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AP Physics C: Mechanics

2001 Scoring Guidelines

employment policies are guided by that principle.

The College Board is a national nonprofit membership association dedicated to preparing, inspiring, and connecting students to college and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 3,900 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three million students and their parents, 22,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges, through major programs and services in college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT?, the PSAT/NMSQT?, the Advanced Placement Program? (AP?), and Pacesetter?. The College Board is committed to the principles of equity and excellence, and that commitment is embodied in all of its

programs, services, activities, and concerns.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, and the acorn logo are registered

trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board.

General Notes about 2001 AP Physics Solutions

1. The solutions contain the most common method(s) of solving the free-response questions, and the

allocation of points for these solutions. Other methods of solution also receive appropriate credit for correct work.

2. Generally, double penalty for errors is avoided. For example, if an incorrect answer to part (a) is

correctly substituted into an otherwise correct solution to part (b), full credit will usually be awarded.

3. An exception to this may be cases when the numerical answer to a later part should be easily

recognized as wrong, e.g., a speed faster than the speed of light in vacuum.

4. Implicit statements of concepts normally receive credit. For example, if use of the equation

expressing a particular concept is worth one point, and a solution contains the application of the equation to the problem but does not separately list the basic equation, the point is still awarded.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 1

15 points total

1. (a) 6 points Distribution of Points

The average acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time interval For correct subtraction to find the time interval 1 point 0.370.330.04s ?=?=?=f i t t t From graph: 0.22 m s υ=i

For getting i υ in the range 0.20.25 m υ<≤i 1 point From graph:0.18 m s υ=?f

For getting υf in the range 0.150.20 m s υ?≥>?f

1 point For getting υ? consistent with the student’s values of υi and υf , including subtracting in

the correct direction

1 point 0.18 m s 0.2

2 m s 0.40 m υυυ?=?=??=?f i

0.4m s



?a t

For correct substitution of values in the above equation 1 point

210 m =?a

For showing deceleration (e.g., with a minus sign) 1 point

Note: There were three alternate methods for solving parts (b) and (c) that could receive full credit.

Method 1.

1. (b) 3 points

For any indication of the concept of finding the area under the curve in the second graph 1 point


p F dt or ?=p the area under the F vs. t curve

0.6 N s ??=p or kg m



??=p For correct numerical value of 0.6 1 point For correct units 1 point

1. (c) 2 points

For any statement of the correct equation for the change in momentum 1 point υ?=?p m

For correct substitution of values consistent with those obtained above

1 point 0.6 N s 1.5 kg 0.4 m s

υ??===?p m

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 1 (cont.)

Method 2.

1. (b) 3 points Distribution of Points

Expressing the change in momentum in terms of the average force:

?=?p F t

For some method of using the graph to find the average force for the four non-zero

intervals such as indicating that the area is equivalent to 6 boxes each with a height

of 10 N, so that 60415 N ==F

1 point

()()15 N 0.04 s =0.6 N s ?

?=p or kg m

0.6 s


For correct numerical value of 0.6 1 point For correct units 1 point

1. (c) 2 points

Expressing the average force in terms of the average acceleration: =F ma

For correct equation (=F ma also accepted)

1 point For correct substitution of values consistent with those obtained above

1 point 2

15 N 1.5 kg 10 m s =

==F m a

Method 3. Student solved part (c) first and went back to part (b)

1. (c) 3 points

For some method of using the graph to find the average force for the four non-zero

intervals such as indicating that the area is equivalent to 6 boxes each with a height of 10 N, so that 60415 N ==F

1 point

For a correct expression for Newton’s second law

1 point =F ma

For correct substitution of values consistent with those obtained above

1 point 215 N 1.5 kg 10 m s


==F m a

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 1 (cont.)

Method 3. (continued)

1. (b) 2 points Distribution of Points

()()1.5 kg 0.4 m s =0.6 N s υ??=?=p m or kg m



??=p For correct substitution of values consistent with those obtained above 1 point For correct units 1 point

1. (d) 4 points

For a correct statement of energy change 1 point ?=?f i E E E

For a kinetic energy equation

1 point 21



E m For correct substitution of values consistent with those obtained above including the

squared velocities

1 point ()()()()22111.5 kg 0.2

2 m 1.5 kg 0.18 m s 22?=

??E 0.012 J ?=E For correct units 1 point

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 2

15 points total

2. (a) i. 3 points Distribution of Points

There were two methods generally used to solve this part.

Method 1.

=c F ma



J GM m

F R For a statement of at least one of Newton’s laws above

1 point Equating the two equations above and substituting expression for centripetal force:



J c GM m

ma R

For substituting the expression for centripetal force

1 point 22υ=J GM m

m R R

For a solution for υ that follows algebraically from previous work

1 point υ=

Method 2. 2=

J GM a R or 2


GM g R

For statement of either of the above, which are derived from Newton’s laws 1 point For a correct statement of centripetal acceleration

1 point 2

υ=c a R

Equating the two expressions above for c a and solving for υ:

υ= For a solution for υ that follows algebraically from previous work. 1 point

Two points were awarded for an approach that started with 2122υ=

=J GM m K m R

and solved for υ as long as there was no sign error in the equation and there were no incorrect statements regarding energy prior to the equation.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 2 (cont.)

