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Metaphor (Condensed Simile)

The news is as a dagger to his heart. The news is a dagger to his heart.

Joe fought like a lion. Joe was a lion in the battle.

Learning may be likened to climbing up a mountain. Learning is climbing up a mountain.

The gossip was like a net that strangled her. She was strangled in the net of gossip.

The machine-gun shot down the enemy like a mower cutting down the grass. ★The machine-gun mowed down the enemy.

The parks of our city are like human lungs. ★The parks are the lung of our city.

1) ★Money is the lens in a camera.

2) Sometimes I rambled to pine groves, standing like temples, or like fleets at sea, full-rigged, with wavy boughs, and rippling with light…(can’t be changed to simile)

3) Greece was the cradle of Western culture.

Faded/Dead Metaphors

? Table-leg

? Bottleneck

? Running brook

? Square shooter (shooting iron) (magazine: periodical/publication; a store house –power magazine火药库/magazine of a rifle弹仓、弹匣

NOT Metaphor/Simile

1) Paul looks very much like his brother.

2) The boy is more than intelligent.

3) My car runs as fast as the train.

4) I have an old photograph of the drug store, taken in 1894; it shows my grandfather and two clerks standing behind showcases, as if waiting for customers, and my grandmother sitting at the switchboard, surrounded by wires. She looks like a fish struggling in the net, and my grandfather and the clerks, though they smile bravely, are captives, held by invisible strands.

Identify the similes and metaphors in the following; then convert the similes into metaphors or expand the metaphors into similes, if possible.

1) He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

?He is like a wolf in sheep’s skin.

2) ★The parks are the lungs of our city.

?The parks of our city are like human lungs.

3) ★His voice sounded like a thunder in the hall.

?His voice thundered in the hall.

4) ★Money is a lens in a camera.

?Money is like a lens in a camera.

5) Lottie staggered on the lowest verandah step like a bird fallen out of the nest.

?Not possible to change.

6) We tore through the black-and-gold town like a pair of scissors tearing through brocade.

?Not possible to change.

7) ★The machine-gun was shooting down the enemy like a mower cutting down grass.

?The machine-gun was mowing down the enemy.

8) Slimy canals crept like green snakes beside the road.

?Slimy green canals snakes beside the road.

9) Applications for jobs flooded the Employment Agency.

?Applications for jobs came into the Employment Agency like a flood.

10) ★Hitler’s attach on Poland in 1939 was like lightning.

?Hitler’s made a lightning attach on Poland in 1939.

Study and improve the following sentences:

1) Life was like a journey studded with pitfalls.

?Life was like a journey full of pitfalls.

2) ★Not all slim girls are paper tigers.

?Not all slim girls are paper flowers.

3) ★A real friend is like a mirror that can help you see your mistakes clearly.

?A real friend is like a mirror that can help you see any dirt on your face.

4) Examinations are the death sentence to students.

?Examinations are harvest seasons of students.

5) ★Jack’s house was destroyed by fire. Jim went to comfort him and asked him to contact the insurance company. “Cheer up, my friend,”he said. “Your insurance claim will be proceeding like a house on fire, I’m sure.”

?... “Your insurance claim will be proceeding quickly/fast/soon.”

Analogy 类比

? It’s with our judgments as with o ur watches; none go just alike, yet each believes his own.

? The inspiration for a story is like “a pull on the line…the outside signal that has startled or moved the creative mind to complicity and brought the story to active being…”

? An individual human existence should be like a river – small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break,

they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. (Bertrand Russell)

? Before you reprehend another, take heed you are not culpable in what you go about to reprehend. He who cleanses a blot with blotted fingers makes a greater blur. (Quarles)

? Intellectual assimilation takes time. The mind is not to be enriched as a coal barge is loaded. Whatever is precious in a cargo is carefully on board and carefully placed. Whatever is delicate and fine must be received delicately, and its place in the mind thoughtfully assigned. (Arlo Bates) ? In rivers the water that you touch is the last of that has passed and first of that which comes: so with time present. (Leonardo Da Vinci)

? The cultivation of a hobby and new form s of interest is…not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improved by a mere command of the will. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. The seeds must be carefully chosen; they must fall on good ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed. (Winston Churchill)

? A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Allegory 讽喻

(Speaking figuratively, symbolism allegory)

Metonymy 换喻

1. He must have been spoilt from the cradle.

2. The kettle is boiling. (=The water in the kettle is boiling.)

3. Italy cannot be vanished in warfare nor Greece in studies. (=Italians cannot be vanished in warfare nor Greeks in studies.)

4. The pen is stronger than the sword. (=Those who use the pen have more influence than those who use the sword. /The officials have more say than the officers.)

5. Land belonging to the crown occupied the best part of the country. (=Land belonging to the monarch occupied…)

6. The grey hair should be respected. (=The old/aged should be respected.)

7. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (=Things learned in childhood will not be forgotten till death.)

8. Having finished the law school, he was called to the Bar. (=…he became a lawyer (Am E)/ a barrister (Br E).

9. Every government should attend to cleaning its own Augean stables…(相传国王奥杰尼斯的牛舍内养牛3000头,30年未打扫,故Augean stables c成了肮脏的代名词,这里影射政府都有腐败现象,应注意克服。)

10. Bacchus has drowned more than Nepptune but has killed fewer than Mars. (分别代表希腊、罗马神话中的酒神、海神、和战神,这里表示酒、大海和战争。说明被酒淹死者多于大海,而别就杀死者少于战争,表示了劝人戒酒和反对战争的意思。)

11. At the end of two years, your sheep-skin should be the least important thing you take away. (m美国女作家Diane Waksoke在Writer’s Digest杂志1992年8月号撰文谈道上大学进修写作时,强调要真这个机会多读书、研究和提高写作能力,而不要去追求学位文凭,并利用童话故事A Wolf in Sheep-skin说明他的观点。)

Metonymy in the press

Down Under Australia

British Lion England/the English government

Ivan The Russian people

John Bull England/the English people

Uncle Sam the United States of America

Capitol Hill the legislative Branch of the U.S.

Downing Street the British government/cabinet

Hollywood American film-making industry

Fleet Street the British press

Foggy Bottom U.S. State Department

Madison Avenue American advertising industry

the Pentagon the U.S. military establishment

Wall Street U.S. financial circles

the White House the U.S. President/administration

brain/head wisdom, intelligence, reason

heart feelings, emotions

Quisling traitor

Romeo lover

Helen beautiful woman

Milton poet

the bar the legal profession

The bench Position (or office) of judge/magistrate

the press news reporters, journalists, newspapers

Synecdoche 提喻

1. More hands (=working men) are needed at the moment.

2. We had dinner at ten dollars a head (=each person).

3. This famous port used to be a harbour which was crowded with masts. (masts=boats)

4. All the plants in the cold country are turning green in this smiling year. (this smiling year=the spring)

5. To the Carthaginian came aid from the Spaniard, and from the fierce Transalpine. In Italy, too, many a wearer of the toga shared the same sentiments. (words in read 单数表示复数)

6. Dread disaster smote his breasts with grief; so, panting, from out his lungs’very depth he sobbed for anguish. (形式上复数,即把一个身上的左右胸肺以两个的形式表示出来,意在强调,实际上只是单数)

7. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. (tiger & ape分别表示“残暴”与“狡猾”,是具体表抽象。)

8. “Einstein is my admiration,”the little girl said. (admistration指所崇拜的人物,是用抽象表具体)

9. The child who is so curious of music is going to be a Beethoven, I dare say. (句中用Beethoven 表示“杰出的音乐家”,即特殊表示一般。)

10. Even if you don’t know Pavlov’s dog from Qedipus Rex, you can write helpful, topical articles dealing with the workings of the mind or human behavior. (句中dog指巴浦洛夫神经学,是具


11. Instances of synecdoche can be found in the uses of “iron”for golf club, “cotton”for dress, “pigskin”for football, etc. (句中iron指高尔夫铁投球棒,这既是以典型用具联系人,也是局部代整体,或以某物品的制作材料代表该物,等。)


Grammar – science of a language????

Rhetoric – art of a language ?persuasive and forceful


1. Originated in speaking

2. With printing industry, speaking and writing

3. Tend to writing the art of effective communication

Register hyper(super)formal宪法, formal领导者讲话, informal其他场合, casual小说, intimate 情人;亲热的?shared knowledge

2.1 The 3 basic elements in rhetoric

The three aesthetic criteria: Logos; pathos; ethos

(The three fundamental elements in writing: fact; reason; feeling)


2.2 Logos and logical thinking

In the practice of writing and speaking, logos refers to the use of logical reasoning to persuade the readers or audience.

Logical reasoning stems from logical thinking, which is reflected in relevant materials and proper organization, which consists of proper words, coherent sentences and organic whole.

2.3 Formal logic and syllogism

In formal logic, there are two approaches for logical reasoning: deduction and induction. Deduction proceeds from the general to the particular while induction proceeds from the particular to the general.

Syllogism represents deductive reasoning in a pattern consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion.

2.4 Changes in the connotation of pathos

In the beginning, “pathos” referred to the emotions in general. In modern rhetoric, “pathos” has a wide range from the study of the mental working or psychology of the readers or the audience to the technology to convince the readers or the audience by emotional appeals.

2.5 Pathos in current use

The use of pathos can be seen everywhere, for it is commonly regarded as an essential element

in advertising public relations, image making and education. Skills of emotional appeals include witty handling of language frequently accompanied by “exposure” and “eloquence”.

Exposure evokes indignation while eloquence refers to language used powerfully and fluently to appeal to people’s nobler emotions.

2.6 Ethos in rhetoric

In term of individuals, ethos refers to the character or personality of a human being, a man’s balance between the passion and caution or the contract between thought and action.

