当前位置:文档之家› 重庆专升本模拟题-简报










3. 多选:简报“报头”的要素有(2009)






4. 在文书分类中,简报、计划属于(2010)


5. 多选:属于简报“报头”主要格式项目的是(2010)







A. 简报名称

B. 简报按语

C. 简报期数

D. 简报编发日期

7. 多选:属于简报报头主要格式目的是(2013)












重庆专升本计算机基础试题集 2011年重庆普通高校专升本计算机基础复习题(一) 一、判断正误题(共25题,每题1分) 1.(WORD文字处理)WORD中采用了“磅”和“号”两种表示文字大小的单位。() [ ] 2.在Windows 95的任务栏被隐藏时,用户可以用按Ctrl+Tab键的快捷方式打开"开始"菜单。 [ ] 是用来查看磁盘上目录的命令。 [ ] 4.要关闭Excel,至少有3种方法。 [ ] 5.(Excel电子表格)Excel工作薄的表格称为“列表”,“列表”就是一个二维数据表格。 [ ] 6.磁盘里的数据按照磁道的形式来存放。 [ ] 7.字符1对应的ASCII码是49。 [ ] 8.计算机系统是由CPU、存储器和输入输出设备组成。 [ ] 9.要将整个桌面的内容存入剪贴板,应按Ctrl+PrintScreen键。 [ ] 10.在WORD环境下,文挡的脚注就是页脚。 [ ] 13.当前盘就是指C盘,而当前目录就是根目录。 [ ] 14.(WORD文字处理)WORD中文件的打印只能全文打印,不能又选择的打印。() [ ] 15.在批处理文件中,命令CALL 和在执行时是有区别的。 [ ] 16.在WORD环境下,要给文挡增加页号应该选择"插入","页码"。 [ ] 命令可用于任意盘之间的复制。 [ ] 18. 使用WORD的工具栏按钮比使用下拉菜单更加方便、快捷。 [ ] 19.在Windows 95环境下运行MS-DOS应用程序时,只有全屏幕工作方式。 [ ] 剪贴板中的内容不能是文件。 [ ] 21.在Windows 95画图窗口绘制的图形,可以粘贴到写字板窗口中。 [ ] 22.更换插件板时,因手上有静电,所以不能用手接触线路板。 [ ] 提供了复制活动窗口图象到剪贴板的功能。 [ ] 24.计算机存储器的最小单位是比特。 [ ] 25.在WORD环境下,可以在编辑文件的同时打印另外一份文件。 [ ] 二、单项选择题(共30题,每题1分) 26.(WORD文字处理)打开一个已有的WORD文档的快捷键是()。 +S +O +N +Y 27.在DOS命令中,当前盘是指()。 A.处于工作状态的盘 B.文件所在的盘 C.含有DOS隐含文件的盘 D.在命令中可以省略盘符的盘 启动成功之后()部分不存放在内存中。 29.显示器是目前使用最多的()。 A.存储器 B.输入设备 C.微处理器 D.输出设备 30.( )函数返回当前日期的系列数。 31.购置微机首先要明确所购微机的()情况。 A.软件 B.配置 C.硬件 D.价格 32.中央处理器(简称CPU)不包含()部分。 A.控制单元 B.存储单元 C.运算逻辑单元 D.输出单元 33.如果要显示公式,可选择()菜单中的选项命令,显示对话框后,单击"视图"标签,选择"窗口选项"框中的公式,按下"确定"按钮即可。

