当前位置:文档之家› 英语口语-约会




When are you free?你什么时间有空?

Are you free this Thursday afternoon?你这个周四下午有空吗?

Are you doing anything tonight? 你今天晚上有什么事情吗?

Do you have plans tonight? 你今晚有安排吗?

Any plans for the weekend? 周末有什么安排?

If you're not doing anything... 如果你有空的话...

If you'ar not busy tonight, would you like to go out with me? 如果你今晚不忙的话,你愿意和我一起出去吗?

Can we get together and go out some time? 有时间我们能一起出去吗?

Do you want to go to the cinema with me tomorrow? 你明天想不想和我一起看电影?

I heard there is a very good movie out at the monent. I would like someone to come with me,are you interested? 我听说现在有一部电影很好,我想要一个人陪我,你有没有兴趣呢?

A bunch of us are going to the cinema. Fancy coming along? 有几个朋友要去看电影,想不想一起去?

How about going out for dinner? 一起去吃饭好吗?

Grab a coffee. 咱们喝杯咖啡去吧

Let's try and hook up next week. 咱们争取下周约个时间

Why don't we hook up on Monday? 咱们要不周一约个时间见面?

Why don't we do coffee sometime this week? 为什么不这周抽空喝杯咖啡?


Suits me fine.可以

Sure, I'm not doing anything. 好呀,我确实没有什么特殊安排。

You can call round at any time. 你可以随时来串门。

Welcome to my home at all time. 欢迎你随时来我家。

Drop by sometime. 有空就来吧。

Maybe we can get together sometime. 也许今晚我们可以在一起。

I'm not quite sure if I'm free. 我不肯定是否有空。

I am not sure about tomorrow,maybe next time. 明天我不能确定,也许下次吧。

Really? I'd love to go. But I'm busy on Friday. 真的,我愿意去,但是周五我很忙。

I'm sorry, but I have plans. 对不起,我有安排。

You always have good excuse to refuse me. 你总能找到好借口拒绝我的要求。


I'll call and see you if you like. 如果您愿意我想拜访一下您。

When can I visit? 我什么时候能去拜访你?

When can I meet you? 我什么时候能见见你?

Can I pay a visit to you next evening? 我明晚能去拜访你吗?

Is it convenient for me to visit you next evening? 我明天晚上去看你方便吗?

Will it be all right to visit you next evening? 我明天晚上去看你方便吗?

Do you mind if I call on you next Saturday? 你介意我下周六拜访你吗?

I'd like to pay you a visit in person. 我想亲自拜访您。

I'd like to make an appointment with you. 我想和你见个面。

I wanted to set up a time to meet with you. 我想约个时间和你见面。

I need to make an appointment. 我需要订一个预约。

I wonder if I could pay you a visit tomorrow morning. 我想知道明天上午我是否可以去拜访你。

I am afraid that I have to attend a meeting tomorrow morning. 我恐怕明天上午得参加一个会议。

My schedule is pretty tight this week. 我这周日程安排的很满。

The rest of this week doesn't look good for me. 这周剩余的几天我都不方便。

Could we reschedule our appointment? 我们的预约可以改个时间吗?

What time will be convenient for you? 您什么时间方便呢?

When is the most convenient time for you? 您什么时间最方便呢?

Shall I call for you or will you come for me? 我去找你还是你来找我?

We'll come to you. 我们来见您。

I'll be so glad if you can come 如果您能来我将很高兴。

I'd be glad to. 我很乐意。

That should be fine. 可以

That will be fine. 可以

I'll be waiting for you then. 到时我等你。

I will be expecting you. 我会等你来的。

I'd like to make an appointment with Mrs. Green. 我想约个时间见格林女士

Would you like me to confirm the appointment? 您想让我确认一下您的预约吗?

So you'll come then. Please phone in if you can't make it. 那么就那时来,如果来不了,请打电话给我

Please call me before you come. 你来之前打电话

Please phone me when you are coming.你来的时候,给我个电话。

Please let me now when you can't come.你不能来时,请告诉我。

You can reach me at 66304680. 你打电话66304680就能找到我

Here is your appointment card. 这是你的预约卡

Bring that with you when you come in. 你来的时候带着它


Please make an appointment with my secretary. 请跟我的秘书定个见面时间

What time do you want to make it? 你要在什么时间呢?

When would be a good time to get together? 什么时间见面合适?

When will be the best time for you? 你什么时候最好?

When will it be convenient for you? 你什么时候方便?

When may I come to see you?什么时候我来见你?

What time shall we meet? 我们什么时间见面?

What time will you be in?您什么时候在?

What are you doing next Thursday? 下个星期四你干什么?

What days do you have available? 哪天你有空?

What days is good for you? 哪天好呢?

Are you available tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

Can I come in tomorrow? 我可以明天来吗?

Can you come in the afternoon? 你今天下午能来吗?

Are you free later this week? 这个星期的后几天你有空吗?

How about sometime next week? 下星期某个时间怎么样?

How about this coming Sunday evening?这个星期日晚上怎么样?

How about next week? 下周怎么样?

Would Wednesday morning be all right?周三上午可以吗?

