当前位置:文档之家› 英语小说选读章节总结



Chapter 1

1. p.m. post meridiem

a.m. ante meridiem

meridiem 正午

拓展post cold war era 冷战后期

post graduate 研究生


2. A.D. Anno Domini\公元后

B.C. before Christ 公元前

3.nose one’s car up 小心翼翼的移动交通工具

a nose for sth 对某事的觉察力

拓展get up sb’s nose 惹火某人

nose (n.)前段突出部分,车头机首等

as plain as the nose on your face 一目了然,显而易见count nose 点人数

turn up one’s nose 不把某人放在眼里

by a nose 以少许之差

4.grungy 脏乱的,低劣的

5.Tenderloin district 油水区


6.forbidding 可怕的,难以接近的;严峻的

7.black-and-white 警车非常形象因为警车就是黑白的

8.curb 路沿石;阻止,阻断

9.tap off 用隔离带围起来

10.bug-eyes 眼睛突出

11.forced entry 强行闯入


13.bellhop=bellboy 门童

14.gray-skinned 苍白的皮肤

1prostitute 妓女

15.license plate (牌照)

16.peel off 剥除,抽出;离群,离队;脱衣服


17.credit card 信用卡

debit card 借记卡不同于credit

18.junkie 有毒瘾者

19.Stairwell 楼梯井

20.rookie=novice=new hand=green hand 新手;生手

拓展Old hand=veteran 老手

21.log 原木;航海日志

拓展Web log =blog

22.clipboard 附有纸夹的笔记版

.work the puzzle =work/figure out

创造奇迹work wonders

操作机器work machine

23.flashlight beam 手电筒光线

24.rank 恶臭难闻的;大声叫骂

Rise from the ranks 出身行伍

Close ranks 紧密团结

Break rank 解散

the rank and file rank-and-file members 普通成员

25.该死的damn freaking 在口语中极为常用

26.kitchenette 小厨房

cigar – cigarette (-ette:小的)

27.of sorts 各式各样的;未经选择的;质量差的;勉强称得上的

28.guts 内脏,胃肠;勇气(n)



Sweat (work) one’s guts out 拼命苦干

Hate a person’s guts 对某人恨之入骨

A gut issue 极其重要的问题

A gut reaction 本能的反应

29.clog toilet bowl 堵塞马桶

30.toaster 烤面包机

31.Hre we are. 我们到了

32.homicide detail 特遣队(homicide 杀人犯)

33.creep up 悄悄地靠近;植物蔓生;逐渐增长;不期而至

34.what/who the hell 到底(表示愤怒或强调)

Hell 地狱;苦境

拓展极其的: a hell of a mess太乱了

One hell of a party 极其精彩的舞会

Not a hope in hell 绝不可能

35.spray-painted 喷漆的

36.full well (adj)很充分的

37 standing army 常备军rank and file 横列即为士兵的意思Chapter 2

1.particularly 恐怖的;挑剔的

2.suicide 自杀pesticide 杀虫剂

3.CSU = crime scene unite 犯罪调查小组

4.rifle through 翻检(衣物等)

5.medical examiner 验尸员;法医

6.have an impulse 有…冲动

7.gorge 咽喉,胃;峡谷;贪吃;厌恶

拓展gorge oneself with 大吃一顿

The Three Gorges 三峡

Make one’s gorge rise 令某人愤怒,令某人作呕8.Reach in 把手伸进去

9.faint 模糊的,色淡的

10.trace 跟踪;探究(n/v)

拓展Trace the footprints 循着足迹跟踪

Trace back to 追溯;追究

Trace the outline of sth 勾画出某物的轮廓

Trace out his vision of the future 描绘出他对未来的设想

11.tune up 调音,定弦;被打一顿

12.throw the switch 开动开关

13.what do you make of it? ( Make of =thing of )

14.vertical 垂直的

拓展horizontal 水平的parallel 平行的

15.rigor 严苛待遇;僵硬

16.blanch 变白,漂白

17.track mark 足迹

18.lividity 铁青(n)bruised 青肿的

19.runaway 离家出走的人

20.on one’s hand 在手头待处理

21.gnaw at sb 折磨着某人

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3d18354693.html,rmant 眼线

23.a surge of (hopes/anger/excitement…) 涌浪,一阵…

24.put sb away 把某人投入监狱

25.john 指男的路人甲jane 女的路人甲指代人物

26 pulmonary edema 肺部水肿

27 stick 被卡住

28.Partial 局部

29.Grinn 露齿而笑

30.A surge of 一阵


30.sift 搜寻

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3d18354693.html,rmant 线人

32.pissed of生气

33.Haunt 萦绕缠绕

34.tropical 热情的

35.Caribbean 加勒比拓展《pirates of the caribbean》加勒比海盗


37.Booth 文中指小隔间


39.The IV 静脉滴注

40.a gulp of the icy brew 一大口冰镇啤酒

41.straight-shooting 直白的

42.bureaucratic (BS)官僚作风的,拖拖拉拉的(BS骂人的话)