专升本英语模拟试题 6范文

模拟试题(六) Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 %) Directions: Each of the following sentences is incomplete and followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D), choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother _________ some money from their mother's purse. A. to steal B. to stealing C. into steal D. into stealing 2. I was ________ to find his article on such an ________ topic so _________ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boring C. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored 3. It was in 1777 ________Vermont, threatened with invasion, declared itself an independent commonwealth. A. when B. that C. in which D. which 4. a professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Edward Charles Pickering established the first physics laboratory in the United States. A. While B. Being C. Although D. He was 5. He didn't and so he failed the examination. A. work enough hard B. work hard enough C. hard work enough D. hard enough work 6. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends. A. little B. few C. much D. many 7. As fuel prices rose, bus companies raised their fares and . A. so did the airlines B. nor did the airlines C. so the airlines did D. nor the airlines did 8. mainly for the invention of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf. A. He is remembered B. To remember C. While remembering D. Though remembered 9. If Dorothy had not been badly hurt in a car accident, in last month's marathon race. A. she would participate B. she might participate C. she would have participated D. she must have participated 10. James Joyce's novels are difficult to understand and impossible into another language. A .to translate B. for translation C. to translate it D. being translated 11. Sports help to build character and competitiveness. A. cultivate B. accomplish C. assist D. restore 12. The breakdowns of the computer has caused serious delays in our work. A. continuous B. continued C. continuing D. continual 13. At such a time of crisis, we must try to all differences of party or class and stick together. A. set forth B. set back C. set down D. set aside 14.I have told her on occasions that George is not a man to be trusted. A. ridiculous B. numerous C. sentimental D. alternative 15. The renewal of the debate was anticipated but its was not. A. intensity B. tension C. degree D. sensitivity 16. While the doctors analyzed the patient's condition, his family waited outside in


计算机专升本试题及 答案

计算机专升本试题及答案 专升本考试是大学专科层次学生进入本科层次阶段学习的选拔考试的简称,是中国大陆教育体制大专层次学生升入本科院校的考试制度。计算机专升本试题及答案,我们来看看下文。 一、单选题 (每小题1分,共30分) 1. 在Word的编辑状态,当前文档中有一个表格,选定列后,单击表格菜单中"删除列"命令后( )。 A.表格中的内容全部被删除,但表格还存在 B.表格和内容全部被删除 C.表格被删除,但表格中的内容未被删除 D.表格中插入点所在的列被删除 2. 十进制数8000转换为等值的八进制数是( )。 A.571(O) B.57100(O) C.175(O) D.17500(O) 3. 下列设备中,既能向主机输入数据又能接受主机输出数据的是( )。 A.显示器 B.扫描仪 C.磁盘存储器 D.音响设备 4. 下列操作中,( )不能关闭FrontPage应用程序。 A.单击“关闭”按钮 B.单击“文件”菜单中的“退出” C.单击“文件”菜单中的“关闭” D.双击标题栏左边的控制菜单框 5. 在Excel 清单中,( )。

A.只能将标题行冻结 B.可以将任意的列或行冻结 C.可以将A列和1、2、3行同时冻结 D.可以将任意的单元格冻结 6. CRT显示器的像素光点直径有多种规格,下列直径中显示质量最好的是( )mm。 A.0.39 B.0.33 C.0.31 D.0.28 7. 软盘不加写保护,对它可以进行的操作是( )。 A.只能读盘,不能写盘 B.只能写盘,不能读盘 C.既能读盘,又能写盘 D.不能读盘,也不能写盘 8. 软件与程序的区别是( )。 A.程序价格便宜、软件价格昂贵 B.程序是用户自己编写的,而软件是由厂家提供的 C.程序是用高级语言编写的,而软件是由机器语言编写的 D.软件是程序以及开发、使用和维护所需要的所有文档的总称,而程序是软件的一部分 9. 微型计算机中使用的人事档案管理系统,属下列计算机应用中的( )。 A.人工智能 B.专家系统 C.信息管理 D.科学计算 10. 下列四个不同进制的无符号整数中,数值最小的是( )。 A.10010010(B) B.221(O) C.147(D) D.94(H)