Will 7 o'clock be all right? 7点钟行吗?

I'd like to see you at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, if that's possible. 如果可能的话,我想在下午4点钟见你

Could I make an appointment for Friday,please? 把我安排在星期五,可以吗?

Can I see her before Friday? 我能周五前见她吗?

Let me see. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afernoon. 让我看看,她周二下午有30分钟

I'll check Mrs.Green's diary and see if I can arrange an appointment for you. 我查一下格林女士的日程表,看能否给您安排一下

She's free on Friday and Saturdsy. 她周五和周六有空

How about today? 今天怎么样?

I shall be free this afternoon.我今天下午有空

Anytime in the afternoon. 下午的任何时间

Any time will be OK. 任何时间都可以

Any weekend will do.只要是周末都可以

I can come any time except Sunday. 除星期天外我都能来

Any time between seven and nine.7点到9点任何时间都行

I can fit you in at 4 pm. 我下午4点为有时间

Let's meet at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 让我们在明天6点见面吧

How about 2 o'clock in the afternoon? 下午两点怎么样?

I'm not quite sure if I'm free.我不肯定是否有空。

Let's make it nine o'clock Friday morning. 让我们在星期五早上九点再见吧

From 4 to 4:30. 四点到四点半

Monday would be better for me.星期一会好一点

We have two times open. 2:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon. 我们有两个时间有空,下午2:30分和4:30分

I'd prefer the 4:30 time. 我比较喜欢4:30这个时间

I will be there at seven thirty.我将在7点半到达

Would that be convenient for you? 这对您来说,方便吗?

Does that work for you? 你方便吗?

Yes, that suits me perfectly. 这对我来说,非常合适

Okay, I'll write that down here. 好的,我记下来了

I'll make a note of that. 我将记下来

Ok. See you then. 好,那时见

Please come on time.请准时来

Try to come a little early. 尽量早来一点

Where will we meet?我们在哪见面?

let's meet at the station. 让我们在车站见面吧

I'll be in my office waiting for you. 我将在我的办公室等你


You look beautiful tonight. 你今晚真漂亮

You look so pretty today! 你今天真漂亮!

Your voice sounds so sweet on the phone. 你在电话里的声音很甜美

I've really had a good time tonight. 今晚我过得很开心

I've really enjoyed tonight. 我今晚真的很开心

So maybe next week would you like to go for a coffee with me? 下个星期可不可以和我喝杯咖啡?

I'd like to see you again sometime. 希望有时间能再见到你

When is your next opening? 你下一次什么时候有空?

Could I see you again?我们还可以再见面吗?


I am afraid I will be late for the appointment.恐怕我约会要迟到了。

I think I won't get there in time because of the traffic jam. 由于交通堵塞我恐怕不能按时到那儿了。

I am stuck in a traffic jam, and I think I will be late for our appointment. 我遇到塞车了,我想我会迟到了。

I am calling to tell you that I will be a little late. 我打电话是想告诉你我会迟到一会儿。

I am sorry, but I can't meet with you today. 很抱歉,我今天无法和你见面了。

I am afraid I have to cancel the appointment this time. 我恐怕得取消这次约会了。

I would like to cancel our appointment tomorrow. 我想取消明天的约会。

I can't keep the appointment because I am sick. 因为生病所以我不能赴约。

Can we take a rain check? 我们可以改期吗?

We can meet another day. 我们可以改天再见面。

Could we postpone our meeting to next Monday? 我们推迟到下周一见面好吗?

I'm extremely sorry he can't see you at nine o'clock this morning. 很抱歉告诉您,他今天早上九点不能和你见面

He phoned to cancel the meeting. 他打电话来取消会议

Why didn't you mention it in the first place? 你为什么不早说呢?

We just want to put it off until suppertime. 我们只是将会议推迟到晚餐时间

I have to change my appointment from Monday to Thursday. 我不得不把约会从周一改到周四I want to change this appointment from Thursday to Friday, if It's possible. 如果可能的话,我想把约会的时间从周四改到周五


I was stood up. 我白等了/我被放鸽子了。

She blow me off. 她放我鸽子了。

He stood me up again. 他又放我鸽子了。

How dare you stand me up! 你竟敢放我鸽子!

You broke your date with me again. 你又放我鸽子了。


You need set an appointment with the consulate. 应该和领事馆定好时间I have an appointment with a lawyer. 我和律师有个约会

I went on a date. 我出去约会了

Can you keep a secret? 你能保证严守秘密吗?

