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新GRE issue提纲

3. Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things does more good than harm to them.

(1)No one knows much he or she can achieve before trying.(马克扎克伯格)

(2)Encouraging young people to believe that they can accomplish great things gives them confidence, which helps to bring out their potential.(爱迪生)

(3)Some of them may finally get frustrated because not every one can accomplish great things; however, every one will make progress through doing their best.(哥德巴赫猜想)


4.(1)On the one hand, scandals can sometimes serve to call our attention to pervasive social or political problems that we would otherwise neglect.(三鹿、肯德基)

(2)On the other hand, scandals can make society fall into a state of chaos.(水门事件)On the other hand, not all the scandals are true, thus, those feigned scandals will be harmful to the other persons' reputation or something right.(性丑闻)


结论:尽管丑闻的影响还需讨论,其作用仍是显而易见。if proper measures are taken,弊端是可以很大程度上被避免的,而利益将造福我们。

5.(1)Major cities used to be the cultural centers of a society.(北京)

(2)Nowadays, however, due to the influence of globalization, major cities throughout the world look more or less the same.(北京当当车)

(3)By contrast, the rural areas of a society maintain more of its cultural tradition. It can lead to the social economic gap.(五岳)

6.(1)在接受高等教育(tertiary education)之前,学习统一的课程有许多优点:a、由于全国学习同样课程,有利于保证教育公平,避免不同教育水平地区差距拉大(widen the disparity between);b、维护统一,利于开展一致的国民教育,普遍地提高国民素质;c、避免各个地区重复开发课程,极大降低财政负担

(2)然而,这样也有很大的弊端(serious drawbacks):a、从个体差异来看,不同学生有不同特长,要求全国统一课程显然谋杀了学生的个性,不利于个人发展;b、不同地区有独特文化,尤其在许多文化多样(diverse culture)的国家,不同地区学生接受同样课程可能造成地区文化的流失(gradually fade away)

(3)事实上,这个问题不可一概而论(We should not make sweeping generalizations):a、对于文化差异不大的国家,可以在要求全国统一部分compulsory curriculums,同时根据不同学生的需求开设elective courses,与大学课程设置制度类似,但必修部分较多,选修较少;b、对于文化差异大的国家,则不宜要求统一课程,可设置教学大纲(minimum syllabus),由各个地区按照大纲设置符合地区文化和发展需求的课程。


7.(1)Admittedly, government funding might directly or indirectly influence artists’decisions and choices. a、由于资金毕竟有限,必须有选择性的投入,造成某些艺术被忽视;b、由于当政者的观点和见解,部分艺术被有意的边缘化(marginalize)而部分艺术则被特别突出(highlight)

(2)However, government support can also contribute to the prosperity of arts.a、国家具有义务(a



结论:只要正确的方式被采用,国家资金的投入对于艺术繁荣和惠及人民一定会产生极大的利益,并outweigh potential弊端。


A new leadership usually has greater initiative and would bring in new ideas. After all, people who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without constraints of established habits and attitudes.(马克扎克伯格)


When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power. And every generation needs to redefine right and wrong in its own terms and according to the conditions of its own time.(君主制)


However, in certain realms such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership. Its development needs a long-term plan and strategy.(篮球、斯隆、杰克逊)

总结:Furthermore, new leaders often lack the necessary skill and experience to cope with existing problems; therefore, they need a period of time for adaptation.




Nowadays,knowing about the past no longer answers the needs of the present so that it often cannot help people to make important decisions today.(制图)






13.(2)反:a、加重课业负担;b、不利于特殊人才(Special Talent)(大学生篮球);c、学校开课负担




18.(1)Admittedly, when many people question authority, some societal harm might result, even if

a social cause is worthy.(反贪游行、罢工)

(2)While violence is rarely justifiable as a means of questioning authority, peaceful challenges to political and legal authority, by many people, are not only justifiable but actually necessary when it comes to enhancing and even preserving society’s well-being.(人民代表大会)