2. (a) ii. 3 points Distribution

of Points

There were three methods generally used to solve this part.

Method 1.

2πυ==d R t T

For an expression for υ in terms of the period T

1 point For substitution of 2πR for the length d of the orbital path

1 point Solving for T gives 2πυ




For correct substitution for υ from (a) i.

1 point =T

Method 2.








For the equation for T in terms of ω

1 point For substitution of for υωR in the equation 1 point For correct substitution for υ from (a) i.

1 point =T

Method 3.



====?֏?J GmM m F m R m R R T R 2 points



GmM mR T R

For 232



1 point Note: Direct use of 23



R T GM was awarded 1 point only, if it was defined as

Kepler’s law or Law of Orbits.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 2 (cont.)

2. (b) 3 points Distribution of Points

T from (a) ii. or derivation of this relationship

1 point =T

For correct solution for R or 3R , numerical or symbolic, from above equation

1 point 2


24π=J GM T R or 1/3



J GM T R or ()()()1/3


112227426.6710 N m kg 1.910 kg 3.5510 s 4π??éù



For a correct answer

1 point

81.5910 m =×R

Note: If J R was subtracted from R the answer point was only awarded if the difference

was clearly indicated to be the height of the orbit above the surface.

2. (c) i. 3 points

For stating that the orbit is an ellipse

1 point For diagram with orbit drawn completely outside the circle with point of contact only at

point P and major axis along PJ .

Partial credit of 1 point awarded for any path or orbit completely outside the circle. No points were awarded in any part of path or orbit was inside the circle. 2 points

Question 2 (cont.)

2. (c) ii. 3 points


of Points For stating that the orbit is an ellipse 1 point For diagram with orbit drawn completely inside the circle with point of contact only at

2 points

point P and major axis along PJ.

Partial credit of 1 point awarded for any path or orbit completely inside the circle.

No points were awarded if any part of path or orbit was outside the circle.

Note: Three points may also be awarded in this part for a path in which the satellite “crashes” into Jupiter only if there is specific reference to the scale of the orbit from

part (b) and the given radius of Jupiter.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.

Question 3

15 points total

3. (a) 3 points Distribution

of Points For a correct formula for the rotational inertia 1 point 2=?

I mr

For a sum containing a term of the form 2mL (may include extra incorrect terms, but

the point was not awarded if the expression does not contain an 2mL term) 1 point 22=+I mL mL

For the correct answer 1 point 22=I mL

3. (b) 6 points

For a correct expression of Newton’s 2nd law 1 point

=F ma

For correct substitutions into Newton’s law 1 point 44?=mg T ma

For a correct formula for torque 1 point τα=I or Tr α=I Tr

α=I T r

From Newton’s 2nd law equation above: 44=?T mg ma

Substituting into the torque equation: 44α

=?I mg ma r

For substituting the expression for I from part (a) into Newton’s law 1 point 2244α

=?mL mg ma r

For the expression α=a r

1 point

Substituting this expression into the previous equation:


244=?mL a

mg ma r

For the correct answer

1 point 2


22=+gr a L r

Note: For the solution 44?=

mg T

a m

, obtained by solving 44?=mg T ma for a directly, a maximum of 3 points was awarded for part (b) as follows; 1 point for Newton’s law, 1 point for substitutions, and 1 point for answer.

Question 3 (cont.)

3. (c) 3 points Distribution

of Points For correctly checking the space in front of “Equal to 4mgD” 1 point For correct justification, such as “The kinetic energy gained by the two smaller blocks

2 points

comes from the decrease in the potential energy of the 4m block.” OR “Total energy

is conserved.”

Note: No points awarded for part (c) if wrong box was checked.

3. (d) 3 points

For correctly checking the space in front of “Less” 1 point For correct justification, such as “The small blocks rise and gain potential energy. The

2 points

total energy available is still 4mgD. Therefore the kinetic energy must be less than

in part (c).”

Note: No points awarded for part (d) if wrong box was checked.

Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved.


一、选择题:(每题3分) 1、某质点作直线运动的运动学方程为x =3t -5t 3 + 6 (SI),则该质点作 (A) 匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向. (B) 匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向. (C) 变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向. (D) 变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向. [ D ] 2、一质点沿x 轴作直线运动,其v -t 曲 线如图所示,如t =0时,质点位于坐标原点,则t =4.5 s 时,质点在x 轴上的位置为 (A) 5m . (B) 2m . (C) 0. (D) -2 m . (E) -5 m. [ B ] 3、图中p 是一圆的竖直直径pc 的上端点,一质点从p 开始分 别沿不同的弦无摩擦下滑时,到达各弦的下端所用的时间相比 较是 (A) 到a 用的时间最短. (B) 到b 用的时间最短. (C) 到c 用的时间最短. (D) 所用时间都一样. [ D ] 4、 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度=v 2 m/s ,瞬时加速度2/2s m a -=, 则一秒钟后质点的速度 (A) 等于零. (B) 等于-2 m/s . (C) 等于2 m/s . (D) 不能确定. [ D ] 5、 一质点在平面上运动,已知质点位置矢量的表示式为 j bt i at r 22+=(其中 a 、 b 为常量), 则该质点作 (A) 匀速直线运动. (B) 变速直线运动. (C) 抛物线运动. (D)一般曲线运 动. [ B ] 6、一运动质点在某瞬时位于矢径()y x r , 的端点处, 其速度大小为 (A) t r d d (B) t r d d (C) t r d d (D) 22d d d d ?? ? ??+??? ??t y t x [ D ] 1 4.5432.52-112 t (s) v (m/s) O c b a p