Don't tell anybody, but I dated Bob. 别告诉别人,我和鲍勃约会了


第一节口语考试概述 一、口试题型介绍 (-)口试题型介绍及评分标准 在众多的英语考试中,口语考试的设置逐渐多了起来,例如托福口语考试(TSE 口语考试);英语证书(BEC)中亦有口试部分,最近大学英语考试委员会也组织大学英语四级、六级考试成绩优秀的部分学生进行口语考试。PETS 进行口语考试,是对考生口语能力的检验,也将有力地促进全社会英语口语水平的提高,改变“听不懂,讲不出”,难以与外国人直接交流的局面。 1.口试题型介绍 PETS 三级口语考试共10 分钟,分为三个部分。第一部分3 分钟,两个考官将对两名考生就不同的话题分别提问,一般分别有3~4 个问题。考生的口答一般只需要一句话;有些问题需要几句话才能回答,考生需表明观点并陈述一定的理由。这部分涉及问候语、自我介绍,包括家乡、家庭、学校、专业、习惯、兴趣、爱好、交友、旅游以及日常生活的方方面面。 下面是考试大纲规定的交际话题。 (1) Personal Identification,People (2) Home and Family,Environment (3) Weather and Climate (4) Food and Drink (5) Daily Life (6) Free-time Activities (e. g. sports,parties,etc.) (7) Shopping (8) Holiday (9) Places (10) Travel (11) Health and Body Care (12) Services (e. g. hotel,post off ice,etc.) (13) Social Relations (14) Jobs and Occupation


A and B are talking about “naked wedding”. A和B都在谈论“裸体的婚礼”。 A explains the meaning of “naked wedding” to B and says it is very romantic for young couples.一个解释的意思“裸体的婚礼”,说这是B非常浪漫的年轻夫妇。 But B holds that it is unacceptable. 但我认为,这是不能接受的。 A:Hey,B,do you know naked wedding? 嘿,B,你知道裸体的婚礼吗? B:What does it mean? 乙:这是什么意思? A:Naked wedding means that some person who gets married without everything. 答:赤身露体的人结婚意味着有些结婚没有一切。 And I think it is very romantic for young couples. 而且我认为它是很浪漫的年轻夫妇。 The love may be more true. 爱情可能更真实。 B:Oh, I believe you are wrong. 哦,我相信你是错误的。 In my opinion,the wedding needs some material things. 在我看来,婚礼需要一些东西。 It does not mean that your love is fake. 这并不意味着你的爱情是假的。 Because you must feed your baby and make your baby feel more happiness. 因为你必须喂给宝宝和使你的孩子感到更幸福。 So you must be well prepared for your wedding. 因此你必须准备好为你的婚礼。 A:May be you are right. 答:也许你是对的。 Substance is the basis of love. 物质的基础是爱。 Do not you think so? 你不这样认为吗? B:I agree with you. 我同意你的看法。


口试真题实战 Test 1 Part I (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning /afternoon.My name is …and this is my colleague … He /She is just going to be listening to us. And your names are … and …? Give me your mark sheets please.(请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thank you. (hand over the mark sheets to the assessor.)(接过卡后递给专事评分的老师.) First of all we”d like to know something about you,Candida A, so I'm going to ask you some questions. T: May I know your job? A: I am a math teach. T: What does your job involve? A: I help students with their math. T: How do you like your job? A: I like it a lot. I like to talk to people and help them. And my hours are also very flexible. T: Do you want to change your job in the future? A: Yes,I want to find another job with a higher pay. Interlocutor:Thank you. Now,we”d like to know something


大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期: 2008-2009学年第一学期 学时 18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象 2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to: 1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information should be collected before the class. (about 10 minutes)


易说堂英语必备口语简单句 1. Excuse me. [翻译] 打扰一下/不好意思。 [解析] 初到国外,问路,问时间等等各种事情,这句话是必备的;另外,当你在拥挤的步行街穿越时,这句话也是必须挂在嘴边的。 2. I am a new student. My name is … [翻译] 我是一位新同学,我的名字是… [解析] 去警局、银行、学校注册时,用来说明自己的身份。 3. Nice to meet you! [翻译] 很高兴认识你! [解析] 认识新朋友必备的第一句话。 4. That's a lovely hat! [翻译] 这个帽子真可爱! [解析] 西方人非常懂得赞美,在商店,在超市,礼品店你随处都可以听到他们并非客套的赞美。 5. What's the matter? [翻译] 怎么了?

[解析] 这是破冰的一种非常好的方式。当你对某件事情或者某人的境遇特别好奇的时候,可以用上这句话。 6. Are you all right? [翻译] 你还好吧? [解析] 生活中总有磕磕绊绊,当你看到别人眉头紧皱,或者面色难看时,可以用这句话进行询问。另外,all right在英国很多时候表示go ahead. 7. Give me a book please, Jane. [翻译] 简,请递给我一本书。 [解析] 非常简单的句子,在图书馆,教室请别人递给自己东西时脱口而出。 8. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. [翻译] 在厨房里有一个冰箱。 [解析] 在给别人介绍自己家的物品或者某处风景的时候,都可以用上。 9. Where is it? [翻译] 在哪? [解析] 可以直接用where来提问。 10. What must I do? [翻译] 有什么必须要做的?