(3)Questioning authority is also essential for advances in the sciences.(地心说)

结论:尽管怀疑权威与welfare的关系仍需讨论,rationally suspect会产生积极影响。如果正确使用,带来的利益会outweigh drawbacks


So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.(泰国水灾)

(2)保证生存有未来It's indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation and exposure. In view of the seriousness of these problems, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. If so, people can continue to function or prosper in the future.(孤儿)


We should not take a great cost in money and efforts at the expense of some scientific research whose consequence is unclear.(克隆)

20.(1)内需兴趣成就我Interest is the best guide. If education can be specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student, it will be truly effective.(林肯)

(2)实用赚钱保生存Nowadays, most people choose a career in today's increasingly work-oriented society on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. After all, pragmatic behavior guarantees survival.(乔布斯)

(3)折中Sometimes a high salary job does not always go against a job that meet the individual interests.(科比)

21.(1)On the one hand, a certain measure of consistency, stability and predictability in our laws is required in order for us to understand our legal obligations and rights as we go about our day-to-day business as a society.(特权阶层、豁免权)

(2)On the other hand, rigid laws can result in unfairness if applied inflexibly in all places at all times.(美国法律地域灵活性赌博死刑等)



结论:尽管是否灵活需要继续讨论,其权威性是必须被强制保护的。在此基础上可以适当灵活,从而使权威和关怀共存互惠(coexist and benefit from each other)

22.(1)First consider the sports hero, whom in my observation society chooses not merely by virtue of athletic prowess.(拳王阿里)

(2)Next consider the military hero, who gains heroic stature by way of courage in battle, or by otherwise facing certain defeat and emerging victorious.(圣女贞德)

(3)On the other hand, consider a third type of hero: the champion of social causes who inspires and incites society to meaningful political and social change.(马丁路德金)

24.(1)正:The recommendation that parents, teachers and employers praise positive actions is generally good advice. a、表扬积极行为促进个体发展;Encouragement can make people happy and confident.(老师鼓励学生及奖学金)b、树立榜样;(三好学生)c、给予机会自主改正(补考)

(2)反:a、造成被表扬者骄傲;(学生自满)b、表扬可能有争议,理由不充分;(中国三好学生只学习好)c、错误不被纠正,越错越远(留级或开除)Honest negative feedback may help people see their weakness.

(3)交汇:很复杂:a、对于积极行为要表扬,但适度;b、对于消极行为不能简单忽视,小错可忽视或提醒,大错必须纠正As for ignoring negative actions, I agree that minor peccadilloes

can, and in many cases should, be overlooked. At the same time, some measure of constructive criticism and critique, and sometimes even punishment, is appropriate.



(3)如果深入难博学Nowadays, science technology produces many small pieces of factual information. Thus, these pieces of information preoccupied people's mind so that people cannot pay attention to the larger issues and overall perspectives.(网络论坛、贴吧,没时间学别的)30.(1)正:a、学生成绩较之教师学历(academic career)、从业时间等现存标准更能反映其对学生的贡献;b、学术成就是学生的根本,作为标准能体现教学的意义(significance on the view of curriculum and teaching)




We shouldn't invest in research whose results might be controversial. This kind of research whose objectives are too vague and whose potential benefits are too speculative must be evaluated.(克隆)



It can give a great help to future generations such as improving their lives. (HIV)



(2)反:a、评价标准多,仅看身份不公平;b、身份与实力不符,如Einstein在Patent Office 做technician;c、被影响的定义无法反应自身感受


结论:尽管是否应该通过社会身份定位still remains largely unknown,他的利弊是被部分知道的。如果结合多重方式全面定位,则更准确。

40.(1)The traditional teacher-oriented education often neglects the individual needs and interests of each student, which proves counterproductive.(高考)

(2)Student-oriented education can most effectively involve individual students in the learning process.(网络课程)

(3)Nonetheless, winking at students' unreasonable desires would only result in chaos in education.(美国中小学教育)