43.unhampered 无阻碍的

44.in this very spot (very 正是那个) scene spot 景点

45.first-class 一流的

46.pitcher 一罐;

47.IV = intravenous 静脉滴注

48.I swear I do. (表示咒骂)swear in 宣布就职

https://www.doczj.com/doc/3d18354693.html, = information

50.Ps: post script 备注,后记

51.lol:laugh out loud

52.btw: by the way

53.asap: as soon as possible

54.e.g.: for example

55.esp: especially

56.CIO:chief information officer

57.CBD: central business district


59.in my mind 在我的想象中

60.street people 无家可归者

61.ponytail 马尾发型

62.It sucks. 太糟糕了

63.It rocks/rules.太棒了

64.sb be on your ass 某人催的你很急

65.forefinger = index/first finger

66.get a bite into sth 受到不好的影响

67.Enough about all this . 这件事到此为止

68.Enough is enough . 适可而止

69.give sb hell for sth 责骂某人

70.in unison 一起

71.in remembrance 纪念

72.Page one 报纸头版

73.Rant 咆哮

74.Snitch 小偷

75.Tap 敲

76.Forefinger second finger 拓展thumb 大拇指first finger 食指

77.Get a bite into this thing 取得突破

78.表示很糟sth sucks 表示很好sth rocks

79.Whine give me hell for

80.Unison 同声

81.Swear in 宣誓就职

82.ADA assistant district attorney 地方检察官帮办

83.Chirpy 快活的

84.Hockey player 曲棍球运动员


86.San jose 圣何塞

87.Ville 后缀乡镇

88.Bead 准星

89.Blew kisses 飞吻

90.Tune 曲调

Chapter 4

1.cruise around 匀速前进

2.in grade 入行

3.turn myself in 自己坦白

4.theromos 热水瓶(thermo-热的)

5.a pit stop 停车休整

6.tasteless 不雅的,低俗的

7.Lookit 瞧,听

8.the spike in my blood pressure (spike 突然增长)