2017 年专升本《计算机知识和应用》试卷 一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 40 分。在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一 个正确答案,并将其在机读卡上涂黑。) 1、一个 24*24 点阵汉字的字形库存储容量是()。 A、9 个字节 B、24 个字节 C、72 个字节 D、576 个字节 2、在浏览器中,刷新当前页面内容的快捷键是()。 A、F1 B、F5 C、F8 D、ESC 3、以下操作系统中,主要用于智能手机和平板电脑等移动设备,开放源代码程 序最高的是()。 A、Android 系统 B、Apple 系统 C、Windows 系统 D、Unix 系统 4、操作系统具有五大功能模块,其中直接面向用户的、最外层的功能是()。 A、处理器管理 B、存储管理 C、设备管理 D、作业管理 5、关于文件和文件夹的描述,错误..的是()。 A、文件是用名称来标识的一组相关信息的集合 B、文件名一般包含主文件名、 圆点和扩展名,文件的扩展名可以修改 C、文件夹可以包含文件,文件也可以 包含文件夹 D、文件的类型有很多种,一般可以用文件的扩展名区分 6、在 Windows 中,对活动窗体范围内的屏幕截图使用的快捷键是()。 A、PrintScreen B、Alt+PrintScreen C、Ctrl+Printscreen D、Shift+PrintScreen 7、在计算机中,对音符进行编码,用于记录乐曲的文件格式是()。 A、JPEG B、MPEG C、MID D、MP3 8、将 Word 文档中的手动换行符“ ”替换成段落标记符“ ”,正确的操作是()。 A、 B、 C、 D、 9、如题 9 图所示的 Word 文档,段落 A 和段落 B 格式不同,将段落 A 中带 框文字部分移至段落 B 两个#之间后,则()。 A、A 和 B 的段落格式均不会改变 B、A 的段落格式变为 B 的段落格式 C、A 的 段落格式与 B 的段落格式相互对换 D、B 的段落格式变为 A 的段落格式 10、下列关于 Word 的描述中,说法正确的是()。 A、“邮件合并”功能只能用于创建单个信函 B、样式是指文档中标题的分组列表,样式可以体现不同标题之间的层次性 C、目录可以列出文档中的关键词和 关键短语,以及它们所在的页码 D、自动生成目录的前提在文档中插入脚注 11、在 word 文档中,将题 11 图 A 转换成图 B 的形式,可以使用的功能是()。 A、拆分表格 B、边框和底纹 C、文本转换成表格 D、表格转换成文本 12、在 PowerPoint 中,对指定对象进行“动作设置”,不能..完成的是()。 A、超链接到 B、运行程序 C、播放声音 D、更换背景 13、下列关于 IPv6 地址的描述中,不正确...的是()。 A、IPv6 比 IPv4 具有更大的地址空间 B、IPv6 比 IPv4 具有更小的路由列表 C、IPv6 增强了组播、流数据和网络安全性 D、IPV6 地址不能自动配置 14.Internet 域名中的.gov 一般表示()。 A、政府机构 B、教育机构 C、网络管理机构 D、商业机构 15、目前 Internet 采用的协议是()。 A、 IPX/SPX B、 NetBEUI C、 OSI/RM D、 TCP/IP


专升本英语模拟试题 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure Section A Vocabulary 1. People are ______ (like) to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it. 2. Although I do not share his religious ______ (believe), I respect him. 3. The fresh seaside air is ______(profit) to her recovery. 4. It is known that computers can help to raise ______(efficient). 5. The ______(complain) department was crowded with angry customers. 6. Many a student ______(ask) the same questions by the teacher in yesterday’s class. 7. She found the atmosphere of the college enormously ______(excite). 8. This suit is rather dirty now. It’s been some time since it ______(wash). 9. It was ______(reluctant) that Susan agreed to help. 10. Everything would be all right if he ______(be) here. Section B Structure 11. Weather ______, we’ll start our journey tomorrow. A. is permitting B. permitting C. is permitted D. being permitting 12. The residents, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross. A. all whose homes B. all their homes C. all of whose homes D. all of their homes 13. My new shoes cost me $20. The price was ______ that of the last pair I bought a month ago. A. more than twice B. twice as much as C. as twice D. as much as twice 14. Since the mountain is white, it ______ last night. A. must be snowed B. must snow C. must have snowed D. must have been snowed 15. ______, he would feel exhausted after a whole day’s work. A. As strong is he B. As he is strong C. Strong if he is D. Strong as he is 16. ______ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. A. There had B. They had C. There existed D. It existed 17. You mustn’t delay ______ the medicine over. A. to send B. send C. sent D. sending 18. An old friend from abroad, ______ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 19. Judges must be independent ______ political pressure. A. to B. of C. under D. on 20. I, not you, ______ to blame. A. are B. is C. am D. be Part 2 Reading Comprehension Task 1 About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost 1 out of