大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期:2008-2009学年第一学期 学时18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to:

1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding. 2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配(teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information


,. 口语必备动词短语 ● 1.动词+about speak/talk about谈论think about思考 care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生set about 着手,开始 come about发生 hear about听说 worry about为...担心 2.动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away吹走 carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散die away逐渐消失 pass away 去世 wash away冲走 take away拿走 put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露 wear away磨掉,消耗break away摆脱 send away让走开 turn away把...打发走 3.动词+back keep back隐瞒,忍住 hold back控制住 call back回电话 look back回顾 give back归还 take back拿回,收回 4.动词+for run for竞选 ask for要求得到 wait for等候 long for渴望 care for关心,喜欢 search for查找 call for要求,需要change for用...换 apply for申请 seek for寻找stand for代表,表示 hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求 look for寻找 hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 take for误以为...是 come for来拿,来取 5.动词+down burn down 烧毁 take down记下,记录 cut down削减,砍倒 pass down 传下来 calm down平静下来 settle down 安家 tear down 拆毁,拆除break down坏了,垮了,分解turn down调小,拒绝 slow down慢下来 put down记下,写下,镇压bring down使...降低,使倒下come down下落,传下 6.动词+at come at 向...袭击 run at冲向,向...攻击 tear at用力撕 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆一瞥 knock at敲门,窗等 smile at冲某人笑 aim at向...瞄准 wonder at惊讶 shout at冲某人嚷嚷 work at干...活动研究 look at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑 point at指向 strike at向...打击 shoot at向...射击 call at拜访地点 7.动词+from differ from与...不同 suffer from受...苦


大学英语口语课程介绍 课程背景: 为进一步推动我国大学英语教学,适应国家改革开放的需要,使大学生更加重视英语口语学习,获得更强的英语口语交际能力。 课程概况: 通过该课程的学习,使学生通过形式多样的语言技能训练,能就日常生活中常用的话题用比较简单的英语准确地表达自己的思想。以达到在具体的社会语境中得体地使用语言的目的。并通过法律环境下的语言教学来提高用英语从事涉外业务的水平,内容包括公共道德、人际关系、生活习惯、校园生活、旅游观光、环保购物、留学求职等。另根据学生的专业、兴趣和未来职业需求,增加外交礼仪,运用英语处理涉外警务活动等内容。 课程性质与任务: 本课程为一门重要的必修的基础技能课程,主要通过课堂口语实践,充分唤起学生学习英语的兴趣。使学生通过吸收丰富的预料,快速提高听说能力,深入了解各国文化和社会知识,训练学生用英语进行思考,有效培养他们的英语交际能力。 教师要根据我校应用型人才培养目标,对课程进行认真研究、深入挖掘。结合课程特点、教学内容和当前形势及现实生活,对学生进行人生观、世界观、价值观和思想道德品质教育,努力使学生在获得知识的同时学会做人的道理。 课程的目的与基本要求: 本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化和生活习俗。通过本课程的学习,学生应能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能就社会生活中的一般性话题进行连贯的发言,能比较准确地表达自己的思想,做到语音准确、语调自然、语法基本正确,语言运用基本得体。将语言技能、语言知识、文化意识等要素有机地结合起来,相互促进、循序渐进,帮助学生最终实现交际的目的。 本课程要求学生能够运用已掌握的词汇、句型和常用表达法,结合个人实际,较为流畅地就一些常见话题发表个人见解。大多数学生应能通过本门课程的学习


语口语场景对话,日常生活必备! 来自网络 一、打招呼 1. How are you doing你好吗 美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是:"Hey! How are you doing" 或是"How are you" 不然"How's going" 也很常见。我觉得这种每天跟别人打招呼的习惯,就是跟美国友人建立良好关系的开始。很多人都觉得美国人很冷漠,不跟自己打招呼,但自己又何尝不是对美国友人很冷漠呢 : 2. What's up什么事 "What's up" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式。比方说朋友在路上看到你跟你说"Hey! " 那你通常就可以回答说"Hi! What's up" 这就是问对方近来怎样, 有什么事吗通常如果没什么事人家就会说"Not much." 不过还有一种情况也很常见,你先跟人家说"Hey! What's up" 那别人也不说"Not much",反而反问一句"What's up" 所以"What's up" 已经变成有点Hello! 的味道在里面了. "What's up" 也常被用来问人家有什么事例如有人登门拜访, 你就会说"What's up" 到底有何贵干啊总之"What's up" 在美国应用的很广,各位一定要熟记才是。 3. Could you do me a favor能不能帮我一个忙 & 人是不能独自一个人活的, 需要别人帮忙的地方总是很多, 所以就可以常讲:"Could you do me a favor" 或是"Could you give me a hand" 这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法。有时候要请别人帮忙还不太好意思说,就可以说:Could you do me a little favor 能不能帮我一个小忙其实也许是帮大忙但也要先讲成小忙,先让对方点头才是(注意一下这里用could you 会比can you 来的客气一点)。 另外, "Can you help me" 也很常见,通常比如说我们去买东西,可是店员自己在聊天,我就会说, "Can you help me" 其实正常来说, 应该是他们主动会问"Can I help you" 或是"May I help you" 才对,但有时实在等不急了, 就直接先问了"Can you help me" 4. What are you studying你主修什么的


翻译的英语口语怎么说 【导语】英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,那就是在和别人说英语的时候会突然有一句话不知道怎样表达,或者知道一点点,东拼西凑半天挤不出来那句话,也不知道自己说的正不正确。以下是苏阳文斋为您整理的翻译的英语怎么说的相关内容。 【篇一】翻译的英语怎么说 翻译 [fānyì] translate 详细释义 译 to translate 翻译小说 translate a novel

