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1. Rocky relationship

Jane Austen(1775-1817), UK

Other famous works: Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》Emma 《爱玛》《傲慢与偏见》呈现英国等级制度下的爱情观。

ROMANCES are among the most popular kinds of stories. It isn’t difficult to see why, as finding a man or woman to spend the rest of one’s life with is something almost all people want. Stories about relationships can be tragedies (悲剧), like Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. They can al so be comedies, like Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice (1813). This novel is certainly one of the funniest and most charming romances in world literature.

But Pride and Prejudice also has a sad message. In the novel there is a clear sense of the unequal opportunities men and women enjoy in life.

It is a story about the rich but snobbish (自命不凡的) Mr Darcy and the smart, but difficult and proud Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth is one of five daughters who live with their parents in respectable (尚可的) but rather poor conditions in Hertfordshire, near London. They belong to a class of people in England called the landed gentry. Members of the landed gentry can be rich, or they can be not so rich. The Bennets are not so rich. The money difficulties of the family drive the story of the novel.

Many people know the famous opening sentence of the book: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This is of course a very ironic (讽刺的) remark. What is really true in the time of the novel is this: Single women from poorer families are very interested in a man with a good fortune, or even just a little money. Since they cannot pay their own way in life, they must find a husband.

Because of this, Mrs Bennet is desperate to find husbands for her daughters. They will then no longer be a burden on her.

In the end, Elizabeth and Darcy overcome the obstacles in their way to end up together. Elizabeth teaches Darcy to be less prejudiced (怀有偏见的), and she herself learns to be a little less proud. Jane, the oldest Bennet daughter, and her lover, Charles Bingley, also get engaged (订婚). Lydia finds herself a husband too – the good-for-nothing George Wickham. These marriages give Austen’s novel a happy ending.

But if this humorous entertainment ends with marriages, as all romances do, we should also not forget those who do not find husbands, like the Bennet daughters Kitty and Mary. Nor should we forget Charlotte Lucas, who marries the horrible William Collins simply because she has to and wants to help her parents financially.

Pride and Prejudice shows that for every lucky Jane and Elizabeth Bennet, who marry happily in the novel, there were a dozen other women in Austen’s time who lived without their contentment (满意).

1. What is the main purpose of this text?

A. To analyze why romances are among the most popular kinds of stories.

B. To inform the reader about the impact of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

C. To explain what makes Pride and Prejudice stand out in world literature.

D. To tell us about what inspired Jane Austen to create Pride and Prejudice.

2. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Elizabeth is proud before Mr Darcy because she has a better family background than him.

B. Mr Darcy becomes less prejudiced when he has a better understanding of Elizabeth and her family.

C. The novel has a happy ending because the Bennet daughters all marry happily as their mother wishes.

D. The novel is about the struggles of a group of young women who bravely fight for equal rights with men.

3. In Pride and Prejudice, young women are described as _____.

A. proud and snobbish

B. smart and charming

C. a burden on their parents

D. having prejudice against the rich

2. Killing to live

Suzanne Collins (1962- ), US

Other famous works: The Underland Chronicles《地底王国》系列

Year of the Jungle 《丛林记事》(绘本)


THE Hunger Games books (2008-2010) by US author Suzanne Collins are set in a North American future which is very similar to the real North American present in some ways. In this world, the US is no more. In the new nation, “Panem”, a Capitol rules over 12 other districts. Life in the districts is hungry and always a struggle, completely different to the wealth enjoyed by the people of the Capitol.

The Capitol holds an annual (一年一度的) “Hunger Games”. The games are a combination of ancient Roman gladiatorial (角斗的) contests and modern reality TV shows. The players are young people from the districts. As in the ancient games, these modern gladiators fight battles to the death with each other. And as in our own reality TV shows, the whole “entertainment” is filmed live for a TV audience.

Although the Hunger Games are entertainment for the Capitol, they are punishment for the districts for a rebellion (叛乱) that failed. But over the course of the books we see how that rebellion is inspired again by a heroic new player, who turns the tables on the tyrants (暴君) in power.

She is a teenager called Katniss Everdeen, from District 12. She is a brave and intelligent person. She becomes a contestant in the 74th Hunger Games, as does Peeta Mellark, a boy from the same place who has a crush on Katniss.

The first book follows these two as they fight their way through the early rounds, which involve young people having to fight each other to the death. Katniss and Peeta both do well, proving themselves to be better fighters than the others. A rule change in the competition then allows contestants to team up, and from then on Katniss and Peeta fight together. As they beat all comers, they

believe that they have survived the challenge of the Hunger Games. But another rule change forces them to fight against each other. Katniss and Peeta manage to foil (挫败) this by planning a suicide pact (自杀协议), giving the authorities no choice but to allow them to live.

But Katniss and Peeta prove to be more than a hit with TV viewers. They bring back the spirit of rebellion in the Districts. The other books in the series tell the tale of this revolution against the Capitol and the increasingly important roles the central characters of Katniss and Peeta play in it.

The Hunger Games books get their power from speaking indirectly about our own world. They speak to young Americans because of a growing sense of inequality in US society and the fear among the young that their futures will be a struggle. But the stories may well be relevant for a wider audience.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the Hunger Games, according to the


A. They are held every decade.

B. They are held to punish the districts for their rebellion.

C. They are entertainment for both the Capitol and other districts.

D. Winners of the Hunger Games receive a lot of prizes for their efforts.

2. What happens during the 74th Hunger Games?

A. Katniss and Peeta team up and manage to get though the early rounds.

B. When Katniss and Peeta defeat all the other contestants, the games are over


C. Katniss and Peeta’s claim that they will commit suicide together saves both

of them in the end.

D. Katniss and Peeta fight against each other until the last rounds.

3. According to the article, The Hunger Games books ______.

A. are set in the US of the future

B. speak directly about our world today

C.show that young Americans are more rebellious than ever

D. may also appeal to audiences beyond North America

3 Eyre takes charge

Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855), UK

Other famous works: Shirley 《谢利》Villette 《维莱特》


THIS whirlwind (跌宕起伏) of a novel has at its center a child, later a young woman, of intelligence and passionate (热情的) feeling. In the pages of Jane Eyre (1847) we join the heroine Jane as she goes on a journey through a life made up of the most challenging experiences.

Jane has to endure cruelty and hardship. But she also has to be true to her spirit, which tells her not to live anything other than the happy, fulfilled (圆满的) life she feels that she and all others have the right to live.

The first part of the novel shows orphan (孤儿) Jane’s early life with her uncle’s family. She is ill-treated and very lonely. However, the school that she is sent to, Lowood Institution, is worse. It is run by a cruel man named Mr

Brocklehurst, who treats all the girls badly, and Jane particularly so. But Jane triumphs over Brocklehurst, and when she finally leaves Lowood, after a period working as a teacher there, she is an educated and accomplished (有成就的) young woman.

She becomes a governess (女家庭教师) at Thornfield Hall, where she is responsible for educating young Adele Varens. It is there that Jane meets the master of Thornfield, Adele’s father, Mr Rochester. Rochester is a fierce and eccentric (古怪的) type. He is not handsome, but somehow very attractive. He and Jane get on very well together because of, rather than despite, the fact that they are always arguing. Mr Rochester proposes (求婚) to Jane, but the marriage does not go ahead. It turns out that he is still married. She is forced to leave Thornfield when she refuses his request that she run away with him to France.

Jane soon finds herself living a desperate life. Homeless and ready to face death, she is taken in by St John Rivers. Jane admires this man for his commitment (献身) to good, but she also finds him rigid (刻板的) and cold. It turns out he and Jane are distantly related. When Jane inherits (继承) money from one of their relatives while Rivers receives none, she generously shares the money. But she turns down his proposal of marriage.

In the final act of the book, author Charlotte Bronte takes Jane back to Thornfield and her beloved Mr Rochester. In this act, she resolves (解决) the problems that have prevented the union of Jane and Mr Rochester. The main problem is the first Mrs Rochester, who is mad and kept in the attic (阁楼). After a fire that leads to her death, and the blinding and maiming (残废) of Mr Rochester, he and Jane can marry.

The fact that Rochester, now disabled, now needs Jane, is crucial. He is no longer her “master”. Jane is a feminist (女权主义的) heroine. The most passionate part of the book may be Jane’s insistence (坚持) that she has her own rights. In the final pages, Jane famously addresses us: “Reader, I married him.” It was Jane’s decision, and the happy marriage that she and Rochester have to gether is only possible because they are equals.

1. Which of the following statements about Jane’s early life is TRUE?

A. She is born an orphan and brought up by Lowood Institution.

B. Her uncle is the only person who treats her with love and respect.

C. She never gives up, even though the schoolmaster at Lowood Institution treats her badly.

D. Jane drops out of Lowood Institution and later becomes a teacher.

2. Jane leaves Thornfield because ______.

A. she can’t bear Mr Rochester’s strange manners

B. she r efuses Mr Rochester’s offer to escape to France to get married

C. she has gotten bored with the arguments with Mr Rochester

D. she finds out that Mr Rochester is going after her money

3. According to the article, what makes Jane Eyre a feminist heroine is that ______.

A. she never loses her faith in life even during hard times

B. she becomes a well educated and accomplished woman through her own efforts

C. she is determined in seeking equal rights with men

D. she manages to get the upper hand in her relationship with Mr Rochester

4. Bigger than magic

JK Rowling(1965- ), UK

Other famous works: The Casual Vacancy《偶发空缺》

The Cuckoo’s Calling 《布谷鸟的呼唤》(该书是罗琳以化名Robert Galbraith出版的侦探推理小说系列的第一本)《哈利·波特》讲述小巫师们共同成长、战胜邪恶的故事。

IN the 1960s the British pop star John Lennon claimed that his group, The Beatles, were bigger than Jesus. JK Rowling has never said anything so arrogant about Harry Potter, but if she did, she may have more reasons to say it than Lennon did.

Since the first Harry Potter story was published in 1997, the kid in glasses with a gift for magic has become a global legend. This fictional (虚构的) boy may be the most famous child on the planet.

Harry’s parents were killed by Lord Voldemort, who also tried to kill the baby Harry but failed. He left Harry with a scar (伤疤) in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. Voldemort is Harry’s enemy. The entire epic (史诗般的) story of the books is given shape by the battle between Harry and Voldemort. It ends as it began, with the two facing each other, one representing good, the other evil.

But before we reach that point, the author Rowling has a whole magical world to create. Harry is taken away from the care of his guardians, the unpleasant Dursleys, and is educated in order to become an elite (杰出的) wizard at Hogwarts School. There he meets his two closest friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, and many eccentric (奇怪的) teachers and mentors.

