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一、 缩写
关税与贸易总协定 世界贸易组织 对外直接投资
国际货币基金组织 最惠国待遇 欧洲经济共同体
北美自由贸易协定 国民待遇 国际收支
消费价格指数 首次公开募股 跨国公司 首席执行官 财务总监 国内生产总值 国民生产总值
均等就业机会 电子数据交换 国民收入 信息技术
亚太经合组织 信用证 海运提单 发展中国家
区域性贸易协定 并购&研发

1. GATT :General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 2. WTO :World Trade Organization
3. FDI :Foreign Direc t Investment
4. IMF :International Monetary Fund
5. MFN :Most Favored Nation
6. EEC :European Econo mic Community
7. NAFTA :North American Free Trade Agreement
8. NT :National Treatment
9. BOP :Balance Of Payments
10. CPI :Consumer Price Index
11. IPO :Initial Public Offerings
12. MNC :Multi national Company
13. CEO :Chief Executive Officer
14. CFO :Chief Financial Officer
15. GDP :Gross Domestic Product
16. GNP :Gross National Product
17. EEO :Equal Employment Opportunity
18. EDI :Electronic Data Interchange
19. NI :National Insurance
20. IT :Inf ormation Technology
21. APEC :Asia-Pacific Econo mic Cooperation 22. LC :Letter Of Credit
23. BL :Bill Of Lading
24. LDC :Less Developed Countries
25. RT A :Regional Trade Agreement
26. M&A :Merger And Acquisition
27. R&D :Research And Development

二、 短语
市场结构 产业结构 产品替代性 垄断竞争 完全竞争 需 求曲线 零售业 物理差异 相对资源流动性 产品差异 边 际收益 边际成本 机会成本 资本利得税 贸易创造 贸易 转移 不完全竞争 一次性转移 收益再分配 要素补贴 贸 易壁垒 最惠国待遇 关税削减 关税同盟 所得税 虚拟经 济 财政政策
1.market structure
2.industry structure
3.product su bstitutability
4.monopolistic competition
5.perfect c ompetition
6.demand curve
7.retail trade
8.physical difference
9.relative resource mobility
10.product dif ferentiation
11.marginal revenue
12.marginal cost
13.opportunity cost
14.capital gain tax
15.trade creati on
16.trade diversion
17.imperfect competition
18.lump sum transfers
19.redistribution of income
20.fact or subsidies
21.trade barrier
22.most favored nation
23.tariff reductions
24.customs union
25.income tax
26.virtual economy
27.fiscal policy
28.taxable income
29.regressive tax
30.proportional tax
31.flat tax
32.standards of living
33.full employm ent
34.National treatment
应税所得 递减税 比例税 单一税制 生活水平 充分就业 国民待遇
35.anti-dumping and countervailing duties 反倾销税
36.freedom of trade
37.balance of payments
38.tariff concessions
39.freed-trade area
40.mission statement
41.strategic planning
42.scope of the business
43.market standing https://www.doczj.com/doc/3913794197.html,anizational structure 45.be havior modification 46.or

ganizational change 47.gro up dynamics 48.potential customer 49.target market 50.market segment https://www.doczj.com/doc/3913794197.html,petitive advantage 52.dis tribution channel 53.supply chain 54.business com munication 55.customer relation 56.public relation 贸易自由化 国民收支 关税减让 自由贸易区 公司使命 战略规划 营业范围 市场地位 组织结构 行为矫正 组织 变迁 集团动态 潜在顾客 目标市场 市场细分 竞争优势 分销渠道 供应链 商务沟通 客户关系 公共关系 57.verbal communication 58.nonverbal communicat ion 59.work ethnic 60.public speaking 61.business c orrespondence 口头沟通 非言语沟通 职业道德 公开演讲 商业通信 三、 翻译句子 1 floating It is not surprising ,then ,that the world sa w a return to a floating exchange rate system .Centr al banks were no longer required to support their ow n currencies. 在这种情况下, 世界各国又恢复浮动利 率就不足为奇了。 各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的 汇价了。 2 confirm I will send you something by EM S ,please confirm it ASAP.确认 Payment will be mad e by 100% confirmed , irrevocable Letter Of Credit av ailable by sight draft. 付款方式为100%即期、保兑, 不可撤销信用证。 Confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 3 nego tiable Part-time barman required .Hours and salary negotiable. 招聘兼职酒店招待。工作时间和工资面议 。 The Bill Of Lading is issued in a negotiable form ,s o it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder , by endorsement of the B/L. 所签发的提单为可转让的 ,故只要在提单上背书,便确认了货物和持票人的所 有权。 4 discount You may get a 5% discount if your order is on a regular basis. 如果你方定期给我方下订 单,你方就可以得到5%的折扣。 If a seller extends cr edit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptan ce .The seller can request that the bank finance the t ransaction by buying the draft. The bank is said to di scount the draft. 如果卖方开出的是远期汇票,以此 向买方提供信用,此时就做了一笔商业汇票承兑业务 。卖 方可以请银行买下商业承兑汇票, 银行用这个方 法对出口商品融资。 也就是说银行对该汇票 贴现了。 5 endorse Our products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection Association. 我们的产品 为全国质量检查协会的推荐产品。 Draft must be acc ompanied by full set original on board marine Bill Of Lading made out to order ,endorsed in blank、marke d freight prepaid. 汇票必须附有全套的正本已装船海 运提单,凭指示空白背书,并写明运费已付。 6 avera ge If a particular cargo is partially damaged ,the dam age is called particular average. 如果某批货是部分受 损,我们称之为单独海损。 It is obvious that the pro ducts are below the average quality. 很明显,这批产 品的品质是中下水平. 平均 7 tender Under CIF , it is the

