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1、atomic structure

element n.元素

all know materials can be broken down into fundamental substances we call element.我们所知道的所有物质都可以分解成原子。

atom n.原子

atom is the smallest particle of matter having all that element ’s characteristics.


nucleus /’nju:kli ?s ,’nu ?kli ?s/ 原子核

electron n.电子 proton 质子 neutron 中子 compound n. 化合物:

When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical

change takes place.当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时, 发生



ion n. 离子:

when an atom get or lost elections,it becomes ion.


cathode n. 阴极(negative electrode )

Cathode rays are attracted by a positive charge.


anode n. 阳极(positive election )

A red wire is often attached to the anode.


particle n. 粒子:

Particles include moleculars,atoms , protons, neutrons ,electrons and ions.微小粒子包括分子,原子,质子,中子,电子,离子等等。

ionisation n. 电离,离子化:

We can get some elementary substance by ionisation.


ionisation energy n.电离能:

the energy needed to remove 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms .从原子中移走一个电子所需要的能量。

First ionisation energy n.第一电离能

the energy required to remove one electron from each atom in one mole of gaseous atoms is called first ionisation energy,?Hi1(2010年真题)as: Ca(g)→Ca +(g)+e -;?H i1=+590KJ/mol

isotope n.同位素:

which element have same number of protons ,but different number of neutrons. 有相同质子数的元素就是同位素。 shielding effect n.屏蔽效应:

electrons in the filled inner shells repel electrons in the outer shell and reduce the effect of the positive nuclear ,this is called shielding effect.


2、atoms molecules and stoichiometry

Relative mass n. 相对质量

The actual mass of an atom is very small (in the range of 10-20 kg ,for C atomic mass is 1.933×10-20g ). Hence atom nucleus election proton neutron {{(+)(-)

relative mass( where the mass of an atom is compared with the mass of one reference atom) is used instead.因为原子本身的质量很小,计算使用都很不方便,因此我们采用一个相对质量,用质量和一个标准物质作比较。relative atomic mass n.相对原子质量:

elative atomic mass is the mass of an atom relative to 1/12 times the mass of carbon-12, relative atomic mass is a ratio,it has no unit.

相对原子质量就是物质的质量与C-12 原子的1/12 的一个比值。相对原子质量是一个比值,没有单位。relative isotopic mass n. 相对同位素质量

relative isotope mass is the mass of one atom of the isotope relative to 1/12 times the mass of one atom of carbon-12. 相对同位素质量就是用同位素的质量和1/12 C-12原子的质量相比的一个比值。

relative molecular mass n. 相对分子质量

As we all know moleculars are all made by atoms so we can get the relative molecular mass by adding up the relative atomic mass of all the atoms present in the molecule.


avogadro’s constant n. 阿伏伽德罗常数:

The number of atoms in exactly 12g of carbon -12 is 6.02×1023,the number is called avogadro’s constant .

12克C-12 所含原子的个数是6.02×1023,这个数就是阿伏伽德罗常数

empirical formulae n.实验式:

empirical formulae of a compound shows the simplest whole number ratio of the element present.


molecular formulae n.分子式

molecular formulae shows the total number of atoms of each element present in a molecule of the compound.


titration 滴定:A titration is a way of measuring quantities of reactants.


halogen 卤素:在元素周期表中含fluorine氟,chlorine 氯,bromine溴,iodine 碘,astatine 砹五种卤素precipitation n.沉淀: it is a solid.是一种固体物质。两种离子结合后形成一种微溶或不溶物沉淀下来。

dilute vt稀释:

adding water or something else to decrease the molarities.在溶液中加水或加入其它溶剂使溶液浓度变低。The water will dilute the wine.水能使酒变淡。

Molarity n.摩尔浓度:

the mol of the substance divided by the volume of the solution ,the unit is mol/dm-3.


3 化学键

ionic bond n.离子键

The electrostatic attraction between positive ion and negative ion is called ionic bond.正负离子之间的引力成为离子键,如NaCl

covalent bond n.共价键

A covalent bond is formed when electrons are shared between two atoms.


metallic bond n.金属键

Metallic bond is an attractive forces between the positive ions and the delocalized electrons.


co-ordinate bond n.配位键

In the co-ordinate bond ,one atom provides two electrons that are shared with another atom.thus,the donor atom must have a lone pair of electrons while the acceptor atom must have an empty orbital to accommodate the electrons. 一个


hydrogen bond n. 氢键

Hydrogen bond are usually represented by three dashes: fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen and it is a very strong dipole-dipole attraction.

Such as in water:the oxygen atoms have lone pairs of electrons,the hydrogen atom has almost lost both the shared electrons to the oxygen to which it is covalently bonded and this leaves it almost bare of electron.


Van der waal's forces n.范德华力

Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces is called Van der waal's forces.瞬间诱导偶极就是分子间作用力。

VSEPR(valence Shell electron pair repulsion)n. 价层电子互斥理论The shape of simple covalent molecules can be predicted using the valence shell electron-pair repulsion theory. Electron pairs (bond pairs and lone pairs )will repel one anther so that they are as far apart as possible.孤电子对之间相互排斥,从而使原子呈现一定的空间结构,从而可以根据价层电子对理论来推测分子的空间构型。

permanent dipole /dipole-dipole force n. 永久偶极

The water molecules are attracted to the charged nylon rod or comb because they have a permanent electric dipole .a force of this type is called a dipole -dipole force.水分子被吸引到了尼龙或梳子上,是因为他们有了一个瞬间的电偶极。像这种力就被称为由诱导产生的诱导力,也就是永久偶极。

temporary dipole/instantaneous dipole n.瞬时偶极induce dipole n. 诱导偶极

The instantaneous dipole -- induce dipole is rather like the effect of a magnet on a pin .the pin becomes temporarily magnetised and is attracted to the magnet .the strength of the force increase with the number of electrons and protons present.


induce vt.引导Her illness was induced by overwork.


polarity 极性Polarity is inherent in a magnet.


4 物质状态

Kinetic energy n. 动能

The kinetic energy of the molecules in a solid ,liquid or gas is a measure of the amount of random movement of molecules.


Evaporation n. 蒸发,发散,消失

Evaporation is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase that occurs at temperatures below the boiling temperature at a given pressure .and evaporation usually occurs on the surface.