重庆专升本计算机试题 专升本模拟题五 一、填空题 1?计算机的运算部件能同时处理的二进制数据的位数称为__________ 。 2?在Word 2000中,除了正文,表格等内容外,图片、数学公式、图表等可以作为对象插入, 采用的是技术,使用这种技术可以实现各种软件之间数据的交换。 3.Windows操作系统的安装类型包括典型安装,便携机安装,最小安装和________ 。 4.在Excel中,单元格E5中有公式"=E3+ $E$2",删除D列后,贝U D5单元格中的公式为 5.发布到因特网的WWW信息又称,终端用户可以通过浏览器读取。 6?在WINDOWS系统中,"编辑(E)"菜单可用键盘上的键调用。 7.声卡的主要性能由采样位数和决定。 &在Excel中,按住键可以选择多个不相邻的工作表。 9.是一种具有标准外观和标准操作方法的对象, 但是它不能单独存在,只能存在于某个窗 口中。 10.VOD即,是集动态影视图像、静态图片、声音、文字等信息为一体,为用户提供实时、高质量、按需点播服务的系统。 二、单选题 1 ?通常人们所说的一个完整的计算机系统应包括_____________ 。 A.运算器、存储器和控制器 B.计算机和它的外围设备 C系统软件和应用软件 D.计算机的硬件系统和软件系统 2.__________________________________________________ 按冯.诺依曼的观点,计算机由五大部件组成,它们是_______________________________________ 。 A.CPU控制器、存储器、输入/输出设备 B.控制器、运算器、存储器、输入/输出设备 C.CPU运算器、主存储器、输入/输出设备 D.CPU控制器、运算器、主存储器、输入/输出设备 3.___________________________________ 第4代电子计算机使用的逻辑器件是。 A.晶体管 B.电子管 C.中、小规模集成电路 D.大规模和超大规模集成电路 4.微型机中的CPU是________ 。 A.分析、控制并执行指令的部件 B.寄存器 C.分析、控制并执行指令的部件和存储器 D.分析、控制指令的部件和存储器和驱动器


专升本公共英语模拟试卷(一) 40 points) Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1 × Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. She doesn’t know the answer, ____ I’ve told her several times. A. in spite B. even C. while D. although 2. He isn’t rich, _____ that he ever will be. A. neither I could imagine B. not could I imagine C. nor could I imagine D. I could not imagine 3. There is___ evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing. A. sufficient B. plentiful C. adequate D. ample 4. It was for this reason _____ Linda refused to accept the offer to work abroad. A. why B. that C. which D. how 5. Europe has achieved more in controlling the AIDS virus than Asia in t he past ten years, ___ the number of people infected with the virus is going up sharply. A. when B. that C. so that D. where 6. The report said a bus went out of _____ control on a highway _____ south of the city and rushed into a river. A.the, the B./, the C.the,/ D./,/ 7.____all kinds of knowledge, he was admitted to a key university. A.Equipped with B.Having equipped for C.Armed for D.Having armed with