书面翻译 written translation 机器翻译 machine translation 翻译中心 translation centre 逐字逐句的翻译 word-for-word translation 由汉语翻译成俄语translate Chinese into Russian 把密码翻译出来 break a code

译员 translator; interpreter 当翻译 act as translator 【篇二】英语怎么说翻译 这样的翻译才能是罕见的。 Such translation ability is rare. 她选了些短文让学生翻译。 She selected some essays for students to translate. 请你为我翻译一下好吗? Could you translate for me, please? 女孩为这位老人翻译得很好。

The girl did a good job for the old man. 该翻译借指令译码器来进行。 The translator is executed by instruction decoder. 你给我翻译这封信行吗? Can you translate this letter for me? 【篇三】英语的翻译怎么说 借助词典进行翻译就很容易。 It is easy to translate with a dictionary. 翻译工作需要特别细心。 Translation needs special care. 黑尔张口结舌,连翻译也停了。


公共英语三级(p e t s)口语真题汇总口试真卷 Part 1 (3 minutes) Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. My name is... and this is my colleague... He/She is jus t going to be listening to us. Could I have your mark sheets, please ? Thank you. And your names are ... and ... ? (Hand over the mark sheets to the assessor. ) First of all, Candidate A, we'd like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions. (Select two or more questions from the following categ ory for Candidate A. ) Thank you.

Now, Candidate B, I'm going to ask you some questions. Select two or more questions from the following categor y for Candidate B. Thank you. Part 2 (3minutes) Interlocutor: Now, I'd like you to talk about something between yours elves. We're just going to listen. ( Place the picture sheet ![p.6] in front of both ca ndidates. ) This is the picture for your reference. It shows a smal l boy' s childhood: 1. taken out by his grandpa for a walk, 2. taught to write by his parents, 3. looked after by a na nny, 4. playing with other children in a kindergarten.


大学英语口语课堂游戏 游戏一:让一个同学在教室外面待着,然后教室里大家想出一个人,比如Obama、Harry potter,任何一个大家都熟知的名人,这个人就是外面那个同学,然后让外面那个人进来猜他自己是谁,差不多都是问Am I dead? Am I male or female?等问题,限时间猜出,猜出有奖,猜不出惩罚。 游戏二:把全班几十个人平均分成四组,每组负责一次party,要求很简单,只能用英语说,要包括一个由组员自己表演的幽默小品,还要有由其他同学参与的游戏等,要让每一个同学都加入进来,想出很多有创意的节目和游戏,让气氛活跃,每次20分钟,剩下十分钟由老师来点评给分。 游戏三:角色扮演(Role play), 就是让学生学习表演性较强的课文片段,然后分角色表演出来。课堂上把学生分成几组,然后每组选派一名或二名代表进行表演,当然表演的过程都是用全英文表达,其余的同学欣赏,打分,并用英语进行简单的评价,得分最高者可获得教师事先准备好的小礼物。这种全班性互动教学,能调动起学生的运动记忆和表演欲,提高学生的表演才能,可以让学生记忆更加深刻,并营造良好的英语语言学习环境。 游戏四:将班级分成几组,先在组内讨论并商定好下步要谈论的内容,如:怎样做饭烧菜,煮咖啡等,然后让组内每个同学讲一步操作程序,在讲的过程中犯错误最少的组将获胜。 游戏五:口语接龙编故事,每人轮流用英语讲一句故事,讲不下去编不下去的同学就输了,罚唱一首歌。 游戏六:猜词游戏就是绝大多数学生自由发言来形容要猜的单词,通过游戏起到练习英语口语的目的。 单词游戏可以用接词尾:rain_ night_two_over_read_dear_room_mind 单词接龙 将全班分成若干组,每组来一个学生在黑板上写出一个以某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾字母作下一个单词的词首字母。在规定时间内哪一组接的词最多为优胜。如:pen-nice-eight-tea-an-no-or-right-teacher-radio-on-nor等 口语操练游戏可以用鹦鹉学舌Polly says:Put up your https://www.doczj.com/doc/374856869.html,b your hair.由老师发出指令Polly says,让学生照鹦鹉说的话做,如果没有Polly says,而是直接说Put up your hands,学生照做了,就犯规,不得玩游戏,要下场,由其它同学替换.这是练习祈使句. 传话每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组。老师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一句话。在老师说“开始”后,最后一排的学生即用耳语把纸上的话告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的话告诉前面的学生……这样依次进行下去。最后第一排的学生把所传的话写到黑板上或说出来。传得最快,最准确的组获胜。