Vapor pressure n. 气压

Vapor pressure is the pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with its non-vapor phase. All liquid and solid have a tendency to evaporate to a gaseous form , and all gases have a tendency to condense back into their original form .at any given temperature ,for a particular substance ,there is a pressure at which the gas of that substance is in dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid forms. This is the vapor pressure of that substance at that temperature.


melting vt. 融化

Melting is a physical process that results in the phase change of a substance from a solid to a liquid.


giant molecular lattices n. 大分子晶体

molecular lattices are three –dimensional arrangement of atoms held together by strong covalent bonds .some giant molecular structures contain atoms of only one element . 这种大分子晶体是通过共价键结合成三维空间排布的晶体。一些大分子晶体只含有一种元素。

giant ionic lattices n. 大离子晶体

in such a lattice ,there is a regular arrangement of anions and cations ,sodium chloride and magnesium oxide form a cubic lattice ,in which each cations is surrounded by six anions and each anions is surrounded by six cations.在大分子晶体中,阴阳离子呈规则排布,以立方体的氯化钠和氧化镁为例,每个阴离子都被六个阳离子包围,每个阳离子都被六个阴离子包围。

ideal gas law n. 理想气体定律

the behaviour of ideal gases is represented by the ideal gas equation :

PV=nRT p is the pressure ,measured in pascals ,Pa; V is the volume ,measured in metre cubed ,m3; T is the temperature on the Kelvin ;R is the gas constant ,8.314JK-1 mol-1;and n is the


Intermolecular force n.分子间作用力

Intermolecular force tend to bring order to the movement of molecules .分子间作用力趋于使分子的运动有序化。Brownain motion n. 布朗运动

The random movements of the pollen ,known as brownain motion.


Instantaneous dipole forces n. 瞬时偶极力

van der waal’s forces n. 范德华力

It is one of the features of large molecules that their electron clouds are more spread out , and it is just this type of molecule that has large forces between instantaneous dipoles. There forces are called instantaneous dipole forces ( are also known as van der waal’s forces).


5 chemical energetics

Exothermic adj. 放热的Most chemical reactions release energy to their surroundings ,these reactions are described as exothermic.


Endothermic adj. 吸热的

Some chemical reactions occur only while energy is transferred to them an external source. Reactions such as these which require a heat input are endothermic reactions. 一些化学反应需要从外界环境中吸收能量,这种化学反应为吸热反应。

Ehthalpy n. 焓

Enthalpy is the total energy content of the reacting materials .it is given the symbol H. enthalpy cannot be measured as such , but it is possible to measure the enthalpy change . 焓是反应物中所含有的总能量,用H来表示,焓的数值不能直接测得,但可以测定焓变。

Enthalpy change n. 焓变

Enthalpy change is given the symbol△H ,the units are kilojoules per mole(Kj/mol).△H= H products- H reactants

Standard conditions n. 标准条件

When we compare the enthalpy changes of various reactions we must use standard conditions. such as known

temperature ,pressures , amounts ,and concentrations of reactions or products .我们在测定不同反应物的焓变时必须是在标准条件下,比如特定的温度,压强,反应物或产物的数目和浓度。

Standard enthalpy change of reaction n. 标准反应焓

The standard enthalpy change of reaction is the enthalpy change when amounts of reactants, as shown in the reaction equation, react together under standard conditions to give products in their standard states.


Standard enthalpy change of formation n. 标准生成焓

The standard enthalpy change of formation is the enthalpy change when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements under standard conditions , both compound and elements are in their standard states.

标准生成焓是由标准状态下的元素生成1 mol 化合物的焓变(产物也要在标准状态下)

Standard enthalpy change of combustion n. 标准燃烧含

The standard enthalpy change of combustion is the enthalpy change when one mole of an element or compound reacts completely with oxygen under standard conditions.标准燃烧含是指在标准状态下1mol 元素或化合物和氧气完全反应的焓变。

Standard enthalpy change of hydration n. 标准水和焓变

The standard enthalpy change of hydration is the enthalpy change when one mole of a gaseous ion dissolves in water to give an infinitely dilute solution . 标准水和焓变就是当1 mol 气态离子溶解在水中生成水溶液放出的能量。Standard enthalpy change of solution n. 标准溶解焓变

The standard enthalpy change of solution is the enthalpy change when one mole of a solute dissolves in a solvent to give an infinitely dilute solution. 当1 mol 溶剂溶解在水中形成一种稀释溶液时所放出的能量就是标准溶解焓变。

Standard enthalpy change of neutralization n.标准中和焓变

The standard enthalpy change of neutralization is the enthalpy change when one mol of H+ ions from an acid is completely neutralized by an alkali to give one mol of water.标准中和焓变是酸中的氢离子被碱溶液完全中和形成1 mol 水。

Standard enthalpy change of atomisation n. 标准原子化焓

The standard enthalpy change of atomization of an element is the enthalpy change when one mole of gaseous atoms is formed from one mole of the element in its standard state. 标准原子化焓是在标准条件下生成1摩尔气态原子的焓变。

Bond enthalpy n. 键能

Bond enthalpy is the energy needed to break a covalent bond ,and this indicates the strength of the bond .键能是指破坏一个共价键所需要的能量,这能表明键的强度。

Hess’s law n. 盖斯定律

The total enthalpy change for a chemical reaction is independent of the route by which the reaction take place, provide the initial and final condition is the same.如果反应前和反应后的条件完全相同,那总的焓变是相同的和反应路径无关。

chapter 6 electrochemistry

oxidation states n. 氧化态

oxidation states are usually calculated as the number of electrons that atoms lose, gain or share when they from ionic or covalent bonds in compounds. 氧化态通常通过计算他们形成共价化合物或离子化合物时失去,得到或公用电子的数目。

Redox n. 氧化还原反应

The term redox is used for the simultaneous processes of reduction and oxidation.


Electrolysis n 电解反应

When an electric current is passed through a solution of an ionic salt in water, the ions move through the solution and

chemical reaction occur at the electrodes. This process is called electrolysis.

在离子化合物的水溶液中通电时,离子会通过水溶液在电极上发生化学反应。这个过程就是电解过程。Anion n. 阳离子(anode 阳极)

Cations n. 阴离子(cathode 阴极)

The anions are attracted to the positively charged anode and the cations are attracted to the negatively charged cathode. 阳离子被吸引到阴极,阴离子被吸引到阳极。

Diaphragm cell n. 隔膜电池

In the diaphragm cell, a porous(多孔的)asbestos(石棉)diaphragm separate the anode compartment into the anode compartment.


7 equilibria

Equilibrium n. 化学平衡

It is dynamic at the molecular or ionic level. Both forward and reverse processes occur at equal rates. A closed system is required. Macroscopic properties remain constant. 化学平衡是在分子离子水平上的动态平衡,正反方向上的反应速率相同,需要在封闭体系中进行,宏观性质保持恒定。

Dynamic equilibrium n. 动态平衡

In general,in a dynamic equilibrium, the rate of reaction in the forwards direction equals the rate of reaction in the reverse direction.


