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Travel law: C9 (2Q), C10 (1E), C11 (1Q, 1E), C13 (2Q), C16 (1Q)



●Patrons are the lifeblood of hotels and restaurants, Unruly or belligerent

customers can interfere with the enjoyment of other patrons and Damage the reputation of the business. Hotels and restaurants may not want to serve such people

2.Right to Exclude Nonguests

●Innkeepers and restaurateurs extend an implied invitation to all, including

nonguests, to enter their facility

●Public’s presence on the premises does not constitute trespass

●Trespass—legal wrong consisting of entering or remaining unlawfully on a


●Implied license for nonguests can be revoked by the innkeeper at any time

●Persons entering a hotel who are not guests and do not intend to contract for a

room are required to leave the premises if asked

●Person who has been requested to leave and fails to do so becomes a trespasser ●Operator may use reasonable force to evict a trespasser—only after being asked

and trespasser refuses

●Only amount of force that is reasonably necessary to remove trespasser is


●More force than is reasonably necessary is considered excessive force and may be

grounds for a lawsuit

●Best practice (if time permits) is to call the police. Officers are trained how to

effectuate the removal of a troublesome patron

3.Entering a Guest’s Room

●Emergency conditions impose a duty to enter a guest’s room to eliminate the


●Innkeeper has the right to withdraw hotel privileges and evict a guest

●No more force is used than is necessary

4.Evicting a Guest

●Innkeeper has the right to withdraw hotel privileges and evict a guest

●No more force is used than is necessary

●Evict—remove someone from property

●Grounds for eviction:

Failure to pay bill


Persons of ill repute

Intoxication and disorderly conduct

Contagiously ill guests

Breaking house rules

Persons not registere

5.Process of Eviction

●Evicting someone for cause is proper

●Should be carried out


With no harsh words

Force should not be used unless absolutely necessary

●Wrongful eviction can result in liability

For physical injuries

For mental and emotional distress


1.If an innkeeper violates any of those rights, liability can result:

●Right to occupy hotel rooms without disruption

●Right to privacy in guest room, including right to restrict access

●Right to be treated respectfully

●Right to be free from false arrest

●Right to be free from credit card fraud

●Right to be informed of fees and charges

●Right to have hotel employees process guests’ mail properly

2.Right to Occupy Assigned Room

●Without disruption from innkeeper

●Exception: where innkeeper has legal right to remove guest

3.Right to Privacy in Guest Room

●Five exceptions:

Normal maintenance

Imminent danger


When requested to enter by guest

When rental period has expired and not been extended

●Obligates innkeeper to prevent unauthorized employees from entering, also

unauthorized would-be visitors

●Peeping Toms – employees who create peepholes through which they observe

guests in their rooms

4.Protection against Illegal Searches

● A guest might be engaging in illegal activity in the room

●Guest’s right to privacy may conflict with innkeeper’s interest and police to enter

and search a room

5.Report by Innkeeper of Illegal Activity

●Permitting illegal activity to proceed may endanger other guests

●Violates innkeeper’s duty to protect their safety

●May also jeopardized hotel’s license to carry on business

6.Search Warrant

●Order from a judge commanding a police officer to search a designated place for

evidence of criminal activity

●Police cannot search an occupied hotel room without permission of guest or a

search warrant


1.Merchantable Food

●Must be fit for human consumption, will not make people ill who eat it

●Does not have to be nutritional or taste good, just eatable

●Inappropriate objects in food make it unmerchantable

●As does food infected with harmful bacteria or virus, spoiled, and undercooked

2.Objects in Food

●Foreign/Natural substance test—unrelated to the components or ingredients of

the product

●Reasonable expectation test—object found in food ought to have been

anticipated by the consumer

3.Other Grounds for Breach of Warrant of Merchantability

●Foreign or unexpected objects in food are not only basis for liability based on the

sale of food

●If food is unfit, warrant of merchantability is breached

4.Hot Beverages

●Exercise caution when serving hot beverages

●To protect patrons from injury, a restaurant should take several precautions

5.Strict Products Liability

●Based in tort law rather than contract

●Plaintiff must prove three elements:

Defendant sold product in defective condition

Plaintiff was injured

Injury was caused by the defect

6.Safety Concerns Particular to Food Preparation

●Restaurateur has a duty to minimize risks

●Kitchens are inherently dangerous

●Direct relationship between quality of accident-prevention program and

frequency/severity of accidents

●Managers must devise policies to encourage safety

●Employee training is imperative

7.Risks Associated with Donated Foods

●Restaurants may be motivated to give leftover/unused food to a charitable


●Good managers will verify condition of the food before it is donated to employees

or people in need


1.Generally comprised of four groups:

●Suppliers of travel services

●Travel wholesalers

●Travel agents


2.Agency Law

●Issues arise whether the travel agent is a legal representative of the supplier of

travel services or a legal representative of the traveler

●Sometimes they are representative of the traveler and sometimes the

representative of the travel supplier


●Tariffs is a Rule or condition of air travel that binds the airline and passengers

●Cover such items as:

Limitations on the airline’s liability for damaged baggage

Procedures for filing a claim

Rules for reservations and check-in times

Limits on the airline’s liability for schedule changes and flight delays

Personal injury liability limitations

4.Baggage Claim—Domestic and International

●When travelers hand their baggage to an airline, they are entering into a contract

with the airline

●The contract binds the airline to deliver the baggage to its destination and return

it to the traveler upon arrival

●Failure to deliver baggage = breach of contract

●Because of frequency of lost or delayed baggage, tariffs protect the airline from

unlimited liability

5.International Flights (400 USD max)

●Until 2003, international flights were covered by the Warsaw Convention

●International treaty that sets limits of liability for lost, stolen, damaged, or

misdelivered baggage

●Under convention, liability for checked luggage is $9.07/pound up to 44 pounds

(approximately $400)

●Passenger is informed of limitation on airline ticket

6.Traveling with animals

●Animals are treated the same as suitcases.

●This was the holding in a case in which the plaintiff’s pet dog died while in the

custody of the airline on a domestic flight.

●Concerning compensation for the value of the dog, the court held recovery was

limited to $500 by applicable tariffs.


●The airline will bump some passengers

●The airline is well-advised to assist the customer in arranging alternate travel plans ●Governed by the Warsaw Convention, permits a maximum recovery of $400

8.Liabilities of Travel Agents and Charter Tour Companies

●Key role in travel industry

●Their influence has decreased significantly with the advent of home computers ●Today agents are information specialists on whose expertise much of the traveling

public relies

9.Liability for Breach of Contract by Third-Party Service Suppliers

●When a customer purchases a trip from a travel agent and the trip does not

materialize as portrayed, the agent may be liable for breach of contract

●If a wholesaler goes bankrupt or out of business, the travel agent will bear the loss ●Travel agents (not whole seller) are not liable for the negligence of hotels, resorts,

or other service providers

10.Accidents in Rental Cars

●Questions arise as to whether a rental company is liable to people injured

●Generally not liable

●Negligent entrustment—providing a product for use to another person and

knowing that person is likely to use it in a dangerous manner


1.Torts Involving Casinos

●Negligence (the same situation with in hotel)

●Medical care

●Strict liability

2.False Imprisonment

●Person is restrained against his will without justification

● A facility believes a patron has engaged in criminal activity and wants to detain

that person during investigation

●If an investigation reveals no crime, the facility may be liable for false


3.Internet Gambling

●Since 1995, online gambling has exploded in popularity

●Online casinos feature nearly every game available in brick-and-mortar casinos ●Funds for betting are deposited by several means

●Once an account is open, the user is able to place bets

●Land-based casinos in the United States are heavily regulated

●Online casinos based outside of the United States are not subject to any of these


●Additional developments on the legality and regulation of online gambling are

anticipated in near future

4.Theme Parks

●Provide various attractions

Carnival rides

Games of skill

Other entertainments

●Crowd Control

Parks attract large numbers of people on a daily basis

Crowd control requires reasonable care by the park

All would-be visitors are entitled to admission upon payment of the fee

●The park is not required to tolerate customers who:

Damage property

Injure others

Otherwise disrupt activities

●The park can establish reasonable rules of conduct to ensure that visitors are not

exposed to risk of injury by others

5.Amusement Rides

●Represent fun for many

●Also present many opportunities for accidents and injuries

●Must be carefully managed

The end.

Thank you very much.


澳门科技大学 会计 授课型研究生申请要求

澳门科技大学简介 学校名称澳门科技大学 学校英文名称Macau University of Science and Technology 学校位置中国 | 澳门 | 氹仔 2020 QS 世界排名暂无 澳门科技大学概述 澳门科技大学(英语:Macau University of Science and Technology;简称澳科大、MUST)建校于2000年,是澳门本地规模最大的综合型大学,为国际大学协会、亚太大学联合会、中国高校行星科学联盟、粤港澳空间科学与技术联盟 、粤港澳海洋科技创新联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟、粤港澳高校联盟 、海峡两岸暨港澳防灾减灾即永续发展大学联盟及亚洲法律学会成员高校 ,也是海峡两岸暨港澳最年轻的二十一强大学。 澳门科技大学拥有博士、硕士、学士三级学位授予权,经中国教育部批准面向内地招生 ,设有10个学院,授课语言以英语为主,部分课程以中、葡、西语授课,2019年在校生逾万人,其中博士及硕士研究生3847人,本科生8272人。大学设有两个国家重点实验室:中药质量研究国家重点实验室及月球与行星科学国家重点实验室;还设有澳门首个诺贝尔奖得主实验室“生物物理与中医药实验室”,四个国家教育部人文社科重点研究伙伴基地及联合实验室。 会计专业简介 为了满足国际高级会计专业人士不断增长的需求,商学院提供为期两年的会计科学硕士学位(MS A)。 MSA学位完全在澳门科技大学校园内提供,面向全日制学生。 该计划介绍了金融会计(美国GAAP和IFRS),审计技术知识以及税收的计算和应用。 该课程要求至少36个学分(包括24个核心课程学分和12个选修课程学分),以及一个令人满意的会计纸。 在学生完成所有必修课程并成功通过硕士论文答辩后,将授予MSA学位。 会计专业相关信息 专业名称会计