Although each of the seven books can be read as its own adventure, you only get the full “Potter effect” by reading all the way through, from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (1997) to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007).

The Harry Potter books are popular with so many because they are adventures. We read adve ntures because they allow us to imagine an exciting life we can’t live ourselves.

On the other hand, though, we still need our heroes to be a little bit like us, and Harry and his young friends are like us in many ways.

They are growing up, like us, and they experience the ups and downs on the way. During the years that many young people spend with Harry, they experience their first romances, and this makes Harry’s own teenage affair more interesting to them.

But it’s the tale of Harry versus Vo ldemort that keeps us going with these classics of children’s writing to the end, our arrival at that moment when Voldemort is defeated and, of course, Harry triumphs.

However, it is not through special wizarding skills that Harry wins out, but an act of sacrifice. Here, one might say, Harry, like many western fictional characters before him, is like Jesus. Through his selflessness, he becomes a hero and makes sure there is good in the world.

1. Which of the following about the Harry Potter stories is TRUE?

A. After his parents are killed, Harry is taken care of by the warm-hearted Dursleys.

B. Voldemort fails to murder Harry Potter because he is protected by his magical scar.

C. At the end of the story, Harry defeats Voldemort by sacrificing himself.

D. The seven Harry Potter books cannot be understood if you read them on their own.

2. According to the article, why are the Harry Potter stories popular?

A. They are all light-hearted and make readers feel relaxed.

B. They show a combination of justice and love.

C. They focus on teenagers’ growing pains.

D. They remind us of parts of ourselves and inspire us to imagine living an exciting life.

3. According to the article, it is _____ that gives shape to the story of the Harry Potter books.

A. Harry’s pure f riendship with Ron and Hermione

B. our curiosity about the world of magic

C. Harry’s charming personality

D. the battle between Harry and Voldemort

5. Power play is not a game

Orson Scott Card(1951- ), US

Other famous works: The Tales of Alvin Maker《创者传》

Speaker for the Dead《死者代言人》

Homecoming series《回家》系列小说

ENDER’S Game, a 1985 novel by US author Orson Scott Card, is a teenage adventure story that is popular with the training programs of the US Marine Corps. The Corps gives the novel to those who could become leaders because of its “lessons in training methodology (方法), leadership, and ethics”.

However, you don’t have to be planning a career in the US military to enjoy the story, which has been translated into Chinese and 30 other languages.

The novel is set in a future in which travel to other galaxies is ordinary. But humans in Card’s novel are still obsessed (着迷的) with war. On Earth, there is a three-way fight between different human groups, and there is also a war with another planet, between humans and insects known as the Buggers.

As the novel opens, new forces are in training to fight the Buggers, who are a constant threat. These forces are made up of children. One child, Ender Wiggin, is the hero of the story. His sister Valentine, who he is close to, and his violent but brilliant brother Peter are also key characters.

Ender and the other cadets (军校学员) are trained using games that become more and more challenging. Ender, still under 10 years of age, is quickly promoted when he shows how heartless he can be. When asked about why he “killed” a fellow cadet in the game, for instance, he replies that it saved him future problems. It is this attitude that makes Ender’s superiors think they have a great future

leader on their hands.

And so it proves when Ender, using a daring tactic (策略), manages to defeat the Buggers. However, Ender does not know that he has won in real life, believing it was a game.

The lies told to Ender and others are an example of the political themes of the novel, seen in the power plays of different groups on Earth and, later, between Ender and his brother Peter.

Ender’s Game has been criticized for its violence, with some even seeing Ender as a Hitler figure. But Card disagrees with this criticism, pointing out that Ender doesn’t know about his violence, and is therefore morally pure.

It would seem closer to the truth of the book to say that it is about the way humans can be influenced – the old do it to the young, and the powerful do it to the weak. It is certainly a novel that makes you think about planet Earth today, not just in the future.

Read the article carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) of false (F).

1. The book Ender’s Game mainly focuses on battles between groups on Earth. ( )

2. In the book, it is common for humans to travel between planets and galaxies. ( )

3. Ender Wiggin has two violent but supportive siblings. ( )

4. Ender’s coldness toward his enemies makes his superiors believe tha t he will be

a brilliant leader in the future. ( )

5. With a risky but brave piece of strategy, Ender manages to win the war against the Buggers. ( )

6. The novel explores politics and abuses of power. ( )

7. Ender’s Game has been criticized for its violen ce, but the author Orson Scott Card disagrees with that criticism. ( )

8. The book is about the way that humans can influence each other. ( )

6. A sad, sweet story

John Green(1977- ), US

Other famous works: Looking for Alaska《寻找阿拉斯卡》

An Abundance of Katherines《丰富的凯特林斯》

Paper Towns《纸上城市》《无比美妙的痛苦》:讲述生命和爱情的美好与缺憾。

THERE have been times when authors patronized (迁就) their young readers by pretending that life is without tragedy. But nowadays, books for children and young adults are more serious than ever before. John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars (2012) is one such book. It is a work about how two young people with life-threatening cancers face their challenges – together.

Sixteen-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster has a cancer that has spread to her lungs. Augustus Waters, 17, has lost a leg to cancer. The two meet at a support group and start the most important relationship of their lives.

At the end of the meeting, Hazel and Augustus agree to read each other’s favorite books. Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction, a work by Peter Van Houten. The main character of the story, Anna, has a cancer like Hazel’s. But when Augustus reads the novel, he is disappointed. It seems to have no ending. What

happens to Anna?

He tries to m ake contact with Van Houten to find out and, through the writer’s assistant Lidewij, eventually succeeds in talking to him by e-mail. Hazel also contacts Van Houten. She wants answers too. However, the author says that he cannot explain his book online and asks that they talk face-to-face in The Netherlands.

Hazel’s parents do not want Hazel to go, but Hazel and Augustus do meet with Van Houten in Europe. He turns out to be an abusive (粗暴的) drunkard who refuses to answer Hazel’s questions.

Meanwhile, a romance has developed between Hazel and Augustus, although it is painfully short-lived. Augustus reveals that his cancer has returned, so the time that he and Hazel can spend together is brief.

At Augustus’ funeral (葬礼), Hazel is shocked to see Van Houten. He wants forgiveness, and at this piont we understand how he could have behaved so badly toward the young people: He has lost a daughter to cancer.

Still, the author and Hazel do not make up with one another. This has to wait for an “act beyond the grave”. Augustus has finished the unfinished story for Van Houten, but, as he says in a letter that turns up after his death, he needs Van Houten’s literary (文学的) skills because he can’t write the story himself.

One might think that such a story would have difficulty finding readers. This is a book, after all, in which the majority of the characters are sick and dying. Such a story is not usually everyone’s cup of tea. The Fault in Our Stars, however, has been a huge success, showing that young people should not be patronized any longer. They appreciate that life has its tragic side, and can engage (建立联系) with that fact in literature.

1.According to the article, books for children and young adults are now ______.

A. becoming more serious

B. full of deaths and tragedies

C. happier than ever before

D. teaching children how to deal with life’s tragedies

2. After reading Van Houten’s An Imperial Affliction, Augustus ______.

A. decides to finish the ending of the story along with Hazel

B. is eager to know what happens to Anna in the end

C. invites the author to meet him and talk face-to-face

D. is greatly inspired by the main character in the novel

3. Which of the following about The Fault in Our Stars is TRUE?

A. It has had difficulty finding readers.

B. The characters succeed in fighting their diseases.

C. The readers love it mainly because of its happy ending.

D. It has been a huge success even though it shows the tragic side of life.

7. Growing up well

Charles Dickens(1812-1870), UK

Other famous works: Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》

A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》

Great Expectations《远大前程》


“WHETHER I shall be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” So begins British au thor Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield (1850), the novel that he said was his “favorite child” among his works. Still, we should read this book as a novel, not as a memoir (回忆录) of Dickens’ life.

However, describing a novel of this length and depth, which contains so many characters and stories, it is of course only possible to give hints about why it is so loved. Read it for yourselves to see why this book is such a classic of English literature.

By the close of its pages David has become “the hero of his own life”. He is a successful writer (like his creator), he is happily married, and he has a family. But it has taken a long struggle for David to reach this point. An early, perfect childhood falls apart with the entry of stepfather Edward Murdstone, one of the most memorable bullies (横行霸道的人) in all of Dickens’ work.

After the death of David’s mother, Murdstone has control over his stepson’s life. He sends him to London to work for his own company. In London David lives with Mr Micawber and his large family. Micawber is loveable and fun, but irresponsible with his money, putting his family in a desperate situation. Like Dickens’ father, upon whom he is based, Micawber is sent to debtors’ prison.

At the other end of the scale from Mr Micawber is Uriah Heep, an employee of David’s landlord. He is a horrible figure. David comments that having shaken Heep’s hand he immediately wanted to wipe it clean. But Heep is not simply physically, but also morally disgusting (令人恶心的). While never missing an opportunity to say how humble (谦逊的) he is, he schemes and cheats. Eventually he is caught by Micawber who uncovers Heep’s plot to ruin his employer.

Among the many characters Dickens created for David Copperfield, Heep and Micawber belong to opposite groups. There are the characters to admire and then there are those who one must be on the lookout for – they will harm you and your loved ones. This does not mean that a good-hearted character is wholly a good role model, though, nor that all characters are simply good or evil.

The secret to David’s becoming “the hero of his own life” is that he learns how to judge on his own.

Read the article carefully and decide whether the following statements are true (T) of false (F).

1. The novel David Copperfield is actually a memoir of Dickens’ own life. ( )

2. It is very easy to tell good characters from evil ones in David Copperfield. ( )

3. David Copperfield is among Charles Dickens’ favorite works. ( )

4. David Copperfield has a miserable childhood, especially after the death of his mother. ( )

5. David Copperfield, the novel’s main character, ends up with a happy family and

a successful career. ( )

6. Dickens used his personal experience when he created the character of Mr

Micawber. ( )

7. David Copperfield is sent to London by his stepfather to work for Uriah Heep, a humble and honest employer. ( )

8. Dickens writes David Copperfield to teach readers how to make the right judgments in life. ( )

8. Fighting on the farm

George Orwell(1903-1950), UK

Other famous works: Inside the Whale《鲸鱼之中》

Shooting an Elephant《猎象》

Nineteen Eighty-Four《一九八四》

ANIMAL Farm by British Author George Orwell was published in 1945.

The year is significant (重要的), as 1945 marked the end of World War II. Germany was defeated, but as soon as one war ended, another began: the Cold War.