口语常见动词总结 在口语的英语当中, 有很多既简单又实用的动词, 几乎是每天都可以听到好几遍的. 像是prop, scoot, hit, roll 这些字眼, 各位知道它们的用法吗? 这集的笔记目的就是在帮助大家熟悉这些简单又实用的动词. 1. Don't prop your feet up. 不要把脚跷在椅子上. Prop up 是支撑的意思, 如果用手托著你的头, 这动作就叫prop your head up. 蛮实用的. 还有有的时候我们用东西把门撑住, 让它不会自动关起来, 这个就叫prop the door. 所以我住的地方楼下都会贴出告示, Don't prop the door open. 刚来美国时, 我发觉美国的女孩子作风都蛮开放的, 她们在学校时喜欢把脚跷在旁边的椅子上, 或是看电影时就把脚跷在前面的座位上, 所以在他们的观念中, prop up 其实并不算是一种坏习惯. 2. Scoot up. 向前一点. Scoot 这个字如果你去查字典, 它告诉你的解释是: "轻快地奔跑", 但是一般在日常生活中如果用到scoot 这个字的话, 则是表示稍微移动一下的意思. 比如说有一次我去图书馆念书, 我坐在我的位置上, 把走道都堵死了, 结果有一个老美要过过不去, 他要我把椅子稍微向前移动一下, 他会说Scoot up. 你也可以说sc oot up a little bit, 表示往前靠一点点. 3. Scoot over. 往旁边靠一点. Scoot up 是往前, scoot over 则是往旁边的意思. 最常见的情况就是比如照像时有人站太旁边了, 要请他靠中间一点, 就跟他说Can you scoot over? 他就会了解. 又比如说别人坐在一张长椅子上, 你要人家向旁边挪出一个位子给你, 你也可以说Scoot over please. 如果你的发音他还能了解的话,他就会往旁边靠一些, 让出一个位子给你. 4.I am going to hit the bed in ten minutes. 我在十分钟内就要上床睡觉了. 这句对于用腻了go to the bed 的人可说是一大福音, 这句话要来的更为传神, 就是指整个人倒在床上的动作, 另外还有一种说法, 但是比较少人用, 你可以说hit the hay. Hay 是稻草, 大概前人都睡稻草上, 所以才会这么说吧! 5. It won't be long before we hit the road. 离我们上路的时间不久了. Hit the road 就是上路, 所以hit 这个字用途蛮广的, 它既可以代表上床, 也可以代表上路. 这个对话是有一次我去美国的一个接待家庭住的时候, 我们正在吃早餐, 男主人就跟我说, It's not long before we hit the road. 其实他就是嫌我吃太慢了, 要我吃快一点, 因为我们快要出门了. 6. All things ought to be rolling at 4:30 所有的事情要在4:30 开始. To be rolling 就等于begin, 但是这是相当口语化的一个句子. 个人非常喜欢这句. 我忽然想到中文里也有类似的用法喔! 例如我们说, 让世界开始转动. 这个转动就相当于rolling. 有时你也可以说成Let's get the ball rolling. 让我们开始作事吧. Roll 还有一个用法跟中文的'我们可以滚了' 很像, 像有一次我跟老美去一家餐厅用完餐, 就有人说了, OK, Let's roll, let 's roll out of here. 是不是就是我们可以滚了的意思呢? 7. She is bitching at me. 她一直在对我唠叨. Bitch 一共有三种意思, 1. female dog,2. complain, 3. prostit ute. 所以, 没事不要乱用用错了! 不过一般说来, 当bitch 当动词用时就是唠叨的意思. 我的一个结了婚的同学有一次不知道是不是有感而发, 跑来跟我说, My wife bitches all the time! 8. You have to jump at the chance. 你必须把握机会. 我们说把握机会, 这个"把握"老美都是用jump 或用l eap 这两个动词, (虽然它们都是"跳"的意思) , 不知道为什么..另外opportunity 这个字也作机会讲, 所以动词也要用jump 或是leap. 例如有学校提供给你scholarship, 问你要不要去念, 你就可以说, I'll jump at the op portunity. 9. I can hold the cup for you. 我以帮你拿著这个杯子. Hold 和take 在中文都是解释成"拿", 但在英文就不一样了, hold 是拿著某样东西, 而take 是说去拿某样东西. 这句话可能很多人会讲成I can take the cup for you. 这样讲就不太对了. 10. Can you hold the door for me? 能帮我扶著门吗? 第一次老美跟我这样说, 我答Yes, 可是我却呆呆地站在那不知道他到底要我做什么. 这种情况多半是他手上拿了很多东西, 无法自己开门, 要你帮他扶著门, 不要让门关上了!