AP? Physics C 2004 Free Response Questions The College Board is a nonprofit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 4,500 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges, through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT?, the PSAT/NMSQT?, and the Advanced Placement Program? (AP?). The College Board is committed to the principles of equity and excellence, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns. For further information, visit https://www.doczj.com/doc/3011146868.html, College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board.


第一章 质点运动学 一、选择题 1、一质点在xoy 平面内运动,其运动方程为2 ,ct b y at x +==,式中a 、b 、c 均为常数。当运动质点的运动方向与x 轴成450角时,它的速率为[ B ]。 A .a ; B .a 2; C .2c ; D .224c a +。 2、设木块沿光滑斜面从下端开始往上滑动,然后下滑,则表示木块速度与时间关系的曲线是图1-1中的[ D ]。 3、一质点的运动方程是j t R i t R r ωωsin cos +=,R 、ω为正常数。从t =ωπ/到t =ωπ/2时间内该质点的路程是[ B ]。 A .2R ; B .R π; C . 0; D .ωπR 。 4、质量为0.25kg 的质点,受i t F =(N)的力作用,t =0时该质点以v =2j m/s 的速度通 过坐标原点,该质点任意时刻的位置矢量是[ B ]。 A .22 t i +2j m ; B . j t i t 23 23+m ; C .j t i t 343243+; D .条件不足,无法确定。 二、填空题 1、一质点沿x 轴运动,其运动方程为2 25t t x -+=(x 以米为单位,t 以秒为单位)。质点的初速度为 2m/s ,第4秒末的速度为 -6m/s ,第4秒末的加速度为 -2m/s 2 。 2、一质点以π(m/s )的匀速率作半径为5m 的圆周运动。该质点在5s 内的平均速度的大小为 2m/s ,平均加速度的大小为 22 m /5 s π 。 3、一质点沿半径为0.1m 的圆周运动,其运动方程为2 2t +=θ(式中的θ以弧度计, t 以秒计),质点在第一秒末的速度为 0.2m/s ,切向加速度为 0.2m/s 2 。 4、一质点沿半径1m 的圆周运动,运动方程为θ=2+3t 3,其中θ以弧度计,t 以秒计。

AP物理C力学模拟卷Free Response Question

Free Response Time:45 minutes. You may refer to the Constants sheet and Equations sheet in the Appendixes. You may also use a calculator on this portion of the exam. CM 1 Two 5-kg masses are connected by a light string over two massless, frictionless pulleys. Each block sits on a frictionless inclined plane, as shown above. The blocks are released from rest. a.Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the blocks. b.Determine the tension in the string. Now assume that the 30° incline is rough, so that the coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0.10. The 60° incline is s till frictionless. 1.Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the blocks. 2.Determine the tension in the string. CM 2


1.1下面几个质点运动学方程,哪个是匀变速直线运动? (1)x=4t-3;(2)x=-4t 3+3t 2+6;(3)x=-2t 2+8t+4;(4)x=2/t 2-4/t 。 给出这个匀变速直线运动在t=3s 时的速度和加速度,并说明该时刻运动是加速的还是减速的。(x 单位为m ,t 单位为s ) 解:匀变速直线运动即加速度为不等于零的常数时的运动。加速度又是位移对时间的两阶导数。于是可得(3)为匀变速直线运动。 其速度和加速度表达式分别为 22484dx v t dt d x a dt ==+== t=3s 时的速度和加速度分别为v =20m/s ,a =4m/s 2。因加速度为正所以是加速的 1.3 一质点沿x 轴作直线运动,t 时刻的坐标为x = 4.5 t 2 – 2 t 3 (SI) .试求: (1) 第2秒内的平均速度;(2)第2秒末的瞬时速度; (3) 第2秒内的路程. 解:(1) 5.0/-==??t x v m/s (2) v = d x /d t = 9t - 6t 2 v (2) =-6 m/s (3) 由v =9t - 6t 2 可得:当t<1.5s 时,v>0; 当t>1.5s 时,v<0. 所以 S = |x (1.5)-x (1)| + |x (2)-x (1.5)| = 2.25 m