The Cold War is the term used for the largely non-violent war between the Soviet Union and its allies (盟友) in Eastern and Central Europe, and the United States and its allies in Western Europe.

There was a lot of fear in the world during these years, shown in the West by very strong Anti-Russian feeling.

During this time, Animal Farm was an incredibly successful book. The book is a brief “fairy tale” which, despi te its animal characters and story, is a fable (寓言) about the “evil” Soviet Union and its leader. Until his death in 1953, Joseph Stalin was the figure who represented most Westerners’ worst fears about Russia and its threat to them.

The story is about a farm on which the animals decide that they have had enough of the oppressive (欺压的) owner Mr Jones. They overthrow Jones and start to run the farm by themselves.

Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, lead the animals’ revolution. Napoleon is very clearly meant to stand for Stalin, and in the book he is the villain (恶棍). First, he gets rid of his rival Snowball. Afterwards, he gradually makes sure that only he and his supporters run the farm.

To make things worse, a man who was once a great enemy of the farm, Mr Frederick, becomes its friend. We only need to read the German name, “Frederick” to be able to tell that this character stands for Adolf Hitler. The friendship between Animal Farm and Frederick is similar to the Stalin-Hitler pact of 1939, in which Russia and Germany agreed not to attack each other.

Eventually, it seems as if there is no difference between the animals in charge of Animal Farm and the human farmers on the other farms. Orwell’s message is clear: The revolution on Animal Farm has been betrayed.

Orwell was a supporter of the Russian Revolution who turned against it because he disagreed with Stalin. Today, now that the Cold War has been over for more than 20 years, we can read Orwell’s satire and see what he really meant more clearly.

Read the article and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false


1. Animal Farm was published in 1945 to celebrate the end of World War II. ( )

2. Animal Farm wasn’t very popular with readers because many mistook it for a fairy tale. ( )

3. The animals that overthrow the rule of Mr Jones on the farm stand for Russian revolutionaries. ( )

4. Napoleon, an evil pig, defeats his rival Snowball and takes control of the farm with his supporters. ( )

5. The close relationship between the pig Napoleon and Mr Frederick refers to the Stalin-Hitler pact in the 1930s. ( )

6. Orwell was a lifetime supporter of communism and the Russian Revolution. ( )

7. The suffering of the animals on Animal Farm shows the author’s fear of Russia and its threat to western civilization. ( )

8. Animal Farm has lost its appeal because the Cold War has been over for twenty years. ( )

9. Boys behave badly

William Golding(1911-1993), UK

Most famous works: The Inheritors《继承者》

Pincher Martin《品契·马丁》

Free Fall《自由坠落》


IN the English language there are the words “utopia” and “dystopia”. The first word is used for a perfect human paradise in which all are equal and happy. The second word is used to describe a world which is the opposite. George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a novel in which a utopia becomes a dystopia. At first the animals rule the farm as equals, but later, they are ruled by one corrupt (腐败的) pig and his clique (同党). As a result, the utopia becomes a dystopia.

T he same thing happens in English author William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Published in 1954, only nine years after Animal Farm, it is also a book about a paradise turning into a nightmare. It is the story of a group of English boys. During a war, they are left on a supposedly safe tropical (热带的) island. At first, it seems like the perfect adventure playground. But it is a story that turns very dark indeed.

Ralph is a handsome, popular boy who the other boys want to be their leader. He and another boy, Piggy, an overweight boy with glasses, organize a way for the boys to govern themselves. The boys decide that they will make decisions together, and whenever anyone wants to speak he must hold a seashell. At first, this arrangement works well. They have an army of protectors and hunters led by a boy called Jack.

But things begin to go wrong. Jack and his hunters think they are more important than others and begun to act in a dictatorial (独裁的) way. Some of the hunters are cruel, bullying (欺凌) the younger boys. There are disagreements in the boys’ government. On one hand there is Jack, and on the other hand there is Piggy, the intellectual (聪慧的). He is the voice of reason throughout the novel. But clever as he may be, he is not popular, and he is certainly not as well liked as

“strong man” Jack and his hunters.

Between Jack and Piggy, there is Ralph. He is good-natured but weak. Sometimes he sides with Piggy, sometimes with Jack. He gradually loses his respect and power.

A key turning point in the novel happens after a battle in the air over the island.

A paratrooper (伞兵) has been killed, and he hangs from a tree by his parachute (降落伞). The boys think he is a monster. Jack and the hunters say that they will protect the other boys from the monster.

The paradise of the beginning of the story, when the boys thought their lives on this beautiful, sunny island would be nothing but endless fun, becomes violent and terrifying.

It becomes clear that Golding has a point to make in the novel: A civilized society is only skin-deep. Even educated English boys, left to themselves, become savages (野蛮人). They turn to war as surely as the adults who fight each other in the battles in the sky overhead have done.

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)

( ) 1. Lord of the Flies has a similar theme to Animal Farm.

( ) 2. Lord of the Flies is a book about a nightmare turned into a paradise. ( ) 3. In the novel, a group of British boys are sent to a remote island to be trained to survive by themselves.

( ) 4. When they first arrive on the island, the boys don’t know how to govern themselves.

( ) 5. The group’s leader, Ralph, is too weak to fight against the challenge to his power.

( ) 6. The boy who stands for reason in the novel gradually gains popularity among the boys.

( ) 7. The story has a dark and violent ending.

( ) 8. In William Golding’s eyes, young boys could become savages if left to themselves.

10. Catching attention

J.D. Salinger(1919-2010), US

Other famous works: Nine Stories《九故事》

Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters 《木匠们,把屋梁升高》

Seymour: An Introduction 《西摩:一个介绍》


OVER the 63 years since its publication in 1951, The Catcher in the Rye has sold hundreds of millions of copies. It’s also been translated into most of the languages on the planet. The majority of the book’s readers have no doubt been teenagers, but they have been teenagers who have tended to keep the book with them, making it a favorite among all age groups.

And yet, despite the fact that its hero is a teenager (Holden Caulfield, the narrator) and Holden has problems that seem like typical teenage problems, it’s not really a “teen” novel. In most teen novels, the character learns something over the course of the story. Not Holden, whose narrative (叙述) ends in as confused a

manner as the one in which it begins.

During the novel he’s thrown out of school, and, after taking off to New York for the weekend, is beaten up and gets drunk. Nothing is learned from these experiences. We get no sense that Holden will try to avoid similar mistakes in future.

Holden tries to connect with people, but fails. The only exception is his younger sister, Phoebe. After a while on his own among the adults of New York, he returns home to see her. They get along well. She looks up to Holden, and Holden obviously feels very protective toward her.

This protectiveness is a hallmark (标志) of Holden’s character. He may be immature, often make mistakes and unreliable (不可靠的), but he has empathy (认同感) with others. Before he leaves Pencey Prep, the school he’s expelled (开除) from, he even writes a history paper saying that he knows his teacher will have to fail him. “Don’t feel too bad about it,” he says.

But this care for others is most clear in his relationship with Phoebe. In part this is because, as we learn, Holden’s older brother Allie died, and she is his only remaining sibling (兄弟姐妹). But more deeply, it’s because he knows himself what a challenge life can be, and he has a special concern for his kid sister, and perhaps for children generally.

By describing teenagers’ very real insecurities and their struggle for self-definition, Salinger helped to invent the notion (概念) of teenage angst (忧虑) and shaped popular culture. “Along with Elvis Presley’s music and James Dean’s Rebel Without a Cause movie persona, it was Salinger’s Caulfield who best dramatized the emergence (出现) of a defiant (反叛的) youth identity in 1950s America”, writes Ben Hoyle, a journalist for the Times.

So al though Holden is not a character who “grows up” in any way, he shows qualities throughout the novel which the reader admires, and perhaps comes to loves him for, however exasperating (让人恼怒的) he is in other ways.

1. How is The Catcher in the Rye different from most teen novels according to the article?

A. It interests not only teenagers but also adults.

B. It doesn’t describe typical teenage problems.

C. The character seems to learn nothing from all his experiences.

D. The story unfolds through?its hero’s fi rst-person narration.

2. Which of the following best describes Holden Caulfield according to the article?

A. Reliable and helpful.

B. Intelligent and energetic.

C. Courageous but careless.

D. Immature but protective.

3. Which of the following about The Catcher in the Rye is TRUE according to the article?

A. It is the best novel about American teens in the 1950s.

B. It helped to shape 1950s US popular culture.

C. It is a moving story about the love between a brother and a sister.

D. It is easy for readers to fall in love with the character because of his good qualities.













一、名著阅读(5分) 阅读选文,回答问题。 刘唐道:“晁头领哥哥,再三拜上大恩人。得蒙救了性命,如何不报!见今做了梁山泊主都头领,吴学究做了军师,公孙胜同掌兵权。林冲一力维持,火并了王伦……只想兄长大恩,无可报答。特使刘唐赍书一封,并黄金一百两相谢押司,并朱、雷二都头。”刘唐便打开包裹,取出书来,递与宋江。宋江看罢,拽起褶子前襟,摸出招文袋,打开包儿时,刘唐取出金子放在桌上。宋江把那封书—就取了一条金子,和这书包了一插在招文袋内。放下衣襟,便道:“贤弟将此金子依旧包了,还放桌上。且坐。”随即便唤量酒的打酒来,叫大块切一盘肉来,铺下些菜蔬果子之类。叫量酒人筛酒与刘唐吃。看看天色晚了。 刘唐吃了酒,把桌上金子包打开,要取出来。宋江慌忙拦住道:“贤弟,你听我说。”宋江道:“你们七个弟兄,初到山寨,正要金银使用。宋江家中颇有些过活。且放在你山寨里,等宋江缺少盘缠时,却教兄弟宋清来取。今日非是宋江见外,于内受了一条。朱仝那人也有些家私,不用与他。我自与他说知人情便了。雷横这人,又不知我报于保正。况兼这人贪赌,倘或将些出去赌时,他便惹出事来,不当稳便。金子切不可与他…… (1)选文出自中国古典名著,作者是元末明初小说家(人名)。(1分) (2)刘唐见宋江直言梁山好汉近况,并道出此行目的:代表晁盖感谢宋江大恩。根据你阅读本书的积累,谈谈刘唐所说的“大恩”具体指的是哪件事。(2分) (3)宋江是作品中的重要人物,对他的评价历来都是毁誉参半。那么,选文为我们展现了宋江为人方面的哪些特点?请结合选文内容加以说明。(2分) 二、名著阅读(5分) 阅读下面选段,回答问题。 祥子的生活多半仗着这种残存的仪式与规矩。可是,连做这点儿事,他也不算是好手。他那么大的个子,偏争着去打一面飞虎旗,或一对短窄的挽联;那较重的红伞与肃静牌等等,他都不肯去动。和老人、小孩,甚至于妇女,他也会去竞争。他似乎听不见那施号发令的锣声,更永远不看前后距离的停匀不停匀,几乎所有人都向他骂去:“孙子!我说你呢,骆驼!你他妈的看齐!”他似乎还没有听见。他留神地在地上找,看有没有值得拾起来的烟头儿……这些都不算什么,为了让自己活得更体面些,更舒服些,祥子甚至违背自己的良心和原则去做事。 (1)以上选段出自,作者是。(2分) (2)从“和老人、小孩,甚至于妇女,他也会去竞争”和“在地上找烟头儿”以及毫不顾及别人对他的谩骂,我们能感受到了祥子怎样的变化?造成祥子变化的原因有哪些?(3分) 三、名著阅读(5分) 阅读选文,回答问题。 言差语错招人恼,意毒情伤怒气生。这魔王大钢刀,着头便砍;那八戒九齿钯,对面来迎。沙悟净丢开宝杖,那魔王抵架神兵。一猛怪,二神僧,来来往往甚消停。这个说:“你骗国理该死罪!”那个说:“你罗闲事抱不平!”这个说:“你强婚公主伤周体”那个说:“不干你事莫闲争!”算来只为捎书故,致使僧魔两不宁。他们在那山坡前,战经八九个回合,八戒渐渐不济将来,钉耙难举,气力不加。你道如何这等战他不过?当时初相战斗,有那护法诸神,为唐僧