的确,在现实生活中,有不少英语学习者发现在交际过程中有时不能很好地表达自己的思想或理解别人的情感,会闹出不少笑话的Chinglish (中国式英语)。 错误案例A:按字面意思一个一个翻译 比如像我们从小就提倡的口号:“好好学习,天天向上。”有的翻译成:“Good good study,day day up.”正确应为:Study well and make progress every day. 像我们的成语:“马马虎虎”,有人就翻译成“Horse horse, tiger tiger.”正确应为:Just so so , not too bad. 还有“人山人海”被翻译成:“People mountain, people sea.” 五花八门,笑话百出。 1. 人山人海:在诗词用语(poetic expression)里,英美人也有使用:“a (the) sea of faces”,颇有咱的“人山人海”的味道。例如: Looking out upon the sea of faces, Mr. A delivered a touching speech. (望着一片人山人海的听众,A先生发表一篇动人的演说。) Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.(克林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。)。 可见,说话者通常要在台上或高处,才有“人海”的感觉。因此,可以说:“I saw a sea of faces from the top of the building. ”但在平地的人群中,就不说:“I saw the sea of faces.”也不说:“There is a sea of faces.”只说:“I saw a large crowd of people.” 2、家家有本难念的经:有人译成:“Every family cooking-pot has a black spot.”(意思是:每个家庭的锅子都有黑色的污点。)这样说法,英美人恐怕不能充分了解。不过英美人最常见的说法是:“Many families have skeletons in the closet.(许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸,骨骸就是指家丑。)”;或者说:“Every family has its own source of shame.(每个家庭都有自己的丑事)”;说白些,就是:“Every family has its own problem.” 3、天下无不散的宴席:有人直译为:“There are no feasts in the world which do not break up at last.”英美人听后,也许很难体会其中意义。如果按照美语说法,也许更易理解:“All good things come to an end.(意思是:所有好的事情,总有结束的一天。)”;假如是指好友最后也有分别的一天,那么可以说:“Eventually, all bosom friends will drift apart.(bosom friend是指知心的好友)” 4、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚:有人照字面意思直译为:“When times are easy, we do not burn the incense, but when the trouble comes, we embrace the feet of the Buddha.”这种说法,英美人也会一知半解。美语里一般说法是:“Worship God every day; not just in times of adversity.(要每天敬拜神,不是只在困难时。)”;对学生也可以说:“If you study hard every day, exams will not seem overwhelming.(如果你每天用功,考试就不会形成压力。)”


公共英语三级口试流程 PETS3口语考试分A、B、C三节,测试考生用英语进行口头的能力。 每次口试采取两名口试教师和两名考生的形式。一名口试教师不参与交谈,专事评分;另一名主持口试,随时与考生交谈并评分。专事评分的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之二,主持口试的教师所给分数的权重占考生口试成绩的三分之一。 A节:考查考生提供个人信息、回答有关他们日常生活、家乡、家庭、工作、学习等问题的能力。该节约需3分钟时间。 B节:考查考生就信息卡上的图 片或文字讨论有关问题的能力。该节约需3分钟时间。 C节:要求考生就信息卡上的图片或文字作简短描述,之后另一考生就同一话题阐述个人观点。该节约需4分钟时间。 Test skill 进入考场的时候,记住一定不要紧张,要面带微笑。应平静地坐在口试教师示意你坐的地方,坐下的时候要自然,坐姿要端正。坐下后,考官会跟你说如下三句话: Could you pass me your mark sheet please? (麻烦你递给我你的记分卡?) May Ihave your name? (我能知道你的名字吗?) My name is…, and this is … she/he will onlylisten to us.(我是……,这位是……,他/她只负责听我们说话。)三句话次序可能会颠倒,但不妨碍大家听懂意思。你须将口试计分卡交给专事评分的老师,然后老师会确认一下计分卡上的信息。随后口试考试正式开始。口试过程中 (1)与口试教师或同伴对话时要保持目光接触,保持自然恰当的表情、手势和形体动作。(2)作为考生,你应该积极主动,多讲话,切忌一语不发地等着,问一句才答一句(当然也不要说起来没完没了)。对于一般疑问句的问题不要只答“Yes”、“No”,要把句子说完整,把一般疑问句改换成肯定句式,并适当加以简要的解释,不一定非要等到口试教师追问“why”时,再说话。(3)在Part B部分要特别注意两点: 一:是口试教师是不参与讨论的,互动交际在你和另一位考生之间进行,你应该与他/她互相问答、讨论和交换看法,说话的时候应该面对的是他/她而不是口试教师; 二:是你和另一位考生都是来参加考试的,在讨论发言中应保持基本的机会均等。由于是临时组成的搭档,你与对方的英语水平可能会不同,如果他/她为了显示自己的水平、获得高分而不停地说,你可以寻找机会,使用得体的交际语言打断同伴的发言,如“I’m sorry,but I have tointerrupt”“Excuse me,I have to stop you”“Sorry,Ithink.。。”。当然,如果你的同伴比较沉默,你可以用某些特定的语句启发你的同伴开口发言,这样才是良好的交流。这类语句有“This ismy point of view.What do you think”“Do you agree with me”“That’s mypoint.What’s your opinion”等。 (4)考试中应选择自己熟悉的东西或事情来说,否则可能会由于缺乏恰当的词汇而给自己造成麻烦。比如说如果需要回答或描述电视节目或者体育运动方面的问题或图片,选择一种比较容易表述的电视节目或体育运动要比选择你真正喜欢而描述难度比较大的节目或运动现实得多。 (5)回答问题或描述图片内容时要切题,不要说与题目内容无关、意义不大的话。 (6)考试过程当中,面部表情要与口中所说的内容相符合,该严肃的时候严肃、该活泼的时候活泼,否则就会很生硬。口试结束之后口试结束后,你应当用英语分别向两位口试教师道谢和告别,给他们留下一个完整的好印象。 公共英语三级口试技巧 1.考生对口试的流程一定要和考官一样熟悉。 总共多少分钟,一共几个阶段,每个阶段会出什么性质的图片或问题,什么时间要求等等。还有就是对考官的“指导用语”要相当熟悉,这些“套话”是所有考官都必须说而且只能说的,考生完全可以把这几句话背下来,这样考官要做什么,要说什么你都有数,不会紧张。