9.storefront 沿街店面

10.S ROs : single room occupation 单人房间;只有站票

11.j aywalker 乱穿马路者

12.t ake up one’s position 坚守阵地

13.p unch 击打,敲击punch sth into computer 把…输入电脑

14.N CIC : national crime information center 国家犯罪信息中心

15.d ash=dashboard 汽车的仪表盘

console 仪表盘

16.d rum 有节奏地敲击

17.b ack-up alert 倒车警铃

18.d erelict 无家可归的人

19.p ull over 把车逼停在路边

20.m aroon 栗色的

21.d ispatch 急报


22.t aillight 尾灯

23.P A system =public address system

24.G rille light 格栅灯即车上的强灯

25.S iren 汽笛

26.B low across 表示快速移动同下文中的gun our car,shot past

27.P ull it over =forcing it to the side of rode

28.U nits 在文中指的是警车单元

29.A drenaline flooded my body .肾上腺激素涌上我全身

30.R adio units 广播装置

31.V irtual brake 虚拟刹车制动

1.Muni trains 城市铁路系统

2.Commuter 乘公交车上下班的人

3.Hang a right 向右转相当口语化的表达

4.Riding shotgun =passenger seat 在美国生活中也相当常用

5.The kill's turf 杀手的地盘

6.Bastard 杂种

7.At a full throttle 满油门的

8.Fine junk 二手货

9.One-way alleys 单向行驶的小巷

10.Drill 该词在文中用的非常好,写出了作者眼光的犀利

11.Willow' 柳树

12.Wobble 摇晃

13.Blown 爆胎的

14.Rear 后方的rear tire 后胎

15.Dash=dashboard 仪表盘


17.Undercarriage 地盘

18.Nose 文中指车头

19.Hood popped 引擎爆开了

20.Radiator 散热片

21.Gave up the ghost 气绝报废这里特指机器损坏引申ghost是鬼的意思

22.Stink 臭味

23.Permeated 充满

24.Halted 暂停在军队中是立定的意思,attention立正

25.Toffee 太妃糖

26.Deflation 通货膨胀inflation通货紧缩

27.Grip 紧握

28.Bawling one's heart out 声嘶力竭

Chapter6 和Chapter7

1.1audibly 可听见的

2.furious 生气的

3.speed freak

4.Casade 瀑布

5.Piercing 耳洞

6.Shards 小碎片

7.Credulous incredulous 轻信|不轻信(注意与credible的区别)8.Slam punch 都有重击的意思体现了作者用词的多样性

9.Dribble 小溪流

10.Tell 当它做不及物动词时有告发的意思

11.Let us 允许我们

12.Console 仪表盘

13.特别注意该地道的英文用法get out real slow

14.Instinct to render aid 伸出援手的本能

15.Ignition ignite 点火的名词和动词在文中作为引擎熄火之意16.Chilling 寒冷的

17.Every second distinct from the one before it 非常形象的说明了对于作这来说时间流逝的缓慢

18.Even if =just as 正当什么的时候

19.Rage 愤怒的

20.Waist 腰wrist 手腕

21.Bitch 女贱人

22.Shell case 子弹壳

23.Notoriously 臭名昭著得,(但这个词有中性之意,以。。。而著称

24.Crumpled 扭曲

25.Pistol 手枪

26.Limp 柔软的


1.hushed 安静,寂静的

2.moan 呻吟声

3.Dispatcher 调度员

4.Badge 徽章

5.in my mind 与to my mind 的区别前者是想象中的意思后者是在我看来

6.Cuffing 老师对这个词的解释非常经典文中是拷的意思7.Mercifully 不幸中的幸运


1.nondescript 难以区别的【反】descript 不合标准的

2.colony 名词殖民地colonial 殖民地的

3.out of place 格格不入的

4.legitimate 合法的

5.surveil 监控

6.pricy 昂贵的

7.held sth up to one’s eyes

8.zoom 变焦可以做名词也可以做动词

9.capture 动词得到捕获

10.cereal 谷物

11.on the dot 准点

12.SUV stands for sport utility vehicle

13.faint 轻微的

14.fine-tip 笔尖很细

15.console 操作台

16.calligraphic 书法的

17.The truth 代表的是一个人

18.cinch 紧紧握住文中意思是颜色很配

19.peck 啄pecker啄木鸟

20.strode 大踏步

21.形近词辨析brand 品牌bland 淡的,冷淡的

22.counting on 指望,依靠count in 把什么计算在内

23.FM frequency modulation

24.AM amplitude

25.特别注意highway只是公路的意思freeway thruway等才是高速公路的意思


1.jolt 震惊

2.the sugar plum fairy 糖梅仙子

3.loud and clear

4.注意表意the fog is lifting 雾消散了

5.ICU intensive care unit 重点护理病

6.tremendous 极大的巨大的

7.eyelid 眼皮

8.fatigue 疲劳

9.DC district of Columbia

10.brush 摩擦


12.Canary 金丝雀

13.Screw-up 搞砸

Chapter 11

14.与圣意思相近的几个单词santa claus 圣诞老人

15.Apostle 信徒

16.Sage 圣人,贤人

17.Saint 圣徒

18.Secure 安全的拓展securedloan 担保货款

19.Collapse 使肺萎谢形容词形式collapsable 可折叠的含义

20.Pool 在文中取积水成池的意思


22.Tunnel 隧道这里作动词

23.Shade of eggplant 茄子的颜色

24.This is my third visit in as many days 这里as表示同前面的


25.Unrelentingly 副词表示没有减少的

26.Slick 俚语表示打扮很酷的女的

27.Wince 在文中可以理解为皱眉的意思

28.Horse’s ass 大傻瓜

29.Bud =buddy 兄弟哥们伙计

30.Bandage 绷带联想bandaid 邦迪牌创口贴

31.Our heart are in the

32.Right place我们的良心是对的

33.Many businesses 'hearts are not in the right place ,and they

only consider making money.拓展句

34.Take it all in 把它全盘吸收

35.Like 在文中表示举例为副词

36.Straw 吸管

37.Cuff 戴上手铐

38.Off-duty clothes 便装

39.Confess 承认坦白

40.Holy shit 大致可以认为就等于shit

41.Wheeze 喘息

42.On my mother's head 以我母亲的名义意思就是当然是真的

43.The squad 警队的意思

44.We' are proud a ya both =we' proud of your both

45.Forge an intimacy 锻造铸就了一段亲密的关系

46.Champagne 香槟

47.Notion 想法

48.Harbor 拥有

49.Straighten 整理

50.Blanket 毛毯

51.Sleep tight 睡个安稳觉

52.Stubbly 须茬

Chapter 12

1.rip 撕

2.Coloring book 着色簿

3.Sprout 发芽

4.Creep 缓慢匍匐

5.Reconcile 和解

6.Elliptical 椭圆

7.Strap into 把安全带绑上进入(汽车内)