Le Chatelier’s principle n. 夏特列原理

When any of the conditions affecting the position of a dynamic equilibrium are changed, then the position of that equilibrium will shift to minimize that change.当外界条件影响动态平衡的方向时,平衡就会向减小这种影响的方向移动。

Equilibrium constant n. 平衡常数(Kc)

Equilibrium constant as the ratio of the product concentrations ( multiplied together ) divided by the reactant concentrations ( multiplied together ). 平衡常数是反应物浓度的乘积比上产物的乘积。

8 reaction kinetics

Determining step n. 决定步骤

It is the slowest step in a mechanism which determines the overall rate of reaction. The slowest step in a reaction mechanism is called the determining step. 在化学反应中,反应最慢的一步决定反应的总速度,反应最慢的这步就成为反应的决定步。

Colorimeter n. 色度计

The colorimeter measures the amount of light of a specific colour that passes through a sample. 色度计用来测量穿过样品的特定颜色的光线数量。

Effective collision n. 有效碰撞

Effective collision occur when the kinetic energy of the colliding molecules provides sufficient energy for reaction.


Boltzmann distribution n. 波尔兹曼分布

The Boltzmann distribution represents the number of particles with particular energies. 波尔兹曼分布指的是有特定能量的分子的数目。

Activation energy n. 活化能

Molecules have to collide with a certain minimum energy Ea for there to be a chance of reaction. Ea is referred to as the activation energy.


Catalyst n. 催化剂

A catalyst is something added to a reaction that increase its rate, but dose not itself change in concentration, the same

amount remains after the reaction as before. 催化剂是用来加入反应中加快反应速度的,而催化剂本身不发生变化。

Enzyme n. 酶

Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts.


9 chemical periodicity

Covalent radius n. 共价半径

Covalent radius is half the distance between the nuclei of neighbouring atoms in molecules.共价半径是分子中两个相邻原子距离的一半。

Metallic radius n. 金属半径

Metallic radius is half the distance between the nuclei of neighbouring atoms in metallic crystals.


Atomic radius n. 原子半径

The covalent radius can be measured for most elements and is usually what is meant when we use the term atomic radius.


Siemens n. 西门子Siemens are the reciprocal of the units of electrical resistance.西门子是电阻的倒数。S= -1 Conductivity n. 导电性

Conductivity values give an indication of how easily electrons move through the element.导电性表示某种元素中电子的活动性

10 group Ⅱ

Hard water n. 硬水

Hard water contains dissolved calcium ions.


11 Group 7

Disproportionation n. 不均匀的,歧化反应

A particular type of redox reaction in which one species is oxidised and reduced at the same time.


12 equilibria

Strong acid n. 强酸

Strong acid is fully dissociated to ions in aqueous solution.


Weak acid n. 弱酸

Weak acid is the acid that their molecules are only partically ionized in aqueous solution.弱酸是在水溶液中部分解离的酸。

13 introduction to organic chemistry

Hydrocarbons n. 碳氢化合物

Compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms are known as hydrocarbons.只含有碳原子和氢原子的化合物称为碳氢化合物。

Aromatic n. 芳香族的

Aromatic compounds n. 芳香族化合物

Aromatic compounds contain one or more arene rings. They are called aromatic compounds as they have distinctive , usually pleasant, smells.


Aliphatic compounds n. 脂肪族化合物

All other compounds are aliphatic compounds except aromatic compounds.除了芳香族化合物其他的都是脂肪族化合物。

Molecular formula n. 分子式

A molecular formula simply shows the number of atoms of each element present in the molecular formula of hexane is C6H14。


General formula n. 通式

A general formula may be written for each series of compounds. For example, the general formula for the alkanes is CnH2n+2 (where n is the number of carbon atoms present).

通式用来表示同一系列的化合物,例如:烷烃的通式是 C n H 2n+2(n 表示碳原子的数目)

Structural formula n. 结构式

This shows how the atoms are joined together in a molecule. The structure formula of hexane is CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3.

结构式表示的是原子如何结合在一起形成分子的。己烷的结构式是:CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3.

Displayed formula n. 展开式

This shows all the bonds and all the atoms. The displayed formula of hexane is:

One of their disadvantages is that they are two-dimensional representation of mulecules which are three-dimensional. 展开式可以表示出所有的化学键和原子,例如己烷的展开式是:


Skeletal formula n. 骨架式

This shows the carbon skeleton only. Hydrogen atoms on the carbon atoms are omitted. Carbon atoms are not labelled. Other types of atom are shown as in a structure formula. Skeletal formula are frequently used to show the structures of cyclic hydrocarbons. The skeletal foemula of hexane is:


A three-dimensional formula n. 三维空间式

A three-dimensional formula gives the best examples of the different types of formulae for the amino acid

phenylalanine are shown below:


三维结构式是表示分子空间结构最好的表示方式,例如苯基丙氨酸的三维结构式如上图所示。Homologous series n. 同系物

Homologous series is a series of compounds that contain the same functional group and that have the same general formula.


Substitution n. 取代反应

Substitution involves replacing an atom by another atom .


Addition reaction n. 加成反应

Addition reactions involve two molecules joining together to form a single new molecule.


Elimination n. 消去反应

Elimination involves the removal of a molecule from a large one. The addition of ethene to steam may be reversed by passing ethonal vapour over a hot catalyst such as pumic. A water molecule is eliminated.

CH3CH2OH(g) →CH2=CH2(g) + H2O(g)


Hydrolysis n. 水解反应

Hydrolysis reactions involve breaking covalent bonds by reaction with water. The substitution of the bromine atom in bromoethane by hydrolysis is also a hydrolysis. The reaction proceeds much more slowly in water.

CH3CH2Br(l) + H2O(l) →CH3CH2OH(aq) + HBr(aq)


Catalysis n. 催化剂

Catalysts are frequently used in reactions to increase the rate of reaction. They do this by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy。催化剂通常被用来加快反应速度,他们是通过提供一个需要更低反应活化能的路径来做到的。

heterolytic fission n. 异裂

When a covalent bond is broken to form two oppositely charged ions, the process is called heterolytic fission。当一个共价键断裂形成两个电荷相反的离子,这个过程被称为异裂。

Electrophile n. 亲电试剂

An electrophile is an electron-pair acceptor which is attracted to an electron -rich molecule,leading to the formation of a new covalent bond between the electrophile and the molecule under attack.亲电试剂是指电子对接受体,电子对接受体被吸引到富电子分子中能形成新的共价键。

Nucleophile n. 亲核试剂

A nucleophile is an electron-pair donor which is attracted to an atom with a partical positive charge, leading to the formation of a new covalent bond between the nucleophile and the atom under attack.