In modern rhetoric, ethos is displayed in two levels.

1. On serious occasions, ethos is based on philosophical views on different values, and different world outlooks.

2. In ordinary writing or speech, ethos is based on personal standing, academic authority and moral qualities of the writer or the speaker.

2.7 Fallacies in logical reasoning 逻辑错误

2.8 Fallacies related to pathos

2.9 Fallacious use of ethos

2.7 Logical reasoning (fallacies)

1. Non sequitur –it does not follow 结论和呈现的证据不吻合。

2. Begging the question 假设未被证明的观点正确

3. Post hoc ergo propter hoc –based on (eg: this supposition, therefore, on account of it) 证据不是但得出一个结论

So we should

a) Based on sufficient evidences

b) Evidences and conclusions should be aligned

c) We must be comprehensive or take all the factor into consideration when we draw consclusions.

2.8 Pathos (fallacies)

Ignoring the question 答非所问

Argument about a person (eg: personal attach) 人身攻击

2.9 Ethos (fallacies)

Blind worship of one’s own standard of ethos 过分相信自己的人格标准

Sham ethos 虚假的人格

The three levels of Rhetorical Operation

3.1 Selecting words and phrases (A) exactness ★

4.1 Seeking sentences variety (B) variety ★

5.1 Organizing paragraphs into a text (C)

3.2 Principles for selecting words and phrases

? Principle One: Exactness or precision

One is required to pay sufficient attention to the different in shades of meanings when it comes to synonyms, which sometimes involves a synchronic study as well as a diachronic study of word meaning.

Principle Two: economy (avoid wordy)

? Principle Three: Avoid using clichés and abstract expressions (relevant accuracy)

? Principle Four: Vividness or gracefulness

? Principle Five: Appropriateness or propriety


? Communicative rhetoric: emphasizes the choices of words, selection of sentence patterns and organizing the whole piece in a proper way.

? Aesthetic rhetoric: emphasizes the vividness and gracefulness in expressing one’s ideas.

4.2 Five sentence patterns in attaining rhetorical purposes

1. ★The cumulative sentence主语+从句/短语

It begins with the basic sentence structure, followed by phases and/or dependent clauses.

eg: Happiness is composed of several ingredients among which three are the most important, namely, health, love and harmonious relations with those around you, because without sound physical conditions and wholesome psychological conditions, one can almost get nowhere; and love is the most nurturing thing for human beings and harmony between you and people around you can help you maintain a cheerful state of mind.

2. The loose sentence

The cumulative sentence is sometimes a loose sentence. The coordinated sentence is also a loose sentence.

3. ★The periodic sentence

A periodic sentence is usually a long and complex sentence in which some or all of the independent clause is held back until the very end of the sentence.

eg: The most three important ingredients elements in composing happiness, which can never be ignored, and which can contribute to your success in everything to the maintaining of your cheerful state in mind, are healthy, love and harmonious relations. 主语+附加内容+主句,主句到最后才出现。

5.2 From a paragraph(s) to a Complete Text

A) Based on word choice and sentence variety, the basic rhetorical requirements for paragraph writing can be summarized by the following two points.

1. A clear central thought

? All the statement and details employed to illustrate or develop the central thought.

2. The application of all the principles and techniques of word choice and sentence variety

B) Three parts of a paragraph

a) Topic sentence

b) Body

c) conclusion

? The topic of the central thought is normally expressed in the topic sentence, placed at the beginning of the paragraph.

? The development of the topic sentence consists of more details.

? The conclusion is the summary of the thought, which is usually placed at the end of text.

5.3 In a good essay, proper connection and an easy flow of ideas are important. Transitional words and phrases fall into the following classes according to their function.

? To denote contrast

eg: by contrast, in contrast, however, nevertheless, whereas, in spite of the fact that, on the other hand, on the contrar y, far from…, different from…, etc.

? To denote similarity

eg: similarly, in the similar manner, likewise, in addition, in the same way, moreover, accordingly, besides, furthermore, etc.

? To denote time or place relations

eg: earlier, later, at the same time, simultaneously, meanwhile, father on, nearly, at once, etc.

? To denote cause and consequence

eg: therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, etc.

? To cite an example

eg: as an illustration, for instance, for example, etc.

? To denote repetition or summary

eg: as I have said, in other words, to repeat, in brief, in short, in summary, to sum up, etc

? To denote sequence or order

eg: first of all, first, then, at last, finally, (firstly, secondly…) etc.

5.4 Different subject matter requires different pattern, which may be subdivided into the following types.

a) Type one: exposition说明文

b) Type two: persuasion劝说; argumentation辩论

c) Type Three: narrative记叙文

d) Type Four: description描写文

6 Meaning of Words


1. Diction is the way of word choice.

2. If you wish to choose proper words in proper places, you are required to have a good command of large vocabulary.

3. Meanings of words can be viewed of different levels

6.2 Some are only the literal or face meanings whereas others are hidden between the lines.

6.3 When meanings of words are viewed in a more comprehensive way, they can be summarized as the three types of meanings.

Referential meaning 参照

Social meaning

Affective meaning 情感

6.3 Referential meaning 字典中的第一个意思

The referential meaning of a word or phrase refers to a person, an object, an event, an abstract notion, a state, an action.

6.4 Social meaning

The social meaning of a word or phrase is the type of meaning that we wish to identify certain social characteristics of speakers or situations

6.5 Affective meaning

The affective meaning refers to the emotional color that is attached to words and phrases.

7. Denotation and Connotation

7.1 To choose the right word among the synonyms, we are required to acquire an understanding or the distinction between denotation外延意义and connotation. 内涵意义

Denotation: =①=②=③=④

The basic part of the meaning of a word is its denotation or denotations, that is, the ②dictionary meaning or meanings of the word, so it is also called the “③explicit meaning”. ④Referential meanings fall into the category of denotation.

Connotation: =①=②=③=④

①Meanings beyond its denotations, a word may also have connotations. Connotations are its ②overtones of meaning. Connotations are sometimes called “③implicit meanings”.

The two basic aspects of connotations may be called “favorable” and “unfavorable” or “positive” and “negative”, or “approving” and “disapproving”.

Connotations imply attitude, emotions, etc. of a speaker or writer. ④Affective meanings fall into the category of connotations.

A word often acquires connotations by its past history and associations.

8. Generalization and Specification

8.1 Generality and specificity are intended for different purpose. When you are engaged in writing something on a general subject, an abstract of an academic thesis etc, you are supposed to resort to the means of generalization, or generality or general statements; however, when you are required to give some specific details to support to resort to the means of specification or specificity or specific details or examples.

Generality and specificity are often combined in one piece of writing and they are comparative. For example:

? He often writes about people famous in literary circles.

? He often writes about Shakespeare and Russell.

Figure of Speech

1. Simile 明喻

A simile is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common. The comparison purely imaginative, that is, the resemblance between the two unlike things in that one particular aspect exists only in mind, “in our inward eye” and not in the nature of the things themselves. To make the comparison, words like “as”, “as…so” and “like” and used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Similes have three main uses: descriptive, illuminative and illustrative…

1. Descriptive.

eg: Pop looked so unhappy, almost like a child who’s lost his pi ece of candy.

2. Illuminative.

eg: He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear his crow.

A list of trite hackneyed similes

3. Illustrative

eg: as poor as church mice; as cold as ice, as strong as an OX.

2. Metaphor 暗喻

A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. For example, “The world is like a stage” is a simile “The world is a stage” is a metaphor.

eg: Kissinger has always been a political chameleon, able to take on the coloration of his environment.

3. Analogy 类比

Analogy is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparisons on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several qualities or points of resemblance.

Here’s an example:

The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, just and patience. But we also know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.

4. Personification拟人

It is a figure of speech that gives human forms or feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate object, or to ideas and abstractions.

eg: The ancient wilderness dreamed, and stretched itself to the sun and seemed to sigh with

immeasurable content.

5. Hyperbole夸张= overstatement

Hyperbole is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis.

eg: She was beautiful – her beauty make the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade.

6. Understatement 低调陈述/含蓄陈述

Understatement is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement. It achieves its effects of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating; impressing the listener or reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement.

eg: He was a man of no mean wealth (he was quite rich)

7. Euphemism 委婉

Substitution of mild or vague or roundabout expression for harsh or direct one. Euphemism as a figure of speech is more than just saying something unpleasant in a pleasant way. It is to soften harsh reality, so it is sometimes considered as a psychological need.

A. To die to pass away/ to depart/ to got to heaven

B. Old age senility/ getting on in years/ past one’s prime/ feeling one’s age/ second childhood

C. Old people senior citizens

D. Mad: feel minded soft in the head/ of unsound simple-minded

E. Penniless but of pocket/ hard up/ in reduced/ circumstance/ badly of

F. The poor: the have-nots/ the underprivileged/ the disadvantaged

G. Slum: sub-standard housing

H. A maid: house keeper/domestic help/ day help

8. Pun 双关语

A pun is a play of words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words.

eg: My doctor says that one million people are overweight. Those, of course, are round figures.

Sign on a Men’s Gym door; we have cours es to make grown mean young and young men groan. 一个词两个意思/两个词发音相同词义不同


Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense. In daily speech, people call a very thin boy “fatty”, or a very fat boy “skinny”.

Here is another example.

Under these situations, I reply that I’m well and will not give up anything.

10. Paradox似是而非的隽语

A paradox is a figure of speech consisting of a statement or proposition which on the face of it seems self-contradictory, absurd or contrary to establish facts or practice but which on further thinking study may prove to be true, well founded, and even to contain a succinct point.


