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Renmin University of China Graduate School of Sociology (Sociology Theory)


Admissions: sociology, theories and methods, Applied Sociology

Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology

I.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)

1, leading role and self role 2, group cohesion 3, extended family 4, rigid structure 5, late development effect 6, title device

7, "social fornT (Qi Meier) 8, ^abnormal division of labor?,(Toure J M) 9, ''evolutionary universals” (Parsons)

10, "type of reward” (Blau)

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)

1.Briefly describe the basic characteristics and social functions of primary social groups.

2, a brief description of Webb's "social action type" and its theoretical function.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,try to analyze the great changes and social significance of China's real life from the point of view of "rationality”.

2,compare and analyze the different characteristics of Parsons' s theory and symbolic interaction theory in the premise of theory, participation in observation and research orientation.


Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology-

Exp lain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each)

1, Role Imbalance 2, anonymous theory 3, cultural control means

4, discrete data 5, Protestant Ethics (Weber) 6, anti function (Merton) 7, authority structure (Dahrendorf)

8. The theory of drama

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)

1, a brief overview of "elite cycle theory" and its significance. The control of the 2, Durkheim advocated a,z comparative method”

in empirical sociological role and significance in the study of.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,try to contact the characteristics of China,s social transition period, and discuss how to predict, guide and control the

''collective behavior”.

2,try to enumerate and compare several major paradigms in western sociological theories, and analyze the causes and significance of the multiple paradigms.


Admissions: sociology, theories and methods, Applied Sociology

Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology

I.explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each)

1, 2, 3 social integration of social power and social reality, social realism on the 4, 5 label theory and culture lag (Ogburn)

6, the safety valve (7, universal rational cosse) (Weber), 8 model variables (Parsons)

1,briefly describe the relationship between social status and social role.

2, a brief account of Spencer,s theory of evolution of organic society on Western sociology.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,try to analyze the changes of social stratification system in the process of social transformation in china.

2,try to compare the difference between the 〃Webb paradigm” and "Durkheim paradigm" methodology and theoretical purport.


Admissions: sociology, anthropology

Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology

I.explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 total points) bda73b774e

1, the status of consistent 2, the main culture and subculture

3,the inner group 4, social settings 5, miss ion view”

6, 〃the authority of authority z,(Weber), 7, "counter function” (Merton) 8, "type of reward7' (Blau)

Two, a brief title (10 points per subject, 20 points)

1,briefly describe the characteristics of socialization in social transition.

2,the "social form" on SimmeT s thoughts.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,combined with the actual situation, we discuss the manifestations, causes and solutions of the contradiction between fairness and efficiency in the period of social transformation in china.

2,discuss Webb's basic thinking of macro comparative study of eastern and Western culture and its influence on contemporary sociology.


Admissions: sociology, anthropology

Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology

I. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 40 points each) 1, the position is contrary to 2, generation gap 3, formal organization 4, relative deprivation 5, target rationality (Weber) 6, elite (Pareto)

7, multi layered space (Blau) 8, label theory

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)

1,briefly describe the relation and difference between right and authority.

2, a brief description of the similarities and differences between Marx and Dahrendorf in analyzing social conflicts.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,using sociological theories to analyze the characteristics and trends of interpersonal changes in the period of social transformation in china.

2,combined with Toure J W s research on suicide, summed up the empirical sociological research methods and the basic

characteristics of the theoretical form.


Admissions: sociology, anthropology

Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history of Sociology-

First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 40 points) 1, symbol 2, cultural capital 3, go personalized 4, cooperation

5,z,legal authority z, (Wei Bo)

6,z,action system” (Parsons) 7, ''impression management/,(Goffman) 8, 〃Lord 1〃 and 〃guest 1〃 (Mead)

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)

1, a brief description of the unique perspective of social networks.

2, a brief account of the social exchange theory on the generation of group structure and power.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1, different paradigms in the study of world social stratification.

The difference between the 2, on "social realism" and "social realism7' and the resulting research orientation differences.


Examination subjects: an introduction to sociology and a history

of Sociology

First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 40 points)

1, poverty culture, 2, cultural cluster 3, social capital 4, reference group 5, ''dimension model” (Parsons)

6, z,latent function” (Merton) 7, z,front desk and backstage” (Goffman) 8, "selfish suicide” (Toure J M):

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 20 points)

1.The main reasons for informal structure in formal organization

are briefly introduced.

2,briefly describe the meaning and cognitive function of Weber2 3 4 5 s ideal type.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,discuss the trend of the evolution of social stratification structure in contemporary china.