1.8 已知一质点作直线运动,其加速度为 a =4+3t 2s m -?,开始运动时,x =5 m ,v =0,求该质点在t =10s 时的速度和位置. 解:∵ t t v a 34d d +== 分离变量,得 t t v d )34(d += 积分,得 12234c t t v ++= 由题知,0=t ,00=v ,∴01=c 故 22 3 4t t v += 又因为 22 34d d t t t x v +== 分离变量, t t t x d )2 34(d 2+= 积分得 232212c t t x ++= 由题知 0=t ,50=x ,∴52=c 故 52 1232++=t t x 所以s 10=t 时 m 70551021102s m 190102310432101 210=+?+?=?=?+?=-x v 2.8 一颗子弹由枪口射出时速率为10s m -?v ,当子弹在枪筒内被加速时,它所受的合力为 F =(bt a -)N(b a ,为常数),其中t 以秒为单位: (1)假设子弹运行到枪口处合力刚好为零,试计算子弹走完枪筒全长所需时间;(2)求子弹所受的冲量;(3)求子弹的质量. 解: (1)由题意,子弹到枪口时,有 0)(=-=bt a F ,得b a t = (2)子弹所受的冲量


习题2 选择题 (1) 一质点作匀速率圆周运动时, (A)它的动量不变,对圆心的角动量也不变。 (B)它的动量不变,对圆心的角动量不断改变。 (C)它的动量不断改变,对圆心的角动量不变。 (D)它的动量不断改变,对圆心的角动量也不断改变。 [答案:C] (2) 质点系的内力可以改变 (A)系统的总质量。 (B)系统的总动量。 (C)系统的总动能。 (D)系统的总角动量。 [答案:C] (3) 对功的概念有以下几种说法: ①保守力作正功时,系统内相应的势能增加。 ②质点运动经一闭合路径,保守力对质点作的功为零。 ③作用力与反作用力大小相等、方向相反,所以两者所作功的代数和必为零。 在上述说法中: (A)①、②是正确的。 (B)②、③是正确的。 (C)只有②是正确的。 (D)只有③是正确的。 [答案:C] 填空题 (1) 某质点在力i x F )54( (SI )的作用下沿x 轴作直线运动。在从x=0移动到x=10m 的过程中,力F 所做功为 。 [答案:290J ] (2) 质量为m 的物体在水平面上作直线运动,当速度为v 时仅在摩擦力作用下开始作匀减速运动,经过距离s 后速度减为零。则物体加速度的大小为 ,物体与水平面间的摩擦系数为 。 [答案:2 2 ;22v v s gs ] (3) 在光滑的水平面内有两个物体A 和B ,已知m A =2m B 。(a )物体A 以一定的动能E k 与静止的物体B 发生完全弹性碰撞,则碰撞后两物体的总动能为 ;(b )物体A 以一定的动能E k 与静止的物体B 发生完全非弹性碰撞,则碰撞后两物体的总动能为 。

[答案:2; 3 k k E E ] 在下列情况下,说明质点所受合力的特点: (1)质点作匀速直线运动; (2)质点作匀减速直线运动; (3)质点作匀速圆周运动; (4)质点作匀加速圆周运动。 解:(1)所受合力为零; (2)所受合力为大小、方向均保持不变的力,其方向与运动方向相反; (3)所受合力为大小保持不变、方向不断改变总是指向圆心的力; (4)所受合力为大小和方向均不断变化的力,其切向力的方向与运动方向相同,大小恒定;法向力方向指向圆心。 举例说明以下两种说法是不正确的: (1)物体受到的摩擦力的方向总是与物体的运动方向相反; (2)摩擦力总是阻碍物体运动的。 解:(1)人走路时,所受地面的摩擦力与人的运动方向相同; (2)车作加速运动时,放在车上的物体受到车子对它的摩擦力,该摩擦力是引起物体相对地面运动的原因。 质点系动量守恒的条件是什么?在什么情况下,即使外力不为零,也可用动量守恒定律近似求解? 解:质点系动量守恒的条件是质点系所受合外力为零。当系统只受有限大小的外力作用,且作用时间很短时,有限大小外力的冲量可忽略,故也可用动量守恒定律近似求解。 在经典力学中,下列哪些物理量与参考系的选取有关:质量、动量、冲量、动能、势能、功? 解:在经典力学中,动量、动能、势能、功与参考系的选取有关。 一细绳跨过一定滑轮,绳的一边悬有一质量为1m 的物体,另一边穿在质量为2m 的圆柱体的竖直细孔中,圆柱可沿绳子滑动.今看到绳子从圆柱细孔中加速上升,柱体相对于绳子以匀加速度a 下滑,求1m ,2m 相对于地面的加速度、绳的张力及柱体与绳子间的摩擦力(绳轻且不可伸长,滑轮的质量及轮与轴间的摩擦不计). 解:因绳不可伸长,故滑轮两边绳子的加速度均为1a ,其对于2m 则为牵连加速度,又知2m 对绳子的相对加速度为a ,故2m 对地加速度, 题图 由图(b)可知,为 a a a 12 ① 又因绳的质量不计,所以圆柱体受到的摩擦力f 在数值上等于绳的张力T ,由牛顿定律,


AP? Physics C 2005 Free response Questions These materials were produced by Educational Testing Service? (ETS?), which develops and administers the examinations of the Advanced Placement Program for the College Board. The College Board and Educational Testing Service (ETS) are dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity, and their programs, services, and employment policies are guided by that principle. The College Board is a national nonprofit membership association dedicated to preparing, inspiring, and connecting students to college and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 4,200 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three million students and their parents, 22,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges, through major programs and services in college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT?, the PSAT/NMSQT?, and the Advanced Placement Program? (AP?). The College Board is committed to the principles of equity and excellence, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns. Copyright ? 2005 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. APIEL is a trademark owned by the College Entrance Examination Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark jointly owned by the College Entrance Examination Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Educational Testing Service and ETS are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service.