法律英语口语900句 (47):Criminal law principles

法律英语口语900句(47):Criminal law principles part 47 criminal law principles刑法原则 1.an act is not a crime unless the law says it is one. 2.an essential function of the criminal law is to define the boundary between what conduct is criminal and what is merely immoral. 3.criminal law is not only the magra carta of the innocent, but also the magra carta which makes the sinner. 4.divine punishments though slow,are alwasy sure. 5.duress provides no defense to a charge of murder. 6.justifiable defense is the act being exempted from crimes. 7.prevention and punishment are essential reasons why we have criminal law and a criminal justice system. 8.no crime without a law. 9.no one can be forced to incriminate himself. 10.penal statutes must not be given retroactive effect. 刑法原则 法无明文规定者不为罪。 刑法的本质功能在于明确了犯罪行为与公非道德行为的界限。 刑法既是善良人的《大宪章》,也是犯罪人的《大宪章》。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。


“港澳基本法实施中的问题”学术研讨会在人大法学 院举行 来源:人大法学院作者:佚名日期:2012年12月20日浏览: 12月14日,由中国人民法学院、香港城市大学法律学院主办的“港澳基本法实施中的问题”学术研讨会在明德法学楼601国际学术报告厅举行,来自中国人民大学、香港城市大学、澳门特区政府、澳门法治研究会、澳门大学、澳门科技大学等院校和机构的四十余名学者出席此次会议,共同探讨港澳基本法实施中的相关问题。

研讨会开幕式由中国人民大学法学院副院长胡锦光教授主持。中国人民大学法学院院长韩大元教授和香港城市大学中国法与比较法研究中心林峰主任分别致辞。在致辞中,韩大元院长首先对参与此次会议的人员表示热烈欢迎,他强调本年港澳基本法研讨会扩大了研讨范围,我们特别邀请了很多来自澳门和学术界的学者,这对不断提高研讨会研讨水平,促进学术界交流水平起着至关重要的作用。他还就港澳基本法研究以及实施的重要性作了阐述。林峰主任在致辞中指出港澳共同研究基本法的必要性和“一国两制”理念在港澳两国实施中面临的共同问题和差异化现象。 研讨会共分为四个单元,主要围绕“刚果(金)案”、“全国人大常委会关于横琴岛租借决定”、“港澳基本法实施中的其他问题”等议题进行了交流。中国人民大学法学院副院长胡锦光教授、香港城市大学中国法与比较法研究中心林峰主任、中国人民大学法学院党委书记兼副院长林嘉教授、香港城市大学法律学院朱国斌教授分别主持了四个单元的研讨。会上,中国人民大学法学院朱力宇教授、姚辉教授、史际春教授、杨建顺教授,香港城市大

学法律学院朱国斌教授、贺欣教授,林峰教授、王书成研究员,澳门特区政府法务局局长张永春、澳门特区政府行政法务司司长办公室顾问赵向阳教授、澳门特区检察院胡晓检察官,澳门法治研究会陈华强会长,澳门大学法学院汪超助理教授,澳门科技大学法学院何志辉助理教授,中央社会主义学院朱世海副教授等分别做了主题演讲,与参会人员就上述主题展开了充分交流。 下午6时,中国人民大学法学院副院长胡锦光教授主持了会议闭幕式。他指出,此次研讨会充分反映了港澳基本法在实施中的问题以及进展情况,与会专家和学者也结合工作实际提出了对港澳基本法实施的建议,研讨达到了预期的目标,希望今后有更多相关领域的专家和学者参与到研讨中来,为更好的实现“一国两制”做出贡献。 分享按钮【返回首页】【发表评论】【告诉好友】【打印此文】【收藏此文】【关闭窗口】上一篇:“劳动关系多元调整机制”国际研讨会暨亚洲劳动法学会2012年会在北京大学成功举 行 下一篇:没有了 发表评论