8.Pip up

9.Sing my way through college ;study my way through college

10.CD compaced disc

11.I was benched pending the IAB —我在等待

12.IAB internal affairs bureau 内部事务局

13.Perkily 乐呵呵

14.Cheese-eating smile 咧着嘴笑

15.Grumble 抱怨

16.Fantasize 想象

17.Doggy 爱狗的称号

18.Lick 舔

19.Chorus 异口同声

20.Penelope 奥德修斯的妻子

Chapter 13

1.Collie 牧羊犬border collie 边境牧羊犬

2.Kid 在文中是小伙子、年轻人的意思

3.Slam 猛烈抨击

4.Cane 拐杖拓展magic cane 魔杖sugar cane 甘蔗

5.Terrace 阳台

6.Staggering view 令人震惊的风景蹒跚令人震惊的stunning

7.Sorry butt 可怜的屁股


9.Hypnotic 催眠的名词作为安眠药

10.Writ 令状summon 召唤complain 状告sue 控告起诉attach 扣押等均为legalese 法律体

11.Preliminary 初步的hearing 听证会

12.Worldly goods 个人财产

13.Profound 意味深远深刻的

14.Roar 咆哮

15.Holsterd 武器是被收起来的

16.Return fire 回击fire 主动出击

17.Petrified 目瞪口呆

18.Howl 舆论一片哗然

19.Pillory 惹人嘲笑的

20.The press would lap it up 媒体会欣然接受这样的报道

21.Marshal 组织整理起自己的队伍

22.Paralyze 麻痹瘫痪

Chapter 14

1.Wake up in a sweat 大汗淋漓的醒了

2.Cotton sheet(有床单的意思)

3.Froth 泡沫

4.Thrash 猛烈摆动


6.Pal 朋友拓展pen pal 笔友

7.Fetal hollow fetus胎儿空心

8.Be in for 将要遭到免不了遭受这个句型不错9.Twitch 抽搐

10.Neatly hedged version 措辞巧妙的版本11.SFPD san franciso police department


年轻人必读的29本英文短篇小说,分分钟刷新你三观 本周,著名网站Buzzfeed 罗列了一份年轻人必读的29 篇短篇小说书单,这份书单的作者覆盖了英语世界,尤其是美国文学界最富盛名的小说家。《外滩画报》精选出10 篇已经翻译成中文的小说作重点推荐。 编辑:谭浩制图:唐卓人部分图片来自Buzzfeed 2013年,瑞典学院将诺贝尔文学奖颁给了以写作短篇小说见长的加拿大作家爱丽丝·门罗,这在某种程度上褒扬了中短篇小说为世界文学做出的重要贡献。阿根廷女作家萨曼塔·施维伯林甚至说:“门罗能够得到诺贝尔文学奖,让我们这些写作短篇的都松了一口气。”虽然很多人不一定赞同顾彬关于“长篇小说已经没落”的论调,但是短篇小说作为一种更为有力凝练的文学形式,确实更加符合如今这个时代的节奏。本周,著名网站Buzzfeed 罗列了一份年轻人必读的29 篇短篇小说书单,这份书单的作者覆盖了英语世界,尤其是美国文学界最富盛名的小说家。《外滩画报》精选出10 篇已经翻译成中文的小说作重点推荐: 1. 弗兰纳里·奥康纳:《流离失所的人》 《流离失所的人》选自小说集《好人难寻》在弗兰纳里·奥康纳的小说里,尽管大部分时间故事里的人物都被堕

落、自私、愚昧、自负、欺骗或冷漠所掌控,但是,总有那么一个时刻(往往在接近小说结尾处),奥康纳会安排上帝的恩惠(或曰天惠)降临到他们身上。在这圣灵显现的一瞬间,这些人物突然受到某种精神上的启迪,进而达到某种“顿悟”,他们也许会接受这一天惠,也许会拒绝它,但不管怎样,这一灵光闪现的“天惠时刻”会使他们的内心发生改变。——比目鱼,书评人 2. 朱诺?迪亚斯:《沉溺》 选自小说集《沉溺》《沉溺》里面的九个小短篇和一个准中篇都是以朱诺?迪亚斯自己和他的家庭的真实经历为蓝本书写出来的半自传作品,它所处理的是一个移民家族心灵史上最特殊的时段:移民前在多米尼加共和国的等待期和移民初期在美国的无望岁月。朱诺?迪亚斯在写这些“少作”的时候,还没有获得他后来的作品中罗伯特?波拉尼奥式的喷薄的语言强度,但这种语流清浅、句法简朴的写法与作者的青春期原型所附体的叙述者尤尼尔非常合拍:如此“低限度”的风格,恰好能够为那些在生理、心理与地理的转换交接处所蛰伏的晦暗不明的能量提供随机释放的可能性。——胡续东,作家 3. 米兰达·裘丽:《楼梯上的男人》