大学物理力学一、二章 作业答案 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

第一章 质点运动学 一、选择题 1、一质点在xoy 平面内运动,其运动方程为2,ct b y at x +==,式中a 、b 、c 均为常数。当运动质点的运动方向与x 轴成450角时,它的速率为[ B ]。 A .a ; B .a 2; C .2c ; D .224c a +。 2、设木块沿光滑斜面从下端开始往上滑动,然后下滑,则表示木块速度与时间关系的曲线是图1-1中的[ D ]。 3、一质点的运动方程是j t R i t R r ωωsin cos +=,R 、ω为正常数。从t = ωπ/到t =ωπ/2时间内该质点的路程是[ B ]。 A .2R ; B .R π; C . 0; D .ωπR 。 4、质量为0.25kg 的质点,受i t F =(N)的力作用,t =0时该质点以v =2j m/s 的速度通过坐标原点,该质点任意时刻的位置矢量是[ B ]。 A .22 t i +2j m ; B .j t i t 23 23+m ; C .j t i t 343243+; D .条件不足,无法确定。 二、填空题 1、一质点沿x 轴运动,其运动方程为225t t x -+=(x 以米为单位,t 以秒为单位)。质点的初速度为 2m/s ,第4秒末的速度为 -6m/s ,第4秒末的加速度为 -2m/s 2 。

2、一质点以π(m/s )的匀速率作半径为5m 的圆周运动。该质点在5s 内 的平均速度的大小为 2m/s ,平均加速度的大小为 22 m /5 s π 。 3、一质点沿半径为0.1m 的圆周运动,其运动方程为22t +=θ(式中的θ以弧度计,t 以秒计),质点在第一秒末的速度为 0.2m/s ,切向加速度为 0.2m/s 2 。 4、一质点沿半径1m 的圆周运动,运动方程为θ=2+3t 3,其中θ以弧度计,t 以秒计。T =2s 时质点的切向加速度为 36m/s 2 ;当加速度的方向和半径成45 o角时角位移是 3 8 rad 。 5、飞轮半径0.4m ,从静止开始启动,角加速度β=0.2rad/s 2。t =2s 时边缘各点的速度为 0.16m/s ,加速度为 0.102m/s 2 。 6、如图1-2所示,半径为R A 和R B 的两轮和皮带连结,如果皮带不打滑,则两轮的角速度=B A ωω: R R A B : ,两轮边缘A 点和B 点的切向加速度 =B A a a ττ: 1:1 。 三、简述题 1、给出路程和位移的定义,并举例说明二者的联系和区别。 2、给出瞬时速度和平均速度的定义,并举例说明二者的联系和区别。 3、给出速度和速率的定义,并简要描述二者的联系和区别。 4、给出瞬时加速度和平均加速度的定义,并简要描述二者的联系和区别。 四、计算题 图1-2


第三章基本知识小结 ⒈牛顿运动定律适用于惯性系、质点,牛顿第二定律是核心。 矢量式:22dt r d m dt v d m a m F === 分量式: (弧坐标) (直角坐标) ρ τττ2 ,,,v m m a F dt dv m m a F m a F m a F m a F n n z z y y x x ======= ⒉动量定理适用于惯性系、质点、质点系。 导数形式:dt p d F = 微分形式:p d dt F = 积分形式:p dt F I ?==?)( (注意分量式的运用) ⒊动量守恒定律适用于惯性系、质点、质点系。 若作用于质点或质点系的外力的矢量和始终为零,则质点或质点系的动量保持不变。即 ∑==恒矢量。 则,若外p F 0 (注意分量式的运用) ⒋在非惯性系中,考虑相应的惯性力,也可应用以上规律解题。 在直线加速参考系中:0*a m f -= 在转动参考系中: ωω ?=='2, *2* mv f r m f k c ⒌质心和质心运动定理 ⑴∑∑∑===i i c i i c i i c a m a m v m v m r m r m ⑵∑=c a m F (注意分量式的运用) 3.5.1 质量为2kg 的质点的运动学方程为 j t t i t r ?)133(?)16(22+++-= (单位:米,秒) , 求证质点受恒力而运动,并求力的方向大小。 解:∵j i dt r d a ?6?12/22+== , j i a m F ?12?24+== 为一与时间无关的恒矢量,∴质点受恒 力而运动。 F=(242+122)1/2=12 5N ,力与x 轴之间夹角为: '34265.0/?===arctg F arctgF x y α 3.5.2 质量为m 的质点在o-xy 平面内运动,质点的运动学方程为:j t b i t a r ?sin ?cos ωω+= , a,b,ω为正常数,证明作用于质点的合力总指向原点。 证明:∵r j t b i t a dt r d a 2222)?sin ?cos (/ωωωω-=+-== r m a m F 2ω-==, ∴作用于质点的合力总指向原点。