专升本公共计算机基础模拟试题二及答案模拟试卷(二) 模拟试卷(二) 一、填空题(每空1分,共30分) 1. 一个完整的计算机系统由_____硬件系统____和_软件系统________两部分组成。 2. 个人计算机的主要性能指标有字长、_____运算速度____、_________、_________、外部设备和软件配置。 3. 两位二进制可表示___两______种不同的状态。 4. 无论是西文字符还是中文字符,在机内一律用______二进制___编码来表示。 5. 系统软件包括操作系统、____应用软件_____、数据库管理系统、一些实用程序。 6. ---- 和----- 集成在一块芯片上,称为微处理器(CPU)。 7. 启动Windows98后,在桌面的空白区域单击鼠标右键,执行“属性”命令后,将出现_________窗口。 8. Windows98系统提供了丰富的应用程序,这些程序按其功能放在相应的程序组中。要编辑一个图形文件需要用附件组中的_________程序。9. 在Windows98系统控制面板中,删除某一中文输入法后,该输入法从输入法属性的列表框中被删除,而并非从_________ 中删除了该输入法。 10. 在Windows98系统中,可以使用_________ 对文件夹和文件进行管理。 11. 利用剪贴板复制文本,首先要_________ 文本,然后单击

“_________ ”按钮,再确定_________,最后单击“_________”按钮。 12. 在Word窗口的“窗口”菜单的下面有一些文件名,它们是_________ Word文档名。 13. 在Word中,_________ 的作用是控制文档内容在页面中的位置。 14. Excel是一个通用的_________ 软件。 15. 向Excel工作表中输入数据时,键入前导符_________表示要输入公式。 16. 在PowerPoint中,演示文稿的后缀名为_________ ,演示文稿模板的后缀名为_________ 。 17. 为了解决IP地址难于记忆,Internet又设计了_________ 。 18. 计算机网络从逻辑功能上可以分为资源子网和_________。 19. 计算机网络是_________与_________紧密结合的产物。 20. 现在常用的浏览器有微软公司的_________和网景公司的_________ 。 二、选择题(每空1分,共30分) 1. 所谓“裸机”是指【d 】。 A) 单片机B) 单板机 C) 不装备任何软件的计算机D) 只装备操作系统的计算机 2. 电子计算机主要是以【B 】划分发展阶段的。 A) 集成电路B) 电子元件C) 电子管D) 晶件管 3. 在下列各种设备中,读取数据快慢的顺序为【B 】。 A) RAM、Cache、硬盘、软盘 B) Cache、RAM、硬盘、软盘



重庆市普通高等院校招生“专升本”统一选拔考试 《大学计算机》试题册 考试时间:4月18日14:00—16:00 一、单项选择题 1、标志着Internet诞生的网际互联的网络是(A)。 A、ARPA 网 B 、MILNet C、DARPA D、NSFNet 2、使用LSI和VLSI的电子计算机被称为(D)电子计算机。 A第一代B第二代C第三代D第四代 3、计算机硬件系统由五大部件组成,它们是(D )。 A、CPU、运算器、存储器、输入输出设备 B、CPU、控制器、存储器、输入输出设备 C、CPU、控制器、主存储器、输入输出设备 D、控制器、运算器、主存储器、输入设备和输出设备 4、下列关于“计算机采用二进制码的原因”的说法中,不正确的说法是(C )。 A、二进制码便于实现逻辑运算 B、二进制码在物理上最容易实现 C、人们习惯使用经过二进制码表示二进制数 D、二进制码用来表示二进制数,其计数和加减运算的规则都很简单 5、当前的计算机仍采用“存储程序”原理,该原理是由( C )提出的。 A美国人西蒙·克雷B美国人普雷斯伯·埃克特 C美籍匈牙利人冯·诺依曼D美国宾夕法尼亚大学约翰·莫克斯 6、当前,中国的汉字信息系统一般都采用与ASCII码相容的8位编码方案,用(B)个8位码字符构成一个汉字内部码。 A1 B2 C4 D8