五上《快乐英语阅读》Unit 1练习题 选择 ()1.The crow is thirsty and _______. A.hungry B. tired C. happy ()2.The crow sees _____. A.some water in the jar B.some milk in the jar C.some coffee in the jar ()3.The crow drops _____ into the jar. A.some water B. some stones C. some pebbles ()4.The crow finds a house _______. A.in a park B.at the foot of the mountain C. in the hill ()5.The crow rests _______. A.in a tree B. on a chair C. in a bed ()6.The crow sees many pebbles ____ the house. A.in B.inside C. beside ()7.The glass jar is _____. A.tall and big B. small and soft C.short and hard ()8.Finally, the crow _________. A.gives up and flies away B.drinks the water happily C.dies of thirst ()9.What do you think of the crow? A.clever B. silly C. greedy ()10.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed. 判断 ()1.The story is happens in a summer day. ()2.The crow rests in a tree in a forest. ()3.The crow wants some bread to eat. ()4.There is a glass jar outside the house. ()5.There is a little water in the glass jar. ()6.There are some pebbles inside the house. ()7.At last, the crow doesn’t drink the water. ()8.The crow is thirsty and hungry. ()9.The glass jar is small, so the crow can drink water easily. ()10.The crow gives up after a long time of flying. 阅读短文,选出正确答案 It’s a hot summer. A thirsty crow rests in a tree in a desert. He wants to drink some water. After a long time flying, he finds a house at the foot of the mountain. The crow is excited to find a glass jar with a little water inside the house. However, he can’t reach the water because the jar is tall and big. There are many pebbles beside the house. He has an idea. He keeps collecting pebbles and dropping them into the jar. Finally, the water is close to the top of the jar. He drinks the water happily. ()1.Which season is it? A.spring B. summer C.winter ()2.What does the crow want ? A.some food B. some water C. some pebbles ()3.How can the crow drink the water finally? A.He drops some pebbles into the jar. B.He breaks the glass jar. C.He flies away. ()4.What do you learn from the story? A.Never too old to learn. B.Where there is a will there is a way. C.A friend in need is a friend in deed.

经典英文短篇小说 (108)

The Romance of a Busy Broker by O. Henry Pitcher, confidential clerk in the office of Harvey Maxwell, broker, allowed a look of mild interest and surprise to visit his usually expressionless countenance when his employer briskly entered at half past nine in company with his young lady stenographer. With a snappy "Good-morning, Pitcher," Maxwell dashed at his desk as though he were intending to leap over it, and then plunged into the great heap of letters and telegrams waiting there for him. The young lady had been Maxwell's stenographer for a year. She was beautiful in a way that was decidedly unstenographic. She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour. She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets. She had not the air of being about to accept an invitation to luncheon. Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her figure with fidelity and discretion. In her neat black turban hat was the gold-green wing of a macaw. On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence. Pitcher, still mildly curious, noticed a difference in her ways this morning. Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office. Once she moved over by Maxwell's desk, near enough for him to be aware of her presence. The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker, moved by buzzing wheels and uncoiling springs. "Well--what is it? Anything?" asked Maxwell sharply. His opened mail lay like a bank of stage snow on his crowded desk. His keen grey eye, impersonal and brusque, flashed upon her half impatiently. "Nothing," answered the stenographer, moving away with a little smile. "Mr. Pitcher," she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer?" "He did," answered Pitcher. "He told me to get another one. I notified the agency yesterday afternoon to send over a few samples this morning. It's 9.45 o'clock, and not a single picture hat or piece of pineapple chewing gum has showed up yet." "I will do the work as usual, then," said the young lady, "until some one comes to fill the place." And she went to her desk at once and hung the black turban hat with the gold-green macaw wing in its accustomed place. He who has been denied the spectacle of a busy Manhattan broker during a rush of business is handicapped for the profession of anthropology. The poet sings