交汇:并不矛盾a、尊重知识结构,部分课程必修(compulsory courses)部分选修(elective courses);b、与学生家长商议;c、不同年龄自由度不同

结论:尽管考虑学生兴趣设置课程的影响很复杂,Simply agree or disagree with this issue would be of equal inappropriateness.应该根据情况全面考虑,才能利大于弊。


In some fields, it's unnecessary to use a rear-view mirror to recognize greatness-whether.(比尔盖茨)


On the contrary, not all of these things are easy to identify greatness without the benefit of historical perspective.(克隆)


Some artists have the most lasting significance to influence more and more people who live after them.(梵高)

42.(1)Skepticism is perhaps most important in the physical science. Passive acceptance of prevailing principles quells innovation, invention and discovery.(爱迪生)

(2)The value of skepticism is not limited to the physical sciences, of course. (sociology, political science, law) (鲁迅)

(3)Admittedly, undue skepticism might be counterproductive in educating young children. (a、理解力有限;b、大量质疑打断学习进程)




The technological innovations can make people has more leisure time and let their lives change more comfortable because it can increase people's efficiency.(电话划账)


Instant foods, instant communication, faster transportation-all of these recent developments are aimed to save time. Although its purpose is making more leisure time available, these developments have contributed to a pace of human affairs that is more rushed and more frantic than ever before.(抑郁症、快餐)


Progress that we called is actually a matter of exchanging one problem for another, and it may lead some worse results.(克隆为高效)

45.(1)Admittedly, if education aims solely at cramming students for exams, the quality of learning will undoubtedly deteriorate. a、成绩难以完全反应academic performance,如学得好不善考试;


(2)However, examinations do help students review their lessons and master what they have learned.成绩是客观标准,便于作比较

(3)Furthermore, the psychological pressure that competition exerts on students is not always harmful. a激烈竞争促进发展;b机会有限,必须竞争


结论:尽管对高分激烈竞争的影响仍需讨论,成绩对学习提高的意义recognizable。应该采用合理手段引导良性竞争(benign competition),获得更大利益。

48.(1)If we learn only facts, we learn very little. Postponing the memorization of facts until after one learns ideas and concepts holds certain advantages. a、学生认知不健全无法理解真相;b、掌握方法是获取知识的前提

(2)Conceding that students must learn ideas and concepts, as well as facts relating to them, in order to learning anything meaningful, I nevertheless disagree that the former should always precede the latter. The speaker misunderstands the process by which we learn ideas and concepts, and by which we develop new ones.(牛顿)

交汇:尽管有弊端,我倾向相信学生应该被告知真相:a、真相作为提高能力的分析范例;b、舆论(public opinion)复杂有误导性,不如教师告知

结论:尽管较早告知的影响still remains largely unknown,其利弊已经被部分知道。如果采取正确,利大于弊。


Winning immediate fame and recognition to young adults is very easy.(年轻人)


Most of young adults are short-sighted and only care what is happening or existing in the present period so that they don't know how to sustain the success or development.(年轻人)


Pursuing long-term and realistic goals has the most lasting significance to influence more people who belong to a later time.(钱伟长)

53.(1)Theoretically, the means taken should be consistent with the ends in view.(安检制度)(2)However, in order to restore peace and social order, individuals states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history.(电话门行贿)

(3)We should be alert to the possibility that individuals, organizations or government tend to plead

a worthy goal in excuse of their contemptible means and private interests.(水门事件)



Nowadays, anything that is not obviously practical is incapable of being put to use toward clear goals so that it has little value.(时间有限、专业优先,教学资源有限,不一定喜欢)(音乐教育)


Imaginative works such as novels, plays, films, fairy tales, and legends provide a more accurate and meaningful picture of human experience than do factual accounts. Because the creators of fiction shape and focus reality rather than report on it literally, their creations have a more lasting significance.(美国卡通)


Education should create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns. Some of them may make a contribution to the advancement of human being.(比尔盖茨,人类进步)





56.(1)Turning first to discoveries, I agree that discovery often occurs when we unexpectedly happen upon something in our quest for something else—such as an answer to unrelated question or a solution to an unrelated problem.(青霉素)

(2)Many important discoveries are anticipated and sought out purposefully.(居里夫人)

(3)In marked contrast to discoveries, creations are formed by nature products of their creator’s purposeful designs.



