当前位置:文档之家› 表学习记录


select * from hospital_config
select count(distinct dept_code) from dept_dict
select a.dept_code,a.ward_code,b.dept_name from dept_vs_ward a,dept_dict b where a.dept_code = b.dept_code
select * from clinical_dept_config
select * from charge_type_dict
select * from identity_dict
select * from charge_type_vs_identity
select * from bed_class_dict
select * from charge_price_schedule
select * from mr_fee_class_dict
select * from tally_subject_dict
select * from outp_rcpt_fee_dict
select * from inp_rcpt_fee_dict
select * from reck_item_class_dict
select * from drug_dict;
select count(*) from drug_name_dict
select * from drug_supplier_catalog
select a.drug_code,b.drug_name,a.trade_price,a.retail_price from drug_price_list a,drug_name_dict b where a.drug_code = b.drug_code
select count(*) from price_list
select count(*) from drug_price_list where drug_code in (select item_code from price_list)
select * from price_item_name_dict where item_code not in (select item_code from price_list)
select a.emp_no,a.dept_code,b.dept_name,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,,a.job,a.title from staff_dict a,dept_dict b where a.dept_code = b.dept_code order by dept_code
select * from dept_dict
select * from staff_dict
select a.group_class,a.group_code,a.emp_no,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,,b.dept_code,c.dept_name from staff_vs_group a,staff_dict b ,dept_dict c where a.emp_no = b.emp_no and b.dept_code = c.dept_code
select * from staff_group_dict
select * from staff_vs_group
select * from job_class_dict
select count(distinct item_code) from clinic_item_dict;
select count(distinct item_code) from clinic_item_name_dict
select * from price_list
select * from clinic_vs_charge
select * from administration_dict
select * from perform_freq_dict
select * from perform_default_schedule
select * from drug_disp_property_dict
select * from drug_dispens_property
select * from local_id_class_dict
select * from exam_class_dict
select * from exam_subclass_dict
select * from exam_item_dict
select * from exam_result_status_dict
select * from exam_rpt_pattern

select * from drug_export_class_dict
select * from drug_disp_property_dict
select * from drug_toxi_property_dict
select * from drug_presc_attr_dict
select * from drug_form_dict
select * from drug_class_dict
select * from drug_coding_rule
select * from drug_info
select * from new_drug_message
select * from drug_storage_profile
select * from drug_stock
select * from drug_inventory_check
select * from drug_inventory_balance
select * from drug_stock_location
select * from drug_stock_balance
select * from buy_drug_plan
select * from drug_price_modify//
select * from drug_price_modify_profit//
select * from drug_storage_dept
select * from drug_presc_master
select * from drug_presc_detail
select * from drug_presc_detail_temp
select * from drug_presc_master_temp
select * from doct_drug_presc_detail
select * from doct_drug_presc_master
select * fr

om drug_application_list_master
select * from drug_application_list_detail
select * from drug_dispense_rec
select * from drug_dispense_req
select * from drug_dispens_property
select * from binding_presc_master
select * from binding_presc_detail
select * from binding_presc_selection
select * from preparation_price_list
select * from exam_diag_dict


select count(distinct exp_code) from exp_dict;
select count(distinct exp_code) from exp_price_list;
select count(distinct exp_code) from exp_price_list where exp_code in (select exp_code from exp_dict)
select count(*) from price_list where item_code in (select exp_code from exp_dict)
select count(*) from price_item_name_dict
select * from perform_dept
select * from clinic_vs_charge
select * from applications
select a.application,b.description,d.role,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,er_id,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,,a.capability from app_grants a,applications b,staff_dict c,app_roles d where a.application = b.application and a.application = d.application and https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,er_id = c.id
order by a.application
select * from staff_dict
select * from app_roles
select * from clinic_price
select * from regist_acct_master
select * from clinic_returned_acct
select * from outp_orders
select * from outp_presc
select * from outp_treat_rec
select * from outp_orders_costs
select * from wait_bed_pats
select * from bed_rec
select * from pats_in_hospital
select * from pre_dischged_pats
select * from orders
select * from orders_costs order by patient_id
select * from orders_execute
select * from outp_rcpt_master
select * from outp_payments_money
select * from outp_order_desc
select * from outp_bill_items
select * from outp_refund_invoice
select * from inp_bill_detail
select * from prepayment_rcpt
select * from inp_settle_master
select * from inp_payments_money
select * from unsettle_rec
select * from inp_acct_master
select * from prepay_acct
select * from casher_no_rec
select * from qu_outp_clinic_num