英语短篇小说教程 虞建华 高等教育出版社 课后答案

K e y s t o U n i t T w o (1) I. B. Singer: The Washwoman (2) Frank Sargeson: A Piece of Yellow Soap 1) Questions for Discussion: (Suggested answers for reference) (1) Does the piece of washing soap have the “power”as the narrator tells us? What is the “power” that forces him to take off? (The piece of yellow washing soap is, of course, an ordinary one. The narrator is a “na?ve narrator”who believed that it had some sort of mysterious “power,”while the readers are expected to know better. This power comes from the narrator’s deep sympathy for the tragic fate of the washing woman. Seeing the situation, he simply could not continue to demand the payment which he knew the woman was unable to produce.) (2) In this Unit, we have two stories about two washwomen. There are a lot of similar descriptions and common characteristics in the two stories. Find and list them. (They were both reduce to desperation, depending solely on washing for living. Both were hard-working and uncomplaining, quietly but almost heroically bore their burden and struggled for a hard existence. The author describes their common feature –the white and shrunken fingers –as symbol of suffering in the lives of the working people. They both were both dead by the end of the stories.) (3) The two first-person narrators tell two stories of two washwomen who shared similar tragic fate. Discuss the differences in the narrators that result in the differences in the way the two short stories are told. (Singer’s narrator knows more and tells more about the washing woman, often making direct comments and revealing his own feelings about the life of the woman whose story he is telling. He frequently emphasizes that what he is telling is real, and hints that the story has significance. The narrator’s voice is very close to the author’s. Please see more in “Reading Tips” on page 11. On the other hand, Sargeson’s narrator is a na?ve one, that is, the narrator’s understanding is purposely made shallow, and the reader need find by himself the real meaning in the situation. So the narrator stands at some distance from the author. Please see more in “Reading Tips” on page 15. Therefore, in Text I, we, as readers, are basically “given”or “received”the story, while in Text II, we need to participate imaginatively in the story to “dig out” the true meaning the na?ve narrator has left unexplained.) 2) Explanation and Interpretation:


六年级快乐阅读 I. ( Jimmy is a four –year- old child . Now he’s watching TV in the living room .“ Jimmy , I’m tired ,so I have to take a rest. If some one calls me , please tell him that I’m not at home!” His father says. “ OK, daddy.” Jimmy answers loudly. Then Jimmy’ s father goes to bed. At that time, the telephone is ringing.) A man : Hello! May I speak to David ? Jimmy : Sorry , he’s not here. This is Jimmy speaking . A man : Hello ,Jimmy. Can you tell me where does he go ? Jimmy : Who’s that ,please? A man : It’s your father’s friend . Jimmy : He’s sleeping in the bedroom . He said, “If some one calls him, tell him that David isn’t at home.” A man : Really ? OK, I see. I will call back later. Good bye. Jimmy : Bye! 根据短文内容,判断下面句子的正( T )误 ( F )。 ( )1. Jimmy is reading in the living room with his father. ( ) 2. David is so tired that he has to take a rest. ( ) 3. A man calls Jimmy, but Jimmy isn’t at home. ( ) 4. Jimmy says to the man , “My father said that he’s not at home, if some one calls him.” II. A Surprising Gift Rose is an American girl. Her mother is an English teacher of a university in China. Her father is a manager of a big company in America, and he is very busy every day. So Rose has to come to China with her mother. Rose and her mother like the life in China very much, but sometimes they like to go back to the USA on holiday. And Rose’s father never comes to China to see them. The next Sunday is Rose’s birthday. She’s going to have a bi g party. She is going to invite all her friends in China. But Rose is still unhappy, her father is so busy that he couldn’t come to China to celebrate her birthday. It is Rose’s birthday. All the friends come to her party. And they give her many presents just like last year. And her mother gives her


The Chrysanthemum Elisa Allen, a woman approaching middle age, is at a point in her life when she has begun to realize that her energy and creative drive far exceed the opportunities for their expression. Her marriage is reasonably happy—when she notices that her husband is proud of selling thirty head of steers he has raised, she gives him the compliment he hopes for, while he, in turn, appreciates her ability to grow flowers of exceptional quality. There is an easy banter between them, and while they have settled into a fairly familiar routine, they are still responsive to each other’s moods, and eager to celebrate an achievement in each other’s company with a night on the town. On the other hand, their marriage is childless, and Elisa generally wears bland, bulging clothes that tend to de-sex her. Their house is described as “hard-swept” and “hard-polished”; it is the only outlet for her talents and it is an insufficient focus for her energy. She has begun to sense that an important part of her is lying dormant and that the future will be predictable and rather mundane.


