当前位置:文档之家› 2006年10月全国自考英语一历年试卷试题真题(北京卷)






ⅠVocabulary and structure ( 10points,1point each )

1. 1. Jean talked _____ she had heard all about yesterday?s traffic accident.

A. as well

B. as if

C. as to

D. as for

1. 2. Look , that is the man ____ house has burned down in the big fire.

A. whose

B. whom

C. who

D. who?s

1. 3. By the time you return home, I _____ all the work .

A. would do

B. will have done

C. has done

D. had done

1. 4. I hope you will be _____ higher spirits when we meet next time .

A. to

B. on

C. of

D. in

1. 5. _____ my mother couldn?t come back on time, I had to turn to Mary for help.

A. until

B. though

C. as

D. as soon as

1. 6. Shortly after the accident, Terry Lapham was _____ from his post as project manager.

A. dismissed

B. discussed

C. disappeared

D. discovered

1.7. the speaker lectured in _____ a way that some people found it hard to understand him.

A. so

B. as

C. such

D. that

1.8. the book _____ five parts, each of which deals with one aspect of women?s rights.

A. consists in

B. consists of

C. consists for

D. consists with

1.9. when I saw her smiling face, I knew she _____ from her son studying abroad.

A. hear

B. has heard

C. had heard

D. was hearing

1.10. as we have been very busy recently, we go to the theatre only _____ .

A. absolutely

B. frequently

C. continually

D. occasionally

Ⅱ. Cloze test ( 10 points, 1 point each )

Basketball is the only major sport that is 100 percent American in origin. It was 11 in 1891 by Naismith , a PE teacher in a high school 12 Springfield , Massachusetts. As New England winter is extremely 13 , he could not find any game 14 for his students. One day , an idea 15 him. Why not have the students pass and shoot a big orange ball through a basket indoors? Gradually the play spread throughout the United States, and later to the rest of the 16 . At first , a soccer ball was used in the game ; 17 ball used today came a little later .

Basketball was first included in the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, and in 1949 the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) was formed. Thereafter , the game gradually became popular. Today , it is regularly rated as the favorite 18 of Americans . it is played everywhere from playgrounds to driveways by ordinary people. At the 19 level, players such as Michael Jordan and Shaquille O?Neal 20 wide popularity.

11. A. invented B. discovered C. found D. made

12. A. at B. in C. by D.to

13.A. warm B. hot C. by D. to

14. A. reliable B. inevitable C. suitable D. reasonable

15. A. made out B. occurred to C. came up D. thought of

16. A. county B. state C. world D. country

17. A. a B. an C. the D. /

18. A. event B. sport C. item D. exercise

19. A. special B. traditional C. seasonal D. professional

20. A. gained B. will gain C. have gained D. had gained

Ⅲ. Reading comprehension ( 30 points, 2 points each )

Passage one

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Sleep is generally divided into five stages. In the first two stages, a person sinks into a light sleep ; muscles relax, breathing and pulse rate slow down. In the third and fourth stages of deep sleep, a sleeper can only be awakened by a loud and unusual noise; the heart beats slowly and blood pressure drops. It is in the fifth stage that the body regenerates( 恢复体力等) and a person dreams. Dreams are an important part of

healthy sleep. They help the brain adapt and respond to life experience. The brain is almost as active at this time as when a person is awake.

The secrets of a good night?s sleep are a good mattress(床垫) and reasonable eating habits. A heavy meal and too much wine will destroy a good night?s sleep. When buying a mattress, you should test it to make sure that when lying on it you are comfortable and your body sinks into a side position easily. The mattress should be of the right size----20 to 30 centimeters longer than the sleeper?s stretched-out body and at least 95 centimeters wide.

A comfortable bed and a slightly darkened bedroom are important to a good sleep, too. It is true that a

good night?s sleep must be lo ng, deep and with do disturbance, so that both the brain and the body will regenerate during sleep. Therefore., the bed should be placed at least 60 centimeters away from a window.

Furthermore, if you feel hungry before bedtime, have a little milk.

21.according to the passage, deep sleep occurs in _________.

1. A. the first and second stages

2. B. the second and third stages

3. C. the third and fourth stages

4. D. the fourth and fifth stages

22. In the fifth stage of sleep, the brain becomes active and _______.

A.muscles relax

B.pulse rate slows down

C.the heart beats slowly

D.the body becomes fresh again

23. To have a good sleep, a mattress should be at least ________.

A.30 centimeters long

B.50 centimeters long

C.60 centimeters wide

D.95 centimeters wide

24. According to the passage, all the following factors are important to a good night?s sleep EXCEPT


A.a light meal

B.a very darkened room

C.a comfortable bed

D.a right-sized mattress

25. The passage is mainly about _______.

A.the importance of the bedroom

B.the importance of a good mattress

C.the secrets for a good night?s sleep

D.the time required for a good sleep

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Among the few scientists who have had a great effect on science and history, Albert Einstein is perhaps the greatest. An American university president once commented that Einstein had created a new view of the universe. His theory has completely changed the way scientists understand time and space. Now, more and more people agree that the universe is something complicated than what they have ever thought before.

Einstein was born is Germany in 1879. By 1914, young Einstein, already internationally famous, became a professor at an institute in Berlin. He had few duties, little teaching and unlimited opportunities for study. However, his peaceful life was soon broken by the First World War.