1. In fact, it appears that the teachers of English teach so poorly large because the teach grammar so well.

2. The curliest lies are often told in silence. 最残酷的谎言总是沉默的。

3. On the ignorance of the Learnt 论专业人员的无知。

11. Oxymoron 茅盾修辞法

An Oxymoron is a compressed paradox, formed by the joining of two contrasting, contradictory or incongrums (不和谐的) term as in “Better-sweet memories/proud humility (this refers to the quality of being humble, but not servile /orderly chaos (confusion exists but there is some method or orders in the way the things are thrown around) / a living dearth/ conspicuous absence/ a love-hate relationship.

Antithesis 平行对照

Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of constructing words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis. Here the form of the expression plays a vital role for effect, for the force of the emphasis chiefly stems from the juxtaposition of direct opposites. Here are some examples.

1. Speech is silver, silence is gold.

2. Man proposes, God disposes.

3. Kings are like stars, they rise and set.

Onomatopoeia 拟声法

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech, which means imitative words. Here is a list of words of imitating animal sounds: An ass brays (??)/ A bee bums (buzzes, drones)/ A bird twitter (chips, chirrups) / A bull bellows (lows) / calf bleats/ A cat meows (mews, purrs) A chick chirrups (A cock crows)/ A crane whoops/ A cow moes (buos, lows) / A cricket chirps (chirrups)/ Acrow caws (croaks) / A deer bleats/ A dog yaps/ yelps, barks, bays, snarls, growls, howls/ A donkey (hee howos) /A dove coos/ croodles/ A duck quacks/ A elephant trumpets / A fly hums (blazes, dronos) / A fox yelps/ A frog croaks/ A goat bleats/ A groose cockles ( gaggles) / A hen cackles (clocks chucks, chuckles/ A horse neighs (whiimmies) / A lamb bleats (boos) / A lion roars/ A magpie chatter/ A monkey screechs (chatters, gibbers, jobbers/ A mosquites hums (buzzes, drones) A mouse squeakes (peep)/ A nightingale jugs (jug-jugs)/Anowl hoots(shoops)/ A parrot squanks / A pig grunts (squeaks) A grgemam croos (croods, croodles) / A rat hisses/ A sparrow twitters (chirrups, chirrupes) / A tiger growls/ A turkey gibbles / A whale blows/ A wolf howls (growls)

Metonymy 转喻

Metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. This substitution name may be an attribute of that thing or be closely associated with it. Metonymy is a very useful and effective rhetorical device. For it compresses much into a single word or short noun phrase. The following examples are among the familiar.

Pen, what is written by the pen; books and articles, etc., sword instrument of force and destruction/eg: The pen is mightier than the sword. Table, source or supply of food. She sets a good table. Bottle, liquor, wine, alcohol. He took to the bottle.

Metonymy can be derived from various sources –from names of person, from animals, professions, locations or place names, etc.

1. John Bull, England, or the English people.

2. Uncle Sam, the United States of America

3. Ivan, the Russian people

4. John Joe, ordinary American people

5. Heart, feelings or emotions

6. Head, brain, wisdom, intelligence, reason

eg: Her heart rules her head.

7. Downing street, the British government or cabinet

8. The Pentagon, the U.S. military establishment.

Unity and Coherence

1. The main idea and Two Principles

? The main idea, or the central idea, or the controlling idea should have the power that holds the whole piece of writing together. In normal circumstance, the main idea of a simple sentences lies in the keywords, the central idea of a paragraph lies in the topic sentence, the controlling idea of the whole piece of writing lies in the introductory part.

? The two principles are unity and coherence. The former means that each part of the composition is closely connected with two central idea and the latter means that each of parts is connected with the one that comes before it in a smooth and logical manner.

2. Creating Unity

? Only those details which contribute to the development of the central idea are provided.

? Those irrelevant details should be deleted.

3. Maintaining coherence

In maintaining coherence, the following three points should be observed.

? A thorough understanding of the subject or the theme concerned

? A outline of what you wish to express

? Examination and revision of your draft

The Literal Use and Figurative Use of language labels in use

Labels used in the dictionary include.

1. Formality and informality such as “formal” “informal” “slang” “taboo”

2. Feelings or opinion, such as “approving” “disapproving” “humous ”

3. The origin of a word, or to the situatio n in which the words is used such as “specialized” “law” “medical” “literary” “poetic” “old use”

4. Variety of English, such as Irish English “regional”.

5. Others such as “fig” “female” not standard.

“Literal” refers to “exactly” the same as the origi nal basic meaning of a word or expression. In

contrast, the figurative use of the language means that a word or a phrase is “used not with their basic factual meaning but to suggest part of that meaning.” Here is an example. “I was intoxicated by the beaut iful sight.” In the sentence, the word “intoxicated” is figuratively used to mean “was made to feel very much happy”.

Relationship between literal/figurative and denotative/connotative meanings.

? In a broader sense, “literal/figurative” and “denotative/connotative” can be deemed as synonymous expressions.

? If examined carefully, they still show some differences, principally in two ways.

? The figurative meaning of a word or a phrase or a sentence normally suggests part of its literal meaning, while the connotative meaning is not necessarily so, though there exists some connections between them.

? The pair of “literal” and “figurative” seems to stress people’s intentional use of language while the pair of “denotative” and “connotative” principally mean s objective descriptions of the language meanings.

Economy and Clarity

1. Two basic requirements of “economy” in writing

The first principles of economy “cut off any unnecessary words in the sentences in the similar manner, act off any unnecessary sentences in the paragraph and unnecessary paragraph in the whole piece of writing.

The second principle of economy in most cases, try to avoid beating about the bush, but to come straight to the point.

2. The close relationship between economy and clarity

1) A person may have his own unique style, but everybody should observe the principle of economy if possible, for the reason that wordiness tends to affect clarity.

2) Observeing the principle of economy doesn’t necessarily mean that under all circumstan ce you should strip your sentences down to the bare minimum and the shortest words or sentences and simplest constructions are not the most economical, if they fail to convey your exact or complete meaning.

Remember: effect is the top priority , either in speaking or in writing the principle of economy should follow the principle of the first consideration being the most effective expressions.

Causes of wordiness

1) The first case is “verbal dumping”, the words just come and come, copiously, without com ing to the main point.

2) The second case is “unnecessary repetition”.

3) The third case is the use of more complex words, sentences and structures, which has become habitual.

Accuracy and Vagueness

1. Accuracy in coomunication

a) Accuracy means expressing an idea in an exact manner and to the point.

b) Accuracy largely depends on careful choice of words, and due consideration of denotations and connotations of the words selected.

2. Important of grammar in achieving accuracy

A solid foundation in grammar is essential in achieving accuracy, for any blunder in grammar is bound to cause problem in understanding.

3. Vagueness as a language attributes.

a) Sometimes we are required to employ “common words” or “general terms” to talk about the infinite varieties of human experience, words often have fuzzy boundaries of meaning. For example, words like “beautiful” “sad” “feeble” “wide” can only give fuzzy meanings.

b) Vagueness exists not only in adjective, but in other classes of words or even in structure as well. Here are some examples. Words and phrases such as “about” “more commonly” “At present” and the use of modal verbs such as “should” “dare to” and co ordinary patterns such as “either” “or” “both…and…”

c) As an attribute of language, vagueness stems from human understanding and interpretation of the objective world. For example, the geographical terms like “lowland” “plateau” are rather comparative.

d) Vagueness and ambiguities are close neighbors. That’s why we should be careful in using vague terms.

Vagueness in use

4. When we face some insurmountable problem in expressing ourselves in an accurate manner, we may turn to a vague term for help.

5. When we find it unwise to be accurate, we may use a vague term. In this cases, it is called “factual expressions”

6. Appropriate use of vagueness is often a device for emphasis.

部编语文五年级【阅读理解】训练、体会修辞手法的作用 +阅读理解专项练习及

部编语文五年级【阅读理解】训练、体会修辞手法的作用 +阅读理解题和 答案 第三讲、语修辞手法的作用 小学五年级大部分课文都使用了修辞手法,这些修辞手法的使用,使句子更加生动、具体、形象,使文章更有文采,也使文章的内涵更丰富。那小学有哪些常见的修辞手法?它们的作用是什么呢? 比喻:是用具体浅显、人们比较熟悉的事物去表现抽象、难懂、人们少见的事物的一种修辞手法。一般由本体、比喻词和喻体三部分构成。比喻可使事物生动、形象、具体可感,引发读者的联想和想象,让人留下深刻的印象,使文章更有感染力。如《窃读记》一文中的句子“我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着”。这个句子把“我”比作“饿狼”,形象地表现了“我”对书的热爱,以及看书时的如痴如醉。 拟人:就是把物当作人来写,把人的部位、动作、情感和品质等用在物上。拟人手法的使用,可使句子更灵动,既能生动形象地写出某事物的某个特点,又能直观地表达出作者的情感。如《白杨》一课中的句子“不管遇到风沙还是雨雪,不管遇到干旱还是洪水,它总是那么直,那么坚强,不软弱,也不动摇”。这个句子把白杨当作人来写,把人的精神品质“坚强”用在了白杨上,赞美了白杨坚强的品质。 排比:是将三个或三个以上结构相似或意思相关的分句排列在一起组成的句子,它的作用是使句子读起来富有节奏感,朗朗上口,而且能增强语势,提高文章的表达效果。如《白杨》一课的开头“车窗外是茫茫的大戈壁,没有山,没有水,也没有人烟气这三个“没有“构成了一组排比,突出了戈壁的恶劣环境,反衬了白杨顽强的生命力。 夸张:就是为了达到某种表达效果的需要,有意把事物的形象、特征、作用、程度等方面进行扩大或者缩小的修辞方式。夸张的作用是能够形象具体地描述岀事物,能引起读者丰富的想象和强烈的共鸣。有时还能增强文章的幽默感。《桂花雨》一文中的句子“全年,整个村子都浸在桂花的香气里”。这个句子通过夸张的手法表现了家乡桂花的香,像“浸”在里面一样,用词生动而形象。 设问:就是有针对性地提岀问题,然后把答案说出来,即自问自答。设问的作用是提醒注意,引起思考;突出某些内容,使文章起波澜,有变化。 反问:就是用疑问的形式来表达肯定的意思,但语气比陈述句更肯定,感情色彩也更鲜明。句子中往往有“难道”“怎么”“怎能”等词作反问词。反问可以加强语气,发人深思,激发读者的感情,加深读者的印象,增强文中的气势和说服力,为文章奠定一种激昂的感情基调。 高原汽车兵 川藏公路全长两千四百多公里,穿越折多山、雀儿山等十四座大山和金沙江、大渡河等十二条奔腾咆哮的江河。恶劣的气候和复杂的地形,使这里成了可怕的“魔域车每走一步,都面临生与死的考验。 1998年秋的一天,张全林率领的车队刚刚爬上雀儿山半山腰,一场横扫藏东高原的暴雪不期而至。