2020高二地理寒假作业答案 导读:本文是关于2020高二地理寒假作业答案,希望能帮助到您! 1.(12分)(1)长江流域面积广,地处湿润气候带,降雨量大且暴雨集中,植被破坏严重。(3分) (2)植被覆盖率较高(1分) (3)黄河流域大部分地区土质疏松,植被覆盖率低(2分) (4)水土流失导致河流含沙量增大,河床淤积,蓄洪泄洪能力减弱;湖泊淤积,导致调蓄洪水能力降低;水库淤积,降低水库防洪标准。(6分) 2 ⑴沪宁杭、矿产资源(能源、原料)⑵经大秦线至港口,再海运至长江三角洲(上海)⑶有色金属、湘黔⑷水电、天然气(核电) 3(1)耕地面积扩大,沼泽面积缩小生物多样性减少,水旱灾害性增多,气候变干(2)松花江主要流经平原地区,水流平稳;沿岸人口和城市较密集(3)开垦年限越久,土壤质量指数越低,退化越严重土壤侵蚀的加剧和不合理的耕作制度 (4)ABEF 4(1)55(2分) (2)B(2分) 与A相比,B地在冬季处背风向阳的南坡,热量条件优于A地台风;偶尔南下的冷空气影响;春季多阴雨等。(6分) (3)AB(4分) (4)如图所示(2分) 5.(1)、填出序号代表的地形区名称。 ①秦岭②渭河平原(谷地) ③汉水谷地(平原)。 (2)、气温随地势或海拔的升高而降低。 (3)山地迎风坡(南坡)降水多,背风坡降水少(答出山地迎风坡降水多可得分)。

(4)、900(850一950均可) (6)华北的春旱,东北和华北的冬季的寒潮,夏秋季的洪涝等 (7)使河湖酸化,影响鱼类生长繁殖,乃至大量死亡;使土壤酸化,危害森林和农作物生长;腐蚀建筑物和文物古迹,并危及人体健康。 6.(8分)读我国某区域沿东经106.5°所作的地形剖面及气候资料图,分析回答: (1)2℃,800mm。 (2) (AC) (3)四川盆地。 (4)阴雨,位于昆明准静止锋冷气团一侧。 7、(1)受季风气候影响,径流季节变化量较大(1分)上游落差大,水流急,不利于航运(1分) 受海洋气候影响,径流季节变化小,(1分)地势平坦,大部分河段水流平稳(1分) (2)长江中下游平原 C (各1分) (3)汉水武汉 (各1分) ACDF (2分) 8、(1)CD(2分) (2)有色金属矿产丰富水电丰富(2分) (3)立体农业,春季低温阴雨,夏季干热少雨(伏旱)(3分) (4)围湖造田,河流泥沙淤积(2分) (5)武汉水陆交通便利,靠近煤产地,钢铁、机械工业发达、协作条件好,有多所高等院校及科研机构,技术力量雄厚(劳动力素质高)农业基础好。(4分) 9.(11分) (1)均为地上河 (地形)从第二阶梯进入第三阶梯,水流速度迅速降低,泥沙沉积严重,河床抬高,堤坝加高;(植被)上中游地区植被破

2021-2022年高二化学寒假作业三 缺答案

2021-2022年高二化学寒假作业三缺答案可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ag 108 一、选做题(每题只有一个正确答案,每小题3分,共60分) 1、下列说法正确的是() A、需要加热才能发生的反应一定是吸热反应 B、任何放热反应在常温条件下一定能发生反应 C、反应物和生成物所具有的总能量决定了放热还是吸热 D、吸热反应只能在加热的条件下才能进行 2.1mol白磷转化为红磷时放出18.39kJ热量,已知:P 4(白磷,s)+5O 2 (g)=2P 2 O 5 (s) ΔH=-a kJ/mol(a>0);4P(红磷,s)+5O2(g)=2P2O5(s) ΔH=-b kJ/mol(b>0),则a和b的关系是() A.a > b B.a = b C.a < b D.无法确定3.关于原电池和电解池的叙述正确的是()。 A.原电池中失去电子的电极为阴极 B.原电池的负极、电解池的阳极都发生氧化反应 C.原电池的两极一定是由活动性不同的两种金属组成 D.电解时电解池的阴极一定是阴离子放电

4.将纯锌片和纯铜片按图示方式插入同浓度的 稀硫酸中一段时间,以下叙述正确的是() A.两烧杯中铜片表面均无气泡产生 B.甲中铜片是正极,乙中铜片是负极 C.两烧杯中溶液的pH均增大 D.产生气泡的速度甲比乙慢 5.下列有关金属腐蚀与防护的说法正确的是() A.纯银器表面在空气中因电化学腐蚀渐渐变暗 B.当镀锡铁制品的镀层破损时,镀层仍能对铁制品起保护作用 C.在海轮外壳连接锌块保护外壳不受腐蚀是采用了牺牲阳极的阴极保护法D.可将地下输油钢管与外加直流电源的正极相连以保护它不受腐蚀 6.右图为直流电源电解稀Na 2SO 4 水溶液的装置,通电后在石墨电极a和b附近 分别滴加石蕊溶液,下列实验现象正确的是( ) A.逸出气体的体积:a电极的小于b电极的 B.a电极附近呈蓝色,b电极附近呈红色 C.a电极附近呈红色,b电极附近呈蓝色 D.电极逸出无味气体,另一电极逸出刺激性气味气体 7.把铁钉和碳棒用导线连接起来后浸入食盐溶液中,可能出现的现象是( )

2019版高二英语: 寒假作业 第一天(含答案)

第一天 单句改错 1、Mr Brown stood at the door, welcomed newcomers with a large smile. _______________________________________________________ ______________ 2、I couldn't do my homework with all that noise go on. _______________________________________________________ ______________ 3、He had an illness after breath in coal dust for many years. _______________________________________________________ ______________ 4、It was the first time that our parents had allowed us to going to the New Year’s party and we were all very excited. _______________________________________________________ ______________ _______________________________________________________ ______________ 5、I did all that I could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure. _______________________________________________________ ______________


2020高二语文寒假作业答案参考 1..当小明写国文作业时,因为懒得翻课本,就直接拿小华的簿子来抄。在糊里糊涂照抄的情况下,请问下列哪一句话抄错了? B ,有人念到大学了还会把饮冰室记成冰果室, A.梁启超,字卓如,号任公 B.别号冰果室主人 C.曾参与戊戌变法 D.是近代的政治家与学者 2.下列哪组服饰和配件,最有可能是古代女子的打扮?D ,他是男的 A.玄端章甫 B.羽扇纶巾 C.拖鞋汗衫 D.云鬓花黄 3.就你对孔子的理解,你认为他的星座应该是属于答案:C 。A子路,B徽钦二帝,D那是断誉他爸: A.争强好胜,表现欲强的牡羊座 B.优柔寡断,多愁善感的金牛座 C.公正无私,博爱仁慈的天平座 D.处处桃花,风流文雅的射手座 4.全校的大扫除时间,由下列4个人打扫的态度,可看出谁的个性最急躁? C A.玉芳好整以暇地整理工具箱 B.启惠慢条斯理地扫着走廊 C.佑橙气急败坏地刷着厕所地板 D.建青从容不迫地擦着窗户 5.苏轼与好友张怀民夜游承天寺,请问他们不可能看到什么景象? A ,曦者日光也。 A.小斋幽敞明朱曦 B.提灯的萤火虫 C.在松针稀疏处闪烁的小镇灯火 D.慈乌夜啼 6、“城中好高髻,四方高一尺;城中好广眉,四方且半额;城中好大袖,四方全匹帛”是一首汉代流行的歌谣,下列文句,与其意义最接近的是:C (A)人弃我取,人取我予