Sellers’ obligation to ten derthe relative documents to the buyer to enable him to obtain delivery of the goods ,if they arrive ,or to re cover for the loss ,if they are lost on the voyage. 相当 于 give 在 CIF 价格术语项下,卖方的责任是向买方递 交有关单证,使其能在货物到达后提取货 物,如果货 物在运输途中丢失了,买方也可以凭单证获得补偿。 He became as exhilarated as if his tender for buildin g a mansion had been accepted. 他欣喜若狂,好像 他承办大厦建筑的投标被接受了。 8 Economics is the study of how people make choic es under conditions of scarcity and the results of tho se choices for society. Economic analysis of human behavior begins with the assumption that people are rational—that they have well defined goals and try to achieve them as best as they can. In trying to achiev e their goals, people normally face trade-offs. Becau se material and human resources are limited, having more of one good thing means making do with less of some of other good thing. 书 P21 经济学是研究在 资源稀缺条件下的人们怎样做出选择和这些选择的结 果对社会会产生怎样 的影响的一门学科。对人类行为 的经济学分析是建立在理性人—即每个人都有明确的 目标, 并且会尽其所能实现这个目标--的假设上。 在 力图实现目标的过程中, 人们通常会面临权衡。 因为 物质和人力资源都是有限的,因此多拥有某种商品意 味着减少另一种商品的拥有量。 9 宏观经济学家研究的一些主要问题包括:经济增长 和生活水平提高的源;平均劳动 生产率 (单位雇佣工 人的产出) 的变化趋势; 经济增长过程中的短期波动 (衰退和扩张) ; 失业和通货膨胀现象产生的原因和 控制手段;国家之间的经济联系。 书 P25 Some of the broad issues that macroeconomists stu dy are: sources of economic growth and improved li ving standards; trends in average labor productivity; short-term fluctuations in the pace of economic gro wth; causes and cures of unemployment and inflatio n; economic interdependence among nations. 10.According to traditional trade theory, if each natio n specializes in the production of the commodity of i ts comparative advantage, world output will be great er and , through trade, each nation will share in the g ain. With the present distribution of factor endowme nts and Technology between developed and develop ing nations, the theory of comparative advantage thu s prescribes that developing nations should continu e to specialize in the production of and export of raw materials, fuels, minerals, and food to developed nati ons in exchange for manufactured products. 书 P71 按照传统的贸易理论,如果各国专门生产自己具有比 较优势的商品,世界的总产出将 会增加, 通过贸易可 使各国均受益。 根据目前的要素禀赋和技术在发

达国 家和发展中国家的 分布,根据计较优势理论,发展中 国家就应当继续进行原料、矿产品和食物方面的专业 化生 产和出口,以换取发达国家的制成品。 11.重商主义者认为一国只有当其他国家损失时才可从 国际贸易中获利。因此,他们主张 管制进口,鼓励出 口,呼吁政府对所有经济活动进行严格的管制。 书 P 74 The mercanlilists believed that a nation could gai n in international trade only at the expense of other n ations. As a result, they advocated restrictions on im ports, incentives for exports, and strict government r egulation of all economic activities. 12.战略家是对组织的兴衰成败负主要责任的人员。 战略家组织企业收集、 分析和整理信息。 他们跟踪产 业和竞争态势,建立预测模型并进行场景分析,评价 公司和下属部门的绩效,评 估正在出现的市场机会, 识别经营威胁,提出创造性的行动计划。 书 P344 Str ategists are individuals who are most responsible fo r the success or failure of an organization. Strategist s help an organization gather, analyze, and organize information . They track industry and competitive tre nds, develop forecasting models and scenario analy ses, evaluate corporate and divisional performance, spot emerging market opportunities, identify busines s threats, and developed creative action plans. 13.The increase in international business and in fore ign investment has created a need for executives wit h knowledge of foreign languages and skills in cross -cultural communication. Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching and agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise. 书 P507 国际贸易和海外投资的增加产生了对具有外语知识和 跨文化交流技巧的经理的需求。 谈判是为了达成协议 而反复交流的过程。它包括说服和妥协。 14.Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) is the exchange of transactional data between organizations by elect ric means as a replacement for document. EDI is the electronic transfer of business information, with the i nformation being sent in a format that conforms to c ertain standards. It introduces the possibility of “pap erless” trading and promises the end of repetitive for m filling, stock orders and order forms of “paper shift ing”. 书 P508 电子数据交换 (EDI) 是指将企业间交 易往来的资料由从前文件交换的方式改成利用电 子方 式传送。电子数据交换就是企业信息按照特定标准的 格式经由电子的方式交换。它使 “无纸”贸易成为可能 , 终结了以往填写文件表格、 添货单以及其他形式的 ”文件转移”方 式。 15.由于文化的多样性和复杂性,要对世界上各种文化 一一进行解释并提出每一种文化对 人们行为的影响是 十分困难也是不可能的。 书 P510 Due to the varietie

s and multifaceses of cultures, it is very difficult and impossible to look into every culture and its impact on individual’s behavior. 16.海外人士在上海及周边地区的投资近年来翻了两番 。出现这一高涨不止的投资热有多 种原因。 除了中国 是世界上经济增长最快的国家之外, 中国政府和地方 政府很重视对外全面 开放,不仅开放沿海城市,也开 放内地,尽可能吸收外资。 Overseas investment in Shanghai and its surroundings has quadruped in rec ent years. There are many reasons for this rising inv estment boom. Apart from the fact that China is one of the fast growing economics in the world, the Chin ese central government and local governments focu s a lot of their attention on opening the whole countr y up to the outside world, both the coastal cities and the country’s interior areas. They are doing all they c an to attract foreign investment. ↑

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