试论亚里士多德的修辞学总结 总结: 亚里士多德修辞说服逻辑论证技术辩证法 摘要亚里士多德面对现实的修辞实践,对修辞术进行了理论上的概括与分析,标志着古典修辞术的成熟。他将修辞术与逻辑联系起来,试图确立修辞术的技术性地位,但这事实上局限了修辞术的运用。 键词修辞术辩证法技术逻辑 修辞术产生于公元前五世纪的希腊世界,并在古典时代达到繁荣的雅典民主制下盛极一时。无论是在集会、诉讼等公共场合,还是私人的日常交往,修辞技艺都获得了普遍的应用。特别是在权利的获得与城邦的治理中,成功的修辞运用更具有决定性的作用,直接影响到国家的决策与前途。修辞术之普遍受到重视,与长期修辞实践积累的丰富经验,都为修辞学的确立与研究奠定了基础,而这个任务就由亚里士多德历史的完成了。他写了大量的修辞学论著,特别是在《修辞术》中,系统地总结了修辞技艺,阐述了较完整的修辞理论思想。本文即试图对此进行初步的分析与评价。 一 对修辞术的研究早已开始。智者是早期的修辞学家。他们认为"人是万物的尺度",因而放弃了追求真理的自然派哲学传统,将通过说服而能影响和控制人的修辞术奉为最高智慧。智者们以传授修辞学为业,并为此编了很多实用性的修辞手册。这类作品都是从各自的修辞经验出发,虽然总结了一些说服技巧,但具有很大的随意性。柏拉图批判说,它们都没有解决"怎样有效的使用各种方法,怎样才能使一篇文章形成一个整体"等问题。在柏拉图看来,这类作品所讲的技巧缺乏技术的必然性,很难被初学者掌握,不过是一些"修辞学垃圾"。其实,智者的技艺真正遭到柏拉图反对之处,还是在于它不管什么真理,而一味追随大众信念的特点,正是在这个意义上他才将其贬为"奉承"的程序而予以摒弃。不过,简单的予以否定似乎没有意义,修辞术仍以一种巨大的力量在现实中发挥着作用。相比之下,以追求真理自命的哲学的现实作用却总显得微乎其微。诉诸来世的说教太苍白无力,柏拉图不得不正视修辞的价值所在,承认"修辞学却是一项重要的事业",没有其帮助,"即使知道什么是真理也不能使人掌握说服的技艺"。一方面,他坚持对"虚假修辞学"的拒斥,另一方面电子商务资料库335(1;:+.33-**1则试图构造一种"真正的修辞学"。这种修辞学首先要知道事实的真相,还要能根据不同的灵魂本性找到适合的说服方式。他认为,只有这样的修辞术才能"在人力所及的范围内取得成功",即可以被人必然的掌握。其实,柏拉图的改造不过是利用修辞术为哲学服务而已,这种理想的修辞术充其量不过是哲学的修辞学,现实意义并不大。但这至少表明,修辞术已经受到了柏拉图的重视。 亚里士多德正是在柏拉图的学院中主要从事修辞学的研究和教授的。在这里,他写成了他的最早著作,论修辞术的《波卢斯》。后来又写了大量修辞学论著,不过现在可见的主要是《修辞术》这部著作。亚里士多德极为广博的学术研究就是从修辞学开始的。


《修辞学发凡》笔记 陈望道 第一篇引言 一修辞两字习惯用法的探讨 1、修辞的定义 狭义:以为修当作修饰解,辞当作文辞解,修辞就是修饰文辞; 广义:以为修当作调整或适用解,辞当作语辞解,修辞就是调整或适用语辞。 2、修辞原是达意传情的手段,主要为着意和情,修辞不过是调整语辞使达意传情能够适切的一种努力。 二修辞和语辞使用的三境界 3、三境界: (甲)记述的境界——以记述事物的条理为目的,在书面如一切法令的文字,科学的记载,在口头如一切实务的说明谈商,便是这一境界的典型。(消极手法) (乙)表现的境界——以表现生活的体验为目的,在书面如诗歌,在口头如歌谣,便是这一境界的典型。(积极手法) (丙)糅合的境界——这是以上两界糅合所成的一种语辞,在书面如一切的杂文,在口头如一切的闲谈,便是这一境界的常例。 4、所谓积极手法,约略含有两种要素:(1)内容是富有体验性的,具体性的;(2)形式是在利用字义之外,还利用字音、字形的。(这种形式方面的字义、字音、字形的利用,同那内容方面的体验性具体性相结合,把语辞运用的可能性发扬张大了,往往可以造成超脱寻常文字、寻常文法以至寻常逻辑的新形式,而使语辞呈现出一种动人的魅力。) 5、消极手法是以明白精确为主的,对于语辞常以意义为主,力求所表现的意义不另含其他意义,又不为其他意义所混乱。(求适用,不计华质和巧拙) 三修辞和语辞形成的三阶段 6、三阶段:(1)收集材料;(2)剪裁配置;(3)写说发表 7、语辞形成的过程,始终离不开一定社会实际生活的需要,而这种需要,在语辞上常被具现为一篇文章或一场说话的主意或本旨。 8、材料配置定妥之后,配置定妥和语辞定着之间往往还有一个对于语辞力调整、力求适用的过程;或是随笔冲口一晃而过的,或是添注涂改穷日累月的。这个过程便是我们所谓修辞的过程;这个过程上所有的现象,便是我们所谓修辞的现象。 9、语言文字的可能性可说是修辞的资料、凭藉;题旨和情境可说是修辞的标准、依据。情境是拘束的、理智的,或题旨是抽象的、概念的(这时只能用消极手法);情境是自由的、情趣的,或题旨是具体的、体验的(这时只能用积极手法)。 四修辞同情境和题旨 10、切实的自然的积极修辞多半是对应情境的:或则对应写说者和读听者的自然环境社会环境,即双方共同的经验;或则对应写说者的心境和写说者同读听者的亲疏关系、立场关系、经验关系等,因此或相反诘,或故意夸张,或有意避讳,或只以疑问表意,或单以感叹抒情,种种权变,无非随情应境随机措施。 11、随情应境的手法就是根据写说时的实际情况,调动和创造各种表现手法,来生动活泼、切实有力地传达自己的观点、意志到对方。 12、修辞以适应题旨情境为第一义,不应是仅仅语辞的修饰,更不应是离开情意的修饰。


亚里士多德的修辞学 总结

试论亚里士多德的修辞学总结 总结: 亚里士多德修辞说服逻辑论证技术辩证法 摘要亚里士多德面对现实的修辞实践,对修辞术进行了理论上的概括与分析,标志着古典修辞术的成熟。他将修辞术与逻辑联系起来,试图确立修辞术的技术性地位,但这事实上局限了修辞术的运用。 键词修辞术辩证法技术逻辑 修辞术产生于公元前五世纪的希腊世界,并在古典时代达到繁荣的雅典民主制下盛极一时。无论是在集会、诉讼等公共场合,还是私人的日常交往,修辞技艺都获得了普遍的应用。特别是在权利的获得与城邦的治理中,成功的修辞运用更具有决定性的作用,直接影响到国家的决策与前途。修辞术之普遍受到重视,与长期修辞实践积累的丰富经验,都为修辞学的确立与研究奠定了基础,而这个任务就由亚里士多德历史的完成了。他写了大量的修辞学论著,特别是在《修辞术》中,系统地总结了修辞技艺,阐述了较完整的修辞理论思想。本文即试图对此进行初步的分析与评价。 一 对修辞术的研究早已开始。智者是早期的修辞学家。他们认为"人是万物的尺度",因而放弃了追求真理的自然派哲学传统,将通过说服而能影响和控制人

的修辞术奉为最高智慧。智者们以传授修辞学为业,并为此编了很多实用性的修辞手册。这类作品都是从各自的修辞经验出发,虽然总结了一些说服技巧,但具有很大的随意性。柏拉图批判说,它们都没有解决"怎样有效的使用各种方法,怎样才能使一篇文章形成一个整体"等问题。在柏拉图看来,这类作品所讲的技巧缺乏技术的必然性,很难被初学者掌握,不过是一些"修辞学垃圾"。其实,智者的技艺真正遭到柏拉图反对之处,还是在于它不管什么真理,而一味追随大众信念的特点,正是在这个意义上他才将其贬为"奉承"的程序而予以摒弃。不过,简单的予以否定似乎没有意义,修辞术仍以一种巨大的力量在现实中发挥着作用。相比之下,以追求真理自命的哲学的现实作用却总显得微乎其微。诉诸来世的说教太苍白无力,柏拉图不得不正视修辞的价值所在,承认"修辞学却是一项重要的事业",没有其帮助,"即使知道什么是真理也不能使人掌握说服的技艺"。一方面,他坚持对"虚假修辞学"的拒斥,另一方面电子商务资料库335(1;:+.33-**1则试图构造一种"真正的修辞学"。这种修辞学首先要知道事实的真相,还要能根据不同的灵魂本性找到适合的说服方式。他认为,只有这样的修辞术才能"在人力所及的范围内取得成功",即可以被人必然的掌握。其实,柏拉图的改造不过是利用修辞术为哲学服务而已,这种理想的修辞术充其量不过是哲学的修辞学,现实意义并不大。但这至少表明,修辞术已经受到了柏拉图的重视。 亚里士多德正是在柏拉图的学院中主要从事修辞学的研究和教授的。在这里,他写成了他的最早著作,论修辞术的《波卢斯》。后来又写了大量修辞学论著,不过现在可见的主要是《修辞术》这部著作。亚里士多德极为广博的学术研究就是从修辞学开始的。