精品资料 《法律文书》复习题 一、名词解释 1、法律文书,是指我国司法机关(含公安机关、国家安全机关、 海关缉私机关、检察院、法院及监狱等机关,下同)、公证机构、 仲裁组织依法制作的处理诉讼案件和非诉讼案件的法律文书,以及 案件当事人、律师和律师组织自用或代书的法律文书的总称。 2、刑事案件立案报告书,是指公安机关侦查人员对受理刑事案件 的材料经过审查,认为符合立案条件,并属于公安机关管辖的案件, 报请领导审查批准是否立案的法律文书。 3、呈请拘留报告书,是指公安机关依法拘留现行犯或者重大嫌疑 分子,由案件承办单位拟写出呈报县级以上公安机关负责人审批的 报告类文书。 4、提请批准逮捕书,是公安机关对符合《刑事诉讼法》第六十条 第一款规定的逮捕条件的犯罪嫌疑人,提请同级人民检察院批准逮 捕时制作的一种法律文书。 5、通缉令,指公安机关依法通缉罪该逮捕而在逃的或者被拘留、 逮捕后脱逃的犯罪嫌疑人以及从监狱中逃跑的罪犯而制作的法律 文书。 6、起诉意见书,是指公安机关对案件侦查终结后,认为犯罪事实 清楚,证据确实、充分,应当依法追究犯罪嫌疑人刑事责任,向同 级人民检察院移送审查起诉时制作的一种文书。 7、立案决定书,是人民检察院认为有犯罪事实需要追究刑事责任, 依法应由本院决定立案侦查时所制作的文书。 8、批准逮捕决定书,是人民检察院对公安机关提请批准逮捕犯罪 嫌疑人的案件进行审查后,依法批准逮捕犯罪嫌疑人时制作的文 书。 9、不批准逮捕决定书,就是检察机关对于公安机关提请批准逮捕 犯罪嫌疑人的案件经过审查,认为不符合法律规定的逮捕条件,决 定不批准逮捕时所制作的文书。 10、起诉书,是人民检察院经侦查或审查确认被告人的行为构成 犯罪,依法应当交付审判,而向人民法院提起公诉的文书。 11、不起诉决定书,是人民检察院对侦查机关移送起诉的案件依 法作出不起诉决定时所制作的文书。 12、公诉意见书,是出席第一审法庭的公诉人,代表人民检察院, 在法庭调查结束后,依法首先发表的支持公诉的书面意见。 13、要求复议意见书,是公安机关认为同级人民检察院不批准逮 捕决定或者不起诉决定有错误,依法要求同级人民检察院对其决定 重新复议时制作的法律文书。 14、刑事抗诉书,是人民检察院对人民法院确有错误的刑事判决 或裁定依法提出抗诉时所制作的文书。 15、民事(行政)抗诉书,是人民检察院依照我国民事诉讼法和行政 诉讼法关于法律监督的规定,对确有错误并已生效的民事(行政)案 件的判决、裁定,向有关人民法院提出抗诉,要求重审予以纠正时 所制作的文书。 16、第一审刑事判决书,是人民法院对于人民检察院提起公诉或 者自诉人提起自诉的刑事案件,按照我国刑事诉讼法规定的第一审 普通程序或者简易程序审理终结后,根据已经查明的事实、证据和 有关法律规定,确认被告人有罪或无罪,构成何种罪名,适用何种 刑罚或免除处罚而作出的书面决定。 17、第二审刑事判决书,是第二审人民法院在受理当事人不服第 一审判决提出上诉或者公诉机关就第一审判决提出抗诉的刑事案 件后,经审理查明原判决在适用法律上有错误或者量刑不当;或者 原判事实不清、证据不足,经二审查清事实后依法改判时作出的书 面决定。 18、第二审刑事裁定书,是指第二审人民法院在第二审程序中, 为解决有关程序问题和部分实体问题而作出的书面决定。 19、第一审民事判决书,是人民法院按照第一审普通程序的规定, 依法组成合议庭对一审民事案件进行审理后,就已经查明的案件事 实和证据,依照有关实体法的规定,对当事人之间的实体权利义务 争议作出的书面处理决定。 20、民事调解书,是人民法院在审理民事案件过程中,依法进行 调解,根据当事人自愿达成的解决纠纷的协议而制作的具有法律效 力的司法文书。 21、民事裁定书,是指人民法院按照《民事诉讼法》的规定,依 法行使审判权,就解决诉讼程序方面的问题依法作出的书面处理决定。 22、第二审民事判决书,是指中级以上人民法院对当事人不服第 一审人民法院民事判决提起上诉的民事案件,依照我国《民事诉讼法》规定的第二审程序,经审理终结后,依法作出维持或者改变第 一审民事判决的书面决定。 23、第一审行政判决书,是第一审人民法院依照我国行政诉讼法 规定的程序,对第一审行政诉讼案件审理终结后,依照法律、法规, 参照有关行政规章,就案件的实体问题作出的书面处理决定。 24、监狱法律文书,是指我国监狱(含未成年犯管教所)在对判 处死刑缓期二年执行、无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯执行刑罚和教育 改造过程中,根据国家法律和监管规定,依照法定程序,制作的具 有法律效力或法律意义的文书总称。25、罪犯入监登记表,是指监狱记载新入监罪犯基本情况的表格类文书。 26、提请减刑建议书,是监狱依法在对服刑改造期间确有悔改或立功表现且已执行符合法定要求的刑期的罪犯,提请法院审核裁定减刑时而制作的一种文书。 27、提请假释建议书,是监狱依法对服刑改造期间的罪犯符合法定假释条件的,建议法院审核裁定假释时制作的一种文书。 28、监狱起诉意见书,是指监狱对罪犯在服刑期间又犯罪,或者发现了判决时所没有发现的罪行,认为需要追究刑事责任,提出起诉意见,移送人民检察院审查决定时制作的一种文书。 29、对罪犯刑事判决提请处理意见书,是监狱在刑罚执行中,如果认为判决有错误,或者根据罪犯申诉,认为判决可能有错误的,依照法定程序,提请人民检察院或者人民法院处理时制作的一种文书。 30、律师实务文书,是指律师在开展业务活动过程中,根据事实和法律规定,制作和使用的具有法律意义的各种法律文书的总称。 31、民事、行政起诉状,是指公民、法人或其他组织,认为自己的民事权益受到侵害或者与他人发生民事争议时,为维护自己的合法权益,依据事实和法律,按照法定程序,向人民法院提起民事、行政诉讼时制作并使用的法律文书。 32、刑事自诉状,是指刑事自诉案件的被害人或其法定代理人,为追究被告人的刑事责任,直接向人民法院提起诉讼时,制作并使用的法律文书。 33、上诉状,是指诉讼当事人不服人民法院作出的第一审判决或裁定,在法定上诉期限内,向上一级人民法院提起上诉,请求撤销、变更原审裁判或请求重新审理的诉讼文书。 34、答辩状,是指民事、行政和刑事诉讼或被上诉人根据民事、行政起诉状、刑事自诉状或民事、行政、刑事上诉状的内容,针对原告、自诉人提出的诉讼请求或上诉人提出的上诉请求作出答复,并依据事实与理由进行辩驳的法律文书。 35、反诉状,是指民事案件或刑事自诉案件的被告、被告人,针对原告或自诉人指控的同一纠纷事实或行为事实,提出相反指控内容的法律文书。 36、民事再审申请书,是指民事案件的当事人认为已生效的判决或裁定有错误,依法向人民法院提交的请求再审的法律文书。37、形事申诉书,是指刑事案件的当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属,对已经发生法律效力的判决、裁定,认为有错误而向人民法院提出申诉时制作并使用的文书。 38、支付令申请书,是指债权人以要求债务人给付金钱、有价证券为内容,请求有管辖权的基层人民法院向债务人发出催促债务人履行支付义务命令的法律文书。 39、公示催告申请书,是指票据持有人在票据被盗、遗失和灭失的情况下,为使票据上标示的权利与实际权利相分离,使自己享有的权利得以依法重新确认,申请人民法院以公告的方式限期催促利害关系人申报权利,在逾期不申报时,判决利害关系人丧失该项权利的法律文书。 40、强制执行申请书,是指法律文书中确认享有权利的一方当事人,在应当承担义务的对方当事人拒绝履行义务时,向有管辖权的人民法院提出的申请采取强制执行措施的法律文书。 41、宣告失踪申请书,是指符合宣告失踪法定条件的公民的利害关系人,依法向人民法院提交的请求从法律上确认并宣告该公民失踪,并为其设定财产管理人的法律文书。 42、宣告死亡申请书,是指符合宣告死亡法定条件的公民的利害关系人依法向人民法院提交的,请求从法律并宣告该公民死亡的法律文书。 43、民事授权委托书,是指民事诉讼活动当事单方面出具的,明确代理律师在代理委托人参加民事诉讼过程中的代理权限的法律文书。 44、法律意见书,是指律师应当事人的要求,针对某项非诉讼法律事务,根据掌握的事实和材料,运用法律进行阐述和分析,作出肯定或否定结论后出具给当事人的书面意见。 45、律师见证书,是指律师所在的律师事务所应当事人的要求,指派律师,依法对其亲眼所见或亲自审查的法律事件或法律行为的真实性、合法性进行证明并出具的一种文书。 46、收养协议书,是指收养人与送养人之间为确立收养人与被收养人为养父母与养子女之间的亲属关系而订立的书面协议。 47、书面遗嘱,是公民生前处分自己的财产或者其他事务,并于死亡时发生法律效力的这种法律行为,以文字形式加以确认的文书。 48、仲裁,是指争议双方在争议发生前或发生后,在自愿的基础上达成协议,将争议提交非司法机构的第三方审理,并由第三方作出对争议双方均有法律约束力的裁决的一种解决纠纷的制度和方式。 49、仲裁文书,是仲裁法律关系主体在仲裁活动过程中依据我国《仲裁法》和仲裁规则制作的具有法律效力的文书。 50、仲裁协议书,是各方当事人自愿将他们之间已经发生或者将来可能发生的争议提交仲裁解决的书面协议。