select count(distinct item_code) from PRICE_LIST;
select count(distinct item_code) from CURRENT_PRICE_LIST where item_code in (select item_code from price_list)
select * from MEDICAL_COSTS where patient_id = '386692'
select a.dept_code,b.dept_name,a.explain_text,a.entered_user,a.entered_date from DOCTOR_EXPLAIN_DICT a,dept_dict b where a.dept_code = b.dept_code

select * from exam_class_dict where exam_class_name not in (select exam_class_name from exam_subclass_dict)
select a.exam_class_name,a.exam_subclass_name from exam_subclass_dict a where exam_class_name in (select exam_class_name from exam_class_dict) order by exam_class_name
select * from exam_subclass_dict
select * from PAT_VISIT where patient_id not in (select patient_id from pat_master_index);
select count(*) from PAT_MASTER_INDEX where pati

ent_id = 'ZY0213'
select * from TRANSFER where patient_id = 'ZY0213'
select count(distinct patient_id) from CLINIC_DIAGNOSIS
select * from diagnosis where patient_id not in (select patient_id from clinic_diagnosis);
select * from CLINIC_FOR_REGIST


select * from invoice_manage_rec
select * from casher_no_rec
select a.group_class,a.group_code,a.emp_no,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html, from staff_vs_group a,staff_dict b where a.emp_no = b.emp_no
select * from staff_dict
select * from staff_group_dict;
select * from staff_vs_group
select * from price_list;
select * from outp_rcpt_fee_dict;
select * from inp_rcpt_fee_dict;
select * from mr_fee_class_dict;
select * from tally_subject_dict;
select * from reck_item_class_dict
select distinct class_on_outp_rcpt from price_list;
select * from outp_rcpt_fee_dict
select distinct class_on_inp_rcpt from price_list;
select * from inp_rcpt_fee_dict
select distinct subj_code from price_list;
select * from tally_subject_dict
select distinct class_on_reckoning from price_list;
select * from reck_item_class_dict
select distinct class_on_mr from price_list;
select * from mr_fee_class_dict
select * from drug_dict
select * from drug_price_list
select * from price_list where item_code in (select drug_code from drug_dict)
select * from drug_dict
select a.item_code,c.item_name,a.performed_by,b.dept_name from perform_dept a,dept_dict b,price_list c where a.performed_by = b.dept_code and a.item_code = c.item_code;
select * from dept_dict
select a.clinic_item_class,b.item_name from clinic_vs_charge a,price_list b where a.charge_item_class = b.item_code;
select * from price_list where item_code = '33130301900'
select * from clinic_vs_charge a where a.clinic_item_code <> a.charge_item_code
select distinct item_class from price_list
select * from drug_storage_dept;
select * from drug_sub_storage_dict
select * from drug_class_dict
select * from drug_form_dict
select count(*) from drug_price_list
select count(distinct drug_code) from drug_price_list
select * from drug_price_list order by drug_code
select * from price_list where stop_date is null and item_code in (select item_code from price_list where stop_date is not null)
select item_code from price_list where stop_date is not null
select * from drug_price_list where stop_date is null and drug_code in (select drug_code from drug_price_list where stop_date is not null)
select drug_code from drug_price_list where stop_date is not null
select count(distinct item_code) from clinic_item_dict;
select count(distinct item_code) from price_list
select * from clinic_item_dict where item_code not in (select item_code from price_list)
select * from clinic_item_dict where item_code in (select clinic_item_code from clinic_vs_charge where clinic_item_code not in (select item_code from price_list))
select * from clinic_item_dict
select * from clinic_vs_charge
select *