中考语文名著阅读专题集锦 3、名著阅读填空。(任选三题,如四题都答,按前三题记分)(6分)(大连市) ①宋江在浔阳楼上倚阑畅饮,潸然泪下,临风触目,感恨伤怀,作了《西江月》,又写了四句诗,其中 的后两句是“他时若遂凌云志,__________!” ②当简?爱就要答应表兄圣?约翰求婚的时候,内心矛盾、情绪激动的似乎听到了一个声音在叫唤—— “______!”于是简?爱飞也似的走到门边,冲进花园,挣脱了圣?约翰。她意识到自己该处于支配地位了。 ③祥子的车被当兵的拉走后,他一直想拥有一辆属于自己的车。就在祥子在茶馆里等着去看夜场电影的 曹先生时,他遇到了_________;他们的悲惨情景把祥子最大的希望给打破了。 3、①敢笑黄巢不丈夫②简!简!简!③拉车的一老一少(拉车的老者和他的孙子小马儿) 4、有一位作家曾对他的作品“批阅十载,增删五次”,这位作家是() A A . 曹雪芹B施耐庵C罗贯中D吴承恩 5、一曲红楼多少梦?情天情海幻情身。作品塑造了三个悲剧人物:为爱情熬尽最后一滴眼泪,含恨而死;终于离弃“温柔富贵之乡”而遁入空门;虽成了荣府的“二奶奶”却没有赢得真正的爱情,陪伴她的是终 生凄凉孤苦。这三个人物是()D A、贾迎春、贾宝玉、薛宝钗 B、薛宝钗、贾惜春、王熙凤 C、袭人、妙玉、林黛玉 D、林黛玉、贾宝玉、薛宝钗 6、阅读下面语段,回答1-4题。 孔明于十一月二十曰甲子吉辰,沭浴斋戒,身披道衣,跣足散发,来到坛前。吩咐守坛将士:“不许擅 离方位。不许交头接耳。不许失口乱言。不许失惊打怪。如违令者斩!”众皆领命。孔明缓步登坛,观瞻方位已定,焚香于炉,注水于盂,仰天暗祝。下坛入帐中少歇,令军士更替吃饭。孔明一日上坛三次,下坛三次。,,将近三更时分,怨听风声响,旗幡转动。瑜出帐看时,旗脚竟飘西北——霎时同东南风大起。 (1)以上选段出自中国古典名著《》,作者是元末明初的小说家()。 (2)试用简洁的语言概括这个故事情节。


1.读下面一段文字,回答问题。狗衔着一块肉过河,望见自己在水里的影子,以为是另外一只狗衔着更大的肉。他于是放下自己这块肉,冲过去抢那块。结果,两块肉都没有了。这个故事出自哪部名著?它告诉我们一个什么道理?答案举例:《伊索寓言》。贪得无厌的 1.读下面一段文字,回答问题。 狗衔着一块肉过河,望见自己在水里的影子,以为是另外一只狗衔着更大的肉。他于是放下自己这块肉,冲过去抢那块。结果,两块肉都没有了。 这个故事出自哪部名著?它告诉我们一个什么道理? 答案举例:《伊索寓言》。贪得无厌的结果是什么也得不到。 2.名著导读。书目:《西游记》、《水浒传》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《骆驼祥子》。 (1)请从上述书目中选择一部你熟悉的作品,对其中你喜欢的一个人物进行简要评析。 作品:《》人物:人物评析: 答案举例:作品:西游记。人物:孙悟空。人物评析:他爱憎分明,坚定执着,有勇有谋;他降妖除魔,嫉恶如仇;他吃苦耐劳,有责任感。 (2)谈谈你阅读课外读物的方法以及该读物带给你的收获。 答案举例:①方法:略读,泛读,浏览,细读,精读;方式:摘抄,做读书卡片,写读后感,写人物评论;②收获:示例1:吴承恩在吸纳民间故事的基础上,以丰富的想象,极度的夸张,以浪漫主义的创作手法描述了唐僧师徒西天取经的故事,同时塑造了孙悟空等一系列典型人物,这种写法值得我学习。示例2:《西游记》中,唐僧目标明确,意志坚定,虽历遭劫难,却矢志不移,在他的带领下,师徒四人终于取得了真经,这种精神值得我学习。 3.语文科陈老师得知李欣然同学最近常在课堂上看《三国演义》后,打算找她谈话,以达到既保护她课外阅读的积极性,又能引导她重视课堂学习的目的。如果你是陈老师,你怎么说才能使李欣然同学乐于接受你的意见呢? 答案举例:《三国演义》确实是一本好书,但如果在课堂上偷偷地看,既影响课堂学习,又使阅读乐趣大打折扣,何不课后才看呢? 4.读下面一则寓言,概括其寓意。 一个小男孩问上帝:"一万年对你来说有多长?"上帝回答:"像一分钟。"小男孩又问上帝:"一百万元对你来说有多少?"上帝回答说:"像一元。"小男孩再问上帝:"那你能给我一百万元吗?"上帝回答说:"当然可以,只要你给我一分钟。" 答案举例:凡事不会伸手而得,需要付出时间和代价。(或:时间是极其宝贵的,一寸光阴一寸金。 5. (1)读到《西游记》第60回,我们知道孙悟空向铁扇公主二调芭蕉扇采用了方法。 (2)《鲁滨逊漂流记》结尾告诉我们,鲁滨逊一生中最可怕的一次遇险是。 答案举例:假冒牛魔王(2分)。 (2)遭遇三百多个野兽。 6.课堂内外,我们已接触了不少中外文学名著,请从供选篇目中任选一部,填写下面的读书卡片。(供选篇目:《西游记》、《水浒传》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《哈利;波特与魔法石》)答案举例:①《西游记》。吴承恩。前几回写孙悟空出世和大闹天宫;后面写他与猪八戒、沙和尚一同保护唐僧西天取经,一路上,他们降妖伏魔,历尽千难万险。书中充分表现了孙悟空的神异本领和大无畏的斗争精神。 ②《水浒传》。施耐庵。写的是以宋江为首的一百零八位英雄好汉,聚义在梁山水泊,杀富济贫,抗拒官府,造反起义的故事。塑造了一群反抗压迫的英雄形象,反映了官逼民反的主题。


2010年中考试题汇编之名着阅读(1) 2010年北京市中考语文试题及答案 6.名着阅读(3分) 《左传》是一部编年体史书,相传为春秋时期的①所作。《左传》善于记录战争,其中《曹刿论战》记录的就是齐鲁两国在鲁国的②发生的一次战争。《左传》还善于记录人物语言,这一点在《曹刿论战》中表现为对③过程的描写。 6.答案:①左丘明②长勺③曹刿与鲁庄公对话 2010年北京燕山中考语文试题及答案 7.名着阅读(2分) 《水浒传》是我国一部杰出的英雄传奇小说。它成功地塑造了宋江、①等108位梁山好汉的形象,讲述了浔阳楼题反诗、②等一个个生动传神的故事。这些奇人奇事构成了一个异彩纷呈的艺术世界。 7.名着阅读①吴用、林冲、武松、鲁智深等;②智取生辰纲、倒拔垂杨柳、醉打蒋门神、雪 夜上梁山等(共2分。每空1分,人名出现错别字不得分;另外:所填人物与情节的对应关系可以酌情处理) 2010年重庆市中考语文试题及答案 6.下列选项中对课文理解有误的一项是()(3分) A.朱自清的《背影》中,父亲的背影虽已远去,却永远的定格在了作者的泪光中。 B.在德国作家都德的《最后一课》里,韩麦尔先生书写了一曲悲壮的爱国主义之歌。C.“为什么我的眼里常含泪水?因为我对这土地爱得深沉……”在国难当头、山河沦陷的年代,诗人艾青抒发了他对祖国——大地母亲最深沉的爱。 D.小说《孔乙己》中,鲁迅把旧中国浓缩为一个鲁镇,把焦点聚集在咸亨酒店,把悲剧演绎在街边的柜台旁,把炎凉的世态投影到孔乙己身上。 6、B 2010年浙江宁波中考语文试题及答案 7.名着阅读。(3分) 那穿红衣的锣夫,与拿着绸旗的催押执事,几乎把所有的村话都向他骂去:“孙子!我说你呢,骆驼……”他似乎没有听见。打锣的过去给了他一锣锤,他翻了翻眼,朦胧地向四外看下,没管打锣的说了什么,他留神地在地上找,看有没有值得拾起来的烟头儿。 ①文段中的“他”是____________。 ②下面选项中与“他”有关的两个细节 ....是()() A.他掏出一本谈话手册,用一般耳聋者惯有的尖锐的声音,让人家把要说的话写下来。 B.立冬前后,他又喝醉。一进屋门,两个儿子——一个十三,一个十一岁——就想往外躲。 C.他回到故乡后,又受到轻蔑、排斥、迫害,几乎无地自容。现在是教着几个小学生糊口。 D.地上的水过了脚面,湿裤子裹住他的腿,上面的雨直砸着他的头和背,横扫他的脸。2010年浙江衢州舟山中考语文试题及答案 名着阅读。(4分) 阅读下列名着语段,写出每个语段中小主人公的名字,并指出丙段出自哪部名着。 【甲】那是一个我的幼时的夏夜,我躺在一株大桂树下的小饭桌上乘凉,祖母摇着芭蕉扇坐在桌旁,给我猜迷,讲故事。忽然,桂树上沙沙地有趾爪的爬搔声,一对闪闪的眼睛在暗中随声而下,使我吃惊,也将祖母讲着的话打断了,另讲猫的故事了——【乙】他骑着它,在田间的大路上飞驰,见前面有其他孩子,就将车铃按得丁零零一路响。孩子们回头一看,就闪到一边。胆小怕轧的,就赶紧跳到地里。他骑着车,呼啦一声