(B)入乡问禁,入境随俗 (C)风行草偃,变本加厉 (D)追求时髦,风尚互异 7、罗董事长的三位朋友分别在今天过七十大寿、乔迁新居、分店 开幕。如果你是董事长的秘书,下面三副对联该如何送才恰当?A (甲)大启而宇,长发其祥 (乙)交以道接以礼,近者悦远者来 (丙)室有芝兰春自永,人如松柏岁长新 A、甲送乔迁新居者;乙送分店开幕者;丙送过七十大寿者 B、甲送分店开幕者;乙送乔迁新居者;丙送过七十大寿者 C、甲送过七十大寿者;乙送乔迁新居者;丙送分店开幕者 D、甲送过七十大寿者;乙送分店开幕者;丙送乔迁新居者 8、阅读下面的《论语》和《孟子》选段,回答问题。 ①子曰:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史,文质彬彬,然后君 子。”(《论语·雍也》) ②孟子曰:“君子所以异于人者,以其存心也。君子以仁存心, 以礼存心。仁者爱人,有礼者敬人。爱人者人恒爱之,敬人者人恒敬之。”(《孟子·离娄下》) 在孔子、孟子看来,怎样的人能够称为君子?如何才能成为君子?请综合上述材料,用自已的话回答。答: 9.“一个是阆苑仙葩,一个是美玉无瑕。若说没奇缘,今生偏又 遇着他;若说有奇缘,如何心事终虚化?一个枉自嗟呀,一个空劳牵挂。一个是水中月,一个是镜中花。想眼中能有多少泪珠儿,怎禁得


高二语文寒假作业三 高三 2013-02-07 15:16 高二语文寒假作业三 一、选择题 1.下列加点的字注音正确的一项是 A.札(zhá)记间(jiàn)断衍(yǎn)生疟(nüa)疾强(qiàng)颜欢笑 B.肚脐(jí)临帖(tia)剥(bō)落悄(qiǎo)然明眸(m?u)善睐 C.谂(shěn)知槛(jiàn)车修禊(xì)槲(hú)木桀骜(ào)不驯 D 挨(āi)近模(mú)具作(zu?)坊着(zháo)力日薄(b?)西山 2.下列字形全都正确一组是 A.驰骋瞭望食不果腹黯然泣下 B.妨范斑斓不共戴天首尾俱全 C.精湛斜晖阴谋鬼计踌躇满志 D.厮杀喝彩如愿以偿头昏脑胀 3.依次填入下列各句式横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①英国军方将未经训练的新兵送上战场,这一的举动引起了英国人民的强烈反对。 ②儒家文化在现代社会越来越受到重视,即使在国外也被处处。 ③菊花以其高洁、脱俗的形象被人们用以比拟美好的德行,逐渐成为中国人心中的审美对象,形成一种文化现象。

A.轻率传诵从而 B.草率传诵进而 C.草率传颂进而 D. 轻率传颂从而 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是 A.河北大学车祸案发生后,受到社会各界的广泛关注,省长称将严惩肇事者,此案很快将不了了之,给死者一份安慰。 B.这些方格绿网在切割直线道路后,增强了空间的进深感,与中国传统园林的障景法殊途同归。 C.2010年12月11日,英国王储查尔斯和妻子卡米拉遇袭,卡米拉看起来极度惊恐,吓得浑身发抖,无所适从。 D.日本侵略军侵略中国时,无所不至,其手段之残酷,已达登峰造极的地步。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.中国有超过300多万平方公里的辽阔海域,还有众多的内陆海域,水下文化遗产丰富。这些遗产在整个文化遗产保护事业中占有重要地位。 B.会计专业的学生无论是中专生、大专生、本科生,毕业后如要从事会计类职业,必须通过考试取得会计从业资格证书才能上岗。 C.新生代农民工除了关注工资待遇外,对工作环境和社会保障条件也越发重视,那些环境恶劣、保障缺失的企业,他们将说“不”。 D.历时三年的第六次全国人口普查是一次成功的国情大盘点,其数据将为我国社会经济发展规划的制定和政府的相关决策提供重要参考。 二、阅读选择 (一)阅读下文,完成6-8题 论儒学的复兴 汤一介 中华民族正处在伟大民族复兴的进程之中,民族的复兴必然与民族文化的复兴相关联,在我国历史上虽说是由儒、道、释三家构成中华文化,但儒学却一直居于主流地位,影响着中国社会生活的方方面面。因此,儒学的复兴和中华民族的复兴是分不开的,这是由历史原因形成的。儒学自孔子起就自觉地继承着夏、商、周三代的文化,从历史上看它曾是中华民族发育、成长的根,我们没有可能把这个根斩断。

高二上学期英语寒假作业1 含答案

高二英语寒假作业1 训练日期:2月 1日 第一节阅读理解 One of the latest trend(趋势)in American Childcare is Chinese au pairs. Au Pair in Stamford, for example, has got increasing numbers of request for Chinese au pairs from aero to around 4,000 since 2004. And that’s true all across the country. “I thought it would be useful for him to learn Chinese at an early age” Joseph Stocke, the managing director of s company, says of his 2-year old son. “I would at least like to give him the chance to use the language in the future,” After only six months of being cared by 25-year-old woman from China, the boy can already understand basic Chinese daily expressions, his dad says. Li Drake, a Chinese native raising two children in Minnesota with an American husband, had another reason for looking for an au pair from China. She didn’t want her children to miss out on their roots.” Because I am Chinese, my husband and I wanted the children to keep exposed to(接触) the language and culture.” she says. “Staying with a native speaker is better for children than simply sitting in a classroom,” says Suzanne Flynn, a professor in language education of Children.” But parents must understand that just one year with au pair is unlikely to produce wonders. Complete mastery demands continued learning until the age of 10 or 12.” The popularity if au pairs from China has been strengthened by the increasing numbers of American parents who want their children who want their children to learn Chinese. It is expected that American demand for au pairs will continue to rise in the next few years. 【小题1】What does that term” au pair” in the text mean? A. A mother raising her children on her own B. A child learning a foreign language at home C. A professor in language education of children D. A young foreign woman taking care of children. 【小题2】Li Drake has her children study Chinese because she wants them ______.