1,emergency norms 2, public opinion group 3, collective unconscious, 4, cultural centralism

5,6, 7, obey the stereotype of value relevance (Weber), 8 non realistic conflicts (cosse)

9, universalism (Parsons) 10, the pattern of difference sequence (Fei Xiaotong)

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 40 points)

1,briefly describe the significance of "tradition" in the process 2 the opposition of sociological methodology of "integration” and "individualisnT (between the representatives of their respective lists and specific points), and talk about your views. 2003

Recruitment major: sociology, anthropology, folklore

Examination subjects: Sociological Theory

I. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 50 points each)

of modernization

2,Briefly describe the different characteristics of political capital, human capital and social capital in social status attainment

3, a brief account of positivism's scientific view

4,the Durkheim about "causal analysis" point of view

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 60 points)

1,try to explain the connotation and significance of moderate social control.

2,try to describe the research ideas and practical significance of Protestant Ethics and the spirit of capitalism

3,try to combine the actual situation to explain the theory of social anomie and its significance.


Examination subjects: Sociological Theory

I.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)

1, cultural material 2, group cohesion 3, role conflict 4, personality 5, sexual existence

6,organic unity (Toure J M) 7. (Cooley) 8 I look in the mirror. Situation definition (Thomas)

9,diffusion - specificity (Parsons)

10,authority structure (Dahrendorf)

Two, Jane answer (title 15 points). A total of 60 points

1.briefly describe the characteristics of social stratification structure changes since China,s reform

2.briefly describe the general characteristics of collective behavior and the basic conditions of its form

3., a brief analysis of the relation between Marx' s class theory and Pareto's theory of elitism

4.briefly describe the basic features of Blau's concept of

social exchange and its differences with economic exchange

Three, discussion questions (25 points per subject). A total of 50 points

1,enumerate the main manifestations of the phenomenon of "social deviance" in china. And the appropriate theory is used to explain the causes

2,try to analyze the main manifestations and problems of

''rational growth" in the process of modernization through the

sociological theory


Admissions: Sociology

Examination subjects: Sociological Theory

I.explain the following concepts (4 points per subject, 40 points each)

1, cultural lag from 2, role 3, social anomie

4, self concept 5, conformity 6, "appeal authority” (Weber)

7,〃AGIL framework(Parsons) 8, type of reward (Blau)

9, communicative rationality (Habermas) 10, field (Bourdieu) Two, Jane answer (15 points per game, a total of 60 points)

1.Briefly describe the relationship between formal structure and informal structure

2,briefly describe the differences between the two concepts of 〃class〃 and ''professional group" in the study of social stratification.

3,what does Webb think about the relationship between value

action and goal action?

4,briefly describe the significance of model variables (Parsons) in the study of modernization

Three, discussion questions (25 points per subject, 50 points)

Taking urban migrant workers as an example, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the process of urbanization in China

This paper tries to illustrate the relation between "culture” and "social structure'' by using relevant theories


First, the noun explanation

1, 2, 3 functional sex role, culture lag 4, 5, 6 sets of behavior Taylor, labeling theory

7, late development effect 8, social interpretation group (Toure J M) 9, empirical (Kong De) 10, value rationality action

Two. Brief questions

1,the positive function and negative function of bureaucracy

2,briefly describe the manifestations and causes of social anomie in China

3,sociological views on the nature and function of power.

4,the respective characteristics and representatives of

methodology, individualism and holism.

Three. Discussion questions

1,using the relevant theories to analyze the relationship between material civilization construction and spiritual civilization construction in china.

2,using relevant theories and examples to analyze the

relationship between modern risk society and building a harmonious society in China

3,Explain the difference between the interpretation of the relation between "structure" and "action" by the theory of structural functionalism and symbolic interaction, and discuss your views.


I. noun: 10 * 4

1,cultural shock; 2, the trunk family; 3, social indicators;

4,virtual communities; 5, risk society: 6, Hawthorne effect;

7,elite circle; 8, drama theory; 9, public sphere; 10. Social economic status index.

Answer: two, 15 x 4

1,briefly describe the meaning and types of social control:

2,briefly describe the main contents of social capital;

3, a brief description of Webb's ''authority type" thought;

4,the functional theory of social stratification and the

different explanations of the theory of conflict.

Three. Discuss: 25 * 2

1,using sociological theory to analyze the widening gap between rich and poor in china.

2,analyze the theory and structure of the theory of suicide.