英语短篇小说欣赏 一、课程描述 本课程旨在用最优美的文学语言素材培养学生的语言能力,让学生在欣赏名著的娱乐中轻松的学习语言。通过本课程的学习,可以增强学生的文学欣赏能力,扩大学生的知识面,使学生掌握文学批评的基本方法和途径,同时使学生更多的了解英语国家的社会、历史、文化、风俗等各方面的知识。文学读物可进一步加强学生的语感,扩大学生的眼界,增强学生语言的综合能力。 文学读物正是取得这一目的的最佳途径,因为文学作品可为学生提供无限的文学信息,它的语言生动,并且直接来自于现实生活。此外,通过阅读不同作者的不同作品,可以了解他们各自的创作风格,领略到英语语言的精妙和生动。阅读和欣赏小说不仅可以使学生从语言上得到提高,而且可以使学生了解更多的历史知识、人生态度、文化差异、人生的真谛,使学生的人格更加完善。 二、教学目的及要求 通过本课程的学习增强学生的文学欣赏能力。扩大学生的知识面,使学生掌握文学批评的基本方法和途径,同时使学生更多的了解英语国家的社会、历史、文化、风俗等各方面的知识。 三、教学重点及难点 1.英语短篇小说的基本要素。 2.英语短篇小说欣赏的基本方法和途径。 3.与短篇小说相关的背景知识。 四、与其它课程的关系 对高年级英语专业的学生来说,最重要的是扩大他们的阅读量和提供给他们语言实践的机会。除了报刊杂志,科技文章之外,文学读物,尤其是小说为学生提供了大量的文学信息。它的语言是活生生的、来自生活的语言,给学生创造了使用语言的机会。 五、学时与学分 学时:36学时 学分:2学分 六、教学内容 本课程用18周时间学习大约10篇英语短篇小说,使学生初步了解一些主要

的文学现象,如浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,现代主义等。期间穿插讲授英语小说的基本要素和欣赏方法,采用讲授和学生讨论相结合的方式使学生在实际阅读的过程中学会如何欣赏文学作品。 七、教学安排 周数与内容 1.Introduction of fiction and its elements 2.John Steinbeck: The Chrythansmums 3.John Steinbeck: The Chrysanthemums 4.John Steinbeck: The Chrysanthemums 5.John Steinbeck: The Chrysanthemums 6.Ernest Hemingway: A Clear, Well-Lighted Place 7.Ernest Hemingway: A Clear, Well-Lighted Place 8.William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily 9.William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily 10.William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily https://www.doczj.com/doc/3d18354693.html,nston Hugues: Early Autumn 12.James Joyce: Araby 13.James Joyce: Araby 14.O. Henry. The Gift of the Majgi/Guy de Maupassant: The Diamond Necklace 15.Virginia Woolf: Kew Gardens 16.Virginia Woolf: Kew Gardens 17.Virginia Woolf: Kew Gardens 18.Final Examination 八、教材:《世界短篇小说教程》 白凤欣冯梅姬生雷李正栓编著河北教育出版社 九、参考文献: Allen, Walter. The English Novel:A Short Critical History. New York: Dutton, 1954 Brooks, Cleanth. and Warren P. Robert. Understanding Fiction. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2004. Humalian, Leo, and Frederick R. Karl. The Shape of Fiction.New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1978. Pickering, James H. Fiction 100, An Anthology of Short Stories. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988. DiYanni, Robert. Literature Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1990. Robert, Edgar V. and Jacobs, Henry E. Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and



Unit Seven James Joyce: Araby 1)Opinions of Understanding: (1) Which adjective is NOT proper to describe the style of the short story? A. Dreamlike. B. Poetic. C. Matter-of-fact. D. Sentimental. (2) Why does the boy want to go to the bazaar, or the “Araby,” so desperately? A. He wants to find some romantic fulfillment. B. He wants to see exotic and exciting things. C. He wants to have new experience. D. He wants to “do something” for the girl. (3) What do you think can be the theme of the story? A. Real beauty is illusory and unattainable. B. Growing up leads to loss of youthful idealism. C. True love can not survive the cruel world. D. Disillusion always accompanies romanticism. (4) Which is probably true about Mangan’s sister? A. She is a young girl of rare beauty. B. She has all the elegance because of her family and religious background. C. She is angel-like both in appearance and in nature. D. She is an ordinary girl but the narrator places his romantic fantasies on her. (5) The short story ends with the sentence: “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.” What possibly has the boy suddenly realized? A. He has been behaving foolishly. B. The girl does not deserve so much of his affection. C. His uncle and aunt are heartless people. D. True beauty can not be obtained at any cost.