AP Physics C: Mechanics 2001 Free-Response Questions These materials were produced by Educational Testing Service (ETS), which develops and administers the examinations of the Advanced Placement Program for the College Board. The College Board and Educational Testing Service (ETS) are dedicated to the principle of equal opportunity, and their programs, services, and employment policies are guided by that principle. The College Board is a national nonprofit membership association dedicated to preparing, inspiring, and connecting students to college and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 3,900 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three million students and their parents, 22,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges, through major programs and services in college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT?, the PSAT/NMSQT?, the Advanced Placement Program? (AP?), and Pacesetter?. The College Board is committed to the principles of equity and excellence, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns. Copyright ? 2001 by College Entrance Examination Board. All rights reserved. College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board.


大学物理学习题答案 习题一答案 习题一 1.1 简要回答下列问题: (1) 位移和路程有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等?在什么情况下二者的量值不相 等? (2) 平均速度和平均速率有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等? (3) 瞬时速度和平均速度的关系和区别是什么?瞬时速率和平均速率的关系和区别又是什 么? (4) 质点的位矢方向不变,它是否一定做直线运动?质点做直线运动,其位矢的方向是否一 定保持不变? (5) r ?和r ?有区别吗?v ?和v ?有区别吗? 0dv dt =和0d v dt =各代表什么运动? (6) 设质点的运动方程为:()x x t =,()y y t =,在计算质点的速度和加速度时,有人先求 出22r x y = + dr v dt = 及 22d r a dt = 而求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v = 及 a =你认为两种方法哪一种正确?两者区别何在? (7) 如果一质点的加速度与时间的关系是线性的,那么,该质点的速度和位矢与时间的关系是否也是线性的? (8) “物体做曲线运动时,速度方向一定在运动轨道的切线方向,法向分速度恒为零,因此 其法向加速度也一定为零.”这种说法正确吗? (9) 任意平面曲线运动的加速度的方向总指向曲线凹进那一侧,为什么? (10) 质点沿圆周运动,且速率随时间均匀增大,n a 、t a 、a 三者的大小是否随时间改变? (11) 一个人在以恒定速度运动的火车上竖直向上抛出一石子,此石子能否落回他的手中?如果石子抛出后,火车以恒定加速度前进,结果又如何? 1.2 一质点沿x 轴运动,坐标与时间的变化关系为224t t x -=,式中t x ,分别以m 、s 为单位,试计算:(1)在最初s 2内的位移、平均速度和s 2末的瞬时速度;(2)s 1末到s 3末的平均


第二章 质点动力学 2-1一物体从一倾角为30的斜面底部以初速v 0=10m·s 1向斜面上方冲去,到最高点后又沿斜面滑下,当滑到底部时速率v =7m·s 1,求该物体与斜面间的摩擦系数。 解:物体与斜面间的摩擦力f =uN =umgcos30 物体向斜面上方冲去又回到斜面底部的过程由动能定理得 22011 2(1) 22 mv mv f s -=-? 物体向斜面上方冲到最高点的过程由动能定理得 201 0sin 302 mv f s mgh f s mgs -=-?-=-?- 20 (2) (31) s g u ∴= - 把式(2)代入式(1)得, () 22 2 20 0.198 3u v v = + 2-2如本题图,一质量为m 的小球最初位于光滑圆形凹槽的A 点,然后沿圆弧ADCB 下滑,试求小球在C 点时的角速度和对圆弧表面的作用力,圆弧半径为r 。 解:小球在运动的过程中受到重力G 和轨道对它的支持力T .取

如图所示的自然坐标系,由牛顿定律得 2 2 sin (1) cos (2) t n dv F mg m dt v F T mg m R αα=-==-= 由,,1ds rd rd v dt dt dt v αα = ==得代入式(), A 并根据小球从点运动到点C 始末条件进行积分有, 90 2 n (sin )2cos 2cos /m cos 3cos '3cos ,e v vdv rg d v gr v g r r v mg mg r mg α αα αωααα α=-===+==-=-? ?得则小球在点C 的角速度为 =由式(2)得 T 由此可得小球对园轨道得作用力为T T 方向与反向 2-3如本题图,一倾角为 的斜面置于光滑桌面上,斜面上放 一质量为m 的木块,两者间摩擦系数为,为使木块相对斜面静止, 求斜面的加速度a 应满足的条件。 解:如图所示