浅析修辞学中的逻辑标准 修辞学作为一门逻辑思维严密而且又深谙人文精神的学科,其对逻辑思维方式的依赖程度可想而知。而从相对浅显的教学指导意义来看,修辞学显然将逻辑思维外化,并结合外在的人类社会的交往方式进行妥善的操作。 逻辑作为修辞学的第一美学标准,其认知意义在于它对提高智商的积极影响。在交际过程中坚持逻辑标准,有利于在写作和演说中运用合乎逻辑的推理方式来劝说听众和读者,其关键在于材料相关,组织恰当,句子连贯,用此恰当。向听众正面摆出事实,举例子,分析事实内在的逻辑道理,既而进行推理,从反面指出危害,向听众权衡利弊,积极地把听众与说服者连接起来,感染听众,让听众也参与修辞推理,再通过一种自我诉说的诉诸发生作用,从内心找到支撑说服者的观点的理由,从而接受劝说,改变原来的观点。在形式逻辑中,常见的逻辑推理方式有演绎和归纳两种。其合理运用可以使讲演者和作者的思维更加完整、清晰,使读者和听众易于理解其内容。 逻辑是修辞学首要的劝说手段,是以形式、惯例、推理模式去打动听众使之信服的感染力。对他人进行说服的过程,其实也就是基于原有的事实进行逻辑推理或者是引用例子,以达到说话者和听众之间的共同立场。亚里士多德认为,修辞推理是修辞学的心脏和灵魂,逻辑是非常重要的有效的劝说方式。这种_ 讲事实、摆道理_ 的劝说推理一般基于听众暂时忽略了一定的客观事实_ 或者没有深入分析事实而做出不够理性的决定或行为_ 只要说服者进行恰当的处理,进行理论性的逻辑的修辞推理和例证分析,是比较容易达到与听众的共同建构的,因而也比较容易达到说服的目的。 参考文献: [1] 陈清,刘永红. 修辞形式与意义的象似性特征分析[J]. 湖南第一师范学报. 2009 (05) [2] 左广明. 从修辞到认知——隐喻研究范式的创新[J]. 乐山师范学院学报. 2009(1 0) [3] 徐育. 浅析“逻辑真”与逻辑规律的关系[J]. 法制与社会. 2009(28)


最新《修辞学发凡》读书笔记范文 最新《修辞学发凡》读书笔记范文 当看完一本著作后,相信大家都增长了不少见闻,何不静下心来写写读书笔记呢?那么我们该怎么去写读书笔记呢?以下是小编整理的《修辞学发凡》读书笔记范文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。陈望道先生的《修辞学发凡》是我接触修辞学的第一本书。这部具有里程碑性质的重要著作出版于1932年,论述精当,例证丰富,结构严谨,体系完整。这部书是我认识到,修辞学是一个宽广的、很值得探索的领域,是一门既有理论意义,又有实用意义的学问。这本书还告诉我:研究修辞学要打破修辞格,虽然它也是不能被忽视的。因此,此书对我教益是深刻的。修辞研究在我国是有传统的,在《发凡》出版前中国古代就有《文心雕龙》、《文则》、《修辞鉴衡》、《文说》。但是正如刘大白先生所说:“《发凡》才是中国有系统的兼顾古话文今话文的修辞学书底第一部。” 其实仔细看来,我们高考时候考的病句也就是修辞学的一个比较初级的学习。例如:“我们青年学生一定要爱护时间,不要让时间消费掉。”“这个故事启开了我记忆的门窗,勾起了我记忆的流水。”“对于他的思想行为,班主任曾提出过严厉的批评,我认为是完全对的。”“他的脸色像纸一般惨白,不屈的铁骨比草秆还瘦。”学习过《发凡》后我很容易就看出以上句子中的一些常见的修辞错误。《发凡》一书对修辞学研究的对象作了论述,指出研究的对象是“修辞现象”;对修辞现象有概括为两点: 1、修辞所可以利用的是语言文字的习惯及题材形式的遗产,就是语言文字的一切可能性; 2、修辞所需适合的是题旨和情境。本书又指出:“修辞学的任务是告诉我们修辞现象的条例,修辞观念的系统。”就是说修辞学的任务是联系汉语文字的实际探求修辞现象的规律。《发凡》把研究修辞现象的规律作为根本任务,它把丰富复杂的修辞现象区分为消极修辞和积极修辞两大类,又深入研究辞格,列出三十八种修辞格。这样就把复杂的修辞现象归纳成条理,构成系统、建立了体系。作者提倡摆正古今中外的关系,不要盲目的以为外国或者古代的修辞比现代汉语的要好。我从学习《发凡》中看到了科学性、准确性和典范性。在谈到修辞目的和作用的论述、提高修辞实践技巧的论述,还有关于修辞本质的论述、辞格论用途的论述无不表现出修辞理论的科学性。对


浅析《琵琶行》的修辞艺术之美 2011级4班宋慧201102140423 摘要:《琵琶行》原作《琵琶引》,是白居易的经典传世之作,该诗作最显著的特点是用词精巧,通俗易懂,又不失美感,十分符合现当代诗歌作家群体——新月派主张的“三美”理论:音乐美,建筑美和绘画美。诗中大量运用了多种修辞手法,为诗歌之美锦上添花。本文主要分析《琵琶行》的修辞艺术之美。 关键词:借代比喻顶真互文设问映衬类叠错综 古人说:“言之无文,行而不远。”(《左传??襄公二十五年》)其中“文”就是文采、文饰,也就是语言的艺术性。这句话的意思是说,好的内容,如果没有优美的形式来表达,也不容易流传开来。这说明了形式对内容的重要影响。修辞作为表达内容的重要形式之一,它不是为了片面地追求华丽的辞藻,而是力求形式与内容的完美统一。 元和十年,白居易因率先上书请急捕刺杀武元衡凶手,被贬江州司马。元和十一年,送客湓浦口,遇琵琶女,引发“同是天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”之感,遂作《琵琶行》,留下传世名篇。诗歌用词精巧,通俗易懂,大量运用修辞手法,使诗歌内外兼修,形式与意蕴兼备。下面将逐一例举、分析本文中的修辞艺术。 一、借代 借代是指不直接说某人或某事物的名称,借同它密切相关的名称去代替的修辞手法,借代也叫“换名”。在文中,例如:“举酒欲饮无管弦”“终岁不闻丝竹”两句,作者以“管弦”“丝竹”借代音乐;“妆成每被秋娘妒”,“秋娘”借代歌妓或者美女,“秋月春风等闲度”,“秋月春风”借代良辰美景,“门前冷落车马稀”,“车马”借代豪客等等,不胜枚举。在借代的五种基本类型中,作者多用具体代抽象,如以“管弦”“丝竹”代音乐。作者利用上述客观事物之间的种种关系巧妙地形成一种语言上的艺术换名。这样的换名引人联想,使表达收到了形象突出、特点鲜明、具体生动的效果。 二、比喻 比喻就是打比方,是用本质不同又有相似点的事物描绘事物或说明道理的修辞手法,比喻也叫“譬喻”。以“喻词”联系“本体”和“喻体”。比喻分为明喻、暗喻和借喻三种基本形式。《琵琶行》主要运用了下列三种形式。 1、明喻 明喻是本体、喻体都出现,喻词为:像、如、似、仿佛、犹如等喻意明显的词。例如,“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语”,将大弦的铿锵有力比作急雨,


小学生读书笔记方法 学好语文,首先要学会读书。而要学会读书,做读书笔记则是一个必不可少的良好方法,因为它可以帮助我们强化记忆和加深理解,甚至为以后的创作积累素材,奠定基础。不过,读书笔记有繁有简,有难有易,形式多样;作为小学生,我们需要掌握的是以下基本的四种: 1.作记号这是最常用的读书笔记。在日常读书看报的时候,如遇到精彩之处或对自己有用的句子,都可以用符号标出来,这样,下一次再看的时候就比较有目的性了。常用的符号是在文字下方圈点或划线,小三角(△)也是较常用的符号之一;在自己不大明白的地方,则可以用红笔打一问号,便于之后向人请教或自己查询。 2. 眉批、旁注这两种方式,其实我们小学生朋友在日常的课文学习中也经常用到。所谓眉批,就是在书上对文章的某一段或某一句甚至某一个词加以简明的评论,如"妙极了"、"用得好"、 "我赞同"之类。旁注则是自己在阅读过程中对某些字词或内容的解释和体会等。它们主要是记录下你灵光一现时的偶感随想,所以字数一般不宜太多,要精练。需要提醒的是,你要写"眉批""旁注"的书可一定得是自己的哟! 3.摘录读书过程中,大家常会发现一些自己非常喜欢的优美词句吧,那就把它记下来吧。但"好记性不如烂笔头",又或者,这书不是自己而要还人的,那么,记住它们的最好方法就是把它们抄下来,这便是摘录。它不仅能提高同学们的欣赏审美能力,更重要的是积累了作文的素材,方便自己运用。所以,我建议同学们可以自备一本摘录本,专门摘录自己喜欢的好词佳句或者古诗词。当然,摘录是"多多益善",不过,还是需要"精益求精"喔!顺便提一句,为以后查找原文方便,同学在摘录完之后最好注明一下出处,即你是从哪本书上摘录的。 4.读后感想必有同学看到这要"哀叹"了:又是读后感!其实,读后感完全没有大家想得那样 "恐怖",相反,它非常简单:在看完一本书之后,我相信大家或多或少都会有些体会和感想吧,那么,不要犹豫了,把这些自己的所思所想写下来,整理成文,这就是读书心得了,即读后感。需要注意的是,读后感不是对课文内容的简单复述或概括,它的重点是在 "感":大至一本书,小