高二语文寒假作业(一) 一、基础知识 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一项是() A.城隅.(yú)赍.(jī)赏一弦.一柱(xuán )羽扇纶.(guān)巾 B.遗.(wai)施纤.(qiān)云怆.(chuàng)然匪我愆.(qiān)期 C.玉簟.(diàn)殷.(yān)红沏.(qī)茶重创.(chuāng)敌人 D.剡.(shàn)溪商贾.(gǔ) 机杼.(zhù)雕栏玉砌.cha) 2.下列词语书写正确的一项是() A.阑珊鹊桥迁徙异彩纷呈B.诡垣暮霭惆怅殚精竭虑 C.凋蔽仓皇主簿壮志未酬D.良辰飘零憔悴功亏一匮 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A.安倍为了迎合国内右倾思潮,决定以牺牲日本同中韩等邻国关系为代价,换取保守派的支持,执意参拜靖国神社,无异于饮鸩止渴 ....。 B.齐鲁储运厂对大功率机车实施人性化管理,一进入冬季,他们具体 ..的御寒关怀, ..而微 使机车始终处于良好的运转状态。 C.不过百多人吃着大锅饭的戏剧团体,在目前金块珠砾 ....的时节,演不成戏,便没有收入,的确也是一个严重的威胁。 D.作为亚冠新军,富力对2014年的赛季已经明确了目标。球队上下已经做好了征战这 一洲际赛事的准备,队员们心气很高,踌躇满志 ....。 4.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是() 中国古代诗人中真正弘扬了儒家思想,应该在儒学史上占有重要地位的,唯有杜甫一人。________,________。________。________,________,________。特别是作为儒家思想核心的“忠”“爱”精神,几乎成为杜甫一生坚守不渝的创作主题。 ①这种精神深入其骨髓,融入其血液②更重要的还在于他内心常常激荡着悲天悯人的人道主义精神③并用感情强烈的诗篇淋漓尽致地表达出④这不仅是因为杜甫以“儒生”自命⑤从而打动与感染众多的读者⑥它使得杜甫对孔孟所倡导的忧患意识、仁爱精神、恻隐之心、忠恕之道有深刻的理解 A.⑥④②③⑤①B.④③⑤②①⑥ C.⑥③⑤④②①D.④②①⑥③⑤ 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是() A.中国电影历经百余年的沧桑历史,不断地走向辉煌,它记录了百年以来民族命运的起伏变迁,展示了中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程。 B.第23届香山红叶文化节开幕,全园红叶变色率与往年同期相比,提前5天左右进入25%以上,随着昼夜温差加大,红叶变色加速。 C.全球已有6家航空公司投入运营了56架空客A380,运营基地都是大型国际航空枢纽,通航点也大都是全球主要的大型城市和金融中心。 D.记者从国家海洋局获悉,我国自主研发的首台“南极巡天望远镜”将被运送到南极,执行对太阳系外行星、超新星等天体的天文观测任务。 二、名句默写 6.名篇名句默写 (1)《蜀相》中表现出武侯祠内春意盎然的景象的诗句是__________________,______________。 (2)且放白鹿青崖间,________________。(《梦游天姥吟留别》)

【名师原创 全国通用】2014-2015学年高二寒假作业 物理(三)Word版含答案

【原创】高二物理寒假作业(三) 一、选择题 1.关于点电荷和元电荷的说法中,正确的是() A.把质子或电子叫元电荷 B.只有体积很小的带电体才可以看做点电荷 C.当两个带电体的大小远小于它们之间的距离时,可将这两个带电休粉成点电荷 D.任何带电球体,都可看做电荷全部集中于球心的点电荷 2.在如图所示的实验装置中,一带电平板电容器的极板A与一灵敏静电计相接,极板B接地.若极板A稍向右移动一点,则下列说法中正确的是() A.灵敏静电计指针张角变小 B.灵敏静电计指针张角变大 C.极板上的电荷量几乎不变,两极板间的电压变大 D.极板上的电荷量几乎不变,两极板间的电压变小 3.如图所示为一种自动跳闸的闸刀开关,O是转动轴,A是绝缘手柄,C是闸刀卡口,M、N 接电源线,闸刀处于垂直纸面向里、B=1 T的匀强磁场中,CO间距离为10 cm,当磁场力为0.2 N时,闸刀开关会自动跳开.则要使闸刀开关能跳开,CO中通过的电流的大小和方向为( ) A.电流方向O→C B.电流方向C→O C.电流大小为1 A D.电流大小为0.5 A 4.关于电动势下列说法中正确的是() A.在电源内部把正电荷从负极移到正极,非静电力做功,电势能增加 1

B.对于给定的电源,移动正电荷非静电力做功越多,电动势就越大 C.电动势越大,说明非静电力在电源内部从负极向正极移送单位电荷量做的功越多 D.电动势越大,说明非静电力在电源内部把正电荷从负极移送到正极的电荷量越多 5.如图所示,导轨平面水平,匀强磁场方向垂直于导轨平面,电阻一定的光滑导体棒ab、cd 放在导轨上,不计导轨电阻,今用平行于导轨的恒力作用于ab棒使之由静止开始向左运动,则() A.除开始时刻外,任一时刻ab棒的速度都大于cd棒的速度 B.除开始时刻外,任一时刻ab棒的加速度都大于cd棒的加速度 C.最终两棒的速度相同 D.最终两棒的加速度相同 6.空调机、电冰箱和消毒柜都使用了() A.温度传感器 B.红外线传感器 C.生物传感器 D.压力传感器 二、实验题 7.美国物理学家密立根通过如图所示的实验装置,最先测出了电子的电荷量,被称为密立根 油滴实验。如图,两块水平放置的金属板A、B分别与电源的正负极相连接,板间产生匀强电场,方向竖直向下,图中油滴由于带负电悬浮在两板间保持静止。 (1)若要测出该油滴的电荷量,需要测出的物理量有__________。 A.油滴质量m B.两板间的电压U C.两板间的距离d D.两板的长度L (2)用所选择的物理量表示出该油滴的电荷量q=________(已知重力加速度为g) (3)在进行了几百次的测量以后,密立根发现油滴所带的电荷量虽不同,但都是某个最小电荷量的整数倍,这个最小电荷量被认为是元电荷,其值为e=__________C。 8.在伏安法测电阻的实验中,待测电阻R x约为200 Ω,电压表的内阻约为2 kΩ,电流表的内 阻约为10 Ω,测量电路中电流表的连接方式如图(a)或图(b)所示,结果由公式R x=错误!未找到 2