Einstein hated violence. He was deeply affected by the war; he sat unhappily in his office doing little and lost interest in his research. Only when peace came in 1918 was he able to get back to work.

In the years following the First World War, people showered honors upon him. He became the head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Theoretical Physics. In 1921 he won the Noble Prize for Physics and was greatly honored and respected in Germany. However, his life was again disrupted. The Second World War broke out and Einstein had to move to the US, where he lived until his death in 1955.

26. The first paragraph is mainly about _______.

A.the secret of the universe

B.Einstein?s great influence

C.an American college president

D.the difficulty of Einstein?s theory

27. The passage tells us that young Einstein ______. A.fought in the war

B.disliked teaching

C.was the head of university

D.the difficulty of Einstein?s theory

28. Einstein?s researches were interrupted by ________. A.the wars



D.poor health

29. Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics in ________. A.1914




30. Which of the following statements about Einstein in true? A.The world wars affected him greatly.

B.He was always unhappy in his office.

C.He kept working until peace came in 1918.

D.His theory changed the form of the universe.

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The day after my high school graduation, I boarded a plane heading for South Korea. My parents had registered me in a cultural summer program at a university in Seoul. For five weeks I was to live in a dormitory with hundreds of fellow second-generation Korean American teenagers.

The first week of the program flew by, greatly damaging my self-confidence. My language skills were poor; the natives could not understand me when I spoke Korean. What?s more, I was having a difficult time adapting to the climate. The weather was hot and there was no air-conditioning.

I didn?t know where to begin when I called my mother to tell her about my first days, but there was something I wanted to ask since stepping off the plane.

“Mom, what does …gyo-po? mean? I asked Grandma, but she didn?t seem to understand my question in Korean. …Gyo-po? is what the natives—taxi drivers, waiters and saleswomen—are calling me every where I go.”

“It means foreigner, my girl,” answered my mon.

As I didn?t want to stand in the phone booth (电话亭) for too long, I got into the habit of writing down everything to tell my parents before calling them. It was boiling both inside and outside and the air felt hotter than my own breath. In a letter to my friend, I told her that in Seoul you didn?t move from one place to the next, you swam, as if you were in Africa.

“Oh, it means foreigner?” I replied in surprise. I didn?t have much else to say to my mom that day. Nothing on my list seemed important anymore.

31. Judging by the information provided in the passage, the writer was a(n)_______.



C.Korean American

D.African American

32. “The natives” (Para.2 and Para 4.) refers to ________.





33.In this passage about her stay in Korea, the writer mainly talks about her trouble with____.

1. A. the taxi drivers and the waiters

2. B. the waiters and the saleswomen

3. C. her phone calls and letters

4. D. the language and the climate

34.The writer did not want to stand in the phone booth for long because____.

1. A. the weather was very hot

2. B. she could not writer there

3. C. she wanted to write letters

4. D. calls to the US were expensive

35.The writer was most surprised that in Korea___.

1. A. there were no air-conditioning

2. B. the natives considered her a foreigner

3. C. her grandmother couldn?t understand her

4. D. people went to different places by swimming

IV. Word Spelling(10 points,1 points for two words)

36.主题,主旋律n. t _ _ _ _ 37. 方式,流行样式n. f _ _ _ _ _ _

38. 九月n.. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39. 滑稽的,逗人发笑的a . f _ _ _ _

40. 紧(身)的 a . t _ _ _ _ 41.省,领域n . p _ _ _ _ _ _ _

42. 逗乐,提供娱乐v . a _ _ _ _43.尽管,任凭prep . d _ _ _ _ _ _

44. 提醒v . r _ _ _ _ _ 45.浪费,废物v . n . w _ _ _ _

46.巨大的,巨人a . g _ _ _ _ 47.谦虚的,适中的a . m _ _ _ _ _

48.真诚的a . s _ _ _ _ _ _ 49.平等(的),等于a .v . e _ _ _ _

50.责备,指责v . b _ _ _ _ 51.允许,许可(证)n .v . p _ _ _ _ _

52.灯n . l _ _ _ 53.合作,协作v . c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

54.西方的a . w_ _ _ _ _ _ 55.单独的,仅仅a .ad . a_ _ _ _

V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each)

56.Tom has the _____(able) to carry out the task by himself.

57.She was _____(frighten) when she heard about the accident.

58.Although he was a bit slow, he did the work _____(accurate) .

59.The rumour brought about _____(need) anxiety among people living in the neighborhood.

60.I am working here now, but I _____(teach) at Harvard this time next year.

61.He looked worried because he was still _____(certain) of the victory.

62.The schoolmaster says the money will be used _____(buy) equipment for the school.

63.We know very little about him because he is _____(willing) to say anything about his past.

64.She said that she wanted to forget everything_____(relate) to her school years.

65._____(finish) the homework, John went home by bus.

VI.C-E Translation (15 points,3 points each)






VII.E-C Translation (15 points)

Children are encouraged to “leave the nest” at certain age and begin their own life. After children leave home they will establish social relationships and look for financial support outside the family. Usually parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Yet, even if children choose their own husband or wife, they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

In many families, children are encouraged to make major life decisions themselves. Living away from parents does not mean that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in American families.

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