关于读书交流心得体会5篇 关于读书交流心得体会(1) 借此机会我与大家分享《正能量》读后感,谈谈自己的心得体会,感谢党总支对年轻人的关心,为我们订阅了《正能量》这样一本排除负面情绪、传递正向能量的心灵成长之书。工作之余,怀着激动的心情抓紧拜读完这本鲍耶所著,从苏格拉底到乔布斯一直受用的六度空间,心中感慨无限。 阅读这本书,是从疑惑、好奇和心中无限的期待中开始的,还没开卷,便被书名所打动——《正能量》,到底什么是正能量?怎样获得正能量?又怎么样才能运用正能量打造全新的自己?随着阅读的一点点深入,跟随着作者的文字,内心仿佛也变得越来越光明与积极起来。 书中所说的正能量,就是一切予人向上和希望、促使人不断追求,让工作、生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情。通过种种实验和数据,鲍耶严谨又趣味十足地向我们阐释了伟大的“六度空间”原理,实现能量突破的“六度空间”,从失败中走出,下一站就是成功。运用“六度空间”原理激发出的正能量,可以使我们产生一个新的自我,让我们变得更加自信、充满活力,破除了我们过去秉持的“性格决定命运”、“情绪决定行为”等认知,更好地去指导我们的工作与生活。 工作中,我们需要正能量来不断激励自己。尽管有时辛苦,有时沮丧,但是我们不得不承认,工作是实现自身价值的一个重要方面。而如何在工作中最大限度发挥自我的正能量,实现自身价值,每个人都有自己的体会。就拿自己来说,在后勤服务的岗位上工作一年多时间,感受颇多。 后勤服务工作琐碎且繁杂,集广泛性、服务性、时效性、协调性于一体。需要时刻绷紧神经,花费大量的精力与时间去完成,不能耽误,更不能有差错。压力当然是有,责任也很重大。正因如此,就更需要自己抱着如履薄冰、如临深渊的紧迫感与使命感,不断学习各方面知识,不断总结工作规律,不断向自己提出更高地要求,夙夜在公,勤勉工作。 只有抱着这样的态度,才能促使自己不断地进步。这中间必定会经历痛苦,如


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/335887610.html, 浅析亚里士多德修辞学思想 作者:陈琼 来源:《教育界·C》2020年第02期 【摘要】亚里士多德的修辞学思想不仅对当时的西方修辞学发展做出了巨大的贡献,而且为现当代修辞学发展指明了方向,提供了方法论的指导。亚里士多德的《修辞学》在西方修辞学史上具有重大意义,他的修辞学思想主要体现在该书中。文章立足于《修辞学》,简要概述了其体现出的亚里士多德的修辞学思想,进一步探讨了亚里士多德的修辞学观。 【关键词】《修辞学》;亚里士多德;修辞学思想 一、前言 亚里士多德(Aristotle,公元前384—322),古希腊人,世界古代史上伟大的哲学家、科学家和教育家之一,被称为百科全书式的科学家,他对哲学、政治学、伦理学、修辞学、自然科学等各门学科都做出了巨大的贡献,各领域的著作颇丰。在修辞学方面,他的《修辞学》一书是最古老且最具有影响力的修辞学专著,正如温科学学者所评价的“他对西方修辞学的影响是无可比拟的,这里要强调的是他在《修辞学》(Rhetoric)中的卓越见解”,“《修辞学》被认为是西方修辞学的奠基之作,即使在当代,也常常被认为是写作和言语交际学科的基础”(温科学,2006:7)。亚里士多德在西方修辞学史上首次把修辞学系统化,系统地总结了修辞技艺,他的修辞学理论思想主要体现在《修辞学》一书中。 二、对修辞的本质属性提出了独特和深刻的表述 1.对修辞进行定义 修辞学在古希腊中指演讲艺术或“雄辩术”,所谓的修辞学家就是指演说家,其目的在于说服人,比如当今西方世界的总统选举演讲,或者议员选举演讲,如美国前总统奥巴马、克林顿等都是伟大的演说家,他们无一例外地具备了强大的雄辩能力。在古希腊,各种哲学思想百家争鸣,哲学家都以语言作为武器来追求真理,雅典的民主政治使得民众得以参与社会公共事务的讨论。因此,时代及社会的需要使得当时的演讲和论辩的风气日盛流行,同时也出现了一批专门收取学费以传授演讲技艺的人,例如普罗塔哥拉(Protagoras)、高尔吉亚(Gorgias)等,这些人被称为“哲辩师”(sophist)。由于他们中的一部分人过分强调了煽情的演讲而忽视了问题的实质,因此古希腊哲学家柏拉图(Plato,428B.C—348B.C)对修辞学进行了评判和 攻击,把“辩证”(dialectic)和“修辞”对立起来。 亚里士多德继承了他的老师柏拉图的严谨和认真,但在修辞学的观点方面,他与柏拉图持有不同观点。亚里士多德强调修辞学要以事实为根据及需要通过逻辑的说服论证,他指出修辞


《修辞学发凡》读书笔记 《修辞学发凡》读书笔记范文 当品读完一部作品后,你心中有什么感想呢?此时需要认真地做好记录,写写了。现在你是否对读书笔记一筹莫展呢?以下是为大家的《修辞学发凡》读书笔记范文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 陈望道先生的《修辞学发凡》是我接触修辞学的第一本书。这部具有里程碑性质的重要著作出版于1932年,论述精当,例证丰富,结构严谨,体系完整。这部书是我认识到,修辞学是一个宽广的、很值得探索的领域,是一门既有理论意义,又有实用意义的学问。这本书还告诉我:研究修辞学要打破修辞格,虽然它也是不能被忽视的。因此,此书对我教益是深刻的。 修辞研究在我国是有传统的,在《发凡》出版前中国古代就有《文心雕龙》、《文则》、《修辞鉴衡》、《文说》。但是正如刘大白先生所说:“《发凡》才是中国有系统的兼顾古话文今话文的修辞学书底第一部。” 其实仔细看来,我们高考时候考的病句也就是修辞学的一个比较初级的。例如:“我们青年学生一定要爱护时间,不要让时间消费

掉。”“这个故事启开了我记忆的门窗,勾起了我记忆的流水。”“对于他的思想行为,班主任曾提出过严厉的批评,我认为是完全对的。”“他的脸色像纸一般惨白,不屈的铁骨比草秆还瘦。”学习过《发凡》后我很容易就看出以上句子中的一些常见的修辞错误。 《发凡》一书对修辞学研究的对象作了论述,指出研究的对象是“修辞现象”;对修辞现象有概括为两点:1修辞所可以利用的是语言文字的习惯及题材形式的遗产,就是语言文字的一切可能性;2修辞所需适合的是题旨和情境。 本书又指出:“修辞学的任务是告诉我们修辞现象的条例,修辞观念的系统。”就是说修辞学的任务是 ___汉语文字的实际探求修辞现象的规律。《发凡》把研究修辞现象的规律作为根本任务,它把丰富复杂的修辞现象区分为消极修辞和积极修辞两大类,又深入研究辞格,列出三十八种修辞格。这样就把复杂的修辞现象归纳成条理,构成系统、建立了体系。 ___提倡摆正古今中外的关系,不要盲目的以为外国或者古代的修辞比现代汉语的要好。 我从学习《发凡》中看到了科学性、准确性和典范性。