Actually, the benefit of history does not confined to whether we know the consistence or difference between the past and the present, nor does it to break down any delusions. History, setting as a principle to study the development of human beings, serves as "a mirror for us to know our gains and losses" just as one of the famous emperor during Tang Dynasty in ancient China put it. (闭关锁国、改革开放)


In many other aspects,including our way to chase our goals or dreams changed quite a lot, so are the social problems. (托福口语之技术改变生活)


However,there are a lot of things staying unchanged even from ancient time.(follow the same old disastrous road)(亚历山大和希特勒)



(3)家庭也很重要。维纳Wiener是一个名符其实的神童。爱迪生经常问古怪的问题,被老师认为低能,母亲用心培养,最终成为大发明家。结论:尽管学生还是学校更激励学习还需讨论,我仍倾向动机更多来自于学生。如果正确方式被采用,两者会互相影响并共同推动学习。There would be a reciprocal influence of two sides which may jointly facilitate learning.


(2)反:a、看起来短期无法造福大众但有深远意义(profound significance),如中国核武器;



结论:是否能确定并实现最大利益还需讨论,但简单说科学家应该被要求不明智也难以实现(hard to achieve)。要综合考虑需求和发展前景,才能实现共存和a reciprocal influence of two sides which may jointly facilitate learning.




结论:尽管寻找共同利益还是追求elusive ideals 还需讨论,寻找的利弊已经被部分知道。如果采取合适手段,弊端被削弱而优点使我们受益。


Taking risks without any planning is nothing but rashness. People are too quick to take correct

measure; instead they should stop to think of the possible consequences of what they might do for careful and cautious planning.(诺曼底登陆)


People's attitudes and decisions are determined more by their immediate situation or surroundings than by any internal characteristic. For one thing, emergency makes people have no time to consider its result.(篮球赛的暂停)For another thing, sometimes its consequence is too complex to predict.(伊拉克战争及后果)And prediction may be wrong.

(3)交汇:并不矛盾:a、适当考虑同时勇于尝试(dare to challenge, adventurous);b、复杂情况分段,考虑中间结果


62.(1)The demands place upon a person could challenge him or her to become a leader.(华盛顿)


(3)Besides opportunities, one also need to have certain qualities to make a leader.


c、不同时代不一,如封建时代(feudal times)君主(sovereign,monarch)和民主时代(democratic times)

结论:尽管领导地位(leadership)和需求的关系still remains largely unknown,简单说需求起决定作用(play a decisive role and lead to the creation of leaders)是不明智的。要全面看待,才能更准确。


We can see how technology frees the human imagination. Technology frees humanity to not only tackle new problems, but may it create new issues that did not exist without technology.(网络课程、交通工具)

(2)依赖机器会退化Because people have been accustomed to relying on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will be changed worse.(网络)

(3)信息太多难深入Technological innovations distract people's attention from real learning and thoughtful. People have less possibility to keep concentration clearly and extensively on a single issue for a long period of time because of the rapid accessing of large amounts of factual information.(网络教学和课程)

65.(1)First, whether a law is just or unjust is rarely a straightforward issue. The fairness of any law depends on one’s personal value system. The fairness of a law also depends on one’s personal interest, or stake, in the legal issue at hand.(京都议定书)

(2)On the other hand, disobeying unjust laws is good for the development of law.(种族歧视的法律)

(3)However, sometimes disobeying unjust laws has the opposite effect of what was intended or hoped for.(高考)

66.(1)Individuals most firmly committed to an idea or policy are often the same people who are most knowledgeable on the subject, and therefore are in the best position to understand and appreciate the problems with the idea or policy.(马丁路德金)