澳门科技大学 金融 授课型研究生申请要求

澳门科技大学简介 学校名称澳门科技大学 学校英文名称Macau University of Science and Technology 学校位置中国 | 澳门 | 氹仔 2020 QS 世界排名暂无 澳门科技大学概述 澳门科技大学(英语:Macau University of Science and Technology;简称澳科大、MUST)建校于2000年,是澳门本地规模最大的综合型大学,为国际大学协会、亚太大学联合会、中国高校行星科学联盟、粤港澳空间科学与技术联盟 、粤港澳海洋科技创新联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟、粤港澳高校联盟 、海峡两岸暨港澳防灾减灾即永续发展大学联盟及亚洲法律学会成员高校 ,也是海峡两岸暨港澳最年轻的二十一强大学。 澳门科技大学拥有博士、硕士、学士三级学位授予权,经中国教育部批准面向内地招生 ,设有10个学院,授课语言以英语为主,部分课程以中、葡、西语授课,2019年在校生逾万人,其中博士及硕士研究生3847人,本科生8272人。大学设有两个国家重点实验室:中药质量研究国家重点实验室及月球与行星科学国家重点实验室;还设有澳门首个诺贝尔奖得主实验室“生物物理与中医药实验室”,四个国家教育部人文社科重点研究伙伴基地及联合实验室。 金融专业简介 金融 金融专业相关信息 专业名称金融 专业英文名称Master of Science in Finance 隶属学院商学院 学制2年