五年级快乐英语翻译(译林出版社,配套苏教版的) 第三课 第十九页 我喜欢很多动物。我最喜欢的动物是狗。狗是很友好的,也是很能帮助人们的。如果不个人失明了,他看不见。一条狗可以帮助他穿过街道。如果一个人失聪了,他听不到,狗狗可以帮助他去开门。如果消防队员在火灾现场找不到被困的人,狗可以帮助找到他。 我的祖父有一条叫丹尼尔的宠物狗。当我放学回到家时,它会在门旁欢迎我。在晚上,我经常在我的房门和丹尼尔玩。周末,我通常带狗去离家不远的公园去玩。我们会在公园玩得很开心。 狗是非常可爱的动物。我非常喜欢狗。你喜欢么? 第二十一页到二十五页 小蜗牛的故事 森林里长着一棵大树。这棵树非常的高。在树的根部,住着一只小蜗牛。小蜗牛有一个梦想,他想爬到树的最高处,他想看到更远、更多、更美的风景。 蜗牛:我是一只小蜗牛。我有一个坚硬的壳。我想去看看更大的世界。 (小蜗牛速度很慢,好不容易爬到了一个大树干。前面来了一只顽皮的猴子。)猴子:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有个长长的尾巴,我能爬得很迅速。而你爬的速度是这样的慢。你是没办法爬到树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (蜗牛又踏上了前进的征程。他一步又一步,艰难地前进。头顶是火辣辣的太阳,天气变得越来越热。这时,蜗牛看到了只漂亮的鹦鹉。) 鹦鹉:嘿,蜗牛先生。看,我有漂亮的翅膀。我能飞得很高。你没有翅膀,你又不会飞,你是没法到达树梢的。 蜗牛:我可能爬不到树梢,不过,我还是想试一试。 (前面还有很长的路要走,但是蜗牛没有放弃。他重又开始了前面的征程。一步又一步,艰难的前行。当他越过一个大树枝时,他看到了一头长颈鹿。)长颈鹿:蜗牛先生,请看,我有一个长脖子,有四条长腿,我长得这样的高。你是如此地小,那树又是那样的高。你是无法爬到树梢的。


宁波大学考核答题纸 (2014—2015学年第一学期) 课号:063W22A09 课程名称:英语短片小说选读改卷教师:阿德尔 学号:116070035 姓名:石佳得分: The Epiphany for Love Dubliners is often considered as the reflection of ethnic history in Dublin which, is stuffed by the ubiquitous “paralysis”. The corruption in social life, in politics even in people’s spirit is said to have made great impression in reader’s mind. However, with the skinny experience for no more than twenty years, I dare not conclude the thesis or the main idea of this opus in haste, while I could also not just allow myself to follow those comments and opinions made by “they”. Among the chapters I have read, Araby s eems to appeal to me most, because I have once had the same feeling of that little boy. This kind of feeling, literally, the epiphany for love, is the sweetest emotion and the most endurable torture I’ve ever experienced. There seems to be three periods of time during the process of the epiphany for love but to summarize with suitable words is undoubtedly a knotty issue. What comes first must be the admiration for the one who possesses neat skin, delicate facial features or slim figure, or even just a special nice odor. Since an occasion even you yourself cannot remember for sure, a figure has inserted into your little world and driven you to do crazy things. The shadow turned to the base to watch her; the hall witnessed numerous bumping into each other and in that corner the light from the lamp opposite the door caught the white curve of her neck, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing. What a magic feeling! But as you gradually sank in this dramatic journey, the inexplicable confusion and loneliness began to kidnap you. You found that you were not only the idle but also the weirdo nobody understands including yourself. Her name was like a summons to all your foolish body and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires. With this confused adoration, sometimes even an unnoticeable movement or sentence would annihilate the sunshine and the hesitation between “do” or “do not” always brought heavy rain. Asking help seems to be of no sense because adults were going to acting lightly even sometimes with contempt. So the only way is to lie on the floor in a dark evening murmuring her name. I believe that sex or the thoughts about sex must accompany though there is no such description between the lines. And this kind of confusion and loneliness cannot be removed until she refuses which is sure to leave the unbearable pain for you to learn from, or luckily, accepts, which means you are going to exploring the sealed world together. Then the epiphany for love seems to be accomplished. No one can bypass the enlightenment of love to achieve the epiphany. And only by experiencing the sweetest emotion and the most endurable torture at the same time can people really get to know the original taste of love.

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