(2)Historical examples supporting the speaker’s claim are some people who were zealously committed to certain ideas and policies but they always had the other purposes.(希特勒)





Giving thought to foresee and dealing with these problems in advance can solve the anticipated problems of the future.(例文292页第二段)



73.(1)First, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights and contagious excitement about the issue at hand. 机械工程mechanical engineering从事制造管理设计等活动,到具体场所看设备使用情况,积累经验。企业管理business management,到企业参与具体的企业管理项目,增加见识,增长经验。市场营销marketing,参加具体的市场营销项目,可以增长经验。

(2)Secondly, by keeping abreast with the changing demands of work as a professional, professors can help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions.(律师事务所)

(3)Thirdly, experience in the field can help a professor ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues—which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication.(法律案例)

(4)However, the teachers in some disciplines such as mathematics, literature, history, philosophy, etc., may find it difficult to combine their teaching with relevant professional fields.


77.(1)We live in an age when old people are marginalized in society.(学习、理解能力差、喜欢传统)

(2)What we call mass culture produced by the mass media is, as a matter of fact, a reflection of the trends among the youth.(音乐、服饰、文学、通讯、职业、校园文化)

(3)There is urgent need for the younger generation and the older generation to fill the gap between them and to build a more balanced contemporary culture.(民族风、中国传统文化)(歌、新潮商品传统化)

78.(1)Admittedly, people's inborn temperament does play an important role in their attitudes.(印第安原始生活)

(2)However, more often than not, people's attitudes are largely influenced by their immediate situation or surroundings.(托福口语旅行、大小班的交流)



79.(1)Different viewpoints interconnect with each other. Only after careful comparison can we reach the soul of the idea.(美国两党制度)

(2)Doubts and contrasting views can provide valuable use for reverences to our learning.(企业问卷调查)

(3)History is replete with illustrative cases in which doubts and contrasting views contribute to the consummation of our knowledge.(伽利略)

(4)a、互相妥协(compromise)效率低下;b、双方都利益都受损;c、特殊情况要强制,如Anti-fascist War (Franklin Delano Roosevelt领导美国)

81.(1)First of all, we should never look down upon the key role that professional educators play in fostering the younger generation. a、家长工作繁忙;b、过多干涉教学活动

(2)Meanwhile, both parents and communities can make significant contribution to school education.(捐赠、榜样演讲)

(3)Without a constructive family and community environment, it would be almost impossible for school education to fulfill its noble mission.(教学持续性)



82.(1)正:a、拓展视野(broaden horizons),感受异国文化;b、锻炼自立能力;c、学习尖端知识和方法(钱学森)




85.(1)The society is made up of individual citizens; therefore, the development of individual citizens is crucial for the development of the whole society.(人民代表大会、美国社会保障制度)(2)A society that ignores the well being of individual citizens is bound to end up in social turmoil or revolution.(前苏联科技成就及解体)


89.(1)Admittedly, common tells us that without laws, society would fall into a state of chaos.(法律起源和重要性)(通过惩罚使人认识错误)

(2)However, legislation cannot reform human nature. Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.

(3)Society should depend on education to cultivate people’s hearts and minds.(思想道德和历史教育)


93.(1)The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world.(广告、代言人)(2)The growing significance of image is also evident in the political realm, particularly when it comes to presidential politics.(性丑闻)

(3)In the long terms, however, the significance of image wanes considerably.(表现与实质不符,有欺骗性)(网络等科技发展)


结论:尽管真实和愿景的联系还需讨论,简单说谁更重要都是不合适的。如果合理采用,可以共存并jointly facilitate。




104.(1)In the political realm the issue is no less complex. Definition of successful political

leadership and of ethical or moral leadership are tied up in the means a leader uses to wield his or her power and to obtain that power in the first place.(希特勒)..On the other hand, nowadays, a country's leader with the highest ethical and moral standards cannot compete for his own country's benefit.(冷战)

(2)In the business realm, successful leadership is generally defined as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm’s shareholders or other owners. However, some leaders of some successful companies are also good persons.(比尔盖茨)