First, noun interpretation (5*8) 1 character structure 2 3 set 4 position contrary to social behavior 5 (Cooley) in my 6 collective representation (Toure

J M) 7 types of action (Weber) 8 social safety valve (cosse)

Two, brief answer (15*4)

1, a. brief account of sociological theories of social deviance.

2,it briefly introduces the basic characteristics of bureaucratic organization and management.

3briefly describe the main points of social exchange theory.

4give an example of what is the definition of a situation”.

Three, discussion topic (25*2)

1,try the basic paradigm of social stratification theory to analyze the changes of social stratification structure in China since the reform and opening up.

2,select sociological theories to analyze the current social injustice in China and its causes.


First, the noun explains: (5*8)

Cultural characteristics, organizational structure, Gini coefficient, globalization, Webb: goal, reasonable behavior

Parsons: action unit Habermas: Communicative Rationality: Bruno,s theory of symbolic interaction

Two, Jane answer: (15*4)

1, the connotation and relationship of social status and role.

2 briefly describe the formation and function of emergency-regulations.

3, a brief description of Mead's classification of self, and the development of self

4 Goff man ''impression management" theory connotation.

Three, discussion Title: (25*2)

1,from the perspective of functional analysis, the main problems of building a harmonious society are analyzed.

2.Discuss the differences between empirical sociology and sociology in methodology and research, and point out your point of v i ew.

Renmin University of China graduate entrance examination (comprehensive examination of Sociology)

Note: the social comprehensive examination was an examination course for the graduate entrance examination of sociology 02 years ago, but it has been cancelled 02 years later. Still, print out the questions and leave them for reference.


First, explain the following concepts (5 points per subject). A total of 40 points

1,achievement motivation 2, cultural relativism 3, totem worship 4 and two yuan, social structure 5, dependency theory

6,marriage circle radius

7,marriage investment 8, Gene coefficient

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)

1,briefly explain the relation and difference between individual psychology and group psychology.

2,The historical contribution of cultural anthropology to social psychology.

3,briefly describe the significance of model variables (Parsons)

in the study of modernization.

Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)

1,discuss the unique obstacles and overcoming methods in the investigation and study of marriage and family sociology.

2,how to understand the social stratification in the "status contrary7' phenomenon.


First, explain the following concepts (4 points per subject). A total of 40 points

1, cognitive judgment 2, compensation 3, family 4, fact marriage 5, kinship name system 6, participate in observation method

7, western centralism 8, premature endogenous modernization 9, social structure differentiation 10, institutional culture

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)

1,the similarities and differences between the family and the

general social group are briefly described.

2,Briefly describe the characteristics of fieldwork in cultural anthropology.

3,the basic content of the theory of human modernization is briefly introduced.

Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 30 points)

1,try social stratification theory to analyze the change of social stratification since China,s reform.

2,discuss the psychological and behavioral characteristics of migrant workers in China during the reform period.


First, the noun interpretation (5 points per subject, 25 points)

1, the social economic status scale (SES) 2, 3, 4, stress the halo effect in 5, gender and sex

Two, a brief title (10 points per subject, 30 points)

1, a brief description of Benedict5 s cultural model concept.

2,briefly describe the nature, characteristics and elements of the relationship within the family.

3,briefly describe the similarities and differences of


progress , evolution and modernization .

Three, discussion questions (15 points per subject, 45 points)

1,starting from the interactive relationship between the investigators and the respondents, the characteristics of

fie1dwork in anthropology are analyzed.

2,using sociological poverty theory to explain how to correctly deal with poverty in rural areas of china.

3,try the new evolution theory in sociology to analyze the current social transformation in china.


First, explain the following concepts (5 points per subject).

A total of 30 points

1, Kula ring 2, a 〃(Cooley) 3, 〃challenge and response 〃(Toynbee 4), Fan Ling faith

5, intermarriage circle, radius 6, privacy barrier

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)

1.Briefly describe the significance of invention in the change of modern society.

2,briefly describe the form of exchange marriage and its social significance.

A brief account of Freud,s theory of human structure.

Three, discussion questions (20 points per subject, 40 points)

1,discuss the fate and significance of "rationalization" in the process of modernization.

2,from the perspective of social stratification theory, this paper expounds the characteristics of social structure change since the reform


I. explain the following concepts (5 points per subject, 30

points each) 1, equal opportunities

2 zero sum game

3,professional reputation

4,hierarchy of needs (Maslow)

5,inequality index

6,population sex ratio

Two, Jane answer (10 points per game, a total of 30 points)

1,try to describe the basic structure of marriage.

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