is Liu Bing. He’s a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He li kes apples. Su Yang is at home too. She is in the study. She likes drawing. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink some juice. Miss Li is i n the office. She is reading. ()1.Liu Bing is in the kitchen . ()2.Liu Bing likes eating pears. ()3.Su Yang isn’t in the study . ()4.Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink. ()5.Miss Li is drawing


一、我不能忘掉祖国 1908年,宋庆龄15岁,就进了佐治亚州梅肯市的威斯里安女子大学。她是个文静而沉思的女孩子。她想到将来要为穷苦的祖国人民做事,就更加勤奋地学习。 有一次,班里要讨论历史方面的问题,她认真地搜集资料,认真地思索,做了充分准备。在讨论会上,一位美国学生站起来发言。他说:“我认为历史的发展是难以估计的。你们看,那些所谓文明古国,譬如亚洲的中国,已经被历史淘汰了,人类的希望在欧洲,在美洲,在我们这里…… 这时,坐在前排的宋庆龄不以为然地摇了摇头。她紧锁双眉,耐心地听着美国同学的发言。 那位同学刚讲完,宋庆龄就站起身来。教室里立刻静下来了。宋庆龄显得有些激动,但她仍然用柔和的声调说:“历史确实是在不断变化的,但它永远属于亿万大众。具有五千年文明历史的中国,没有被淘汰,也不可能被淘汰。有人说中国像一头沉睡的狮子,但它决不会永远沉睡下去。总会有一天,东亚睡狮的吼声将震动全世界!因为它有广阔的土地,勤劳的人民,悠久的历史,富饶的物产,有无数革命志士,为了它的振兴正在进行着艰苦卓绝的斗争!” 教室里响起了热烈的掌声。大家交口称赞:“说得好,以理服人。”“这些话多么有力量!” 宋庆龄虽然身在国外,但她时时刻刻关心着国内的情况,她常对同学说:“我不能忘掉祖国,我对祖国充满了理想和希望!” 1.联系语言环境理解词句的意思。 “淘汰”的意思是______ _______ “中国没有被淘汰,中国不可能被淘汰”的理由是_______ ____________ “交口称赞”的意思是___ _____________________ 大家交口称赞的原因是_____ ___________________。2.本文有一句话既点了题,又点出了文章中心思想,找出来画上“____”。 3.用“‖”把文章分成三段,并概括第二段的段意。 第一段:15岁的宋庆龄在美国留学,学习非常勤奋。 第二段: 第三段:宋庆龄忘不了祖国,对祖国充满希望。 4.文中宋庆龄对什么不以为然? 5.文末画线句表达了宋庆龄什么样的思想情感? 6.读了这篇文章,你有什么感受和启发呢?


英语阅读天天练7 15. All the employees except the manager ________ to work online at home. A. encourages B. encourage C. is encouraged D. are encouraged 16. One ought ________ for what one hasn't done. A. not to be punished B. to not be puished C. to not punish D. not be punished 17. A left-luggage office is a place where bags ________ be left for a short time, especially at a railway station. A. should B. can C. must D. will 18. --Is Professer Smith giving the speech today? --It ________ be him. He is abroad right now. A. mustn't B. needn't C. won't D. can't 19. It's nearly time for the meeting to start. The manager ________ be here soon. A. could B. should C. need D. would 20. ________ she couldn't understand was ________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What ; why B. That ; whatC. What ; because D. Why; that 21. Information has been put forward ________ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as 22. A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.A. is B. are C. was D. were 23. ________ we will start the project has not been decided yet. A. That B. Who C. What D. When 24. He is the only one of the students who ________ a winner of schoolarship for three years. A. is B. has been C. are D. have been 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old. He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child came out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP! - it hit the Jaguar's shiny black side door! SCREECH ... ! ! ! ! Immediately Josh stopped the car, jumped out, seized the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" "That's my new Jaguar, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?" "Please, mister, please...I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" begged the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" tears were streaming down the boy's face as he pointed around the parked car. "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb (路沿) and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. " Sobbing, the boy asked the businessman, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me. " Moved by the words, the young businessman lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapers and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long walk back to the black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -- a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming you. 50. The boy threw a brick at the businessman's car because ________. A. he wanted to ask for some money B. he wanted to get help from the driver C. the businessman drove at a high speed D. he hated the brand-new car very much 51. What can we learn from the passage? A. Josh would accept the money from the kids. B. The two kids were Josh's neighbors. C. Josh's new car broke down easily. D. Josh was a kind-hearted man. 52. According to the passage, the last sentence means ________. A. trying to be more understanding seeing others in trouble B. trying to get ready for the trouble in your future life C. driving fast in a neighborhood street is dangerous D. protecting oneself from being hurt B Trip 1 Black Bear Count There have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of the National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them. The entire trip will last three hours. Bookings necessary. Cost: Free When: May 8 Trip 2 Garland Valley Bring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is part of the National Park. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare birds. This is a great walk for bird-lovers. The trip lasts four hours. Bookings necessary. Cost: $15 When: May 8, May 15 Trip 3 Flashlight Adventure Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see. Numbers are strictly limited on night trips, so be sure to book early. This walk lasts two and a half hours. Cost: $12 When: May 8, May 15, May 22 Equipment to be needed: ·Please bring enough water and food for all walks. ·Wear good walking shoes--no high heels. ·Wear a hat for day walks. ·Dress warmly for night walks. ·Children must be with an adult. ·Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks. ·Follow all instructions from guides during the walks. The mountains are a dangerous place. Bookings: ·Bookings for the above trips can be done by telephone (893 - 4847) or on the Internet at (www. bluemountaintour, com) 53. Where are these trips? A. In a large city. B. In a park in the mountains. C. In a special zoo. D. In three different countries. 54. Which of the following is NOT necessary for the three trips? A. Good walking shoes. B. A pair of glasses. C. Food and water. D. A sleeping bag. 55. What is the best title for the passage? A. Adventure Travel in America B. Hunting around the Great Mountains C. Discovery Trips in the Blue Mountains

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