语言要求不需要 GMAT/GRE 要求不需要 2020 Fall 申请时间10月 学费(当地货币)154725澳门币 金融课程内容 序号课程中文名称课程英文名称 1会计原则PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING 2企业融资CORPORATE FINANCE 3金融统计和经济FINANCIAL STATISTICS AND ECONOMETRICS 4金融经济学FINANCIAL ECONOMICS 5研究方法论RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6商业道德BUSINESS ETHICS 7商业管理中的法律问题LEGAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION * 澳门科技大学金融研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准


1. What are the main difference between civil law system and common law system? There are many differences between civil law system and common law system. First, their original places are different; the civil law system originated in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England. Second, the main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Third, the civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the common law system pays more attention to procedural rules. Another important difference between them is classification, the civil law is separated into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common law and equity. 2. Can you explain the difference between the binding precedent and persuasive precedent? Binding precedent is precedent that a court must follow (it is law). All prior judicial decisions in a specific court's jurisdiction heard at that court's level or higher are considered to be binding precedent. In contrast, persuasive precedent is precedent that a court need not follow (it is not law, but as the name suggests, may be persuasive because it suggests a line of reasoning). All prior judicial decisions outside of that court's jurisdiction or from a lower court are considered to be persuasive only. 3 . What might happen if a court follows the precedent mechanically? A court following the precedent mechanically will at times perpetuate legal rules and concepts that are outlived their usefulness. The continuing problem in a legal system that recognizes past decisions as authoritative sources of law for future cases is how to maintain an acceptable accommodation of the competing values of stability in a law, served by adherence to precedent, and responsiveness to social change, which may call for the abandonment of an outworn legal doctrine. 4 . Explain the difference between stare decisis and res judicata? The stare decisis is that the final decision, as a precedent or a potential precedent for future case, has its impact on the legal norm of the conduct. And the courts have never regarded as absolutely binding and can overrule even clear precedents when consideration of public policy requires a change in the case law. The res judicata is an authoritative settlement of a particular controversy then before the court, it is addresses a decision’s impact in the individual case .and it have the absolutely binding even when the precedents changes, the particular case will not be reversed. The doctrine of res judicata bars a person from ever suing on the same claim again. 5. What’s the function of court of last resort? Why are appeals to court of last resort limited? The function of court of last resort is to review the action of the lower judicial tribunals of the state. The scope of judicial review is relatively narrow. It only reviews the record of the proceedings to determine whether or not the lower court committed error on its procedure or in applying the substantive law to the facts of the case. Appeals to court of last resort are limited. It’s because court of last resort has to give its full attention to novel and socially important controversies. The “screening ort” function refers to make the intermediate appellate court the final tribunal for most cases. 6. Can you explain diversity of citizenship? What court have jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship”? Diversity of citizenship means suits between citizens of different states of the United States. Both federal and st ate courts have the jurisdiction over “diversity of citizenship”. If a plaintiff files the case in a state court of his own district, the defendant can remove it to a federal court of the same district. But if the plaintiff files it in the court of the def endant’s district, the defendant can’t remove it. 7. How can you get appeals reviewed by the Supreme Court? You must first persuade the Supreme Court that the issues presented by your case are important enough, as issues of general federal law, to justify Supreme Court consideration. A disappointed litigant cannot secure Supreme Court review merely by contending, however persuasively, that the decision handed down against her was wrong. Always reviews by the Supreme Court can be secured only by a “petition for a writ of certiorari”, which the supreme court, in the exercise of the broad discretion conferred upon it by acts of congress, may grant or deny.


澳门科技大学法学院 2011-2012学年十字门法学论坛 通告 为促进法学学术交流与发展,并促进对澳门、大中华区及国际领域内之法律、立法与公共政策的研讨,由我院主办之 法学论坛定于2012年02月23日(周四)晚19:00-21:30在澳门科技大学图书馆大大楼N212演讲厅举行,具体安排如下: 书馆 律移植植与法治发展 主题:国家转型、法律移 告人::廖奕博士(武汉大学法学院) 报告人 谢国欣博士(澳门科技大学法学院) 院) 赵世勇博士(澳门科技大学行政与管理学 理学院 评议人:蒋朝阳博士(澳门大学法学院) 赵琳琳博士(澳门科技大学法学院) 议程:详看附件。 欢迎校内外对此主题有兴趣之老师、同学和专家学者参加本场论坛,围绕本次论坛主题,与报告人、评议人及其它参加者围绕主题进行研讨。 如对本论坛有任何建议和意见,可随时致信谢耿亮助理教授(glxie@https://www.doczj.com/doc/393785000.html,.mo)。 澳门科技大学法学院 二零一二年二月十五日