物理学教程下册答案9-16 第九章 静 电 场 9-1 电荷面密度均为+σ的两块“无限大”均匀带电的平行平板如图(A )放置,其周围空间各点电场强度E (设电场强度方向向右为正、向左为负)随位置坐标x 变化的关系曲线为图(B )中的( ) 题 9-1 图 分析与解 “无限大”均匀带电平板激发的电场强度为0 2εσ,方向沿带电平板法向向外,依照电场叠加原理可以求得各区域电场强度的大小和方向.因而正确答案为(B ). 9-2 下列说确的是( ) (A )闭合曲面上各点电场强度都为零时,曲面一定没有电荷 (B )闭合曲面上各点电场强度都为零时,曲面电荷的代数和必定为零 (C )闭合曲面的电通量为零时,曲面上各点的电场强度必定为零 (D )闭合曲面的电通量不为零时,曲面上任意一点的电场强度都不可能为零 分析与解 依照静电场中的高斯定理,闭合曲面上各点电场强度都为零时,曲面电荷的代数和必定为零,但不能肯定曲面一定没有电荷;闭合曲面的电通量为零时,表示穿入闭合曲面的电场线数等于穿出闭合曲面的电场线数或没有电场线穿过闭合曲面,不能确定曲面上各点的电场强度必定为零;同理闭合曲面的电通量不为零,也不能推断曲面上任意一点的电场强度都不可能为零,因而正确答案为(B ). 9-3 下列说确的是( )

(A) 电场强度为零的点,电势也一定为零 (B) 电场强度不为零的点,电势也一定不为零 (C) 电势为零的点,电场强度也一定为零 (D) 电势在某一区域为常量,则电场强度在该区域必定为零 分析与解电场强度与电势是描述电场的两个不同物理量,电场强度为零表示试验电荷在该点受到的电场力为零,电势为零表示将试验电荷从该点移到参考零电势点时,电场力作功为零.电场中一点的电势等于单位正电荷从该点沿任意路径到参考零电势点电场力所作的功;电场强度等于负电势梯度.因而正确答案为(D). *9-4在一个带负电的带电棒附近有一个电偶极子,其电偶极矩p的方向如图所示.当电偶极子被释放后,该电偶极子将( ) (A) 沿逆时针方向旋转直到电偶极矩p水平指向棒尖端而停止 (B) 沿逆时针方向旋转至电偶极矩p水平指向棒尖端,同时沿电场线方向朝着棒尖端移动 (C) 沿逆时针方向旋转至电偶极矩p水平指向棒尖端,同时逆电场线方向朝远离棒尖端移动 (D) 沿顺时针方向旋转至电偶极矩p 水平方向沿棒尖端朝外,同时沿电场线方向朝着棒尖端移动 题9-4 图 分析与解电偶极子在非均匀外电场中,除了受到力矩作用使得电偶极子指向电场方向外,还将受到一个指向电场强度增强方向的合力作用,因而正确答案为(B). 9-5精密实验表明,电子与质子电量差值的最大围不会超过±10-21e,而中子电量与零差值的最大围也不会超过±10-21e,由最极端的情况考虑,一个有8个电子,8个质子和8个中子构成的氧原子所带的最大可能净电荷是多少?若将原子视作质点,试比较两个氧原子间的库仑力和万有引力的大小. 分析考虑到极限情况,假设电子与质子电量差值的最大围为2×10-21e,中子电量为10-21e,则由一个氧原子所包含的8个电子、8个质子和8个中子


一、选择题:(每题3分) 1、某质点作直线运动的运动学方程为 x = 3t-5t 3 + 6 (SI),则该质点作 2、一质点沿x 轴作直线运动,其v t 曲 线如图所示,如t=0时,质点位于坐标原点, 则t=4.5 s 时,质点在x 轴上的位置为 (A) 5m . (B) 2m . (C) 0. (D) 2 m . (E) 5 m. [ b ] pc 的上端点,一质点从p 开始分 到达各弦的下端所用的时间相比 6、一运动质点在某瞬时位于矢径 r x, y 的端点处,其速度大小为 7、 质点沿半径为R 的圆周作匀速率运动,每 T 秒转一圈.在2T 时间间隔中, 其平均速度大小与平均速率大小分别为 (A) 2 R/T , 2 R/T . (B) 0,2 R/T (C) 0,0. (D) 2 R/T , 0. [ b ] 8 以下五种运动形式中,a 保持不变的运动是 4、 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度 v 2 m/s ,瞬时加速度a 2m/s , 则一秒钟后质点的速度 (B)等于 2 m/s . (D)不能确定. [ d ] (A)等于零. (C)等于 2 m/s . 5 、 一质点在平面上运动, 已知质点位置矢量的表示式为 r at i bt 2j (其中 a 、 b 为常量),则该质点作 (A)匀速直线运动. (B)变速直线运动. (C)抛物线运动. (D) 一般曲线运 动. [ b ] [d ] (A) 匀加速直线运动,加速度沿 x 轴正方向. (B) 匀加速直线运动,加速度沿 x 轴负方向. (C) 变加速直线运动,加速度沿 x 轴正方向. (D) 变加速直线运动,加速度沿 x 轴负方向. 3、图中p 是一圆的竖直直径 别沿不同的弦无摩擦下滑时, 较是 (A) 到a 用的时间最短. (B) 到b 用的时间最短. (C) 到c 用的时间最短. (D) 所用时间都一样. (A) d r dt (C) d r dt (B) (D) d r dt dx 2 .dt 2 d y dt [d ] a

AP Physics C Mechanics Practice Tests

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大学物理学第二习题解 答 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