寒假作业1 一、选择题 1.化学反应常常伴随能量的变化,以下是 H2(g)+Cl2(g)═2HCl(g)反应的能量变化示意图 下列说法正确的是() A.氯化氢分子的电子式: B.该反应是工业制取盐酸的化学反应原理 C.形成 1 mol H﹣Cl 键要吸收 431 kJ 的能量 D.该反应中反应物总能量小于生成物总能量 2.能源与人类的生活和社会发展密切相关,下列关于能源开发和利用的说法中,你认为说法不正确的是() A.充分利用太阳能 B.因地制宜开发利用风能、水能、地热能、潮汐能 C.合理、安全开发利用氢能、核能 D.能源都是通过化学反应获得的 心有多大,舞台就有多大! 第1页(共4页)

3.在 101 kpa 时,根据:S(s)+O2(g)=SO2(g);△H=﹣297.23 kJ/mol,分析下列说法中不正确的是() A.S 的燃烧热为 297.23 KJ/mol B.S(g)+O2(g)=SO2(g)放出的热量大于 297.23 kJ C.S(s)+O2(g)=SO2(g)放出的热量小于 297.23 kJ D.形成 1 mol 二氧化硫的化学键所释放的总能量大于断裂 1 mol S 和 1 mol O2的化学键所吸收的总能量 4.下列说法中错误的是() A.燃烧一定伴有发光发热现象 B.燃烧一定是氧化还原反应 C.燃烧一定要有氧气参加 D.燃烧一定会放出热量 5.最新报道:科学家首次用 X 射线激光技术观察到 CO 与 O 在催化剂表面形成化学键的过程。反应过程的示意图如下: 下列说法正确的是() A.CO 和 O 生成 CO2是吸热反应 B.在该过程中,CO 断键形成 C 和 O C.CO 和 O 生成了具有极性共价键的CO2 D.状态Ⅰ→状态Ⅲ表示 CO 与 O2反应的过程 心有多大,舞台就有多大! 第2页(共4页)

2021年高二寒假作业一 英语 含答案

I. 完形填空 Last January I was given a chance to work in another country. At first, I lived a 1 life, but soon I met a group of new friends and they were really nice. Then something 2 happened. One of our friends suffered from kidney stones (肾结石), which had to be 3 surgically as soon as possible. But it was not as 4 as that! Our friend could not 5 the operation, which put him into deep 6 . I didn’t know how to help him because I didn’t have any money either. 7 , I never lost hope. Instead I tried to think of other 8 and told him not to worry because everything would be all right. Before I left the hospital, I talked to the surgeon and asked him to do the surgery, saying I would pay the expenses the next day 9 I had that kind of money. Well, I must have been 10 because the surgeon agreed to do it! But how was I going to get that much money? All I knew was that I needed to help my friend! Although it could be 11 to deal with this kind of situation, I decided to make some efforts. I tried to borrow money but failed. I tried 12 my things but no one wanted them. Then I had the idea of talking to my 13 . I asked him if I could have my next two months’ salary in advance—without even thinking on how I would 14 for two months with no money. He was surprised and asked me the reason. I told him that I had a friend who was really in need. 15 I convinced him too and then he gave my two months’ salary without


高二政治寒假作业(三) 一、选择题,每题所给的四个选项中,只有一项最符合题目要求。 1. 我们参观兵马俑,可以从中透视中国古代秦朝社会人们的精神世界和精神生活。这说明() A、精神的东西与物质的东西没有关系 B、精神的东西就是物质的东西 C、精神产品离不开物质载体 D、物质活动离不开精神活动 2.近几年,世界各地出现的“汉语热”折射出中国经济持续增长的巨大潜力。这个观点肯定了() A、经济发展是文化发展的基础 B、文化与政治相互交融 C、文化是一种精神力量 D、文化教育对经济具有重大影响 3.面对强大的对手,明知不敌,也要毅然亮剑,即使倒下,也要成为一座山,一道岭!即使是倒在对手的剑下,也虽败犹荣,这就是亮剑精神,这种精神在当今社会引起了很大的反响,激励着人们战胜困难,这体现了优秀文化可以() A.增强人的精神力量B.提升文化竞争力 C.促进人的全面发展D.丰富人的精神世界 4.“竖大拇指”在北美一般被认为是“做得好”的意思,但在澳大利亚就成了无礼的肢体语言;吃面条时发出声音,日本和韩国人觉得很正常,而英国人可能感到不舒服。这种现象表明() A.各地的文化几乎没有共同性 B.一种行为是否影响人们的交往取决于特定的文化背景 C.不同文化背景下的人们对同一行为的评价是完全不同的 D.同一行为在不同的文化中会有不同的含义 5.在第34届世界遗产大会上,河南登封“天地之中”历史建筑群被成功列入《世界遗产名录》,成为河南省继龙门石窟、安阳殷墟之后的第三处世界文化遗产。世界文化遗产的确定,既能促进中国传统文化的保护、开发和利用,丰富人们的精神文化生活,也能大大促进当地旅游经济的发展。由此可见() A.文化对经济发展具有促进作用 B.文化与经济发展同步前进 C.文化对经济的发展具有重要影响 D.文化与经济相互决定、相互影响 6.随着经济的迅速发展,国家更加重视社会公德的养成教育。“节省一分零钱,献出一份爱心,托起一份希望,温暖世间真情。”这朗朗上口的公益广告语使人们的言行悄然发生了可喜变化。这表明文化对人的影响具有() A 深远持久的特点 B 相对稳定性的特点 C 潜移默化的特点 D 鲜明的民族性 7.近年来,我国建设了一批以森林公园、湿地公园等为依托的生态文化和生态文明教育基地,开展了“创建绿色家园,建富裕新村”等活动,人们的生态文明观念得到了进一步加强。这表明() ①人们的精神活动离不开物质活动,精神产品离不开物质载体 ②文化与经济相互影响 ③文化对人的影响具有深远持久的特点


【精选】2019学年高二英语寒假作业第二十一天练习 单句语法填空 1、—When shall I call,in the morning or afternoon?—.I’ll be in all day. 2、My uncle’s house in the downtown area is muchsmaller than ours,but it is twice__________expensive. 3、We __________(occasion) meet for a drink after work. 4、One should learn to deal with one's problems__________ oneself. 5、An __________(abandon) baby was found in a box on the hospital steps. 阅读理解 6、More than great drinks, great rewards Enjoy all the benefits and more with your membership to our Loyalty Program! Whenever you pay with your membership account, you’ll earn a Star. Collect more Stars, earn more rewards. Three ways to join us Buy a Starbucks Card handy to create an account Track your Stars online or through the mo bile app, and we’ll send an email when you’ve earned a reward. You can also join from your phone. Download the Starbucks ?App. One of the most exciting benefits of being a member is using our mobile app to:pay for purchases; view your Stars and rewards; access iTune ? Pick of the Week; see current offers. Or you can join with specially marked coffee purchased at the grocery store. Enter your Star code (limit 2 per day). Look for the Star code symbol on specially marked Starbucks ? pr oducts where you buy groceries. Three levels with increasingly greater rewards