语义研究历史分期中的语文学时期 专业:英美文学学号:20140601012 姓名:任雪娇 自1897年法国学者Michael Breal(布雷尔,1832-1915)发表的《语义学探索》以来,语义学作为语言学的一门独立学科宣告成立。此后,哲学家、逻辑学家、社会学家、语言学家们就开始注意语义研究。那么,首先,什么是语义学呢?语义学又叫词义学,它是以词的内容为研究对象的学科,它的任务是研究词义的性质,词义的发展、演变以及词语词义之间的种种关系,并揭示词义的一般规律。 而我今天将要对语言学时期中的一个时期——传统语言学时期,也就是语文学时期的发展与演变做一个简要的梳理。 (一)语文学时期的四个阶段 在欧洲大陆,语文学时期指的是整个18世纪以前的语言研究。同时,在这一时期,语言学家及哲学家们对文学作品尤其是古希腊--罗马时代的文学作品也进行学术研究,这包括以文学文献为基础的文化研究。从历史上看,“语文学时期”是一个生机勃勃的历史时期,它包括一下几个阶段:古希腊罗马时期、中世纪、文艺复兴时期、现代时期的前夕。 古希腊罗马时期 首先,我们都知道欧洲语言学始于希腊。而古希腊罗马时期的语文学主要是在哲学框架内进行的,因此对语言的本质问题、词源问题、修辞问题以及语音、语法等问题都进行了认真的探讨和研究。在这一时期出现了多种语言学流派,例如:斯多葛学派、亚历山大学派等等。中世纪时期 语法是中世纪学术语言的基础,也是七艺(语法、雄辩术、修辞学、音乐、几何、算术、天文)之一。对于语言学历史来说,中世纪的后半期,也就是我们称为“经院哲学时期”具有很重要的意义。经院哲学非常重视语言学研究,进行了大量的研究工作。在它兴盛时期的研究成果很多,比如说思辨语法(思辨语法是语言学理论发展的一个明确而特殊的阶段,它受到当时基督信仰的加强,同时又反过来加强了基督信仰,它把人类知识所有的分支和学科都统一在它的体系里,是理性的主张与宗教的信仰可以在这一体系内和谐一致。) 文艺复兴时期 文艺复兴运动可以看作是一场发源于14世纪的意大利,然后向外扩展,特别是在欧洲向北扩展的运动。文艺复兴时期学术方面最重要的部分--从意大利开始的对古拉丁语和古希腊语的研究得到了恢复。文艺复兴时期的语法家中,最著名的是彼得罗·拉穆斯,他被称为现代结构主义的先驱。他积极提倡用人文主义方法教授古典语言,主张通过文学作品,而不是通过经院哲学的亚里士多德学说进行教学。 现代时期前夕 到18世纪,欧洲语言学发生了巨大的变化,语言起源问题在那时已不是“哪种语言最古老”或者“上帝用什么语言跟亚当说话”而是对语言最终发展为现代如此有力和灵活的交际系统所处的条件,以及所经过的发展阶段,进行带有更多人类学性质探讨。这一时期出现的威廉·冯·洪堡特就是至今也很著名的语言学家,他认为语言能力具有普遍性,还认为没种语言都是历史的产物,但作为思维和工具的模式,有些语言则比别的语言发达的多。 经验主义 语言学研究方法的不同源自哲学领域的思想纷争。理性主义和经验主义是哲学领域的量大思潮,多个世纪以来一直深深地影响着语言学研究方法。经验主义认为经验来自感官对外间事物的感觉,其带有唯物主义倾向,同时,经验主义也包含着神学唯心主义的因素。著名语言学家曾说过“面对语言的多样性和复杂性,经验主义学派强调各种语言的特殊变化,根据日


修辞学发凡》笔记 陈望道 第一篇引言 一修辞两字习惯用法的探讨 1、修辞的定义 狭义:以为修当作修饰解,辞当作文辞解,修辞就是修饰文辞;广义:以为修当作调整或适用解,辞当作语辞解,修辞就是调整或适用语辞。 2、修辞原是达意传情的手段,主要为着意和情,修辞不过是调整语辞使达意传情能够适切的一种努力。 二修辞和语辞使用的三境界 3、三境界: (甲)记述的境界——以记述事物的条理为目的,在书面如一切法令的文字,科学的记载,在口头如一切实务的说明谈商,便是这一境界的典型。(消极手法) (乙)表现的境界——以表现生活的体验为目的,在书面如诗歌,在口头如歌谣,便是这一境界的典型。(积极手法) (丙)糅合的境界——这是以上两界糅合所成的一种语辞,在书面如一切的杂文,在口头如一切的闲谈,便是这一境界的常例。 4、所谓积极手法,约略含有两种要素:(1)内容是富有体验性的,具体性的;(2)形式是在利用字义之外,还利用字音、字形的。(这种形式方面的字义、字音、字形的利用,同那内容方面的体验性具体性相结合,把语辞运用的可能性发扬张大了,往往可以造成超脱寻常文字、寻常文法以至寻常逻辑的新形式,而使语辞呈现出一种动人的魅力。) 5、消极手法是以明白精确为主的,对于语辞常以意义为主,力求所表现的意义不另含其他意义,又不为其他意义所混乱。(求适用,不计华质和巧拙) 三修辞和语辞形成的三阶段 6、三阶段:(1)收集材料;(2)剪裁配置;(3)写说发表 7、语辞形成的过程,始终离不开一定社会实际生活的需要,而这种需要,在语辞上常被具现为一篇文章或一场说话的主意或本旨。 8、材料配置定妥之后,配置定妥和语辞定着之间往往还有一个对于语辞力调整、力求适用的过程;或是随笔冲口一晃而过的,或是添注涂改穷日累月的。这个过程便是我们所谓修辞的过程;这个过程上所有的现象,便是我们所谓修辞的现象。 9、语言文字的可能性可说是修辞的资料、凭藉;题旨和情境可说是修辞的标准、依据。情境是拘束的、理智的,或题旨是抽象的、概念的(这时只能用消极手法);情境是自由的、情趣的,或题旨是具体的、体验的(这时只能用积极手法)。 四修辞同情境和题旨 10、切实的自然的积极修辞多半是对应情境的:或则对应写说者和读听者的自然环境社会环 境,即双方共同的经验;或则对应写说者的心境和写说者同读听者的亲疏关系、立场关系、经验关系等,因此或相反诘,或故意夸张,或有意避讳,或只以疑问表意,或单以感叹抒情,种种权变,无非随情应境随机措施。 11、随情应境的手法就是根据写说时的实际情况,调动和创造各种表现手法,来生动活泼、切实有力地传达自己的观点、意志到对方。 12、修辞以适应题旨情境为第一义,不应是仅仅语辞的修饰,更不应是离开情意的修饰。凡是切实的自然的修辞,必定是直接或间接的社会生活的表现,为达成生活需要所必要的手段。凡是成功的修辞,必定能


第一章绪言 第一节“逻辑”的含义 一、逻辑的词源 1. 逻辑一词源出于希腊文的“逻各斯”(logos,复数形式是logoi)。 ·古希腊的哲学家赫拉克利特据说有专论逻各斯的著作《逻各斯》。 ·逻各斯的基本词义是言辞、秩序和规律。言语是这一语词的原创义,然后在此基本词义基础上派生出理性、理想、推理论证等词义。 2. 逻各斯演变为“逻辑”一词 ·最先是由斯多葛学派使用;看作是由论辩术和修辞学两部分构成的理论。 ·古罗马和欧洲中世纪的逻辑学家也在这种意义上来看待“逻辑”一词。 ·其后,逻辑一词的含义就一直和推理与论辩的方法和原则相关。 3. 逻辑一词传入中国 ·严复开始,“按逻辑此翻名学。其名义始于希腊,为逻各斯一根之转”. ·严复翻译的时间大约在19世纪末; ·再过十多年后,由章士钊正式在汉语中定名,作为讨论思维、讨论推理的规范和秩序的学问 4. 为什么logic要翻译为逻辑? 逻辑学是有点特殊的学科。 特殊在什么地方? 学科名的特殊和学科内容的特殊。 中国历史上和逻辑对应的学科? 逻辑究竟研究什么? 二、什么是逻辑? 1. 逻辑是一门和方法、原则、规范紧密相关的人文学科。 她探索和研究的是我们进行推理(reasoning,inference)时应该使用的方法、技巧、标准和原则。 逻辑是一门讲道理的学科。逻辑总是和语言相关。逻辑总是和论证证明推理相关。p2 2. 三个方向的推理 追寻历史:一个事件出现了,我们寻求其产生的原因,案件、历史、文物等,向后的推导。 确定目标:未来可能出现的事件,这是向前的推理。 演绎推理:没有时空条件的推理,数学和逻辑。几何证明和数学计算。 第二节逻辑历史简述 一、古典逻辑 1. 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德公认为是逻辑学之父。 2. 亚里士多德创立逻辑学科的标志是他所撰写的逻辑专著,这些讨论逻辑问题的专著有《范畴篇》、《解释篇》、《分析前篇》、《分析后篇》、《论辩篇》和《辩谬篇》,这些篇章后来合编为《工具论》一书。 3. 亚里士多德的三段论逻辑(第四章) 4. 斯多葛学派的逻辑 ·亚里士多德是现代形式逻辑的创始人,斯多葛学派稍后于亚里士多德,大约晚2个世纪。他们创立了命题逻辑雏形。(第三章) ·就形式逻辑学科而言,这两大逻辑学派都应该看作是现代形式逻辑的祖先。 Formal logic

【最新2018】修辞学发凡读书心得-范文word版 (10页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 修辞学发凡读书心得 篇一:韩雪萍:《修辞学发凡》读书报告第2稿.docx 修辞学发凡读书心得 修辞本来是一个极熟的术语,自从《易经》上有了“修辞立其成”一句话以后 便常常连着用的。连用之久自然提起了辞字,便会想起了修字,两字连接简直 分拆不开。但是解说起来终究还是修是修,辞是辞的,本人当作两个词看。知 道现在讲究修辞还是这样。 各人对这两个单词的解说,又颇不一致,大致可分为广狭两义:狭义以为修当 作修饰解,辞当作文辞解,修辞就是修饰文辞;广义以为修当作调整或适用解,辞当作语辞解,修辞就是调整或适用语辞。是修辞还是语辞?其一:文辞上流行的修辞方式,又常常是受口头语辞上流行的修辞方式的影响的,有事成人下 游的文辞的修辞方式,便没理由可以排斥上游的修辞方式了。其二:文辞和语 辞的修辞方式又十九是相同的,要是承认文辞的修辞方式,也没有理由可以排 斥语辞上同等的修辞方式。其三:即使文辞语辞共有的修辞现象,即不追寻源 头也绝没有理由可以认为文辞独得之秘。就修辞现象而论修辞现象,毕当坦白 承认所谓辞实质是包括所有的语辞,而非单指写在纸头上的文辞。 修饰或调整?其一:专着眼在文辞,因为文辞较由修饰的余裕。其二:专着眼 在华巧的文辞,因为华巧的文辞较由修饰的必要。而实际无论作文或说话,又 无论华巧或质拙,总以“意与言会,言随意遣”为极致。 我们从修辞的观点来观察使用语辞的实际情形,觉得无论口头还是书面,尽可 分作下列三种境界: 1,记述的境界—以记述事物的条理为目的,在书面如一切的法令的文字,科学的记载,在口头如一切务实的说明谈商,便是这一境界 的典型。即消极手法。 2,表现的境界—以表现生活的体验为目的,在书面如诗歌,口头如歌谣,便 是这一境界的典型。即积极手法。 3,糅合的境界—是以上两境界糅合所称的一种语辞,在书面如一切的杂文, 口头如一切的闲谈,便是这一境界的常例。 语辞的形成,凡是略成片段的,无论笔墨或唇舌,大约都经过三个阶段:一, 搜集资料;与生活经验或社会的指示有关。二,剪裁配置;与见解,识力,逻