如何解答中考“名著题”Gxx 班级_______ 姓名_________ “新课标”要求初中学生在九年义务教育中课外阅读总量达到400万字以上。并且在附录 位置对古今中外脍炙人口的经典篇目作了重点推荐。江苏教育出版社的语文教材共重点推荐了 6部名著。他们分别是美国作家马克?吐温的《汤姆?索亚历险记》(七年级上);我国明朝小 说家吴承恩的《西游记》(七年级下);前苏联作家奥斯特洛夫斯基的《钢铁是怎样炼成的》(八 年级上);我国元末明初小说家施耐庵的《水浒传》(八年级下);英国讽刺作家斯威夫特的《格 列佛游记》(九年级上);我国现代文学家鲁迅的散文集《朝花夕拾》(九年级下)。近年来各地 中考语文明显加强了对名著阅读的考查力度。我认为初中生阅读名著,可以从以下几方面入手 把握重点: 一、了解作家作品 1熟悉作家 作家按国籍分为中国和外国。中国又分古代(1840年以前)、近代(1840 -------- 1919年)和现当代(1919年“五四”运动以后至今)。中国的作家要弄清作者所在的朝代,外国的作家要弄清国别。我国古代作家一般有字、号。如我国唐宋八大家之一的苏轼,字子瞻,号东坡居士。现 当代作者一般有原名、笔名等。如我国现代文学家鲁迅,原名周树人,笔名鲁迅。还要弄清作家的生平经历、代表作品、作品风格、在文坛上的地位和重大贡献等。 2、概括作品 先弄清作者,然后概括作品的主要内容、写作背景、主要的人物形象、艺术的特色、对作品的各种评价等。 二、熟悉故事情节 长篇名著用200— 500字概括内容,一般用记叙的六要素来概括。短篇名著用两三句话概括也可以用短语概括标题,如《水浒传》里的“鲁提辖拳打镇关西”,这样方便记忆。 三、分析人物形象 能体现文章中心的,是主要人物;起烘托作用的,为次要人物。人物的性格特点应结合具体的故事情节来分析,不能一味贴标签。 四、归纳写作特点 重点放在描写方法上。描写方法有:1、外貌描写2、语言描写3、细节描写4、动作描写5、正面描写6、侧面描写7、环境描写8、心理描写等。 常见的写法还有“对比”、“设置悬念”、“虚实相生”、“讽刺”、“动静结合”、“欲扬先抑” 多种修辞的综合运用等。 五、归纳中心思想 六、精彩片段赏析 如《汤姆?索亚历险记》(七年级上)中的“当海盗去”和“洞中历险”。《格列佛游记》(九年级上)里的“游小人国”等。 七、做好读书笔记 看完名著后,按以上方法做好读书笔记,并适当留空白处,方便今后随时整理补充。今后的 中考名著题,将更多关注名著中的重点人物形象、精彩的故事情节等方面的考查。考查常见的题型有“读书卡片”、“写故事情节”、“对名著对联”、“写阅读体会”、“填名著常识”、“人物形象分析”等。如果你喜欢读名著,而且会读名著,相信你会轻松过关的。 全国各地中考名著阅读题集锦Gxx

七年级下册语文 名著阅读训练试题及答案

七年级下册语文名著阅读训练试题及答案 一、部编七年级语文下册名著阅读 1.阅读下面语段,回答问题。 那毛女即便回身,转于洞内,对罗刹跪下道:“奶奶,洞门外有个东土来的孙悟空和尚,要见奶奶,拜求芭蕉扇,过火焰山一用。”那罗刹听见“孙悟空”三字,便似撮盐入火,火上浇油;骨都都红生脸上;恶狠狠怒发心头。口中骂道:“这泼猴!今日来了!”叫:“丫鬟,取披挂,拿兵器来!”随即取了披挂,拿两口青锋宝剑,整束出来。 (1)刹女为什么一听到“孙悟空”三个字就怒上心头? (2)罗刹女不愿借扇给孙悟空,于是引发了一场恶斗,她是怎样退敌的?孙悟空又是用什么办法来应对罗刹女的 【答案】(1)孙悟空请来观音菩萨降伏铁扇公主的儿子红孩儿 (2)罗刹女用芭蕉扇把孙悟空扇得无影无踪(扇到几万里之外)。孙悟空从灵吉菩萨那里借来“定风丹”。 【解析】【分析】(1)考查对名著故事情节的理解。结合对名著内容的阅读理解可知,罗刹女是铁扇公主,即是红孩儿的母亲,因之前红孩儿抓走唐僧,悟空去请观音菩萨,观音受红孩儿做善财童子,罗刹女苦于不能与红孩儿相见,认为是悟空害了红孩儿,十分恼火,恨悟空,结下了仇,听见“孙悟空”三个字都会怒上心头。 (2)考查对名著人物及故事情节的理解。本题可依据《西游记》中“三借芭蕉扇”故事情节来梳理概括。其大致情节是:唐僧师徒四人,一路风尘仆仆朝西行去。走着走着,渐渐觉得热气袭人,难以忍受。此进正值秋天,大家感到很奇怪。一打听才知道前方有座火焰山,方圆八百里寸草不生。又从卖糕少年嘴里听说,要想过山,只有向铁扇公主借芭蕉扇扇灭火后才能通过。司空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。铁扇公主是牛魔王的妻子,红孩儿之母。因上次红孩儿想吃唐僧肉与司空结下了冤仇,铁扇公主哪里肯借。悟空初次借扇,被铁扇公主用芭蕉扇扇得无踪无影。灵吉菩萨得知实情,给他一粒“定风丹”再去借扇。悟空二次来借扇,公主又用扇扇他,悟空口含定风丹,一动不动。公主急忙回洞,闭门不出。悟空变作一只小虫,乘公主喝茶之际进入铁扇公主腹中。公主腹疼难忍,答应借扇,但给的是一把假扇。第三次,悟空变成牛魔王模样,骗得真扇。牛魔王到家得知真相后急忙追赶,悟空与牛魔王大战。八戒、沙僧上前助战,最后把牛魔王打得现出原形。悟空用芭蕉扇扇灭山火,师徒四人继续西行取经。 故答案为:⑴孙悟空请来观音菩萨降伏铁扇公主的儿子红孩儿; ⑵罗刹女用芭蕉扇把孙悟空扇得无影无踪(扇到几万里之外)。孙悟空从灵吉菩萨那里借来“定风丹”。 【点评】⑴掌握名著中的重要故事情节是应考的基本策略,还要在平时与同学交流时,多关注名著中易记错的故事情节,只要认真、仔细识记,就不会出错。长期坚持下去,对名著情节的辨析能力一定会提高; ⑵本题考查名著重要故事情节的识记能力。解答此题,学生必须对选项中涉及的名著内容熟悉,才能准确把握人物与情节搭配是否正确。这就要求平时的名著阅读认真细致,准确识记名著内容。


中考名著阅读专项练习题 1运用你课外阅读积累的知识,完成(1)—(2)题。(4分) (1)罗曼?罗兰的《名人传》由三位名人的传记组成,这三位名人是:德国音乐家,意大利画家和雕塑家米开朗琪罗,俄国作家。 (2)《格列佛游记》中,格列佛到达小人国、大人国的原因分别是什么 答案:(1)贝多芬列夫托尔斯泰(2)到达小人国的原因:船遇风暴被毁,格列夫被风 浪卷到小人国所在的岛上。到达大人国的原因:在海上航行途中下船寻找淡水,格列夫登上了大人国所在的岛屿。 2、安顺市(贵州省)班级举行“我愿与他交朋友”的读书活动.请从下面五个人物中,任选一个,先写出他出自哪部名著,然后结合名著内容,阐述你愿与他交朋友的理由.(4分) 备选人物:沙僧鲁智深星期五阿寥沙保尔?柯察金 我愿与交朋友,他是《》中的人物形象,我愿与他交朋友的理由 是:(50字左右) 答案:示例一:沙僧《西游记》在西天取经的路上,沙僧一直忠诚地跟随着师傅,打点行李,问路化缘,冲锋陷阵。他为人忠厚,做事认真,我愿与他交朋友。 示例二:阿寥沙《童年》阿寥沙生活在弥漫着暴力和仇恨的家庭里,我愿与他交朋友,给他一些帮助,让他成长的路上多一些温暖和快乐。 3、“花和尚倒拔垂杨柳,豹子头误入白虎堂”是名著《》中的一个回目,其 中“豹子头”指的是;“花和尚”指的是。 4.下面是中国古代四大名著中的人物与情节,其中搭配不当的一项是() A、鲁智深——倒拔垂杨柳 B、孙悟空——大闹天宫 C、诸葛亮——三顾茅庐 D、刘姥姥——进大观园 5.名著内容填空。 (1)写出鲁滨孙在荒岛上救人的一个故事名称(自拟)(6个字以内): 智救星期五 (2)写出鲁智深救林冲的故事名称(自拟)(6个字以内):大闹野猪林 (3)梁山泊英雄排座次后,宋江提出:“望天王降诏早招安,心方足。”梁山泊英雄中 有三人对此直言反对,请写出其中两人的名字:武松、李逵、鲁智深。