澳门科技大学法学院 2011-2012学年十字门法学论坛 第四场议程 主题:国家转型、法律移律移植植与法治发展 时间:2012年02月23日(星期星期四四)晚19:00-21:30 地点:澳门科技大学图书馆学图书馆大大楼N212演讲厅 开 幕 19:00-19:05 论坛开幕/嘉宾介绍 主持人:谢耿亮 博士(澳门科技大学法学院) 5分钟 报 告 19:05-19:25 廖 奕 博士(武汉大学法学院) 20分钟 19:25-19:50 谢国欣 博士(澳门科技大学法学院) 20分钟 19:50-20:10 赵世勇 博士(澳门科技大学行政与管理学理学院院) 20分钟 评 议 20:10-20:25 蒋朝阳 博士(澳门大学法学院) 15分钟 20:25-20:40 赵琳琳 博士(澳门科技大学法学院) 15分钟 研 讨 20:40-21:25 提问、回应、讨论 45分钟 闭 幕 21:25-21:30 论坛闭幕 5分钟


澳门科技大学 传播学 授课型研究生申请要求

澳门科技大学简介 学校名称澳门科技大学 学校英文名称Macau University of Science and Technology 学校位置中国 | 澳门 | 氹仔 2020 QS 世界排名暂无 澳门科技大学概述 澳门科技大学(英语:Macau University of Science and Technology;简称澳科大、MUST)建校于2000年,是澳门本地规模最大的综合型大学,为国际大学协会、亚太大学联合会、中国高校行星科学联盟、粤港澳空间科学与技术联盟 、粤港澳海洋科技创新联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟、粤港澳高校联盟 、海峡两岸暨港澳防灾减灾即永续发展大学联盟及亚洲法律学会成员高校 ,也是海峡两岸暨港澳最年轻的二十一强大学。 澳门科技大学拥有博士、硕士、学士三级学位授予权,经中国教育部批准面向内地招生 ,设有10个学院,授课语言以英语为主,部分课程以中、葡、西语授课,2019年在校生逾万人,其中博士及硕士研究生3847人,本科生8272人。大学设有两个国家重点实验室:中药质量研究国家重点实验室及月球与行星科学国家重点实验室;还设有澳门首个诺贝尔奖得主实验室“生物物理与中医药实验室”,四个国家教育部人文社科重点研究伙伴基地及联合实验室。 传播学专业简介 传播学 传播学专业相关信息 专业名称传播学 专业英文名称Master of Arts in Communication 隶属学院人文艺术学院 学制2年

语言要求不需要 GMAT/GRE 要求不需要 2020 Fall 申请时间10月 学费(当地货币)144410澳门币 传播学课程内容 序号课程中文名称课程英文名称 1传播理论Communication Theories 2社会科学研究方法Research Methods in Social Sciences 3社会统计分析Social Statistical Analysis 4文化,媒体与全球化Culture, Media and Globalization 5整合营销传播原理Principles of Integrated Marketing Communications 6新媒体研究前沿Frontiers in New Media Research 7新媒体心理学New Media Psychology 8社交网络分析Social Network Analysis 9数据采集与分析Data Acquisition and Analysis 10科学,健康与风险沟通专题Special Topics in Science, Health and Risk Communication 11传播研究报告撰写Research Report Writing in Communication 12视觉交流Visual Communication 13消费者洞察Consumer Insights 14品牌策略与传播Brand Strategy and Communication 15新媒体考古New Media Archaeology 16文化产业的重大辩论Critical Debates in Cultural Industries * 澳门科技大学传播学研究生申请要求由 Mastermate 收集并整理,如果发现疏漏,请以学校官网为准


法律英语口语翻译:法庭 1.a judicial forum has nothing to do with what is not before it. 2.the court found the accused guilty on all charges. 3.the court has made an order for specific performance. 4.the court ordered the company's funds to be seized. 5.the court recorded an open verdict on the dead policeman. 6.the court returned a verdict of death by misadventure. 7.she was acting on the arthority of the court. 8.six weeks elapsed before the court order was put into effect. 9.the court asked for details of the background to the case. 10.the court asked the accused to show good cause why the should not be sent to prison. 11.the court dismissed the action. 12.the court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days. 13.the court followed the precedent set in 1926. 14.the court granted the company a two-week stay of execution.