7、完整的计算机系统包括(D )。 A.CPU和存储器B主机和使用程序C主机和外部设备D硬件系统和软件系统 8、电子计算机ENIAC诞生于(A )。 A.1946年2月 B.1946年6月 C.1949年2月 D.1949年5月 9、在微型计算机中,能实现算术运算、逻辑运算及全机控制的部件是(D)。 A运算器B控制器C内存储器(动态可读可写) D微处理器(静态可读可写) 10、下列存储器中,(B)的特点是只能读出原有的内容,不能由用户再写入新内容。 A.RAM B.ROM C.DRAM D.SRAM 11、下列说法中,正确的说法是(D )。 A只要不上网就不会感染计算机病毒 B计算机病毒实质上是一组被损坏的程序 C计算机病毒具有隐蔽性、潜伏性、传播性、激发性和破坏性的特点 D当前,所使用的防杀病毒软件的作用是检查出计算机已感染的所有病毒,清除部分已感染的病毒 12、与八进制数106等值的十六进制数是(A)。01000110 A.46 B.66 C.6A D.A6 13、在计算机中,CD-ROM被称作(C )。 A只读软盘B只读硬盘C只读光盘D只读存储器 14、下列说法中,不正确的说法是(A )。 A多媒体信息不包括文字、图形 B多媒体技术集文字、声音、图像、视频、通信等多项技术于一体 C多媒体计算机中的视频卡处理的是静止或运动的图像信号 D多媒体计算机系统的两大组成部分是多媒体计算机硬件系统和多媒体计算机软件系统 15、用户用高级语言编写的程序要让计算机执行,应首先将其装入(A )。


(专科起点升本科) 英语备考试题库 一、词汇与语法知识 练习(一) 1.Is the Changjiang River river in the world? A. the third longest B. the third longer C. the three longest D. the three longer 2.We must not to know when we do not know. A. intend B. prevent C. prepare D. pretend 3.Only in this way the foreign language well. A.can we learn B.can learn we C.should we learn D.we can learn 4.He wished he more about the subject, so he could talk about it. A.had known B.knew C.would know D.knows 5.Is this book you borrowed from the library last week? A.that B.×C.the one D.which 6. The professor last week will give us a report this Saturday afternoon. A. returning B. returned C. who returned D. having returned 7. About of the workers in that steel works are young people. A. third fifths B. three fives C. three fifths D. three fifth 8. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ in 2001 as the year before. A. as twice many machines B. twice many as machines C. twice as many machines D. as many machines twice 9. Because the man's gift was too expensive, the girl to accept it. A. rejected B. denied C. refused D. unwilling 10. —Why are you looking pleased? —Oh, I've just had a job _______ A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered 11.wants the book may have it. A. Anyone B. Someone C. Those D. Whoever


专升本英语模拟考试试题 ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. A. bathroom B. eleventh C. breathe D. maths II. Vocabulary and Structure ()6. They all look so happy. They have succeeded in persuading their teacher. A. can B. will C. must D. would ()7. A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went control. A. under B. beyond C. above D. over ()8. Not only you but also I __________ mistaken. A. am ()9. Hard as he worked from day till night, he couldn't make enough money to support his family. D. 不填 ()10. George this morning -Not yet, but he is sure to be here before noon. A. Will you see B. Did you see C. Do you see D. Have you seen ()11. After a long discussion, the workers have finally the decision that they should hold on their strike for two more days. A. received B. found C. explained D. reached ()12. Next weekend he will visit the airbase he worked 25 years ago. ()13. The sports team of our province won they did at the last National Games. A. twice as many gold medals as B. as many twice gold medals as C. as many as twice gold medals D. twice many gold medals than ()'s go out for a walk along the river band. A. What a fine day B. What fine day C. How fine day D. How a fine day ()15. It remains a question when the new classroom building . A. will be completed B. had been completed C. would be completed D. has been completed ()16. While we boys were working hard in the garden, our sisters