Test 1 A working definition of geomatics, which reflects current thinking and predicted change, is the science and technology of acquiring, storing, processing, managing, analyzing and presenting geographically referenced information(geo-spatial data).This broad term applies both to science and technology, and integrates the following more specific disciplines and technologies including surveying and mapping, geodesy, satellite positioning, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems(GIS), land management, computer systems, environmental visualization and computer graphics.工作定义的地理信息,反映了当前的想法和预测的变化,是科学和技术的获取、存储、处理、管理、分析和提供地理位置引用信息(地理空间数据)。这个广泛的期限同时适用于科学和技术,并集成了以下更具体的学科和技术,包括测绘、大地测量、卫星定位、摄影测量、遥感、地理信息systems(GIS)、土地管理、计算机系统、环境可视化和计算机图形学 Test 2 There are many different types of surveys, but generally speaking, surveying is divided into two major categories:geodetic and planesurveying. Surveys will either take into account the true shape of the Earth (Geodetic surveys) or treat the earth as a flat surface (Plane surveys).Additionally, surveys are conducted for the purpose of positioning features on the ground(Horizontal surveys), determining the elevation or heights of features(Vertical surveys)or a combination of both.Most of these types of surveys employ plane rather than geodetictechniques,such as cadastral survey, topographic survey, construction survey, hydrographic survey, photogrammetric survey.有许多不同类型的调查,但一般来说,测量分为两个主要类别:大地测量和平面测量。调查将考虑到地球(大地测量)的真实形状或将地球视为一个平坦的表面(平面调查)。此外,调查是为了定位功能在地上(水平调查),确定标高或高度的功能(垂直调查)或两者的组合。大多数的这些类型的调查采用平面而不是等地籍测量、地形测量、施工测量、水文测量、摄影测量大地测量技术。Test 3 Theodolite tacheometry is an example of stadia system. The theodolite is directed at the level staff where the staff is held vertically and the line of sight of the telescope is horizontal. By reading the top and bottom stadia hairs on the telescope view and then the horizontal distance from center of instrument to rod can be obtained by multiplying the stadia interval factor K by the stadia interval and plus the distance C which is from the center of instrument to principal focus, i.e. D=Ks+C经纬仪tacheometry是体育场馆系统的一个示例。经纬仪被针对一级工作人员哪里工作人员垂直举行和望远镜的视线是水平的。通过阅读上望远镜的顶部和底部的运动场毛发视图,然后从仪器的中心到杆的水平距离可以获得的视距间隔系数K 乘以视距间隔和再加上距离 C 是从仪器的中心到主要重点,即 D = Ks + C Test 4 A total station integrates the functions of an electronic theodolite formeasuring angles, an EDM for measuring distances, digital data and a data recorder. After the instrument has been set up on a control station, centered, leveled and properlyoriented, and the prism target has been set up over another point whose position is to bemeasured, the surveyor may focus the target and depress a button. Then output from thehorizontal and vertical circular encoders and from the EDM can be displayed at the instrument and stored in a data collector and enters into a built-in microprocessor. The microprocessor can convert the measured slope distance to the horizontal distance using the measuredvertical or zenith angle. The microprocessor also computes the difference in elevation between the instrument center and the prism target.全站仪集成电子经纬仪测量角度,测量距离、数字数据和数据记录器的EDM 的功能。该文书已上控制站,居中、调配和正确导向,设置了和棱镜目标成立了,在另一个点的位置是要测量后,验船师可能重点目标,按下按钮。然后可以在仪器显示并存储在数据收集器输出从横向和纵向的圆形编码器和EDM 和进入一个内置的微处理器。微处理器可以转换使用测量的垂直或天顶角的水平距离的测量边坡的距离。微处理器也计算在海拔仪器中心和棱镜的目标之间的差异。 Test 5 A vertical angle is an angle measured in a vertical plane which is referenced to a horizontalline by plus(up)or minus(down)angles, or to a vertical line from the zenith direction. Plus and minus vertical angles are sometimes referred to as elevation or depression anglesrespectively. A vertical angle thus lies between 0o and±90o. Zenith is the term describingpoints on a celestial sphere that is a sphere of infinitely large radius with its center at thecenter of the earth. The zenith angle is an angle measured in a vertical plane downward from anupward directed vertical line through the instrument. It is thus between 0oand 180o. Obviously the zenith angle is equal to 90ominus the vertical angles. Vertical angles or zenithsare used in the correction of slope distance to the horizontal or in height determined.垂直角度是在由加(向上)引用到水平线的垂直测量角度或减号(向下)的角度,或从天顶方向垂直线条。加号和减号垂直角度有时称为高程或抑郁角度分别。垂直角度因而谎言0 o和±90o之间。天顶是描述点是无限地 大半径与它在地球的中心的中心的一个球形天体球面上的术语。天顶角度是角度测量在一个垂直平面向下从向上指示垂直线条通过文书。因此,是0 o和180 °之间。很明显的天顶角度等于减去垂直角度90 o。垂直角度或zeniths 用于在边坡距离与水平的校正或在确定的 高度。Test 6

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