高二语文寒假作业答案 2017高二语文寒假作业答案 一、1.【答案】B A项悚sǒnɡC项牾wǔD项辗zhǎn注意错误均排除。 2.【答案】D 【解析】本题重点考查考生正确辨析和使用成语的能力,需根据语境和词义来分析。 A项不孚众望:指不能使大家信服,意思说反了,应为“不负众望”。望文生义。 B项呼之欲出:指画得十分逼真,一叫就会出来似的。也泛指文学作品对人的描写十分生动。形容对象错了。 C项渐入佳境:指状况渐好或兴趣逐渐浓厚。主体应是人,但句子语境为家具。形容对象错了。 D项醍醐灌顶:比喻听了高明的意见使人受到很大启发。也形容清凉舒适。符合语境。 3.【答案】C 【解析】本题重点考查考生辨析并修改病句的能力,需要熟练掌握病句的几种类型。A项“不但……还……”联结的内容无关联性且这组关联词一般表递进关系,而本例中还后面的内容与“他在英语国家工作”无直接关系。 B项“制度的决策、出台、执行”应为“酝酿、出台、执行”。不合逻辑。 D项经济全球化的日益深化与就业压力无关联。

4.【答案】C 【解析】本题重点考查考生语言表达连贯和文章逻辑顺序安排的能力,解答时需要通读全部语句,理清思路,把握文段内容。首先明确整段话叙述的中心是茶发展历史及词义的演变。先总说茶与我们生活息息相关⑤,再介绍“茶”字发展演变的历史④,①③为“茶”字形体演变⑥②“茶”义项与生活的关系密贴。根据每句话的逻辑关系及关联性词语处理好句子顺序。一开始选⑥,给人以突兀的感觉,从生活贴入,水到渠成的讲“茶”字的发展演变,非常自然、合理。故排除⑥为第一句,B、D项排除了,⑤②之间关系不如⑥②之间关系紧密。所以答案为C 5.【答案①既然自称为“客”(或“他自号为‘客’”);②戏曲界无人不知(或“戏曲界人人都知道”):③他还搜集了700余份戏单。 【解析】本题考查语言表达连贯、准确、鲜明、得体的能力。从修改语病角度看,属优劣改每写出一句给2分。句①如果未表达出“自称为客”意思的,不给分;句②如果不用“戏曲界”作为话题,不给分;句③如果不用“他”作为话题,不给分。如有其他答案,只要关键处符台要求,可酌情给分。 6.【答案示例】作为一门艺术,音乐也要追求“深度”(或“音乐作品也需要追求‘深度’”)。 【解析】考查学生语言连贯的能力。补写正确给3分。如有其他答案,只要表达出“音乐要有深度”意思的,可酌情给分。 7.【答案示例】没有奋斗,生命就如空中楼阁,无论怎样建造,都只是徒劳无益。 没有奋斗,生命就如天上的彩虹,无论怎样描绘,都只是昙花一现般的消逝。 没有奋斗,生命就如干涸土壤中的种子,无论怎样耕耘,都只是空壳一只。


高二寒假作业 一、单项填空 1. Look! The man we referred to _________ here. A came B coming C is coming D comes 2. My visits will encourage people _________ the project to devote themselves to it. A to work on B working on C being working D work 3. We are going to have a party in celebration of Tom’s birthday this weekend and your coming will _________ our pleasure. A add up to B add C add up D add to 4. They have discussed for several years of drafting a new law to control the pollution, but when it wil be __________ is still unknown. A put to use B put in effect C put into operation D put forward. 5. Albert Einstein was _______ to leave his homeland ________ political reasons during the Second World War. A forced… for B forced …because C inspired...Because D inspired … for 6. All his friends tried their best to persuade him not to ________ more work because of his poor health. A insist on B turn on C take on D come on 7 You know, he doesn’t _________ money. His unhappiness is for __________ courage to face the fact. A lack of, lack B lack, lack of C lack, shortage of D lack of, a shortage of 8. —We to have you here tonight. —Thank you and it is for me to be invited. A. honour; honourable B. honour; an honour C. are honoured; honourable D. are honoured; an honour 9. This event not only promoted of world hunger, but also raised lot of money to help starving children. A information B. knowledge C. instruction D. awareness 10. the occasional visit, what else does Alan do for his kids? A. Except B. In spite of C. Apart from D. Beside 11. —How did you sleep last night? —Oh, I slept like a log last night. What does the underlined part mean? A. slept little B. slept very deeply C. slept shallowly D. slept still 12. Mr. Brown is an experienced doctor. He is always _______ in facing with emergency. A. as cool as a cucumber B. as busy as a bee C. as poor as a church mouse D. as strong as a horse 13. your letter, I would have written back two days ago. A. If I received B. Should I receive C. Had I received D. If I could have received 14. —Joe, will you be free this Sunday? If so, shall we meet and have a chat? —Sounds a good idea. Let’s ______ stories then. Which of the following has a different meaning? A. swap B. exchange C. tell each other D. retell


高一英语寒假作业(六) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑. A Every student can learn rope jumping. You can jump alone or with your classmate. You can also help turn a long rope for many others to jump over, one at a time. If you jump alone, you will need a short rope and it will be just enough for your height. Try ropes of different lengths until you find a right one for your size. A rope should be turned slowly. It must also he turned high enough to let you jump freely and safely. Turning the rope freely and safely needs careful timing. In rope jumping, timing means turning the rope slowly enough for you to jump over at the right time without its striking your feet. When you jump rope, your heart beats faster and your face has a healthy color. But if you jump too many times at first, you will get tired. You must learn when to stop for a rest before you jump again. If you practice, you can increase the number of times without resting. 1. This passage is about _______. A. a rope B. a game C. rope jumpers D. careful timing 2. How many people can join in rope jumping? A. One alone. B. Two. C. One or more. D. Two or more. 3. The word “one” in the last sentence of the first paragraph means _______. A. man B. size C. thing D. rope B Eddie’s father used to say he’d spent so many years by the ocean, breathing seawater. Now, away from that ocean, in the hospital bed, his body began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious. Friends went from saying, “He’ll be home in a day” to “He’ll be home in a week.” In his father’s absence, Eddie helped out at th e pier (码头), working evenings after his taxi job. When Eddie was a teenager, if he ever complained or seemed bored with the pier, his father would shout, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later, when he’d suggested Eddie take a job there after high school, Eddie almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And before Eddie went to war, when he’d talked of marrying Marguerite and becoming an engineer, his father said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” A nd now, regardless of all that, here he was, at the pier, doing his father’s labor. Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on.

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