网考《法律文书》部分参考答案 选择题: 不起诉决定书中对当事人的称谓是(犯罪嫌疑人)。 第一审民事判决书的理由中,引用法律条文时,如果法律条文有条、款、项、目,要求引到(条、款、项、目)。 第一审刑事判决书的判决结果为定罪判刑的,应当表述为(被告人×××犯×××罪,判处有期徒刑×年)。 法律文书的程式性特点具体表现在以下两方面:(一)结构的固定化;(二)(用语的成文化)。法律文书的主旨是指制作文书的目的和(C.中心意思)。 公安机关依法提请同级人民检察院批准逮捕犯罪嫌疑人时,应当制作(提请批准逮捕书)。 公安机关执行逮捕犯罪嫌疑人时签发的一种凭证文书是(逮捕证)。 监狱起诉意见书中的当事人称为(罪犯)。 起诉书编号的内容依序是(院名、文书性质、年度、顺序号)。 取保候审决定书、执行通知书制作的法律依据是(刑事诉讼法)。 人民检察院在办理直接受理侦查案件的过程中,依法决定逮捕犯罪嫌疑人的时候,应当制作(逮捕决定书)。 人民检察院针对未生效的刑事裁判提出的抗诉,抗诉书应当送达(D.同级人民法院)。 司法机关办案人员在办理诉讼案件过程中,为查明案情和核实证据,依法向了解情况的人进行调查、询问时所作的文字记载,被称为(B.调查笔录)。 为判决书确定统一格式和写作内容始自(清代)。 在第一审刑事判决书中,被告人的住址应当写住所所在地,住所所在地与经常居住地不一致的,写(经常居住地)。 仲裁调解书的法律效力与(C.仲裁裁决书)相同。 简答题: 1、什么是呈请拘留报告书? 答:呈请拘留报告书,是指承办案件的单位对现行犯或重大嫌疑分子需要采取拘留措施时所制作的报请县级以上公安机关负责人审批的文书。 2、第二审民事判决书理由部分应当写明的主要内容是什么? 答:第二审民事判决书的理由部分应当突出针对性,主要写明:①对一审判决是否正确作出结论;②对上诉人的上诉理由是否成立进行论证;③阐明维持原判或者改判的理由;④判决适用的法律,.包括程序法和实体法。这部分文字由主本院认为.一...”引出。阐述理由应当紧紧围绕原判决是否正确、上诉理由是否合理这两个问题进行分析论证,理由要具体、充分,具有针对性和说服 3、法庭演说词论辩说理的基本方法有哪几种? 答:法庭演说词常用的论辩说理方法主要有以下几种: (1)据实论理。 (2)据法论理。 (3)据情说理。 此外,在论辩说理方面还有逻辑论证的说理方法如类比法、归谬法和文学上的映衬法、对比法等等 4、什么是第一审刑事裁定书? 第一审刑事判决书,人民法院对于人民检察院提起公诉或者自诉人提起自诉的刑事案件,按照我国刑事诉讼法规定的第一审普通程序或者简易程序审理终结后,根据已经查明的事实、证据和有关法律规定,确认被告人有罪或无罪,构成何种罪名,适用何种刑罚或免除处罚而作出的书面决定。


澳门科技大学 应用经济学 授课型研究生申请要求

澳门科技大学简介 学校名称澳门科技大学 学校英文名称Macau University of Science and Technology 学校位置中国 | 澳门 | 氹仔 2020 QS 世界排名暂无 澳门科技大学概述 澳门科技大学(英语:Macau University of Science and Technology;简称澳科大、MUST)建校于2000年,是澳门本地规模最大的综合型大学,为国际大学协会、亚太大学联合会、中国高校行星科学联盟、粤港澳空间科学与技术联盟 、粤港澳海洋科技创新联盟、粤港澳大湾区物流与供应链创新联盟、粤港澳高校联盟 、海峡两岸暨港澳防灾减灾即永续发展大学联盟及亚洲法律学会成员高校 ,也是海峡两岸暨港澳最年轻的二十一强大学。 澳门科技大学拥有博士、硕士、学士三级学位授予权,经中国教育部批准面向内地招生 ,设有10个学院,授课语言以英语为主,部分课程以中、葡、西语授课,2019年在校生逾万人,其中博士及硕士研究生3847人,本科生8272人。大学设有两个国家重点实验室:中药质量研究国家重点实验室及月球与行星科学国家重点实验室;还设有澳门首个诺贝尔奖得主实验室“生物物理与中医药实验室”,四个国家教育部人文社科重点研究伙伴基地及联合实验室。 应用经济学专业简介 为了适应澳门经济适度多元化的需求,随着经济发展的全球化趋势,商学院于2016年开设了一个新的硕士学位课程,即应用经济学硕士(MAE)。 这项为期两年的全日制课程旨在教会学生高级经济理论和计量经济学分析工具,培养他们将经济工具全面应用于现实世界经济政策问题分析的技能,并帮助学生充分发挥潜力 。 这项精心制定的计划旨在培养学生成为具有全球视野的合格经济分析师。 应用经济学专业相关信息 专业名称应用经济学

最新中国政法大学 法律英语口语试题及答案整理

1. To discuss the differences between the civil law system and the common 1 law system. (P4 ) 2 There are many differences between civil law system and common law 3 system. 4 Ⅰ The original places are different. The civil law system originated 5 in ancient Rome, and the common law system originated in England. 6 起源地不同,民法起源于古罗马,普通法起源于英格兰 7 Ⅱ The main traditional source of the common law is cases, while the 8 main traditional source of the civil law is legislation. Thus there are 9 many codes in civil law countries instead of unwritten laws in common law 10 system. 11 普通法的主要传统渊源是案例法,民法的主要传统渊源是成文法。因此民法国12 家用许多成文法典取代普通法国家的不成文法 13 Ⅲ The civil law system pays more attention to substantive law; the 14 common law system pays more attention to procedural rules. 15 民法法系更多关注实体法,普通法更关注程序规则 16 Ⅳ The classification of law is different. The civil law is separated 17 into public law and private law, the common law is separated into common 18 law and equity. 19 法的分类不同,民法法系分为公法和私法,普通法法系分为普通法和衡平法20 Ⅴ The role of judges and professors is another difference. Since theory 21 and doctrines is important in legal education of civil law system, 22 professor plays the important role to expose laws to students. In the 23 contrary, case-law is the main source of common law, thus the judges has 24 the discretion to make laws while trialing cases. 25

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