学习古代汉语的心得体会 院系:公共管理学院 班级:2013级行政管理二班 学号:2013190602 姓名:杨华杰

谈学习古代汉语的心得体会历时半学期的古代汉语课结束了,在听张教授讲解的过程中,自己真正学到了很多,在学习知识的同时,也收获了许多学习心得和体会。于是在结课之际,来谈谈自己的关于学习古汉语的心得体会。 众所周知,中国是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国,也是世界上唯一文化始终传承的文明古国,这很大程度上归功于我国文化传承的重要载体——汉字。从传说中的仓颉造字到考古发掘的斑驳甲骨文,再到历朝历代遒劲奇秀的书法艺术,无不散发着历经数千年洗礼的汉语言的神奇魅力。作为一名当代青年学生,学习古代汉语可以更好的帮助我们去了解学习我国优秀传统文化,提高自身修养。同时,学习古代汉语使我们更便捷的阅读古代优秀典籍,去聆听古圣先贤的教诲。在《古代汉语教程》的第一页写着摘自《论语》的一句话“博学而笃志,切问而近思”,告诉我们要广博的学习,更要有一个坚定的追求目标;好问又要多考虑当前的问题。我想这也应是做学问之道。我们从小学到现在也读了十几年的书,读书

容易,但确立一个坚定的目标,并为之坚持努力是不容易的。 通过对古汉语的学习,我学到了好多知识。古代汉语所研究的内容和对象是非常广泛的。从时间上看,在“五四”前的悠久的历史时期内汉族人民所使用的语言都可以称为古代汉语,即以有文字记载的历史来算,也有了三千多年。 学习古代汉语必须具备一定的语言素质。一个人的语言素质主要表现在三个层面:第一层面:理解能力和表达能力;第二层面:分析能力和思辨能力;第三层面:创新能力和研究能力。一个人的层次水平不同,也可以有不同的要求。其中理解能力和表达能力是最基本的,也是每个学生通过学习都应该有比较明显进步的;分析能力和思辨能力,一般学生也应该有所提高,而对比较好的学生则应该有长足的进步。至于创新能力和研究能力,不但比较好的学生应该有一定的培养,优秀学生尤其应该着力开拓。 作为一个中国人,尤其是学习中国语言的学生,应该对自己的母语—古代汉语有比较充分儿准确的了解,也就是说,决不能满足于会熟练的说汉语,而应该是掌握古代汉语内部的规律,了解古代汉语发展的趋势。所以联系古代汉语学习,首先应该知其然也要知其所以然,不进行有关的专业学习是绝对达不到目的的。其次可以帮助我们提高运用古代汉语的自觉意识。第三,对其他学科的学习有积极的促进作用。学好古代汉语对语言学概论等其他语言学课的帮助是不言而喻的;对文学作品的欣赏、文学概论的学习也是非常有用的。比如掌握了一定的语音学知识和方法,对诗歌,特别是古典诗词中的平仄、押韵可以理解的更加透彻。又如掌握了修辞手法后,就会真正体会到文艺作品中的妙处。第四,增强对各种语言现象的鉴别能力。语言现象五花八门、千变万化的,语言素质的一个极为重要的方面,就是能够对语言现象进行准确的分析,鉴别其正误。 学习古代汉语,当然应该首先学习语音、语法、词汇这三方面的知识,还要懂得一点古代文化常识。这些一般教师都是比较重视的,教材也有充分的介绍。但仅有这些还不够,还必须知道一些古汉语修辞常识。不懂修辞,特别是不了解古汉语特殊的修辞方式,古诗文中有些句子就可能读不懂,即使懂得大意,也会知其然而不知其所以然。何况中学教材中还有些注释没有兼顾修辞,甚至在修辞上处理欠妥,造成理解上的歧误或费解。下面就几种修辞手法来谈谈学习古代汉语的认识。 一、比兴。“比兴”是一个含义丰富而又歧义颇多的概念。西汉毛亨所谓“兴”,包括两种情况。一个意义是指“发端”作用。《毛诗训诂传》说“兴,起也。”就是由物象引发情思的作用,物象与情思不一定由内容上的联系,有时仅是音韵上的联系。《毛传》所说的“兴”,还有另一意义,是指一种复杂而隐晦的比喻。朱熹在《诗集传》中说“比者,以彼物比此物也”“兴者,先言他物以引起所咏之辞也。”浅显而准确地解释了比兴的含义。“比”便是通过类比联想或反正联想,引进比喻客体,“写物以附意”;“兴”则是“触物以起情”,“它物”为诗歌所描写的景物,而这种景物必然蕴涵着诗人触物所起的情。“兴”是一种比“比”更为含蓄委婉的表现手法。 《诗经》是中国最古老的诗歌总集,其中大多数作品是用比兴的写法开头的。其中《周南?关雎》一诗成功地运用了比兴手法。这是一首爱情诗,诗歌欲写所思之“女”,先以雎鸠起兴,“关关雎鸠,在河之洲”两句既是兴,又是比,雎鸠天性温顺,可比淑女之娴静;雎鸠乃“河洲”常见之鸟,可使人联想起常来河边采荇之女;“关关”乃雎鸠雌雄唱和之音,可起“君子”思“逑”之情。可见,诗歌之起兴本身就具有联想、托寓、象征等作用,这本身就给诗歌的理解带来很大的空间。“比兴”本来包含“比”和“兴”两种修辞手法,但人们谈论古典诗歌和民歌时常“比兴”连及,当以“兴”为主,兼有比喻作用,有时即指“起兴”一法。由于“起兴”具有引发、联想等作用,故常置于篇章的开头。《诗经?卫风?氓》两章的开头即用了兴的手法:“桑之未落,其叶沃若。”“桑之落矣,其黄而陨。”《诗经?魏风?伐檀》内容是讽刺统治者不劳而食的,诗的每段开头都以砍伐檀树起兴。汉乐府诗歌《孔雀


不管西方所理解的修辞是被定义为“说服艺术”,“良言学”(“the science of speaking well”),还是“通过象征手段影响人们的思想,感情,态度,行为的一门实践”,它在以非暴力手段处理冲突、协调行动、更新观念、发展文明的一切努力中所发挥的关键作用是不言而喻的。从古希腊开始,修辞实践就是西方文化、社会、教育的一个重要组成部分。在当代西方,修辞不仅不露声色地支撑着交流、传播、公关、广告及一切形式的宣传,为所有这些以象征手段调节大众看法和态度的行业提供了基础观念,总体思路和基本方法,而且在保证国家根本体制的正常运转、构筑主流意识形态、维持和增强所谓“软性权力”等事关社会和民族兴亡盛衰的要害利益上起着举足轻重的作用。西方现代民主法制的施行对政治修辞和法律修辞的观念性和技术性依赖是怎么强调都不过分的。而构成现代政治、法律修辞的原则、概念、技巧、策略、程序、体裁、规范等等无不源于可以上溯到古希腊的西方修辞传统。由于修辞深深卷入西方社会、政治、文化生活的各个方面,并在从政策的制定,体制的运行到自我意识的构筑等核心任务上发挥无可替代的作用,要想真正了解西方,不能不首先了解西方修辞。要想善于和西方打交道,首先必须懂得如何和西方进行“修辞接触”(rhetorically engaging the West)。要想真正参与与“国际”话语(包括学术话语)交流,也非熟练掌握西方修辞规范不可。 我个人认为中国当前国情的一个组成部分是整个国家的实际外语水平与深化对外开放对外语提出的要求严重不相称。

就我在美国与各国留学生和学者直接接触得到的印象,我们跟欧洲非英语国家的差距不用说,就是跟发展中国家、尤其是那些所谓“后殖民”国家相比,也经常不能不感到汗颜。这一差距是全方位的,并不仅仅局限于学子学人。例如,我国对外宣传长期存在的问题是尽人皆知的。而如果跟我们派驻国外的商界人士有所接触,人们就不由得要对国家和企业的对外商业谈判和商务利益感到忧心忡忡。如何尽快缩小甚至消除上述差距似应成为现阶段我国外语领域学术研究关注的焦点。我这里当然不是在提倡将学术兴趣集中于一般意义上的“教学法”研究和其它跟改进课堂教学效果、提高学生听、说、读、写能力有关的技术性问题。我指的是国家制定外语教育政策、采取有效措施提高对外交往水平时必须依靠的那一类科研成果以及类似的宏观课题研究。例如,中国与西方的话语互动现状究竟怎样?从外语研究的角度看存在着哪些问题?又如,国内普遍觉得我们对西方的了解大大超过西方对我们的了解,这一良好感觉在多大程度上是经得起验证的呢?我们如果真正了解西方,则知己知彼,就应该能在与西方的各种交往中得心应手,游刃有余才是。如果事实正相反,我们在这种交往中经常感到事倍功半,成效差强人意,则是不是应该考虑一下自己对交流对象是不是真正了解?就类似的问题进行有创意的、求真务实的学术研究应该是外语界学者专家们当仁不让的责任。 周:您能否结合西方修辞谈谈对国内外语教育和人才培养的看

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