from bill_dept_config
select * from bill_misc_item
select * from clinic_item_dict where item_code = '11020000500'
select * from clinic_for_regist


select * from outp_rcpt_master where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_payments_money where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_order_desc where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_bill_items where visit_no = 59134 and visit_date = to_date('2008-12-29 10:53:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_master where acct_no = 000016
select * from outp_acct_detail where acct_no = 000016
select * from outp_acct_money
select * from outp_refund_invoice


select * from staff_group_class_dict order by serial_no;
select * from staff_group_dict order by group_class;
select * from staff_vs_group order by group_class
select * from doctor_group
select * from outp_mr
select * from cdrug_project_master
select * from outp_orders
select * from outp_treat_rec
select * from treat_project_master
select * from outp_presc_t
select * from wait_bed_pats
select * from bed_rec;
select * from bed_class_dict
select * from pats_in_hospital
select * from dept_vs_ward
select * from clinical_dept_config
select * from pats_in_transferring;
select * from where patient_id = '387010'
select a.ward_code,a.bed_no,a.dept_code,c.dept_name,a.bed_class,b.bed_class_name from bed_rec a,bed_class_dict b,dept_dict c
where a.bed_class = b.bed_class_code and a.dept_code = c.dept_code

select * from outp_rcpt_master where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_payments_money where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_order_desc where rcpt_no = '20081229023144'
select * from outp_bill_items where visit_no = 59134 and visit_date = to_date('2008-12-29 10:53:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_master where acct_no = 000016
select * from outp_acct_detail where acct_no = 000016
select * from outp_acct_money
select * from outp_refund_invoice

select * from pat_master_index
select count(*) from pat_visit
select * from clinic_master

select * from CLINIC_MASTER
select * from pre_dischged_pats
select * from pats_in_hospital;
select count(*) from PAT_MASTER_INDEX where patient_id in (select patient_id from pats_in_hospital)
select * from pats_in_hospital where settled_indicator = 1
select * from pat_master_index where patient_id not in (select patient_id from pat_visit)
select * from pat_visit where patient_id not in (select patient_id from pat_master_index)
select count(*) from transfer
select * from pats_in_transferring
select * from orders
select * from orders_costs
select * from orders_execute


select chr(54740) zhao,chr(65) chr65 from dual;
select con

cat('010-','88888888')||'转23'fd from dual;
select chr(54740) zhao,chr(65) chr65 from dual
select * from invoice_manage_rec where operator_no = '1657'
update invoice_manage_rec set badnum = null where operator_no = '1657'
select * from outp_rcpt_master where operator_no = '1654'
select * from outp_order_desc
select * from outp_bill_items
select * from clinic_diagnosis
select count(*) from diagnosis
select * from outp_rcpt_master where patient_id is not null

select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '385481'
select * from prepayment_rcpt where patient_id = '385481'
select * from inp_settle_master where patient_id = '385481' and transact_type = '正常'
select * from inp_settle_detail where rcpt_no = '11002895'
select * from inp_payments_money where rcpt_no = '11002895'
select * from inp_acct_master where acct_no = '300975'
select sum(income) from inp_acct_detail where acct_no = '300975';
select sum(income_amount) from inp_acct_money where acct_no = '300975'
select * from prepay_acct where acct_no = '300975';
select * from prepay_acct_money
select * from casher_no_rec
select * from bill_dept_config
select * from bill_misc_item
select * from bill_misc_item_patch where item_code in (select item_code from bill_misc_item)