2019年计算机真题(学而精独家,无删减) 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1、下列存储设备中,存取速度最快的是()。 A.DVD-RW B.FD C.HD D.SSD 2、题2图为汉字信息处理系统模型,其中“1”处应该填写()。 题 2图 A.机内码 B.机外码 C.UNICODE D.EBCDIC 3、在一个长度为500页的word文档中,要编辑280页,到达该页面最快捷的方法是()。 A.查找 B.替换 C.定位 D.手动翻页 4、在word长文档中,要快速自动生成题4图所示的编号和目录,则在文中使用的技术是()。 题4图 A.项目符号 B.页面设置 C.多级列表 D.段落格式 5、题5图所示的word版面中,图片的文字环绕方式是()。 题5图 A.四周型 B.紧密型 C.上下型 D.嵌入型 6、在excel中,如题6图所示,如果在C6单元格中输入了内容“XX”,出现了“输入值非法”的对话框,

原因是C6单元格设置了()。 题6图 A.条件格式 B.数据有效性 C.高级筛选 D.保护工作表 7、有三个季度的销售表格,如题7图所示,如果想要合在一起计算总的销售额,该用()功能。 题7图 A.高级筛选 B.分类汇总 C.合并计算 D.线性回归 8、在excel中,关于“选择性粘贴”说法错误的是()。 A.可以只粘贴公式 B.只能粘贴数值型数据 C.可以粘贴源数据 D.可以粘贴数据内容 9、在微软Office软件中,Power Point的特有功能是()。 A.转换为PDF文档 B.转换为web文档 C.打包成CD D.图像编排 10、有一个人他在外地出差,他想要通过Internet访问公司内部的信息,请问他要通过()来访问。 A.VPN B.E-mail C.www D.ftp 11、题11图中,若要设置数学、计算机、语文三科中均大于等于90分的在F2单元格中显示为优秀,否则为空,则F2单元格中应输入的公式应该为()。


专升本英语模拟试题(三) 模拟试题(三) Part I Reading Comprehension(40%35minutes) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehensio n questions. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark you r answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: In 1977, a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a 19-month-old baby in a most unus ual way. The author was Agatha Christie, a gentle married lady and one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world. In June 1977, a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar, near Saudi Arabia. Doctors were unable t o decide the cause of her illness with confidence, so she was flown to London and admitted to Hamme rsmith Hospital, where specialist help was available (可得到的). She was then only semiconscious (半清醒状态) and on the “Dangerously ill” list. A team of doctors hurried to examine the baby only to disc over t hat they, too, were puzzled by the very unusual symptoms. While they were discussing the baby’s case, a nurse asked to speak to them. “Excuse me.” said Nurse Marsha Maitland, “but I think the baby is suffering from thallium poiso ning.” “What makes you think that?” Dr Brown asked. “Thallium poisoning is extremely rare.” “A few days ago, 1 was reading a novel called A Pale Horse by Agatha Christie,” Nurse Maitlan d explained. “In the book, somebody uses thallium poison, and all the symptoms are described. They’re exactly the same as the baby’s.” “You’re very observant and you may be right,” another doctor said. “We’11 carry out some tests and find out whether it’s thallium or not.” The tests showed that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium, a rare metallic substance u sed in making optical glass. Once they knew the cause of illness, the doctors were able to give the ba by the correct treatment. She soon recovered and was sent back to Qatar. Enquiries made people know that the poison might have come from an insecticide used in Qatar. 1. Who first suggested the correct cause of the baby’s illness? A. A doctor in Qatar. B . Dr Brown. C. Nurse Maitland D. Agatha Christie 2. Why was the baby sent to London? A . Because she was a British girl whose parents were working in Qatar. B . Because the hospitals in Qatar were full at that time. C. Because she was the daughter of a doctor in one of the hospitals

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