当前位置:文档之家› 普通语言学试题2


I. 选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个选项中选择一个或几个符合题目要求的选项,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。
1. “I can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2,000 years ago.” This shows that language has the design feature of _____.
A. arbitrariness B. creativity C. duality D. displacement
2. Which of the following statements is true of Jacobson’s framework of language functions?
A. The referential function is to indulge in language for its own sake.
B. The emotive function is to convey message and information.
C. The conative function is to clear up intentions, words and meanings.
D. The phatic function is to establish communion with others.
3. “Don’t end a sentence with a preposition.” This is an example of _____ rules.
A. prescriptive B. descriptive C. transformational D. functional
4. According to G. B. Shaw’s ridicule of English orthography, the non-existent word ghoti can be pronounced in the same way as _____.
A. goat B. hot C. fish D. foot
5. Which of the following is the correct description of [v]?
A. voiceless labiodental fricative B. voiced labiodental fricative
C. voiceless labiodental stop D. voiced labiodental stop
6. Traditional grammar sees a sentence as _____.
A. a sequence of morphemes B. a sequence of clauses
C. a sequence of words D. a sequence of phrases
7. In today’s grammar we normally say that English does not have a “future tense.” This is because in English _____.
A. the future is not expressed by morphological change
B. the future can be expressed in many ways
C. the future belongs to the category of “aspect”
D. the future is expressed by modal verbs.
8. A major difference of the various models of generative grammar lies in where the _____ component is positioned.
A. base B. transformational C. semantic D. phonological
9. _____ is concerned with the relationship between a word and the thing it refers to.
A. Connotative B. Denotative C. Affective D. Reflected
10. Which of the following are gradable antonyms?
A. good : bad B. male : female C. young : old D. buy : sell
11.A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of w________ to form a complete statement,q________or command.
12.In sociolinguistic studies,speakers are treated as members of s__g________.
13.Utterance is based on ________ ________ ;it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.
14.To many people,a linguist is the same as a ________,one who can speak several languages fluently.
15.Consonant sounds can be either v ________or v__,while all vowel sounds are v________.

16.All words may be said to contain a root morpheme.( )
17.Tense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of meaning.( )
18.Linguistics is the course of language.( )
19.The part of a sentence which compriese comprises an infinite verb or a verb phrase is grammatically called predicate.( )
20.Historical linguistics equals to the study of synchronic study.( )
21.The term dialect, as a technical term in linguistics, carries value judgment and not simply refers to a distinct form of language.( )
22.Morphology is translated as 形态学。( )
23.The word “photographically” is made up of 4 morphemes.( )
24.The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph.( )
25.Semantics is the main part of linguistics.( )
26.general linguistics
27.suprasegmental features
28.root and stem
29.hierarchical structure
30.naming theory and conceptualist view
31.maxims of quality and manner
34.subvocal speech
35.contrastive analysis
36.Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show the syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences.
(1)The shooting of the hunters might be terrible.
(2)He saw young men and women present.
(3)They were surprised at the president's appointment.
37.Decide the meaning of the following affixes and give each affix two examples.
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
11. C 12. ABD 13. C 14. B 15. AC
11.words question
12.social groups
13.sentence meaning
15.voiceless voiced voiced
17.F(Sense and reference…)
18.F(scientific study of language)
19.F(finite verb…)
21.F(no value judgement)
25.F(one of the parts)
26.The study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.
27.The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments.
28.The base form of a word; the existing form to which a derivational affix can be added.
29.The sentence structure that groups words into structural constituents and shows the syntactic categories of each structural constituent, such as NP and VP.
30.The words of a language are labels of the objects they stand for; a linguistic form is linked through concepts to what it refers to.
31.Do not say what you believe to be false or without adequate evident; Avoid obscurity of expression and ambiguity, be brief and orderly.
32.A process of forming a new word by combining parts of other words.
33.A variety of languages used by a social class.
34.Thought when it is close to l

35.A comparative procedure to establish linguistic differences between languages for teaching purposes.
36.(1)the hunters are shooting; the hunters are shot;
(2)young men and young women; young men and (not young) women
(3)the president appoints others; the president is appointed.
un-: not, reverse, e.g. unhappy, unlock
anti-: against, anti- drug, anti-imperialism
super- greater than usual, e.g. superpower, superman
-wise: in the manner of, e.g. clockwise, moneywise
-itis: infection. e.g. bronchitis, arthritis
-ize: make into, e.g. realize, modernize
-age: process. e.g. mileage, linkage

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