select * from invoice_manage_rec
select * from qu_outp_clinic_num
select * from qu_effciency_dept
select * from dept_effciency
select * from qu_therapy_qlty_dept
select * from qu_operation_dept
select * from qu_manage_qlty_dept
select a.year_month,a.account_dept,b.dept_name,a.real_income from qu_account_indep a,dept_dict b
where a.account_dept = b.dept_code
select * from qu_account_item
select * from reck_item_class_dict
select * from qu_quality_completed
select * from qu_plan_completed
select * from qu_outp_synthesize
select * from qu_load_dept
select * from qu_dept_bed_rec
select * from plan_index
select * from dept_outp_num_day
select * from dept_adt_day
select * from dept_empty_bed
select * from dept_load_day
select * from acci_resulted_dict
select * from special_dise_dict
select * from stat_dept_dict
select * from stat_vs_charge_type


select * from outp_rcpt_master where visit_date > to_date('2009-6-4 07:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_bill_items where visit_date > to_date('2009-6-4 07:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_payments_money where rcpt_no in ('20090604134132','20090604134133','20090604134134','20090604134135','20090604134136')
select * from outp_order_desc where visit_date > to_date('2009-6-4 07:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_master where acct_date > to_date('2009-6-4 07:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_detail where acct_no = '000607'
select * from outp_acct_money wher

e acct_no = '000607'
select * from outp_refund_invoice
select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '800000'
select * from prepayment_rcpt where patient_id = '800000'
select * from inp_settle_master where patient_id = '800000'
select * from inp_payments_money where rcpt_no = '10001530'
select * from inp_payments_money where rcpt_no = '10001531'


select * from drug_presc_master where presc_date > to_date('2009-06-04 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '800000'
select * from drug_presc_detail
select * from drug_presc_master_temp where presc_date > to_date('2009-06-04 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') for update
select * from drug_presc_detail_temp where presc_no = '56834'
select * from doct_drug_presc_master where presc_date > to_date('2009-06-04 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from doct_drug_presc_detail
select * from drug_application_list_master
select * from drug_application_list_detail
select * from drug_dispense_rec
select * from drug_dispense_req
select * from drug_dispens_property
select * from DRUG_STOP_LOG
select * from drug_price_modify_profit
select * from drug_packages


select * from outp_acct_master where acct_date in (select max(acct_date) from outp_acct_master);
select * from outp_acct_detail where acct_no = '000608';
select * from outp_acct_money where acct_no = '000608'
select * from outp_acct_money
select * from outp_refund_invoice
select * from outp_rcpt_master where acct_no = '000608'
update outp_rcpt_master set acct_no = null where visit_date >= to_date('2009-6-4 8:34:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_rcpt_master where visit_date >= to_date('2009-6-3 8:34:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_rcpt_master where acct_no is null and operator_no = '1652'
select * from outp_rcpt_master where invoice_no is null
select * from outp_bill_items
select * from outp_payments_money where to_number(rcpt_no) > 20090505026681
select * from outp_order_desc
select * from outp_acct_master where operator_no = '1652'


select * from users where user_id = '1001'
select * from staff_dict where emp_no in ( '1001','1002')
select * from app_grant_dict
select count(*) from app_grants where user_id = '1001'
select * from applications a,app_grants b where a.application = b.application and https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,er_id = '1001'
select * from pats_in_hospital where patient_id = '900000'
select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '900000'
select * from orders where patient_id = '900000'
select * from orders_costs where patient_id = '900000'
select * from presc_standard_dict
select * from order_class_dict
select * from order_sta

select * from orders_group_rec
select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '389971' and item_code = '21010201550'
select * from orders where patient_id = '389971' and item_name like '三维%'
select * from orders_costs where patient_id = '389971' and item_name like '三维%'t
select * from orders where billing_attr = 3 and order_code = '12010000400'
select * from inp_bill_detail where item_code in (select order_code from orders where billing_attr = 3)
select order_code from orders where order_status = '8'
select * from order_status_dict
select * from inp_bill_detail where item_code in (select order_code from orders where order_status = '4')
select * from pats_in_hospital where patient_id = '800000'
select * from inp_bill_detail where patient_id = '800000'
select * from inp_settle_master where patient_id = '800000'
select * from orders_costs where patient_id = '800000'
select * from pat_visit where patient_id = '800000'
select * from pat_master_index where patient_id = '800000'
select * from dept_dict where dept_code = '0211'
select a.ward_code,a.bed_no,a.bed_sex_type,c.bed_type_name,a.bed_class,b.bed_class_name,a.bed_status from bed_rec a,bed_class_dict b,bed_type_dict c
where a.bed_class = b.bed_class_code and a.bed_sex_type = c.bed_type_code and ward_code = '0511H'
select * from bed_class_dict
select * from bed_type_dict