(二)名著阅读(共4分) 根据小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》完成20、21题。 20.在横线处填上小说中的人物。(2分) ①的深夜意外来访以及两个人共同生活的八天,给予了这个年轻锅炉工极大的影响,让他头 一次听到那么多重要而新鲜的、激动人心的话。 ②开始工作了,打算写一部中篇小说,描写科托夫斯基的英勇的骑兵师。 21.根据阅读体会,说说小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》题目的含义。(2分) 20.朱赫来保尔(2分) 21.“钢铁”是信念、意志、毅力的象征。钢是在烈火里烧、高度冷却中炼成的,因此它很坚固;主人公保尔和他的战友们也是在斗争中和艰苦考验中锻炼出来,并学会了在生活中不灰心丧气。(2分) 21.填空(2分) “人的一生应当这样度过:当他回忆往事的时候,不因碌碌无为而羞耻,不因虚度年华而 悔恨……”这段名言是前苏联作家撰写的长篇小说《 》一书的主人公保尔·柯察金人格魅力的集中体现。 22.上述小说是一部影响了几代人的史诗性长篇小说,主人公被视为精神楷模。请结合保尔的经历,举一例谈谈他身上具有怎样的精神品质。(3分) 21.奥斯特洛夫斯基《钢铁是怎样炼成的》(各1分,共2分) 22.示例:保尔在全身瘫痪、双目失明的情况下,仍然不向命运屈服,克服种种苦难,拿起创作这个“新的武器”。重新回到战斗的行列,开始了新的生活。表现了保尔钢铁般的意志、坚定不移的信念和顽强奋斗的高贵品质。(3分) (二)名著阅读(共6分) 阅读短文完成20题。 黑暗吞噬着牢房的每一个角落。令人窒息的、不安的夜降临了。思路又转到吉凶未卜的明天。这只是第七夜,但是却好像已经熬过了好几个月。睡在硬邦邦的地上,全身疼痛不止。仓库里现在只剩下三个人了。老头躺在板床上打着呼噜,就像睡在自家的热炕上一样。这老爷子对眼前的处境满不在乎,夜夜都睡得又香又甜。酿私酒的老太婆被警备司令哥萨克少尉放


2010年中考试题汇编之名着阅读(1)2010年北京市中考语文试题及答案 6.名着阅读(3分) 《左传》是一部编年体史书,相传为春秋时期的①所作。《左传》善于记录战争,其中《曹刿论战》记录的就是齐鲁两国在鲁国的②发生的一次战争。《左传》还善于记录人物语言,这一点在《曹刿论战》中表现为对③过程的描写。 6.答案:①左丘明②长勺③曹刿与鲁庄公对话 2010年北京燕山中考语文试题及答案 7.名着阅读(2分) 《水浒传》是我国一部杰出的英雄传奇小说。它成功地塑造了宋江、①等108位梁山好汉的形象,讲述了浔阳楼题反诗、②等一个个生动传神的故事。这些奇人奇事构成了一个异彩纷呈的艺术世界。 7.名着阅读①吴用、林冲、武松、鲁智深等;②智取生辰纲、倒拔垂杨柳、醉打蒋门神、雪夜上梁山等 (共2分。每空1分,人名出现错别字不得分;另外:所填人物与情节的对应关系可以酌情处理) 2010年重庆市中考语文试题及答案 6.下列选项中对课文理解有误的一项是()(3分) A.朱自清的《背影》中,父亲的背影虽已远去,却永远的定格在了作者的泪光中。 B.在德国作家都德的《最后一课》里,韩麦尔先生书写了一曲悲壮的爱国主义之歌。 C.“为什么我的眼里常含泪水?因为我对这土地爱得深沉……”在国难当头、山河沦陷的年代,诗人艾青抒发了他对祖国——大地母亲最深沉的爱。 D.小说《孔乙己》中,鲁迅把旧中国浓缩为一个鲁镇,把焦点聚集在咸亨酒店,把悲剧演绎在街边的柜台旁,把炎凉的世态投影到孔乙己身上。 6、B 2010年浙江宁波中考语文试题及答案 7.名着阅读。(3分) 那穿红衣的锣夫,与拿着绸旗的催押执事,几乎把所有的村话都向他骂去:“孙子!我说你呢,骆驼……”他似乎没有听见。打锣的过去给了他一锣锤,他翻了翻眼,朦胧地向四外看下,没管打锣的说了什么,他留神地在地上找,看有没有值得拾起来的烟头儿。 ①文段中的“他”是____________。 ②下面选项中与“他”有关的两个细节 ....是()() A.他掏出一本谈话手册,用一般耳聋者惯有的尖锐的声音,让人家把要说的话写下来。 B.立冬前后,他又喝醉。一进屋门,两个儿子——一个十三,一个十一岁——就想往外躲。 C.他回到故乡后,又受到轻蔑、排斥、迫害,几乎无地自容。现在是教着几个小学生糊口。 D.地上的水过了脚面,湿裤子裹住他的腿,上面的雨直砸着他的头和背,横扫他的脸。 2010年浙江衢州舟山中考语文试题及答案 名着阅读。(4分) 阅读下列名着语段,写出每个语段中小主人公的名字,并指出丙段出自哪部名着。 【甲】那是一个我的幼时的夏夜,我躺在一株大桂树下的小饭桌上乘凉,祖母摇着芭蕉扇坐在桌旁,给我猜迷,讲故事。忽然,桂树上沙沙地有趾爪的爬搔声,一对闪闪的眼睛在暗中随声而下,使我吃惊,也将祖母讲着的话打断了,另讲猫的故事了—— 【乙】他骑着它,在田间的大路上飞驰,见前面有其他孩子,就将车铃按得丁零零一路响。孩子们回头一看,就闪到一边。胆小怕轧的,就赶紧跳到地里。他骑着车,呼啦一声过去了,那几个孩子就会嗷嗷叫着,一路在后面追赶。 【丙】我逢休息日,一大早就背着口袋走遍各家的院子,走遍大街小巷去捡牛骨头、破布、碎纸、


初中语文名著阅读专题训练试题 一、填空题。(每空1分,共40分) 1、鲁迅先生回忆自己青少年时期生活经历的一部散文集是《》,《藤野先生》是其中的一篇。这篇散文记叙了作者在日本(地名)学医的生活,其中匿名信事件和看电影事件令他感受到国人的麻木,这使他作出了弃医从文的选择。 2、《水浒传》的作者是_____ ____。该书中英雄人物性格各不相同,但在“义”这一点上却是相同的。武松怒杀潘金莲、醉打,是“义”,晁盖是“义”,宋江是“义”,鲁智深也是“义”。此书中与《三国演义》中诸葛亮齐名的人是,绰号。 3、《繁星·春水》作者是 ,原名 ,福建长乐人。这本书大致包括三个方面的内容: 、、。 4、格列佛先后游历了,、、四个国家。 5、祥子三次买车又三次失去,第一次失车是因为,第二次失车是因为,第三次失车是因为。 6、《名人传》是19世纪末20世纪初法国作家创作的传记作品,它包括《》、《》、《》三部传记。 7、《生命的意义》作者是(国)作家(名),文中的主人公是。 8、《二十四孝图》中,、等都是孝道故事的名称。鲁迅针对这些孝道故事做了分析,揭示了封建孝道的虚伪和残酷。 9、古典名著中有很多“三”的故事,《三国演义》中的“三英战吕布”、“桃园三结义”,《西游记》中的“三打”、“三借”、《水浒传》“施恩”、“宋公明三打”、“宋江三败”,《红楼梦》中“刘姥姥三进荣国府”等,都家喻户晓。 10、孙悟空第一个师傅是__ ____,它的兵器原是大禹治水的 ,又唤 ,大闹天宫后被如来佛祖压在,后皈依佛门,唐僧为他取名孙行 1、关关雎鸠,在河之洲, ,。(《诗经》) 2、几处早莺争暖树, 。(白居易《钱塘湖春行》) 3、感时花溅泪, 。(杜甫《春望》) 4、力尽不知热, 。(白居易《观刈麦》) 5、商女不知亡国恨, 。(杜牧《泊秦淮》) 6、人生自古谁无死, 。(文天祥《过零丁洋》)



1.读下面一段文字,回答问题。狗衔着一块肉过河,望见自己在水里的影子,以为是另外一只狗衔着更大的肉。他于是放下自己这块肉,冲过去抢那块。结果,两块肉都没有了。这个故事出自哪部名著?它告诉我们一个什么道理?答案举例:《伊索寓言》。贪得无厌的 1.读下面一段文字,回答问题。 狗衔着一块肉过河,望见自己在水里的影子,以为是另外一只狗衔着更大的肉。他于是放下自己这块肉,冲过去抢那块。结果,两块肉都没有了。 这个故事出自哪部名著?它告诉我们一个什么道理? 答案举例:《伊索寓言》。贪得无厌的结果是什么也得不到。 2.名著导读。书目:《西游记》、《水浒传》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《钢铁是怎样炼成的》、《骆驼祥子》。 (1)请从上述书目中选择一部你熟悉的作品,对其中你喜欢的一个人物进行简要评析。 作品:《》人物:人物评析: 答案举例:作品:西游记。人物:孙悟空。人物评析:他爱憎分明,坚定执着,有勇有谋;他降妖除魔,嫉恶如仇;他吃苦耐劳,有责任感。 (2)谈谈你阅读课外读物的方法以及该读物带给你的收获。 答案举例:①方法:略读,泛读,浏览,细读,精读;方式:摘抄,做读书卡片,写读后感,写人物评论;②收获:示例1:吴承恩在吸纳民间故事的基础上,以丰富的想象,极度的夸张,以浪漫主义的创作手法描述了唐僧师徒西天取经的故事,同时塑造了孙悟空等一系列典型人物,这种写法值得我学习。示例2:《西游记》中,唐僧目标明确,意志坚定,虽历遭劫难,却矢志不移,在他的带领下,师徒四人终于取得了真经,这种精神值得我学习。 3.语文科陈老师得知李欣然同学最近常在课堂上看《三国演义》后,打算找她谈话,以达到既保护她课外阅读的积极性,又能引导她重视课堂学习的目的。如果你是陈老师,你怎么说才能使李欣然同学乐于接受你的意见呢? 答案举例:《三国演义》确实是一本好书,但如果在课堂上偷偷地看,既影响课堂学习,又使阅读乐趣大打折扣,何不课后才看呢? 4.读下面一则寓言,概括其寓意。 一个小男孩问上帝:"一万年对你来说有多长?"上帝回答:"像一分钟。"小男孩又问上帝:"一百万元对你来说有多少?"上帝回答说:"像一元。"小男孩再问上帝:"那你能给我一百万元吗?"上帝回答说:"当然可以,只要你给我一分钟。" 答案举例:凡事不会伸手而得,需要付出时间和代价。(或:时间是极其宝贵的,一寸光阴一寸金。 5. (1)读到《西游记》第60回,我们知道孙悟空向铁扇公主二调芭蕉扇采用了方法。 (2)《鲁滨逊漂流记》结尾告诉我们,鲁滨逊一生中最可怕的一次遇险是。 答案举例:假冒牛魔王(2分)。 (2)遭遇三百多个野兽。 6.课堂内外,我们已接触了不少中外文学名著,请从供选篇目中任选一部,填写下面的读书卡片。(供选篇目:《西游记》、《水浒传》、《鲁滨逊漂流记》、《哈利;波特与魔法石》)答案举例:①《西游记》。吴承恩。前几回写孙悟空出世和大闹天宫;后面写他与猪八戒、沙和尚一同保护唐僧西天取经,一路上,他们降妖伏魔,历尽千难万险。书中充分表现了孙悟空的神异本领和大无畏的斗争精神。 ②《水浒传》。施耐庵。写的是以宋江为首的一百零八位英雄好汉,聚义在梁山水泊,杀富济贫,抗拒官府,造反起义的故事。塑造了一群反抗压迫的英雄形象,反映了官逼民反的主题。 ③《鲁滨逊漂流记》。笛福。小说写水手鲁滨逊遭遇海难,漂流到孤岛顽强生存二十多年的故事。歌颂了人类的冒险精神和生存意志。 ④《哈利波特与魔法石》。罗琳。哈利;波特从小失去父母,缺乏关爱,十一岁那年,他来到了神奇的魔法学校,这里诡谲离奇,不可思议。种种神秘而有趣的经历,友谊的力量,正义与邪恶的较量,与命运抗争的勇气都在书中表现得震撼人心。 7.从你渎过的文学名著中列举一个能体现"吃苦经历是人成长的养分"的情节或故事,填写下表:


四大名著练习题 《西游记》 一、常识填空。 1、《西游记》的作者是,代人。 2、孙悟空自号,他从菩提祖师处学到等神通,又从龙宫索取 作为兵器,因大闹天宫被压在五行山下,受苦五百年,后受观世音菩萨规劝皈依佛门,给唐僧做了大徒弟,取名。 3、在护送唐僧去西天取经途中,机智灵活、疾恶如仇的是;憨态可掬、好耍小聪明的是;忠诚老实、勤勤恳恳的是。 4、唐僧收四个徒弟法名分别是:孙悟空法名,八戒法名,沙僧法名。 5、《西游记》中,师徒一行经过难,终于得正果,最后唐僧被如来佛封为、孙悟空被封为、猪八戒封为、沙僧封为。 6、《西游记》的作者运用了手法描绘了一个奇妙的神话世界,花果山水帘洞洞口的对联是 7、《西游记》中有许多脍炙人口的故事,如大闹、真假、三借、三打。 8、《西游记》中,孙悟空最具有反抗精神的故事情节是:。 二、歇后语 ()照镜子——里外不是人()见高小姐——改换了头面 ()钻进铁扇公主肚里——心腹之患()西天取经——多灾多难 孙悟空借芭蕉扇——()孙悟空大闹天宫——() 唐僧看书——()孙悟空的眼睛——() 三、概述 1、请概述《西游记》中,你喜欢的主要人物以及人物相关的故事,和该故事中所表现的人物性格特点。1)作品名称:《西游记》 2)人物姓名: 3)相关故事: 4)性格特点: 2、列举一个《西游记》中你最喜欢的情节,并说说理由,至少用上一个成语。 情节:理由: 四、仿写句子:读《水浒传》,我仿佛跟随鲁提辖去拳打镇关西,领略了他见义勇为的品质。 仿写:读《》,我仿佛

一、常识填空。 1、“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红……”这是我国古典文学名著的开篇词。 2、《三国演义》的作者是,代人。 3、《三国演义》中忠义的化身是,我们所熟知的他忠、义、勇、谋、傲的事情分别有: 4、《三国演义》中智者的化身当属军师,他未出茅庐,便知天下三分之事,书中记叙了有关他的许多脍炙人口的事迹,如等。 5、成语“万事俱备,只欠东风”是根据《三国演义》赤壁(战役)中“”的故事深化而来的。请再写出源于《三国演义》的两个成语,并写出相应的人物及故事: 6、“勉从虎穴暂栖身,说破英雄惊煞人。巧将闻雷来掩饰,随机应变信如神。”这首诗说的是《三国演义》中故事。 二、歇后语 1、周瑜打黄盖——() 2、蒋干盗书——() 3、三个臭皮匠——() 4、张飞绣花——() 5、张飞吃豆芽——() 6、诸葛亮弹琴——() 7、关公照镜子——() 8、曹操吃鸡肋——() 9、董卓进京——() 10、黄忠射箭——() 11、诸葛亮吊孝——() 12、刘备借荆州——() 13、关公面前耍大刀——() 14、阿斗当皇帝——() 三、概述 1、简述《三国演义》中一个带“三”字的故事(如三顾茅庐、三英战吕布、三气周瑜等)。 2、下面描写的人物分别是谁?用两三个词概括其主要性格特点。 1)纶巾羽扇,身衣鹤氅,素履皂绦,面如冠玉,唇若抹朱,眉清目朗,身长八尺,飘飘然有神仙之概。人物:性格特点:


2011中考名著导读真题集锦 (2011-10-28 22:10:07) 转载▼ 标签: 打印资料 杂谈 名著一 水浒传 1.(2011·浙江余姚)名著阅读。 (1)根据下列摘录的人物对白,请你说说分别出自作品中的哪一个人物。 我等一百八人,上应天星,生死一处。今者天子宽恩降诏,赦罪招安,大小众人,尽皆释其所犯。我等一百八人,早晚朝京面圣,莫负天子洪恩。汝等军校,也有自来落草的,也有随众上山的,亦有军官失陷的,亦有掳掠来的。今次我等受了招安,俱赴朝廷。你等如愿去的,作速上名进发;如不愿去的,就这里报名相辞。我自赍发你等下山,任从生理。 (选自《水浒传》) (2)从上一题的对白中,可知粱山好汉一百单八将上梁山的具体原因各不相同,可以分为三种类型。请任选一种,举一例加以说明。 1.(1)宋江(宋公明) (2)①林冲、秦明 ②卢俊义、关胜、呼延灼、张清、董平 ③武松、鲁智深、吴用、公孙胜、花荣 2(2011·浙江台州)名著阅读。 他虽嫉恶如仇,却从无武松鸳鸯楼连杀十五人的血腥,也没有李逵两把板斧排头砍倒一片百姓的凶残;他对人间苦难有深切的体悟,如在桃花村痛打小霸王周通后,劝周通放弃亲事,为的是让刘太公能够老有所养,不要“教老人家失所”;梁山上见着林冲便动问“阿嫂信息”……

2.鲁达(鲁智深、鲁提辖、花和尚) 拳打镇关西 、大闹五台山 、火烧瓦罐寺、倒拔垂杨柳等 3.(2011·四川广安)名著阅读。 A假意道:“你这厮诈死,洒家再打!”只见面皮渐渐的变了。A寻思道:“俺只指望痛打这厮一顿,不想三拳真个打死了他。洒家须吃官司,又没人送饭,不如及早撒开。” (2)请根据材料所对应的名著写一则推荐语(可选择内容、人物、语言等方面来写,不少于50字)。 3.(1)鲁提辖(鲁达、鲁智深) 侠肝义胆、疾恶如仇、粗中有细(2)示例:《水浒传》 推荐语:《水浒传》生动地描写了梁山好汉们从起义到兴盛再到最终失败的全过程,塑造了宋江、吴用等众多的英雄人物形象,生动地表现了“官逼民反”的主题。作品运用的是古白话,通俗生动,活灵活现,充满个性化特色,表现了作者深厚的语言功力。 4.(2011·四川内江)名著阅读。 【甲】达雅焦急不安地守候在外面,几小时以后,她看见丈夫的脸色像死人般苍白,但仍然很有生气,而且像往常一样平静温存:“好姑娘,你别担心,我可不会这么容易就进棺材的。我还要活下去,哪怕有意跟那些医学权威的预言捣捣蛋也好嘛。他们对我病情的诊断完全正确,但是写个证明,说我百分之百失去了劳动能力,那就大错特错了。我们走着瞧吧!” 保尔坚定地选择了一条道路,决心通过这条道路回到新生活建设的队伍中去。 【乙】那汉子口里唱着,走上冈子来,松林里头歇下担桶,坐地乘凉。众军看见了,便问那汉子道:“你桶里是甚么东西?”那汉子应道:“是白酒。”众军道:“挑往那里去?”那汉子道:“挑出村里卖。”众军道:“多少钱一桶?”那汉子道:“五贯足钱。”众军商量道:“我们又热又渴,何不买些吃?也解暑气。”正在那里凑钱,杨志见了,喝道:“你们又做甚么?”众军道:“买碗酒吃。”杨志调过朴刀杆便打,骂道:“你们不得洒家言语,胡乱便要买酒吃!好大


中考语文考过的名著阅读题汇总 1. 2017河南 名著阅读(任选一题作答) (1)殿宇藏魔君,仙观有灵根。请从下面两个选项中任选一个,简述在该地发生的故事。 ①龙虎山伏魔之殿(《水浒》) ②万寿山五庄观(《西游记》) (2)历险时有伙伴,困境中存温情。请从下面两个选项中任选一个,简述体现人物间的深情厚谊的故事。 ①格列佛与葛兰达克利赤(《格力佛游记》) ②阿廖沙与小茨冈(《童年》) 答案:(1)①示例:在龙虎山伏魔之殿,洪太尉不听劝阻,执意打开封条和大锁,放倒石碑,掘动石龟,致使被镇锁的一百单八个魔君出世。 ②示例:唐僧师徒路经万寿山五庄观,徒弟们偷吃了观里的人参果,悟空又推到了人参果树,师徒被扣留,两番逃走都被抓回。悟空请来观音菩萨,医活果树。师徒继续西行。 (2)①示例:格列佛刚到大人国,被一位农夫利用,巡回表演挣钱。农夫的女儿心疼格列佛,成为他的葛兰达克利赤(小保姆),并一路照顾。格列佛到皇宫得宠后,仍请她做小保姆,不忍分离。