In some fields, it is impossible to make a significant contribution without first being strongly influenced by past achievements within that field.(我的专业学习)


Sometimes innovation does not necessarily mean thinking something that was never thought before; it can also means putting old ideas together in new ways.(百度)


Every generation needs to redefine right and wrong in its own terms and according to the conditions of its own time.(地心说)


People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without constraints of established habits and attitudes.(伽利略)


The ability to survive in a new environment and eventually to change it by revising the ideas, beliefs and values people held in the past is the key to success.(EA)

114.(1)In the political realm, stubborn adherence to one’s objective in the short term might serve a political leader’s interest in preserving his or her power, yet in the long term such behavior invariably results in that leader’s downfall.(戈尔巴乔夫、卡扎菲)

(2)Socio-spiritual leadership, in order to be effective, inherently requires that the leader remain steadfastly committed to principle.(华盛顿不当国王)



In determining whether to raze an older building, planners should of course consider the community’s current and anticipated utilitarian needs.(三峡)


1.It is also necessary to preserve the historical record, the w eight of which should also be determined on a case-by-case basic. After all, history can tell us who we are and thus define our culture.(胡同)

2.At last, some of them have big aesthetic and architectural value—apart from historical events with which it might be associated.(故宫)


The ways to discover, interpret and practice revised theories or new inventions such as long term research can make profit as reward in return so that they are good investment programs.(马克扎克伯格)



132.(1)更多途径学和游The achievement of science technology provides a large number of methods of learning and traveling, which give people more opportunities to visit many places and acquire much information.(网络玩,没时间)



With no doubt, every aspect of society-including education, politics, the arts, and the sciences will benefit greatly from international influence because of the growth of global networks in such areas as economics and communication.(facebook)


141.(1)Having a belief is a good thing for an individual in a certain degree in the form of spiritual support. However, if the belief goes too extreme and even influences people’s life and family negatively, it is best to reconsider whether the belief worth so much persistence.(希特勒)(2)Choosing to compromise does not mean that we have to give up our original belief. On the contrary, we are finding a better way to perfect our belief.(孔子)


142.(1)As for the speaker's threshold claim, I concede that under certain circumstances people prefer to take direction from others. When it comes to particular tasks in which college professors are more experienced and knowledgeable, following their directions is to be preferred, for failing to do so can result in costly mistakes. a、课程体系要确保;b、学校比学生认识更清楚;c、学生以兴趣为导向不理智(美国中小学教育)

(2)However, when it comes to decisions about major and minor fields of study, curriculum choices, and other broad decisions, for the most part students themselves—and not college administrators —should be the final decision-makers.(爱迪生)兴趣最重要

(3)a、很难说学生喜欢follow directions;b、强制要求产生抵触;c、禁止选修限制兴趣发展。社会上各领域经常学科交叉,不再是单一领域,选修课可以给学生多元化的只是,使得步入社会后机会更多。(普京)

143.(1)正:a、学科间联系不断紧密,内在联系(inherent connection)(Knowledge of statistics was introduced into the fields of sociology and history, contributing to the researchers in those fields. Literary critics borrow new ideas formulated by philosophers to further their studies.);b、从别处获得灵感(雷达)


交互:十分复杂,但我倾向肯定:a、不是必须(necessary)但的确重要;b、趋势是互相联系加深(When biology and chemistry met, biochemistry came into being.);c、方法和思想可以借鉴


144.(1)Society's external rewards can only be regarded as society's recognition of one's

contribution to society.(梵高)

(2)For an individual person, a correct attitude is to gauge success in relation to the goals one sets for oneself.(成功无法衡量,如家庭幸福和收入高;各人能力不同,目标不同)

(3)Overemphasizing the social criterion of success tends to belittle the worth of an individual.(卡尔马龙)

结论:尽管目标和成功的关系remains largely unknown,简单说主要在于目标是不明智的。要全面看待成功,才能准确评价。

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