select * from clinic_vs_charge where amount <> 1 or charge_item_no <> 1
select * from price_list
select * from clinic_item_dict
select a.clinic_item_class,a.clinic_item_code,c.item_name,a.charge_item_no,a.charge_item_class,a.charge_item_code,b.item_name,a.amount,b.price
from clinic_vs_charge a,price_list b,clinic_item_dict c
where a.charge_item_code = b.item_code and a.clinic_item_code = c.item_code and a.clinic_item_code <> charge_item_code and a.amount <> 1


select * from drug_presc_master
select * from drug_supplier_catalog
select * from class_coding_config
select * from drug_account
select a.st_date,a.dept_code,b.dept_name,a.bed_noused_num,a.real_bed_num,(a.real_bed_num - a.bed_noused_num) as empty_bed_num from dept_empty_bed a,dept_dict b
where a.dept_code = b.dept_code
select * from outp_bill_items where visit_date > to_date('2009-06-09 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_order_desc where visit_date > to_date('2009-06-09 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from pat_visit where name like '郭富%'
select * from outp_rcpt_master where visit_date > to_date('2009-06-09 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_master where operator_no = '1652' and acct_date > to_date('2009-06-01 08:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
select * from outp_acct_detail where acct_no > = '000606'
select * from outp_acct_master where a

cct_no in ('000606', '000607') for update
select * from outp_acct_money where acct_no = '000607'
select * from outp_rcpt_master where acct_no = '000607'
select * from outp_payments_money where rcpt_no in ('20090604134132','20090604134133','20090604134134','20090604134135')
SELECT owner, trigger_name, table_name, status FROM dba_triggers


select * from app_grants;
select * from app_grant_dict where grant_desc like '%挂号%'
select a.application,b.application,b.grant_code,b.grant_desc,https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a252410.html,er_id,a.capability from app_grants a,app_grant_dict b
where a.application = b.application and a.application = 'obilling'
select * from CLINIC_TYPE_DICT;
select * from CLINIC_TYPE_SETTING for update

select * from CLINIC_FOR_REGIST
select * from clinic_index for update
select * from price_list where price > 500 and item_class in ('A','B')
select * from clinic_item_class_dict ;
select distinct item_class from price_list
select distinct charge_item_class from clinic_vs_charge
select * from price_list where item_class in ('K','J')
select * from clinic_item_dict where item_name like '%床%'
select a.dept_code,b.dept_name,count(a.dept_code) from staff_dict a,dept_dict b
where a.dept_code(+) = b.dept_code
group by a.dept_code,b.dept_name
select * from dept_dict

select dept_code from staff_dict intersect select dept_code from dept_dict
select * from
select * from jxs_dict for update
alter table jxs_dict drop flag


select * from outp_rcpt_master
select * from outp_bill_items
select * from outp_order_desc
select * from outp_payments_money
select * from outp_acct_detail
select * from prepay_acct _detail
select * from prepayment_rcpt
select * from inp_payments_money

select * from drug_presc_master
select * from drug_presc_detail
select * from drug_presc_master_temp
select * from drug_presc_detail_temp
select * from drug_dispense_rec
select * from drug_dispense_req
select * from doct_drug_presc_detail
select * from doct_drug_presc_master
select * from drug_application_list_detail

select * from charge_type_dict
select * from staff_dict
select * from staff_group_class_dict
select * from staff_group_dict
select * from staff_vs_group
select * from charge_type_vs_identity
select * from dept_dict
select * from clinical_dept_config
select * from dept_vs_ward
select * from applications
select * from app_grants,app_grant_dict
select * fro

m app_roles
select * from key_dict

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