②示例:阿廖沙染坏了外祖父的桌布,因此挨打,小茨冈替他挡鞭子,阿廖沙很感激他。 2. 2017山东菏泽 “读什么书”和“成什么人”之间存在着紧密的联系,从下面经典中任选一部,谈谈它给你的成长曾带来怎样的人生启迪。《论语》《水浒传》《鲁滨逊漂流记》《孟子》《西游记》《格列佛游记》 答案:《鲁滨逊漂流记》示例:我们最需要的是具备鲁滨逊那样的刻苦奋斗的精神,不论何时何地,不管遇到什么困难,挫折等,都不能被吓倒,要勇敢地面对困难,克服困难,始终保持一种积极向上、从容乐观的心态,去面对厄运,挑战自我,就可以做出超出自己想象的事情来。只有这样,才能像伟大的鲁滨逊那样,成为一个胜利者。 3. 2017湖北十堰 下列各项说法正确的一项是( ) A.《故乡》和《孔乙己》分别选自鲁迅先生的散文集《朝花夕拾》和小说集《呐喊》。 B.《骆驼祥子》是茅盾的一部长篇小说,小说通过主人公祥子由最初老实坚忍、吃苦耐劳到后来麻木狡猾、爱占便宜的变化,无情批判了当时的社会现实——不让好人有出路。 C.《左传》相传是春秋时期左丘明所作,是根据鲁史写的国别体史书,《曹刿论战》便选自这一著作。 D. 对联,也称对子,是我国独有的文学形式,要求上下联字数相等,结构一致,内容相关,平仄相对。贴对联是我国春节


中考名著阅读《骆驼祥子》 作者:老舍,中国现代著名文学家、小说家,“人民艺术家”。 主要内容:本书讲述了一个普通的人力车夫——祥子为实现能拥有一辆自己的车的梦想,经历了三起三落,最终失去了生活的信心,自暴自弃,堕落沉沦的故事。 一、主要情节概括: 1.一流车夫:祥子十八岁带着乡下的足壮与诚实来到北平,成了当时一流的人力车夫。他立志要买一辆属于自己的车。 2.祥子买车:经过三年努力,祥子终于凑足了100块钱。他马上用其中的96块钱买上了自己的新车。 3.丢车与卖骆驼:不到半年,军阀乱兵就抢走了祥子的车并让他做苦力。后来祥子逃出来并顺手牵走了部队丢下的三匹骆驼,用它们换了三十五块钱回到了北平。由于在梦话中透露了自己的经历,从此人们开始叫他“骆驼祥子”。 4.二次奋斗:祥子回到了人和车厂,老板刘四爷家三十七八岁的闺女虎妞十分喜欢祥子。祥子租了他家的一辆车,又开始为自己第二次买车而没命的赚钱。后来在杨宅拉车,整天紧得发昏,受不了折磨后又回到了人和车厂。 5. 被敲钱空: 回来受到虎妞的诱惑,为躲避虎妞,祥子到曹先生家拉包月。而曹先生因为学生阮明陷害,被迫离开北平。也是因为这件事,祥子被孙侦探勒索,积蓄一空。在虎妞的威逼利诱下,他只好再一次回到了人和车厂。 6.被迫结婚:祥子认了命,只好把自己交给刘家父女了。可刘四爷并不肯“便宜了这个臭拉车的”招他做女婿。于是刘四爷在与虎妞激烈争吵后,把女儿也一同赶出家门。虎妞靠着自己的私房钱与祥子在一个大杂院里租房完婚。 7. 再次买车:和虎妞结婚,进而忍受家庭生活的牵系与精神上的痛苦。虎妞终于拗不过祥子,为祥子买了一辆二手车,可是祥子想做一流车夫的信心已被不愉快的婚姻生活所磨灭。 8.妻死卖车:虎妞因为难产而死。祥子为了办丧事,无奈又卖了洋车。同时因为生活的压力,又拒绝了心爱的小福子再次和祥子组建家庭的请求。 9.彻底堕落:虎妞去世后,祥子对拥有一辆自己的车已经失去信心。特别是在小福子吊死以后,祥子对生活的最后一线希望也破灭了。从此,祥子憎恨任何人。他染上了恶习,


名著阅读周周练(一) 一、(安徽省)3.运用你课外阅读积累的知识,完成(1)—(2)题(4分) (1)在孙悟空的经历中,菩提祖师传给他长生之道、、筋斗云;菩萨规劝他改邪归正,皈依佛门;唐僧带领他去西天取经,修成正果 (2)格列佛在最后一次航海奇遇中,接触了两科,不可思议的动物:有美德有理性的,丑陋而邪恶 的 二、(北京市)3.名著阅读(3分) 春秋战国时期的谋臣策士很讲究劝谏的艺术如《左传》一书中记载的曹刿,在长勺之战前,面见鲁庄公,几番对话,一再启发,终于使鲁庄公认识到①是作战取胜的先决条件;又如《②》一书中记载的邹忌,用③设喻,劝说齐王广开言路,改良政治,最终使齐国兴盛起来 7.名著阅读(6分) 《西游记》和《水浒传》中有许多精彩的故事请从下列四个故事中任选一个,简述其内容(80字左右)①吃人参果②收服红孩儿③杨志卖刀④武松醉打蒋门神 四、(龙岩市)4.简答题(任选一题作答)(7分) (1)简述格列佛逃离大人国的过程 (2)《西游记》第七回写到“五行山下定猿心”,齐天大圣向如来佛祖提出“皇帝轮流做,明年到我家”和“将天宫让与我”的“无理”要求,佛祖则提出与大圣打赌请简述大圣在“赌”的过程中做了哪些事?结果如何? 9.名著阅读(7分) ①阅读下面一段话,回答问题(3分) “你以为,因为我穷,低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂没有心吗?你想错了!——我的灵魂跟你的一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样!要是上帝赐予我一点美和一点财富,我就要让你感到难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样,我现在跟你说话,并不是通过习俗、惯例,甚至不是通过凡人的内体——而是我的精神在同你的精神说话:就像两个都经过了坟墓,我们站在上帝脚跟前,是平等的——因为我们是平等的!” 这段话中的“我”是(人名),这是她对(人名)说的,从中看出她具有的个性(3分) ②请从下面两个故事中任选一个,用简洁的语言概述(120字左右)(4分) 倒拔垂杨柳私放晁盖 六、(莆田市)(五)名著阅读(10分) 13、填空(4分) ⑴“乌龟和兔子赛跑,兔子在半路睡着了,结果乌龟赢得了比赛”这个故事出自 《》(书名) ⑵《格列佛游记》中,在慧骃国,是理性的载体,而人形动物“耶胡”则是邪恶肮脏的畜生 (3)“他低着头,拉着车,极慢的往前走,没有主意,没有目的,昏昏沉沉的,身上挂着一层粘汗,发着馊臭味儿”这段文字中的“他”指的是 (4)“林冲心疑,探头入帘看时,只见檐前额上有四个青字,写道‘白虎堂’林冲猛首道:‘这节堂是商议军机大事处,如何敢无故辄入?’”这段文字写的是《水浒传》中林冲的故事 14、请从下面两道题中任选一题作答(6分) ⑴简述孙悟空“大闹龙宫”讨得兵器和披挂的经过 ⑵简述鲁滨孙在岛上生病和复原的经过 名著阅读周周练(二)(2)阅读下面有关《鲁滨孙漂流记》故事情节的叙述,按要求作答(6分) a.鲁滨孙舍弃安选的生活,多次航海冒险b.有一次,由于遭遇土耳其海盗的劫持,他历尽艰险逃了出来c.不料,当船航行到大海上时,遇上大风暴,巨浪将船打翻,唯他幸存d.他被海浪抛到一座荒无人烟的海岛上,在那里度过了28年的时光 ①情节有误的是第句原著的情节是(概 述) ②在荒岛上,鲁滨孙靠什么创造了生存的奇迹?请概括说明 八、(兰州市)5.阅读名著片段,回答下列问题(3分) 鲁提辖假意道:“你这用作死,洒家再打!”只见面皮渐渐的变了鲁达寻思道:“俺只指望痛打这厮一倾,不想三拳真个打死了他,洒家须吃官司,又没人送饭,不如及早撒开”拔步便走,回头指着郑屠尸选:“你诈死!洒家和你慢慢理会!”一头骂,一头大踏步去了。 (1)鲁达为什么“大踏步去了”?从以上言行中,你读出了鲁达怎样的性格?(2分) (2)请再写一个与鲁达相关的经典故事名称(1分) 九、(梅州市)三、名著推荐阅读(6分) 大圣却有算计:爬上树,一只手使击子,一只手将锦布直裰的襟儿扯起来,做个兜子等住,他却串枝分叶,敲了三个果,兜在襟中,跳下树,一直前来,径到厨房里去那八戒笑道:“哥哥,可有么?”行者道:“这不是?老孙的手到擒来这个果子,也莫背了沙僧,可叫他一声”八戒即招手叫道:“悟净,你来” 那沙僧撇下行李,跑进厨房道:“哥哥,叫我怎的?”行者放开衣兜道:“兄弟,你看这个是甚的东西?”沙僧见了道:“是人参果”行者道:“好啊!你倒认得,你曾在那里吃过的?”沙僧道:“小弟虽不曾吃,但旧时做卷帘大将,扶侍鸾舆赴蟠桃宴,尝见海外诸仙将此果与王母上寿见便曾见,却未曾吃哥哥,可与我些儿尝尝?”行者道:“不消讲,兄弟们一家一个”他三人将三个果各各受用那八戒食肠大,口又大,一则是听见童子吃时,便觉馋虫拱动,却才见了果子,拿过来,张开口,毂辘的囫囵吞咽下肚,却白着眼胡赖,向行者、沙僧道:“你两个吃的是甚么?”沙僧道:“人参果”八戒道:“甚么味道?”行者道:“悟净,不要睬他!你倒先吃了,又来问谁?”八戒道:“哥哥,吃的忙了些,不象你们细嚼细咽,尝出些滋味我也不知有核无核,就吞下去了哥啊,为人为彻已经调动我这馋虫,再去弄个儿来,老猪细细的吃吃”行者道:“兄弟,你好不知止足这个东西,比不得那米食面食,撞着尽饱象这一万年只结得三十个,我们吃他这一个,也是大有缘法,不等小可罢罢罢!彀了!”他欠起身来,把一个金击子,瞒窗眼儿,丢进他道房里,竟不睬他 20.本文段节选自《西游记》,作者是朝的(人名)(2分)21.请为选文拟一个恰当的题目:(2分) 22.选文表现了猪八戒怎样的性格特点?(2分) 十、(肇庆市)(三)名著阅读 21.阅读下面的文段,完成文后问题(3分) 想到骆驼与洋车的关系,他的精神壮了起来,身上好似一向没有什么不舒服的地方假若他想到拿这三匹骆驼能买到一百亩地,或是可以换几颗珍珠,他也不会这样高兴他 极快的立起来,扯起骆驼就走他不晓得现在骆驼有什么行市,只听说过在老年间,没有 火车的时候,一条骆驼要值一个大宝,因为骆驼力气大,而吃得比骡马还省他不希望得 三个大宝,只盼望换个百儿八十的,恰好够买二辆车的 以上文段选自作品《》,作者 是这部作品主要讲述的是的故事。

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