大学物理学 习题答案 习题一答案 习题一 1.1 简要回答下列问题: (1) 位移和路程有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等?在什么情况下二者的量值不相等? (2) 平均速度和平均速率有何区别?在什么情况下二者的量值相等? (3) 瞬时速度和平均速度的关系和区别是什么?瞬时速率和平均速率的关系和区 别又是什么? (4) 质点的位矢方向不变,它是否一定做直线运动?质点做直线运动,其位矢的方向是否一定保持不变? (5) r ?和r ?有区别吗?v ?和v ?有区别吗?0dv dt =和0d v dt =各代表什么运动? (6) 设质点的运动方程为:()x x t =,()y y t =,在计算质点的速度和加速度 时,有人先求出r =,然后根据 dr v dt = 及 22d r a dt = 而求得结果;又有人先计算速度和加速度的分量,再合成求得结果,即 v = 及 a =你认为两种方法哪一种正确?两者区别何在? (7) 如果一质点的加速度与时间的关系是线性的,那么,该质点的速度和位矢与时间的关系是否也是线性的?

(8) “物体做曲线运动时,速度方向一定在运动轨道的切线方向,法向分速度恒为零,因此其法向加速度也一定为零.”这种说法正确吗? (9) 任意平面曲线运动的加速度的方向总指向曲线凹进那一侧,为什么? (10) 质点沿圆周运动,且速率随时间均匀增大,n a 、t a 、a 三者的大小是否随时间改变? (11) 一个人在以恒定速度运动的火车上竖直向上抛出一石子,此石子能否落回他的手中?如果石子抛出后,火车以恒定加速度前进,结果又如何? 1.2 一质点沿x 轴运动,坐标与时间的变化关系为224t t x -=,式中t x ,分别以 m 、s 为单位,试计算:(1)在最初s 2内的位移、平均速度和s 2末的瞬时速度; (2)s 1末到s 3末的平均加速度;(3)s 3末的瞬时加速度。 解: (1) 最初s 2内的位移为为: (2)(0)000(/)x x x m s ?=-=-= 最初s 2内的平均速度为: 0 0(/)2 ave x v m s t ?= ==? t 时刻的瞬时速度为:()44dx v t t dt = =- s 2末的瞬时速度为:(2)4424/v m s =-?=- (2) s 1末到s 3末的平均加速度为:2(3)(1)804/22 ave v v v a m s t ?---= ===-? (3) s 3末的瞬时加速度为:2(44) 4(/)dv d t a m s dt dt -===-。 1.3 质点作直线运动,初速度为零,初始加速度为0a ,质点出发后,每经过τ时间,加速度均匀增加b 。求经过t 时间后,质点的速度和位移。 解: 由题意知,加速度和时间的关系为 0b a a t τ =+


习 题 二 2-1 质量为m 的子弹以速率0v 水平射入沙土中,设子弹所受阻力与速度反向,大小与速度成正比,比例系数为k ,忽略子弹的重力,求:(1)子弹射入沙土后,速度大小随时间的变化关系; (2)子弹射入沙土的最大深度。 [解] 设任意时刻子弹的速度为v ,子弹进入沙土的最大深度为s ,由题意知,子弹所受的阻力 f = - kv (1) 由牛顿第二定律 t v m ma f d d == 即 t v m kv d d ==- 所以 t m k v v d d -= 对等式两边积分 ??-=t v v t m k v v 0 d d 0 得 t m k v v -=0ln 因此 t m k e v v -=0 (2) 由牛顿第二定律 x v mv t x x v m t v m ma f d d d d d d d d ==== 即 x v mv kv d d =- 所以 v x m k d d =- 对上式两边积分 ??=-00 0d d v s v x m k 得到 0v s m k -=- 即 k mv s 0 = 2-2 质量为m 的小球,在水中受到的浮力为F ,当它从静止开始沉降时,受到水的粘滞阻力为f =kv (k 为常数)。若从沉降开始计时,试证明小球在水中竖直沉降的速率v 与时间的关系为 ??? ? ??--= -m kt e k F mg v 1 [证明] 任意时刻t 小球的受力如图所示,取向下为y 轴的正 方向,开始沉降处为坐标原点。由牛顿第二定律得 t v m ma f F mg d d ==--

即 t v m ma kv F mg d d ==-- 整理得 m t kv F mg v d d =-- 对上式两边积分 ??=--t v m t kv F mg v 00 d d 得 m kt F mg kv F mg -=---ln 即 ??? ? ??--= -m kt e k F mg v 1 2-3 跳伞运动员与装备的质量共为m ,从伞塔上跳出后立即张伞,受空气的阻力与速率的平方成正比,即2kv F =。求跳伞员的运动速率v 随时间t 变化的规律和极限速率T v 。 [解] 设运动员在任一时刻的速率为v ,极限速率为T v ,当运动员受的空气阻力等于运动员及装备的重力时,速率达到极限。 此时 2 T kv mg = 即 k mg v = T 有牛顿第二定律 t v m kv mg d d 2=- 整理得 m t kv mg v d d 2= - 对上式两边积分 mgk m t kv mg v t v 21d d 00 2?? =- 得 m t v k mg v k mg = +-ln 整理得 T 22221 111v e e k mg e e v kg m t kg m t kg m t kg m t +-=+-=

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